25 weeks pregnancy video
25 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy
When you're pregnant, you have lots of questions. Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is packed with lots of useful information. From what's happening inside your body, to how your baby is developing, and tips and advice on having a healthy pregnancy – this is your one-stop pregnancy guide!
- 1st trimester
- 2nd trimester
- 3rd trimester
Our week-by-week pregnancy guide is full of essential information. From staying fit in pregnancy to advice on your maternity rights, you'll find it all here.
- Week 13
- Week 14
- Week 15
- Week 16
- Week 17
- Week 18
- Week 19
- Week 20
- Week 21
- Week 22
- Week 23
- Week 24
- Week 25
- Week 26
- Week 27
Welcome to week 25! You'll need to tell your employers now, if you haven't already, so that you can get maternity pay and benefits. If your partner plans to take paternity leave, they will need to tell their employer too. Did you know that female partners are also entitled to paternity leave?
What's happening in my body?
You could be starting to get a bit puffy and swollen in your face, hands and feet. This is probably completely harmless and caused by water retention – but do mention it to your midwife or doctor.
They will want to check your blood pressure, just in case it's a sign of a dangerous condition called pre-eclampsia.
Pre-eclampsia can happen in the 2nd half of pregnancy or after the baby is born. If you get any other signs, such as splitting headaches, vision problems, or pain just below the ribs, then call your doctor, midwife or NHS 111.
Feeling gassy after eating
Are you burping a lot? It's very common around now. You may be feeling more full than usual.
After eating or drinking you could get:
- burning in your chest
- bloating
- nausea
This is probably indigestion and heartburn. Digestive problems are caused by your growing baby taking over some of the space where your stomach used to be.
It can help to:
- eat smaller meals, so you don't feel too full afterwards
- eat healthily and avoid rich, spicy and fatty foods
- cut back on drinks with caffeine (such as tea, coffee and energy drinks)
- sit up straight when you eat
- give up alcohol and cigarettes
Around 1 in 4 families are single parent families. You may be worried about money or how you'll cope. It's important that you talk to people about how you feel and ask for help if you need it.
You can also talk to your doctor or midwife about local support groups. Gingerbread is an organisation for single parent families that can advise you on everything from benefits to childcare.
Get more advice on being a single parent on the NHS website.
2nd trimester pregnancy symptoms (at 25 weeks)
This week, your signs of pregnancy could include:
- tiredness and sleeping problems (week 19 has information about feeling tired)
- stretch marks (read about stretch marks on week 17's page)
- swollen and bleeding gums (week 13 has information about gum health during pregnancy)
- pains on the side of your baby bump, caused by your expanding womb ("round ligament pains")
- piles (read about piles on week 22's page)
- headaches
- backache
- nosebleeds
- indigestion and heartburn (week 25 talks about digestive problems)
- bloating and constipation (read about bloating on week 16's page)
- leg cramps (week 20 explains how to deal with cramp)
- feeling hot -dizziness
- swollen hands and feet
- urine infections
- vaginal infections (see week 15 for vaginal health)
- darkened skin on your face or brown patches – this is known as chloasma or the "mask of pregnancy"
- greasier, spotty skin
- thicker and shinier hair
You may also experience symptoms from earlier weeks, such as:
- mood swings (week 8's page has information on mood swings)
- morning sickness (read about dealing with morning sickness on week 6's page)
- weird pregnancy cravings (read about pregnancy cravings on week 5's page)
- a heightened sense of smell
- sore or leaky breasts (read about breast pain on week 14's page) - a white milky pregnancy discharge from your vagina and light spotting (seek medical advice for any bleeding)
Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.
What does my baby look like?
Your baby, or foetus, is around 34.6cm long from head to heel, and weighs about 660g. That's approximately the size of a head of cauliflower, and the weight of 4 jacket potatoes.
This is an active time for your baby. A loud noise could make your baby jump and kick, which shouldn't hurt, but might take you by surprise. You might even feel the occasional hiccup.
Your baby is now peeing into the amniotic fluid. By now, most of the liquid around your baby is urine which provides cushioning and helps keep the temperature snug and stable.
