12 week human fetus
You and your baby at 12 weeks pregnant
Your baby at 12 weeks
Just 12 weeks after your last period, the foetus is fully formed. All the organs, muscles, limbs and bones are in place, and the sex organs are well developed.
From now on, the baby has to grow and mature.
It's too early for you to be able to feel the baby's movements yet, although they'll be moving quite a bit.
You at 12 weeks
You might notice you're a bit constipated. Not everyone gets constipation in pregnancy, but it's fairly common and can make you feel uncomfortable.
Find out about common health problems in pregnancy.
You may feel stomach pain or cramps from time to time. These are usually nothing to worry about, and can be caused by constipation, wind or your ligaments growing as your womb gets bigger.
But if you have stomach pain that does not go away, is severe or you also have bleeding or other symptoms, you need to see your midwife or doctor.
Find out when to get help for stomach pain in pregnancy
Things to think about
Make sure you find out about all the health things you should know when you're pregnant, such as stopping smoking, avoiding alcohol, getting exercise and having a healthy diet.
Antenatal screening tests are offered by the NHS in pregnancy to check if a baby has a higher chance of having a health condition, such as Down's syndrome. It's up to you whether to have screening tests or not.
Find out what antenatal screening is and what's involved to help you decide what's best for you.
Sometimes antenatal screening tests find something to indicate your baby has a higher chance of having a health condition. You'll receive support and advice from your midwife or doctor if this is the case, and they'll discuss your options and next steps with you.
You can start thinking about where you'd like to give birth – at home, at a birth centre or in hospital. Your options will depend on your circumstances and what's available in your area.
Start4Life has more about you and your baby at 12 weeks
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Video: Giving birth at home or at the birth centre
In this video, a midwife explains the alternatives for women who do not want to give birth in hospital.
Media last reviewed: 4 October 2021
Media review due: 4 October 2024
Page last reviewed: 12 October 2021
Next review due: 12 October 2024
12 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Belly & More
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Highlights this week
Your growing uterus
Your uterus has grown to the size of a grapefruit! Your healthcare provider can now feel the top of it (the fundus) low in your abdomen, above your pubic bone.
Miscarriage rate drops
If you've been worried about miscarriage (like many expecting parents), here's some happy news: The risk drops significantly as your pregnancy progresses. Once you've had a first prenatal visit and seen or heard your baby's heartbeat, the chance of miscarriage is very low.
Your baby is fully formed
All of your baby's vital organs and body parts are in place. They'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.
Baby development at 12 weeks
Small movements
This week, your baby can open and close their hands (making a fist) and curl their toes.
Tiny fingernails
Your baby has itsy bitsy nails growing on their fingers and toes.
Your baby's intestines
The stomach and esophagus started forming around 7 weeks of pregnancy, and your baby's intestines grew so fast that they protruded into the umbilical cord. Soon, the abdominal wall will close and their intestines will make their way inside their abdomen.
Having twins?
Learn more about being 12 weeks pregnant with twins.
Your baby at 12 weeks
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Your baby is about the size of a lime
head to bottom
Pregnancy symptoms during week 12
Pregnancy stress
It's normal to feel some stress during pregnancy. Many moms-to-be (and partners) worry about their baby's health, finances, and how they'll handle the changes ahead. But if stress becomes constant or overwhelming, talk to your doctor or midwife. Chronic stress isn't good for you, and it can spiral into pregnancy depression or anxiety.
Headaches are a common pregnancy symptom at 12 weeks. You may be able to avoid them by eating small meals frequently, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, exercising, practicing relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga, and getting a prenatal massage. If you're suffering from a headache, apply heat or cold to your forehead or the base of your skull, take a shower, and consider acupuncture. Healthcare providers consider acetaminophen (Tylenol) the safest over-the-counter pain reliever during pregnancy, but talk to your doctor or midwife before taking any medication during pregnancy.
Food aversions
Pregnancy hormones and a heightened sense of smell are likely behind any food aversions you're experiencing. About 60 percent of pregnant women have aversions, often to meat, eggs, dairy products, spicy foods, foods with strong smells, and coffee. The odds are good that food aversions will fade as you enter your second trimester. Until then, try eating bland or cold foods, which can be easier to stomach. If food smells make you sick, see if your partner or a loved one can do the cooking for now.
