Child labor sign
Signs of labor: 6 clues baby is on the way
(Image credit: Getty)The signs of labor can differ from one woman to another, and even for the same woman they may change from one pregnancy to the next. Although there's no way to predict how a woman's labor will progress or how long it will last, there are a few common signs of labor. What initiates labor, however, is less clear.
"We don't really know what mechanisms bring on labor," said Leslie Ludka, a certified nurse midwife and the director of midwifery at Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, Mass. "Science hasn't figured this out yet."
Labor is likely initiated when certain hormones are produced by the fetus, according to the journal Molecular Endocrinology . Below is more information on the physical signs of labor.
This article has been medically reviewed by
This article has been medically reviewed by
MD, MSCI, FACC, FACPYasmine S. Ali, MD, MSCI, FACC, FACP, is an award-winning physician writer who has published across multiple genres and media. She is President of LastSky Writing, LLC, and has 25 years of experience in medical writing, editing, and reviewing, across a broad range of health topics and medical conditions.
Signs of labor
One sign that labor may be approaching in a matter of days is when some women experience a "nesting" instinct, according to the International Journal of Childbirth Education . Although tired at this late stage of pregnancy, some women may feel a sudden burst of energy, and the desire to cook, clean and get the house organized before the baby arrives.
A 2013 study by Canadian researchers in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior found that nesting behaviors peak during a woman's third trimester of pregnancy. Similar to its role in the animal kingdom of preparing a safe environment for the new arrival, nesting in women may also serve a protective function, the authors wrote.
The body can give off other clues that a woman might be going into labor. Below are six common signs of labor.
One of the signs of labor women may experience is a "nesting" instinct, or the sudden desire to prepare things for baby's arrival. (Image credit: Getty)1. The baby drops
Another sign of labor is known as "lightening." According to the Cleveland Clinic , this occurs anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks before labor begins in first-time pregnancies, and a woman may look and feel as though the baby has dropped into a lower position in her pelvis. This means the baby is getting into a head-down position in preparation for birth. In women who have previously given birth, lightening may not occur until right before labor begins.
When the baby settles into a lower position, this eases pressure on a woman's diaphragm, making it easier for her to breathe, according to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. But it also puts more pressure on her pelvis and bladder, resulting in frequent bathroom visits. In addition, a woman's belly may appear lower and more protruding, and she may walk with a waddle.
2. Regular contractions
Contractions may also be a sign of labor. A woman's uterus contracts during her entire pregnancy, Ludka said. "It's a muscle, and it has to practice for this Olympic event that is going to happen," she explained.
Near the end of pregnancy, uterine contractions start to move the baby down into a lower position in the birth canal, and ultimately having contractions will help to push the baby out into the world.
True labor involves regular, rhythmic, intense contractions that become closer than five minutes apart for more than an hour or two, Ludka said. The contractions usually start in a woman's back and then come around to the front, she said.
"The abdomen gets hard, hard, hard like a basketball and then it relaxes," Ludka explained. "Real contractions feel like that."
One of the signs of labor may be contractions, although false labor or early labor contractions may be a false alarm.
False labor contractions vs. real labor contractions
Distinguishing between false contractions and real ones can be tricky, according to the journal Social Science and Medicine . If a pregnant woman is having more than six contractions every hour, and they become stronger and rhythmic (meaning they occur at regular intervals), then pay attention, because the baby is on its way, Ludka said. True labor contractions don't go away even if a woman changes position, such as moving around or laying down.
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Ludka said that people don't often know how to time contractions correctly. It's done by timing from the beginning of one contraction to the start of the next one, including the rest time in between them.
False labor contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions, often occur at irregular time intervals, they do not get closer together over time, and they'll eventually subside, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists .
Unlike true labor, false contractions are usually felt in the front of the body in the lower abdomen, are typically weak, and may stop when a woman walks, rests or otherwise changes her position.
3. Water breaks
An unborn baby is surrounded by a protective liquid called amniotic fluid. (Image credit: Getty)The fetus has been growing and developing in a woman's uterus surrounded by amniotic fluid. When this protective sac of fluid ruptures (a process also called "rupture of membranes"), some women experience a gush of liquid, while for others it's a slow trickle, according to the Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research .
A pregnant woman's water can break days before labor starts, during labor or not at all (in which case an obstetrician or midwife will break it during the delivery), Ludka said. She advised mothers-to-be to call their obstetrician or midwife when their water breaks and describe the fluid's color and odor. This can help a health professional determine whether an expectant woman is leaking urine, which is a common symptom during pregnancy, or amniotic fluid.
