At what week do you start showing
When do you start showing?
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Photo credit: Katie Rain for BabyCenter
If it's your first pregnancy, or even if it isn't, you may be wondering when your bloated belly will turn into a baby bump, and your pregnancy will start to show. The short answer: It can be different for everyone, for a number of reasons.
When do you start showing in pregnancy?
First-time moms usually start showing sometime between 12 and 18 weeks. In a BabyCenter poll, most women expecting their first child said they started to show between 12 and 18 weeks, very closely followed by those who said that their bump emerged between 18 and 24 weeks.
Every woman and every baby bump is different, and there isn't an exact time when you'll start "showing," which is what happens when your growing uterus begins to expand above the pubic bone. This usually starts when you're around 12 weeks pregnant; before then, the uterus remains within the pelvis and isn't usually visible.
Even at 12 weeks of pregnancy, any “bump” you start to see in your abdomen is really just your bowels that used to be in your pelvis, now being pushed up higher in your belly. "Showing" starts as your abdomen looks fuller and you find yourself needing to unbutton your pants by the end of the day. From there, a distinctly uterus-shaped bump will appear in another few weeks or so.
Several factors play a part in how and when you start showing:
- Your body shape and size. Shorter women may start showing earlier than tall women, and thinner women may see a distinct baby bump before plus-size women do.
- Your core muscles. Women with weak core muscles may start showing earlier than those with a stronger core.
- The position of your uterus.
- Whether not this is your first pregnancy. Moms who've already been pregnant often start showing with their second pregnancy sooner, since their uterine and abdominal muscles have been stretched from an earlier pregnancy.
Sometimes, you might think you're already showing early on in the first trimester, but it's more than likely just pregnancy bloating, a swelling that can make your pants fit tighter. Bloating is one of the early signs of pregnancy, along with gas and constipation.
Should I be worried if I haven't started showing yet?
If you haven't started showing and feel like you don't look pregnant yet, don't fret. There are a number of completely normal factors that may be contributing to how pregnant you look. Showing late doesn't automatically mean that your baby is too small. In the second trimester, your ob-gyn or midwife will start monitoring your fundal height to track your baby's growth, and if there's any reason for concern, they'll do an ultrasound to check on the progress. Babies who are smaller than expected for their gestational age will get frequent monitoring to make sure they're doing well.
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Amy Cassell
Amy Cassell was a senior editor at BabyCenter, the world's number one digital parenting resource, where she wrote and edited wellness and lifestyle content about pregnancy and parenting. She lives in Seattle with her husband and daughter – and when she's not writing, you’ll likely find her exploring with her family, at a brewery with friends, or on the couch with a book.
My pregnancy week by week
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When Do Pregnant Women's Baby Bump Start Showing?
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- When Will You Look Pregnant?
- Why Do Some Pregnant Women Show Early?
- Why Do Some Pregnant Women Show Late?
- When to Be Concerned
Pregnant women typically start showing within a few months, but it could take longer. You may notice the bump sooner than others because you’re watching for changes.
When Will You Look Pregnant?
You may not start showing in your first trimester because your body is going through changes during this time. Your baby is still forming inside of you. While you may feel different, your body may not look different.
Typically, your bump becomes noticeable during your second trimester. Between 16-20 weeks, your body will start showing your baby’s growth. For some women, their bump may not be noticeable until the end of the second trimester and even into the third trimester.
The second trimester starts in the fourth month. During this month you’ll be able to feel your baby start to move around in little flutters. Your body may start to look different. Others may start to notice differences in your appearance. Pregnancy signs become more prevalent.
Why Do Some Pregnant Women Show Early?
Pregnant women's baby bumps typically start showing in the second trimester. But if this is your second baby, you may show sooner. Your second pregnancy may be very different from your first. In addition to showing earlier, you may feel your baby moving sooner and have a shorter labor.
Your body has already been through pregnancy and childbirth, so it knows what to expect and can adjust accordingly. The reason you could show earlier with your second baby is due to stretched abdominal muscles. You also know what to look for in your next pregnancy, so you might notice your baby bump sooner.
Other women might show early because of their age. Older women and women who have been pregnant before can show as early as the first trimester. Also, women who don’t have strong core muscles may show earlier because their muscles are relaxed. Their stomach adapts more easily to looking pregnant.
