Cleaning supplies pregnancy
Cleaning and Pregnancy - American Pregnancy Association
Unfortunately, ladies, most products are safe to use for cleaning during pregnancy. Yes, even bleach. So you don’t have to call a maid to do the household cleaning unless you want to.
However, try to avoid exposure to cleaning products containing:
Glycol ethers. These are toxic substances found in household cleaning products like oven cleaners and have been associated with miscarriage, decreased male fertility, and birth defects. They may be listed as 2-butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxydiglycol (DEGME). .
Phthalates. Prenatal exposure to phthalates may increase the risk of congenital reproductive anomalies in male children. It’s uncommon for phthalates to be listed on cleaning products, but if “fragrance” is listed, there’s a high probability that the fragrance contains phthalates. It is possible that the smells associated with some cleaning products might affect your nausea.
Avoid spray and aerosol cleaners when possible. Many studies have found that prenatal exposure to spray cleaners may increase the risk of asthma. Ingredients that were found to be especially problematic included alcohol, ammonia, chlorine, glycol and glycol-ethylene, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), acrylic polymers, and terpenes. The increased risk of asthma was not found when cleaners weren’t sprayed.
Avoid air fresheners. As with spray cleaners, prenatal exposure to air fresheners was also associated with an increased risk of asthma and respiratory problems. Another problem with air fresheners is they almost always contain that vague “fragrance” ingredient on their label. This means they may contain phthalates, which you should try to avoid when you’re pregnant. Avoid unpleasant odors from developing in the first place by opening your windows and “airing out” your house whenever possible. Use your oven vent when cooking, if you have one. Take the trash out often, and keep your house tidy.
If you are going to do the dirty work yourself
There are steps that you can take while cleaning during pregnancy to keep you and your baby safe from harm.
Step 1: Make sure that you have good ventilation where you are cleaning
Step 2: Wear protective gloves and clothing to protect your skin
Step 3: Always read the warning and instruction labels
Step 4: Never mix different chemicals, such as ammonia and bleach; doing this can be very dangerous for anyone to inhale
Step 5: Avoid cleaning the oven since it is such a tight space and the ventilation is not good
Step 6: If your partner is around, have him do the cleaning!!!!
Look up cleaning products on the EWG (Environmental Working Group) website. You can look up any cleaning product on the EWG database and learn what ingredients it may contain and the potential health risks. You’re unlikely to find anything with zero risks because of how the database works. However, if you have a choice between a cleaner with an A or B rating, compared to a cleaner with a C, D, or F rating, you could choose the A or B.
If you feel uncomfortable using chemical cleaning products, go natural. Using baking soda and vinegar can do wonders for cleaning just about anything in your home, from the kitchen to the bathroom.
Want to Know More?
- Foods to Avoid When Pregnant
- Wine During Pregnancy
Compiled using information from the following source:
March of Dimes,
7 Pregnancy-Safe Cleaning Products to Use in Your Home
Home > Small Changes > Living
Source: Getty Images
Pregnancy doesn't stop household chores from being done. But, expecting mothers may be hesitant to reach for a bottle of bleach or detergent when cleaning around the house.
"Potentially toxic substances that get into your blood circulation by swallowing, inhalation, or absorption from the skin may cross this fine placental barrier to the fetus,” Ronald M. Caplan, M.D. told What to Expect — therefore, many expectant moms may be on the hunt for pregnancy-safe cleaning products that are non-toxic.
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Whether you're scrubbing the bathroom, washing dishes, or doing laundry, Green Matters has rounded up a list of our favorite green products that will leave both you (and your baby) feeling happy and healthy. Check out our list below.
Here are 7 pregnancy-safe cleaning products to use in your home:
While most cleaning products are generally safe to use while pregnant, some may contain harmful chemicals that could be hazardous to the health of you and your baby. Instead, here are our favorite alternative products that you can feel safe using while pregnant.
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1. DIY All-Purpose Cleaner
Source: Getty Images
Sometimes, a good-old DIY project is the best when it comes to using non-toxic and eco-friendly products. If you're looking for a simple cleaning solution, grab a 32-ounce glass spray bottle and mix 2 cups of distilled water, 2 cups of white distilled vinegar, and 30 drops of your favorite essential oils.
(Recipe courtesy of Guided Heart Doula).
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2. GreenShield Organic Multi-Surface Wipes in Fresh Mint
Fight germs and tough grease stains with GreenShield Organic Surface Wipes. These wipes are non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, and cruelty-free. Therefore, you can have peace of mind knowing that those hard-to-clean surfaces can be wiped up without using strong chemicals.