Once a woman's water breaks, the baby is no longer surrounded by the protective sac and could be at risk of developing an infection, according to the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) . This is why doctors and midwives will want to deliver the baby within a day or two of the water breaking.
4. Lower back pain & cramping
During labor, a woman might feel increasing pressure or cramping in her pelvic and rectal areas. She may also feel a dull ache in her lower back.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , most people feel pain in the abdominal area. For some, back pain can be felt during contractions, while for others there is continuous low-back pain.
The study found that about 33% of women experience continuous lower back pain during labor.
Back pain can occur at the beginning of labor. (Image credit: Getty)5. Bloody show
As labor begins, or several days before it does, a woman may notice an increase in vaginal discharge that's pink, brown or slightly bloody. Called a "bloody show," this discharge is caused by the release of a mucus plug that blocks the cervix (the opening to the uterus) during pregnancy, according to the Cleveland Clinic . The mucus plug loosens up as the cervix begins to dilate, or open up, during the first stage of labor.
6. Diarrhea or nausea
Some women have frequent loose stools at the beginning of labor, or they may start vomiting for reasons that aren't clear, Ludka said. It's also often unknown which started first; for example, whether the diarrhea occurred and then labor began, or if labor started and this caused diarrhea, she explained.
Ways to promote labor
There are several old wives' tales and cultural beliefs about what might get labor started. Some of these labor-induction methods may actually work, while others are ineffective.
In one study of 200 women who had just given birth, more than half of the women surveyed said they had tried at least one method to bring on labor during their final weeks of pregnancy, Live Science previously reported. Of those women, 85% reported that they had tried walking, 45% tried having sex, 22% ate spicy food and 15% tried stimulating their nipples.
According to Ludka, a woman won't bring on labor by eating spicy foods , driving down a bumpy road, or taking long walks — three popular old wives' tales. However, two techniques that may get the process started are having sex and stimulating the nipples, Ludka told Live Science.
Having sex might not be comfortable at this point in pregnancy, but sperm contain prostaglandins, a hormone-like compound that can soften up the cervix and help get labor underway, Ludka explained.
She also said that stimulating the nipple by hand can help bring on labor for a woman who is at her due date and is having a normal, healthy pregnancy. This method may help release oxytocin , a hormone that can cause uterine contractions.
A woman can try nipple stimulation by rolling one nipple between her fingers until a contraction occurs, Ludka advised. Once the contraction takes place, she should stop rolling and wait a full 5 minutes before doing it again. This method can be done for an hour or two. Ludka recommended that women never roll both nipples at the same time because this can create too many uterine contractions, or ones that are too strong.
Additional resources
Learn what happens during each stage of labor and birth in this article by NHS U.K. To know more about the position of a baby during labor, read the Cleveland Clinic’s page: Fetal Positions for Birth .
Editor's Note: If you'd like more information on this topic, we recommend the following book:
What To Expect When You're Expecting
View Deal
"Evidence of a nesting psychology during human pregnancy". Evolution and Human Behavior (2013). https://www.
"How to Tell When Labor Begins". The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
"Minireview: Fetal-Maternal Hormonal Signaling in Pregnancy and Labor". Molecular Endocrinology (2009).
"A Basic Revisited: Teaching About the Onset of Labor". International Journal of Childbirth Education (1993).
"Recognizing active labor: A test of a decision-making guide for pregnant women". Social Science and Medicine (1982).
"A comparative study of different concentrations of Hyoscine Butyl bromide in labor ". Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research (2019).
"Low-back pain during labor". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1987).
Ailsa is a staff writer for How It Works magazine, where she writes science, technology, history, space and environment features. Based in the U.K., she graduated from the University of Stirling with a BA (Hons) journalism degree. Previously, Ailsa has written for Cardiff Times magazine, Psychology Now and numerous science bookazines. Ailsa's interest in the environment also lies outside of writing, as she has worked alongside Operation Wallacea conducting rainforest and ocean conservation research.
Signs of labor: 6 clues baby is on the way
(Image credit: Getty)The signs of labor can differ from one woman to another, and even for the same woman they may change from one pregnancy to the next. Although there's no way to predict how a woman's labor will progress or how long it will last, there are a few common signs of labor. What initiates labor, however, is less clear.
"We don't really know what mechanisms bring on labor," said Leslie Ludka, a certified nurse midwife and the director of midwifery at Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, Mass. "Science hasn't figured this out yet."
