How do you say spoiled child in spanish
Spoiled%20child in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
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el niño mimado
spoiled child(
A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).
1. (general)
a. el niño mimado
(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
, la niña mimada
(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
I'm not a spoiled child; my parents just give me everything I want.No soy niño mimado; mis padres simplemente me dan todo lo que les pida.
b. el niño consentido
(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
, la niña consentida
(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
I can't stand spoiled children.No aguanto a los niños consentidos.
c. el niño malcriado
(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
, la niña malcriada
(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).
Why are you such a spoiled child?¿Por qué eres un niño tan malcriado?
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
el hijo el niño | |
as a child | de niño |
spoiled | podrido mimado |
only child | el hijo único |
child support | la pensión alimenticia |
I am an only child | soy hijo único |
child labor | el trabajo infantil |
child molester | la persona que abusa sexualmente de niños |
I am the oldest child | soy el hijo mayor |
What were you like as a child? | ¿Cómo eras de niño? |
spoiled brat | el niño malcriado |
child car seat | el asiento de bebé |
child development | el desarrollo infantil |
middle child | el hijo del medio |
child abuse | los malos tratos a menores |
As a child, I was well-behaved. | Me portaba bien de niño. |
my child | mi hijo mi hija |
raise a child | criar a un niño |
when he was a child | cuando era un niño |
youngest child | hijo menor |
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It is outright [...] infantile, that of a spoiled child deprived of his [...] favourite toy. |
Es el de un nio enfadado al que le han quitado [. ..] su juego preferido. |
Mr. ANNAN (Syrian Arab Republic) [...] said that the term "spoiled child", employed earlier [...] in the discussions, had been used symbolically. |
30. El Sr. ANNAN (Repblica rabe Siria) [...] aclara que la expresin "nio mimado" empleada en el [...] anterior debate se utiliz simblicamente. |
His experiments were noteworthy, but since he was the "baby", the spoiled child of the family, everything that he did was a marvel. |
Sus experimentos fueron muy notables, pero como quiera que l era el "baby", el consentido de la familia, todo lo que l hiciera era una maravilla. |
The first words of gratitude were dedicated to God from [...] whom, he said, he had received everything, [...] feeling like a "spoiled child" in view of the [...] many gifts that he has received. |
El primer captulo de gratitud se lo ha [...] dedicado a Dios de quien, dijo, lo ha recibido [...] todo y se siente "mimado" por la enorme cantidad [. ..] de regalos que le ha otorgado. |
In his captivity he was [...] as petulant as a spoiled child! |
En su cautiverio l era [...] tan petulante como un nio mimado. |
Lottie is described [...] as an obstinate, spoiled child in the original novel. |
Lottie es [...] descrita como una nia mimada y tozuda en la [...] novela original. |
The mind is like a spoiled child. |
La mente es como un nio malcriado. |
The only spoiled child is one neglected [...] of touch and love. |
El nico nio malacostumbrado es uno [...] descuidado de tacto y amor. |
It is not an abandoning of our childhood and innocence, but of our childishness, of those [. ..] attitudes of a spoiled and poorly raised child. |
No sera un abandono de nuestra ninez e inocencia, pero si de nuestra infantilidad, [...] de esas actitudes de nino regalon y mal criado. |
Thus the rod [...] is spared and the child is spoiled. |
As se escatima la vara y se malcra al hijo. |
On the way, we will visit another fantastic family-owned wine [. ..] estate from the DO Somontano, where all the process of [...] wine elaboration is spoiled, thus obtaining wines [...] of great quality. |
De camino, visitaremos otra bodega de la DO Somontano, [...] bodega familiar donde miman todas las labores [...] del proceso de elaboracin del vino, obteniendo vinos de gran calidad. |
But it would be a [...] tragedy if it was spoiled by one amendment, [...] an amendment which exacerbated the known shortages of rare blood groups and plasma. europarl. |
Pero sera trgico que dicho [...] trabajo se viera arruinado por una enmienda, [...] una enmienda que vendra a agravar la notoria [...] escasez de grupos sanguneos y plasma poco comunes. |
In particular cases (if, i.e., the previous data had been unintentionally deleted or spoiled) it might be necessary to dump the memory whole content. |
En casos particulares (si, por ejemplo los datos anteriores han sido borrados o se han daado) puede ser necesario descargar el contenido de la memoria entera. |
It is true thatafter summing the [...] negative, blankand spoiled ballots, that 80 [...] percentplummets to 30 percent ofthose registered to vote. |
Es cierto que si se suman los votos [...] negativos, blancos y nulos ms la abstencin, [...] ese 80% queda reducido a menos de 30% del padrn electoral. |
Because on some occasions the child behaves properly, and yet the [...] child disobeys what he or she finds is harder to [...] carry out, parents tend to think their child acts on a whim and is spoiled. |
