How do i get child support payments
Collect A Child Support Payment
How Do I Collect Child Support?
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Get Prepared
Either parent can Open a Child Support Case online, call the DCSS office at 1-844-MYGADHS (1-844-694-2347) or print, fill out and mail in their application packet. You can also complete the application online, then print it out and bring it with all required and supporting documents to your local Child Support Office.
However, to get a support order, establish paternity, or enforce a support order, DCSS must know where the noncustodial parent (NCP) lives and/or works. There is no guarantee the other parent will be found, but the more information you provide, the easier it will be.
DCSS will order a paternity test to be conducted if paternity has not been established or if it is disputed.
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Gather What You’ll Need
One form of government-issued picture ID (Valid driver’s license, passport, Green Card, Visa)
Birth certificates for children born OUTSIDE of Georgia
School enrollment verification
Photocopy of all existing support orders, including the divorce decree that contains spousal with child support
Paternity Acknowledgement- Unwed parents are given a chance to sign a Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgement form at or near the time of the child’s birth
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Fill out the application completely, then mail it and any applicable fees to the child support office in your county.
Call the DCSS Communications Center at 1-844-MYGADHS (1-844-694-2347) if you need further information on the application process.
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Set Up Payments
You can receive payments through either a debit card or direct deposit. State law requires income withholding, and in most cases the support amount can be deducted from the NCP's paycheck.
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Enforce the support order
If a parent does not obey a support order, he or she may be found in contempt of court. A contempt action may be filed against the NCP who fails to make support payments or does not maintain the required medical insurance. NCPs found in contempt of court may be fined, sentenced to jail, or both.
The judge may order the NCP who is unable to pay to be enrolled in the Fatherhood Program or in the Parental Accountability Court program. In addition to being enrolled in one of these programs, the NCP is still obligated to pay the full amount of current and past-due support.
The child support order may also be enforced through one of the following actions:
Withholding child support from paychecks, unemployment or weekly worker's compensation benefits
Offsetting federal and/or state income tax refunds
Reporting the parent’s delinquent child support payments to the three credit reporting bureaus
Suspension or revocation of a NCP’s drivers’, professional, occupational or recreational hunting or fishing licenses for their failure to pay child support as ordered
Intercepting lottery winnings when they exceed $2,500
Filing contempt actions in the superior court which may result in a jail sentence if the NCP is found to be in contempt of court
Filing of liens to seize matched bank accounts, lump sum worker's compensation settlements and real or personal property
Denial, suspension or revocation of the passport of someone who owes more than $2,500 in child support
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Press 2 to speak with an Agent, or
Press 3 for Outreach Services
Find a Local Office
Find a Child Support Services Location
Search by city, county, or zip code
This information was prepared as a public service of the State of Georgia to provide general information, not to advise on any specific legal problem. It is not, and cannot be construed to be, legal advice. If you have questions regarding any matter contained on this page, please contact the related agency.
NYS DCSS | New York Child Support
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To access your account information, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Follow these instructions to enable JavaScript.
You can receive your payment information by phone at 1-888-208-4485 (TTY: 1-866-875-9975), Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM–7:00 PM.
Is your address up to date?
Call 1-888-208-4485 to update your address.
The Child Support Program provides custodial parents with
assistance in obtaining financial support and medical insurance
coverage for their children by locating parents, establishing
parentage, establishing or modifying support orders, and
collecting and distributing child support payments.
Make a payment
Please do not send cash. We encourage you to use an online payment service or pay by mail.
Check your payments
Log in with your ID to check payments or disbursements.
If you do not have a ID, you can create a ID now.
Update case information
To report a change of address, change of employer, loss or reduction of employment, email your local child support office.
Computer use can be monitored, and usage is impossible to clear completely. If you are afraid your computer use will be monitored, please use a safer computer or call the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1-800-942-6906 for assistance.
To immediately leave this site, click the Exit button at the top of this warning.
The New York State Child Support Program is committed to helping survivors of family violence
access child support services safely.
Kreyòl Ayisyen
If the form you need is not available in your language, please call
(TTY: 1-866-875-9975).
