8 month pregnant with twins
Pregnant with twins at 32 weeks: symptoms, development and more
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At 32 weeks pregnant with twins, you’re approaching the end of your pregnancy. At 32 weeks pregnant, symptoms might include dizziness, cramps and body aches, itchy skin, shortness of breath, insomnia, and swelling. Your twin babies have sleep and wake cycles, have shed the lanugo off their bodies and have hair on their heads, and their bones will soon be hardening. Your 32-week ultrasound will show you the positions your twins are settled in, which are likely the positions they will be in for birth.
You’re entering the end of your pregnancy and you're probably feeling some end-of-pregnancy discomforts, but may also be feeling excited or nervous to meet your two little ones. Your baby twins are growing and still developing and getting ready to enter the world, and babies born at 32 weeks will need to spend time in the NICU.
Twin pregnancy symptoms at 32 weeks
Your body is continuing to grow and is preparing to give birth in future weeks. Pregnancy symptoms this week might include some not-so-fun stuff, like dizziness, cramps and body aches. However, there are some ways to help ease your discomfort this week. Here's a breakdown:
- Dizziness
As your babies and your uterus grow, you will have an increased amount of blood going to your uterus. This may cause you to be dizzy, specifically when standing up or changing positions. When you stand immobile in one place, the weight of your uterus may cause blood to pool in your legs, which will also cause you to feel dizzy. - Cramps/body aches
As you near the end of pregnancy, you’re probably feeling some aches and pains for a few different reasons and you may even be feeling some uterine cramps or contractions.If contractions are irregular and improve with rest, hydration, or a change in position, it’s likely false labor, also known as Braxton Hicks contractions.
You may also be feeling back and body aches as your stomach grows, and many women get leg cramps at the end of their pregnancy as well. These discomforts are likely due to the extra weight you’re carrying. For many pregnant women, leg cramps often strike at night, but you can try stretching and massaging to ease the symptoms.
- Colostrum
Your breasts may begin to leak a yellowish substance called colostrum, which is a precursor to breast milk. Colostrum is rich in minerals and antibodies and a lot thicker than your breastmilk will be. Its full of all of the nutrients your newborn babies will need in their first days of life. - Itchy skin and belly
As your belly and other areas of skin stretch and grow, they might feel itchy. Use a gentle, unscented lotion on itchy skin and wear loose clothing that doesn’t irritate the area.If you have itchy feet or hands, let your provider know, as it could be a sign of cholestasis, which is a liver problem that needs to be treated.
- Shortness of breath
As your uterus grows, it's starting to crowd other organs, including your lungs, and will probably make you feel short of breath. Take frequent breaks from activity and exercise to catch your breath and practice good posture so your lungs have room to expand. - Frequent need to go to the bathroom
Your uterus is also pushing on your bladder, making you feel like you need to pee all the time. It’s important to stay hydrated – you'll probably feel like you're constantly drinking water! Just be sure to plan out your activities so that you’re close to a toilet and can use it frequently. - Insomnia
Between back and body aches, leg cramps, discomfort, heartburn, and anxiety or worries about becoming a parent, many pregnant women experience pregnancy insomnia as the end of their pregnancy grows closer.Having a relaxing bedtime routine can help with insomnia. Try stretching before bed to relieve pains and cramps. Not eating any spicy or heartburn-inducing foods in the evening is a good idea, and propping your head up with pillows may help with heartburn as well.
- Swelling
During pregnancy, your blood volume will increase by 30-50%. This is partly why swelling occurs in pregnancy, especially at the end. Your growing uterus might also slow blood flow from your legs, causing your feet and legs to further swell. If you are struggling with uncomfortable swelling, walking and exercise can help. You can also try taking rests throughout the day to elevate your legs, wearing support hose, and lying on your left side at night.Swelling in pregnancy is normal, but if you have excessive or sudden swelling, especially with headaches or blurry vision, contact your provider immediately as it could be a sign of preeclampsia. Swelling in one extremity (and not the other) accompanied by heat or redness could be a sign of a blood clot.
If you experience any of those things, notify your provider.
