How can i homeschool my child for free
5 Ways to Homeschool for Free! Check this out!
Have you looked at the cost of books and curriculum lately? At up to $200 per subject per child, it can cost a small fortune to homeschool! Not to mention school supplies and school room resources! Every year September rolls around, I consider hiding money under our mattress to save up without hubby realizing how much it all costs… every year I fail and we have a big “discussion” about sticking to the budget (tell me I’m not alone on this!). I am a total sucker for books and curriculum and office supplies, Staples is my happy place! This year, however, I have a goal to cut down expenses! I may not homeschool for free entirely (though you totally could) just because I have a few bigger purchases that I can’t let go of (hello Brave Writer and Math U See). But I do intend to minimize our spending!
I am going to give you 5 ideas to homeschool for free! You may be like me and choose to still spend some money on a few core subjects, but maybe you’ll get some new ideas and cut your costs this year (or remove them entirely!). If you are really tight and money troubles are making you reconsider your decision to homeschool, it is entirely possibly to homeschool for free! Keep reading and don’t forget to pin this for later!
1. Use the Library!
I know, I know, you’re rolling your eyes with me on this one. But seriously guys, we don’t use the library enough! There are SO many tools we can use from there, and we can order from other libraries in the area if it isn’t on the shelf. It is a completely free resource that we sometimes bury in the back of our brains. Well, I’m bringing it back to your attention (and mine). Plan your lessons using your library. You could literally school your children with this tool alone and they would thrive!
2. Contact local businesses/community helpers.
You don’t need a co-op or homeschool group to set up field trips! Get on the phone and call the police station, fire station, post office, grocery store, the sky is the limit! Ask to go in for a very small field trip, most places enjoy doing field trips with smaller groups anyways, and your kids will be getting hands on, real life learning, without costing a penny!

Whether you are a blogger or not, you can often write reviews in exchange for curriculum (though especially if you are a blogger). Don’t be afraid to reach out to a curriculum company you are in love with. Share your passion for their curriculum and why you think you’d be able to represent it. Tell them you’d be willing to write a review on Amazon or their website or your blog or all three! As a blogger, there are many homeschool companies that will work with you in exchange for a review. You never know until you try!
4. Contact your local school.
Wait a minute, aren’t we trying to get *away* from the school? Not necessarily! Imagine if your kids could get free band or free PE or just utelize the school library for free! Schools have a lot of resources, and while some are definitely against homeschooling and will shun you for life… there are some great schools out there that just have a passion for kids. Call (or email if you’re chicken like me) some schools around you and explain that you are a homeschool family. Talk about a few of the gaps you feel like you have and see if they would be willing to help out with either use of the library or gym or something to that effect. Get creative!
5. Homeschool for Free Online!
If you have the internet, you can homeschool for free. You can look up articles, YouTube videos, use Netflix, Minecraft even! You can access online books and free online homeschool resources as well. Many bloggers (such as myself) create free printable resources for you to supplement your homeschool. Follow good bloggers, sign up for their newsletters, grab freebies that relate to your family! Plus take a look at this little list of free online homeschool sites:
- E-learning for Kids: AMAZING, free, easy to use!
- Kahn Academy.
- EasyPeasy.
- K-12 Homeschool.
- Home Art Studio.
- LearnZillion.
- Virtual Nerd: Real Math Help.
- Essential Skills Advantage.
- Lesson Pathways.
- JuniorWriter.
com (Free for 60 days).
- Knowledge Adventure.
- KidsKnowIt.
- Science Kids.
- Eco Kids.
- Kids Math Games Online.
- Ambleside Online.
- edHelper.
- SAS Curriculum Pathways.
What other ideas do you have to homeschool for free? Comment below!
10 Best Free Homeschool Curriculum Packages & Programs
With the cost of home education already high in many families, the appeal of a free homeschool curriculum program is significant. Indeed, free online curricula have been the difference between many families choosing (or being able to) homeschool at all!