Still exhausted? Studies show that 95 percent of pregnant women experience fatigue during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Most likely, you can look forward to having more energy in the second trimester. Many expecting moms start to feel tired again in the third trimester, when they're carrying more weight and having more sleep disturbances. Though it may seem counterintuitive, gentle exercise is one of the best ways to keep your energy up during pregnancy. And though it's normal, pregnancy fatigue can be a symptom of iron-deficiency anemia or depression, so talk to your provider if it's not letting up.
Dizziness in pregnancy happens because your cardiovascular system undergoes dramatic changes: Your heart rate goes up, your heart pumps more blood per minute, and the amount of blood in your body increases by 30 to 50 percent. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, lie down on your side to maximize blood flow to your body and brain. If you can't lie down, sit down and put your head between your knees.
Shortness of breath
If you feel like you can't catch a full breath, you're not imagining it. Being short of breath during pregnancy isn't uncommon. You need more oxygen when you're expecting, and an increase in progesterone actually expands your lung capacity so you can take deeper breaths. However, if you have a respiratory issue like asthma, it may worsen during pregnancy. And while some shortness of breath is normal, if you have symptoms like chest pain, a rapid or irregular heartbeat, or severe or sudden shortness of breath, call your provider immediately.
Don't see your symptom?
Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page.
Your body at 12 weeks
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Pregnancy checklist at 12 weeks pregnant
Make a baby budget
Sit down with your partner to discuss how you'll handle baby expenses – baby clothes, diapers, toys, feeding supplies, and baby gear add up fast. If you'll pay for childcare, it can take a huge bite out of your monthly budget. Brainstorm where you can trim your spending to save money for your baby. This may feel like a chore, but the resulting peace of mind can be worth it.
Start a pregnancy workout
Exercise helps you develop the strength and endurance you'll need to manage the extra weight you'll be carrying; prepare for childbirth; and prevent some of the aches and pains of pregnancy. It's a great stress reducer and mood booster, too. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends at least 20 to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most or all days of the week (to equal 2.5 hours per week). If you haven't been exercising during your pregnancy, check in with your healthcare provider before you start and make sure to take it easy, listen to your body, and follow these guidelines for safe pregnancy exercise.
Stay hydrated
Drinking enough water can help prevent common problems in pregnancy such as constipation, hemorrhoids, and urinary tract and bladder infections. It's recommended that pregnant women drink about ten 8-ounce cups of water or other beverages each day, although this target isn't an exact science. Your needs may vary based on your activity levels, your size, and the weather. For example, you're likely to need more fluid than usual when it's hot outside or if you're exercising. The best way to tell if you're getting enough water: Your urine should look pale yellow or colorless, and you should feel thirsty only occasionally.
Keep a journal
Pregnancy journaling is a powerful way to record and reflect on all the changes you're going through. And keeping a journal can actually be good for you: Research shows that writing in a journal (also called expressive writing) can improve your emotional well-being, mental clarity, and even physical health. Your pregnancy journal is also a keepsake you'll enjoy looking back on – and maybe sharing with your child.
Do your Kegels
Kegels are exercises that strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor. Do them consistently and you may have an easier time healing post-birth. Kegels also help prevent urinary incontinence, and can make sex after birth more enjoyable. You can do Kegels anytime – while brushing your teeth, sitting at a red light, or waiting in line at the coffee shop. Squeeze and hold your pelvic floor muscles, starting with a quick squeeze repeated 10 to 20 times.
Get vaccinated
The flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine are safe and recommended for all pregnant women. Both shots significantly lower your chances of getting a severe infection and being hospitalized. There's also an important benefit to your baby: Antibodies that you develop during pregnancy in response to the flu shot and COVID vaccine are passed to your baby and provide protection after birth. Learn more about which vaccines are safe for pregnancy and which ones to avoid.