Why Do Some Pregnant Women Show Late?
Women who are overweight or obese may not show a solid rounded belly until the third trimester. If you have a higher body weight and are classified as a B belly, this means your bump is not as pronounced. A B belly could take until the third trimester to turn into a D belly.
When to Be Concerned
There may be different reasons as to why your bump hasn’t appeared yet. However, if you are still not showing in your third trimester, you should talk to your doctor. This also goes for any time you have concerns about yourself or your baby. Your doctor will be able to determine what is best for you and your child.
If you are small, this could be the reason your bump hasn’t appeared. Your doctor periodically monitors your baby's gestational weight in your uterus. Your baby’s gestational weight will be taken again once they’re born. Complications for your baby related to low gestational weight can include difficulty regulating body temperature, low blood pressure, low oxygen levels, and breathing problems.
High blood pressure can be a risk for pregnant women. Your baby may be at risk for being small for their gestational age. Being small for their gestational age may keep your belly from becoming noticeable. High blood pressure can also lead to other problems like preterm delivery and infant death. You can get help before, during, and after your pregnancy to treat high blood pressure.
If you are overweight or obese, your belly may not appear rounded or shaped. Being overweight can make your baby’s gestational weight high for their age. Other risks include gestational diabetes mellitus, miscarriage, preeclampsia, and emergency cesarean surgery. You’ll want to talk with your doctor about healthy and safe practices during pregnancy.
Phrases for business correspondence in English
Today, business correspondence in English is no longer something extraordinary. But despite this, many still face a number of issues when writing letters. This article will help you finally understand this issue and remember the necessary phrases.
Correspondence with a partner or colleague should be started with a greeting. Choosing the right phrases in this part depends on how formal your relationship with the addressee is.
To Whom It May Concern a letter with a request to a public organization).
Dear Sir/Madam
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Johns - Dear Mr. / Miss / Mrs. Jones (used when you know the name of the person to whom you are addressing the letter (Mrs. in this case is considered more obsolete)).
Dear Xu Kim
Less formal
Dear colleagues/Gentlemen
Dear Frank/Kate
Start of correspondence
Start of business correspondence in English depends on whether your letter is the first contact with this person or not.
If you have already communicated with the recipient, you can start the letter using one of the following phrases:
I am writing regarding your inquiry about .../ our phone conversation ... - I am writing to you with a letter in connection with your inquiry . .. / with our phone call ...
In reply to your request ... - In response to your request ...
I received your address from (name) and would like to...
Thank you for contacting us
With reference to your letter of 15 May, I ... - Referring to your letter of May 15, ...
With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday ... - Referring to our telephone conversation yesterday ... - In addition to our meeting last week
It was a pleasure meeting you in … last month. - It was very nice to meet you in ... last month
After having seen your advertisement in ... , I would like ... - I saw your advertisement in ... and would like
After having received your contact information from ..., I ... - I received your contact information from ... and would like ...
I am (we are) writing to inform you that …/ confirm …/ enquire about …/ complain about … for the following reason . .. - I am writing to you for the following reason ...
I recently heard about ... and would like to ...
Inquiry / Request
The introductory part of the letter can be followed by a request, which can be made polite by using modal verbs.
For example:
We would appreciate it if you would ...
I would be grateful if you could ...
Could you please send me ... - Could you send me ...
Could you possibly tell us / let us have ...
It would be helpful if you could send us ... - It would be very helpful if you could send us ...
In addition, I would like to receive…
Would (will) you kindly/please…
We should be responsible if you could (would) ... - We would be grateful to you if you ...
We should be glad if you would…
We trust you will…
Please let me know… know about…
We kindly ask you to send us…
Please take notice that…
We request to pay… — We please pay…
We ask you to wire us… We ask you to transfer us…
Please indicate your post-code and telephone number
Please take all necessary measures for…
Please do your best to bring this matter to a fast positive end. — Please make every effort to ensure a positive resolution of this issue
Please send is urgently … in accordance with our contract. - Please send us urgently... according to our contacts...
