How do you get your child social security card
Parents and Guardians | SSA
With you through life’s journey...
The makeup of American families has changed in the last 20 to 30 years. Today, family units are diverse, rich in culture, and may include two parents, same-sex parents, only one parent, grandparents, and other relatives. Social Security knows that whether single parent, blended, diverse, small or large, every family is important.
For more than 80 years, Social Security has helped families secure today and tomorrow by providing financial benefits, tools, and programs that help support millions throughout life’s journey. Our programs and services have evolved to meet your unique family needs and especially the children in your care.
We are there from day one
Getting your child a Social Security number should be near the top of the list of things you need to do as a new parent or guardian. Your child's Social Security number is the first step in ensuring valuable protection for any benefits they may be eligible for in the future.
You’ll need your child’s Social Security number to claim them as a dependent on your income tax return or open a bank account in the child’s name and buy savings bonds. Your child’s Social Security number is also necessary to obtain medical coverage or apply for any kind of government services for your child.
Most people apply for their child’s Social Security number at birth, usually at the hospital. When the time comes for your child’s first job, the number is already in place. For more information on getting your child a Social Security number and card, check out Social Security Numbers for Children.
A fun bonus of assigning Social Security numbers at birth is that we know the most popular baby names, which we announce each year. On our website, you can find the top baby names for the last 100 years.
We’re there with support if you’re raising a grandchild…
More and more grandparents are finding themselves raising their grandchildren. Social Security will pay benefits to grandchildren when the grandparent retires, becomes disabled, or dies, if certain conditions are met. Generally, the biological parents of the child must be deceased or disabled, or the grandparent must legally adopt the grandchild.
To receive this benefit, your grandchild must have begun living with you before age 18 and received at least one half of his or her support from you for the year before the month you became entitled to retirement or disability insurance benefits, or died. Also, the natural parent(s) of the child must not be making regular contributions to his or her support.
If your grandchild was born during the one-year period, you must have lived with and provided at least one-half of the child's support for substantially the entire period from the date of birth to the month you became entitled to benefits.
Your grandchild may qualify for benefits under these circumstances, even if he or she is a step-grandchild. However, if you and your spouse are already receiving benefits, you would need to adopt the child for them to qualify for benefits.
We’re there when they get their first job
Once your child starts working and throughout their career, employers will verify their Social Security number to help reduce fraud and improve the accuracy of their earnings records.
Employers collect FICA, or Federal Insurance Contributions Act withholdings, and report earnings electronically. This is how we verify earnings and is how your child earns Social Security retirement, disability, and survivors coverage.
Once they turn 18, they can open a my Social Security account and watch their personal earnings and future benefits grow over time.
We’re there to help if disability strikes…
As a working parent, your earnings can become a source of Social Security protection for your family. If you retire or become disabled and unable to work, your earnings would be partially replaced by your monthly Social Security benefit payments.
A child who is disabled may depend on your help for a lifetime. When you start receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits, your family members also may be eligible for payments. If you are a parent, caregiver, or representative of a child younger than age 18 who has a disability, your child may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. More information is provided in the Benefits for Children with Disabilities booklet.
For children 18 years or older who have been disabled before the age of 22 and continue to be disabled, Social Security benefits may be paid to them if you retire, become disabled, or die. Social Security benefits for disabled children may continue as long as they are unable to work because of their disability.
Additionally, you can find information on the specific benefits and qualifications in the Disability Benefits publication.
We’re there to provide comfort during difficult times…
The loss of a parent or guardian can be both emotionally and financially difficult. Social Security helps by providing benefits to help stabilize the family’s financial future. Widows, widowers, and their dependent children may be eligible for Social Security survivors benefits.
In fact, 98 of every 100 children could get benefits if a working parent dies. And Social Security pays more benefits to children than any other federal program.
Providing protection for parents too…
Even if you have never worked in a job covered by Social Security, as a parent, there are two ways that you may still qualify for benefits.
- If you are a parent and take care of your child who receives Social Security benefits and is under age 18, you can get benefits until your child reaches age 16. Your child's benefit will continue until he or she reaches age 18, or 19 if he or she is still in school full time. Your monthly payments stop with the child’s 16th birthday, unless your child is disabled and stays in your care.
- If you are a parent who receives most of your support from your adult child, and your child dies, Social Security also pays monthly benefits to you under the following conditions:
- You must be at least 62 years old and must not have remarried since the worker (your child)'s death
- You cannot be entitled to your own, higher Social Security benefit; and
- You must be able to show that you received one-half of your financial support from the worker at the time of their death. You must submit this proof of support to Social Security within two years of the worker's death.