Como en algunas situaciones se comporta bien, como lo que desobedece [...] es aquello que ms esfuerzo cuesta, el padre [...] tiende a pensar que su hijo hace lo que le da la gana, que es un malcriado. |
Otherwise, this method and its possibilities will be spoiled. |
Si no lo hacemos, este mtodo y sus posibilidades se echarn a perder. |
To know this just a single question is necessary: 'At the end of the month is there a good amount of spoiled food in the fridge because it was not consumed? mbw. |
Para saberlo basta hacerse una sola pregunta: Al final de la quincena queda una buena cantidad de comida en su refrigerador que se ech a perder porque no la consumi? |
The absence of the owner of the [...] luxurious yacht spoiled the hero's party. |
La ausencia del propietario del lujoso [...] barco es lo que agua la fiesta del hroe. |
Or your eyes might want to scan the horizon on our terrace generously spoiled by the Mediterranean sun. |
Y en nuestra terraza uno tiene la oportunidad de perder la mirada hasta el horizonte del mar. |
Of course, what is a grand illusion may also be spoiled. |
Desde luego, lo que es una gran ilusin puede tambin echarse a perder. |
Free yourself from the rigours of your demanding life and allow [...] yourself to be spoiled in one of the [...] most beautiful settings on Earth. |
Librese de las demandas rigurosas de su vida y [. ..] permita que le mimen en uno de los lugares [...] ms hermosos sobre la Tierra. |
During the first part of the race it was raining but not [...] even that circumstance has spoiled the show. |
Durante la primera mitad de la prueba ha llovido, pero esa [...] circunstancia no ha deslucido el espectculo. |
To any opposition offered by their spoiled brats, parents respond [...] by giving in. sdarm. org |
A cualquier oposicin [...] ofrecida por sus chiquillos consentidos, los [...] padres responden cediendo. |
You quickly become spoiled when you have access to a lift. |
Cuando se tiene acceso a una gra, enseguida se percibe una buena sensacin. |
What can be done to streamline the collection of compensation if defective or spoiled goods are received? |
Qu se puede hacer para facilitar el cobro de compensaciones en caso de recepcionar mercanca defectuosa o en mal estado? appluscorp. com |
When I was a child my mother told [...] me never to speak about money because it is impolite. |
De nio, mi madre me deca que nunca [...] hablara de dinero porque era seal de mala educacin. |
In contrast, products offered for sale by producers but remaining unsold and therefore spoiled (particularly fruit and vegetables) should also be included here. |
Por el contrario, tambin deben incluirse en este concepto los productos ofrecidos a la venta por los productores pero que no se han vendido y han resultado daados (en particular las frutas y hortalizas). |
Many are children at risk of falling prey to child traffickers and others. |
Muchos son nios que corren peligro de caer en las redes de traficantes de nios y otros. |
The voter education programme was a success (only 1% of ballots were spoiled) and was partly implemented by a consortium of South African NGOs under the leadership of the South African catholic Bishops Conference. eur-lex. |
El Programa de Educacin de Votantes constituy un xito (slo se perdi un 1% de las papeletas) y corri a cargo en parte de un consorcio de ONG sudafricanas bajo el liderazgo de la Conferencia Sudafricana de Obispos Catlicos. |
9 signs of a spoiled child
Spoiled = bad manners?
If we take a broader look at this phenomenon, we can say that spoiled children are children who have not been given the boundaries of what is permitted. It is difficult for such a child to organically fit into the game of peers, calmly walk past a display case with toys or hear the words of parents - for this the child does not have the appropriate skills. Often, parents do not even notice that they have raised a little whim, and spoiledness is an alarming symptom that will interfere with the child in adulthood.
9 signs that you have already spoiled your child:
1. Psychological dependence on parents
If your child cannot fall asleep when you are not in the room, does not want to stay with his grandmother or in kindergarten, does not want to play on his own, then this is already a sign of spoilage. As children grow up, they need to learn to be comfortable with other people and with themselves.
2. Adult manipulation
To achieve his own goal, the child uses all available means: tantrums, tears, "bribes" (a spoiled child will not do anything without stimulation with a toy, candy, and even money), a different approach to parents (behaves differently with mom and dad).
3. Constant dissatisfaction, complaints of boredom, selectivity in food
The child is always annoyed by everything that surrounds him, he quickly gets bored with any toy, any treat. He immediately demands what he saw in another child, demands to be entertained, insists on an individual menu. (We are not talking about a child who is on a diet for health reasons.)
4. Egocentrism, manifested in unwillingness to share
Spoiled children are given everything they want: toys, sweets, your attention. No wonder they refuse to share with peers and adults. If parents do not pay attention to this in time, then in the future it can develop into greed.