I hope you enjoy reading this blog post. If you want to do my course on how to homeschool, click here.
Of course, the worry is that a curriculum you don’t pay for isn’t worth anything. But, I’ve seen some excellent curricula produced because eager teachers and parents want to make home education available without curriculum cost being so much of an issue (the Easy Peasy program is an example).
Personally, I’m thinking of using a free curriculum as part of our eclectic homeschool program because the options available today are so good. In addition, using a free program means I’ll have more money to do other things like go on memorable excursions and field trips with my children. So this is very appealing to me.
The free homeschool curriculum packages we’ll look at on this page are:
- Easy Peasy
- Ambleside Online
- Puritans Homeschool
- An Old Fashioned Education
- Khan Academy
- Hippo Campus
- The Classical Curriculum
- Little House Kindergarten
- Mater Amabilis
- Freedom Homeschooling
Let’s get started without further ado!
PS: Watch the video below for a quick (and FUN) look at these free homeschool curriculum packages!
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.
10 Free Homeschool Curriculum Packages
1. Easy Peasy All-in-One
Easy Peasy All-in-One is probably the most popular free Christian homeschooling curriculum options available today. Written by a Christian mom who selflessly desired to make home education affordable, this program is easy to follow and is an eclectic mix of home education methods.
Boasting a complete curriculum from K-12, Easy Peasy also has different subjects written constantly by other generous parents. In my opinion, this is one of the best free programs you’ll find today. Read more about EP at this link.
2. Ambleside Online
If you’re a fan of the Charlotte Mason home education method, Ambleside Online is a good option for you. Complete with thousands of links to relevant resources and free books, this curriculum gives you a detailed schedule and lots of information.
There are also many forums where parents who use Ambleside talk about their questions about the curriculum. This free homeschool curriculum is, I believe, the best curriculum for CM fans today. This is evidenced by many of today’s CM curricula being founded on Ambleside Online materials.
Note: Some parents struggle with all the reading they have to do aloud. For this reason, some Charlotte Mason home education families use Audible to cut down on the amount of reading they have to do. It’s also a good option for parents who might get a croaky voice after a while and want the reader to take over. You can try it for free for one month to see if it suits your family.
If you’re open to a CM curriculum that’s not free, check out the other Charlotte Mason curriculum options here.
3. Puritans Homeschool
If you love the theological steadfastness of the Puritans, the Puritans Homeschool is a great free option for your homeschool. This program is produced by the Puritans Network and is a homeschool program based on Puritan thinking.
Please note that this curriculum isn’t a complete program; you won’t find all the subjects covered. However, you will get solid reformed Christian teaching and many good books from this resource.
4. An Old Fashioned Education
An Old Fashioned Education offers many free homeschool curriculum printables. As a compendium of curricula, literature, and textbooks, this website gives parents a great list of free resources they can use to supplement other free curricula or resources they’re using.
Many of the resources on this site are from the public domain (meaning they were printed before the 1920s and are now free of charge as they’ve run out of copyright).
Having found almost too many free home education resources, the author created her website to organize the free resources.
They are now in a useable, ordered pile. This seems like a problem most home-educating parents might face – especially if they’re figuring out their own specialized curriculum.
So, An Old Fashioned Education provides a good resource that shouldn’t overwhelm us (compared to if we were to go looking for free resources ourselves).
Many of the books are also living books, as the author is a fan of the Charlotte Mason method.
5. Khan Academy
While I’m not thrilled with the prospect of an education that’s all online, a free online homeschool curriculum is what many people are looking for these days. And The Khan Academy gives you this.
The great thing about Khan Academy is that you can track your progress as you go. You can see the problems you’re struggling with and the ones you’re breezing through. That’s almost unheard of in a free homeschool curriculum package!
I’ve used a few videos from this site and always found them interesting and educational. However, like many secular curricula, they don’t have a Christian worldview or values, which will be off-putting to some parents.