Twin baby development at 32 weeks
At 32 weeks, your twin babies have sleep and wake cycles, have shed the lanugo off their bodies, have hair on their heads, bones that will soon be hardening, and other new and important developments. An ultrasound during this time will show you the positions your twins are settled in, which will likely be the positions they’re in for birth.
- Sleep cycle
Your babies now have very distinct sleep and wake cycles. You may start to recognize these cycles, since you'll probably feel them move around when they're awake and won't feel them moving as much when they're asleep. - Fetal position
Your babies are likely settled into the position they will be in at birth, and if not, they will be in position soon. One or both babies could be in a head down position, breech (or head up) position, or transverse (sideways) position.The most optimal scenario for delivery is to have both babies in the head down position.
- Hair
This week, your babies have likely shed the lanugo off their body. They might have hair on their heads as well, which you will get to see when they’re born (and maybe even on an ultrasound!). Babies usually shed the hair they were born with months after birth and their permanent hair grows in to take its place. - Bones
Your babies’ skeletal bones are developed. They’re still soft, but will soon be hardening. From here on, the bones in their skulls will stay soft and malleable. - Other developments
Your babies’ bone marrow is now making blood cells. In boy babies, their testicles descend to their scrotum this week and in girl babies, their uterus and ovaries are in place with all the eggs they will have in their lifetime. Your babies’ bodies will now start storing important minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
Learn more about your twins in the womb at 28 weeks
Learn more about your twins in the womb at 36 weeks
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Kandis Lake
Kandis Lake is a registered nurse, health writer, and mom of three kids. She lives in Utah and loves reading and adventuring with her family.
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Great Advice on What to Expect
Twin pregnancies are far different than singleton pregnancies. Twice the baby means twice the morning sickness, baby bump growth, and weight increase – basically everything is doubled.
It’s still one of the best experiences you’ll ever have. Still, you’ll have to be extra careful especially when you’re already 8 months pregnant with twins.
Here are things that you can expect from 32 weeks onwards.
8 months Pregnant with Twins: What to Expect
On the 32nd week, your babies will already have their own nails covering their tiny little fingers and toes. Some babies even have a full crown of hair. Their torsos, arms, and legs will be filling out as they progress. In some cases, the babies are born after a few weeks.
On an average, your babies will be 1.7kg (3.7lbs) each. From head to heel, they are around 42cm (16.5in). However, it is normal that one twin will be bigger than the other. In some cases, the twins are smaller or bigger than expected.
The babies’ heads are now more proportioned with their bodies. If you’re checking on them through ultrasound, they’ll be looking a whole lot like newborns now, and that’s enough to get you excited. Usually, your twins will still grow for another 600g (1.5lb).
Your babies’ movements will also be more limited. Of course, that’s because their space is also limited. But there’s no need to worry; you’ll still feel them squirm and that’s enough confirmation that they are well.
One helpful tip to get them wriggling is to drink something cold and then lie for a little bit. However, if this doesn’t help or you’re simply worried, you can always call your physician or midwife.
This is also the stage wherein your twins undergo REM or rapid eye movement. Our dreams happen during this period, so it’s likely your babies are also dreaming.
You should also begin talking to your babies. Their hearing is now more developed. Your voice will help them quickly be familiar with you after their birth.
Preparation for Birth
You won’t be the only one who’s preparing for birth. Your twins will also do their part! They’ll start turning upside-down, with their heads positioned downwards. However, you and your midwife should also monitor them as some of them turn back around.
While some babies are indeed born with their feet first, it can be a little difficult especially for the baby. This kind of birth is known as breech.
Babies are not yet considered breech during the 32nd week as they still have a little room to turn around. However, if they haven’t positioned normally during the 35th or 36th week, your physician might consider a cesarean birth.
Breech pregnancies aren’t dangerous until it’s time for your babies to be born. There is a higher risk for the baby to be left in the birth canal. Their oxygen supply through the umbilical cord could also get cut off. That’s why most physicians would advise you get a C-section.
Women’s Body Changes: 8 Months Pregnant with Twins
While women carry their pregnancies differently, twin pregnancies often take up the entire abdomen. Your bulge will be more prominent than usual. Plus, it will be heavier. The muscular wall of the uterus gets thinner so you’ll definitely see your babies’ movements.
