21 weeks baby kicking
Baby Development, Symptoms and Tips
Key Takeaways at 21 Weeks Pregnant
- Did you feel that little flutter? Baby is moving and grooving and doing flips—and you most likely feel their tiny kicks and punches. This early movement is called quickening—and it’s so exciting!
- Your anatomy scan might be taking place this week! Your ultrasound tech and doctor will take lots of measurements and make sure everything is developing appropriately. You can also find out the sex, if you haven’t already!
- You’ve probably gained about 14 pounds—give or take—at this stage of the game. Remember, to focus less on the number and more on eating a well-rounded diet and getting movement.
- Braxton Hicks—or practice contractions—might start any day now. At this point, it’ll feel like a quick tightening. It should stop once you change positions.
If you haven’t picked that perfect name yet, check out The Bump’s extensive lists of baby names of all sorts; cool names, beautiful names, hipster names and much more. At 21 weeks pregnant, you’re not just choosing a name, you’re hard at work getting your home ready too. Of course, choosing gear can be hard, but try not to stress about it at week 21 of pregnancy. Trust us, baby won’t care if you pick out a Pack ‘n Play that clashes with the area rug!
Baby at Week 21
Wondering what’s going on with your 21-week fetus? As baby's digestive system preps for the outside world, they’re manufacturing meconium, the tarry black substance you'll find in the first dirty diaper.
Bet you hadn’t even thought about future grandchildren yet, but the reproductive system is developing too. If it's a girl, she's already got a lifetime supply of eggs in her womb—about six million of them! Having a boy? His testes are still located in his abdomen but will drop in the coming weeks once the scrotum finishes developing.
How big is baby at 21 weeks?
At 21 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a head of endive. At 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces, baby is big enough now that you've probably been feeling their fetal movements more and more lately. Keep in mind that at 21 weeks, baby size is now measured in full body length, rather than crown to rump, so you can get a real idea of how big your baby is at 21 weeks pregnant!
What is baby doing at 21 weeks in the womb?
Now, at 21 weeks, fetal movement is noticeable—and baby has reflexes too! If you gently press your palm on your belly, you might feel a little push back. So cool! Baby at 21 weeks is practicing coordinated movements and enjoying the room they currently have in your uterus, which means they also need 12 to 14 hours of sleep every day. Baby at 21 weeks is also practicing swallowing amniotic fluid (don’t worry, it’s just practice—baby still gets everything they need through the placenta) and growing taste buds as well as head and body hair.
21 weeks pregnant is how many months?
Twenty-one weeks pregnant is five months pregnant, although doctors track pregnancy by week, not month. Since pregnancy is 40 weeks long, you’re now a majority of the way through your pregnancy!
21 week ultrasound
You’ll get a glimpse of that cute little 21-week fetus if you have your mid-pregnancy ultrasound this week. This 21 weeks ultrasound will amaze you! Not only will you get to see baby on the screen, you’ll also get to see some awesome details like the brain hemispheres and chambers of the heart. Let your technician know whether or not you want to know baby’s sex.
Finding out whether it’s a boy or a girl is a pretty exciting moment! But you can also save it for later if you want. Some parents-to-be wait until baby is born to know the sex. Or you could ask the technician to write it down and put it in an envelope so you can take it home. Then, you could plan a gender reveal party, where you can find out the surprise while surrounded by your family and friends. Fun!
At 21 weeks pregnant, pictures of baby are bound to be adorable! Ask for lots of printouts of the pictures, because if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy, this may be the last medical ultrasound you’ll get during pregnancy. Now go show off those photos of your cutie! And keep brainstorming those names!
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Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 21
Common 21 weeks pregnant symptoms are kind of like a sneak preview of the third trimester. Here’s what you might be feeling at week 21 of pregnancy:
Heartburn and/or indigestion
Avoid spicy and greasy foods and other triggers to control your heartburn and indigestion. If the source of your discomfort is a mystery, keeping a food diary could help you figure it out.
Braxton Hicks contractions
Your uterus might occasionally feel tight as it practices for labor. Braxton Hicks at 21 weeks are totally normal as long as the contractions go away when you switch positions. Let your doctor know about any pain or contractions that don’t stop.
Leaky boobs
Your milk ducts will be fully developed by the end of this trimester—just in case of an early arrival—so you may experience some leaking from your breasts.
