Constipation and formula fed babies
Newborn Constipation in Formula-Fed Infants: What to Do
The only thing worse than the dreaded poopy diaper? Worrying about why your baby isn’t having one.
If your baby has gone several days without a dirty diaper, you may be ready to tear out your hair trying to figure out what’s wrong.
As you run through all the potential causes, one thing likely to cross your mind is their diet — especially if you’ve recently started them on formula.
Is it true that formula can cause constipation? What should you do if your baby is constipated? When do you need to contact your child’s pediatrician? Let’s take a look.
It’s true: Formula-fed babies are more likely to be constipated than those exclusively on breast milk. Why is this?
Well, breast milk is generally easier for babies to digest and considered a natural laxative.
Formula, on the other hand, is thicker. It has larger proteins that can be harder to digest. This makes gastrointestinal problems — including constipation — more likely.
But keep in mind that this doesn’t mean it’s impossible for a breastfed baby to become constipated or that all babies on formula will be constipated.
Every baby is different. Also, whether formula-fed or breastfed, your baby may show signs of constipation when you introduce solids into their diet.
One other note: Some babies fed exclusively with breast milk don’t poop frequently, but in those cases it’s likely because their bodies are absorbing all the nutrient-filled breast milk they’re eating.
Wondering if your baby is constipated? Signs of constipation include:
- infrequent or less common bowel movements
- hard bowel movements that can appear like pellets, rocks, or hard balls
- blood on the surface of the stool or when wiping
- pain while passing bowel movements — for a baby who can’t communicate with words, this may appear as an arched back, a red face, and crying
- a tight belly
- lack of interest in food
The number of poop-filled diapers a baby will have each day or week can vary greatly. Use your baby’s normal — not your neighbor’s baby or your brother’s baby — as the baseline to help you determine if they’re constipated.
And it’s important to remember that constipation isn’t just about how frequently your infant is pooping, but also about how hard it is for them to do so.
If they poop once every 3 to 4 days, but the poop is soft and seems to pass easily, they may be just fine. On the other hand, if your baby poops every other day but is straining and crying while pooping and the poop is hard, they may be constipated.
If you’ve recently switched to formula after exclusively breastfeeding your baby, you may notice changes in your baby’s poop. It’s not uncommon for it to become harder or change color.
You may also notice an increase in gas, particularly if your baby is transitioning to using a bottle. Every baby is different though, and you may not notice much of a change.
Looking at supermarket formula displays can be enough to set your head spinning.
First, there are three different forms of formula you can choose from:
- powders
- concentrates
- ready-to-use
Then, within these forms, they may be:
- milk-based (cow or goat) formulas
- soy-based formulas
- specialty formulas, like organic options
Some formulas advertise themselves as easier to digest.
This can be because they are homogenized, which means they’re processed in a way that breaks down molecules for easier absorption. Or they may be made with ingredients designed to be easier on the digestive system.
Despite this advertisement, there’s no guarantee that any formula will sit well in baby’s stomach. So, how do you choose?
For many parents, the answer lies in asking fellow parents and caregivers about their experiences with formula and researching the ingredients to find one that feels right.
After choosing a formula, you might decide that you’d like to change to another one. Is this a good idea?
Switching your baby’s formula may make a difference in their poop, since their sensitivity to some of the ingredients in the original formula may have led to their constipation.
However, changing formula styles or brands can also make things worse, especially if you do it too often.
In other words, it’s not a good plan to give your baby one formula for 1 or 2 days, then changing to another formula right away when you see that they’re constipated. Instead, try giving baby a few weeks to adjust to any newly introduced formula.
In some cases, though, changing formulas might be wise. Even so, it’s best to speak with your child’s pediatrician first.
Reasons to consider changing formulas can include:
- food allergies
- extreme fussiness
- a need for more iron in a baby’s diet, as determined by a doctor (though most infant formulas do contain iron)
- weakness or fatigue
- vomiting (more than just spit-up)
- bloody stools
- diarrhea
Especially if your child is showing signs of allergies or wheat or dairy aversions, changing to a brand with different ingredients may make digestion easier.