You’re now more prone to back pain and exhaustion. That’s why you need to take a rest whenever you get the opportunity. It will be tough going around with that belly so you’ll likely pass the household chores to your husband. Taking naps, relaxing with movies or books are a great way to spend time.
Apart from your daily walks, you should really be resting as much as you can. Naps and putting your feet up could help the blood flow to the placenta – which then helps the babies grow more.
You should also start learning and practicing Kegel exercises. Your pelvic floor muscles are in a lot more strain with multiple pregnancies, and the exercise helps it.
From the beginning until the end of pregnancy, you should eat as healthily as possible. If you’re carrying twins, you’ll need certain nutrients to help nourish them and yourself. Eating anything rich in iron and protein will greatly benefit the babies and will leave you feeling energized.
That being said, you should eat a lot of lean red meat, some iron-fortified cereal with milk, cottage cheese, pudding, and beans.
Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
That doesn’t only mean asking your physician or your midwife for some help. It also means don’t hesitate to ask your husband or your family for some help around the house. Your movement is now limited and you are more prone to accidents, especially as you really can’t see well where you’re stepping.
Going to your physician will require more energy from you so don’t ever go alone. Always ask someone to accompany you – whether it’s your husband, your parents, or friends. In case you are left alone at home, always have your family and hospital’s phone number on speed dial.
As the weeks go by, it will get a little harder until you’ll feel labor pains and then ultimately, the moment of truth. In just a month or so, you’ll be a mom of two.
But for now, you’ll just want to enjoy being 8 months pregnant with twins.
Sure, it can be a hassle, but it may be the last time you’ll be having multiple pregnancies as your next one is more likely to be a singleton. With all the bulging, swelling, and exhaustion, giving birth to two healthy babies is a dream come true.
8th week of twin pregnancy | Ultrasound at the eighth week of pregnancy
Development of twins at 8 weeks
The head of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy is equal to the length of the body. The outlines of the face are becoming more and more distinct. The eyes are still located on the sides of the head and are tightly covered by the eyelids. The nose, mouth, tongue and inner ear are formed.
Also during this period, limbs grow, fingers are drawn on the hands and joints are formed. The legs are somewhat behind in development and still resemble fins.
The heart of every baby, like that of an adult, already consists of four chambers. True, they are not yet airtight - an opening remains between the ventricles until the very birth.
The digestive tract is being differentiated — it already contains the esophagus, stomach and intestines. The bronchial tree develops. The thymus is formed - one of the main immune organs in childhood. The fetuses begin to produce germ cells.
At 8 weeks of pregnancy with twins, the structures surrounding them undergo changes simultaneously with the fetuses. The amount of amniotic fluid increases. The placenta grows and develops. Very soon, she will become the only supplier of nutrients to the fetuses from the mother's body. In the meantime, at 8 weeks pregnant with twins, nutrients come from the corpus luteum, which gradually undergoes involution.
Signs of pregnancy with twins at 8 weeks
A woman carrying one baby may not have toxicosis. In a future mother of twins, toxicosis starts literally from the first weeks, and its manifestations are very pronounced. Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, increased fatigue, decreased performance, irritability and tearfulness - all this can overcome a woman at 8 weeks pregnant with twins.
The expectant mother of twins at 8 weeks of age may periodically sip her stomach, as before menstruation. Also, aching moderate pain can be noted in the lumbar region. Do not worry if these sensations are short-term and low-intensity. However, do not delay a visit to a specialist if the stomach with twins at 8 weeks of pregnancy hurts constantly or intensely.
The symptoms of a multiple pregnancy are practically indistinguishable from those of a singleton pregnancy, only they are more pronounced.
There are still no objective prerequisites for an increase in the abdomen, since at a period of 8 weeks the fetuses are still too small. However, some women notice that they become uncomfortable in clothes that are too tight. Most often, discomfort increases in the evening. A certain role in this is played by a decrease in intestinal motility and constipation that occurs by this time.
Many people are concerned about frequent urination. Although the uterus at 8 weeks pregnant with twins has not yet grown enough to make the stomach visible, it already puts pressure on the bladder.
Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy with twins
Pregnancy with twins on ultrasound at 8 weeks is clearly visible - two fetuses are visualized in the uterine cavity. If the babies are in profile, then they have an oblong shape, if they are turned with their head or foot ends, then they are rounded. You can determine the type of twins and the location of the fetuses. At a period of 8 weeks of pregnancy with twins, there may be errors when performing an ultrasound scan. So, for example, when the placentas are very close to each other, one can assume identical twins, that is, twins, while the pregnancy is fraternal. These details will be specified later.
I must say that ultrasound during pregnancy with twins for a period of 8 weeks is not scheduled. However, many women perform it on their own initiative, if an earlier examination suggested a multiple pregnancy.
Ask the specialist to give you a photo of the twins at the ultrasound at 8 weeks. These pictures will delight you and your spouse throughout your pregnancy.
Recall that a twin pregnancy diagnosed by ultrasound at 8 weeks is sometimes not confirmed at a later date, for example, in the second trimester. Therefore, it is better not to give wide publicity to the features of your position. Try to do everything so that the pregnancy with twins goes smoothly and eventually ends with the birth of two wonderful babies.
articles from specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Arifullina Claudia Viktorovna
Clinical Hospital "AVICENNA" GC "Mother and Child"
There is data on the frequency of twins with anomalies in the development of the uterus, characterized by its bifurcation (the uterus is bicornuate, having a septum in the cavity, etc.). The cause of polyembryony may be the separation of blastomeres (in the early stages of crushing), resulting from hypoxia, cooling, acidity and ionic composition of the medium, exposure to toxic and other factors. Multiple pregnancy can occur: as a result of the fertilization of two or more simultaneously mature eggs, as well as the development of two or more embryos from one fertilized egg.
Twins, formed from two (three, etc.) eggs, are called dizygotic (polyzygotic), arising from one - identical. The origin of fraternal twins (polyzygotic twins): the simultaneous maturation (and ovulation) of two or more follicles in one ovary is possible. There may be maturation of two or more follicles and ovulation in both ovaries.
A third way of the origin of fraternal (polyzygotic) twins is possible - the fertilization of two or more eggs that have matured in one follicle. The origin of identical twins: most often, the occurrence of identical twins is associated with the fertilization of an egg that has two or more nuclei. a single embryonic germ in the stage of crushing is divided into two parts; from each part an embryo (fruit) is formed. Twin twin. Fertilized eggs develop on their own. After penetration into the mucous membrane, each embryo develops its own aqueous and fleecy membranes; in the future, each twin forms its own placenta with an independent network of vessels, each fetal egg, except for the chorion and amnion, has an independent capsular membrane (decidua capsularis). In some cases, anastomoses are formed between the vessels of independent placentas. Twins can be same-sex (both boys or both girls) or different-sex (boy and girl). Their blood type can be the same or different. Identical twin. Identical twins have a common capsular and fleecy membrane and a common placenta; the vessels (both arterial and venous) of both twins in the placenta communicate with the help of numerous anastomoses. The water membrane of each twin is separate, the septum between the fetal sacs consists of two water membranes (biamniotic twins).
Identical twins always belong to the same sex (both boys or both girls), similar to each other, they have the same blood type.
With twins, the membranes in the septum are arranged as follows: amnion - chorion, chorion - amnion; with monozygotic amnion-amnion.
Important signs for the diagnosis are: blood type (and other blood factors), eye color, hair color, skin texture of the fingertips, shape and location of teeth. In identical twins, these signs are completely the same. Fraternal twins share the same similarities as normal siblings.
With multiple pregnancy, increased demands are made on the woman's body: the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs function with great stress. In this regard, multiple pregnancies are more difficult than single pregnancies.
- Pregnant women often complain of fatigue and shortness of breath, which increases towards the end of pregnancy. The cause of shortness of breath is a difficulty in the activity of the heart due to a significant displacement of the diaphragm by the bottom of the uterus, the size of which is larger in multiple pregnancy than in singleton.
- Often there is a dilation of the veins of the lower extremities. By the end of pregnancy, there is often an increase in the urge to urinate due to the pressure of a large fetus on the bladder.
- Pregnant women often complain of heartburn and constipation.
- In multiple pregnancy, toxicosis occurs more often than in singleton pregnancy: vomiting, salivation, edema, nephropathy, eclampsia.
