After delivery periods
Will my period change after pregnancy? | Your Pregnancy Matters
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Your Pregnancy Matters
October 12, 2021
Your Pregnancy Matters
Shivani Patel, M. D. Obstetrics and Gynecology
Many new moms are surprised by how much they bleed after having a baby. For two to three weeks after a vaginal or cesarean section (C-section) delivery, they experience what looks like a heavy period. This is called lochia, a mix of blood and uterine tissue the body doesn’t need after pregnancy.
Like a period, it typically starts heavy and becomes lighter over time, eventually ending with some spotting. The color will transition from dark red to brownish-pink to off-white. However, you are not ovulating regularly yet – releasing eggs from your ovaries – so lochia isn’t a true menstrual period.
Cramping further blurs the line between lochia and menstrual bleeding. Your uterus expands several times its size to keep up with the growth of your baby; after birth, it shrinks back down. The muscle contractions from this process feel similar to period cramps.
Caring for a newborn will consume most of your attention, but be sure to monitor the amount of blood you’re losing during the first few weeks after delivery. Up to 5% of patients experience uncontrolled bleeding, or postpartum hemorrhage, a condition accompanied by symptoms such as low blood pressure, pale skin, and nausea.
If your blood loss seems excessive, see your provider right away. After lochia ends, the timing, flow, and duration of every woman’s period varies, but enough similarities exist to answer common questions about postpartum menstruation.
When should I expect my first period after pregnancy?
Your first period can come anytime between two and 12 weeks after delivery. For most women, it happens between six and 12 weeks.
If you exclusively breastfeed, your period will likely be delayed until you give your baby solid food and other forms of milk. As your levels of prolactin – the hormone that helps your body produce milk – increase, your levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease. These hormones help regulate your period; lower levels reduce the likelihood of ovulation and menstruation.
While you are experiencing lochia, your flow will act like a typical period: starting heavier, then gradually getting lighter. However, if the amount of blood increases after a few lighter days, consider slowing down your activity level for a few days so your body can rest and heal from childbirth.
Related reading: The ‘fourth trimester’: Why women need health care after delivery
Will my period look or feel different?
Most women can expect their first couple of periods after giving birth to be heavier than those they experienced before pregnancy. Menstrual blood should look like you expect: a bright red that fades into a darker, brownish red. You may see small clots the first time but should not see large clots (the size of a plum or golf ball). If you do, alert your provider.
Some research has shown that C-section scarring can increase period pain as well as flow. In general, postpartum period symptoms will be similar to pre-pregnancy symptoms, so if you used to have cramps, they likely will resume. However, some patients say their period pain improves after pregnancy.
Related reading: What’s going on with my uterus? 3 conditions related to pelvic pain and bleeding
How regular will my menstrual cycle be?
Your period can take up to a year to become regular, no matter how consistent it was before pregnancy. To develop, grow, and deliver a baby, your body experiences several hormonal changes, and it needs time to return to normal.
Breastfeeding moms are even more likely to have an irregular menstrual cycle. When you breastfeed, you have lower levels of estrogen in your body – a hormone that fluctuates with your period. Without normal estrogen fluctuation, you won’t have normal periods.
Whether or not you breastfeed, don’t be alarmed if your second period is late – unless you’ve recently had unprotected sex.
You may associate post-traumatic stress disorder with survivors of assault, war, or natural disasters. But as maternal-fetal specialist Dr. Shivani Patel will tell you, symptoms of PTSD can weigh heavy on moms who had complex pregnancies. She knows from personal experience.
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Preventing postpartum pregnancy
If you have sex without a reliable form of birth control, you can get pregnant – even in the first few weeks after giving birth. The majority of pregnancies that occur less than a year after a previous birth are unplanned.
You will start ovulating between delivery and your first period – up to six weeks after birth, which is typically the same amount of time we recommend you wait to have sex.
Related reading: Birth control after childbirth: Long-term options for new moms
Research-based recommendations suggest spacing pregnancies by at least 12 to 18 months. Postpartum pregnancy can prevent your body from fully healing from childbirth and put your baby at risk of premature birth and infant mortality. A CDC study also found that a shorter time period between births is linked to autism spectrum disorder.
Risks vary based on your age. So, if you want to get pregnant again soon after giving birth, work with your doctor to develop a safe plan that is specific to your situation.
Postpartum bleeding can be confusing. We’re here to provide clarity. To visit with an Ob/Gyn, call 214-645-8300 or request an appointment online.