It’s never a good idea to create your own homemade formula, however. Your child’s doctor can help you find an approved formula if your little one needs something special.
For many babies, a simple home remedy or two is all you’ll need to relieve constipation.
For an older baby, you can consider a dietary change.
If your child is over 6 months old, offer them a small amount of 100 percent apple, prune, or pear juice diluted with water. These include sorbitol, a type of sugar. It acts like a laxative and may be able to help with constipation.
Extra water can soften their poop, too. Of course, don’t forget to check with your doctor first for their recommendations on amount and types of liquids.
And if your baby is already eating solids, you may want to consider offering them fiber-filled options like peas and prunes. You may also consider baby cereals with whole wheat or barley instead of rice, since they include more fiber.
For younger babies, you can try the following:
- Bicycle kicks.
Gently bend baby’s legs toward their chest or circle their legs in a gentle bicycling motion. (It’s easier to get a poop out in a squat position than lying flat!)
- Infant massage. Massaging their stomach and having skin-to-skin time may improve your little one’s digestive system.
- Bathing. A warm bath can help your little one’s muscles relax and allow poop to pass.
If these remedies aren’t working, your doctor may suggest other treatments. It’s not recommended to use mineral oil, stimulant laxatives, or enemas to solve constipation in infants, so speak with your pediatrician for safer methods.
Most of the time, infant constipation isn’t a sign of a serious problem, and it can be easily addressed. On very rare occasions, constipation may be a sign of another underlying condition.
Reach out to your baby’s doctor if you notice:
- consistent issues with constipation despite dietary changes to attempt to address it
- vomiting
- weakness
- refusal to eat
- blood in stools
- black stools (after your baby has already passed their meconium, which occurs during the first few days of life)
A constipated baby is one of the few things worse than the smell of a really poopy diaper.
If you’ve recently switched your little one to formula, you may notice that their poops are a little harder and less frequent. You might also notice a change in bowel movements if you’ve introduced solids to your little one’s diet.
If constipation becomes severe or you notice other warning signs of poor health, don’t hesitate to reach out to your baby’s doctor. They can assist you in creating a plan to get your little one feeling better ASAP.
Newborn Constipation in Formula-Fed Infants: What to Do
The only thing worse than the dreaded poopy diaper? Worrying about why your baby isn’t having one.
If your baby has gone several days without a dirty diaper, you may be ready to tear out your hair trying to figure out what’s wrong.
As you run through all the potential causes, one thing likely to cross your mind is their diet — especially if you’ve recently started them on formula.
Is it true that formula can cause constipation? What should you do if your baby is constipated? When do you need to contact your child’s pediatrician? Let’s take a look.
It’s true: Formula-fed babies are more likely to be constipated than those exclusively on breast milk. Why is this?
Well, breast milk is generally easier for babies to digest and considered a natural laxative.
Formula, on the other hand, is thicker. It has larger proteins that can be harder to digest. This makes gastrointestinal problems — including constipation — more likely.
But keep in mind that this doesn’t mean it’s impossible for a breastfed baby to become constipated or that all babies on formula will be constipated.
Every baby is different. Also, whether formula-fed or breastfed, your baby may show signs of constipation when you introduce solids into their diet.
One other note: Some babies fed exclusively with breast milk don’t poop frequently, but in those cases it’s likely because their bodies are absorbing all the nutrient-filled breast milk they’re eating.
Wondering if your baby is constipated? Signs of constipation include:
- infrequent or less common bowel movements
- hard bowel movements that can appear like pellets, rocks, or hard balls
- blood on the surface of the stool or when wiping
- pain while passing bowel movements — for a baby who can’t communicate with words, this may appear as an arched back, a red face, and crying
- a tight belly
- lack of interest in food
The number of poop-filled diapers a baby will have each day or week can vary greatly. Use your baby’s normal — not your neighbor’s baby or your brother’s baby — as the baseline to help you determine if they’re constipated.
And it’s important to remember that constipation isn’t just about how frequently your infant is pooping, but also about how hard it is for them to do so.
If they poop once every 3 to 4 days, but the poop is soft and seems to pass easily, they may be just fine. On the other hand, if your baby poops every other day but is straining and crying while pooping and the poop is hard, they may be constipated.