12 weeks pregnant bellies
Is it time to start shopping for maternity clothes? It depends. For now, you may be comfy wearing roomier items from your existing wardrobe, such as leggings, maxi dresses, and oversized sweaters. There are also many tried-and-true pregnancy clothing hacks you can use, such as threading a hair tie around your pants button to leave more room for your growing belly, or making your own belly band to wear on top of unzipped pants.
But once you start showing and your belly pops, maternity clothes are often most comfortable. When shopping, know that maternity sizes work the same as regular clothing sizes, so you can stick with your pre-pregnancy size. Sizing remains true for plus-size maternity clothes, too.
This week's video
What are you and your partner most likely to argue about?
Sex and affection
Chores and responsibilities
Marcella Gates
Marcella Gates is executive editor at BabyCenter, the world's number one digital parenting resource, and is an expert on pregnancy and parenting. As a mom of three, she loves that her professional life is focused on supporting and empowering parents and expecting parents. Gates lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family.
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11 weeks 13 weeks
Child development by week | Regional Perinatal Center
Expectant mothers are always curious about how the fetus develops at a time when it is awaited with such impatience. Let's talk and look at the photos and pictures of how the fetus grows and develops week by week.
What does the puffer do for 9 whole months in mom's tummy? What does he feel, see and hear?
Let's start the story about the development of the fetus by weeks from the very beginning - from the moment of fertilization. A fetus up to 8 weeks old is called embryo , this occurs before the formation of all organ systems.
Embryo development: 1st week
The egg is fertilized and begins to actively split. The ovum travels to the uterus, getting rid of the membrane along the way.
On the 6th-8th days, implantation of eggs is carried out - implantation into the uterus. The egg settles on the surface of the uterine mucosa and, using the chorionic villi, attaches to the uterine mucosa.
Embryo development: 2-3 weeks
Picture of embryo development at 3 weeks.
The embryo is actively developing, starting to separate from the membranes. At this stage, the beginnings of the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are formed. Therefore, this period of pregnancy is considered important.
Embryo development: 4–7 weeks
Fetal development by week in pictures: week 4
Fetal development by week photo: week 4
Photo of an embryo before the 6th week of pregnancy.
The heart, head, arms, legs and tail are formed in the embryo :) . Gill slit is defined. The length of the embryo at the fifth week reaches 6 mm.
Fetal development by week photo: week 5
At the 7th week, the rudiments of the eyes, stomach and chest are determined, and fingers appear on the handles. The baby already has a sense organ - the vestibular apparatus. The length of the embryo is up to 12 mm. nine0003
Fetal development: 8th week
Fetal development by week photo: week 7-8
The face of the fetus can be identified, the mouth, nose, and auricles can be distinguished. The head of the embryo is large and its length corresponds to the length of the body; the fetal body is formed. All significant, but not yet fully formed, elements of the baby's body already exist. The nervous system, muscles, skeleton continue to improve.
Fetal development in the photo already sensitive arms and legs: week 8
The fetus developed skin sensitivity in the mouth (preparation for the sucking reflex), and later in the face and palms.
At this stage of pregnancy, the genitals are already visible. Gill slits die. The fruit reaches 20 mm in length.
Fetal development: 9–10 weeks
Fetal development by week photo: week 9
Fingers and toes already with nails. The fetus begins to move in the pregnant woman's stomach, but the mother does not feel it yet. With a special stethoscope, you can hear the baby's heartbeat. Muscles continue to develop. nine0003
Weekly development of the fetus photo: week 10
The entire surface of the fetal body is sensitive and the baby develops tactile sensations with pleasure, touching his own body, the walls of the fetal bladder and the umbilical cord. It is very curious to observe this on ultrasound. By the way, the baby first moves away from the ultrasound sensor (of course, because it is cold and unusual!), And then puts his hands and heels trying to touch the sensor.
It's amazing when a mother puts her hand to her stomach, the baby tries to master the world and tries to touch with his pen "from the back".nine0115
The development of the fetus: 11–14 weeks
Development of the fetus in the photo of the legs: weeks 11The baby, legs and eyelids are formed, and the genitals become distinguishable (you can find out the gender (you can find out the gender child). The fetus begins to swallow, and if something is not to its taste, for example, if something bitter got into the amniotic fluid (mother ate something), then the baby will begin to frown and stick out his tongue, making less swallowing movements. nine0003
Fruit skin appears translucent.