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Periods after pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Periods after pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
Why do periods stop during pregnancy?
Each month, your body goes through a cycle of changes to prepare for a potential pregnancy. One of your ovaries releases an egg, hormones prepare the vagina and cervix to support possible sperm, and your uterus thickens to nurture a possible baby. If you don’t become pregnant, on day 28 (on average) the cycle ends and the lining of your uterus sheds — this blood is your period. If you have sex during a cycle and your egg meets a sperm, you can become pregnant. Throughout your pregnancy, your body retains the lining of your uterus, which is why you stop getting your period during this time.
Can I bleed during pregnancy?
Even though your periods stop, you can still experience bleeding during pregnancy. This happens in almost 1 in 4 women for different reasons. Many women who bleed during pregnancy go on to deliver a healthy baby. However, you should immediately contact your doctor or midwife if you notice bleeding from your vagina at any time during your pregnancy.
In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fertilised egg planting itself in your womb may cause bleeding. This is known as implantation bleeding. It normally only lasts for a few days. However, bleeding during early pregnancy could signal that the fertilised egg has planted itself outside the uterus — this is called an ectopic pregnancy. It could also signal a miscarriage.
In the later stages of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can have many different causes.
What can I expect after the birth?
In the first few days after birth, it’s normal to have some period-like bleeding as your uterus contracts back to the size it was before pregnancy. Bleeding immediately after birth can be fairly heavy. It can also be bright red for the first couple of days, but gradually becomes a brownish colour before it stops after about 2 months. Bleeding might be heavier in the morning when you get up, after breastfeeding or after exercise.
Uncontrolled heavy bleeding after birth, called a postpartum haemorrhage, can be a serious concern.
If you've given birth more than 24 hours ago, contact your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice:
- blood that soaks more than one pad every 1 to 2 hours
- a sudden increase in blood or large clots
- blood which suddenly turns bright red in colour
- dizziness, weakness or trouble breathing
- anything else that seems unusual about your post-birth bleeding
When will my period return?
After birth, your periods will return at your body’s own pace. If you bottle feed your baby, you’ll tend to resume regular ovulation and your period sooner than if you exclusively breastfeed. If you choose to breastfeed exclusively, your first period may not return for several months — sometimes, it might not even return for 1 to 2 years if you keep breastfeeding. If you choose to bottle feeding or partially breastfeed your baby, your periods may return as soon as 3 weeks after childbirth.
Does breastfeeding affect my periods?
Not having your period while you're breastfeeding is known as lactational amenorrhea. How long it lasts depends on how often you breastfeed and when you introduce other food into your baby’s diet.
It’s hard to predict when your period will return after you give birth — and how you feed your baby is only one factor that influences this. However, once your body begins releasing eggs again, you can get pregnant even before you actually have your first period after giving birth. There are several safe contraception options you can consider while breastfeeding, but speak to your doctor for advice before resuming sexual activity.
Will a period affect the taste of my breastmilk?
Ovulation and menstruation mean hormonal changes are occurring in your body. These may affect both your breastmilk’s taste and supply. If you notice that your baby fusses at your breast when you have your period, it might just be a sign that it tastes different.
When is it OK to use tampons again after pregnancy?
It's best not to use tampons until after you attend the medical check that occurs 6 weeks after you give birth. If your normal periods return before this, use a sanitary pad until your doctor gives you advice.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.
Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne (About periods), Health Department Victoria (Bleeding in early pregnancy fact sheet), The Royal Women's Hospital (Bleeding in early pregnancy), The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (The first few weeks following birth), Mater Mother’s Hospital (After birth – care of the new mother), Fertility and Sterility (The resumption of ovulation and menstruation in a well-nourished population of women breastfeeding for an extended period of time), Queensland Clinical Guidelines (Bleeding after birth), The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH)), Australian Breastfeeding Association (The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) for postpartum contraception), National Health and Medical Research Council (Infant Feeding Guidelines)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: July 2020
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Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
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Periods | Family Planning NSW
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What if the supplier delays the delivery?
The supplier delayed the delivery, what is the procedure?
In accordance with Part 1 of Article 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, obligations must be performed properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, other legal acts, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements, in accordance with customs or other usually imposed requirements. This rule applies in full to obligations arising from contracts concluded in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ.