We are there for those who need it most…
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program helps children with qualifying disabilities by providing critical financial assistance. Children and youth with specific medical conditions—whose families meet certain income and resource limits—can receive SSI from birth until age 18.
If you think your child or someone you know could be eligible for SSI, visit our webpage SSI Eligibility for Children to learn more and apply.
Assisting Youths with Disabilities Transition to Adulthood
The transition to adulthood is one of the most important periods in life’s journey. For foster children living with a disability, it can be even more challenging. Turning 18 triggers an important change in SSI benefits: Social Security must make a new determination on their SSI eligibility using the adult disability standards. About one-in-three such beneficiaries lose their SSI benefits.
For more information, please visit our spotlight page.
Social Security Card for Newborn
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- Social Security Card
The physicians and team members at Atlantic Health System Maternity Centers are committed to helping expectant parents safely and comfortably welcome their newborns while COVID-19 is in our communities. Read COVID-19 FAQs and a message for expectant parents>
You can apply for a Social Security number for your baby when you apply for your baby’s birth certificate. Just check the box on the birth certificate worksheet. The state agency that issues birth certificates will share your child’s information with Social Security, and they will mail the Social Security card to you. This process will take approximately six to eight weeks. If you cannot wait that long, please call the Social Security Office at 1-800-772-1213.
You can also apply at any Social Security office. If you wait to apply until after you leave the hospital, you must provide evidence of your child’s age, identity and U.S. citizenship status, as well as proof of your identity. Social Security must verify your child’s birth record, which can add up to 12 weeks to the time it takes to issue a card. To verify a birth record, Social Security will contact the office that issued it.
Chilton Medical Center
Maternity Center
- 97 West Parkway
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 - 973-831-5122
- 97 West Parkway
Morristown Medical Center
Maternity Center
- 100 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960 - 973-971-5290
- To register: 973-971-5732
- 100 Madison Avenue
Newton Medical Center
Maternity Center
- 175 High Street
Newton, NJ 07860 - 973-579-8555
- 175 High Street
Overlook Medical Center
Maternity Center
- 99 Beauvoir Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901 - 908-522-4838
- To register: 908-522-2304
- 99 Beauvoir Avenue
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One-time compensation payment upon the birth of a child
The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure does not exclude the possibility of appealing decisions and actions (inaction) taken (carried out) in the course of providing public services in court. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure is not mandatory for the applicant.
The applicant may file a complaint, including in the following cases:
- violation of the deadline for registering a request for the provision of a public service; nine0008
- violation of the term for the provision of public services;
- requiring the applicant to provide documents or information or perform actions, the submission or implementation of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services;
- refusal to accept documents from the applicant, the submission of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg for the provision of public services; nine0008
- refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, laws and other regulatory legal acts of St.
- a requirement from the applicant when providing a public service for a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg; nine0007 refusal of the Administration, an official of the Administration, a civil servant of the Administration to correct typographical errors and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of a public service, or violation of the deadline for such corrections;
- violation of the term or procedure for issuing documents based on the results of the provision of public services;
- suspension of the provision of a public service, if the grounds for suspension are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, laws and other regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg; nine0008
- requirement from the applicant, when providing a public service, documents or information, the absence and (or) unreliability of which was not indicated upon the initial refusal to accept documents necessary for the provision of a public service, or in the provision of a public service, with the exception of cases provided for in clause 4 of part 1 of the article 7 of the Federal Law N 210-FZ.
If the complaint is filed through a representative, a document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the complainant is also submitted. A power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation may be presented as a document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the applicant. nine0003
Subject of the complaint
The complaint must contain:
- name of the Administration, position and surname, name, patronymic (the last name, if any) of an official or civil servant of the Administration whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;
- surname, first name, patronymic (the last one - if available), information about the place of residence of the applicant, as well as the contact phone number (numbers), e-mail address (s) (if any) and postal address to which the answer should be sent to the applicant; nine0008
- information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the Administration, an official of the Administration or a civil servant of the Administration, including in the case of filing a complaint with the MFC or through the Portal - the type of violation specified in clause 5.
1.1 of the administrative regulation;
- arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the Administration, an official of the Administration or a civil servant of the Administration. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant's arguments, or copies thereof. nine0008
Executive bodies and officials authorized to consider a complaint, to whom a complaint can be filed in a pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure
A complaint is filed with the district administration that provides public services.
A complaint can also be submitted to a higher body to the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, who directly coordinates and controls the activities of district administrations.