Translated forms are available for REFERENCE ONLY. Complete and submit forms in English.
Please email or mail completed forms to your local child support office. Find contact information on the Local Offices page.
Apply for Child Support Services
- Application for child support services
- Additional Child information
- Information about Child Support Services
Enroll in Direct Deposit
- Direct Deposit Enrollment
Appeal or avoid an enforcement issue
- Affidavit of Net Worth
- Driver License Suspension Request or Challenge
- Mistake of Fact and/or Exempt Money Claim
- Request for Review of Additional Amount
- Statement of Income and Expenses
- Department of Taxation and Finance Challenge
- Professional License Suspension Claim
- Request for Administrative Review…for Tax Refund Offset/Passport Denial
If you will be attending a court hearing soon, check court information
for advice about how you can prepare in advance, what you may experience at the hearing, and how you may
need to follow up afterwards.
To see current operating hours and procedures for the Family Court in your county, visit the New York State Unified Court System.
Report enforcement issues
Email your local child support office—RECOMMENDED—or
Call the New York State Child Support Helpline at 1-888-208-4485.
How to collect alimony if the payer is in another country
December 14, 2021 at 13:20
How to collect alimony if the payer is in another country
If the father is a foreigner or has left for another country, alimony is collected according to the rules of the state of which the child is a citizen. Mom can apply to the Russian court.
But the recovery of alimony by a court decision will depend on the rule of the country where the payer is located. If this state has an agreement to assist in solving civil cases, the process is simplified. If not, recovery can be difficult.
✅ If there is a decision of the Russian court
Apply to the competent court of a foreign state with a request for recognition and enforcement of the decision. Enter the address of the debtor in another country. All documents must be translated into the language of a foreign state.
The petition must be sent to the main department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the region for further transfer to the territory of a foreign state under the terms of an international treaty. This can be done by the claimant himself or by the court that made the decision. The Ministry of Justice will check the documents, transfer them to another country, and there the court will issue a writ of execution. Collection will be handled by foreign bailiffs.
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How to get alimony from the state
- Eligibility for alimony from the state
- Procedure for obtaining alimony from the state
The right to receive alimony from the state
If you did not actually receive a penny after receiving a court decision on the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of a child, the law provides for the opportunity to receive temporary assistance from the state. So, on what grounds and how to get alimony from the state.
Before contacting the relevant authorities, it is worth finding out on what grounds state alimony is assigned. So, state alimony is assigned if:
- a court decision on the recovery of alimony is not executed due to evasion of alimony or the debtor's lack of funds and other property that can be levied under the law;
- one of the parents is recognized in the prescribed manner as incapacitated or is in military service;
- one of the parents is under arrest, investigation, in places of deprivation of liberty or in compulsory treatment;
- the place of residence (stay) of the father or mother has not been established.
It should be noted that temporary state assistance is granted exclusively to a child under 18 years of age.
So, if you are not receiving alimony due to one of the above reasons, then you have the right to apply to the state for help.
Thus, the payment of financial assistance is carried out by the department of labor and social protection at the place of residence (stay) of the parent who supports the child. Alimony can be received regardless of the dissolution of the marriage.
- Be sure to read the publication about maintaining a wife after a divorce.
- How to protect yourself from domestic violence with a restraining order.
The procedure for obtaining alimony from the state
To assign state assistance instead of alimony, you must contact the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population with the following package of documents:
- copy of the child's birth certificate;
- application for benefits;
- certificate from the state register of debtors;
- income and property declaration.
In addition to the main package of documents, and depending on the grounds on which assistance is granted, the following additional documents must be submitted:
- court decision (executive order) on the recovery of alimony;
- certificate of the state executive service, confirming the fact of non-payment of alimony;
- certificate in relation to one of the parents on the opening of criminal proceedings;
- certificate of the father's (mother's) stay in compulsory treatment, in places of deprivation of liberty or in military service;
- certificate of recognition of the second parent as incapacitated;
- message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the location of the alimony payer has not been established.