If you’ve recently switched to formula after exclusively breastfeeding your baby, you may notice changes in your baby’s poop. It’s not uncommon for it to become harder or change color.
You may also notice an increase in gas, particularly if your baby is transitioning to using a bottle. Every baby is different though, and you may not notice much of a change.
Looking at supermarket formula displays can be enough to set your head spinning.
First, there are three different forms of formula you can choose from:
- powders
- concentrates
- ready-to-use
Then, within these forms, they may be:
- milk-based (cow or goat) formulas
- soy-based formulas
- specialty formulas, like organic options
Some formulas advertise themselves as easier to digest.
This can be because they are homogenized, which means they’re processed in a way that breaks down molecules for easier absorption. Or they may be made with ingredients designed to be easier on the digestive system.
Despite this advertisement, there’s no guarantee that any formula will sit well in baby’s stomach. So, how do you choose?
For many parents, the answer lies in asking fellow parents and caregivers about their experiences with formula and researching the ingredients to find one that feels right.
After choosing a formula, you might decide that you’d like to change to another one. Is this a good idea?
Switching your baby’s formula may make a difference in their poop, since their sensitivity to some of the ingredients in the original formula may have led to their constipation.
However, changing formula styles or brands can also make things worse, especially if you do it too often.
In other words, it’s not a good plan to give your baby one formula for 1 or 2 days, then changing to another formula right away when you see that they’re constipated. Instead, try giving baby a few weeks to adjust to any newly introduced formula.
In some cases, though, changing formulas might be wise. Even so, it’s best to speak with your child’s pediatrician first.
Reasons to consider changing formulas can include:
- food allergies
- extreme fussiness
- a need for more iron in a baby’s diet, as determined by a doctor (though most infant formulas do contain iron)
- weakness or fatigue
- vomiting (more than just spit-up)
- bloody stools
- diarrhea
Especially if your child is showing signs of allergies or wheat or dairy aversions, changing to a brand with different ingredients may make digestion easier.
It’s never a good idea to create your own homemade formula, however. Your child’s doctor can help you find an approved formula if your little one needs something special.
For many babies, a simple home remedy or two is all you’ll need to relieve constipation.
For an older baby, you can consider a dietary change.
If your child is over 6 months old, offer them a small amount of 100 percent apple, prune, or pear juice diluted with water. These include sorbitol, a type of sugar. It acts like a laxative and may be able to help with constipation.
Extra water can soften their poop, too. Of course, don’t forget to check with your doctor first for their recommendations on amount and types of liquids.
And if your baby is already eating solids, you may want to consider offering them fiber-filled options like peas and prunes. You may also consider baby cereals with whole wheat or barley instead of rice, since they include more fiber.
For younger babies, you can try the following:
- Bicycle kicks.
Gently bend baby’s legs toward their chest or circle their legs in a gentle bicycling motion. (It’s easier to get a poop out in a squat position than lying flat!)
- Infant massage. Massaging their stomach and having skin-to-skin time may improve your little one’s digestive system.
- Bathing. A warm bath can help your little one’s muscles relax and allow poop to pass.
If these remedies aren’t working, your doctor may suggest other treatments. It’s not recommended to use mineral oil, stimulant laxatives, or enemas to solve constipation in infants, so speak with your pediatrician for safer methods.
Most of the time, infant constipation isn’t a sign of a serious problem, and it can be easily addressed. On very rare occasions, constipation may be a sign of another underlying condition.
Reach out to your baby’s doctor if you notice:
- consistent issues with constipation despite dietary changes to attempt to address it
- vomiting
- weakness
- refusal to eat
- blood in stools
- black stools (after your baby has already passed their meconium, which occurs during the first few days of life)
A constipated baby is one of the few things worse than the smell of a really poopy diaper.
If you’ve recently switched your little one to formula, you may notice that their poops are a little harder and less frequent. You might also notice a change in bowel movements if you’ve introduced solids to your little one’s diet.
If constipation becomes severe or you notice other warning signs of poor health, don’t hesitate to reach out to your baby’s doctor. They can assist you in creating a plan to get your little one feeling better ASAP.