Dry, itchy skin
Your skin is stretching over your growing bump, making it drier and more irritated by the day. Lather up with a pregnancy-safe body oil or lotion to help your skin stay moisturized and hopefully less itchy. Also, if you develop a rash, let your doctor know right away, since that could be a sign of an annoying pregnancy condition called PUPPP.
Stretch marks
Your skin gets pulled thinner as baby grows, causing tiny tears beneath the surface of your skin. Stretch marks are more common for some women simply because of family history or because of sudden weight gain. They are also more common in women who are 21 weeks pregnant with twins. There’s no way to truly get rid of stretch marks, but they should fade significantly after birth.
When should I worry about Braxton Hicks at 21 weeks?
You shouldn’t worry at all unless the contractions don’t stop after a couple minutes, get stronger and closer together or there’s fluid or bleeding from the vagina. In those cases, call your doctor. Otherwise, Braxton Hicks contractions are prepping your uterus for all that hard work contracting during labor. Braxton Hicks at 21 weeks are normal but usually just periodic. They rarely last more than two minutes and are often brought on by sex and orgasm, a full bladder, dehydration or a big kick from baby.
Your Pregnant Belly at 21 Weeks
This week, you may look in the mirror at your 21 week baby bump and wonder, “Where did I go?!” By the time you reach 21 weeks pregnant, you may have gained around 13 to 14 pounds, and around 21 pounds if you’re 21 weeks pregnant with twins.
Your newfound curves might have you feeling super sexy and confident—after all, you’re the center of attention wherever you go! But the extra weight also might have you feeling self-conscious. Remind yourself, you’re supposed to be gaining this weight and do your best to embrace those curves! It’s good for you and for baby.
In fact, all the weight you gain during pregnancy isn’t just padding for baby—it all serves a really important purpose. Here’s a logical way to think of it: Of the approximately 30 pounds you’ll gain throughout your pregnancy, there’s a whole lot more than fat. Here’s what makes up that weight:
- An average full-term baby = 7.5 pounds
- Placenta = 1.5 pounds
- Uterus = 2 pounds
- Amniotic fluid = 2 pounds
- Maternal stores of fat, protein, and other nutrients (needed for breastfeeding!) = 7 pounds
- Breast tissue (also for breastfeeding, of course) = 2 pounds
- Increased fluid volume = 4 pounds
- Increased blood volume = 4 pounds
See? All those pounds are doing a lot of good, keeping baby alive and healthy—and storing up good stuff to nourish them after birth. Anytime you’re feeling a little meh about your body, think of all the amazing things it’s doing!
What to expect at 21 weeks pregnant with twins
If you’re 21 weeks pregnant with twins, your belly is getting tight, itchy and dry, and you may have already developed some stretch marks. Keep rubbing that 21 week baby bump with plenty of lotion to ease the itchiness. Heartburn is probably a close personal friend at this point too, so watch what you eat to make sure you don’t make it worse, and keep meals smaller and more frequent. If that doesn’t do it, talk to your doctor about a pregnancy-friendly antacid.
“Remember that each pregnancy is different. Don't compare yourself to other pregnant women or try to compare your experience with previous pregnancies. Just relax and enjoy this special time!” - Rachel Miller, MD, an ob-gyn and owner and founder of Pocket Bridges.
Tips for 21 Weeks Pregnant
You’re moving and grooving through this pregnancy. The next 19 weeks or so are going to fly—or crawl (depending). In the meantime, here’s what you should do right now.
Drink your water
Water can help with 21 weeks pregnant symptoms. As counterintuitive as it may seem, staying hydrated keeps your body from retaining water; it also helps calm those Braxton Hicks contractions and is your best bet for fending off UTIs.
Keep moving
Exercise may sound like a chore right now, but it’ll help with swelling and circulation. Try prenatal yoga, an easy walk or swimming if that belly is feeling extra heavy these days.
Sign up for classes
If you’re interested in taking childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes or infant care classes, now is the time to sign up if you haven’t yet. Classes often fill up early, so get them on the books before your final month.
Pregnancy Checklist at 21 Weeks Pregnant
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21 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Baby Development
You’re now 21 weeks pregnant, and your baby is developing eyelashes and eyebrows. Your bump probably feels like it’s getting bigger every day, and although you’re still in the honeymoon phase of pregnancy, it’s not without some symptoms like swelling or varicose veins, which can be challenging. Read on to find out what to expect from week 21 of pregnancy.