Fruit development: Week 12
Photo of the fetus 12 weeks per 3D Uzi
Development of the fetus for weeks: Week 14 9000 9000buds are responsible for production for production urine. Blood forms inside the bones. And hairs begin to grow on the head. Moves more coordinated.
Fetal development: 15-18 weeks
Fetal development by weeks photo: week 15The skin turns pink, the ears and other parts of the body, including the face, are already visible. Imagine, a child can already open his mouth and blink, as well as make grasping movements. The fetus begins to actively push in the mother's tummy. The sex of the fetus can be determined by ultrasound.
Fetal development: 19-23 weeks
Fetal development by week photo: week 19Baby sucks his thumb, becomes more energetic. Pseudo-feces are formed in the intestines of the fetus - meconium , kidneys begin to work. During this period, the brain develops very actively.
Fetal development by weeks photo: week 20The auditory ossicles become stiff and now they are able to conduct sounds, the baby hears his mother - heartbeat, breathing, voice.
The fetus intensively gains weight, fat deposits are formed. The weight of the fetus reaches 650 g, and the length is 300 mm.
The lungs at this stage of fetal development are so developed that the baby can survive in the artificial conditions of the intensive care unit. nine0003
Fetal development: 24-27 weeks
Lungs continue to develop. Now the baby is already falling asleep and waking up. Downy hairs appear on the skin, the skin becomes wrinkled and covered with grease. The cartilage of the ears and nose is still soft.
Fetal development by week photo: week 27Lips and mouth become more sensitive. The eyes develop, open slightly and can perceive light and squint from direct sunlight. In girls, the labia majora do not yet cover the small ones, and in boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. Fetal weight reaches 900–1200 g, and the length is 350 mm.
9 out of 10 children born at this term survive.
Fetal development: 28-32 weeks
The lungs are now adapted to breathe normal air. Breathing is rhythmic and body temperature is controlled by the CNS. The baby can cry and responds to external sounds.
Child opens eyes while awake and closes during sleep.
The skin becomes thicker, smoother and pinkish. Starting from this period, the fetus will actively gain weight and grow rapidly. Almost all babies born prematurely at this time are viable. The weight of the fetus reaches 2500 g, and the length is 450 mm. nine0003
Fetal development: 33-37 weeks
Fetal development by week photo: week 36The fetus reacts to a light source. Muscle tone increases and the baby can turn and raise his head. On which, the hairs become silky. The child develops a grasping reflex. The lungs are fully developed.
Fetal development: 38-42 weeks
The fetus is quite developed, prepared for birth and considered mature.
The baby has mastered over 70 different reflex movements. Due to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the baby's skin is pale pink. The head is covered with hairs up to 3 cm.
Fetal development by weeks photo: week 40The baby perfectly mastered the movements of his mother , knows when she is calm, excited, upset and reacts to this with her movements. During the intrauterine period, the fetus gets used to moving in space, which is why babies love it so much when they are carried in their arms or rolled in a stroller. For a baby, this is a completely natural state, so he will calm down and fall asleep when he is shaken.
The nails protrude beyond the tips of the fingers, the cartilages of the ears and nose are elastic. In boys, the testicles have descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the large labia cover the small ones. The weight of the fetus reaches 3200-3600 g, and the length is 480-520 mm. nine0003
After the birth, the baby longs for touching his body, because at first he cannot feel himself - the arms and legs do not obey the child as confidently as it was in the amniotic fluid.
Therefore, so that your baby does not feel lonely, it is advisable to carry him in your arms, press him to you while stroking his body.
And one more thing, the baby remembers the rhythm and sound of your heart very well . Therefore, you can comfort the baby in this way - take him in your arms, put him on the left side and your miracle will calm down, stop crying and fall asleep. And for you, finally, the time of bliss will come :) . nine0003
what happens, development of pregnancy and fetus
Week by week
9-12 weeks pregnant
Elena Gevorkova
Obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow9th week
At the 9th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about 1 g, reaching 10 g by its end, and the length is about 30--45 mm. During this period, the embryonic tail disappears and the back straightens: the fetus acquires the usual “human” appearance.
