How can i sponsor a child
Child Sponsorship: Learn How Sponsorship Works
1. What is the child sponsorship program?
Child sponsorship is a program that connects children in need with compassionate sponsors like you! Becoming a sponsor means investing in a child’s life and empowering them to grow up healthy, educated and safe. When you join our sponsorship family, you can be sure you're joining a growing, global community dedicated to doing whatever it takes for children, transforming their lives and the future we share.
When you become a child sponsor, Save the Children does not give your donation directly to the child you sponsor, rather we combine your monthly contribution with the support of other sponsors to help aid projects in their community – creating a “ripple effect” of positive change.
2. How much does it cost to sponsor a child with Save the Children?
Sponsoring a child with Save the Children is just $39 a month.
The most effective way to help children is by combining your contributions with those of other sponsors, rather than giving them directly to the child you sponsor.
Your generous monthly support will go towards helping empower the lives of children and families in your sponsorship community through our innovative programs. Your sponsorship is truly an investment in children’s lives and futures!
3. Is child sponsorship effective?
With an ambitious vision and over a century of leading expertise, Save the Children is one of the oldest and highly regarded charities in the world. We are consistently recognized for our proven program responsibility and fiscal accountability. We earn high ratings from independent services like Charity Navigator and Charity Watch, and we are accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
When you become a Save the Children sponsor, you can be sure you’re joining a growing, global community dedicated to doing whatever it takes for children, empowering their lives and the future we share.
4. Can I write or email my sponsored child?
Yes! Exchanging letters and emails with the child you sponsor helps build a caring connection that deepens the impact of our work.
Writing a letter on behalf of your family, or even having your child/grandchild correspond, is a great way to get your family involved in the sponsorship experience, help them learn more about the world and share in the joy of connecting with others. Once you become a sponsor, you will be able to email your sponsored child through your online account. Your email will be printed, translated and delivered directly to your sponsored child by our country office staff.
Please keep in mind that there may be delays or inability to deliver letters in a timely manner due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We will do everything in our power to deliver your message while keeping staff and children safe.
We’ll also occasionally provide you with colorful greeting cards that you can personalize and send to the child you sponsor in recognition of special occasions, such as his or her birthday. Children love reading your messages, so please be on the lookout for these special mailings.

Save the Children offers 3 types of child sponsorship:
- Individual child sponsorship gives you the unique opportunity to develop a one-on-one relationship with the child who you sponsor, while benefiting children in their community as well. Individual sponsors have the opportunity to exchange messages with their sponsored child via email or postal mail.
- Lifeline sponsorship is where you contribute monthly support to a sponsorship community and receive information and updates about a single child, but there is no one-on-one relationship or ability to communicate with the child. This is a great option if you’re interested in learning how an individual child participates in sponsorship, but you aren’t able to or interested in corresponding with a child.
- Program sponsorship is where you contribute monthly support to our programs in a specific sponsorship country.
Program sponsors receive updates and success stories on our overall results in the country, but have no individual child communication or updates. This is a great option if you’re interested in supporting sponsorship programs, but you aren’t interested in corresponding with a child.
You can become an individual child sponsorship and lifeline sponsorship online. If you are interested in program sponsorship, please contact your Supporter Experience Center team at 1-800-728-3843, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (EST).
How to Sponsor a Child in Need | Children International | Kid Sponsorship | Sponsoring A Child for Charity
In times of crisis, children in poverty are especially vulnerable and face uncertain futures. Your monthly gift of $39 will give your sponsored child access to life-changing benefits, like medical care, educational support, life skills and job training before graduation.
As a sponsor, you'll be able to see your impact firsthand through letters and photos from your child. You’ll learn about key programs specifically designed to address children's toughest issues in their fight to escape poverty.
Use the search tool to find a child waiting for a sponsor like you!
Questions? Call 1-800-888-3089, chat or send an email. Our team is ready to help.
"Sponsorship is something that melts my soul. You are never the same again..."
Marily R., CI sponsor since 1993
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What is child sponsorship?Child sponsorship connects two people — a sponsor with a generous heart and a child living in poverty.