What To Expect At 21 Weeks Pregnant
- How Many Months Is 21 Weeks Pregnant?
- Your Baby’s Development at 21 Weeks
- Your Body at 21 Weeks Pregnant
- Frequently Asked Questions About Life at 21 Weeks Pregnant
- 21 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
How Many Months Is 21 Weeks Pregnant?
Twenty-one weeks pregnant in months is just under five months pregnant, which is part of the second trimester of pregnancy.
Your Baby at 21 Weeks
Although most of the internal organs are still developing, after a while, essential details of the facial features such as eyelashes and eyebrows begin to appear. In other words, baby is starting to look like their parents. Baby’s hearing is so developed that they can hear you well when you talk or sing. At this time, baby is already kicking and moving intensely—making about 50 movements per hour, which helps with their physical and mental development. Girls already have a vagina at this time, which continues to form until childbirth, while boys’ testicles should already have descended into the scrotum.
How Big is a Baby at 21 Weeks?
At 21 weeks, baby weighs about 12.7 ounces and is around 10.5 inches long. Baby is about the size of a My Little Pony.
21 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound
If you haven’t already had your 20-week anatomy scan, it will happen around this point (between week 18 and week 22). This ultrasound assesses your baby’s growth and also takes a closer look at their development. “We also obtain images of different organs and structures of the baby like the heart and brain to look for any anomalies that may be present,” Dr. Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UT Southwestern Medical Center’s William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital, tells Babylist. It’s a great opportunity for you to get a closer look at baby and get some glamour shots to take home!
21 Weeks Baby Movement
Movement is common on a regular basis now that the baby’s central nervous system is developing rapidly. However, it’s not uncommon to see periods of time when your baby doesn’t move much at all. Don’t panic if you go even a full day without the typical movement such as flipping or kicking.
Your Body at 21 Weeks of Pregnancy
Weight gain, swelling and other symptoms greet you at week 21 of pregnancy. But you’re over the hump now (or the bump, if you’ll pardon the pun)—you’re more than halfway through your pregnancy. Here’s what other symptoms mark week 21.
21 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Weight gain
You will continue to gain weight throughout this week, especially as your appetite remains high. Use it as an excuse to satisfy some interesting cravings. Pickles, anyone?
Swelling in the legs and varicose veins
While this symptom began weeks ago for many people, it could be new for some. And it may continue. “If you notice symptoms of varicose veins, be sure to consult your doctor about preventive measures,” says Dr. Rosmy Barrios.
Yep, this symptom is also one you’ve likely encountered in previous weeks, but it may have continued. Dr. Barrios explains this increase in acne is due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which are producing more sebum, a waxy/oily substance, on the skin, leading to breakouts.
21 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms Not to Ignore
If you experience any bleeding with your cramps, contact your doctor. Similarly, you’ll want to be wary of persistent pelvic heaviness especially if it’s accompanied by bloody, mucousy or watery discharge. “This could be a sign of the cervix opening too soon—called cervical insufficiency,” says Dr. Lauren Demosthenes, an ob-gyn and Senior Medical Director with Babyscripts.
“Risk factors for this include a past history of this, past surgery on the cervix,” she adds. “Care team often routinely looks at the cervix during the 18-22 week ultrasound to look for this too. If this happens, a stitch called a cerclage, may be able to be placed to close the cervix.”
Also, any bleeding with cramps could be a sign of an issue and should be checked out.
Fun Fact
Your baby can already taste what you’re eating!
To-Do: Create Your Babylist
With Babylist, you can add any item from any store onto ONE registry. You’ll even get a Hello Baby Box full of free (amazing!) goodies.
21 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
- Pick a carrier to add to your registry.
- Finalize your baby shower guest list and send it to your host.
- If you want maternity snaps, pick a photographer and schedule your photoshoot for the middle of the third trimester.
- Celebrate that you are more than halfway done. You’ve got this!
Commonly Asked Questions About 21 Week Pregnant
You’ve got your symptoms under control and baby is more than halfway there. Now it’s time to start the planning for the actual birth. Before that though, you might want professional photos taken. If so, scout a photographer.
Should I plan for a hospital birth?
Now’s the time to weigh your options for a hospital birth, home birth, etc. And do you want to hire a doula? These can be tough questions, so give yourself time to research and come to a choice that’s right for you!
What else should I be doing?
Get that registry together and consider booking a maternity shoot now. Book your photoshoot for the middle of the third trimester when you’re fully pregnant and glowing!