I wonder if you would do me a favour…
It will be appreciated if you will please…
I wonder if you could help me to…
We will appreciate your informing us of your decision concerning… We would be grateful if you could inform us of your decision regarding …
We ask you for some additional information…
We would very much appreciate hearing from you so that we may…
I would appreciate very much if you send me, according to clause 5 of the agreement ... - I would be very grateful if you sent me in accordance with clause 5 of the agreement ....
We would kindly request to provide us with…
In addition to the request, the letter may contain complaints. Despite the fact that you are going to show your displeasure or negative attitude towards the situation, in this part of the letter also use polite treatment, trying to avoid words with an extra emotional connotation.
So, you can write:
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ... - I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about ...
I am writing to complain about ...
Good news
If you want to express gratitude or joy for an event that has already happened or will happen in the near future, use the following phrases:
I take pleasure of… — I would like to….
I am pleased to send you a copy of…
I shall be happy to discuss with you…
We were very pleased to hear that you have decided to undertake ... - We were very pleased to hear that you decided to undertake ...
We are pleased to learn from your letter that you have decided to…
We are most pleased that you want to buy… We are very pleased that you have decided to purchase…
I was delighted to hear the news that…
It would be truly wonderful to…
We are glad to say that we can reserve for you . .. - We are pleased to inform you that we can reserve for you ...
We appreciate your attitude. We appreciate your attitude.
We are pleased to announce that...
I am delighted to inform you that...
You will be pleased to learn that... find out what ...
Bad news
If your letter contains news that is undesirable for the addressee, it is better to indicate them in the second or third paragraph. In this case, it is also better not to use words with unnecessary emotional coloring.
You can start this part with the words:
We regret to inform you that ... - We are forced to inform you that ...
I'm afraid it would not be possible to ...
Unfortunately, we are unable to …
After careful consideration we have decided …
This sets up a chain involving several complications. - This entails a number of difficulties.
I am most disturbed that you will not be able to…
We are not happy about the terms you suggested. We are not satisfied with the conditions you proposed.
I am disappointed about this fact and hope that you can help me to clear out this very strange situation. I am troubled by this strange situation and I hope you can help me to clarify it.
This is, I am sure you will agree, not a good way to conduct business. — I am sure you will agree that this business model is unacceptable.
I am afraid that we must cancel the agreement as ... Also, try to double indent between the final part and the end of the letter.
Phrase examples:
Please find enclosed (for letters)
Please find attached (for emails) - Please find in the attachment. (for emails)
If you require more information, please let us know. - If you need more information, please let us know.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance. — Please feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. - Looking forward to your reply.
We are looking forward to meeting you on 21 January. We look forward to seeing you on January 21st.
We would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience. We will appreciate your reply as soon as possible.
We take this opportunity of thanking you for your assistance. We take this opportunity to thank you for your help.
Awaiting your further commands. We await your further instructions.
With many thanks for your interest in this matter, I remain…0016
We look forward with interest to our continued cooperative efforts…
I sincerely appreciate your patience and continued interest… — I sincerely appreciate your calmness and continued interest…
Formal language
Your sincerely/ Sincerely yours/ Respectfully - Sincerely yours (use these phrases if Dear Sir / Madam or To Whom It May Concern were indicated in the introductory part).
Sincerely - Sincerely (this phrase corresponds to the introduction Dear with the name of the addressee).
Less formal
Kind regards/ Warm regards/ Regards/ Best wishes - With best wishes (less formal phrases that are also appropriate for business correspondence).
Keeping these phrases in mind for business correspondence in English, you can easily write a letter to a foreign colleague on any topic that interests you. Learn more about business writing in Wall Street English courses.
structure, design, typical phrases, examples of how to write it correctly
Diana Akchurina
writes letters in English
I have been learning English since childhood, but the real interest came only in adulthood
Already at the university, I began to actively use the language: read articles in English, watch movies and TV shows with and without subtitles, communicate with foreigners on trips and write letters without relying on Google Translate.
In correspondence in English, I especially got my hands on it: at one time I blogged on Instagram on the topic of travel and photography and often wrote with proposals for cooperation in foreign Instagram communities.
I also had occasion to clarify organizational issues for business meetings and resolve issues related to payment from photo banks: I sell pictures through photo stocks.
If you can communicate with the administrator of the Instagram page in a conversational style, then you have to write emails on business issues formally, according to the rules. To make it easier, I learned to follow a certain structure of the letter and learned the standard turns for formal correspondence.