In practice, this rule is not always followed. A significant part of the contracts is executed with violations by the supplier (contractor, performer) of their terms. One of the most common violations is the violation by the supplier of the delivery time of the goods that are the subject of the purchase. Moreover, repeated (i.e. more than once) violation by the supplier of the terms of delivery of goods in accordance with clause 2 of part 2 of article 523 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as a material violation by the supplier of the terms of the contract and the basis for the unilateral refusal of the buyer (customer) to fulfill the supply contract.
Norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on delay
When determining whether the seller has allowed a delay in the delivery of goods, the customer (buyer) must take into account the following legal requirements.
According to Article 457 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the term for the seller to fulfill the obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer is determined by the contract of sale, and if the contract does not allow determining this period, in accordance with the rules provided for in Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 44-FZ (for example, paragraph 2 of Article 42), the deadline for fulfilling obligations under the contract, including the deadline or schedule for the delivery of goods, must be determined during the procurement and indicated in the notice of procurement and in the purchase documentation.
According to Article 458 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the contract of sale, the seller's obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer is considered fulfilled at the moment:

In cases where the obligation of the seller to deliver the goods or transfer the goods at its location to the buyer does not follow from the contract of sale, the seller’s obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer is considered fulfilled at the time of delivery of the goods to the carrier or communication organization for delivery to the buyer, unless the contract provided otherwise.
The fact of the transfer of goods by the seller to the buyer (customer) must be documented, for example, in the act of acceptance and transfer of goods, waybill or other similar document.
Requirements of 44-FZ governing liability for delay
delivered the goods in violation of the delivery time specified in the contract, the customer must apply the measures of responsibility provided for by the contract in respect of him.
Law No. 44-FZ provides for two types of liability - fines and fines . In this case, since the violation committed by the seller relates to the delay, the customer accrues fines and sends the supplier a demand for their payment. The claim form is arbitrary, our experts have compiled a claim template in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and 44-FZ.
Penalties in accordance with Part 7 of Article 34 of Law No. 44-FZ are accrued for each day of delay in fulfilling the obligation by the supplier under the contract, starting from the day following the date of expiration of the deadline for fulfilling the obligation established by the contract, and is established by the contract in the amount of 1/300 of the current as of the date of payment of the penalty interest of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from the price of the contract (a separate stage of contract execution), reduced by the amount of fulfilled obligations under the contract (stage).
Thus, fines are charged not for the entire volume of obligations stipulated by the contract, but only for the part that was fulfilled in violation of the terms.
The period of delay
The period of delay is calculated starting from the first day after the expiration of the period in which the obligation was to be performed, up to and including the date of its actual performance.
Is the day of delivery of goods considered a day of delay when calculating the penalty?
Yes, the day of the actual fulfillment of the violated obligation, in particular, the day of delivery, is included in the period for calculating the penalty (paragraph four, clause 65 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2016 N 7)
You can calculate the penalty interest under the contract automatically at the current rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the Econom-Expert program.
Customer's actions in case of delay of the supplier
Accordingly, in case of delay by the supplier of delivery of goods, the customer must
- establish the fact of delay in the delivery of goods
- determine the cost equivalent of goods delivered with delay
- for different products from the assortment, the number of days of delay may be different.
For example, the subject of the contract is the delivery of 15 laptops before September 1. Of which: 5 laptops were delivered and accepted by the customer on August 30 (no delay), September 3-7 (delay - 6 days) , 5 - 11 September (delay - 10 days), another 2 - 20 September (delay - 19days). Accordingly, for each product delivered late, the amount of penalties will be calculated separately, based on the number of days of delay in its delivery)
- calculate the penalties payable by the supplier
- send the supplier a request for their payment
- reflect the accrued penalties in the register of contracts (if information about this contract is included in the register of contracts)
- take measures to actually recover the accrued sanctions.
The ideal situation is if the supplier voluntarily transfers the amount of interest to the customer. Very few vendors do this. Accordingly, the customer himself, unilaterally, needs to take measures to actually recover the amount of the accrued sanctions. There are several options:
- withholding the amount of accrued sanctions from the cost of obligations payable by the customer to the supplier
- foreclosure to secure the performance of the contract Law 44-FZ"
Read also
- Memo - Rules for "urgent" purchases0018
- Memo - Changes in the terms of the contract (part 7 of article 95)
- Memo - Reducing the price of the contract
- Memo - Changes in the scope of work, services, quantity of goods within 10% foreign states, established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2020 N 616, to "small purchases"0001
In accordance with the norms of 44-FZ and the Civil Code of Russia, the parties that have entered into a contract must fulfill their obligations in good faith. One of the most common conflict situations in this area is the violation by the supplier of the terms of delivery of goods.