Action stations
Start thinking a bit more about what you'd ideally like to happen when your baby's born. What kind of pain relief would you like? Who do you want to have with you? You can download an NHS birth plan template which will help you think through some of the big issues.
This week you could also...
It's time to break the news, if you haven't already. The latest you can leave it is 15 weeks before the baby is due, which is around now. As soon as you tell your employer, you will have maternity rights and can attend antenatal appointments during paid work time. You can also ask for a risk assessment of your work place.
It's a good time to tone up your pelvic floor muscles. Gentle exercises can help to prevent leakage when you laugh, sneeze or cough. Get the muscles going by pretending that you're having a wee and then stopping midflow. Visit Tommy's for more ideas about pelvic floor exercises.
Ask your midwife or doctor about online antenatal classes – they may be able to recommend one. The charity Tommy's has lots of useful information on antenatal classes and preparing you for birth.
Even if you've had children before, they're still worth going to as you can meet other parents-to-be. The NCT offers online antenatal classes with small groups of people that live locally to you.
To keep bones and muscles healthy, we need vitamin D. From late March/early April to the end of September, most people make enough vitamin D from sunlight on their skin. However, between October and early March, you should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement because we cannot make enough from sunlight.
Some people should take a vitamin D supplement all year round, find out if this applies to you on the NHS website. You just need 10 micrograms (it's the same for grown-ups and kids). Check if you're entitled to free vitamins.
Get moving! It's recommended that you do 150 minutes of exercise a week while pregnant. You could start off with just 10 minutes of daily exercise - perhaps take a brisk walk outside. Check out Sport England's #StayInWorkOut online exercises (scroll to the pregnancy section). Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.
There's no need to eat for 2. You don't need any extra calories until the third trimester, which starts in week 28. Try and eat healthily with plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and avoid processed, fatty and salty foods. You may be able to get free milk, fruit and veg through the Healthy Start scheme.
How are you today? If you're feeling anxious or low, talk to your doctor or midwife who can point you in the right direction to get all the support you need. You could also discuss your worries with your partner, friends and family.
You may be worried about your relationship, or money, or having somewhere permanent to live. Don't keep it to yourself. It's important to ask for help if you need it.
Getting pregnant again is probably the last thing on your mind. However now is a good time to start planning what type of contraception you would like to use after your baby is born. Getting pregnant again could happen sooner than you realise and too short a gap between babies is known to cause problems. Talk to your GP or midwife to help you decide.
You and your family should follow the government and NHS guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19):
To find out about about COVID-19 and pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, have a look at advice on the:
Go back to week 24
Go to week 26
25 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Belly, Baby Movement
Reviewed by
Tanya Tantry, MD
Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Medical Consultant at Flo
Once you reach week 25 of your pregnancy, you’ll be nearing the end of your second trimester. It can feel like times flies! At 25 weeks pregnant, you’re approximately 5 months and 2 weeks along. Your baby has been growing steadily and even though it’s still not ready, it won’t be long before it comes into the world.
Week 25 of pregnancy comes with many changes, both for you and your baby. You can develop Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), heartburn, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and other symptoms that might be uncomfortable but normal during this period.
Your 25-week old baby is constantly growing, moving, and getting ready to meet you. Read on to learn more about the changes in your and your baby’s bodies during week 25 of pregnancy.
By week 25 of pregnancy, your baby is starting to gain baby fat, which will smooth out its skin and make it look chubbier. If your baby has hair already, its color and texture might be starting to show. Your baby’s reflexes are also developing.
Your 25-week old baby will enjoy jumping and playing inside your belly, and they’ll be able to hear your voice and other noises. Fingerprints have formed already, and palm creases are beginning to show.
Your baby is also looking more pink as small vessels in their skin called capillaries start to form, enhancing the blood flow under their skin. Although the baby’s eyelids are still closed, the cells that allow vision — called rods and cones — have formed and it can sense light and dark.
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How big is your baby at 25 weeks pregnant?
By the time you’re 25 weeks pregnant, your baby will weigh approximately 1.7 pounds (785 grams) and measure 13.1 inches (33,6 cm). If we’re comparing baby sizes to fruits and vegetables, your baby is already the size of a full ear of corn. Along with other changes that are occurring in your baby’s body, this weight gain is already preparing them for life outside your belly.