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The structure of the letter
In emails in English, the structure of the text consists of several parts:
- Contact.
- Thanks for the letter.
- Essence of the letter.
- Final phrase.
- Signatures and contacts.
These blocks are separated by spaces: this makes it easier for the interlocutor to navigate the letter and find the necessary information in it.
If you decide to write a message in English in solid text, it will be inconvenient for the interlocutor, and in some cases it may seem impolite and familiar: in Russian-language letters, large blocks of text usually do not produce such an effect.
How to learn English in Russia
On the left is an example of writing in English with a clear structure. On the right - a letter in Russian in solid text: this format usually does not bother anyone An example of a letter in English with a clear structure A letter in Russian in solid text: this format usually does not bother anyone In the context of the letter, dear means “respected”, and not “dear”, “dear”. A comma is placed at the end of any address, despite the fact that the next letter begins with a capital letter. The appeal is separated from further text by an indent. An exclamation point is not put at the end of the appeal, from it it acquires an emotional coloring, it becomes like raising the voice.
Formally. If you feel that you need to write a formal letter - a letter about work, study, an official or an entrepreneur - use the appeals below:
Dear Mr, Mrs, Ms + the surname of the person you are addressing is the most formal option;
Dear + name - a less formal option, let's say in communication with a colleague, an equal partner;
Mx - gender-neutral form of address, read as "mix";
Dear Sir or Madam - you can write like this if you don't know who you are writing to;
To Whom It May Concern - "to whom it may apply", this is the appropriate address if you do not know who you are addressing, or if you are addressing an organization.
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Dear first name + last name is also acceptable, especially if you have not yet managed to find out the gender of the interlocutor.
Often, after a few letters, contact is established, you can move on to less formal communication. If the interlocutor signed with his name, this is a sign that you can call him Dear + name and also sign with his name.
Acceptable address options for formal (left) and less formal writing Acceptable address options for formal writing Acceptable address options for less formal writingInformally. In an informal style, it is customary to correspond with friends in social networks, instant messengers. Standard treatment is Hello, Hi, Hey + name.
If you sometimes get lost and do not know whether to introduce yourself to a stranger on a social network, although the name is already visible, in my experience it is more polite to introduce yourself.
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This is how you can write to a more or less familiar personThank you for the letter
If you start a dialogue, a short polite phrase after the address will come in handy, which will allow, for example, to unobtrusively ask about the affairs of the interlocutor. Such a phrase will add tact to the letter, position the interlocutor. It will sound a little rude if you start the letter without it. Previously, I myself wrote without introductory phrases, and my letters, as it turned out, looked harsh and impolite.
In some cases, a welcome phrase may not be appropriate. For example, you write a complaint, and here, in my opinion, the welcome phrase looks like a mockery. It is also not necessary to write a welcome phrase every time if you continue to communicate.
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If you answer the interlocutor, you should thank him for the letter or for the information. If you are writing with a proposal for cooperation, first greet the interlocutor, then introduce yourself. Multiple options:
How to greet and thank someone
English | In Russian | Example |
Trust this email finds you well (formally) | I hope you are doing well | - |
I hope you are doing well (semi-formal) | I hope you are doing well | - |
I trust your week is off to a good start (informal) | Hope your week started well | - |
I am glad to connect with you (informal) | Pleased to contact you | - |
I appreciate you getting back to me (informal) | I appreciate that you wrote to me | - |
Thank you for the details (neutral) | Thanks for the details, details | Thank you for the details of the booking |
Thank you for your reply (neutral) | Thank you for your reply | Thank you for your prompt reply - Thank you for your prompt reply |
Thank you for your cooperation (neutral) | Thank you for your cooperation | - |
Trust this email finds you well (formal)
Hope you are doing well
I hope you are doing well (semi-formal)
I hope you are doing well
I trust your week is off to a good start (informal) week started well
I am glad to connect with you (informal)
Glad to contact you
I appreciate you getting back to me (informal)
I appreciate you writing to me
Thank you for the details (neutral)
Thank you for the details
Thank you for the details of the booking
Thank you for your reply (neutral)
Thank you for your reply
Thank you for your prompt reply
Thank you for your cooperation (neutral)
In Russian
Thank you for your cooperation
Content of the letter
In business correspondence, they immediately go to the essence of the letter. It is impolite to flood the interlocutor with unnecessary information about your life or news that is not relevant.