To doula or not to doula? It’s usually a question that arises sometime during the second half of your pregnancy. Doulas are trained and experienced in childbirth, but unlike midwives and doctors, they don’t actually deliver your baby. Instead, doulas are there to provide you whatever support you need during labor. They’ll often help you in your postpartum journey as well. You don’t have to make your decision today, but it can be helpful to start thinking about whether having a doula is something you want to pursue. You’ll need time to research local doulas in your area and build a relationship with whomever you choose.
Recommended Products for Week 21 of Pregnancy
As your pregnancy progresses, you’re probably thinking ahead to baby’s arrival. But you have some time! Here are some things you might want to think about at this stage.
- Book a maternity shoot (or don’t): If you want to schedule maternity photos, the best time to do so is usually between 30 to 36 weeks. Use the next few weeks to find and price-out nearby photographers. Not interested in a maternity shoot? That’s OK too!
- See a chiro: The American Pregnancy Association says that it’s estimated 50 to 70% of pregnant people will deal with back pain at some point. Chiropractic care or massage therapy can be hugely beneficial when it comes to treating and preventing both prenatal and postpartum back pain. Just make sure to look for someone specifically trained in prenatal or perinatal treatment.
- Let us help you with your registry: If you’ve spent any time researching baby stuff online, then you know the options are practically endless. Want a changing table that doubles as a scale? No problem. How about a cradle that rocks your baby to sleep for you? Done and done. Despite the cool-factor of these new products, you really don’t need much when it comes time to bring baby home from the hospital. If you’re more of a minimalist, forgo the gadgetry in favor of the true must-haves. Here’s our list of essential baby gear.
- Dr. Rosmy Barrios Medical Advisor at Health Reporter
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. We do not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here. Babylist may earn compensation from affiliate links in this content. Learn more about how we write Babylist content and the Babylist Health Advisory Board.
21-24 weeks of pregnancy
21st week of pregnancy
Development of the baby
At 21 weeks the baby is about 25 cm tall and the fetus weighs 300-400 g. lack of subcutaneous fat, the body is still very thin, and the head seems unnaturally large. At this time, the formation of eyelashes and eyebrows takes place, the baby learns to blink, and his skin gradually acquires a flesh color, thickens, constrictions appear on it.
At the 21st week, the muscles and skeleton of the fetus are actively developing. The child constantly moves, carefully bends and unbends the limbs, due to its small size it can do somersaults, turns, change the position of its body several times a day, lie transversely in the uterus, turn up or down with its head.
At this stage, the baby hears well, not only distinguishes sharp sounds, but reacts to music, so the expectant mother can listen to classics or favorite songs, contribute to the development of the child. The development of the digestive system continues, taste buds are formed. The fetus is able to distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid.
Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman at 21 weeks feels normal. The expectant mother clearly feels the movements of the fetus; very often, the periods of sleep and activity of the child and the woman do not coincide, so pregnant women do not get enough sleep during this period, they wake up at night due to the intensive movements of the baby. Painful sensations at this time are quite rare, since the child does not have sufficient physical strength, and his movements do not differ in intensity.
A pregnant woman may put on weight as the baby grows, its muscle and fat mass increases. Expectant mothers eat with pleasure. Their appetite increases significantly, morning sickness and general malaise disappear.
At this time, the baby's skeleton is formed, for the development of which calcium is needed. Pregnant women should monitor their health, take calcium supplements as prescribed by a doctor, since if it is lacking, problems with teeth are possible. Calcium is washed out of the tissues, the teeth begin to hurt and crumble. It is important not only to consume vitamins, but also to carefully balance the diet, add calcium-rich cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products to the daily menu. The consumption of fish, cereals and legumes, vegetables will help to fill the calcium deficiency.
22nd week of pregnancy
Development of the child
The body length of the fetus reaches 28-30 cm and its weight is approximately 500 g. The child more and more resembles a newborn, his head no longer looks so big, the length of the limbs increases. The kid no longer keeps his legs constantly bent, he periodically straightens them. Intensively increases the volume and mass of the child's brain.
The baby is in constant motion, he can move his fingers and toes, move his head to the right and left. The child knows how to suck his thumb, he tilts his head forward and accurately puts his finger in his mouth. Such actions indicate an increase in sensitivity and development of the vestibular apparatus, improved coordination; the child already feels the position of his own body in space.