A complaint against decisions and actions (inaction) of the head of the Administration is submitted to the Vice Governor of St. Petersburg, who directly coordinates and controls the activities of district administrations, or, in his absence, to the Government of St. Petersburg. nine0003
Ways to file and handle a complaint
Complaints can be filed:
- in electronic form;
- in writing on paper.
Complaint in writing on paper is carried out:
- by mail;
- through the MFC;
- at the personal reception of the applicant at the Administration (at the place of provision of the public service, that is, at the place where the applicant submitted a request for a public service, the violation of the procedure for the provision of which is being appealed, or at the place where the applicant received the result of the specified public service). nine0008
At a personal appointment, the applicant submits in writing on paper a document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Documents specified in clause 5.1.2 of the Administrative Regulations may be submitted electronically, but the identity document of the applicant is not required.
An electronic complaint is filed using the Internet through the Administration section on the official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg (the domain name of the site on the Internet is, "- nine0003
Filling out a request for consideration of a complaint through the Portal is carried out by the applicant personally, subject to the authorization of the applicant on the Portal through the ESIA.
Procedure for consideration of a complaint
A complaint against decisions and actions (inaction) of the Administration, its officials and civil servants is considered by the Administration.
A complaint against an employee of an institution (organization) subordinate to the Administration or about the procedure for providing services by an institution (organization) subordinate to the Administration is considered by the Administration in charge of the institution (organization) concerned. nine0003
A complaint against decisions and actions (inaction) of the head of the Administration is considered by a higher authority.
MFC, in case of filing a complaint through the MFC, ensures the transfer of the complaint to the district administration in the manner and within the time limits established by the agreement on interaction between the MFC and the Administration, but no later than the next working day from the date of receipt of the complaint.
If the complaint is filed by the applicant with an authority whose competence does not include making a decision on the grievance, within three working days from the date of its registration, the said authority sends the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection of the complaint. In this case, the period for considering a complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it. nine0003
If a federal law establishes a different procedure (procedure) for filing and considering complaints, the provisions of this section do not apply, and the complainant is notified that his complaint will be considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by federal law.
The administration has the right to leave the complaint unanswered in the following cases:
- presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family; nine0008
- inability to read 15 any part of the text of the complaint, surname, name, patronymic (if any) and (or) postal address of the applicant indicated in the complaint.
If the complaint is left unanswered, the Administration, within three working days from the date of registration of the complaint, informs the citizen who filed the complaint about this, if his name and postal address are legible.
Terms for consideration of a complaint
The term for consideration of a complaint is calculated from the day the complaint is registered with the Administration. nine0003
A complaint received by the district administration or a higher body must be registered no later than the next working day from the date of its receipt. The complaint is subject to consideration by an official, an employee empowered to consider complaints, within 15 working days from the date of its registration, unless shorter periods for considering a complaint are established by the Administration.
In case of appeal against the refusal of the Administration to accept documents from the applicant or to correct typographical errors and (or) errors, or in case of appeal against violation of the deadline for such corrections, the complaint is considered within 5 working days from the date of its registration. nine0003
Result of consideration of the complaint
Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the Administration takes one of the following decisions:
- to the applicant of funds, the collection of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg; nine0008
- refuses to satisfy the complaint.
This decision is made in the form of an act of the Administration.
Based on the results of the audit, in the absence of arguments in the complaint confirming the existence of the type of violation of the procedure for the provision of services specified by the applicant, the official responsible for considering the complaint decides to refuse to consider the complaint on the merits due to the inconsistency of the information contained in the complaint with the specified type violations. nine0003
The administration refuses to satisfy the complaint in the following cases:
- the presence of a court decision that has entered into force, an arbitration court on a complaint about the same subject and on the same grounds;
- filing a complaint by a person whose powers have not been confirmed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- the presence of a decision on the complaint, taken earlier in accordance with the requirements of the administrative regulations in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint.
In the event that, during or as a result of the consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or crime are established, an official, an employee empowered to consider complaints in accordance with clause 5.3 of the administrative regulation, immediately send the available materials to the prosecutor's office.
The procedure for informing the applicant about the results of the consideration of the complaint
When the complaint is satisfied, the Administration takes comprehensive measures to eliminate the identified violations, including the issuance of the result of the public service to the applicant, no later than 5 working days from the date of the decision, unless otherwise provided by law Russian Federation. nine0003
No later than the day following the day the decision was made, the applicant in writing and, at the request of the applicant, in electronic form, is sent a reasoned response on the results of the consideration of the complaint.