From toddlerhood to young adulthood, our child sponsorship program equips kids with crucial life and job skills to break the cycle of poverty. For good.
Your $39 monthly gift supports
1. A safe place, like 67+ community centers around the world
2. A caring team of local staff and volunteers
3. A path out of poverty through life-changing programs and services
How Child Sponsorship Works
What does my child receive?
Access to life-changing benefits through our innovative community centers, such as medical and dental care, empowerment initiatives and education programs focused on giving children the support and tools they need to be healthy, stay in school, graduate and create a lasting change in their community. (Our U.S. children are served through the University of Arkansas in Little Rock.)
Support from our dedicated staff and volunteers who are embedded in the community and committed to helping your child succeed.
A personal connection with someone who cares (you!) and the invaluable knowledge that they are special and loved.
- A chance for a better life free from poverty.
What can I expect as a sponsor?
A quick-start guide to child sponsorship along with more info about your child including a photo.
Photos and updates about your child on a regular basis.
Letters from your child, many of which contain hand-drawn pictures.
Access to MyCI, your online account, where you can view photos and learn more about your child, read and write letters, manage your giving, and connect with other sponsors.
See your impact in action through updates and monthly emails. And the option to visit your child and tour our life-changing community centers.
A unique and rewarding opportunity to make a difference.
Sponsorship continues providing life-changing help to your child
Your support is especially critical right now. Disadvantaged families around the world are trying to recover from the economic and emotional toll caused by the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Due to sporadic closures from spiking infection rates in some of the areas we serve, as well as other related factors, your sponsorship experience may begin a bit differently than it normally would.
Read about some of the changes you can expect Read Less
What changes should I expect to the sponsorship experience due to the coronavirus?
- Photos – as a sponsor, you receive a photo of your child each year, which you will still receive in your welcome kit. However, due to occasional shutdowns and other ongoing interruptions and shortages beyond our control, a more recent photo of your child may be delayed. We continually assess our processes and adjust so we can provide sponsors with the latest possible updates.
- Letters – as a sponsor, you can expect to receive a welcome letter, and then one to two letters from your child each year.
But we cannot guarantee that communities – or that all community centers – will not experience occasional shutdowns. For the health of children, parents, and staff, we will only collect letters when it is safe to do so. Significant delays of letters, including the welcome letter you would normally receive, are still possible. We appreciate your patience!
- Your letters – we encourage sponsors to write to their children, but for now, there still could be interruptions in delivering letters to sponsored children. Currently, the only letters we can process are ones written through MyCI. When you write a letter through MyCI, your letter will be transferred electronically to your child’s field office. If your child’s family has a phone, a staff member will either digitally forward it to your child’s family or call and read it to them.
Note: If the family is not able to communicate digitally, we will try to find a way to deliver it and keep the lines of communication open whenever possible. The use of digital communications enables agency staff to get your messages to families much more quickly, and vice-versa. There is also a cost-saving feature with virtual letters. Families save time and money (transportation to the center, taking time off from work or school to retrieve letters, etc.) and our staff processing time is significantly reduced by digital communications.
Sponsorship support is so important right now. It’s been a difficult time for everyone and finding a new friend can be a great source of hope and confidence, especially for children in poverty.
FAQs about Sponsorship
Where can I sponsor a child?
Children International is proud to support children, families and communities in India, the Philippines, Colombia, Ecuador, Zambia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and the United States.
How much of my $39 monthly gift actually goes to my sponsored child?
82% of Children International’s total operating expenses fund programs for children and youth. So, the majority of your donation dollars go toward exactly what you intended — supporting children in poverty.
How long will my sponsorship last?
Child sponsorship is a voluntary, ongoing contribution you can cancel at anytime — you’re in charge of how long you sponsor (and how many kids you sponsor).
What if I need to make a change to my sponsorship?
You can make changes to your monthly giving anytime. Please contact our Care Team to adjust, delay, or cancel. And because of our on-going commitment to our children from the time of sponsorship through graduation, your child will continue to receive benefits from the program, and we will work to find them another sponsor as soon as possible.
