Baby progress in womb
Fetal development: Month-By-Month Stages of Pregnancy
When does a pregnancy start?
The start of pregnancy is actually the first day of your last menstrual period. This is called the gestational age, or menstrual age. It’s about two weeks ahead of when conception actually occurs. Though it may seem strange, the date of the first day of your last period will be an important date when determining your due date. Your healthcare provider will ask you about this date and will use it to figure out how far along you are in your pregnancy.
How does conception work?
Each month, your body goes through a reproductive cycle that can end in one of two ways. You will either have a menstrual period or become pregnant. This cycle is continuously happening during your reproductive years — from puberty in your teen years to menopause around age 50.
In a cycle that ends with pregnancy, there are several steps. First, a group of eggs (called oocytes) gets ready to leave the ovary for ovulation (release of the egg). The eggs develop in small, fluid-filled cysts called follicles. Think of these follicles as small containers for each immature egg. Out of this group of eggs, one will become mature and continue on through the cycle. This follicle then suppresses all the other follicles in the group. The other follicles stop growing at this point.
The mature follicle now opens and releases the egg from the ovary. This is ovulation. Ovulation generally happens about two weeks before your next menstrual period begins. It’s generally in the middle of your cycle.
After ovulation, the opened (ruptured) follicle develops into a structure called the corpus luteum. This secretes (releases) the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone helps prepare the endometrium (lining of the uterus). This lining is the place where a fertilized egg settles to develop. If you don’t become pregnant during a cycle, this lining is what is shed during your period.
On average, fertilization happens about two weeks after your last menstrual period. When the sperm penetrates the egg, changes occur in the protein coating of the egg to prevent other sperm from entering.
At the moment of fertilization, your baby’s genetic make-up is complete, including its sex. The sex of your baby depends on what sperm fertilizes the egg at the moment of conception. Generally, women have a genetic combination of XX and men have XY. Women provide each egg with an X. Each sperm can be either an X or a Y. If the fertilized egg and sperm is a combination of an X and Y, it’s a boy. If there are two Xs, it’s a girl.
What happens right after conception?
Within 24 hours after fertilization, the egg begins rapidly dividing into many cells. It remains in the fallopian tube for about three days after conception. Then the fertilized egg (now called a blastocyte) continues to divide as it passes slowly through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once there, its next job is to attach to the endometrium. This is called implantation.
Before implantation though, the blastocyte breaks out of its protective covering. When the blastocyte makes contact with the endometrium, the two exchange hormones to help the blastocyte attach. Some women notice spotting (slight bleeding) during the one or two days when implantation happens. This is normal and isn’t something you should worry about. At this point, the endometrium becomes thicker and the cervix (the opening between your uterus and birth canal) is sealed by a plug of mucus.
Within three weeks, the blastocyte cells ultimately form a little ball, or an embryo. By this time, the first nerve cells have formed.
Your developing fetus has already gone through a few name changes in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Generally, it's called an embryo from conception until the eighth week of development. After the eighth week, it's called a fetus until it’s born.
How early can I know I’m pregnant?
From the moment of conception, the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) will be present in your blood. This hormone is created by the cells that form the placenta (food source for the growing fetus). It’s also the hormone detected in a pregnancy test. Even though this hormone is there from the beginning, it takes time for it to build within your body. It typically takes three to four weeks from the first day of your last period for the hCG to increase enough to be detected by pregnancy tests.
When should I reach out to my healthcare provider about a new pregnancy?
Most healthcare providers will have you wait to come in for an appointment until you have had a positive home pregnancy test. These tests are very accurate once you have enough hCG circulating throughout your body. This can be a few weeks after conception. It’s best to call your healthcare provider once you have a positive pregnancy test to schedule your first appointment.
When you call, your healthcare provider may ask you if you are taking a prenatal vitamin. These supplements contain folic acid. It’s important that you get at least 400mcg of folic acid each day during a pregnancy to make sure the fetus's neural tube (beginning of the brain and spine) develops correctly. Many healthcare providers suggest that you take prenatal vitamins with folic acid even when you aren’t pregnant. If you weren’t taking prenatal vitamins before your pregnancy, your provider may ask you to start as early as possible.
What’s the timeline for fetal development?
The fetus will change a lot throughout a typical pregnancy. This time is divided into three stages, called trimesters. Each trimester is a set of about three months. Your healthcare provider will probably talk to you about fetal development in terms of weeks. So, if you are three months pregnancy, you are about 12 weeks.
You will see distinct changes in the fetus, and yourself, during each trimester.
Traditionally, we think of a pregnancy as a nine-month process. However, this isn’t always the case. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, or 280 days. Depending on what months you are pregnant during (some are shorter and some longer) and what week you deliver, you could be pregnant for either nine months or 10 months. This is completely normal and healthy.
Once you get close to the end of your pregnancy, there are several category names you might hear regarding when you go into labor. These labels divide up the last few weeks of pregnancy. They’re also used to look out for certain complications in newborns. Babies that are born in the early term period or before may have a higher risk of breathing, hearing or learning issues than babies born a few weeks later in the full term time frame. When you’re looking at these labels, it’s important to know how they’re written. You may see the week first (38) and then you’ll see two numbers separated by a slash mark (6/7). This stands for how many days you currently are in the gestational week. So, if you see 38 6/7, it means that you are on day 6 of your 38th week.
The last few weeks of pregnancy are divided into the following groups:
- Early term: 37 0/7 weeks through 38 6/7 weeks.
- Full term: 39 0/7 weeks through 40 6/7 weeks.
- Late term: 41 0/7 weeks through 41 6/7 weeks.
- Post term: 42 0/7 weeks and on.
Talk to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have about gestational age and due date.