6. Hippo Campus
Like the Khan Academy, Hippo Campus is another broad video collection targeted at high-school and college-level students. They boast over 7,000 videos (with links to the Khan Academy) in 13 subject areas. In addition, Hippo Campus is an open resource for public learning (meaning you don’t need to log in to access the content).
This is also a secular curriculum funded by Google Grants and the Bill and Melinda Foundation (as you can see on their ‘About’ page).
7. The Classical Curriculum
Because I’m a big fan of Classical education, I decided to include this link to a classical education curriculum for free.
Like Ambleside, you may get many past copyright books for free online. But, you may also need to buy many. It depends on what you decide to purchase. Like Ambleside, you can get many books on audio from Audible (affiliate link). To see if you like it, you get the first month free here.
If you’re open to other classical curricula options that are available for a price, head to this link showing five classical curriculum options.
8. Little House Kindergarten
If you’re keen to start home educating your little ones at an early age, Little House Kindergarten might be the curriculum for you. This program is funded by the generosity of parents who use the curriculum and pay what they can (meaning you don’t need to pay at all if you can’t afford it).
Created by a teacher turned homeschool mom, this program is used in homeschools, kindergartens, and other small schools worldwide. It is based on U.S. standards and is downloadable in a PDF format, meaning you don’t have to expose your kids to too much screen time to get free education for them.
9. Mater Amabilis
Catholic authors wrote Mater Amabilis with the desire to ‘encourage other Catholic home educating parents in the Charlotte Mason method of education‘. The curriculum is more of a structured CM style (instead of a method that’s just ‘influenced’ by CM ideas).
Each level has its own set of materials, although parents can move their children up or downgrades depending on where they’re at educationally.
10. Freedom Homeschooling
Freedom Homeschooling offers a compendium of links to free homeschool curriculum options (like An Old Fashioned Education). For instance, if you need some supplementary math, head to their math curriculum page and scroll down the list of resources.
Because so many home educators are Christians, this program also indicates explicitly Christian-based curricula, making things easy for Christians who want a purely Christian curriculum.
Cost of Home Education and How a Free Homeschool Curriculum Reduces It
In the article, the Cost of Home Education, we go through the average cost of home education in the United States. By looking through a series of articles, I’ve roughly calculated my homeschool might cost around $2,000. But, this cost would include a bought curriculum which takes up a significant portion of the budget.
Be aware that home education costs can vary considerably, and, as the video below indicates, it can be very cheap ($0 ) or expensive, depending on the amount of work you’re willing to do yourself (and the free resources you’re ready to track down and use).
Free Resources for Homeschool
I recently compiled a page with paid and free and paid homeschool resources. You can check it out here!
Learn to convert PDF to PowerPoint.
Although home education costs are high and we have to give up a lot to educate the ones we love, a free homeschool curriculum can be a sweetener we hadn’t foreseen. With an array of good options to suit your chosen educational style, there are a few reasons the right free program wouldn’t work for your family. Also, with online support through many Facebook groups today, a free program can easily be troubleshot if there’s a problem with the coursework. Finally, because there are so many curricula available, you can easily supplement it with material from another curriculum if you’re not happy with one subject area. In my opinion, a free program would be a good option for many families.
All about the laws of homeschooling in Russia
A few years ago, teaching a child at home was possible only if he had a confirmed disability. Now parents can transfer their children to home schooling simply at will. The acquisition of knowledge outside the walls of educational institutions is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ. A homeschooled child has the right to take exams after grades 9 and 11. This allows him, like all other children, to enter secondary special and higher educational institutions on an equal footing.
Law on Home Education
All rights of students, obligations of parents and educational institutions are described in federal law N 273-FZ, which entered into force on December 29, 2012. When transferring to self-study, you need to know several articles of the law, these are:
- Article 17. It describes the forms of education. According to this article, knowledge can be obtained in the form of self-education or family education. Combined acquisition of knowledge is allowed, that is, some subjects can be taken at school, while others can be mastered at home. The student's knowledge is assessed in an educational institution by conducting intermediate and final attestations;
- Article 44. Regulates the rights of parents to take responsibility for the education of their children.