Who is Children International?
Children International is a global humanitarian organization connecting people in the fight to end poverty for good. Headquartered in Kansas City, we work in 10 countries, serving 200,000 children to create lasting change in their lives. We believe ending poverty starts with children, so we focus on programs and efforts for children and youth during the critical years. We build community centers, send volunteers to staff those centers, create educational and healthcare programs, and fund empowerment initiatives to help break the cycle of generational poverty.
I received a special code from a concert recently. How can I use that code to start sponsoring?
If you recently attended a concert and received a child packet, you were provided with a code that you can use to begin sponsoring that child. Please click here to go to and enter your code.
Have questions or need some help? Good news: We’d love to talk with you!
Sorry we missed you!
Our live chat isn’t available right now (check out our hours below). But you can send us an email at [email protected]. Or you can check out our Frequently Asked Questions section to find a quick answer.
- Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CT
- Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Support a Child - Food for Life Global
Sponsoring a child is one of the most beautiful and generous things a person can do. Through your sponsorship, we can give a child hope. We can help change the lives of these children and support their local community.
By sponsoring children, you will help them provide themselves with food, clothing, education, clean water, health care and, above all, the opportunity for a better life.
What does it mean to sponsor a child? nine0008
Sponsoring a child is a great way to help a child in need who hasn't gotten the best start in life. Through your sponsorship, you can reach out to a child who has suffered a lot throughout his young life.
Your money can help change a young person's life by opening opportunities they never thought they would have. When you sponsor a child, you are not just giving him a helping hand, you are also lifting his community. You are giving them the opportunity to live a better life in which they can support their family and community. nine0003
Why would you sponsor a child?
The benefits a child receives from your sponsorship are endless. You will breathe new life and opportunity into their world, allowing them to have a standard of living that would never have been possible without your support.
There are three main reasons why child sponsorship is the best way to help:
- You can support a child from home money, for most of us it is simply impossible. Our demanding lifestyle at home does not allow us to do such things.
You can support these poor children, their families and their communities from the comfort of your own home by sponsoring a child. Our professional team at FFL is working hard to do whatever it takes to support this kid. We have the people, resources and experience to do it on your behalf.
- Your money affects not one, but many
Although you are required to sponsor only one child, if you agree to support that child, he begins to worry Positive change effect When you support one child, you help and his family. A stronger family provides stronger social services to society. nine0003
A child who has received an education can teach his family, his family can teach the community, and as a result the community rises. Sponsored children are much more likely to complete their education.
Sponsoring a child is not an isolated project, it is part of a larger, multifaceted mission to help many.
- Personal Connection
When you sponsor a child, you're not just throwing money at something, you're making a name for yourself and really looking at poverty on a human level.
Many sponsors form deep bonds with their children by keeping in touch, tracking their progress and supporting them along the way. nine0003
Sponsoring a child connects you with a big problem. These are real people fighting in real life.
We ask that you make a commitment to donate a certain amount each month to sponsor your child. This is usually done on a quarterly basis, which helps to procure needed materials and cover any education costs. The goal is to provide every child you sponsor with food, housing and education as a minimum. nine0003
Payments are generally made by credit card online, choosing between monthly, quarterly or annual payments.
The length of time you decide to sponsor a child is entirely up to you, but we strongly encourage you to commit until they have at least completed their primary school education. Although it is much more profitable to sponsor a child before graduation from high school or university.
Helping a child complete education is one of the main goals of sponsoring a child. When a child completes their education, it gives that child, their family and community a much brighter future.
Your sponsorship payments may be tax deductible depending on your personal tax position. Sponsors will receive an annual tax return detailing all donations you made in the previous year. nine0003
Some sponsors like to send gifts to their children from home. Consider only sending small, light items that are easy to send, such as drawings, photographs, letters, stickers, and postcards.
If you would like to send something special, we can arrange for your gift to be delivered to your child. However, it is worth noting that large and lavish gifts can have a negative impact, such as failing to clear customs or causing tension among family members.