Stages of Growth Month-by-Month in Pregnancy
First trimester
The first trimester will span from conception to 12 weeks. This is generally the first three months of pregnancy. During this trimester, the fertilized egg will change from a small grouping of cells to a fetus that is starting to have a baby’s features.
Month 1 (weeks 1 through 4)
As the fertilized egg grows, a water-tight sac forms around it, gradually filling with fluid. This is called the amniotic sac, and it helps cushion the growing embryo.
During this time, the placenta also develops. The placenta is a round, flat organ that transfers nutrients from the mother to the fetus, and transfers wastes from the fetus. Think of the placenta as a food source for the fetus throughout your pregnancy.
In these first few weeks, a primitive face will take form with large dark circles for eyes. The mouth, lower jaw and throat are developing. Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin. The tiny "heart" tube will beat 65 times a minute by the end of the fourth week.
By the end of the first month, the fetus is about 1/4 inch long – smaller than a grain of rice.
Month 2 (weeks 5 through 8)
Facial features continue to develop. Each ear begins as a little fold of skin at the side of the head. Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes and eyes are also forming.
The neural tube (brain, spinal cord and other neural tissue of the central nervous system) is well formed now. The digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop too. Bone starts to replace cartilage.
The head is large in proportion to the rest of the body at this point. At about 6 weeks, a heartbeat can usually be detected.
After the 8th week, healthcare providers refer to it as a fetus instead of an embryo.
By the end of the second month, the fetus is about 1 inch long and weighs about 1/30 of an ounce.
Month 3 (weeks 9 through 12)
The arms, hands, fingers, feet and toes are fully formed. At this stage, the fetus is starting to explore a bit by doing things like opening and closing its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming under the gums. The reproductive organs also develop, but sex is still difficult to distinguish on ultrasound.
By the end of the third month, the fetus is fully formed. All the organs and limbs (extremities) are present and will continue to develop in order to become functional. The circulatory and urinary systems are also working and the liver produces bile.
At the end of the third month, the fetus is about 4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce.
Since the most critical development has taken place, your chance of miscarriage drops considerably after three months.
Second trimester
This middle section of pregnancy is often thought of as the best part of the experience. By this time, any morning sickness is probably gone and the discomfort of early pregnancy has faded. The fetus will start to develop facial features during this month. You may also start to feel movement as the fetus flips and turns in the uterus. During this trimester, many people find out whether their baby will be designated male or female at birth. This is typically done during an anatomy scan (an ultrasound that checks physical development) around 20 weeks.
Month 4 (weeks 13 through 16)
The fetal heartbeat may now be audible through an instrument called a doppler. The fingers and toes are well-defined. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and hair are formed. Teeth and bones become denser. The fetus can even suck his or her thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces.
The nervous system is starting to function. The reproductive organs and genitalia are now fully developed, and your doctor can see on ultrasound if the fetus will be designated male or female at birth.
By the end of the fourth month, the fetus is about 6 inches long and weighs about 4 ounces.
Month 5 (weeks 17 through 20)
At this stage, you may begin to feel the fetus moving around. The fetus is developing muscles and exercising them. This first movement is called quickening and can feel like a flutter.
Hair begins to grow on the head. The shoulders, back and temples are covered by a soft fine hair called lanugo. This hair protects the fetus and is usually shed at the end of your baby's first week of life.
The skin is covered with a whitish coating called vernix caseosa. This "cheesy" substance is thought to protect fetal skin from the long exposure to the amniotic fluid. This coating is shed just before birth.
By the end of the fifth month, the fetus is about 10 inches long and weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound.
Month 6 (weeks 21 through 24)
If you could look inside the uterus right now, you would see that the fetus's skin is reddish in color, wrinkled and veins are visible through translucent skin. The finger and toe prints are visible. In this stage, the eyelids begin to part and the eyes open.
The fetus responds to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse. You may notice jerking motions if the fetus hiccups.
If born prematurely, your baby may survive after the 23rd week with intensive care.
By the end of the sixth month, the fetus is about 12 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.
Month 7 (weeks 25 through 28)
The fetus continues to mature and develop reserves of body fat. At this point, hearing is fully developed. The fetus changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain and light. The amniotic fluid begins to diminish.
If born prematurely, your baby would be likely to survive after the seventh month.
At the end of the seventh month, the fetus is about 14 inches long and weighs from 2 to 4 pounds.
Third trimester
This is the final part of your pregnancy. You may be tempted to start the countdown till your due date and hope that it would come early, but each week of this final stage of development helps the fetus prepare for birth. Throughout the third trimester, the fetus gains weight quickly, adding body fat that will help after birth.
Remember, even though popular culture only mentions nine months of pregnancy, you may actually be pregnant for 10 months. The typical, full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, which can take you into a tenth month. It’s also possible that you can go past your due date by a week or two (41 or 42 weeks). Your healthcare provider will monitor you closely as you approach your due date. If you pass your due date, and don’t go into spontaneous labor, your provider may induce you. This means that medications will be used to make you go into labor and have the baby. Make sure to talk to your healthcare provider during this trimester about your birth plan.
Month 8 (weeks 29 through 32)
The fetus continues to mature and develop reserves of body fat. You may notice more kicking. The brain developing rapidly at this time, and the fetus can see and hear. Most internal systems are well developed, but the lungs may still be immature.
The fetus is about 18 inches long and weighs as much as 5 pounds.
Month 9 (weeks 33 through 36)
During this stage, the fetus continues to grow and mature. The lungs are close to being fully developed at this point.
The fetus has coordinated reflexes and can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light and touch.
The fetus is about 17 to 19 inches long and weighs from 5 ½ pounds to 6 ½ pounds.