Labor is likely initiated when certain hormones are produced by the fetus, according to the journal Molecular Endocrinology . Below is more information on the physical signs of labor.
This article has been medically reviewed by
This article has been medically reviewed by
MD, MSCI, FACC, FACPYasmine S. Ali, MD, MSCI, FACC, FACP, is an award-winning physician writer who has published across multiple genres and media. She is President of LastSky Writing, LLC, and has 25 years of experience in medical writing, editing, and reviewing, across a broad range of health topics and medical conditions.
Signs of labor
One sign that labor may be approaching in a matter of days is when some women experience a "nesting" instinct, according to the International Journal of Childbirth Education . Although tired at this late stage of pregnancy, some women may feel a sudden burst of energy, and the desire to cook, clean and get the house organized before the baby arrives.
A 2013 study by Canadian researchers in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior found that nesting behaviors peak during a woman's third trimester of pregnancy. Similar to its role in the animal kingdom of preparing a safe environment for the new arrival, nesting in women may also serve a protective function, the authors wrote.
The body can give off other clues that a woman might be going into labor. Below are six common signs of labor.
One of the signs of labor women may experience is a "nesting" instinct, or the sudden desire to prepare things for baby's arrival.
1. The baby drops
Another sign of labor is known as "lightening." According to the Cleveland Clinic , this occurs anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks before labor begins in first-time pregnancies, and a woman may look and feel as though the baby has dropped into a lower position in her pelvis. This means the baby is getting into a head-down position in preparation for birth. In women who have previously given birth, lightening may not occur until right before labor begins.
When the baby settles into a lower position, this eases pressure on a woman's diaphragm, making it easier for her to breathe, according to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. But it also puts more pressure on her pelvis and bladder, resulting in frequent bathroom visits. In addition, a woman's belly may appear lower and more protruding, and she may walk with a waddle.
2. Regular contractions
Contractions may also be a sign of labor. A woman's uterus contracts during her entire pregnancy, Ludka said. "It's a muscle, and it has to practice for this Olympic event that is going to happen," she explained.
Near the end of pregnancy, uterine contractions start to move the baby down into a lower position in the birth canal, and ultimately having contractions will help to push the baby out into the world.
True labor involves regular, rhythmic, intense contractions that become closer than five minutes apart for more than an hour or two, Ludka said. The contractions usually start in a woman's back and then come around to the front, she said.
"The abdomen gets hard, hard, hard like a basketball and then it relaxes," Ludka explained. "Real contractions feel like that."
One of the signs of labor may be contractions, although false labor or early labor contractions may be a false alarm. (Image credit: Getty Images)False labor contractions vs. real labor contractions
Distinguishing between false contractions and real ones can be tricky, according to the journal Social Science and Medicine . If a pregnant woman is having more than six contractions every hour, and they become stronger and rhythmic (meaning they occur at regular intervals), then pay attention, because the baby is on its way, Ludka said. True labor contractions don't go away even if a woman changes position, such as moving around or laying down.
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Ludka said that people don't often know how to time contractions correctly. It's done by timing from the beginning of one contraction to the start of the next one, including the rest time in between them.
False labor contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions, often occur at irregular time intervals, they do not get closer together over time, and they'll eventually subside, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists .
Unlike true labor, false contractions are usually felt in the front of the body in the lower abdomen, are typically weak, and may stop when a woman walks, rests or otherwise changes her position.
3. Water breaks
An unborn baby is surrounded by a protective liquid called amniotic fluid. (Image credit: Getty)The fetus has been growing and developing in a woman's uterus surrounded by amniotic fluid. When this protective sac of fluid ruptures (a process also called "rupture of membranes"), some women experience a gush of liquid, while for others it's a slow trickle, according to the Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research .
A pregnant woman's water can break days before labor starts, during labor or not at all (in which case an obstetrician or midwife will break it during the delivery), Ludka said. She advised mothers-to-be to call their obstetrician or midwife when their water breaks and describe the fluid's color and odor. This can help a health professional determine whether an expectant woman is leaking urine, which is a common symptom during pregnancy, or amniotic fluid.
Once a woman's water breaks, the baby is no longer surrounded by the protective sac and could be at risk of developing an infection, according to the U. K.’s National Health Service (NHS) . This is why doctors and midwives will want to deliver the baby within a day or two of the water breaking.
