How do you spell baby alive
a baby alive song|TikTok Search
Playtime with Mommy and Me
Baby Alive Song Challenge! 🎤 #fy #fyp #babyalive #babyalivedoll #babyalivedolls #foryoupage #foryou #doll #dollsoftiktok #toy #toys #toytok #elfitup
119 Likes, TikTok video from Playtime with Mommy and Me (@playtimewithmommyandme): "Baby Alive Song Challenge! 🎤 #fy #fyp #babyalive #babyalivedoll #babyalivedolls #foryoupage #foryou #doll #dollsoftiktok #toy #toys #toytok #elfitup". baby Alive song challenge 🎶 🎤 🎵 original sound - 💜isabel💙.
original sound - 💜isabel💙
andre baby alive and barbie
andre baby alive and barbie (@babyaliveearcool1)’s videos with original sound - andre baby alive and barbie | TikTok
66 Likes, TikTok video from andre baby alive and barbie (@babyaliveearcool1). baby alive sings a song original sound - andre baby alive and barbie.
original sound - andre baby alive and barbie
liah / jd 🫶
the best song ever <3 | At least I still have Riley :): #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #babyalive #babyalivecommunity #dolls #babyalivedoll
53 Likes, TikTok video from liah / jd 🫶 (@jd._.dolliez): "the best song ever <3 | At least I still have Riley :): #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #babyalive #babyalivecommunity #dolls #babyalivedoll". BEST SONG EVER - 🎶.
Baby alive challenge, music challenge you can use the sound and the #babyalivechallanges
341 Likes, TikTok video from 💜isabel💙 (@spice_dollz): "Baby alive challenge, music challenge you can use the sound and the #babyalivechallanges". NEW BABY ALIVE CHALLANGE | For the next songs that play get the first doll that comes to your head and it’s now there fav song | Shelby Hold on | ... original sound - 💜isabel💙.
original sound - 💜isabel💙
liah / jd 🫶
This song is so underrated 😭 #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #babyalive #babyalivecommunity #dolls #babyalivedoll
61 Likes, TikTok video from liah / jd 🫶 (@jd._.dolliez): "This song is so underrated 😭 #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #babyalive #babyalivecommunity #dolls #babyalivedoll". original sound - ⭐️⛈💗.
original sound - ⭐️⛈💗
-new baby alive lil sounds- WHAT DO I NAME HER! 👶🏽❤️🍼
193 Likes, TikTok video from ✰𝗰𝗼𝗰𝗼✰ (@cocos. dolls): "-new baby alive lil sounds- WHAT DO I NAME HER! 👶🏽❤️🍼". fly - evie.
fly - evie
Eᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ɪs ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ❤︎☺︎︎
Who do you think sings better? #babyalive #babyaliveedition #challenge #singingcontest #singing #trend #babydolls #cute #MickeyFriendsStayTrue #CVSPaperlessChallenge #babyalivedolls #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #cherrybearaesthetic #babyalivedoll #dollcommunity #SplashSummerVibe #singingbabies #trendy #babyalivecommunity
538 Likes, 72 Comments. TikTok video from Eᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ɪs ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ❤︎☺︎︎ (@curlyhead. _.bxbyd0ll._): "Who do you think sings better? #babyalive #babyaliveedition #challenge #singingcontest #singing #trend #babydolls #cute #MickeyFriendsStayTrue #CVSPaperlessChallenge #babyalivedolls #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #cherrybearaesthetic #babyalivedoll #dollcommunity #SplashSummerVibe #singingbabies #trendy #babyalivecommunity". Who sings better? | (Baby alive edition) | Jaiden | ... Characters singing snowman - the return.