There is also the possibility that it could be stolen during the shipping process. nine0003
Of course! There is no greater gift than going abroad to spend time with your sponsored child. They will probably be glad that you want to visit. This is also a great chance for you to see where your money is going and the reality of the situation the child is in.
Those who wish to visit their sponsored child must first contact us to discuss details and complete all required paperwork. nine0003
You can help us now by choosing to sponsor a child for all of the reasons listed above.
We are always looking for new people to volunteer. This can be an extremely rewarding experience and gives you the opportunity to have a direct impact on the lives of these children and their communities.
If you run your own business or organization, we are always looking for new partnerships that can help make a difference together.
If you have a product or service that you think can help us in our mission to improve people's lives, we'd love to hear from you and discuss how we can work together. We are quite specific about the type of business we want to work with. They include:
- All Vegan Food Companies
- Vegan Organizations
- Human Rights Organizations
Make a Donation
Food for Life serves more food for less money than any other food relief organization in the world. To continue this fantastic work for children in need, we need your donations. All meals are 100% vegan and made the same day.
Essentials Food for Life Global's mission is to help those who cannot help themselves by providing clean, healthy and nutritious food. Food is how we choose to support these people, but our mission goes beyond that by helping to lift the spirits of entire communities of people and provide them with opportunities for a better life. nine0003
We want to continue our amazing work, but we need your help to do so.
You can help!
A meeting that goes to the heart
little heart has been supporting sponsorship of disadvantaged children in Russia and Ukraine since its inception in 2006, and since April 2019 sponsorship of disadvantaged children in Cambodia. Many of our sponsors have been supporting a child for over 12 years. nine0003
Sponsoring a child abroad means helping a child in need to grow up, succeed in their country of birth and build an independent and responsible adult life.
It is also a unique opportunity to share meaningful experiences with a child from a different culture. The relationship between sponsors and their sponsored children has a particularly positive emotional impact on children's development.
Little Hearts also encourages godparents to visit their godson while visiting their country. If possible, don't hesitate! When you spend a day with your sponsored child, you have a rare opportunity to share his life and get to know his environment. You will concretely see how your sponsorship will change your life by discovering the progress made thanks to you. nine0003
According to all the sponsors who made it, this visit is a unique experience, rich in emotions and unforgettable for both you and your child!
Anita tells us about her meeting with her sponsored child Marin in Cambodia at the FLO orphanage in Phnom Penh in July 2019.
“We had a gift for our sponsored child Marin at the FLO orphanage.
Finally, the time came and we reached the orphanage by tuk-tuk. Once there, we were warmly welcomed by Yit Weerasi. nine0003
He led us to his office, already waiting for Marin. We were greeted by a very shy girl who was clearly overwhelmed by us "Westerners". It wasn't until two of my girlfriends gave gifts, including my daughter's handmade bracelet, that the radiance on her serious face was stolen. The ice was broken. While Yit told me about the life of children in the orphanage, the girls contacted each other. Although the language barrier separated them, there was still a way to communicate with each other.
Yit talks about the daily life of children. They go to public schools in the morning. At 12 hours lunch is served daily, until 13 hours rest, after which English or IT lessons begin at the orphanage. After that, the homework will be done. The big ones help the little ones. It seems very tightly organised, but we were allowed to meet the kids and they all seemed very content and happy.
We were given a smile and a friendly "Hi". nine0003
First of all, in Yeats' report, I was pleased to hear that children are allowed to stay at home until they can lead independent lives.
Yit also took us through FLO until the kids got back from school. Marin took my eldest daughter by the hand and showed her her "room", the room she shared with all the other girls for sleeping. My daughter melted and didn't want to let Marin go. It was very emotional for me to experience my daughter, who rarely shows feelings. We were also shown a computer room equipped with computers, a library of books in English and Chorus, and a classroom where English is taught. In the kitchen, the cook was about to finish the meal. nine0003
Everything looked very well maintained. Finally, the rest of the children came from school. Very disciplined, they lined up in front of the dining room and Yut explained who we were. Marin has always been very proud of us. We had patterns with smiling faces. At the latest, after we were able to present gifts from other sponsors and see the bright eyes of these children, this visit became unforgettable.