25 weeks pregnant baby position
At this point the bab has not yet decided to assume the head down position in readiness for birth. The head is still near your chest and the feet face downwards. It will take up this position very soon though, sometimes as early as the following week.
Pregnancy week 25 fetal development
During week 25 of pregnancy, your baby’s nose and nostrils begin to function. During this week, your baby will start to breathe in amniotic fluid. The capillaries that are forming on your baby’s skin will also form inside his or her lungs, allowing the baby to take practice breaths from now on.
Your baby’s lungs have also started to produce surfactant, which will help them breathe after birth. However, their lungs are still immature and can’t oxygenate the baby’s blood.
A 25-week old baby is also starting to develop its sense of balance. They’ll be able to differentiate which way is up or down inside your uterus. They’re also becoming more dexterous, and they’ll be able to perform grasping motions. They can even grab their own umbilical cord!
Your baby isn’t the only that’s changing during week 25 of pregnancy. During this week, you’ll probably see an increase in your weight, and you might experience new symptoms. Some symptoms of pregnancy can be uncomfortable, but remember that they’re a sign of all the things your body is doing to help your baby grow strong!
25 weeks pregnant belly
By week 25 of pregnancy, your uterus has reached the size of a soccer ball. You’ll have gained 15 to 18 lbs (7-8 kg) during your pregnancy, or 25 to 40 lbs (11- 18 kg) if you’re having twins. Many women start gaining more water weight around this time. As long as you’re gaining an adequate amount of weight, these fluctuations are normal.
You’ll notice that your baby’s movements get stronger and develop certain patterns. So be prepared for kicks, somersaults, and jumps! Your baby will also probably start reacting to music, voices, and sounds.
25 weeks pregnant symptoms
Many women start feeling more tired around the end of their second trimester. Your belly is getting bigger, so it makes sense if you feel weighed down. Some of the symptoms of week 25 of pregnancy include:
- Restless Leg Syndrome: RSL symptoms make you feel the urge to move your legs constantly to relieve a tingling or crawling sensation.
This symptom appears when you’re resting or sleeping, and some women also feel it in their arms, thighs, or hands.
The cause of RSL hasn’t been identified, but the main mechanisms that may contribute to the development of RLS during pregnancy are hormonal changes, as well as iron and folate deficiencies. The good news is that it goes away about 4 weeks after childbirth.
RLS treatment during pregnancy includes mild exercise, warm baths before bed, taking supplements such as iron, folates, vitamin B12, magnesium, and avoiding caffeine — remember to consult your doctor before taking any medications.
- Thicker hair: the hormonal changes during your pregnancy inhibit normal hair loss. Enjoy this perk now, since all the hair you don’t lose during pregnancy will shed after the birth.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: hormonal fluctuations, fluid retention with a tendency to edema, nerve hypersensitivity, and glucose level fluctuations can cause the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome such as temporary numbness or tingling in your hands. Symptoms are usually mild and are not the matter of concern. Treatment is not required in most of the cases.
- Hemorrhoids: your growing belly puts pressure on your pelvic veins, which can cause hemorrhoids. They’re uncomfortable, but they’re common during pregnancy and should disappear after delivery.
- Heartburn or indigestion: the baby will also put pressure on your digestive tract, which can push acid up your esophagus.
- Bloating: during pregnancy, hormonal changes will slow down your digestion. This can cause gas to accumulate, leading to abdominal bloating and constipation.
You probably won’t have an ultrasound scheduled for week 25 of pregnancy, unless you’re under close monitoring from your doctor. You should be getting a glucose challenge screening test between weeks 24 to 28 to rule out gestational diabetes.
If you’ve already had the test and got abnormal results, your doctor could schedule a repeat test for this week.
- Keep up with your healthy diet: keep high-fiber diet, get plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, low-mercury fish, and lean protein. You shouldn’t try to eat for two, but it’ also recommended for you not to skip meals
- Mild exercise: avoid contact sports, lifting excessive weights, and lying on your back. But besides that, it’s fine to keep exercising regularly. Listen to your body (and your doctor!) and don’t work out when you’re feeling too tired, short of breath, or dizzy.