4. Lower back pain & cramping
During labor, a woman might feel increasing pressure or cramping in her pelvic and rectal areas. She may also feel a dull ache in her lower back.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , most people feel pain in the abdominal area. For some, back pain can be felt during contractions, while for others there is continuous low-back pain.
The study found that about 33% of women experience continuous lower back pain during labor.
Back pain can occur at the beginning of labor. (Image credit: Getty)5. Bloody show
As labor begins, or several days before it does, a woman may notice an increase in vaginal discharge that's pink, brown or slightly bloody. Called a "bloody show," this discharge is caused by the release of a mucus plug that blocks the cervix (the opening to the uterus) during pregnancy, according to the Cleveland Clinic . The mucus plug loosens up as the cervix begins to dilate, or open up, during the first stage of labor.
6. Diarrhea or nausea
Some women have frequent loose stools at the beginning of labor, or they may start vomiting for reasons that aren't clear, Ludka said. It's also often unknown which started first; for example, whether the diarrhea occurred and then labor began, or if labor started and this caused diarrhea, she explained.
Ways to promote labor
There are several old wives' tales and cultural beliefs about what might get labor started. Some of these labor-induction methods may actually work, while others are ineffective.
In one study of 200 women who had just given birth, more than half of the women surveyed said they had tried at least one method to bring on labor during their final weeks of pregnancy, Live Science previously reported. Of those women, 85% reported that they had tried walking, 45% tried having sex, 22% ate spicy food and 15% tried stimulating their nipples.
According to Ludka, a woman won't bring on labor by eating spicy foods , driving down a bumpy road, or taking long walks — three popular old wives' tales. However, two techniques that may get the process started are having sex and stimulating the nipples, Ludka told Live Science.
Having sex might not be comfortable at this point in pregnancy, but sperm contain prostaglandins, a hormone-like compound that can soften up the cervix and help get labor underway, Ludka explained.
She also said that stimulating the nipple by hand can help bring on labor for a woman who is at her due date and is having a normal, healthy pregnancy. This method may help release oxytocin , a hormone that can cause uterine contractions.
A woman can try nipple stimulation by rolling one nipple between her fingers until a contraction occurs, Ludka advised. Once the contraction takes place, she should stop rolling and wait a full 5 minutes before doing it again. This method can be done for an hour or two. Ludka recommended that women never roll both nipples at the same time because this can create too many uterine contractions, or ones that are too strong.
Additional resources
Learn what happens during each stage of labor and birth in this article by NHS U.K. To know more about the position of a baby during labor, read the Cleveland Clinic’s page: Fetal Positions for Birth .
Editor's Note: If you'd like more information on this topic, we recommend the following book:
What To Expect When You're Expecting
View Deal
"Evidence of a nesting psychology during human pregnancy". Evolution and Human Behavior (2013).
"How to Tell When Labor Begins". The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
"Minireview: Fetal-Maternal Hormonal Signaling in Pregnancy and Labor". Molecular Endocrinology (2009).
"A Basic Revisited: Teaching About the Onset of Labor". International Journal of Childbirth Education (1993).
"Recognizing active labor: A test of a decision-making guide for pregnant women". Social Science and Medicine (1982).
"A comparative study of different concentrations of Hyoscine Butyl bromide in labor ". Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research (2019).
"Low-back pain during labor". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1987).
Ailsa is a staff writer for How It Works magazine, where she writes science, technology, history, space and environment features. Based in the U.K., she graduated from the University of Stirling with a BA (Hons) journalism degree. Previously, Ailsa has written for Cardiff Times magazine, Psychology Now and numerous science bookazines. Ailsa's interest in the environment also lies outside of writing, as she has worked alongside Operation Wallacea conducting rainforest and ocean conservation research.
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On the social margin. Sergey Eledinov - about children's share
For several weeks now I have been on a trip to the border regions of Senegal with Mali, known for their rich gold reserves. A paradoxical feature inherent in many third world countries is striking here: the more minerals, the poorer the local population lives. It is far from here to large cities, prices are high, some goods and products are not enough. Standard set of illegal and criminal activities: corruption, illegal gold mining, smuggling, racketeering, attacks on mines, migration bypassing the laws. Illegal and semi-legal fishing, as a rule, is carried out using technologies that have not changed for hundreds of years (only diesel generators and pumps for water supply have appeared). Profitability and efficiency are appropriate. And, of course, most of the illegally or semi-legally mined gold is sold outside of state control.