The baby's brain at this time contains a complete set of neurons, the number of which does not change throughout a person's life. With age, only the re-formation of connections between cells and the improvement of the work of the human brain takes place.
Pregnant woman
At 22 weeks, the uterus of a pregnant woman is located 2 cm above the navel. The abdomen is not yet very large, but the internal organs are already beginning to shrink due to the accelerated growth of the uterus. A woman may experience some discomfort, pain between the lower ribs. In order not to suffer from pain, you must constantly monitor your posture, choose a comfortable chair with a solid back for work. Special exercises, periodic changes in body position, turns and inclinations will help to solve the problem. It is necessary to avoid sedentary work, take short breaks and fully relax.
The bottom of the uterus can press on the stomach, so a common problem at this time is a feeling of heaviness after eating and heartburn. The position of the stomach in pregnant women changes to a more horizontal one, the muscle relaxes, which closes the transition from the esophagus to the stomach, as a result of which the contents of the stomach fall back into the esophagus, irritate it, the woman feels a burning sensation and an unpleasant aftertaste. The reason for such changes is not only the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, but also a change in the hormonal background of a woman, an increase in the content of progesterone in the body. To get rid of heartburn, you need to chew food thoroughly, eat often, but in small portions. Do not eat before going to bed, as the food will not have time to be digested. If the symptoms worsen, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications and help the expectant mother balance her diet.
23rd week of pregnancy
Child development
The 23rd week is an intensive formation of the respiratory system. The fetus begins to gradually make respiratory movements. If earlier the respiratory movements were periodic, now their duration can reach up to 40 minutes. In a minute, the child takes up to 50-60 breaths. The development of the respiratory system does not stop at this time, a kind of breathing exercises continue until childbirth, the baby improves skills and prepares to breathe air.
When breathing in the womb, the baby swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid and then pushes it out. In this case, the epithelium is washed. When amniotic fluid is swallowed, part of it is absorbed by the blood vessels, and the original feces, that is, meconium, are formed from the remnants.
If the baby is very active and swallows water very intensively, diaphragm irritation and contractions, also called "fetal hiccups", may occur. These rhythmic movements are not abnormal; such hiccups pass in a few minutes, does not pose a threat to the expectant mother and child. If the contractions do not stop within a few hours, you should go to the hospital, as a more serious problem, including hypoxia, can be the cause of hiccups.
The 23rd week is an important stage in the intrauterine development of a person. It is at this time that the formation and improvement of the main components of the circulatory and immune systems, including the liver, lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow, continue. At this time, the thymus gland (or thymus) develops, which plays an important role in the functioning of the human endocrine system. It is in the thymus that lymphocytes mature. After a kind of "training" in the thymus, the cells enter the bloodstream and can resist infection, neutralize foreign cells in the body.
During pregnancy, the fetal immune system goes through several stages of formation and cannot provide full protection against diseases. The baby is protected by maternal antibodies, while its own immune system learns to recognize potential threats, remember bacteria and viruses, and defend itself against their harmful effects.
Pregnant woman
At 23 weeks' gestation, the uterus rises even higher and is located at a height of 4 cm from the woman's navel. The volume of the uterus increases significantly not only due to the growth of the child, but also due to an increase in the mass and volume of amniotic fluid and the placenta. At this time, the weight gain of a pregnant woman of 5-7 kg is optimal. The expectant mother should carefully monitor the daily diet, do not overeat, since excessive weight gain can pose a threat not only to her health, but also to the baby.
Intensive growth of the uterus causes a shift in the center of gravity. A woman becomes awkward, may feel discomfort in the joints and pain in the spine while walking or sitting for a long time. At this time, the doctor may recommend that a pregnant woman wear special supportive underwear made from natural materials or a bandage.
24th week of pregnancy
Child development
At 24 weeks of gestation, the baby continues to grow rapidly, it weighs already 600 g, and its height is approximately 33 cm. The fetus occupies the entire uterine cavity, so its movements become less impulsive, but more distinct; sharp movements are replaced by smaller ones. The baby can still radically change the position of his body, but prefers to sort out the umbilical cord, play with it, bend and unbend the arms and legs. The amount of muscle mass, namely the muscle fibers of the child, increases sharply. At this time, this indicator reaches its maximum. At later stages of pregnancy, the muscle mass of the fetus increases due to an increase in the volume of each muscle fiber.