- Drink lots of water: making sure you’re properly hydrated can help with constipation, bloating, and hemorrhoids.
- Moisturize: you can develop stretch marks on your tummy and breasts around week 25 of pregnancy. You can also get itchy skin rashes.
Moisturize daily to relieve these issues.
Sex at week 25 of pregnancy
Sex is safe throughout your pregnancy right up until your due date. In fact, many women find that their sex drive increases with pregnancy. By week 25 of pregnancy, some positions might make you uncomfortable, so you and your partner can try finding new positions that work for you.
It’s also perfectly safe to masturbate during pregnancy. And hey, there are many beneficial masturbation effects on women’s health.
- Think about your birth plan: births don’t always go according to, well, birth plans. But this is a good time to start thinking about the type of birth you’d like.
- Plan for your baby: start buying your baby-items before your bump gets bigger and you feel more uncomfortable.
- Spend time with your partner: during their second trimester, many women experience less nausea but can still move around comfortably. This might be the perfect moment to plan a trip or spend more time with your partner before the baby comes!
- Learn more about newborn babies: especially if you’re a first-time mom, now is the time to start learning more about your newest addition, how to care for them, and what to expect.
- Manage your stress: now that delivery isn’t too far away, it’s normal to feel worried and anxious. But studies have shown that women who negate positive feelings during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression, so week 25 of pregnancy is a great moment to learn some stress management techniques.
What to ask your doctor?
Even if you don’t have an appointment this week, talk to your doctor if you experience contractions, spotting, bleeding, or any symptoms that concern you. If you do have an antenatal appointment, discuss your symptoms and birth plan with your doctor. Your doctor or midwife can also advise you on how to manage symptoms during week 25 of pregnancy.
Week 25 of pregnancy is an exciting time! Your baby has been growing and getting ready to meet you, and many important changes are happening inside your belly. You’ll be entering your third trimester soon, which means it won’t be long until the baby arrives!
https://www. parents.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/25/
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26 week pregnant
27 week pregnant
28 week pregnant
See all weeks25th week of pregnancy, baby weight, photo, pregnancy calendar | Mamovedia
At the 25th week of pregnancy , the sex of the baby was finally determined. Perhaps the baby did not reveal the secret of his gender at the previous ultrasound, but during the next - , the occurrence of an error in the results is 1% . But whoever lives in your tummy is your blood and flesh, a piece of your heart and soul.
If the baby did not live up to your or your man's expectations, you should accept the news as soon as possible and ask the child's forgiveness. He should explain why exactly you wanted a girl or a boy, but now you are very happy that he or she is growing inside you. sorry and love your baby with all your heart , so you will help him feel needed and desired.
What's going on?
25 weeks of pregnancy according to the obstetric calculation method is equal to 23 weeks of the real age of the baby. His weight fluctuates in the range of 700 g, full height is about 34 cm , and from crown to tailbone - 22 cm .
The little heart beats rhythmically its melody of life. It is already well heard by doctors who use special tubes or a stethoscope for this. The father also has the opportunity hear your baby's heartbeat , leaning your ear against your mother's tummy and holding your breath).
The baby prefers one of his hands - thus, you will have a "right-handed" or a "left-handed" child already now
Fingers become more and more skillful - they clench into fists and catch their legs. On the fingers, a unique pattern continues to form - a fingerprint.
The baby's jolts during his wakefulness become stronger, and in fairly slender expectant mothers they can already be seen and felt by putting his hand to the tummy, the future father. nine0003
The brain is actively developing, its cells are becoming more complex. There is a compaction of the centers of bone formation. The lungs of the baby continue to prepare for life outside the mother's tummy - the development of alveoli and alveolar passages occurs.
What does it feel like?