Most of the workers in the artisanal mines are children between the ages of 9 and 15, not Senegalese or Malians, but Mosi boys and teenagers brought from Burkina Faso. Even without being a prosecutor, it is easy to draw up a convincing indictment on this fact. The problem of child labor is often discussed from high tribunes and in the media. Phrases have become banal that every iPhone, every chocolate bar, every golden jewelry contains a drop of baby sweat. Calls are being made to boycott products that use child labor in one way or another. The United Nations, as well as various non-profit organizations and charitable foundations with significant funds, are engaged in the eradication of this shameful phenomenon. But child labor in the world is not getting smaller. According to the International Labor Organization and the UN Children's Fund (June 2021), the number of children involved in this vicious practice was 160 million. This is almost 10 million more than four years ago, and there is a risk of a similar increase by the end of 2022. An alarming sign: for the first time in decades, the number of working minors has not decreased, but increased. In the Middle East, Europe, Asia, North and South America, 4 to 6 percent of minors are involved in child labor. In Africa, the figure is several times higher: on average, about 22% of children are exploited. The Sahel region, south of the Sahara Desert, has the highest proportion, at almost 24%, of child labour.
The economic situation should make the salary of adults sufficient to provide for the family, without involving children in labor
Everyone who has read the novels of Charles Dickens, stories by Maxim Gorky and essays by Vladimir Korolenko knows about the hardships of child labor, but by the middle of the 20th century this phenomenon had practically disappeared in developed countries. Not so much, alas, due to the victory of the principles of morality and morality, but because of the action of socio-economic factors: the prerequisites that determined the efficiency of children's work turned out to be exhausted, and the general standard of living increased. The exploitation of minors has lost profitability, the level of production technology has increased, and it has become possible to attract emigrants to perform many non-professional jobs. Child labor was recognized as a form of exploitation and became illegal. Article 32 of the Council of Europe's Convention on the Rights of the Child guaranteed minors "protection from economic exploitation and from the performance of any work that may endanger health or interfere with education."
But in third world countries the situation was different. In sub-Saharan Africa (primarily agrarian), the increase in the number of children involved in child labor is facilitated, for example, by families with many children. This phenomenon is caused not only by fears about high infant mortality or religious prohibitions associated with abortion. Many children in the family are a guarantee of at least a relatively comfortable old age of parents by local standards. In peasant families, children work here from a very early age, few receive education. Agriculture and the economy as a whole remain inefficient, and in recent years, ill-conceived government measures to combat the covid pandemic have also affected the general situation. Children become a heavy burden; neither the state nor families are often able not only to take care of their future, but even to feed them. Attracting children to work is perhaps the only social lift that society can offer; in fact, it is the only alternative to living hand to mouth in the parental home. The history of the Mosi people convincingly demonstrates this: the military conflict in Burkina Faso only exacerbated the problem of general poverty, and the children went to the gold mines of Mali and Senegal.
The concept of "going among the people" in the third world still works, and it's not just about the mines of precious metals and cocoa plantations. Numerous urban juvenile brethren sell telephone cards, deliver newspapers, shine shoes, work as apprentices in garages and tire shops. Almost any adult is able to shine his shoes and, if necessary, change the wheel of his car, but entrusting this to a boy in Africa means, no matter how cynical it may sound, to participate in the socio-economic life of society.
Child labor is not the only ugly form of socialization. In West Africa, the phenomenon of "talibe" ("student" in distorted Arabic) is widespread, when parents give their children to be raised by a religious authority. This is a certain form of obedience, the children are self-sufficient, they earn money for food by alms, which they hand over to the mentor. Very often, the question of how the mentor spends these funds (however, as well as questions about what and how he teaches children) remains open. There are also child soldiers in countries with smoldering internal conflicts, by the way, this is also not a new phenomenon and has not yet been outlived in the third world. Juveniles left on the social margins are the resource base of armed formations, excellent material for a military conflict. They are easy to recruit, easy to manipulate, they absorb any ideology, they are not afraid to kill and die. It is very difficult to return such a child to a peaceful life. And there is also child prostitution, and child pornography, and the use of children in the production and trafficking of drugs ...
The fight against child labor "on the ground" very often comes down to efforts to eliminate the effect without addressing the cause. In Africa, the situation is as follows: prohibitive measures usually only increase the corruption component, this reduces the profitability of production; to increase profitability, the conditions of child labor are tightened. It is clear that child labor will disappear only when its prerequisites disappear. A firm state course towards sustainable economic development, taking into account national characteristics, will sooner or later eradicate this phenomenon. In simple terms, the economic situation will make adults' salaries sufficient to provide for a family, without involving children in labor.