In the first paragraph, it is usually indicated for what purpose the letter is written, and in the second and subsequent paragraphs, details and additional points. Depending on the meaning, the examples below are suitable both for describing the essence of the letter and for describing the details.
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Two letters with the same essence but in different styles - formal and informal Two letters with the same essence but in different styles - formal And this is an example of an informal letterWhen to introduce yourself. The phrases in the table are suitable when you write for the first time and you need to get to know each other first.
Acquaintance phrases
English | Russian | Example |
I am writing to introduce myself (formally) | I am writing to introduce myself | I am writing to introduce myself.![]() |
I am (name) from… (semi-formal) | I am (name) from… | I am Ken Adams from X company0468 |
It was a pleasure meeting you… (semi-formal) | It was nice meeting you... | It was a pleasure meeting you on conference last week - It was a pleasure to meet you at the conference last week |
This is… (semi-formal) | This is… | This is John Smith - new IT specialist in company X |
Let me introduce myself… (informally) | Let me introduce myself... | Let me introduce myself. My name is John Smith - Let me introduce myself, my name is John Smith |
I am writing to introduce myself (formally)
In Russian
I am writing to introduce myself
I am writing to introduce myself. My name is Ken Adams. I am an IT specialist in company X - I am writing to introduce myself. My name is Ken Adams. I am an IT specialist at company X
I am (name) from… (semi-formal)
Russian a please meeting you… (semi-formal)
It was nice to meet you…
It was a pleasure meeting you on conference last week
This is… (semi-formal)
This is…
This is John Smith — new IT specialist in company X … (informal)
Let me introduce myself…
Let me introduce myself. My name is John Smith - Let me introduce myself, my name is John Smith
Where there is no example - in English a full-fledged sentence, it can be used just like that.
Where to start the semantic part. The phrases below are suitable to provide information, clarify details, write a proposal. Some expressions, depending on the context, can be used both in a business letter and in everyday communication.
From which phrase to go to the essence of the letter
In English | In Russian | Example |
I kindly inform you… (formally) | Kindly inform… | I kindly inform you are hired - I kindly inform you that you are hired |
I regret to inform you that… (formally) | I regret to inform you that… | I regret to inform you that tomorrow is a holiday and the shop will be closed - I regret to inform you that tomorrow is a day off and the store will be closed |
Kindly advise if you… (formally) | Warn (report) if you… | Kindly advise if you will be on time for the appointment - Please advise if you will be on time for the meeting |
I am writing in reference to… (formally) | I am writing about.![]() | I am writing in reference to collaboration with brand ABC on a new product |
Regarding your request… (formally) | Regarding your request… | Regarding your request for a room number on the ground floor we will see what we can do for you |
I am interested in working with you… (informal) | I'm interested in working with you... | I am interested in working with you as a photographer - I am interested in working with you as a photographer |
I kindly inform you... (formal)
Kindly inform you...
I kindly inform you are hired (formally)
In Russian
I regret to inform you that ...
I regret to inform you that tomorrow is a holiday and the shop will be closed - I regret to inform you that tomorrow is a holiday and the shop will be closed closed
Kindly advise if you… (formally)
In Russian on time at the meeting
I am writing in reference to… (formal)
In Russian
I am writing in relation to…
I am writing in reference to collaboration with brand ABC on—a new product collaboration with ABC brand on new product
Regarding your request… (formal)
about the ground floor room: we'll see what we can do for you
I am interested in working with you…(informal)
I'm interested in working with you…
I am interested in working with you as a photographer
Clarifying phrases. The following phrases will be appropriate to ask additional questions, show interest in cooperation, report something, indicate that you will be waiting for an answer - after you have said why you wrote.
How to clarify details
English | Russian | Example |
Would it be fine if…? (informally) | Would it be good if...? | Would it be fine if I meet you? — Will it be convenient if I meet you? (informally) |
I just wanted to update you on… (informal) | I wanted to add that… | I just wanted to update you on the photoshoot we are having on Sunday0468 |
Please find attached…(formality depends on context) | Please see attachment... | Please find attached the itinerary |
Please find attached some of my suggestions as to the list of themes | ||
Please find attached my photos - Please see my photos in the attachment (informal) |
Would it be fine if…? (informally)
In Russian
Would it be nice if. ..?