This week the child's senses are being improved. He knows how to distinguish tastes, hears perfectly and orients himself in space, the baby's skin has a high sensitivity. The fetal brain continues to develop, connections with the senses are formed, so the child's behavior is characterized by a high degree of complexity. Studies have shown that the child reacts to external stimuli: if a bright light hits his mother's stomach, he turns his head away, closes his eyes or covers his face with his hands. A woman should be calm and peaceful, because her fear, excitement is transmitted to the child, he begins to move intensively or freezes abruptly. The baby may react to harsh sounds, noise, or other stimuli.
Pregnant woman
The weight of the pregnant woman continues to increase, the increase this week is about 500 g. The belly grows, the uterus not only increases in size, but also stretches. A woman may notice pain in the abdomen, but they do not differ in intensity and do not last long.
Rapid weight gain can cause edema. The growing uterus compresses large veins, which, in turn, significantly complicates the outflow of lymph; a woman's ankles and feet, hands swell, in the evening the problem worsens. A pregnant woman should fully rest, lie more, while raising her legs with a roller or placing an additional pillow in order to improve the outflow of venous blood and eliminate the risk of varicose veins. It is important to purchase comfortable shoes, abandon the "boats" on the stiletto heels and provide the feet with the necessary comfort. Wearing compression tights and stockings will help to significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins and the appearance of edema. When choosing the degree of compression and models, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of a phlebologist or gynecologist.
Fetal movement - how and when does it occur
- When does fetal movement begin
- Fetal movement rate
- Methods for assessing the "sufficiency" of fetal movements
- Changes in fetal activity
- Determining the condition of the fetus
“Dear patients, we are glad to welcome you to the website of the Fetal Medicine Center – a medical center of expert level in the field of modern prenatal medicine.
We see our mission in making the expectation of a child and its birth a happy, calm and most comfortable period for every woman. By providing professional medical support, we help couples plan pregnancy, control its harmonious course, conduct expert-level prenatal diagnostics, providing comprehensive care for the health of the expectant mother and baby. ”
Roza Saidovna Bataeva
Head of the Fetal Medicine Center in Moscow
From the very beginning of pregnancy, every expectant mother begins to listen anxiously to the sensations inside her growing belly. Can't wait to feel your baby move. When does the fetus begin to move? At what time can a pregnant woman begin to listen carefully to herself, waiting for the first movements of her child? Should I be worried if they are not felt or the baby suddenly calmed down? And can movements carry any other information, besides communicating with mom?
At what time does the fetal movement begin
The first movements of the future baby begin early - already at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy . It was at this time that the first muscles and the rudiments of the nervous system of the fetus are formed. Naturally, at this time, the movements of the embryo are still very primitive - these are muscle contractions in response to nerve impulses.
Approximately from 10 weeks of pregnancy the fetus begins to move more actively in the uterus, and, encountering an obstacle on its way (walls of the uterus), change the trajectory of movements. However, the baby is still very small and the impacts on the uterine wall are very weak, the expectant mother cannot yet feel them. At 11-12 weeks of intrauterine life, a little man already knows how to clench his fists, grimace, frown, by 16 weeks of pregnancy he begins to react to loud, sharp sounds with increased motor activity, at 17 weeks the first facial expressions appear, and at 18 weeks he covers his face with his hands and plays with the umbilical cord, clenching and unclenching the fingers.
Gradually, with increasing gestational age, movements become more coordinated and more like conscious. When the baby grows up, the pregnant woman begins to feel his movements.
When does fetal movement begin during the first and subsequent pregnancies
It is generally accepted that during the first pregnancy, the expectant mother feels the first fetal movements at 20 weeks of pregnancy, with repeated pregnancies - at 18 weeks. This is not entirely true. A mother who is expecting her first child, indeed, most often begins to feel the movements of the fetus a little later than a multiparous woman. This is due to the fact that "experienced" mothers know how the movements of the crumbs are felt at first and what they should feel. Some primigravidas perceive the first movements of the fetus as an increase in intestinal peristalsis, “gaziki”. Many women describe the first movements of the fetus as a feeling of fluid transfusion in the abdomen, "fluttering butterflies" or "swimming fish."
The first movements are usually rare and irregular. The time of the first sensations of fetal movements naturally depends on the individual sensitivity of the woman. Some future mothers feel the first movements as early as 15-16 weeks, and someone only after 20. Slender women, as a rule, begin to feel movements earlier than full ones. Women who lead an active lifestyle, work hard, usually feel the movements of the fetus later.