The feeling of future motherhood is aggravated with the skin new week - the baby is growing tirelessly, there is less space in the tummy, and the connection with the baby is getting stronger . Maternal instinct makes you grab your tummy at the slightest threat in order to protect your treasure from an inadvertent push, etc. A mother's love for her child is the purest, most selfless, eternal... It is born during pregnancy, explodes with incredible emotions after childbirth and shines throughout life - illuminating the path of the child. nine0003
At the 25th week of pregnancy you look good, pregnancy has contributed to your current beauty - in addition to happiness in your eyes and a slight smile on your lips, your cheeks have turned pink - so you will not need blush in the near future :-). This happened due to increased blood circulation in the subcutaneous vessels.
The uterus grows with the baby . Now it is the size of an ordinary soccer ball. The fundus of the uterus has risen to the middle of the distance between the sternum (which is located in the middle of the chest and connects the ribs) and the navel. Due to the pressure of the uterus, the stomach changes its location. The uterus presses on the diaphragm. nine0003
In connection with this, and also due to the action of progesterone, the work of the stomach slows down, the gastric juice rises into the esophagus. This in turn causes heartburn .
The uterus requires space, so all other organs have to adapt to new living conditions. In addition to the stomach, you may also be disturbed by the bladder - over and over again inviting you to the WC. This is especially inconvenient at night and during long walks or travel. Well - adapt to new circumstances, like your organs and systems. nine0003
Nutrition for the expectant mother!
The number one problem at 25 weeks pregnant is heartburn. We have repeatedly met with the causes of its occurrence, as well as with the methods of struggle. Let's repeat the basic rules of nutrition to prevent heartburn or alleviate the condition in its presence:
- heartburn occurs especially often after eating large portions of food at once - solution: eat often, but in small portions;
- limit fatty foods; nine0066
- magnesium and calcium have anthracite properties and are good helpers in the fight against heartburn. How they will enter your body: as part of multivitamin complexes or properly selected products, you decide;
- drinking small portions of milk during the day may also have a positive effect in the fight against heartburn;
- make it a rule for yourself not to eat two hours before bedtime;
- Eating at night should not be difficult and plentiful.
Risk factors for mother and child!
You should be alert for pain in the legs and swelling in the ankles, and of course varicose veins. Women who had problems with veins before pregnancy should be especially attentive to these issues.
To reduce the load on the veins watch your weight, choose special compression underwear , change your position more often during the day, do a contrast shower for your legs.
Often during this period of pregnancy varicose veins of the external genital organs may be observed . If you have such a problem, be sure to consult a doctor. He can prescribe a course of treatment for you aimed at preventing blood clots, reducing blood clotting and improving the condition of blood vessels. You need to spend as much time as possible in a horizontal position.
Don't forget about hemorrhoids . It is a fairly frequent companion of pregnant women. The main rule for avoiding this problem is proper nutrition, which will not provoke constipation. nine0003
Good mood and well-being give you the opportunity to do important things - preparation for life "after"! That's right - life "after". The birth of a baby will divide your life into “before” and “after”. You must be ready, first of all morally, for the drastic changes that will burst into your life with the advent of a small crumb.
This is not only happiness and boundless love, there is another side of the coin... You will no longer belong to yourself, you will have a huge responsibility for a new life... There will be sleepless nights, and hard days, and seemingly endless crying ... Sometimes there will not even be time to put yourself in order - just wash your face, comb your hair or brush your teeth ... So, the better you prepare yourself and the space around for the appearance of the baby, the easier you will be able to adjust to a new rhythm of life. nine0003
You probably already have a magical to-do and shopping list to complete before giving birth . Therefore, right now it is necessary to choose a couple of points for implementation. For example, it can be a selection of literature on the topics: "How to care for a newborn, the basic rules of breastfeeding, how to do everything while caring for a baby, etc." It will not be superfluous to discuss with the husband the issue of the baby's place of residence: he will live with you or in a separate room . Both cases have their pros and cons. Consider the positive aspects of each option. nine0003
Baby with parents:
- less anxiety - the baby is always there
- less movement at night - feeding, changing diapers
- the ability to hear even the slightest movement of the baby and respond in time to the needs of the baby separately 9002 separately :
- the child learns to be himself, incl. sleep, which in the future will greatly help parents to reduce the time for putting the baby to bed
- some newly-made parents are embarrassed to make love in front of their baby, so this way of living will well solve the issue of their intimate relationship.