Would it be fine if I meet you? — Will it be convenient if I meet you? (informally)
I just wanted to update you on… (informally)
In Russian
I wanted to add that…
I just wanted to update you on the photoshoot we are having on I just wanted to let you know about the photo shoot that is planned for Sunday
Please find attached… (formality depends on the context)
Russian my suggestions as to the list of themes (formal)
Please find attached my photos - Please see my photos in the attachment (informal)
Apology phrases. If you need to ask for forgiveness in a letter, the following phrases will help.
How to start an apology
English | In Russian | Example |
I am writing to offer my apologize for… (formally) | I am writing to express my apologies for… | I am writing to offer my apologize for any inconvenience - I am writing to express my apologies for the inconvenience caused |
I would like to apologize for… (formally) | I apologize for… | I would like to apologise for delayed delivery of cargo |
Please accept my sincere apologies for… (formally) | Please accept my sincere apologies for… | Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience - Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused |
We regret any inconvenience caused by…(formally) | We are sorry for the inconvenience caused due to… | We regret any inconvenience caused by flight delay - We are sorry for the inconvenience caused due to flight delay |
I am sorry for… (informal) | Sorry for… | I am sorry for misunderstanding |
Please sorry for… (informal) | Please excuse the… | Please sorry for our mistakes - Please excuse our mistakes |
I owe you an apology (informal) | I owe you an apology | - |
I am writing to offer my apologize for. .. (formally)
In Russian
I am writing to express my apologies for... I am writing to express my apologies for the inconvenience caused
I WOLD Like to Apologize for ... (Formally)
In Russian
I apologize for ...
I WULD LIKE to APOLOGIED DELAYAS OF CARGO - I am apologizing for the delay of cargo - I am apologized accept my sincere apologies for… (formally)
Please accept my sincere apologies for…
Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience
We regret any inconvenience caused by… (formal)
In Russian
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by…
Example called due to flight delay
I am sorry for… (informal)
Sorry for…
I am sorry for misunderstanding
Please sorry for… (informal)
Please excuse me for…
In Russian
I owe you an apology
Phrases for expressing dissatisfaction. These phrases are useful to file a complaint, point out mistakes and shortcomings, come to a compromise.
How to show dissatisfaction
English | In Russian | Example |
I am writing to complain about… (formally) | I am writing to complain... | I am writing to complain about the employees of your company |
I suggest finding a solution that works on both sides (formally) | I propose to find a solution that suits both sides | - |
I assume we can sort this matter out amicably (formally) | I assume that we can resolve this situation peacefully. | - |
We would like to express our dissatisfaction with… (formally) | We express our displeasure regarding… | We would like to express our dissatisfaction with new equipment - We express our dissatisfaction with the new equipment |
I feel we desert… (informally) | I guess we deserve.![]() | I feel we deserve moral compensation - I believe we deserve moral compensation |
I am afraid I am not happy with… (informally) | I'm afraid I don't like... | I am afraid I am not happy with material quality |
I am writing to complain about… (formally)
I am writing to complain...
I am writing to complain about the employees of your company both sides (formal)
In Russian
I propose to find a solution that works on both sides
I assume we can sort this matter out amicably (formal)
in Russian
I assume that we can resolve this situation peacefully ...
WELD Like to Express
OUR Dissatisfaction with ... (formally)
in Russian
We express our discontent about ...
We would like to express our dissatisfaction with new equipment
I feel we desert… (informal)
In Russian
I think we deserve . ..
I feel we deserve moral compensation
I am afraid I am not happy with ... I don't like ...
I am afraid I am not happy with material quality - I'm afraid that I don't like the quality of the material
Phrases for expressing positive emotions. The phrases below are suitable for the approval of the interlocutor: with their help, you can show that you agree with his statement or proposal.
