Amber necklace for baby benefits
4 Main Benefits of Amber Necklaces for Babies – Powell's Owls
The rise of social media has led to the rise in the ability for parents to share various tips, tricks and findings when it comes to raising their children. And if you have been paying attention on social media over the past few year, you’ve likely seen posts about a teething remedy known as an amber teething necklace. Amber teething necklaces are a popular teething remedy for babies due to their high rate of effectiveness, along with several other reasons that will be discussed below. The following benefits of amber teething necklaces for babies will help you to understand why they are such a popular choice among parents with teething children.
They are natural and don’t have side effects
Unlike some teething remedies such as painkillers, amber teething necklaces do not have any side effects. Amber teething necklaces work as an effective pain reliever due to a compound find inside amber known as succinic acid; this is an anti-inflammatory agent that targets gum inflammation which is the primary source of pain in teething babies.
There are no side effects to using amber teething necklaces. However, like any jewelry, you should supervise your baby when they wear it; regularly inspect the necklace to ensure that there are no loose pieces, and never let your baby put the necklace in your mouth.
They work long-term
Other teething remedies can be effective--but they are only effective on a temporary, short-term basis. For example, many children find that chewing on cold teething toys is effective, but it only works when the child is in the process of actively chewing on the toy. Amber teething necklaces, on the other hand, work long-term by targeting and reducing inflammation. Without this inflammation, the gums will not be experiencing the same level as pain; therefore, they will produce a longer-term pain relieving effect when compared to a traditional teething remedy.
They can be used with other baby teething remedies
Of course, amber teething necklaces are not the only effective teething remedy in the world. However, one of their great benefits is that they can be easily combined with other teething remedies in order to create a thorough teething treatment plan. For example, the amber teething necklace can be used to reduce inflammation in the long-term, while a teething toy or cold rag can be used to reduce pain immediately.
They are easy to maintain and last a long time
No one wants to have to repurchase items because they are low quality or otherwise need to be replaced frequently. Amber teething necklaces are highly durable, very easy to maintain and can last for a long time as long as you are taking care of them on a regular basis. They do not need much maintenance; cleaning them regularly with a soft cloth and water is usually enough to ensure that they stay in good shape.
If you are considering purchasing a teething remedy for your baby, you should definitely consider the highly beneficial amber teething necklace solution.
Back to blogWhat Are The Benefits Of Baltic Amber For Infants And Children – Powell's Owls
If you’ve checked out social media in the past few years, then you’ve probably already seen posts featuring Baltic amber necklaces for babies. Baltic amber jewelry can be worn by both infants and young children and has numerous benefits, not only for the child but for the parent’s peace of mind as well. Let’s take a closer look at the amazing benefits of wearing Baltic amber jewelry for infants and children.
What is Baltic amber?
First, it’s important to know the answer to this important question: What is Baltic amber, anyway? Baltic amber refers to amber harvested from the Baltic region. Amber is not a precious gem—contrary to popular belief!—but it is actually tree resin which has become fossilized.
Most people are familiar with amber from films like Jurassic Park, where they show ancient insects trapped in amber. Baltic amber, however, contains nothing but the fossilized resin which is harvested and then shaped in order to create jewelry. Baltic amber jewelry typically comes in bracelet and necklace form, though there are anklets as well.
Baltic amber benefits:
There are a number of benefits associated with regularly wearing Baltic amber jewelry. These benefits can be enjoyed by adults, children and infants. The following are the most common benefits.
Pain relief:
The most significant benefit of wearing Baltic amber for children and infants is pain relief. Amber contains a natural anti-inflammatory compound called succinic acid. When amber is worn against the skin, a person’s body heat will warm up the amber and cause it to secrete a trace amount of oil, which gets absorbed into the skin. Succinic acid is inside this oil and once it gets absorbed, it begins to reduce pain. Children and infants will experience pain relief for various types of pain, most notably teething pain.
Reduced inflammation
Another benefit of Baltic amber is reduced inflammation. Since succinic acid is an anti-inflammatory agent, it will reduce inflammation caused by a variety of conditions. It can reduce inflammation caused by the teething process, arthritis, certain types of injuries and more. Since it is natural and does not have any side effects, this can be a great way to reduce inflammation in children and infants.