Characters singing snowman - the return
🫶🏼Local ba lover🤭
This took me like 5 try’s😭sry if it’s not good so uh ya#babyalive #sitstilllookpretty #song
20 Likes, TikTok video from 🫶🏼Local ba lover🤭 (@itznat_.dollsz): "This took me like 5 try’s😭sry if it’s not good so uh ya#babyalive #sitstilllookpretty #song". original sound - 🫶🏼Local ba lover🤭.
original sound - 🫶🏼Local ba lover🤭

liah / jd 🫶
I’m thinking on doing a baby alive music video for yt, any song suggestions?? I was thinking of jealousy, jealousy, but idk #babyalive #babyalivedoll
114 Likes, TikTok video from liah / jd 🫶 (@jd._.dolliez): "I’m thinking on doing a baby alive music video for yt, any song suggestions?? I was thinking of jealousy, jealousy, but idk #babyalive #babyalivedoll". original sound - mia - mia ✿.
original sound - mia - mia ✿
Bunny Babiez
A baby so real! 💗 #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #fyp #babyalive
35.5K Likes, 888 Comments. TikTok video from Bunny Babiez (@bunnybabiez_tiktok): "A baby so real! 💗 #batiktokersdontcareabouthate #fyp #babyalive". Cc: Wake up, Baby Alive! (🎵 I love the way you make me feel. Baby Alive, a baby so real!🎵) | Baby Alive commercial (2006) | Cc: I’m hungry! | ... original sound - Bunny Babiez.
original sound - Bunny Babiez
Spell Doll - Etsy Denmark
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How to learn to write correctly? — Meduza
What happened?
On April 16, more than 700 cities around the world will host the Total Russian Language Dictation — the largest literacy test on the planet. On the eve of (remember how this word is spelled!) the dictation, Meduza asked the organizers of the action to remind readers of some rules.
I don't know any rules, but I write correctly!
Congratulations. Indeed, it is possible to write words without errors, even if you do not know what rule applies here. This is the so-called innate literacy (note: the words after so called are not quoted). Of course, it is not innate at all: if a child has never seen a single Russian text, he will not write the words girl, silver, mayonnaise without errors. The mechanism of "innate literacy" is this: when a child reads a lot, he simply learns how words are spelled. Having seen the word silver hundreds of times in books, a person remembers its graphic appearance, and he does not need to remember the rule "- n-/-nn- in adjective suffixes". But, of course, it is impossible to achieve perfect literacy without ever opening a Russian language textbook and a spelling guide.
How many spelling rules are there in Russian?
It is difficult to give an exact number, because it is not clear how to count: where is the boundary between the rules and sub-clauses of the rules? But some numbers can be named. The complete academic reference book “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” prepared by the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, edited by V. V. Lopatin (Moscow, 2006), contains 219 paragraphs in the “Spelling” part and 167 paragraphs in the “Punctuation” part. If we consider each paragraph (regardless of its length) as a separate rule, then we can say that there are about 400 spelling rules in the Russian language.
What words do people most often misspell?
There are several "hot spots" of Russian spelling. This is the spelling of one and two letters and in participles and adjectives, the spelling of double consonants in Russian and borrowed words, the spelling of and / s after prefixes, the use of hard and soft signs, especially in verbs for -tsya / -tsya , continuous/hyphen/separate spelling of complex words, the use of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Let's go in order. Wrought iron grating or forged grating? How to distinguish between participles and adjectives?
Verbal adjectives formed from imperfective verbs (such verbs answer the question "what to do?") are written from one n : forged lattice, fried potatoes, painted benches . Unlike verbal adjectives, participles are written with two and . Dependent words help to identify the sacrament: forged (by whom?) by the master grill , fried (on what?) potatoes on a frying pan , painted (with what?) bench green paint .
Why is it written preinfarction but postinfarction?
The fact is that these prefixes differ in origin. After prefixes of foreign origin hyper-, dez-, inter-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans- to transmit sound [s], the letter and is written, for example: hyperinflation, disinformation, disintegration, counterplay, post-impressionism, post-infarction . And after Russian prefixes ending in a consonant, the letter s is written, in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: artless, hopeless, find, seek, play along, pre-infarction, background, search, improvise . Every self-respecting rule should have exceptions, and here they are too. After Russian prefixes inter- and super- is written and : interpublishing, super interesting.