By 20 weeks, due to the formation of the spinal cord and brain, as well as the accumulation of a certain amount of muscle mass in the fetus, movements become more regular and noticeable .
From the 24th week of pregnancy, the movements of the fetus are already reminiscent of the movements of a newborn - the expectant mother feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the fetus increases gradually and its peak falls on the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, the activity of the baby's movements becomes one of the indicators of its normal development. After 24 weeks, the child begins to "communicate" with the mother with the help of movements, respond to the sounds of voice, music, and the emotional state of the mother. With an increase in the gestational age of more than 32 weeks, the motor activity of the fetus gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up and he simply does not have enough space for active movements. This becomes especially noticeable at the time of childbirth. By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements may decrease somewhat, but their intensity and strength remain the same or increase.
Fetal movement rate
The baby in the mother's belly moves almost constantly. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and between the 28th and 32nd weeks, the number of movements reaches 600 per day. Naturally, a pregnant woman does not feel all the movements of the fetus, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of fetal movement, according to the sensations of a woman, is usually 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of fetal sleep (3-4 hours in a row).
During the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that her baby has regular sleep and wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the period of "rest" occurs more often from 4 to 9:00 in the morning. Of course, the movements of the fetus depend on the mood of the mother, if the mother is worried or happy, the baby can move more actively, or vice versa, calm down. The fact is that when a mother rejoices, her body significantly increases the amount of hormones of joy - endorphins, which regulate the work of the heart and blood vessels, including the vessels of the placenta. During stress or pronounced negative emotions, biologically active substances are also produced - stress hormones, they also affect the work of the heart and blood vessels. It is thanks to this biological interaction between the organisms of mother and baby that the fetus feels the state of the mother. When the expectant mother is resting, the baby usually becomes more active, if the pregnant woman is active, busy with some kind of work, the child most often calms down. The movements also change depending on the satiety of the expectant mother. Usually the baby begins to move actively after the mother eats, especially something sweet.
At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood increases sharply, which causes the fetus to be more active.
Fetal movements are the language in which the unborn child speaks to the mother. Naturally, a pregnant woman should listen to the movements, because in some cases, changes in the movements of the fetus may indicate a violation of its intrauterine state and a not entirely successful pregnancy.
If, after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother does not feel the movement of the fetus, it may be worthwhile to see a doctor and make sure that everything is in order with the baby.
Methods for assessing the "sufficiency" of fetal movements
Counting the number of movements
The easiest way to assess fetal movements is to count the number of movements of the pregnant woman herself. Self-assessment methods are very easy to use, do not require additional equipment, the presence of a doctor and are easily reproducible by any woman. Their disadvantages are that each woman has different thresholds of susceptibility.
Count to ten
The most common method for assessing fetal movements is called count to ten . It can be carried out after 28 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus is mature enough for active movements. Its essence lies in the fact that the expectant mother counts the movements of the fetus for a 12-hour time interval, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. The time when a pregnant woman catches the tenth movement is recorded on a tablet. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements in 12 hours, this is a reason to consult a doctor for an additional examination.
Sadowski method
In the evening after dinner (approximately betweenuntil 11 p.m.), the woman lies on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. At the same time, everything is considered, even the smallest movements. If 10 or more movements are noted within an hour, this indicates that the baby is moving quite actively and feels good. If the fetus moved less than 10 times in an hour, then the movements are counted for the next hour. Evening time for this assessment method was not chosen by chance. It is in the evening hours, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the greatest activity of the fetus is noted. If the number of fetal movements during this test is less than 10 per two hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of his condition and additional studies should be carried out.
For an obstetrician-gynecologist, fetal movements are also an important diagnostic criterion for some deviations in the course of pregnancy from the norm. Too active, violent, painful fetal movement or weak, rare movements may indicate its unfavorable condition.
Changes in fetal activity
Changes in fetal activity may be associated with external influences. For example, if a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time, then the enlarged uterus compresses a large vessel - the inferior vena cava, the blood flow to the fetus is disrupted, which immediately causes its violent reaction - active movements. The same changes in the activity of the baby can occur in any other uncomfortable position of the mother - if she leans forward, squeezing her stomach, sits with her legs crossed, the child forces her mother to change her position with her activity. A similar situation occurs if the baby himself squeezes or presses the loops of the umbilical cord, limiting the flow of blood through it. He begins to move more actively, changes his position and relieves pressure on the umbilical cord. However, in some cases, an increase or vice versa, a subsidence of fetal movements can be a sign of a serious pathology.
