Hair thinning pregnancy
Changes to hair during pregnancy
Changes to hair during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content3-minute read
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your hair, making it thicker or thinner. Find out more about these potential changes and whether you should be using hair treatments or colour (dye) while pregnant.
Hair can become thicker
Your hair has a natural life cycle. Each individual hair grows, then rests for 2 or 3 months before being pushed out by a new hair growing in that follicle (the tube-shaped sheath that surrounds the hair beneath the skin). In pregnancy, this cycle changes.
Many women experience their hair feeling thicker at around 15 weeks of pregnancy.
This is not because each hair strand itself becomes thicker, but because the hair stays longer in the growing phase of its cycle, which means that less hair falls out than usual. This is due to an increase in the hormone oestrogen.
Hair can become thinner
Some women experience more of their hair falling out during pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in oestrogen, which may happen as a result of the following:
- stopping the oral contraceptive pill
- experiencing an abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth
- a hormonal imbalance during pregnancy
It is also common for women to experience hair loss after pregnancy when their oestrogen returns to normal levels. This causes the additional hair from the growth phase to change to the resting phase, which then falls out more than usual, until around 3-4 months after your child is born.
This hair loss is usually nothing to worry about – your hair growth will return to normal by the time your baby is around 12 months old. If you feel your hair loss is excessive, or your hair growth has not returned to normal by 12 months, speak to your doctor.
Should I dye my hair during pregnancy?
Using hair colour, or ‘dye’, is not thought to cause harm to your developing baby because your hair doesn’t absorb enough harmful chemicals to affect you or your baby. The amount of toxic chemicals in hair dye is not high.
However, as there is not a lot of research into the use of hair dye and pregnancy, you may prefer to delay colouring your hair until after the first trimester (first 12 weeks of pregnancy) is complete.
Other things you can do to minimise your exposure to hair-colour chemicals:
- wear gloves if you dye your hair yourself
- ensure you don’t leave the hair dye in for longer than necessary before rinsing
- colour your hair in a room that is well ventilated
- rinse your scalp well afterwards
- follow the directions on the packet of hair dye
- don’t mix different hair colour products
- do an allergy (patch) test before you dye your hair
Be cautious if using other chemical treatments on your hair. For example, some hair straightening treatments contain the chemical formaldehyde. While there’s no evidence that it can harm unborn babies, it is a known carcinogen and should probably be avoided.
If you’re unsure, speak to your doctor about whether your hair treatment is safe for use during pregnancy.
Where to seek more information
- Call Pregnancy Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to speak with a maternal child health nurse.
Queensland Government Health (What to expect during pregnancy), Raising Children Network (15 weeks pregnant), SA Health (Formaldehyde), Australian Breastfeeding Association (Beauty treatments and breastfeeding), Raising Children Network (New mums: your body after birth), Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Common questions in pregnancy)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: May 2020
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Hair Loss During Pregnancy - American Pregnancy Association
Approximately 90% of your hair is growing at any one time, while the other 10% enter a resting phase. Every two to three months the resting hair falls out and allows new hair to grow in its place. Telogen effluvium is the excessive shedding of hair that occurs one to five months following pregnancy. Hair loss during pregnancy is not uncommon, as it affects somewhere between 40 to 50% of women; but like most changes during pregnancy, it is temporary.
Does pregnancy cause abnormal hair loss?
Hair loss that is connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery. During pregnancy, an increased number of hairs go into the resting phase, which is part of the normal hair loss cycle.
This condition is not serious enough to cause bald spots or permanent hair loss, and it should begin to diminish within 3-4 months after delivery. If you feel that you are experiencing unusual hair loss while you are pregnant, this may be due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency.
After pregnancy
The most common period of hair loss occurs approximately three months after delivery. The rise in hormones during pregnancy keeps you from losing your hair. After delivery, the hormones return to normal levels, which allows the hair to fall out and return to the normal cycle. The normal hair loss that was delayed during pregnancy may fall out all at once.
Up to 60% of your hair that is in the growth state may enter into the telogen resting state. The hair loss usually peaks 3-4 months after delivery as your hair follicles rejuvenate themselves. As noted above, this hair loss is temporary, and hair loss returns to normal within six to twelve months.
Can hair loss be related to other reproductive health issues?
Hair loss can be triggered by anything that involves a change in the estrogen hormone balance in your system.
Hair loss may result from any one or more of the following:
- Discontinuation of birth control pills or any other hormonal type of birth control method
- Miscarriage or stillbirth
- Abortion
- A hormonal imbalance
The Positive Side of Pregnancy and Your Hair:
During pregnancy, there is an increase in the level of estrogen hormones. Estrogen causes hair to remain in a growing phase and stimulates the growth of your hair. While you are pregnant, you should expect a full, luxurious head of hair.