Constipation in a formula-fed or mixed-fed newborn
Of course, the ideal food for babies is breast milk, which, in addition to the main nutrients, contains prebiotics (which stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines), digestive enzymes (break down food into the simplest substances that are then absorbed into the body) and other useful for bowel substance 1 .
Constipation in babies during breastfeeding occurs infrequently 2 . If constipation still occurs, then how best to help the baby? First of all, the mother’s diet should be adjusted, especially if she also periodically encounters such a phenomenon as constipation. It is better to reduce the consumption of semolina and rice porridge, whole milk, muffins, refined foods, coffee, cocoa, black tea 3 . These products can lead to constipation in the mother, and therefore in the baby.
Also, it is better to exclude foods that contribute to excessive gas formation from the diet of a nursing mother:
- tomatoes;
- legumes;
- mushrooms;
- black bread;
- cabbage.
In addition, massaging the baby's tummy can help.
An unpleasant phenomenon - constipation in a child - can also be faced by young mothers whose babies are bottle-fed. Do not panic, because constipation with artificial feeding is quite common 2 . First of all, it is worth finding out the causes of constipation, as well as methods for eliminating or preventing this problem.
How do you know if your baby is constipated?
Normally, in a newborn baby who is breastfed, the intestines are cleared after each feeding (8–9 times a day). But the same baby, fed with an artificial mixture, has a stool 1-4 times a day. As the baby grows older, the frequency of his stool decreases, and the amount of stool increases 4 .
But it is worth remembering that each baby has its own rhythm of bowel cleansing. The most important thing is the general condition of the child. If the newborn is calm, has a normal temperature, does not suffer from increased gas formation, defecation is painless, and the consistency of the stool is soft, then even irregular stools are not a cause for concern. In this case, we are not talking about constipation in a child with artificial feeding 1 .
Causes of constipation
Causes of constipation in children under one year old (both bottle-fed and breast-fed with complementary foods) can be 1 :
- lack of vegetable fiber products;
- insufficient drinking regimen;
- introducing complementary foods too quickly;
- incorrect choice of milk mixture;
- excess fat in food;
- frequent and rapid transitions from one mixture to another;
- deviations in bowel function;
- violations of the intestinal microflora due to infectious diseases, the appointment of drugs.
Prevention of constipation in babies
1To prevent constipation, you should try to keep breastfeeding your baby as long as possible.
- Transfer to artificial nutrition should be smooth.
- If your baby becomes constipated when switching to milk formula, it is better to try to choose a different food.
- It is important to know that artificially feeding a baby needs an extra amount of liquid, so between feedings he needs to be given boiled water.
- Improves baby's digestion and massage of the tummy in a clockwise direction, as well as walks, meals strictly on the clock and a lot of positive emotions.
If all of the above does not help, you can try a laxative.
Laxative Duphalac® has a high safety profile, it can be used in children from the first days of life 5 . Dufalac has a double action: it gently cleanses the intestines and restores its microflora, establishing regular stools 5 . It can be used for as long as needed 5.6 and is non-addictive*. The duration of treatment for constipation can be 2 months and 1 month after the disappearance of all symptoms 7 . Duphalac® syrup is easy to use - it can be added to porridge, baby food, yogurt, diluted with water or given directly to the baby 5 .
More information about the dosage, features of the use of the drug in children can be found here.
What to do with constipation in a month old baby while breastfeeding?
Author, editor and medical expert - Klimovich Elina Valerievna.
Number of views: 455 996
Date last updated: 10/21/2022
Average read time: 17 minutes
Benefit digestion
What should be considered constipation of a baby
Why can a newborn with breastfeeding
Temporary violations of stools
4 . breastfeeding
Do's and Don'ts
Constipation is a common problem in children under one year of age. More often it happens in babies who are fed with milk mixtures, but sometimes it also occurs in infants. What are the causes of constipation in newborns during breastfeeding and what to do when they appear - in the article.
Digestion of an infant
A newborn is constantly in a state of adaptation to new living conditions. Its organs and systems continue to develop, and the physiological mechanisms of defecation are being improved.