After receiving a document on secondary education, the student can already choose the form of education;
- Article 63. Describes the features of obtaining general education.
The Education Act does not set age limits for home schooling. However, parents, if they wish to transfer their child to an alternative option for mastering the school curriculum, need to carefully study this law of the Russian Federation. This will help to understand what they are obliged to give to their child and what assistance the state can provide.
Home education options
Out-of-school education can be chosen based on the child's health, family background and religious beliefs.
Three forms of home education are recognized in Russia:
- home education;
- family;
- remote.
Each of the options has its own characteristics. Choosing from them, parents should be guided by the interests of the child and his capabilities. It must be remembered that learning at home has not only a number of advantages. He also has certain shortcomings that can adversely affect the student's future life.
The first week of classes is free!
Start studying, and at the end of the trial period, pay for the chosen format!
Features of the home-based option (in case of health problems)
The law on education of the Russian Federation provides for home-based education for those who have a disability. Home education allows you to get a certificate of secondary or general education. Students with disabilities can study either according to the general school curriculum or according to individual plans drawn up taking into account their abilities. Lessons at home can be shortened to 20-25 minutes or extended to 2 hours. Upon completion of the school curriculum, a certificate of basic or secondary general education is issued. You can read more about organizing homeschooling for children in a letter from the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Steps for registering a child for home schooling
Transferring a child to home schooling is actually not that difficult. However, the process will be simplified if parents know in advance which institutions to contact.
To transfer a child to home schooling, you must do the following:
- Obtain a medical certificate from the local pediatrician stating that the child needs home schooling for health reasons. The pediatrician only issues such a certificate, and the decision is made by the ITU Commission.
- Write an application to the director of the educational institution where the child is studying. If the decision on home education is made before entering the first grade, then the application is written to the head of the city's Department of Education.
- If it is necessary to draw up an individual program, parents or legal representatives, together with the head teacher or principal of the school, select an individual curriculum. It indicates the subjects necessary for the study and their number per week.
- On the basis of a medical certificate and an application, an order is drawn up.
It indicates the teachers who will teach the child at home, and the frequency of knowledge testing throughout the year.
- Parents receive a magazine. In it, teachers should note the materials covered and the number of hours allocated, as well as the student's progress. At the end of the academic year, the journal is handed over to an educational institution.
The list of pathologies that give the right to home education, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Education of children at home should be carried out by the school closest to the place of residence of the family.
An educational institution is obliged:
- to provide schoolchildren with free textbooks and reference books. We are talking about the literature that is in the school library;
- to provide consulting assistance, helping to assimilate general education subjects;
- conduct attestations - intermediate and final;
- after the final certification, issue a document on obtaining the appropriate education.
Parents have the right to invite teachers from other schools who can also take part in testing the student's knowledge.
Peculiarities of family education
Not only disabled students can study at home. The Law on Education provides for the opportunity to acquire knowledge independently even if there are no serious health problems. Then there is the issue of family education. Parents can teach the child themselves or invite tutors or teachers, the student comes to school only for intermediate and final certification.
Children are transferred to home self-education for several reasons, the main ones are as follows:
- Frequent absences from school due to professional sports, music. Very often, enthusiastic children, due to classes in sports schools, sections, because of competitions and competitions, cannot go to a regular school every day. Home schooling allows them to acquire the necessary knowledge base and receive the appropriate certificate of completion of the 9th or 11th grade.
- High level of mental abilities. General school programs are designed for children with average knowledge, so peers who are ahead of their classmates in development are not interested in regular lessons. This negatively affects the learning process;
- The nature of the work of the parents, which involves constant travel. Frequent transfers from one school to another have a negative impact not only on academic performance, but also on the mental health of students. Self-education helps to avoid this;
- Religious or ideological reasons that prevent children from being sent to school.