Month 10 (Weeks 37 through 40)
In this final month, you could go into labor at any time. You may notice that less movement because space is tight. At this point, The fetus's position may have changed to prepare for birth. Ideally, it's head down in your uterus. You may feel very uncomfortable in this final stretch of time as the fetus drops down into your pelvis and prepares for birth.
Your baby is ready to meet the world at this point. They are about 18 to 20 inches long and weigh about 7 pounds.
Baby Development Month By Month
Baby Development Month by Month
A baby grows and develops an amazing amount in just nine months. Here’s a short summary of how your baby’s development occurs during pregnancy.
Be sure to sign up for our pregnancy week by week newsletter for pregnancy changes and baby development updates to your inbox weekly!
Month 1 – Week 1-4
After an egg has been fertilized and implants into the uterine lining, a sac grows around it. This becomes the amniotic sac and will hold the amniotic fluid and cushion the embryo. The placenta also forms during this month. This will bring nutrition and support to the baby from the mother.
The face and eyes begin to develop, and the heart begins to beat. By the end of the 4th week, your baby will slightly smaller than a grain of rice! B vitamins play a crucial role in you and your baby’s development and your health during pregnancy. Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) are especially important for early development, so make sure you are getting the right amounts of these.
Month 2 – Week 5-9
At two months pregnant, your baby’s face continues its development. Buds that will eventually be limbs begin to develop. Organs such as the brain, sensory organs, and the digestive tract begin to take shape. The cartilage in the embryo begins to be replaced by bone. By the end of the second month, your baby is about 1 inch long! After about 6 weeks, your baby’s heartbeat can be detected with an ultrasound. It is never too soon to start taking prenatal vitamins and omega 3’s and fish oil to help your baby have a healthy development. The American Pregnancy Association recommends Nordic Naturals’ selection of supplements including:
- Vitamin D3
- Omega-3D
- Ultimate Omega
- Children’s DHA Xtra
- Artic-D Cod Liver Oil
Month 3 – Week 10-14
The limbs, as well as the hands, feet, fingers, and toes, become well developed. The fingernails and toenails begin to form. The external ears and teeth begin their development as well. Though reproductive organs haven begun to form, they can’t yet be determined on an ultrasound or sonogram. By the end of the 3rd month, your baby is fully formed (with all organs and extremities present), he or she weighs about an ounce and is 4 inches long!
After the 3rd month of development, the chance of miscarriage drops considerably.
Month 4 – Week 15-19
Hair, eyelids, eyelashes, and nails become well developed. The heartbeat is now clearly audible through a Doppler instrument. The teeth become denser, and the baby begins to stretch, yawn and make other movements. The reproductive organs are now visible on an ultrasound. Your baby can now stretch, suck their thumb, yawn, and make super cute faces.
This is the month that his or her nervous system develops. Their reproductive system also fully develops meaning your doctor can tell you whether you are having a girl or boy via ultrasound. By the end of the 4th month, your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs 4 ounces!
Month 5 – Week 20-24
This month you may start to feel the baby move. Hair growth continues on the baby’s head and body. The shoulders and back become covered with a thin hair called lanugo. A thick substance, called vernix caseosa, covers the skin to keep it protected from the exposure to amniotic fluid. This layer will shed before the baby is born. At the end of month 5, your baby is about 10 inches long and can weigh anywhere from .5 lbs – 1 lb!
If your baby is born prematurely after the 23rd week, he or she will be kept in the NICU for a better chance of survival.
Month 6 – Week 25-30
The skin is still translucent yet reddish and wrinkled. His or her fingerprints and toe prints become well developed. The baby’s eyelids become parted, and the eyes can be opened. Your baby will respond to external stimuli such as sounds by increasing their pulse or moving. This is when you may experience your baby’s hiccups in jerk-like motions. At the end of month 6, your baby is about 12 inches long and can weigh close to 2 lbs!
Month 7 – Week 26-29
During this month, your baby will continue to grow and develop the existing organs and systems. In addition, a layer of fat will begin to be stored. At this stage, hearing is fully developed. He or she will react to sound, pain, and light and often changes position. The amount of amniotic fluid that cushions the baby begins to decrease as the baby grows larger. At the end of this month, your baby is about 14 inches long and can weigh between 2 – 4 lbs!
If born prematurely after week 27, your baby has a better chance of survival.
Month 8 – Week 30-34
The baby continues to mature during this month, adding to fat stores and experiencing a rapid development of the brain. The baby can see at this stage and will begin to kick more. Most of the internal organs and systems are fully developed, but the lungs still need time to mature. By month 8, your baby is close to 18 inches long and can weigh close to 5 lbs!
Month 9 – Week 35-40+
The lungs become mature during this time in preparation for birth. Reflexes become more coordinated, allowing the baby to respond to sounds, blink, grasp, and turn his or her head. The baby may move less during the last few weeks and will move into a position for birth, with the head down near the birth canal. Your baby is now about 18-20 inches long and can weigh at least 7 lbs!
A Happy Momma = A Happy Baby
Pregnancy is such an exciting time for mom and baby. Getting plenty of rest, maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and avoiding stress is especially important for you and baby. You can start bonding with your baby during pregnancy in several ways now. Below are some recommended books for you to learn more about how your body changes while your baby develops inside throughout pregnancy. Remember, a happy momma makes for a happy baby.
Recommended Books On Baby Development Month By Month and Pregnancy:
Before Birth: A week-by-week guide to your baby’s development during pregnancy
In the Womb: Witness the Journey from Conception to Birth with Astonishing 3D Images
A Child Is Born: Fourth Edition of the Beloved Classic–Completely Revised and Updated
Pregnancy Day By Day
Child development by week | Regional Perinatal Center
Expectant mothers are always curious about how the fetus develops at a time when it is awaited with such impatience. Let's talk and look at the photos and pictures of how the fetus grows and develops week by week.