However, choosing the option of placing the baby separately, you should secure the baby. To do this, there are many devices that will help you to always be on guard: monitors for newborns, video and radio nannies, feeding timers and the like.
Well, maybe you have more pressing things to do – go ahead and do them – time is running out too fast. nine0003
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21-24 weeks of pregnancy
21th pregnancy
9000 9000 on the 21st week of the child Growth Growth Growth Ration is about 25 cm, and the weight of the fetus is 300-400 g. The fetus is very reminiscent of a newborn baby, however, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, the body is still very thin, and the head seems unnaturally large. At this time, the formation of eyelashes and eyebrows takes place, the baby learns to blink, and his skin gradually acquires a flesh color, thickens, constrictions appear on it.
At the 21st week, the muscles and skeleton of the fetus are actively developing. The child constantly moves, carefully bends and unbends the limbs, due to its small size it can do somersaults, turns, change the position of its body several times a day, lie transversely in the uterus, turn up or down with its head.
At this stage, the baby hears well, not only distinguishes sharp sounds, but reacts to music, so the expectant mother can listen to classics or favorite songs, contribute to the development of the child. The development of the digestive system continues, taste buds are formed. The fetus is able to distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid. nine0003
Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman at 21 weeks feels normal. The expectant mother clearly feels the movements of the fetus; very often, the periods of sleep and activity of the child and the woman do not coincide, so pregnant women do not get enough sleep during this period, they wake up at night due to the intensive movements of the baby. Painful sensations at this time are quite rare, since the child does not have sufficient physical strength, and his movements do not differ in intensity.
A pregnant woman may put on weight as the baby grows, its muscle and fat mass increases. Expectant mothers eat with pleasure. Their appetite increases significantly, morning sickness and general malaise disappear. nine0003
At this time, the baby's skeleton is formed, for the development of which calcium is needed. Pregnant women should monitor their health, take calcium supplements as prescribed by a doctor, since if it is lacking, problems with teeth are possible. Calcium is washed out of the tissues, the teeth begin to hurt and crumble. It is important not only to consume vitamins, but also to carefully balance the diet, add calcium-rich cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products to the daily menu. The consumption of fish, cereals and legumes, vegetables will help to fill the calcium deficiency. nine0003
22nd week of pregnancy
Child development
The body length of the fetus reaches 28-30 centimeters, and its weight is approximately 500 g. The child more and more resembles a newborn, his head no longer looks so big, the length of the limbs increases. The kid no longer keeps his legs constantly bent, he periodically straightens them. Intensively increases the volume and mass of the child's brain. nine0003
The baby is in constant motion, he can move his fingers and toes, move his head to the right and left. The child knows how to suck his thumb, he tilts his head forward and accurately puts his finger in his mouth. Such actions indicate an increase in sensitivity and development of the vestibular apparatus, improved coordination; the child already feels the position of his own body in space.
The baby's brain at this time contains a complete set of neurons, the number of which does not change throughout a person's life. With age, only the re-formation of connections between cells and the improvement of the work of the human brain takes place. nine0003
Pregnant woman
At 22 weeks, the uterus of a pregnant woman is located 2 cm above the navel. The abdomen is not yet very large, but the internal organs are already beginning to shrink due to the accelerated growth of the uterus. A woman may experience some discomfort, pain between the lower ribs. In order not to suffer from pain, you must constantly monitor your posture, choose a comfortable chair with a solid back for work. Special exercises, periodic changes in body position, turns and inclinations will help to solve the problem. It is necessary to avoid sedentary work, take short breaks and fully relax. nine0003
The fundus of the uterus can press on the stomach, so a common problem at this time is a feeling of heaviness after eating and heartburn. The position of the stomach in pregnant women changes to a more horizontal one, the muscle relaxes, which closes the transition from the esophagus to the stomach, as a result of which the contents of the stomach fall back into the esophagus, irritate it, the woman feels a burning sensation and an unpleasant aftertaste. The reason for such changes is not only the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, but also a change in the hormonal background of a woman, an increase in the content of progesterone in the body. To get rid of heartburn, you need to chew food thoroughly, eat often, but in small portions. Do not eat before going to bed, as the food will not have time to be digested. If the symptoms worsen, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications and help the expectant mother balance her diet. nine0003
23rd week of pregnancy
Child development
The 23rd week is an intensive formation of the respiratory system. The fetus begins to gradually make respiratory movements. If earlier the respiratory movements were periodic, now their duration can reach up to 40 minutes. In a minute, the child takes up to 50-60 breaths. The development of the respiratory system does not stop at this time, a kind of breathing exercises continue until childbirth, the baby improves skills and prepares to breathe air. nine0003
When breathing in the womb, the baby swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid and then pushes it out. In this case, the epithelium is washed. When amniotic fluid is swallowed, part of it is absorbed by the blood vessels, and the original feces, that is, meconium, are formed from the remnants.