Transferring a healthy child to home schooling, you must first take into account his desire. Many children endure separation from the team very painfully.
First grade enrollment
Each parent can officially enroll their child in first grade every year. In recent years, there have been innovations that sometimes baffle parents. It happens that the school refuses.
Homeschooling Steps
Homeschooling requires the following:
- Submit an application form to the Department of Education. The Department of Education provides parents with a list of schools where the child can attach for the final exams;
- The school must issue an order for the transfer of the child to the family form of education;
- Parents need to conclude an agreement with an educational institution. This agreement reflects all the duties and rights of both the parents themselves and the student, as well as the school. The document indicates the number of intermediate certifications and their timing, the need to attend practical and laboratory lessons.
School teachers are not required to come to your home when teaching at home. Parents either provide knowledge themselves, or invite tutors, or look for alternative options. The terms of the final and intermediate exams for a student at home may coincide with the certification of classmates. However, many people find it more convenient to choose an individual plan for assessing knowledge.
For homeschooling in Russia, the law provides:
- the possibility of transferring a child both from school to homeschooling and back in any class;
- providing a student with textbooks, advisory assistance to teachers.
The Law on Education states that parents, at the discretion of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation where the family lives, can receive the money that the state spends on the education of each student as compensation. Specific figures may vary, and in some areas such subsidies are not provided at all, so the amount of money must be specified at the place of residence.
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Distance education
Getting school knowledge through the Internet is suitable for those children who can independently control the learning process. Contact with teachers occurs through telecommunication systems or face-to-face. There is practically no unified plan for remote acquisition of knowledge, technical means and special methodological literature. But private institutions are gradually emerging that are ready to work with schoolchildren remotely.
Advantages and disadvantages of home schooling
Teaching a child outside the walls of a traditional school has its pros and cons.
Key benefits of studying at home:
- More comfortable organization of the process: the ability to study at any convenient time and from anywhere, according to your own schedule.
- The ability to obtain knowledge from a variety of sources: textbooks, electronic literature, encyclopedias, video tutorials.
- The opportunity to teach the child in subjects of interest to the extent that he needs.
- More free time for hobbies: music, sports, scientific circles, learning foreign languages, etc.
- Higher efficiency of mastering the topic: classmates do not distract, time is not wasted on solving disciplinary issues.
- Lack of stress from being in a children's team. Not all children, by their nature, adapt well in schools, which negatively affects mental health and general well-being.
With family and distance self-education, the family can travel at any time of the year, as there is no need to take into account the school schedule.
The most obvious disadvantages of learning at home include the lack of social adaptation, especially in the absence of any group activities, as well as the need for parental control.
Amendments to the law on education
Law FZ-No. 273 is not perfect, it is amended almost every year. The main reason for the adjustments being made is the discrepancy between the developments of the law and the real state of education in the Russian Federation.
There are no significant changes in the new amendments regarding secondary and general school education. The only thing that deserves attention is that the government has enshrined such forms of education as family, network, distance learning at the legislative level.
Is it possible to go to external studies and complete two classes in one year?
What form of attestation is provided for when transferring to an external study?
What should I do if my child does not complete the external program in one year?
Can adults study externally at the Home School?
how parents should start teaching their child "at home" . More details on the MMSO website.
1. Understanding the forms of education
First, let's look at what official forms of general education are possible in our country.
According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", a child can receive education:
In the first case, the organization carrying out educational activities is responsible for the process and learning outcomes. Full-time - the usual attendance at school, part-time - the child studies according to the school program, passes intermediate assessments and writes tests that the school will appoint, part-time - this is learning both at home and at school.
In the second case, the parent or the student himself has the opportunity to organize education according to his own program, which, as they think, is more convenient and correct, while being guided by the Federal State Educational Standard, but not limited, without copying school methods and approaches to education. Note! Distance learning is not a form of education. This is a way to support the educational process.