What does the puffer do for 9 whole months in mom's tummy? What does he feel, see and hear?
Let's start the story about the development of the fetus by weeks from the very beginning - from the moment of fertilization. A fetus up to 8 weeks old is called embryo , this occurs before the formation of all organ systems.
Embryo development: 1st week
The egg is fertilized and begins to actively split. The ovum travels to the uterus, getting rid of the membrane along the way.
On the 6th-8th days, implantation of eggs is carried out - implantation into the uterus. The egg settles on the surface of the uterine mucosa and, using the chorionic villi, attaches to the uterine mucosa.
Embryo development: 2-3 weeks
Picture of embryo development at 3 weeks.
The embryo is actively developing, starting to separate from the membranes. At this stage, the beginnings of the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are formed. Therefore, this period of pregnancy is considered important.
Embryo development: 4–7 weeks
Fetal development by week in pictures: week 4
Fetal development by week photo: week 4
Photo of an embryo before the 6th week of pregnancy.
The heart, head, arms, legs and tail are formed in the embryo :) . Gill slit is defined. The length of the embryo at the fifth week reaches 6 mm.
Fetal development by week photo: week 5
At the 7th week, the rudiments of the eyes, stomach and chest are determined, and fingers appear on the handles. The baby already has a sense organ - the vestibular apparatus. The length of the embryo is up to 12 mm.
Fetal development: 8th week
Fetal development by week photo: week 7-8
The face of the fetus can be identified, the mouth, nose, and auricles can be distinguished. The head of the embryo is large and its length corresponds to the length of the body; the fetal body is formed. All significant, but not yet fully formed, elements of the baby's body already exist. The nervous system, muscles, skeleton continue to improve.
Fetal development in the photo already sensitive arms and legs: week 8
The fetus developed skin sensitivity in the mouth (preparation for the sucking reflex), and later in the face and palms.
At this stage of pregnancy, the genitals are already visible. Gill slits die. The fruit reaches 20 mm in length.
Fetal development: 9–10 weeks
Fetal development by week photo: week 9
Fingers and toes already with nails. The fetus begins to move in the pregnant woman's stomach, but the mother does not feel it yet. With a special stethoscope, you can hear the baby's heartbeat. Muscles continue to develop.
Weekly development of the fetus photo: week 10
The entire surface of the fetal body is sensitive and the baby develops tactile sensations with pleasure, touching his own body, the walls of the fetal bladder and the umbilical cord. It is very curious to observe this on ultrasound. By the way, the baby first moves away from the ultrasound sensor (of course, because it is cold and unusual!), And then puts his hands and heels trying to touch the sensor.
It's amazing when a mother puts her hand to her stomach, the baby tries to master the world and tries to touch with his pen "from the back".
The development of the fetus: 11–14 weeks
Development of the fetus in the photo of the legs: weeks 11
The baby, legs and eyelids are formed, and the genitals become distinguishable (you can find out the gender (you can find out the gender child). The fetus begins to swallow, and if something is not to its taste, for example, if something bitter got into the amniotic fluid (mother ate something), then the baby will begin to frown and stick out his tongue, making less swallowing movements.
Fruit skin appears translucent.
Fruit development: Week 12
Photo of the fetus 12 weeks per 3D Ultrasound
buds are responsible for production for production urine. Blood forms inside the bones. And hairs begin to grow on the head. Moves more coordinated. The skin turns pink, the ears and other parts of the body, including the face, are already visible. Imagine, a child can already open his mouth and blink, as well as make grasping movements. Baby sucks his thumb, becomes more energetic. Pseudo-feces are formed in the intestines of the fetus - meconium , kidneys begin to work. During this period, the brain develops very actively. The auditory ossicles become stiff and now they are able to conduct sounds, the baby hears his mother - heartbeat, breathing, voice. The fetus intensively gains weight, fat deposits are formed. The weight of the fetus reaches 650 g, and the length is 300 mm. The lungs at this stage of fetal development are so developed that the baby can survive in the artificial conditions of the intensive care unit. Lungs continue to develop. Lips and mouth become more sensitive. The eyes develop, open slightly and can perceive light and squint from direct sunlight. In girls, the labia majora do not yet cover the small ones, and in boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. Fetal weight reaches 900–1200 g, and the length is 350 mm. 9 out of 10 children born at this term survive. The lungs are now adapted to breathe normal air. Breathing is rhythmic and body temperature is controlled by the CNS. The baby can cry and responds to external sounds. Child opens eyes while awake and closes during sleep. The skin becomes thicker, smoother and pinkish. Starting from this period, the fetus will actively gain weight and grow rapidly. The fetus reacts to a light source. Muscle tone increases and the baby can turn and raise his head. On which, the hairs become silky. The child develops a grasping reflex. The lungs are fully developed. The fetus is quite developed, prepared for birth and considered mature. The baby has mastered over 70 different reflex movements. Due to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the baby's skin is pale pink. The head is covered with hairs up to 3 cm. The baby perfectly mastered the movements of his mother , knows when she is calm, excited, upset and reacts to this with her movements. During the intrauterine period, the fetus gets used to moving in space, which is why babies love it so much when they are carried in their arms or rolled in a stroller. The nails protrude beyond the tips of the fingers, the cartilages of the ears and nose are elastic. In boys, the testicles have descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the large labia cover the small ones. The weight of the fetus reaches 3200-3600 g, and the length is 480-520 mm. After the birth, the baby longs for touching his body, because at first he cannot feel himself - the arms and legs do not obey the child as confidently as it was in the amniotic fluid. Therefore, so that your baby does not feel lonely, it is advisable to carry him in your arms, press him to you while stroking his body. And one more thing, the baby remembers the rhythm and sound of your heart very well . Therefore, you can comfort the baby in this way - take him in your arms, put him on the left side and your miracle will calm down, stop crying and fall asleep. In this article: How does a child develop in the womb and is it necessary to take part in it at certain stages of this process? What are the periods of pregnancy and how long does it last? All this below. The average gestation period for a baby is 38-40 weeks, which is necessary for him to form in the womb. This time is enough for the child to be ready for the birth of a