Better night’s sleep
Children who are experiencing pain and inflammation will typically have a hard time sleeping through the night. This is difficult for both the child and the parent. When wearing Baltic amber regularly, both the pain and inflammation will be reduced, which will help everyone in the household get a better night’s sleep.
Improved mood
Finally, children and infants who wear Baltic amber will be in a better mood because their pain and inflammation has been reduced. Happier children, happier parents and a happier household!
If you are looking for a natural way to help your child or infant deal with pain especially pain from conditions caused by inflammation, like teething then you should look no further than a Baltic amber necklace, Baltic amber bracelet or other Baltic amber jewelry products.
benefits or dangers for a child
- Amber beads for teething in children: benefits and harms
- Useful properties of amber
- How to choose the right amber beads for a baby
- How to care for 9005 amber
Sometimes you notice with surprise that parents tend to “decorate” their babies in a way that is obviously inappropriate for their age: for example, earrings on one-year-old princesses are no longer a rarity. Or why does a child need amber beads, if this decoration on a child's neck looks clearly alien?
Rumors persist among parents that amber can relieve pain during teething, and pediatricians and dentists refute this statement with no less enthusiasm. Where can you find the truth?
Amber beads for teething in children: benefits and harms
Let's find out if amber beads help with teething in children. Let's start with the fact that amber really has a number of unique healing properties that are not inherent in other substances of natural and artificial origin (we will talk about this a little later). This explains such a wide popularity of amber beads for children.
According to parents and supporters of alternative medicine, amber beads:
- They have adaptogenic properties. The baby adapts to changes more easily, becomes calmer, sleep improves. This contributes to the proper development of the child and the peace of mind of the parents.
- Have an anti-inflammatory effect. Amber is a natural antiseptic, it prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes and promotes the speedy healing of wounds.
- They act on acupuncture zones. Amber beads for children are made in such a way that they lie around the neck and act on acupuncture points like miniature massagers-applicators.
- They prevent a number of diseases. According to parents, with the constant wearing of amber beads, babies are less likely to get sick with infectious diseases. Useful trace elements penetrate the skin in close proximity to the thyroid gland, which contributes to the proper growth and development of the child.
Immunity is strengthened, and this is also worth a lot.
- Mechanically facilitate the process of teething. The baby gnaws beads, and teething is more gentle due to the antiseptic and analgesic properties of amber. Teeth grow stronger and healthier.
Serious researchers do not find confirmation of the above facts. According to official medicine, amber beads do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect.
According to pediatricians, parents who put amber beads on their little children risk the health of their babies. For example, beads can cause asphyxia: direct suffocation with a thread or when swallowing scattered beads. In addition, untreated amber can damage delicate children's gums during active movements of the jaws.
However, all risks are minimized with the right selection of amber beads for babies of the most tender age.
Useful properties of amber
The use of amber beads for children is based on the healing properties of the main material for their manufacture. Amber is a unique natural formation from the resin of plants that grew on Earth many millions of years ago. For such a solid period, fossil resin acquires the hardness of a stone and unique properties (including healing ones).
The main active substance in this case is succinic acid. It is widely used in cosmetology, being part of many skincare products. It is also widely used in medicine, being part of dietary supplements that have a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood and the state of immunity.
Succinic acid can also help dads who are too zealous in noticing the appearance of the first teeth in their offspring. This is the first and absolutely harmless remedy for sobering up and relieving withdrawal symptoms.
Amber beads for babies help to saturate the body with this very useful substance. It gradually penetrates the body, exerting a mild effect on all organs and systems of the developing organism.
How to choose the right amber beads for your baby
Most of the accidents associated with children's amber beads occur only because of their wrong selection. The biggest mistake parents make is to make this useful decoration on their own or use accessories designed for adults.
When choosing amber beads for a child, it is reasonable to pay attention to the following points:
- Processing of amber. The beads should be large enough and very smoothly polished so as not to damage the delicate baby skin.
- Accessory length. The beads should fit snugly against the skin, but not "strangle" the little one. Thus, the maximum therapeutic effect is ensured and the risks are minimized - the child cannot reach the jewelry with his mouth on his own.