Recommendations During Pregnancy and After Delivery:
There are a number of things that you can do to have healthier hair and/or reduce hair loss during pregnancy and after delivery:
- Consult with your health care provider to ensure a proper balance of hormones
- Avoid pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves, braids and tight hair rollers which can pull and stress your hair
- Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, which contain flavonoids and antioxidants that may provide protection for the hair follicles and encourage hair growth
- Use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica
- Hair is fragile when it is wet, so be gentle; avoid fine tooth combs
- If you need to use blow dryers and other heated hair instruments, use the cool setting
- Supplement your diet with the following nutrients:
- Vitamin B complex
- Biotin (Possibly safe; orally and appropriately)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E (Likely safe if the amount does not exceed the RDA; possibly safe if it does)
- Zinc (most likely safe when used orally and appropriately; likely unsafe when used orally in high doses)
- Hair Treatment During Pregnancy
- How to Treat Lice Naturally During Pregnancy
Compiled using information from the following sources:
Mayo Clinic Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy Harms, Roger W., M.D., et al, Ch. 15.
American Osteopathic College of Dermatology,
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database,
American Academy of Dermatology,
Pregnancy, postpartum hair loss and thinning problems.
Pregnancy and the postpartum period often becomes a test for the female body, with significant hormonal changes and increased levels of stress. First, the body prepares for childbirth, and then adapts to them. As a result, hair suffers - their growth, density and strength.
Hair follicles can respond to experienced stress by remaining in the telogen phase - stages and hair follicle rest . If the hair stays in this phase for a longer period, the hair begins to fall out more abundantly, and therefore their thinning or loss is included in the list of pregnancy symptoms.
Fluctuations in hormone levels both during and after pregnancy can cause changes in the condition of the hair. The good news is that hair loss during and after pregnancy is usually temporary. Usually, after nine months of hormonal changes, the body returns to its previous state.
Watch our videos to learn more about pregnancy and hair loss and how to improve it.
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Hair loss during pregnancy
Although hair loss during pregnancy is less common than hair loss during the postpartum period, it is still considered a normal reaction of the body, and usually there should be no reason to sound the alarm. What happens is that the hormonal balance of the body is disturbed, and this, in turn, can awaken the hair follicles to a similar reaction.
Hair loss during early pregnancy or throughout the womb is caused by increased levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which in turn can cause hair to become brittle. Pregnancy can also cause other problems, such as iron deficiency, which also thins hair. It's important to make sure you're taking the right vitamins for healthy hair growth. Also, some women may experience additional hair loss problems a few months after giving birth due to an imbalance in thyroid hormones.
Hair loss after childbirth
The increase in hormone levels during pregnancy disrupts the hair growth cycle, so sometimes women's hair grows faster than usual. Hence the stereotype of the image of a pregnant woman, whose hair becomes thicker and shimmery.
However, the reduction in hair loss during pregnancy often results in “heavy rainfall” after the birth itself. Hair retained during pregnancy begins to fall out as their growth cycle begins to return to its normal pre-pregnancy pattern.
Hair loss after pregnancy may seem too profuse, but there is no reason to worry, because the process can stop as quickly as it began. For some women, hair may thin out over the course of several months until hair growth resumes. At this time, new hair growth begins - many new short hairs appear.
So p why the same after childbirth start lunge hair?
Although the abundance of hair loss can shake the emotional mood, this is a normal process of returning the body to its previous prenatal cycle.
- The peak of this process falls on 2-4 months after childbirth.
- It's important to stay positive and eat healthy to promote healthy hair growth.
- If you have any concerns about your hair, please consult your physician.
Increased hair loss is known as "telogen effluvium" (excessive shedding), and this does not only apply to hair loss during pregnancy or after childbirth. Hair loss in women can be caused by a number of other reasons.
Hair protection during and after pregnancy
The scalp and hair may need extra care during and after pregnancy. Proper hair care in the postpartum period, especially in the case of postpartum hair loss, will help ensure the strength of the hair and its normal growth.
During pregnancy, hair can become oilier, it is worth devoting more time to cleansing the skin and washing your hair more often, so we advise you to switch to the use of more gentle care products. About Anti-Hair Loss Cleansing Shampoos by Nioxin is designed to do just that - to gently cleanse the scalp. Using Nioxin System Conditioner Kits with Leave-in Serum, hair will become more elastic, thicker and voluminous.
- Include mineral-fortified foods high in iron and zinc in your diet - these nutrients are important for optimal hair growth and are essential for your baby's development. Be sure to check with your midwife or family doctor about which foods and vitamin supplements you should take during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
- Protect hair and scalp from sunlight. During pregnancy, you can easily get burned, besides, your skin is more sensitive at this time.