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3. Branch Basics Cleaners
Source: Branch Basics
This company was founded by three women who have made it their mission to help people replace the harsh chemicals inside of their homes with plant and mineral-based ingredients.
We recommend the Glass Cleaning Essentials Kit, which includes a bathroom, all-purpose, and "streak-free" glass cleaner that is "gentle enough to use on skin yet strong enough to tackle dirt and grime. "
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4. Koala Eco Natural Floor Cleaner
Source: Koala Eco
Are you searching for a pregnancy-safe product to clean your hardwood floors? Koala Eco cleaner is natural and non-toxic and made without dyes, synthetic perfumes, chlorine, bleach, sodium laurel sulfates, and phosphates.
Plus, it's scented with fresh aromas of mandarin and peppermint — yum.
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5. Dropps Laundry Detergent
Source: Dropps
Free from harmful chemicals, Dropps Laundry detergent helps fight tough stains and odors using natural enzymes and plant-based ingredients. Dropps also aims to reduce single-use plastic and offset their environmental impact through the purchase of carbon offsets with each consumer purchase.
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6. Attitude All-Purpose Cleaner
Source: Attitude
Attitude's All-Purpose Cleaner is made using plant and mineral-based ingredients like saponin, which is a natural cleaning agent. This multi-purpose sustainable and biodegradable product will help remove scum, mold, and dust.
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7. Biom All-Purpose Cleaning Wipes
Source: Biom
Biom's cleaning wipes work great on every surface. This 100 percent plant-based and biodegradable product is safe to use on skin and on surfaces.
And in addition to providing refillable dispensers, Biom has committed to stopping 45.5 tons of plastic from entering the ocean in a partnership with Plastic Bank.
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8 Things About Household Cleaning During
House Cleaning During Pregnancy: Pros and Cons
It is not possible to give up household chores completely for nine months. From the point of view of doctors, cleaning during pregnancy plays a positive role. Moderate physical activity benefits the mother and fetus: improves blood circulation, helps keep muscles in good shape, reduce swelling and not gain extra pounds.
Home hygiene helps prevent bacterial and viral diseases. Carrying heavy buckets or climbing on window sills to clean windows is still not worth it. It is better to delegate these tasks to other family members or call a professional cleaner.
A woman's body goes through many changes during pregnancy. Each trimester has its own characteristics. They should be taken into account when distributing loads during the cleaning process.
There are also a number of activities that are strictly prohibited for pregnant women:
Climbing a ladder, stool, window sill and other “high-altitude” objects;
Lift weights over 5 kg, especially in the early stages;
Use prohibited household chemicals1;
Clean up the litter box and garden because of the risk of toxoplasmosis;
Make sudden movements: tilts, turns, squats;
Exposing the body to physical stress for a long time, denying yourself rest.
Is it safe to use household chemicals
Cleaning products should be chosen carefully during pregnancy. It is better to give preference to natural cleaners: citric acid, soda, vinegar. However, household chemicals and pregnancy are also quite compatible things. The enhanced composition of store detergents allows you to get rid of germs, bacteria and mold. All household chemicals on the Russian market are subject to examination in terms of sanitary-chemical and toxicological indicators. If a drug has the potential to cause harm to a pregnant woman or unborn child, a warning label is displayed on the label.
During the first trimester, the baby's vital systems and organs are formed. To protect the fetus from the action of various toxins, the female body produces a special hormone - gonadotropin. Thanks to him, cleaning in early pregnancy can be accompanied by hypersensitivity to odors and toxicosis. To avoid "side" effects, gynecologists recommend using fragrance-free detergents.
To combat pathogenic biofilm in the bathroom and toilet, powerful antibacterial agents like Domestos are indispensable. Sodium hypochlorite in its composition effectively kills germs and mold, keeping plumbing clean. All work must be carried out with rubber gloves and a respirator, and the premises themselves must be well ventilated;
Even with the right organization of the entrance area, dirt and microbes brought on shoes from the street spread throughout the apartment. Glorix disinfectant will get rid of potentially dangerous microorganisms, dust and other contaminants. Washing floors should also be done with protective gloves;
The kitchen seems to be one of the cleanest places in the house. However, high temperature, humidity, microdrops of fat and bacteria brought on the products create all the conditions for the growth of harmful microorganisms. Work surfaces should be cleaned regularly with Cif cleaning gels or sprays, and sponges and kitchen towels should be changed every couple of weeks;
Lime scale, grease stains and other dirt can be removed with folk remedies.