healthy and fully developed. In order to understand what is happening with the baby and at what stages, expectant mothers should track changes, adjusting their lifestyle and habits to the new situation. So, pregnancy is usually divided into three main periods, which physicians call trimesters. Each such period is three months long. The most important is first trimester . A new life inside a woman's womb is born from one small cell, which, after 9 months, will grow into a full-fledged human body, completely dependent on the mother until the moment of birth. As a rule, the fertilization process takes place in the middle of the cycle. As a result of the union of an active The body of a woman is designed in such a way that after the fusion of the egg with the sperm cell, active cell division begins, even before it enters the uterus. The fallopian tube journey lasts about a week after conception. Then the egg enters the uterus and is securely fixed in it. The length of the embryo at this point is about 0.15 mm, that is, about the size of a large grain of sand or a pinhead. As soon as the cell is fixed on the uterine wall, the process of division begins to accelerate. Partially, the cells are converted into the yolk sac, chorion and fetal membranes. The rest is the beginning of the life of a new human organism. Around the 5th week of pregnancy, you can see a serious progress in the development of the baby in the womb. He has a heart that starts beating. A week later, the brain begins to form in the embryo, so far visually resembling an expansion of the neural tube. At the 8th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers are especially grateful to doctors for the opportunity to listen to the baby's heart beat. High-quality ultrasound machines allow you to hear the rhythmic tapping of a small heart at this time. Even if the internal organs of the baby are practically invisible during ultrasound examination, they are already there: In the first trimester, not only the embryo itself actively develops, but also the placenta, which will take over the functions of life support for the fetus in the womb. It is she who will be responsible for maintaining a normal hormonal background, the process of gas exchange and the nutrition of the baby. At the 11th week of development, the embryo can already be called a fetus, primarily because it begins to become more and more human-like. During this period, a pregnant woman feels nauseous, suffers from constipation, her heart rate increases and even heartburn appears. All these are symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy, which by the second period in most women pass. That is why expectant mothers are so looking forward to the second trimester - in order to feel better and finally calm down, remembering that the probability of miscarriage by this time is significantly reduced. Starting from the 12th week, the development of the child in the womb of the mother occurs at an accelerated pace. It is at this time that the baby's skeleton and abdominal organs are formed, the formation of the digestive system ends, about The baby's brain develops as actively as the skeleton and internal organs, grooves and convolutions appear on it. Expectant women in labor remember the fifth month of pregnancy especially tenderly and with trepidation, during which they had the first physically tangible contact with the baby. Around the 18th week, the baby pleases future parents with movements, the nature of which the mother can determine by their frequency and strength. The child reacts to the mother's emotions, which is indicated by active movements in the womb. For a pregnant woman, tremors are the best proof that the baby is developing normally. If the movements have stopped and do not appear for a long time, it is urgent to be examined by a doctor. In the second trimester, the formation of the baby's endocrine system begins, and by the middle of this period, the fetus is already working: Around the end of the 24th week, the baby is already trying to imitate breathing movements, although there is still liquid in his lungs and air does not enter them. Breathing rehearsal helps the baby to take the first breath after birth and reward the mother with a piercing cry, indicating the beginning of a new life. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother should try to be less nervous, walk more, relax and keep a sleep schedule, since the slightest stress can negatively affect the mental and physical development of the baby. At the end of the second trimester, the baby's weight is already almost 700 grams, and its length reaches 35 cm. In the ultrasound pictures, you can see how the baby sucks his finger. In the last stage of the development of the child in the womb, it consists mainly in the increase in the size of the baby. The belly of the expectant mother becomes noticeably larger: the formation of the fetus is coming to an end. In the mother's womb, throughout the entire period of formation, the baby hears the beating of her heart, which inspires him with a feeling of complete security. That is why, after the birth, the baby is first of all applied to the mother’s chest, so that he feels: his own heart is still there and the connection with his mother is as strong as it was. During the last three months of pregnancy, most of the time the baby is preparing for birth. The baby's eyes open, the blink reflex is honed, it is actively gaining mass by increasing the layer of fatty tissue, which then will protect it from hypothermia in the In the middle of the last trimester, the baby is about 40 cm long and weighs about 2 kg. In the last, ninth, month of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is already approaching 3 kg, and every week he adds 200 g, and by the time of birth he can weigh more than 4 kg. The vital systems and organs are fully formed, the baby's skin is smoothed, the lungs are preparing for the first breath. Expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy need to be especially careful not to cause premature birth. You now know how a child develops in the womb - it remains to talk about how to behave with an unborn child, whether it is necessary to communicate with him, teach him to music and what all this will give for his development. Not all future mothers know that the baby in the womb begins not only to hear, but also to feel the mother, to experience her own emotions together with her. That is why doctors insist that during pregnancy, expectant mothers pay special attention to communicating with the baby, trying to surround themselves with exclusively positive emotions. It has been proven that a child in the womb listens to external sounds, among which the most important for him is his mother's voice. When the baby is especially active, only mom or dad can calm him down with simple strokes on the tummy and gentle phrases. In order for you to be aware of the mental abilities of the baby, below are the data of his development by week. Expectant mother during pregnancy, without even realizing it, begins to talk more with the baby, often new creative abilities open up in her, musical preferences change. All this happens because it is important for the baby to use as many brain cells as possible in order to prevent their loss. Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, you can try to teach your baby some words that he will associate with sensations. For example, you can teach your child to understand the words "dark" or "light" by turning the lights on and off. By the end of the third trimester, the words known to the baby can be grouped into simple phrases, in addition, it's time to start introducing the crumbs to the world of music, including lullabies, classical music or children's songs. Do not forget that the baby in the last trimester of pregnancy has developed all the senses, so he can react to cold and hot, if these objects touch the stomach, to voices, to bright light, to touch and even to taste amniotic fluid, which changes depending on what the mother ate. Realizing all this, you can engage in the development of the baby in the womb in order to establish contact with him and further strengthen the emotional connection. Already in the tummy you can start to raise the future music lover, gourmet and even linguist! Moreover, you can start already from the second trimester, by this time the toxicosis will be released, and the situation will begin to bring joy. From the very early stages of pregnancy, a future little man can be accustomed to a certain daily routine. Do it better in a musical form. Develop with your baby your own system of sounds that will be signals for certain actions. For example, in this way you can "program" the awakening. Every morning at the same time (optimally at 7 am), sing a certain welcome song to your child. The simplest text you can come up with yourself or look on the Internet. Over time, the baby will begin to recognize familiar sounds and respond to the beginning of a new day. And in the evening - a lullaby, a signal that communication is over for today. Throughout the day, we form a food culture in the same way: before each snack, we perform a separate “gastronomic” composition. The baby will remember these sounds and will know that food will come to him now. All these songs will come in handy after birth, they will help the baby “remember” the intrauterine routine and quickly establish a feeding and sleeping regime already in the big world. 10 celebrity moms with naked Instagram photos Already at 12 weeks old, babies hear perfectly, and if they are disturbed by sharp sounds from outside, they instinctively cover their ears with their hands. The most important and pleasant sound for the baby is the voice of his mother. After all, only he passes through the amniotic fluid, and the voices of everyone else through the air. Therefore, you need to constantly talk with the child. Only the mother's voice has a unique rhythm and soothing modulations for the baby. Children with whom they talk a lot learn speech themselves faster, and their development is often ahead of their peers In general, the importance of singing for pregnant women can hardly be overestimated. This is the surest way to work with breathing and voice, which will help during childbirth. And for the baby, this is both a diaphragm massage and therapeutic gymnastics, which gives rhythmic breathing. A child can react to music with active movements. One Californian obstetrician for certain recorded the fact that during an ultrasound scan, a baby at the 33rd week "danced" to Beethoven's fifth symphony! Therefore, the tummy needs to turn on the music. But not every tune will be useful. Doctors recommend opting for the classics and conducting music therapy for no longer than one hour. Music should be pleasant and calm. After all, the psychological state of the unborn child, his healthy sleep and well-being in general depend on the correct choice of audio recordings. 10 myths of future mothers and their debunking Good afternoon, dear readers! It seems that there is no such female consciousness that would not be struck by the thought of how a new little man is born. It is generally accepted that pregnancy begins to develop from the moment when the sperm overtakes the egg and fertilizes it. This is how a zygote is formed - a unicellular embryo that stores 46 chromosomes (23 father's and mother's as many). A day later, the zygote begins to divide into cells, and by the fourth day of life it consists of about 10 cells. Then this tiny lump reaches the uterine cavity. From this moment on, cell division noticeably accelerates, and the embryo grows significantly. It consists of about a hundred cells at the time of implantation - attachment to one of the walls of the uterus. The entire period of fetal growth inside the mother's body in obstetrics is usually divided into three functional stages: Obstetrician-gynecologists divide pregnancy by months into three equal parts - trimesters, each of which is equal to three obstetric (28 days) months. The first three months of a baby's development in the womb are the most important. The period from the fourth to the seventh month of pregnancy is considered the most stable and calm for a woman. The development of the placenta is completed, which helps to ensure the proper functioning of the child inside the mother's tummy. And the baby continues to develop actively. Various systems and organs of his small organism are brought to perfection and begin to function independently. Fingernails appear, a system of teeth is laid inside the gums. The child shows active mobility, as he grows, mommy herself can feel and follow the movements of her crumbs. Depending on the mood, the child can grimace - smile or frown, facial expressions improve. There is a very intensive growth of the fetus. If at the beginning of the trimester the child weighed about 350 grams, then by the end the weight will step over a whole kilogram with proper development. The baby already sees and hears well, reacts with movements to various stimuli around the mother - for example, a loud sound, bright light. By the third semester, the child is almost ready to live independently outside the mother's tummy. And in the case of premature birth, there is a high probability that he will survive in a hospital setting. The fetus reaches a large size, it becomes more difficult for the mother to bear it. An older baby occupies the entire uterine cavity, so the nature of his movements changes. With the help of modern 3D and 4D ultrasound, you can see the features of the child's face, and even think about who the baby looks more like. Most medical centers can please future parents with the very first intrauterine photo of the crumbs. And this video models the intrauterine development of a child in detail: The path of a baby's development from an embryo to a newborn is huge and difficult. In just nine months or 40 weeks, an incredible transformation takes place. Stay with us, subscribe to our blog, find out all the most useful and interesting information about you and your children. The development of a child in the womb occurs from the first to the last week, so the expectant mother should be careful about her health. What could be more beautiful than motherhood. But this is such a responsible step that requires careful preparation. That is why I decided to write a series of articles about motherhood. We will begin by studying the development of the child in the womb . I think future moms and dads will be interested in this topic. When I hear the treasure in the mother's womb called a fetus, I immediately think of a pear or an apple, or any other fruit, but not a precious baby. We have been taught for so long that childbirth is quite natural and a woman who is