Remind the rule of skipping
The soft sign is written in the indefinite form of the verb, which answers the question “what to do?”, “what to do?”: swim, bite, count, butt . For example: baby loves (what to do?) swim . The soft sign is not written in the form of the 3rd person singular and plural. These forms answer the questions “what are they doing?”, “what are they doing?”, “what will they do?”, “what will they do?”: bathes, bites, counts, butts. For example: baby willingly (what is he doing?) bathing .
What is the letter of "you"?
The pronoun you is capitalized only when referring to one person and only in texts of the following genres: personal letters, business documents (statements, memos, etc.) and questionnaires. For example, in a statement addressed to the boss: Please provide me with ... When addressing several persons you is written only with a small letter. Writing Dear customers! We invite you ... is a spelling mistake.
Within a month or within a month?
You need to remember the spelling of the following words and combinations:
- During something (during something), for example: during the month . But: bends in the course of the river .
- In conclusion something (at the end), for example: to the conclusion of report . But: he wrote the article while in custody (under arrest).
- Due to something (for a reason), for example: lag due to illness . But: new details appeared in the investigation of this case.
Remember also how to write adverb later.
Offshore or offshore? What is the rule here?
There are no rules for writing double consonants in the roots of borrowed words. More precisely, there is only one rule: such spelling is determined in dictionary order (according to the spelling dictionary). For example, they are written with a single consonant of the word aluminum, gallery, balustrade, amateur, impresario (yes, yes!), cappuccino, office, offshore, torero. But a double consonant is written in words abbreviation, accompaniment, appeal, corrosion, shelving, terrace, thriller, chlorophyll . In a word, every time, if in doubt, you need to look in the dictionary.
You said look in the dictionary. And in what?
The most complete spelling dictionary of the modern Russian language is the Russian spelling dictionary edited by V. V. Lopatin and O. E. Ivanova. In 2012, the 4th edition of this dictionary was published. There is a convenient site "" on the Internet, where you can check the spelling, pronunciation, meaning of words, ask a question to the specialists of the Russian language help service, write interactive dictations.
Author: Vladimir Pakhomov, editor-in-chief of, member of the expert council of Total Dictation
We speak Russian: how to choose between "neither" and "not"?
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05/19/2010 23:21
nor ? Neither nor ? Whoever asked this question, who (what really there, we confess!) Cursed everything in the world, trying to remember the rule from the school curriculum: what, what exactly should be written here, not or not? ..
And since Mistakes still occur, and both in advertising and in magazine texts, not to mention the Internet, we can conclude that it is far from always possible to remember. Then the rule known to everyone as "Russian maybe" comes into force. Based on this rule, they usually choose: not or nor .
To prevent this from happening, let's still remember other rules - but they exist!
So nor . There are cases that can safely be called simple.
We write or , and only or in fixed expressions (such as neither light nor dawn, neither day nor night, neither alive nor dead, neither fish nor meat ). No from the spot! Nor one step back! Neither one person came to the action (that is, no one). He never called me (that is, not at all). This is easy to remember.
But there are difficult situations, where would we be without them!
Oh, it's " nor to reinforce denial"... Since school days, we think of you with a shudder. And in vain, by the way. And you can try to remember it. So, in sentences where nor is used to strengthen the negation, there is usually already a negation ( no or no ): No nor a penny of money. He didn't give me nor rubles. Sometimes negation is only implied: Not a penny () in your pocket.
True, there is a double negation with not ( you couldn't help but notice me ). But this double negation gives the sentence the meaning of an affirmation, not a negation at all! What is could not help noticing ? It means "noticed". As mathematicians would say, "a minus times a minus makes a plus."
But back to or .
Special case - use nor with pronouns and adverbs. Who nor will pass, will leave his mark ( who nor - the same as anyone). Wherever or appears, it is recognized everywhere ( wherever - that is, anywhere). As you can see, here pronouns and adverbs with neither are easily replaced by synonymous constructions.
If we are talking about an independent exclamatory or interrogative sentence, then it is written not : Who not admired her! That he's only not changed his mind!
And again about or .