In an adult, the retention of feces in the rectum is provided by involuntary and voluntary, that is, subject to the will, contractions of its muscles - sphincters.
The urge to defecate occurs when feces come into contact with the lower intestines. An adult is able to restrain the urge, but a newborn child is not.
Milk enters the stomach and triggers the gastrointestinal reflex, generating a wave of peristalsis throughout the gastrointestinal tract. The stool descends into the rectum and causes the urge to defecate. Not realizing that the conditions for defecation, to put it mildly, are not suitable, the baby tightens his legs and strains. A bowel movement makes room for a new portion of food.
The frequency of stools in a newborn often coincides with the frequency of feeding, but may be twice a day 3 . Cal at the same time has a yellow or yellow-brown color, sometimes with a greenish tinge, a mushy texture with an admixture of foam and inclusions resembling cottage cheese, and the smell of sour milk.
Beginning at about 2 months, the frequency of stools begins to gradually decrease. By the time complementary foods are introduced (by 4-6 months), most infants empty their intestines 2 times a day, and some even once every 2 days 3 . The stool thickens and takes on a sausage-like shape - this is how it should be in all young children.
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What should be considered constipation in a baby
It is quite understandable that the lack of stool in a baby causes concern for parents, often becomes the cause of unnecessary self-treatment. On the other hand, the lack of basic knowledge about the proper frequency of bowel movements in children sometimes leads to a delay in the necessary treatment and complications. So first, let's figure out what constipation is.
According to the generally accepted opinion, constipation in babies up to three months of age is considered to be a delay of stool for 2-3 days. If difficulty with bowel movements persisting for two or more weeks, they speak of chronic constipation. 2.3 . At the same time, the frequency of stool decreases (in comparison with the individual characteristics of 3 ), the feces become dense, fragmented, and acquire an unpleasant putrefactive odor.
To empty the intestines, the child strains hard and for a long time, his face turns red, his legs are drawn up to his stomach. Sometimes the contents of the rectum are so hard that they injure the delicate mucosa and cause painful cracks to form. In this case, the baby cries, and a strip of scarlet blood appears on the surface of the feces.
Constipation affects the general condition of the baby. He has pain and bloating in the abdomen, popularly called "colic", he does not eat well, becomes lethargic and capricious.
It is the appearance of general symptoms in constipation in a breastfed newborn that serves as a guideline for the diagnosis 4 . If they are absent, the child eats well, does not spit up, gains weight normally, the condition is considered to be “pseudo-constipation” that does not require any intervention 4 .
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Why a newborn may be constipated while breastfeeding
Difficulty emptying the bowels and lack of stool in infants in 95% of cases are caused by various functional disorders in the bowels 1.5 .900 The remaining 5% are due to diseases that disrupt the formation, promotion and removal of feces to the outside 1.5 .
Organic constipation
This type of defecation disorder is more often found in the first days or months of a baby's life 1. 3 . It is caused by anomalies in the development of the intestine and rectum, in particular, various neurological diseases accompanied by slowing down and discoordination of the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders against the background of a reduced function of the thyroid gland and brain centers of regulation of the endocrine system, cystic fibrosis, Hirschsprung's disease 1.3 .
In case of constipation in children from birth to 3 months, it is best to consult a doctor immediately in order not to miss these diseases. If the examination does not reveal any organic pathology, we are talking about functional constipation 3 .
Functional constipation
The nervous system is of great importance in the regulation of stool, and since it is not yet sufficiently developed in a newborn, there is always ground for constipation. Functional constipation against the background of intestinal dyskinesia, accompanied by a weakening of peristalsis or spastic contractions of the intestine, which impair its patency, is the most common type of disorders 3 .
Other causes of functional constipation in infants:
- immaturity of the child and his digestive system, accompanied by a late "start" of digestive enzymes, prolonged retention of food masses in the stomach and intestines, imperfection of the receptor apparatus of the rectum, which triggers defecation 3 ;
- the consequences of intrauterine oxygen starvation affecting the functioning of the central nervous system and the regulation of intestinal motility;
- general muscle weakness of the baby due to prematurity, iron deficiency or active treatment of rickets with vitamin D 3 ;
- intestinal dysbiosis, which occurs, for example, under the influence of antibiotics and pathogenic microbes on a weak and unstable microflora of the children's intestines 3 ;
- Allergy to cow's milk proteins: it can already appear during breastfeeding if the mother loves dairy products and consumes them often 4 .