How to show joy
English | In Russian | Example |
We are pleased to announce that… (formally) | We are pleased to announce that… | We are pleased to announce that transaction has completed successfully |
You will be pleased to learn that… (informal) | You will be pleased to know that… | You will be pleased to learn that we are opening a new store - You will be pleased to know that we are opening a new store |
I take pleasure in… (informally) | With pleasure… | I take pleasure in conveying greetings to you from the colleagues - I take pleasure in conveying greetings to you from colleagues |
I am happy to announce… (informal) | I'm happy to announce.![]() | I am happy to announce you are accepted - I am happy to announce that you are accepted |
We are pleased to announce that…(formally)
In Russian
We are pleased to announce that…
We are pleased to announce that the transaction has successfully completed successfully completed
You will be pleased to learn that… (informal)
You will be pleased to know that…
You will be pleased to learn that we are opening a new store
I take pleasure in… (informal)
In Russian
With pleasure ...
I take pleasure in conveying greetings to you from the colleagues0004
I am happy to announce...
I am happy to announce you are accepted
Phrases for request or request. Such phrases are needed to ask the interlocutor for a favor or something else.
How to ask
English | In Russian | Example |
Would you kindly… (formally) | Please… | Would you kindly send us the review of the literature |
We shall appreciate your cooperation in this matter (formally) | We will be grateful for your assistance in this matter | - |
We would appreciate it if you would… (formally) | We would be grateful if you... | We would appreciate it if you would bring the present letter to the attention of the prosecutor's office - We would be grateful if you bring this letter to the attention of the prosecutor's office |
Please do your best to bring this matter to a fast positive end (semi-formal) | Please do your best to come up with a positive solution to the problem | - |
Could you do me a favor? (informal) | Could you do me a favor? | - |
Would you kindly… (formally)
Would you kindly…
Would you kindly send us the review of the literature
We shall appreciate your cooperation in this matter (formally)
We would appreciate it if you would… (formally)
In Russian
We would appreciate it if you…
We would appreciate it if you would theattention to bring the presentation letter of the prosecutor's office - We would be grateful if you bring this letter to the attention of the prosecutor's office
Please do your best to bring this matter to a fast positive end (semi formal)
Russian (informal)
In Russian
Could you do me a favor?
Phrases to suggest something. They will help to write a proposal for cooperation, help, talk about the project, show that you are satisfied with the cooperation.
Calls to action
English | In Russian | Example |
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance (formal) | Please feel free to ask for more help | - |
Let us know whether you would like to… (formally) | Let us know if you would like… | Let us know whether you would like to remain till Monday0468 |
I am sending a response to… (formally) | I am sending a response to… | I am sending a response to vacancy of engineer |
We look forward to doing business with you again (informal) | Looking forward to continuing to work with you | - |
Please do not hesitate to contact us if
you need any further assistance
Please feel free to ask for more help
Let us know whether you would like to… (formal)
Let us know whether you would like to remain till Monday
I am sending a response to… (formally)
In Russian
I am a response to ...
I am Sending a Response to Vacancy of Engineer - I send a response to the engineer’s vacancy
We look forward to do -it -free business We look forward to continuing to work with you
End of the letter
Usually looks like this:
- Closing phrase.
- Signature.
- Name and contacts.
End phrase shows a call to action, such as hope for a speedy response. They can also be formal and informal.
End phrase options
English | In Russian | Example |
I look forward to your reply (formally) | Looking forward to hearing | - |
Looking forward to hearing from you (formally) | I hope for an early reply | - |
Kindly let me know if anything needs to be amended (formal) | Let me know if anything needs to be changed | Kindly let me know if anything needs to be amended in schedule |
Bear with me or us (informal) | Please be kind to us (or me) | - |
I LOOK FORWARD to Your Reply (Formally)
in Russian
I look forward to response
in Russian I hope in Russian. Kindly let me know if anything needs to be amended (formal)
Let me know if something needs to be changed I know if something needs to be changed in the schedule
Bear with me or us (informal)
In Russian
Please treat us (or me) with respect
Signature. I mean a combination like "With respect", as is often written in business correspondence in Russian. In English, there are options.
Signature options
English | In Russian |
Sincerely | Regards |
Looking forward to hearing from you or to your response (neutral) | Looking forward to an answer |
Yours Sincerely | Yours sincerely |
Kind regards (formally) | Best Regards |
Best wishes or warm wishes (not as formal as best or kind regards) | Best regards |