Family education should not be confused with home education. The latter is carried out according to medical indicators at home and is organized by the school at the request of the parents on the basis of medical documents. Home (home) education is when a teacher comes to the child's home and teaches him the same way as at school, without any variations.
By law, it is the parent who chooses which form of education suits his child (or, from the age of 14, the child himself). Not the principal of the school, not social protection and not the Department of Education. The only exceptions are adopted children, whose form of education must be agreed with guardianship.
2. Determine the relationship with the school
In the case of family education, the parent has no relationship with the school. He, in his person, is both the customer and the executor of educational services. To begin with, the parent is required to write an application for the transition to family education to the Department of Education by registration and place of residence.
And then he can choose programs, enter into and terminate relations with educational organizations at any time, change / mix / connect specialists. He can arrange a year-round study cycle (some people find it very convenient), he can skip classes, etc.
The minimum age for starting education is 6.5 years. If the child is less than 6.5 years old on September 1, documents for joining the school for certification will not be accepted. Without joining a school, you can start learning at least from the age of 3, no one will control this. The maximum age for a child to start school is 8 years old. That is, if on September 1 he is already over 8 full years old, the parent is obliged to choose the form of education for him and start regular education.
Thus, parents have 1.5 years in which they can freely choose when exactly to start their child's organized education. Bonus for the “lazy”: if a child turns 8 years old not on September 1st, but on September 2nd, then you have the right not to go to school and not study for another whole year. But next year, parents are obliged to choose a form of education for him. In this regard, parents of "autumn-winter" children have the opportunity to legally "extend childhood" without obligations to the state. Many parents of such children use this additional time frame to try family education without the obligations and accompanying experiences, for their own pleasure and for the pleasure of the child.
The parent reports to the state at the end of the 9th grade, when the child is required to pass the GIA-9 (OGE), and if the child did not go to college or technical school after the 9th grade, then be certified for the 10th and 11th classes. By law, our children under the age of 18 are required to study at least somewhere, after the age of 18 - this is their free choice, as adult citizens of the country.
3. Choosing forms of control over learning
Intermediate attestations are full-time or part-time control of mastering the material of the school curriculum in all subjects included in the Federal State Educational Standard from the 1st to the 11th grade. Interim certifications can be carried out at different intervals (depending on the zeal and imagination of the auditing organization) - from once a month to once a year.
Therefore, if the child has a relationship with the school (full-time, part-time, part-time), then he must comply with the conditions of the school. This means that it is fair and legal when an educational institution sets conditions, in what form and when intermediate certifications will be held. The school certifies according to its program. This can be a quarterly certification, once every six months, once a year - remotely, via the Internet or in person. Nevertheless, if a parent is not satisfied with the certification schedule in one school, he can choose for himself any other school that will be convenient for him and his child.
If the child is in family education, you have your own rules. Everyone must meet in the 9th grade to report to the state. Often "families" are also certified. The main reasons are as follows:
- It is convenient for them to check themselves in order not to relax and “drive” the program too much or keep up with it.
- In some regions, family members are entitled to benefits that are tied to certifications.
- Parents do not want conflicts with regulatory authorities.
The Department of Education itself often does not know that intermediate certifications are not mandatory in family education. So, for example, NASO (National Association for Family Education) received a response from the Deputy Minister of Education of one of the regions, in which the official wrote that everyone should take intermediate assessments!
It is obvious that many "families" are correspondence students, that is, parents teach their children themselves, but prefer to report to the school. And yet, for the majority, this form is categorically inconvenient: they go according to their own program and in the case of attestation every year they have to study according to two programs - their own and the state, instead of one.
How to certify a child for family education:
- Personally agree with the school (free of charge, it all depends on your relationship and the adequacy of the school administration). Come, write an application, find out the exam schedule, consult with "subject teachers", prepare, pass.