After 28 weeks of pregnancy, if your baby does not let you know for 3-4 hours, he may just be sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie down on her left side for half an hour. If these simple manipulations do not lead to a result, it is worth repeating them again after 2-3 hours. If this time the baby does not make itself felt, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Rare and weak movements can also indicate a fetal problem, most often a lack of oxygen for the baby, that is, fetal hypoxia.
Determination of the condition of the fetus
To determine the condition of the fetus, the doctor conducts a series of examinations: listens to the baby's heartbeat. Normally, it is about 120-160 beats per minute. A decrease in heart rate less than 120 or an increase of more than 160 indicates intrauterine suffering of the child.
Ultrasound and dopplerometry
During ultrasound, the doctor visually assesses the size of the fetus, the correspondence of the development of the fetus to the gestational age, because with oxygen starvation, the growth rate of the fetus slows down and its size lags behind the norm for each period of pregnancy. Also important is the structure of the placenta, the presence of signs of aging in it, as a result of which the function of transferring blood, oxygen and nutrients to the fetus usually worsens. During ultrasound, the amount and type of amniotic fluid is assessed, which can also change with intrauterine fetal suffering. Dopplerometry of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord is a method for studying blood flow velocities in these vessels. With a decrease in the speed of blood flow in any vessel, one can speak of fetal malnutrition of varying severity.
Cardiotocography (CTG)
This is an important method for assessing the condition of the fetus. CTG is performed at a gestational age of 33 weeks or more, since only in this period of intrauterine development of the baby is a full-fledged regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system of the fetus by the centers of the spinal cord and brain. Recording of fetal heartbeats is carried out for at least 40 minutes, and if necessary, the study can be extended up to one and a half hours. The device registers and records the baby's heart rate. For example, with a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood of the fetus, the supply of oxygen to the cells of the nervous system decreases, which in turn affects the heart rate, especially during the period of wakefulness of the child. The obstetrician-gynecologist evaluates the heartbeat recording curve, episodes of slowing down and a sharp increase in the fetal heart rate, and based on these data, makes a conclusion about how comfortable the baby feels in the mother's stomach.
If during additional methods for assessing the condition of the fetus, initial disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the baby are detected, drug treatment is carried out aimed at increasing the access of blood and oxygen through the placenta and mandatory control examinations against the background of ongoing therapy. If the changes are deep and the baby experiences a pronounced deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, his condition suffers, an emergency delivery of such a patient is performed.
Fetal movements are not only an indicator of his condition, it is a way of communication between the baby and parents. The movements of the crumbs in the mother's tummy are unforgettable sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life.
Center for Fetal Medicine in Moscow:
The main activities of our center are the early detection of congenital malformations in the fetus, prenatal screening for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, as well as pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation and threatened abortion.
Our center is organized in such a way that the entire range of services is concentrated in one place, where a woman receives the results of various types of examinations, including ultrasound, biochemical, and specialist consultation within 1-1.5 hours. In the presence of a high risk for chromosomal diseases in the fetus, invasive diagnostics and genetics consultation are carried out here in the center.
Fetal echocardiography is given special attention in our center, since congenital heart defects in the fetus are increasingly common today, but, unfortunately, are often missed during ultrasound during pregnancy.
In view of the ever-increasing number of multiple pregnancies, which require more time and a special approach, the observation of women with multiple pregnancies has been allocated to us in a separate clinic for multiple pregnancies.
All examinations in the center are carried out according to the international standards FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation) and ISUOG (International Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology). In complex clinical cases, we can consult with specialists from King's College Hospital, King's College Hospital (London, UK).
The team is a special pride of the center. Our doctors are not only one of the leading specialists, professors, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest categories, they are also a team of like-minded people and real enthusiasts in their field. All ultrasound diagnostic doctors in our center have international FMF certificates. Having extensive experience in prenatal diagnostics, we share our knowledge with our colleagues by conducting training courses.
The center is equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment: these are the latest generation ultrasound machines, GE Voluson E8 Expert, with a complete set of modern technologies, including three-dimensional ones, this is a biochemical analyzer, Delfia Xpress, these are workplaces with professional computer programs.