Apply a slurry of soda powder to the surface and after a while wash it off with a solution of vinegar;
Test on an inconspicuous area before applying detergent;
Carefully read the instructions, precautions and contraindications on the cleaning agent bottle. Follow the indicated dosage;
Never mix household chemicals. This can cause a reaction with the release of volatile chlorine - the strongest of household poisons;
If your general condition worsens after cleaning, dizziness or nausea occurs during pregnancy, immediately inform your family and, if possible, consult a doctor.
Replace your regular mop with a modern model with a longer handle and wringer;
Water bucket on wheels makes cleaning a lot easier;
Avoid bending over and putting pressure on your stomach. If you need to lean forward, bend your knees and gently stretch in the desired direction;
Vacuuming should be carried out with slow, smooth movements, after opening the windows for ventilation;
Many pregnant women find it easier to clean the floor by hand, gently kneeling or squatting;
If you have frequent low back pain, ask your doctor for a special abdominal support bandage.
It is forbidden to climb ladders, chairs and other high objects to avoid the risk of falling;
It is strictly forbidden to lean out of the windows - entrust the washing of external surfaces to household members;
Do not raise your hands above your head - for cleaning remote areas, you can purchase a special scraper or mini window mop with a long handle;
Instead of aerosol detergents, it is better to use a citric acid solution.
It is better to replace ordinary washing powder with a sulfate-free detergent without fragrances - this will reduce the risk of allergic reactions;
Wet laundry becomes heavier - it is better to entrust it to your spouse;
Remove clothes from the washer in small batches and leave to dry at height.
Is it possible to wash floors during pregnancy
Washing floors and vacuuming during pregnancy is definitely possible. However, there is no universal instruction for this type of cleaning - doctors recommend proceeding from well-being and working in the most comfortable position for no more than half an hour, after which take a 15-minute break.
The successful course of pregnancy and childbirth is the merit of progesterone. The same hormone weakens the natural immune barrier, makes ligaments and joints more mobile. Along with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts - this creates an additional load on the back.
Is it possible to wash windows during pregnancy
Clean windows not only please the eye, but also provide the necessary insolation. Windows should be washed as they get dirty. On the first floors, dust settles on the glass faster. The same applies to houses adjacent to highways and industrial zones.
How to wash and iron during pregnancy
Doctors advise against hand washing during pregnancy. It is detrimental to the back, besides it takes a lot of strength. If there is no choice, you should take the most comfortable position. Sit on a chair with a backrest, placing the basin with linen in front of you on a slight elevation.
Most modern materials do not need to be ironed. It is enough to dry things properly, and they can be worn. It is more convenient to align the folds and provide additional disinfection with a steam iron. For supporters of classic irons and ironing boards, doctors recommend doing all the work in a sitting position - this will help reduce the load on the legs and back, avoid swelling and varicose veins, and at the same time be less tired.
Cooking and washing dishes, as well as cleaning during pregnancy, should be done in a simplified manner. Get a comfortable chair to relieve stress on your back. Take frequent breaks and don't overwork yourself. Any household chores can wait - the main thing is your well-being and the health of the baby.
Use of Domestos in Pregnancy: Tips
How Harmful Domestos Is? If the product has the potential to harm a pregnant woman and an unborn baby, a warning must be placed on the label (1).

Domestos is a chlorine-based cleaner, so it is important to follow the directions carefully when using it. All-purpose cleaners of the line contain
Before using Domestos products, please read these simple recommendations:
Read the instructions on the back of the bottle carefully. Use in a concentrated form only on the surfaces intended for this purpose, and when diluted, follow the proportions indicated on the label.
Never mix Domestos with other household chemicals. This can lead to a sudden release of chlorine gas - it is extremely dangerous.
Store the detergent in its original packaging in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children and pets.
Wear protective gloves, goggles and a mask.
Be sure to ventilate the room during and after cleaning.
Good ventilation is particularly important - prolonged exposure to household chemical vapors can cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation. If a pregnant woman has inhaled Domestos, consult a doctor to rule out the risk of an allergic reaction. With the right precautions, you can keep your home perfectly clean without fear of harm to your health.
Pregnancy and Domestos: pros and cons
In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, all systems and organs of the baby are laid. At this time, the mother's body with might and main produces chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone designed to protect the child from all possible toxins.
It is he who is the main culprit of toxicosis and hypersensitivity to odors. Susceptibility to many substances persists throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Therefore, doctors advise limiting the use of household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes. At the same time, the reaction of the body for each woman is individual: if you are used to using Domestos for cleaning and do not experience discomfort when in contact with detergents, there is no reason to give up habits.
How to stay safe when cleaning
If you have any doubts about whether pregnant women can clean the bath with detergents, ask your doctor.