- Thread. The best option is a thick silk (sometimes nylon) thread. The presence of knots separating the beads from each other is welcome. Even if the beads break (which is unlikely), at most one bead will jump off the thread. Jewelry on the fishing line is far from ideal: theoretically, it can damage the delicate tissues of the baby.
- Clasp. There are two best options: a soft plastic clasp and amber itself.
In all cases, a screw clasp is welcome, in the buttoned state, it is completely hidden inside the amber. No metal or other risky materials!
- Availability of a certificate. Unfortunately, there are many fakes in this area. For example, cured epoxy resin looks very similar to amber to the unenlightened eye. You always have the right to request a certificate, because we are talking about the health of your baby.
Natural amber is widely used in lithotherapy. For example, many physicians of the past considered rubbing the temporal regions with amber plates as the best remedy for migraine.
Instructions for Use and Safety Precautions
Some sources recommend giving children nibbles on large pieces of raw amber. Under no circumstances should you do that. Firstly, it is unlikely that you will find a piece of fossil resin of a sufficiently safe size, and secondly, the edges of untreated amber are not safe for the baby's gums and skin.
You can periodically remove the beads from the baby and let him play with them: a bright toy will surely please the little one. It is not forbidden to gnaw on beads. However, this should be done under the vigilant supervision of parents, and at night it is completely better to remove and hide the beads in order to avoid all sorts of accidents.
How to care for amber
Amber is a very delicate substance that needs careful care. It must be stored at room temperature, and when cleaning it, refrain from using abrasives and aggressive reagents.
If we are talking about children's jewelry, then it should be stored in a personal box, on a soft cloth. For cleaning, it is enough to periodically rinse the beads with warm water. In case of severe contamination, it is permissible to use a soapy solution, but after that the beads must be thoroughly washed and dried with a napkin.
Whether to buy amber beads for a child is a personal matter of his parents. If you believe in the healing power of stones, buy with confidence: with the right selection and reasonable use, this jewelry will definitely not harm the baby!
natural Baltic amber phenomenon ❤️
- Amber - the power of the sun in every piece
- Amber beads - healing properties
- Amber - interesting facts
- Baby amber teething beads - how does it work?
- Where to buy amber beads?
Long before a child appears in the house, while still in a wonderful position, every woman strives to change the life of her family in the direction of natural and useful. When the smallest and most important member of the family appears, then you want everything around, everything that concerns the baby, to be the most useful, the most natural. And if with regards to clothing, food and toys everything is more or less clear, then what about when the first problems and misunderstandings with the health of the crumbs appear? Infant colic is just coming to an end, as some early babies already have teeth on the way. The process of teething in babies is usually very difficult, both for the child himself and for the parents, and can be accompanied by severe pain and a rise in temperature, and then medicines come into play - painkillers and antipyretics, and sometimes sedatives.
For those parents who want to minimize the use of chemical drugs, there is an old version - amber teething beads. Very often, such amber beads become a relic in the family and are passed from one generation to another.
Amber teething beads are a very popular method of pain relief and anxiety relief in children throughout Europe. Baltic amber is traditionally the best and most useful material for making such beads and bracelets. Baby amber beads are a wonderful gift, both for the christening of a child, and for any other important event in a family where there is a baby of the right age.
Before you buy baby amber teething beads, you should understand how they work and how to use them.
Amber - the power of the sun in every piece
There are an incredible variety of amber classifications. And if at the end of the nineteenth century only six species were distinguished, today there are more than two and a half hundred of them. The main type of division was and remains the type of division according to the place of origin. Scientists have proven that any resin of plant origin, petrified in the depths and more than one million years old, can be considered amber.
Depending on the origin, not only the appearance of the mineral changes, but also its properties, and, accordingly, when choosing beads from natural amber, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the properties of a particular deposit.
There are three main deposits among all deposits:
- Baltic.
- Ukrainian.
- Dominican.
Amber on the shores of the Baltic Sea is not only the most unique and useful, but also the most numerous. More than ninety percent of the deposits of this unique mineral are located in the Baltic.
In turn, unprocessed Baltic amber is subdivided into the following types:
- Succinite is the most common and most beautiful type. It contains the largest large amount of succinic acid, as well as twelve useful chemical elements, in the complete absence of salts of heavy metals.