In this case, the customer will have to carry out a whole cycle of work in order to call the unscrupulous counterparty to account.
Relations between the supplier and the customer after the conclusion of the contract are regulated by the norms of paragraph 7 of the 44-FZ.
It provides for the possibility of unilateral termination of the contract by the customer, as well as the imposition of penalties and fines on the counterparty in case of violation of the deadlines for the delivery of products or the provision of services.
Before resorting to drastic measures, the customer must make sure that the deadlines have indeed been violated.
To do this, check whether the application for the delivery of products was correctly filled out and whether the supplier received it. If you made an application by phone call, then it will be difficult for you to prove the fact of its transfer later. Therefore, it is best to send all applications in writing.
After the fact of delay is established, you can start the claim work. To do this, you must submit a formal claim to the supplier. This is provided for by the norms of Article 34 of the 44-FZ. The claim is made in writing on the official letterhead of the organization.
Complaint to the supplier
At the very beginning of the proceedings, the customer sends a letter to the supplier demanding immediate delivery of the goods. The document must contain the following information:
Description of the reason for writing the claim and the nature of the claims. It is recommended to provide links to contract clauses that were violated by the supplier.
The period allotted for the supplier to eliminate the violation.
It is not regulated by law, so it is better to set it at the level of 5-10 days.
The consequences of a supplier's failure to meet customer requirements.
Remind the supplier that they will be charged fines and penalties for failure to meet their obligations.
The completed claim is endorsed by the signature and seal of the head of the organization. You can send it by registered mail with notification or hand it over personally to the representative of the counterparty.
It should be remembered that writing a claim in such a situation is not a right, but an obligation. If the document is not sent to the supplier, the contract service worker himself may be held liable in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
The supplier violated the deadline, but the goods were still delivered
If, after writing a claim, the supplier nevertheless brought the goods, the customer must record the fact of delay. To do this, it is enough to have on hand a claim correspondence and an act of acceptance and transfer of goods, on which the decree indicates the actual date of fulfillment of obligations.
According to the norms of Article 405 of the Civil Code of Russia, a party that has delayed the performance of its obligations is obliged to compensate the counterparty for the losses associated with this.
Therefore, the customer has the right to require the supplier to pay a penalty in the amount stipulated by the contract.
In order to receive a penalty, the customer must send a written claim to the supplier. It must contain the calculation of the amount due for payment, the grounds for its accrual, as well as the details for which the funds should be received. The deadline for fulfilling the requirements is also prescribed.
After that, three scenarios are possible:
Supplier agrees to all requirements. In this case, he sends a letter to the customer about his intention to pay the penalty, and transfers the funds to the specified details.
The supplier agrees that he violated the terms of delivery, but does not want to pay the penalty. The customer can collect it independently from the bank guarantee, if it is provided for by the document, in addition, it is possible to withhold a penalty from the funds transferred as contract security.
However, if such a condition was not stipulated in the contract, the supplier may apply to the court with a request to recognize the actions of the customer as illegal.
The supplier does not agree with the amount charged. In this case, he must immediately apply to the court. Only the judge will decide the question of the legality of charging a penalty, its amount and the procedure for payment.
If the supplier manages to prove that the delay in delivery was due to the fault of the customer, then he may be exempted from paying the penalty altogether.
After receiving a penalty from the supplier, the customer is obliged to fully pay for the delivered goods. At this point, the contract is considered fulfilled. Supporting documents are published in the EIS.
Goods not delivered at all
If, in response to a claim about a violation of the delivery time, the counterparty does not respond or says that the goods will not be delivered, the customer has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally.
Such a right must necessarily be provided for by the treaty itself.
After the decision to terminate the contract, the customer publishes it in the UIS within three days. At the same time, he sends a corresponding notification. If within 10 days from the date of receipt of the notification the supplier does not fulfill its obligations, the contract is automatically recognized as terminated.
After that, the customer is obliged to transfer information about such a supplier to the register of unscrupulous suppliers (RNP).
If the termination of the contract has resulted in losses, the customer is entitled to claim compensation. To do this, you must first submit a claim in writing. In it you need to describe your requirements and the amount that the counterparty must pay. If he refuses to voluntarily cover the losses, you should apply to the court with the appropriate requirement.
Only part of the goods was delivered
Sometimes there are situations when the contract provides for one delivery, but in fact the goods are delivered in parts.