- Take advantage of assessment platforms and services that take over all communication with the school (for money, but this simplifies the process and is psychologically more comfortable).
It happens that many people leave their school as a result of conflict, and families do not want to have a relationship with it anymore. There are "wild" cases when, as a result of the illiteracy of officials, families are denied certification in another place. Know it's illegal.
It is illegal to require a family to have desks and a blackboard in the house or textbooks on GEF. These requirements apply only to schools. But there are regional craftsmen to "nightmare" the family on this topic, as well as send the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and other inspection bodies to it.
4. Let's organize training
Let's say right away that this hint-scheme is for beginners, so that they have something to start with, and then do everything differently, clearly for themselves. This is the meaning of family education.
In elementary grades
The main difficulty is Russian language, mathematics and reading. The world around, music, drawing, physical education, work, as a rule, are mastered through circles, sections and the presence of a large number of materials for crafts.
Domestic children have a somewhat longer period of creativity with their own hands compared to school children. Therefore, they will draw, sculpt, design, draw, dig, cook a lot.
And they will do it on their own if they never went to school. And if they studied, they will lie on the sofa and do nothing. But do not rush to get upset, the child can be motivated.
Every day for at least half an hour. You can start like this: you read a line, a child a line. Then he reads more and you read less and less. In the process, show the meaning of punctuation marks. Choose your favorite books by age, don't forget about poetry. Get in the habit of learning poetry. The list of books and poems can be found in any recommended list on the Internet or on your bookshelves.
Mathematics, Russian
We choose the curriculum, which means textbooks. These can be textbooks that children are taught in your school, Stalinist, Soviet textbooks, programs of the Russian Classical School, new teaching materials, someone finds American, British programs. We suggest scrolling through each one (find options on the Internet - view, try on for yourself).
You can simplify your task by going to the resource. Everything here is according to GEF. Download work programs for the main subjects, count the number of topics, distribute by the number of weeks. Make a weekly schedule with prescribed topics. Now you have a curriculum.
How long will it take to study the entire curriculum? Primary school subjects at home - 1-2 hours a day, not 4-5, as at school.
Your curriculum is exemplary, because children will "drive" ahead of the curve, but they will definitely "get stuck" on some topic. The main part of your studies will be taken up by additional classes, sudden scientific projects, visits to museums, events and meetings with people of interest. And all this is organized through your child's keen interest in sudden topics. This will be 90% study, not a school program. And that is why parents in family education do not understand the issue of socialization.
Children learn best in the morning, so try to do things that require special accuracy and attention in the morning (Russian language, mathematics, music lessons).
Remember that mathematics can be learned and interesting while lying in bed, the Russian language can be fixed at the moment of reading: “By the way, son, find in this sentence hissing sounds and words that answer the question: what to do?”
Always return to the topics covered, this can be done directly: "Come on, tell me how this word is spelled" or indirectly - do an assignment on a new topic and give something from the covered.
Teach your child independence: “Write”, “Show the result”, “Do work on the mistakes”, “Give yourself a mark”, “What did you like”, “What did you not like”, “What is new”, “What was the difficulty” .
If the child is obviously not coping with the topic, put it aside and come back to it later. You have time! If the child "rushes" forward, rush after him, but do not forget to repeat the material covered.
Remember, you are not a teacher to a child, but a learning assistant. Therefore, do not behave like a "teacher with a pointer at the blackboard", be yourself. Don't be afraid to say, "By the way, I don't remember what it is, let's take a look together." You will not lose your authority in front of the child and teach him to search for and clarify the material.
Know! You will be nervous and psyched, not your child. He will be fine - he gets enough sleep, is busy with cool things and he has nowhere to rush. And parents will experience stress for the first six months - is it really so easy, where are the pitfalls?
And now the most important thing: the day will surely come when you will no longer understand the meaning of having textbooks and want to switch to learning by subject blocks. This is another family education, which explains why experienced family members are so reluctant to pass intermediate certifications.