- Hedanite - differs from succinite in the absence of succinic acid due to the difference in formation conditions.
- Stantienite is a black and fragile type of amber from the Baltic Sea, the rarest. Formed in an environment saturated with iron.
- Glessite - soft amber contaminated with impurities.
Amber beads - healing properties
It is from Baltic succinite that the best children's amber beads for teething are made, which is due to its unique properties. Only it contains from eight percent of succinic acid, which has a healing effect.
Robert Koch, Nobel laureate, bacteriologist already at the end of the 19th century proved the extremely beneficial properties of Baltic amber in general, and amber beads for children in particular. Recent studies only confirm his findings.
So, Baltic amber beads:
- Strengthen the body.
- Improve immunity.
- Activate energy processes.
- Normalize the balance of acids.
- Helps fight stress.
Amber - interesting facts
There are many legends around this amazing stone. Many of the facts are simply amazing.
Here are just a few:
- More than one hundred thousand tons of amber was produced by the Paleogene forests on the Baltic coast. This is the largest amber deposit on Earth.
- Baltic amber of the highest quality.
Only it perfectly preserves the anatomical details of fossil insects of any age.
- Being chemically unstable, the resin requires very specific conditions to become amber.
- Most of the amber on earth is thirty to ninety million years old.
- Amber - translated into Greek - means electricity.
- Amber has preserved to this day many species of fossil insects, mice, lizards, bones of mammals and birds, skins of snakes.
- More than half of the inclusions in the amber rock are flies, the second place belongs to ants.
- The most unique, simply phenomenal inclusion is the world's only feather of the most ancient tyrannosaurus rex.
- Scientists have not been able to isolate the DNA of fossil insects from the inclusions. Efforts continue to this day.
- Folklore, since ancient times, ascribes to amber many different miraculous properties, from healing to protection from witches and evil spirits.
- Ancient people believed that amber would protect against bad dreams.
- Long before our era, people used amber in jewelry. The first mentions are found more than eleven thousand years BC.
- Baltic amber was highly revered in ancient Egypt. With its help, the tears of the Great God Ra were depicted.
- The oldest amber found today is over three hundred and twenty million years old.
- The oldest insect found in amber is 230 million years old. This is a tick.
Baby amber teething beads - how does it work?
Many mothers may have a question, how do amber beads for children actually work during teething? How to use them?
Baby amber teething beads are designed specifically for babies, which determines their design. Beads are strung on a very strong silk thread, after each of which a safety knot is tied so that the beads do not crumble when broken. It also uses a special fastener with a screw mechanism, which prevents accidental unfastening. Each such connection is tested for strength and tear before becoming the element of amber teething beads, which ensures high safety in use.
It should be noted separately that amber healing beads are intended for wearing only. In no case should they be chewed and sucked! This must be strictly followed.
Toddler products are made with round or oblong beads, making them comfortable and safe to wear. Typically, products are intended for children from three months and older - until the end of teething. The sooner the baby is put on such a useful decoration, the faster he will get used to it, and will not try to take it off or chew it.
So how can amber beads help with teething? Back at the beginning of the last century, biochemists found out that succinic acid contained in Baltic amber products is nothing more than a natural amino acid that helps activate aerobic respiration of cellular tissue, which allows substances to be metabolized into energy. Thus, answering the question of why amber beads are useful, we can safely say that they are able to reduce the negative impact of electrical appliances. Also, since ancient times, amber has been known for its antimicrobial properties. It turns out that with everyday wearing of medicinal amber beads, a small amount of amber oil is released from contact with the skin and absorbed into the blood, which helps to reduce acute symptoms during teething in babies, such as swollen gums, impaired stool, profuse salivation, fever and redness of the cheeks.
When using children's amber beads, do not forget the simple rules:
- Beads are worn by a child under the strict supervision of an adult.
- You can not chew beads.
- It is necessary to check from time to time whether the silk thread has worn out. Replace if necessary.
Where to buy amber beads?
Baby amber teething beads can be bought in many places. However, you need to make sure that the seller is reliable. Having decided to buy amber beads in our online store, you can be sure of their authenticity and quality.