carrying a child does not need special attention at all. But a woman is not a washing machine that can be programmed for delicate gestation. She is a personality and a living person who, in this special period, requires an attentive attitude and great love. It depends on close people whether she gets what she needs or not. The development of a child in the womb is affected not only by proper nutrition or vitamin intake, but also by the mood of the mother. Dads, please consider this! Pamper your beloved all 9months of pregnancy! After the birth of a child, so many responsibilities will fall on her, so let the young mother remember the period of pregnancy with gratitude. Until the 20th day, not yet a child, but an embryo, gradually increases in size and begins to form into a full-fledged human being. But from the 20th to the 40th day, the baby's nervous system, its internal organs, skeletal structure, fingers on the handles, and so on begin to form. This is a rather dangerous period, because a woman may still not know that she is pregnant, and abuse alcohol, smoke, which can kill the baby. That is why it is so important to always lead the right lifestyle, and if you have consciously decided to conceive a baby, then you should generally give up everything, eat right, go out in the fresh air more often, play sports (within reasonable limits, of course) in order for your child to develop in the womb was normal. It is at this time that the expectant mother most often learns about what gift fate has prepared for her. During this period, the development of the baby in the tummy occurs at an accelerated pace: The child in your womb is still too small, but it grows and develops every minute, so it's scary even to think about interrupting his life. I don't even want to say that terrible word "abortion" out loud, which gives me goosebumps. If by the beginning of the second trimester his weight is only 150 grams, by the end the baby weighs about 500 grams and these figures are constantly increasing. Real miracles happen in the second trimester. For example: Until the 24th week, the baby already hears perfectly, experiences emotions, and is able to breathe. Even if (God forbid, of course!) the mother starts giving birth prematurely, she can be saved with the help of special equipment. You have a full-fledged baby inside you who can express his dissatisfaction, who goes to bed at night so that you too can rest, who already loves you. And yet, its development continues, because the birth is still so far away. In order to keep your baby's weight during birth, you need to eat well, tasty and healthy food. But you can’t overeat either, because too much baby weight can lead to serious complications during childbirth. In the third trimester, a child is characterized by the following developmental features: At 28 weeks you have a 1 kg baby in your womb. He breathes and recognizes your voice when you talk to him. It would be nice during this period for dad to connect with his son or daughter. At 32 weeks, the baby's weight reaches two kilograms. He looks no different from a newborn baby: chubby arms and legs, hair on his head. The entire ninth month is characterized by the rapid growth of the baby in the womb (every day it becomes heavier by 13-15 grams). It practically does not develop anymore, because all the organs are formed. This is not a very pleasant period for mommy, because the baby, who is cramped in his house, tosses and turns endlessly, causing discomfort. If you give birth during this period, the doctors will call your baby full-term and there should not be any special problems. True, if his weight is less than 2.5 kilos, then for some time the child will be placed in a special incubator. Don't worry, millions of babies born with this weight grew up beautiful and healthy. Still, it is preferable that labor begins at 38–40 weeks. If the fetus is 40 weeks old, and you do not observe any signs of its birth, then you should go to the maternity hospital so that doctors can monitor your condition. Some stimulation may be needed to get the baby out of the womb sooner. about the gradual development of a baby in the womb: I will not write about childbirth. Even those who have yet to become a mother know that this process is painful and unpleasant. It is worth enduring only for the joy of future motherhood! Doctors convince that the development of a child in the womb mother occurs from the first to the last week, so you should be especially careful about your health during pregnancy. Useful article? Don't miss out on new ones! Future mothers are anxious about the development of the baby, which is carried under the heart and wish to learn as much as possible about the processes taking place with them during pregnancy, they study with interest the stages of intrauterine growth of the fetus, carefully examine the pictures, which show in detail the development of the fetus by weeks . Gynecologists start counting the pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. Before turning to the photo with the stages of fetal development by weeks, let's briefly get acquainted with the main periods of the formation of the organs of a little man during pregnancy. At 5-6 weeks, an embryo 6 millimeters in size (like a pear bone) lives in a bubble with liquid. The formation of the nervous system takes place, the spine and brain appear. Two pairs of dimples for the eyes and ears are visible on the head. Only 2 weeks pass and the main internal organs of the fetus are already formed. At the eighth week of fetal development, the face takes on the necessary forms, nostrils, the tip of a small nose, mouth, and tongue are visible. Starts to function the inside of the ear. The fingers of the emerging baby are also looming. 12 weeks fetal development - the age of a ten-centimeter embryo, in which the outlines of a human body are visible. Various systems and organs have already formed in the twelfth week of fetal development and are developing successfully. Modernized ultrasound equipment allows you to find out the sex of the baby and see the features of the face at this stage of pregnancy. The beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy is the period of fetal development, when all the baby's milk teeth are formed. The gastrointestinal tract at week 13 also develops, villi appear in the intestines, which in the future will accelerate the process of digestion of products. Up to 21 weeks of fetal development, the size of the baby allows him to move in the mother's womb in any direction. The length of the fetus is 26 centimeters, weight - 0.4 kilograms. A small organism capable of control your temperature from week 29, the period of preparation for the birth of a baby and independent life begins. At 31 weeks of development, the body is fully formed, it remains only to gain weight. The child is already able to feel, his condition may change depending on the mood of the mother. Hearing is developed enough to recognize voices. Sight and smell also function. Baby is ready for birth at 37 weeks. Now childbirth can not be called premature. Of course, ideally you need to wait a bit. But the child can already absorb and digest mother's milk, an epithelium with villi appears on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, through which Nutrients enter the bloodstream from food. Peristalsis is working, the first feces - meconium - have formed.