- With twins, polyhydramnios of one of the fetuses is often found, which leads to a sharp increase and hyperextension of the uterus, shortness of breath, tachycardia and other disorders. Polyhydramnios is more common in one of the identical twins. In some cases, the polyhydramnios of one twin is accompanied by an oligohydramnios of the other fetus.
- Premature termination of multiple pregnancies often occurs.
- With twins, preterm birth occurs in at least 25% of women.
- Prematurity is more common in triplets than in twins. The greater the number of gestated fetuses, the more often preterm births are observed.
- Development of term twins is normal in most cases. However, their body weight is usually less than that of single fetuses. Often there is a difference in body weight of twins by 200-300 g, and sometimes more.
- Uneven development of twins is associated with unequal intake of nutrients from a single placental circulation.
- Often there is a difference not only in weight, but also in the length of the body of the twins. In connection with this, the theory of supergenesis (superfoetatio) was put forward. Proponents of this hypothesis believe that fertilization of eggs of different ovulation periods is possible, i.e., the onset of a new pregnancy in the presence of an already existing, previously occurring, pregnancy.
- Due to the uneven delivery of nutrients and oxygen, a significant developmental disorder and even death of one of the twins can occur. This is more commonly seen in identical twins. The dead fetus is squeezed by the second, well-growing fetus, the amniotic fluid is absorbed, the placenta undergoes regression.
The compressed mummified fetus ("paper fetus") is released from the uterus along with the placenta after the birth of a live twin. Polyhydramnios of one fetus, which occurs during multiple pregnancies, often also prevents the other twin from developing correctly. With pronounced polyhydramnios, certain anomalies in the development of the fetus, which grows with an excess of amniotic fluid, are often observed. Rarely, fused twins are born (fusion can be in the head, chest, abdomen, pelvis) and twins with other malformations.
- The position of the fetus in the uterine cavity in most cases (about 90%) is normal. In the longitudinal position, different presentation options are observed: both fetuses are presented with the head, both with the pelvic end, one with the head, and the other with the pelvic end. With longitudinal presentation, one fetus may be behind the other, which makes diagnosis difficult. Less commonly observed is the longitudinal position of one fetus and the transverse position of the other.
The most rare is the transverse position of both twins.
- The position of the twins in the uterus, both fetuses are presented with the head, one fetus is presented with the head, the second - with the pelvic end, both fetuses are in the transverse position
- Women with multiple pregnancies are taken into special account and carefully monitored. When the earliest signs of complications appear, the pregnant woman is sent to the pregnancy pathology department of the maternity hospital. Given the frequent occurrence of preterm birth, it is recommended that a pregnant woman with twins be sent to the maternity hospital 2 to 3 weeks before delivery, even in the absence of complications.
Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy often presents significant difficulties, especially in its first half. In the second half, towards the end of pregnancy, the recognition of twins (triplets) is facilitated. However, diagnostic errors occur during the study at the end of pregnancy and even during childbirth.
When recognizing a multiple pregnancy, the following signs are taken into account:
- The enlargement of the uterus in multiple pregnancies occurs faster than in pregnancy with one fetus, so the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age. The bottom of the uterus is usually high, especially at the end of pregnancy, the circumference of the abdomen during this period reaches 100-110 cm or more.
- The following signs are unstable and not sufficiently reliable: a) deepening of the uterine fundus (saddle uterus), the formation of which is associated with protrusion of the corners of the uterus with large parts of the fetus; b) the presence of a longitudinal depression on the anterior wall of the uterus, which is formed as a result of the fruits that are in a longitudinal position adjacent to each other; c) the presence of a horizontal groove on the anterior wall of the uterus with the transverse position of the fetus.
- The small size of the presenting head with a significant volume of the pregnant uterus and the high standing of its bottom also make it possible to suspect a multiple pregnancy.
The presence of this sign is explained by the fact that the study determines the head of one and the pelvic end (in the bottom of the uterus) of another fetus, which lies slightly higher.
- Feeling the movement of the fetus in different places and probing the parts of the fetus in different parts of the abdomen (both on the right and on the left) also indicate multiple pregnancies.
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