- Choose a more gentle hair care routine: avoid heavy styling, remove extensions, limit coloring and chemical treatments (some products may not even be suitable for use during pregnancy or when planning a pregnancy), and try blow-drying your hair on a lower setting. temperature.
- As you wash your hair, gently detangle it from the ends to the roots to avoid breakage .
If your hair thinned during or after pregnancy, try styling it differently so it looks thicker and fuller. Learn more about using Nioxin products in our video:
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Trust the system e to y hair care with NIOXIN , designed to strengthen hair and create maximum volume, as well as to support healthy hair growth. You can get a free consultation in the Instagram account @nioxin.latvia.
Sources used:
Hair loss during pregnancy - Dr. Levent Acar
Hair loss during pregnancy. In most women during pregnancy, the hair becomes more thick and shiny . However, the opposite may also be the case. Severe hair loss during pregnancy is also quite common and is usually nothing to worry about .
Pregnancy entails great changes in a woman's body. More than hormones are released, especially estrogen, the "female hormone".
The usual result of increasing estrogen is that the hair grows fuller and looks more beautiful and healthy overall. This is because fewer hair follicles than usual enter the telogen phase, or resting phase.
Hair loss after pregnancy
After the birth of a child in a young mother , the level of estrogen in the body returns to normal , and many excess hair falls out at the same time. Many women experience postpartum hair loss, known as postpartum hair loss.
However, the reverse can also happen to hair during pregnancy. Some women experience hair loss. Too many hair follicles go into the resting phase at the same time - this condition is known as telogen effluvium.
Hormones are not always to blame. There may be other factors that lead to hair loss.
Causes of hair loss during pregnancy
Severe hair loss during pregnancy is rare, but in itself is not a major cause for concern.
Hormone progesterone produced by luteal body is believed to be a factor in increased hair loss. This hormone works alongside estrogen to regulate pregnancy.
This interaction can affect hair growth and quality both positively and negatively. For example, dry hair can become even drier and break more easily .
In addition, under the influence of hormones, hair synchronizes the phases of its growth. Thus, too many hairs enter the resting phase together and therefore fall out at the same time.
Birth control pills
The second factor that can lead to hair loss during early pregnancy is stopping the birth control pill. Women who stop taking birth control pills and then get pregnant relatively quickly often experience hair loss.
One of the reasons for this is that tablets artificially maintain high levels of estrogen . If pregnancy occurs, then the level of estrogen in the blood is usually not as high as it was when the pills were still taken.
Therefore, hair can fall out, because, as we have already said, this hormone has a positive effect on the growth cycle.
Iron deficiency
Another cause of hair loss during pregnancy can be iron deficiency . During pregnancy, the body needs 60 percent more iron than because the growing baby consumes so much of it. But if these vitamins and minerals are not enough, then the body stops all the functions that need iron, but are not necessary for survival.
This includes hair growth. Other symptoms that may indicate a deficiency of iron in the blood are pale skin, constant fatigue and, under certain circumstances, increased nervousness .
If iron deficiency is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Most often, women experience iron deficiency in the second trimester of pregnancy .
Another thing that can cause hair loss during pregnancy is stress . Many expectant mothers put themselves under stress during pregnancy, especially if this is their first child.
This may affect hair growth. Prolonged stress can cause diffuse hair loss even in the absence of pregnancy.
Hair care during pregnancy
Finally, daily hair care also affects hair growth. Usually, pregnant women don't need to change their daily hair care routine much, such as which shampoos and conditioners they use.
However, this does not apply to hair coloring. To this day, this topic is hotly debated. Even today, there is no scientific evidence that coloring hair during pregnancy has a harmful effect on the fetus. However, in general, doctors do not advise doing this.
However, if you do not want to give it up, then at least use natural hair dyes in early pregnancy.
Vitamins for hair loss during pregnancy.

Any remedy for hair loss during pregnancy, including vitamins for hair, is prescribed exclusively by your doctor , who accompanies your pregnancy. Taking any hair loss medication during pregnancy on your own can adversely affect your health and the health of your baby .
Never take drugs, pills, vitamins on the advice of the Internet or on the advice of your environment. It is always better to consult a doctor.
What to do if the lost hair does not grow back?
As a rule, after pregnancy, hair growth returns to normal, and hair that has fallen out grows back .
However, if this does not happen, it may be because the increased hair loss has revealed an already existing type of hair loss, such as female pattern baldness or alopecia (alopecia areata) . It may also have made other underlying hair health issues more apparent. In this case, Hair Transplant in Turkey can be a solution to the problem and restore the former volume of hair.