5. Violation of the rules of conduct in public places
A spoiled kid considers himself the center of the galaxy and requires momentary submission. He does not want to listen to either adults or children, he demands that they listen only to him and fulfill whims. To attract attention, he can interrupt adults, shout loudly, throw tantrums in a large crowd of people. The inability to behave in public places sometimes becomes a real problem.
6. Immunity to failure, prohibition
A spoiled child does not perceive the words “no” and “no”, it is difficult for him to understand that he might not get something. If he is told that something is impossible, he becomes capricious or becomes aggressive, perceiving the refusal as the end of the world.
7. Unwillingness to help parents, including cleaning up scattered toys
It is perfectly normal to help a child clean up toys if he is not yet three years old. But when you continue to clean up after him and further, he has a conviction that this will continue forever. The older he is, the more stubborn he becomes. It will be difficult for you in the future to force the child to clean up after themselves things and help around the house.
8. Consumer attitude towards parents
It develops through the habit of getting what you want on demand. Why be polite to someone who fulfills all his desires? Disrespect for loved ones often turns into rudeness towards everyone around.
9. Irresponsibility, he is not responsible for his actions
Whatever the baby does, a loving mother, a kind father and adoring grandparents immediately "eliminate" any consequences. Hit the girl next door? So it's her own fault. In such greenhouse conditions, children grow, but do not mature.
If you realize that you managed to spoil your child, listen to the advice:
- control the situation;
- do not wait for the problem to worsen;
- be consistent;
- learn to refuse;
- give orders.
Reeducation of a spoiled child requires willpower, firmness and confidence in one's decision. Always remember that being spoiled will not bring anything good to the child and in the future it will only be harder for him. Therefore, what you are doing is for his own good.
When building relationships with people, the child must feel where his personality ends and the personality of another begins. The answer to the question of how to properly communicate with a child so as not to spoil him is simple: imagine that a child is your best friend, with his own interests and needs. A child - the best friend of his parents - will definitely become a darling of fate.
Teacher of the direction "Early development" of the Academy Rostum
Galina Agafonova
spoiled child - latvian translation
Relieved child - Latvian translation - LizarderChild - Translation:
Relieve - Translation:
Relieved child - Translation:
RELACED BEAR Spoiled child0003
lutināti bērns
Key words: Vinu IEFILTRēšos sarīkoju krējuma ierodies bērnu mazā bērniņš sīkais
5 REALLY REASED. Moron. | Nolādēts, esam vienojušies. | |
child, child . | Mazo, mazo. | |
Child? | Berns ? | |
Child. | Berns ? | |
Child. | Bernam. | |
Child. | Berns . | |
Child. | Berns . | |
Baby? | Vai viņš ir bērns ? | |
Baby! | Bērns ! | |
Child. A child running after a train. | Bērns ... tas, kas to uzrakstīja pēc vilciena aizbraukšanas. | |
My child . | Mans bērns . | |
Foolish child . | Muļķis. | |
Cute baby . | Viņa bija glīta. | |
Your child ? | Vai tas ir jūsu bērns ? | |
Wonderful child . | Cik jauks. | |
Only child . | Vienna bērns . | |
Gifted child . | Apdāvināts . | |
But child . | Bet bērns . | |
The child is stuck. | Zoja, bērniņš ir iesprūdis. She is a child! | Viņa ir bērns ! |
A child ? | Bet bērns ? | |
A child ? | Kā ar bērnu ? | |
Child with Ax . | Baby Ar Ax. | |
Hey he is baby ! | Eu, viņš ir tikai bērns ! | |
Is there exactly baby ? | Vai tiešām tur ir bērns ? | |
I am not a child . | Es neesmu nekāds bērns . | |
He is a child of natives! | Viņš ir aborigēns. | |
This is my baby . | Palīdziet! | |
Is this a child ? | Tur ir bērns ? | |
This is the child of goats! | Tas ir kazas mazulis . | |
This is your baby . | Tas ir tavs. | |
He is also a child . | Viņš ir jaunietis. | |
aka child . | Viņš ir tikai bērns . | |
Ross is so... baby . | Ross tikai ir... bērns . | |
A child Yours? | Esat pārliecināts, ka jūsu? | |
The child touched the exhibit. | Bērns pieskārās mākslas darbam. | |
You are still a child ! | Tu vēl esi bērns ! | |
I am not a child . | Es neesmu bērns . | |
baby will be born soon. | Bērniņš jau dzimst. | |
This is my baby ! | Tas ir mans bērns ! | |
Entertainment and children . | Jautrība un bērns | |
He is not a child . | Viņš nav bērns . | |
Please, I have a child ! | Man ir bērns ! | |
A child will change our lives. | Bērniņš pārvērtīs mūsu dzīvi. |