If the baby is very active and swallows water very intensively, diaphragm irritation and contractions, also called "fetal hiccups", may occur. These rhythmic movements are not abnormal; such hiccups pass in a few minutes, does not pose a threat to the expectant mother and child. If the contractions do not stop within a few hours, you should go to the hospital, as a more serious problem, including hypoxia, can be the cause of hiccups. nine0003
The 23rd week is an important stage in the intrauterine development of a person. It is at this time that the formation and improvement of the main components of the circulatory and immune systems, including the liver, lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow, continue. At this time, the thymus gland (or thymus) develops, which plays an important role in the functioning of the human endocrine system. It is in the thymus that lymphocytes mature. After a kind of "training" in the thymus, the cells enter the bloodstream and can resist infection, neutralize foreign cells in the body. nine0003
During pregnancy, the fetal immune system goes through several stages of formation and cannot provide full protection against diseases. The baby is protected by maternal antibodies, while its own immune system learns to recognize potential threats, remember bacteria and viruses, and defend itself against their harmful effects.
Pregnant woman
At 23 weeks' gestation, the uterus rises even higher and is located at a height of 4 cm from the woman's navel. The volume of the uterus increases significantly not only due to the growth of the child, but also due to an increase in the mass and volume of amniotic fluid and the placenta. At this time, the weight gain of a pregnant woman of 5-7 kg is optimal. The expectant mother should carefully monitor the daily diet, do not overeat, since excessive weight gain can pose a threat not only to her health, but also to the baby. nine0003
Intensive growth of the uterus causes a shift in the center of gravity. A woman becomes awkward, may feel discomfort in the joints and pain in the spine while walking or sitting for a long time. At this time, the doctor may recommend that a pregnant woman wear special supportive underwear made from natural materials or a bandage.
24th week of pregnancy
Child development
At 24 weeks of gestation, the baby continues to grow rapidly, he weighs already 600 g, and his height is approximately 33 cm. The fetus occupies the entire uterine cavity, so its movements become less impulsive, but more distinct; sharp movements are replaced by smaller ones. The baby can still radically change the position of his body, but prefers to sort out the umbilical cord, play with it, bend and unbend the arms and legs. The amount of muscle mass, namely the muscle fibers of the child, increases sharply. At this time, this indicator reaches its maximum. At later stages of pregnancy, the muscle mass of the fetus increases due to an increase in the volume of each muscle fiber. nine0003
This week the child's senses are being improved. He knows how to distinguish tastes, hears perfectly and orients himself in space, the baby's skin has a high sensitivity. The fetal brain continues to develop, connections with the senses are formed, so the child's behavior is characterized by a high degree of complexity. Studies have shown that the child reacts to external stimuli: if a bright light hits his mother's stomach, he turns his head away, closes his eyes or covers his face with his hands. A woman should be calm and peaceful, because her fear, excitement is transmitted to the child, he begins to move intensively or freezes abruptly. The baby may react to harsh sounds, noise, or other stimuli. nine0003
Pregnant woman
The weight of the pregnant woman continues to increase, the increase this week is about 500 g. The belly grows, the uterus not only increases in size, but also stretches. A woman may notice pain in the abdomen, but they do not differ in intensity and do not last long.