Beaded necklaces for toddlers
Kids Beaded Necklace -
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Jewelry for kids: different ideas
Choose jewelry for kids very carefully. It is important to know that adult products are not suitable for children. They are often made of materials that can cause allergic reactions in little fashionistas and fashionistas. By the way, if you prefer to buy jewelry for your children, then remember: "children's jewelry shapes the child's taste." Especially beautiful products affect girls.
DIY jewelry is the best for kids. The biggest benefit to this is safety. You can always create beautiful and cute jewelry from eco-friendly materials and accessories. The second advantage of handmade jewelry for children is the ability to make them bright and unusual. Another rule in case you decide to create jewelry for a child is that the products should be easy to remove and put on, and it is also important to use simple clasps.
Let's take a look at the most interesting and suitable decoration ideas for kids that you can make yourself at home.
5 options for children's jewelry
1. Braided beaded bracelets
Beaded baubles are the most common and familiar type of jewelry for everyone. Bracelets are ideal for girls of different ages from 5 to 13 years old. Even a boy can weave a stylish beaded bracelet if you use black, brown, gray or blue beads. There are both simple options for baubles, and complex ones. Using different bead weaving techniques, you can make wide bracelets, thin ones, with names and inscriptions.
2. Necklace made of ribbons and beads
There are several types of ribbon. Rep or satin - both types are safe for children. Beads in combination with a ribbon will look great in a children's necklace. A beautiful product will turn out if you take large beads and a ribbon of the same color. Be sure to observe the contrast of colors. Children's jewelry should be bright and attractive. Great combination of colors - white and mint.
The principle of creating such a necklace is simple. It is necessary that the tape passes between the beads located in series from each other. That is, we string a bead on a thread with a needle, immediately string the edge of the tape. Next, we throw the tape to the other side of the bead, as if enveloping it. On the reverse side, we fix the tape again with a thread. Repeat the same with each beads until you reach the desired length of the product.
3. Bright earrings reminiscent of toys
. All this can be used to create beautiful children's earrings in a bright style. Pay attention to animal figurines and various miniatures that are intended to create pendants. They can also be used for earrings. It remains only to attach hooks or special fasteners for earrings.
4. Bottle pendant
Fimonarezka is a versatile material, bright and very interesting for little children. Use a small transparent bottle with a stopper. Fill it with various figures from fimonarezka (butterflies, stars, flowers, etc.). Close the bottle and attach a chain or a special thread with a fastener or clasp to the pendant.
5. Cord bracelet
The simplest idea for children's jewelry is braided leather cord bracelets. The good news is that the stores sell cords of different textures, shades and sizes. Weaving a simple pigtail is not difficult for anyone. And the result will be a simple but beautiful product for a child. Such jewelry can be given to boys and girls. If you know how to weave, then you can use more complex techniques. Decoration does not require additional materials. All you need is a clasp.
Remember, every child needs to feel like an individual. The best way to let him feel this is to let him choose the materials for future jewelry with you. Online shopping is the most convenient way to choose the right product for the whole family.
5 Russian brands where you can find "toy" rings, beaded jewelry and earrings, like from childhood
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Last summer, naive beaded jewelry experienced a real boom - it seems that each of us acquired at least one beads, as if from childhood. Later, toy plastic rings, which Bella Hadid, Rihanna and Dua Lipa wear with might and main, joined the beads. And we understand them: rings that look like you just got them out of a chocolate Kinder Surprise evoke memories of childhood and look very original. We are talking about five Russian brands that you should look for "children's" jewelry, which will again be relevant in the coming seasons.
Beaded Breakfast
This is a new project from the founders of Mirstores, a local eco-friendly clothing brand that specializes in beaded jewelry. Here you can find a chain of daisies, and a ring of glass beads, and even a beaded headband - we are sure that all this will greatly please your inner child. All decorations are made by hand, so they exude special warmth and care.
Here you can find not only beaded jewelry, but also bracelets made of semi-precious stones with pendants in the form of gummy bears, lollipop earrings or in the shape of plastic pineapples, bracelets with inscriptions made of beads, and other accessories in the zero aesthetics. But our favorites are beaded pendants, which the founder of the brand looks for in Parisian shops, and shells brought from travels, because each such piece of jewelry is filled with its own history.
In fact, the Hiaynderfyt brand is not Russian, but Belarusian, although it is sold in the Moscow Central Department Store and other fashion retailers in the capital. Over the past year, it has become ultra-popular: rings with emoticons, beaded flower necklaces, earrings and bracelets with berries and fruits are worn by all Russian celebrities, from Nastya Ivleeva to singer Luna. Jewelry is actively bought not only by girls, but also by men — rings with emoticons in the style of American anchors fit perfectly into old-school looks.
Russian actress Irina Martynenko launched this stamp during quarantine. The girl, like all of us, was very bored during the lockdown, and decided to learn how to make beaded jewelry from videos on YouTube.