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Temporary stool problems
Defecation problems may be temporary. Many babies have difficulty with bowel movements - straining, grunting, whimpering during bowel movements, although their stools remain soft, mushy. This condition is quite normal for children of the first two months of life, is associated with the immaturity of the nervous system and is called "dyschesia" 4 .
Temporary disturbance of bowel movements in a child may be due to the following factors:
- lack of fluid - in some cases, the child needs to be supplemented, although some mothers believe that breastfeeding the baby receives enough fluid in the form of milk 2.5 ;
- general dehydration of the baby against the background of high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, for example, with an intestinal infection or SARS, when a large amount of water is lost with sweat, vomit and liquid feces 4 ;
- malnutrition of the nursing mother: low fluid intake, unbalanced diet, low fiber content and large amounts of "fixing" foods in the diet 2 ;
- underfeeding of the child due to a lack of breast milk (in this case, the woman may not even suspect that she has little milk) and "tight" breasts in the mother, general weakness and persistent regurgitation in the baby 2.
5 ;
- too early and irrational introduction of complementary foods 2 ;
- abuse of enemas and means of mechanical stimulation of defecation in a child (gas tube, anus irritation, etc.) 2 ;
- psychological factors 2 , which include the psycho-emotional problems of the mother, the absence of the mother and getting used to the nanny, moving, frequent contacts with new people;
- any diseases and teething - they affect not only the well-being, but also the emotional and psychological state of the child, and at the same time - intestinal motility.
Elimination of all the above factors leads to spontaneous normalization of the child's stool.
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What to do with constipation in a newborn while breastfeeding
You need to act based on the cause of constipation. With diagnosed organic constipation, the treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed by a doctor. Solving the problem leads to the normalization of bowel movements.
For functional constipation, doctors recommend:
1. Breastfeed
2 .Breast milk, containing the mother's immune factors, provides the baby's natural protection against infections, promotes the formation of its intestinal microflora and the development of the digestive system as a whole 2 . With weak lactation and lack of breast milk and unstable stools with a tendency to constipation in a child, doctors recommend supplementary feeding with adapted milk formulas with the addition of prebiotics 2 . They contribute to the maintenance of the intestinal microflora, on which digestion depends in part 2 .
2. Follow the diet of a nursing mother
The composition of breast milk directly depends on the nutrition of the mother, therefore, by changing the diet, it is possible to influence the diet of the child 4 . For the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, it is important to observe the water regime, vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread eaten by the mother, that is, foods with a high fiber content 4 . You should limit the consumption of foods that provoke increased gas formation: cabbage, onions, tomatoes, rice, legumes, black bread, pears, grapes, mushrooms, pickles, smoked meats and spices 3 .
Prunes, dried apricots and simple boiled beets will help as a natural laxative for breastfeeding from constipation in a newborn - you just need to include them in the diet.
Fermented milk products are useful for maintaining the intestinal microflora 2 . But if a child is diagnosed with intolerance to cow's milk, a nursing mother will have to completely abandon dairy products made from it 4 .
3. Maintain the child's physical activity
A well-organized daily routine and physical activity is the most important factor in the treatment of constipation in a child 2 . Physical activity is selected individually according to the age of the child 2 . For newborns and infants during the first 5 months of life, their natural activity and special exercises are enough 2 . It is very important that the clothes do not hamper the movement of the child and allow him to independently improve his motor skills in the process of learning the world.
4. Massage the abdomen
First of all, after feeding, it is necessary to keep the baby in an upright position so that he burps air, and then lay him down on his tummy.
Abdominal massage involves gentle strokes on the tummy in a clockwise direction, that is, in a circle, starting from the right iliac region and ending with the left iliac region. In this case, the child should lie on the back. At the end of the procedure, holding the ankles, alternately press the baby's legs to the tummy. This stimulates the passage of gases and defecation.