Development of the fetus for weeks: Week 14 9000 9000 Fetal development: 15-18 weeks
Fetal development by weeks photo: week 15 The fetus begins to actively push in the mother's tummy. The sex of the fetus can be determined by ultrasound.
Fetal development: 19-23 weeks
Fetal development by week photo: week 19
Fetal development by weeks photo: week 20 Fetal development: 24-27 weeks
Now the baby is already falling asleep and waking up. Downy hairs appear on the skin, the skin becomes wrinkled and covered with grease. The cartilage of the ears and nose is still soft.
Fetal development by week photo: week 27 Fetal development: 28-32 weeks
Almost all babies born prematurely at this time are viable. The weight of the fetus reaches 2500 g, and the length is 450 mm.
Fetal development: 33-37 weeks
Fetal development by week photo: week 36 Fetal development: 38-42 weeks
Fetal development by weeks photo: week 40 For a baby, this is a completely natural state, so he will calm down and fall asleep when he is shaken.
And for you, finally, the time of bliss will come :) .
For the development of a child in the womb. What does the baby do while in the mother's belly
Beginning of pregnancy - birth of life
During this period, the formation of the internal systems of the baby's body begins. It is at this time that the expectant mother is especially acutely aware of the changes in her body, primarily associated with changes in the hormonal background. Almost all body systems are in the process of restructuring, including the genitals of the future woman in labor.
male sperm with an egg, one large cell is formed with a complete set of chromosomes - 46 pieces from the mother and father of the unborn child. It is from this moment that the process of fetal development inside the womb can be considered open. Already at this stage, hundreds of cells are formed, each of which will be responsible for certain functions.
First trimester: how it all goes
In parallel with this, the nervous system and a number of organs responsible for hematopoiesis are being formed. At the same stage, limb rudiments and visual vesicles with pigment discs are formed. By this time, the weight of the baby is up to 1.3 grams, and the length increases to 5 mm.
the digestive and cardiovascular systems are being laid, the process of bronchi formation begins. His nervous system already
is able to conduct impulses, although so far they do not affect the internal organs. What happens in the second trimester?
which indicates the fullness of the intestine with meconium. It is very important for the expectant mother during this period to spend more time in the fresh air so that the baby's brain receives enough oxygen.
The final stage of the formation of a new life - the third trimester
The cerebral cortex is already practically formed by this time, and the baby is
is able to distinguish the sounds of the outside world. He listens to the voice of mom and dad, reacts to stroking the tummy, freezes or, conversely, begins to actively move at the sound of music.
outside world. Inside the mother, it becomes cramped for him, so the intensity and duration of the movements by this moment are noticeably reduced. Around the 35th week, the development of the child in the womb moves to the stage of direct preparation for childbirth. The kid takes the correct position (head down) and patiently waits for the crucial moment.
Is it necessary to develop a baby in the womb?
1. Forming a daily routine
2. Developing hearing
3. Join the choir
And there is nothing to talk about acoustics, because with the right, “wide” singing, the sounds, vibrating, pass through the spine. You can enhance the effect with tactile accompaniment, stroking and tapping your stomach to the beat of the music. You can do vocals on your own, and even better in a group consisting of other expectant mothers.
4. Developing taste in music
How a full-fledged self-sufficient organism, thinking and acting, is created from a pair of tiny particles. Just think how many transformations and changes during the development of the child inside the mother fall on the prenatal period! Any woman expecting a baby will find it incredibly exciting to travel to the inner world, where you can see how a child develops in the womb.
The birth of a new life
In the picture you can see an approximate process of growth and development of the fetus by weeks: First trimester of pregnancy
How the organs are laid down correctly depends on the mother’s lifestyle and her health directly. In each specific week of pregnancy, certain systems, internal and external organs are formed:
Development of the baby in the middle of pregnancy
The skin of the child is improved, a unique pattern of prints will appear on the fingertips.
Last three months: preparation for birth
There are no longer those sharp and sudden shocks when he jumped from one wall to another. Now mom feels soft, but strong touches from the inside. As a rule, the child chooses a favorite position with the head down. The genital organs of the baby reach full development. Improves the brain. Convolutions appear on the cortex of a small brain. The skin becomes less wrinkled due to the growth of subcutaneous fat. The respiratory system has reached its apogee in development, which means that the baby is ready to be born!
For us women, the real reward is to see and feel this mystery within ourselves.
Why is the development of a child in the womb so important?
The main thing is to eat well, not to overwork physically and not to be nervous.
How does a child develop in the womb before the first trimester?
From 1 to 10 days after fertilization of the egg, the struggle for the life of the embryo takes place. If he is firmly attached to the wall of the uterus, he will soon begin to receive oxygen and the nutrition he needs for growth.
Development of the baby in the womb: first trimester
The first trimester starts from the 6th week and lasts until the 13th.
Development of the child in the womb: second trimester
In the second trimester, which lasts from the 14th to the 24th week, the development of the child in the womb mother is characterized by its rapid growth and increase in weight.
Development of the child in the womb: third trimester
The main duty of the child in the third trimester (25th - 38th week) is to gain weight.
The development of the child in the womb ends with childbirth
Starting from the 37th week, doctors consider that the development of the child in the womb is almost complete, because he is almost ready to be born.
Enter e-mail and receive new articles by mail Basic unit of time at pregnancy - week.
First weeks for the unborn child are very important, at this moment the health of the body and its viability are formed.
Good if pregnancy will be planned, then the woman will begin to lead a correct lifestyle, save the baby from many health problems. Below you will find detailed information about the formation of embryos in the womb. , you will be able to see the development of the fetus by weeks - pictures with all stages of intrauterine growth and development, as well as a description of the ongoing processes at any stage of pregnancy. The digestive tract is born already at this stage of fetal development.