The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint shall include:
- name of the Administration, position, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the official who made the decision on the complaint;
- number, date, place of the decision, including information about the official, employee whose decision or action (inaction) is being appealed; nine0008
- surname, name, patronymic (if any) or name of the applicant;
- grounds for making a decision on the complaint;
- decision made on the complaint;
- if the complaint is found to be justified - the deadlines for eliminating the identified violations, including the deadline for providing the result of the public service;
- if the complaint is found unfounded - reasoned explanations about the reasons for the decision, as well as information on the procedure for appealing the decision. nine0008
Also, in the response on the results of the consideration of the complaint, they apologize for the inconvenience caused and indicate information on further actions that the applicant needs to take in order to receive the public service.
The response based on the results of the consideration of the complaint is signed by an official of the Administration authorized to consider the complaint, endowed with the authority to consider complaints.
At the request of the applicant, a response based on the results of consideration of the complaint may be submitted no later than the day following the day the decision was made, in the form of an electronic document signed by an electronic signature of an official of the Administration authorized to consider the complaint, the form of which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. nine0003
Procedure for appealing against a decision on a complaint
A decision made based on the results of consideration of a complaint can be appealed to the Vice Governor of St. Petersburg, who directly coordinates and controls the activities of district administrations (Smolny proezd, 1, letter B, St. Petersburg , 191060. tel. (812) 576-66-51), to the Government of St. Petersburg, as well as to the court in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by the current legislation.
The applicant has the right to receive information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint. nine0003
Informing applicants about the procedure for filing and considering a complaint is carried out by posting information on the Portal.
Informing applicants about the procedure for appealing decisions and actions (inaction) is also carried out when the applicant contacts by phone, e-mail addresses, as well as in person at the addresses indicated on the official website of the Administration and on the Portal.
The provisions of this section, which establish the procedure for filing and considering complaints of applicants about violations of their rights in the provision of public services, do not apply to relations regulated by the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation" (Law No. 59-FZ).
Applicants' complaints about the organization of the provision of public services in the Administration are submitted and considered in the manner prescribed by Law No. 59-FZ.
How to get a social card (social card) in Armenia? — Relocatus на
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Hello! This is Relocatus - a chat forum dedicated to relocation without leaving home. Today we are discussing how to get a social card (social card) in Armenia in 2022?
A social card is a document that is required in most state institutions of Armenia, through which the realization of the right of citizens to social security is ensured. SSN (social card number) is also used as a taxpayer number. nine0003
An analogue of a social card in Russia is SNILS or, in other words, a public services number. A social number will be required for paying taxes (provided to the accountant who manages your firm) and when opening a bank account in Armenia can be a valuable document that increases your chances of opening a bank account in Armenia.
This is not a plastic card, but an A4 paper sheet with an individual identification number.
Issued social. cards in the passport offices of any city in Armenia. Social It is better to get a card using the passport with which you entered Armenia. Even better if you entered with a passport. nine0003
Social map, this is an analogue of white cardboard in Serbia, which we wrote about. Its presence identifies you as a non-tourist. A tourist does not need a social card. For a sotskat relocant, it is a necessary beginning of the path to adaptation in Armenia, including one of the necessary documents for obtaining a residence permit for employment in Armenia.
This is not a plastic card, but an A4 paper sheet with an individual identification number. Issued social. cards in the passport offices of any city in Armenia. Social It is better to get a card using the passport with which you entered Armenia. Even better if you entered with a passport. nine0003
Necessary documents that will be needed to obtain a social card for a foreign passport:
- Original passport.
- Copy of entry stamp page
- Notarized translation of the international passport into Armenian
You can make a translation and certification in any notary office, you can also do it remotely. Contact the notary, send him an electronic copy of the passport, pay for the services and pick it up upon arrival. nine0003
In Yerevan, the cost will be from 3 houses to 5 thousand drams. The process of notarized translation usually takes from 30 minutes to an hour.
If you entered with a foreign passport, you can get a social card right away.
Documents required to obtain a social card with a Russian passport:
- Original passport
- Translation of the passport into Armenian with notarization,
- Copy of certified translation
- Copy of the main page of the internal passport of the Russian Federation
- Copy of the page with the registration of the internal passport of the Russian Federation
- Copy of birth certificate
- Address in the Republic of Armenia to indicate in the application form (you can specify any address, for example, a hotel)
Sometimes, in separate passport offices, they may require a birth certificate, or copies of parents' passports. These are the exceptions, not the rule, but there have been cases.