In the middle classes
The classic situation is the 6th grade and the family understands that it cannot continue like this! Either the child categorically does not want to study, or a lot of time is spent on interpersonal painful relationships with teachers, other parents and the child himself, or a lot of time is spent on something that is not clear, and the result is not encouraging.
So the family decides that family education is the best solution for them. Before deciding to do this, you must come to terms with the fact that your child is likely to:
- Possesses a random set of knowledge with little connection between each other;
- Does not want and does not know how to study: he is used to the fact that the "talking head" broadcasts something in the lessons according to his understanding and his task is to deftly not get caught answering at the blackboard;
- Thinks assessment is a goal to avoid being yelled at by teachers and parents;
- Prefers to write off rather than strain;
- Will only do what he is interested in and turn away from information on other topics;
- Without strict control, there will be no learning.
Your child is like this because he has been in a specific environment for a very long time, and because he has reached the appropriate age.
We carry out an audit of knowledge starting from elementary school. You can ask for help from a professional you trust. You can use the materials from the official website of the VPR yourself.
Until you fill in the gaps in your child's knowledge, there is no point in going further in the program. Give your child time to catch up. Choose a new form of education for your child, you can easily change it at any time. Here are a few options that can be combined with each other:
- So-called non-schools, alternative schools, family clubs. The child will attend classes according to the schedule. If you are a company of several parents (and one of you is very active), you can create your own "non-school" to which you will invite "your" teachers. Of the minuses - not cheap. Of the pluses - a more familiar format.
- Online learning platforms where the child will go through the material on the Internet. Of the minuses - there is no eye-to-eye contact and the role of the "warden" is reduced. Of the pluses, it is cheaper than full-time education in private and family schools and "non-schools", there is no binding to a specific place and time.
- Self-study by parents. Of the minuses - the entire load on the parent. Of the pluses - you are in full control of the process and are confident in the knowledge of the child.
Block and dive training is more effective. You take a list of items, divide them into pairs for 2 months. For example: September-October only history and biology, November-December literature and chemistry, etc. Through "immersion" in the subject, you can track down the one that your child will especially like. If it suddenly sparks with interest in some subject, be sure to leave it as a “carrot” when moving to the next block.
You can check the child yourself using the same VLOOKUP. An excellent online simulator for self-training and self-testing - Reshu.VPR. You can connect to certification platforms and prepare for their demo tests. You can negotiate with the school on the delivery schedule and go to consultations with "subject teachers" (here the moment of benevolence and goodwill of the school itself is already important).
When you know the level of knowledge of your children, you will experience a whole range of feelings. This is fine. And that is why family education is becoming more and more popular every year. You will have to survive this and move on: now you are the Santa Claus of your child's education.
There is such a thing as “separation”. This is the name given to the reaction of the child's thinking and will to the loss of the framework of the class-lesson system with the presence of a "man with a stick". The more the child went to school, the longer this period. Parents will also be affected by this period; You and your child will “deschool” from six months to one and a half years.
Most likely, your child is not ready for independent study or housework. This is logical, in the morning the child left, strongly after dinner he returned to everything ready. You are also not used to having an "assistant". At this place, think for yourself!
Hire tutors only for obviously favorite subjects and those with which the child categorically cannot cope. Moreover, in the second case, these can be one-time lessons.
Control and more control! Teach your child to deadlines, for example, once every one or two weeks you ask him for the results of classes. Every day is inefficient and exhausts everyone.
For the first six months you will be in shock, and the child will lie on the sofa and want nothing. Most likely, after 2 months you will start to think that this is too much stress and everything is very bad. This is normal, because you and your child are used to someone from outside being responsible and giving you grades (he is 5,3,4, and you are a bad / good mother). The first year of study will be very stressful, but then all of a sudden you won't care. You will get used to it and normal family education will begin!
The child will only learn what is interesting to him. And that's okay. How is it normal to force him to learn something that he is not interested in.
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