5. Wise use of gas reducing agents
A large amount of gas stretches the intestinal walls, weakens its peristalsis and leads to colic. Dill water, light fennel tea, simethicone preparations may relieve constipation symptoms 4 .
Means to help mechanically remove gases from the intestines, such as a gas tube or enemas, are sometimes useful. 4 . However, their frequent use exacerbates the problem of constipation: the baby’s gastrointestinal tract begins to “get lazy” and ceases to perform its functions independently 3 .
6. Microclysters MICROLAX
®Microclysters occupy a special place in the complex treatment of constipation in breastfed newborns. They promote bowel movements and thereby alleviate the suffering of the baby.
MICROLAX ® for children from 0 years is designed for the smallest children, equipped with a special short "nose" and can be used from birth up to 3 years 6 . The composition of the drug includes sodium citrate, which displaces water from the feces, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, which thins the contents of the rectum, and sorbitol, which stimulates the flow of water into the intestines 6 .
By reinforcing each other's action, the components of MICROLAX ® are able to soften the stool and facilitate defecation 6 . In this case, the effect of the drug may begin in 5-15 minutes 6 .
It is important that the effect of MICROLAX ® is limited to the end of the intestine. It is not absorbed, does not enter the general circulation and therefore does not affect the functioning of other organs and systems 6 .
For ease of use MICROLAX ® is available as a disposable microclyster fitted with a shortened spout 6 . It is enough to break off the seal - and the microclyster with 5 ml of the drug will be ready for use.
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What Not to Do
First of all, don't wait for the problem to go away on its own. Repeated and prolonged stool disorders in infants always require the consultation of a pediatrician.
Also not recommended:
- to feed the child strictly by the clock - the baby himself “knows” how much and when he needs milk; feeding on demand contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines and, in addition, stimulates lactation in the mother;
- breastfeeding the baby after spitting up: this is a normal act to help the baby get rid of air and excess food that has entered the stomach;
- to supplement the child with a mixture or completely switch to artificial feeding, believing that the baby is not enough milk - a guide that he has enough food, should be a sound sleep and normal weight gain;
- frequently use a gas tube, resort to enemas and other methods of stimulating bowel movements;
- apply traditional methods of stimulation of the rectum, for example, insert a bar of soap into the anus: soap irritates the mucous membrane and can cause a chemical burn; a laxative effect can be achieved with gentle means, for example, microclysters MICROLAX ® ;
- take medicines without consulting a doctor - all of them can penetrate into the child's body with milk and affect his body in general and the work of the gastrointestinal tract in particular.
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Functional constipation in babies is easier to prevent than to treat. To avoid the problem, it is recommended to follow the following rules.
- Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible and continue to breastfeed even when the milk supply is low.
- By all means support and maintain lactation. Feeding on demand is the best way to regulate, as well as eliminating the need for pumping. The child himself "controls" the production of milk: it is produced as much as he sucks out during meals.
- Folk methods for stimulating lactation have not been canceled either, but if they are ineffective, you should not give up - you need to contact a gynecologist. Today, there are safe drugs that enhance the work of the mammary glands.
- Monitor nutrition. Everything that enters the mother's body ends up in her breast milk, and with it - in the baby's stomach. Abuse of astringent and fastening products affects the baby's gastrointestinal tract and can lead to constipation.
- With the emerging tendency to constipation, you can include in the diet products that have a laxative effect: prunes, dried apricots, beets, kefir and yogurt. The mother’s stool will serve as a guideline: if her intestines are working normally, then the likelihood of constipation in the baby will be minimal.
- Do not take any medications without the advice of a doctor - they can not only lead to constipation in the baby, but also affect the functioning of other organs of the developing organism.
- Do not swaddle the baby or use a wide swaddle. Nothing should put pressure on the tummy and hinder the movements of the baby. He should be able to freely move his legs, press them to the tummy - this is necessary for him to defecate.
- Give your baby a tummy massage every time before meals or 50 minutes after meals. This will help maintain active peristalsis and regular emptying of the rectum.
- To work with a child, that is, to improve his motor skills.