His head is pressed to his chest, his neck is bent, his arms are brought to his chest. nine0003
The most important process is the continued intensive development of the brain. Two hemispheres are clearly formed, the cerebellum begins to function, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. From this moment on, the fetus feels the movements of its body, spontaneous movements are replaced by clear active movements.
The heart of the future baby is divided into 4 chambers - 2 atria and 2 ventricles, and the heart rate is 120--150 beats per minute. Blood vessels are formed through which blood is driven, and the upper half of the fetal body is better supplied with blood, so its arms are more developed than legs. The fingers of the handles lengthen, the membranes disappear between them. By 9th week, the eyes are fully formed, they are closed, because they are tightly covered with eyelids. The facial bones are closed, the auricles with lobes, the nose with nostrils, the upper lip are clearly distinguishable: the face acquires the features inherent in a person.
The tummy of the fetus becomes more rounded due to the intensive development of the digestive organs, of which the liver is especially important, since it is the main organ of hematopoiesis (formation of new blood cells) and produces "fetal" blood. nine0003
At this time, a very important event occurs - the beginning of the production of hormones, including adrenaline. This is due to the intensive growth of the adrenal glands of the fetus, the complication of their structure, the production of various hormones. They help the fetus to adapt to various extreme changes, to adapt to new conditions. It is under the influence of adrenaline that changes occur in the body that help to withstand stress. Adrenaline regulates a special “survival” mode that allows the fetus to withstand stress. nine0003
Expectant MOM
A pregnant woman may experience fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, and frequent mood swings. Manifestations of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting) can reach a maximum.
At this time, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist and register for pregnancy.
10th week
This week of pregnancy is very significant, since from this period the fetal stage of development begins and the future baby can already be officially called not an embryo, but a fetus. By this period, the laying of all organs takes place, which in the future will only grow and develop. The 10th week is rightly considered the end of the first critical period: from this period, the teratogenic (leading to the occurrence of malformations) effect of various chemical factors (for example, drugs) is no longer as pronounced as before. nine0003
The fetus is located freely inside the uterus, practically without touching its walls. At this time, the nervous system is intensively developing, the neuromuscular pathways of impulse transmission are being improved. This is associated with the appearance of more intense fetal movements. From the 10th week, they are reflex, quite active and are associated with random touches on the wall of the uterus: at this time, the fetus makes clear movements with arms, legs or head.
It is impossible to feel them, but with an ultrasound examination, the movements are clearly distinguishable. nine0003
The diaphragm is completing its formation - a special flat muscle that separates the organs of the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Internal organs continue to develop.
Expectant MOTHER
A pregnant woman continues psycho-emotional lability, increased anxiety, nervousness at this period; she still owes this to changes in the hormonal background. The fact that the establishment of hormonal balance and the restoration of a good mood is not far off is a consolation. nine0003
The situation with manifestations of toxicosis is changing. In most cases, vomiting stops completely, and nausea worries less and less, mainly in the morning. If toxicosis completely recedes, it may be replaced by an immoderate increase in appetite. During this period, it is important to monitor nutrition and prevent excessive weight gain due to overeating or eating high-calorie foods.
This is harmful to the health of a pregnant woman, as it increases the load on the liver and kidneys, which can provoke the appearance of edema, shortness of breath and general poor health. Excess weight also leads to increased stress on the cardiovascular system. nine0003
By the 10th week, expectant mothers may notice some body changes. This may be due to both increased nutrition and muscle relaxation and redistribution of the subcutaneous fat layer due to the influence of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy.
The uterus increases, reaching the size of a grapefruit (or a large apple), but not so much as to change the shape of the abdomen, and the pregnancy is completely invisible to others.
11th week
At the 11th week, intensive growth of the fetus continues. It looks like this: a big head, a small torso, long arms and short bent legs pressed to the tummy. Such an unusual proportion is due to the fact that throughout the entire period of intrauterine development, the upper half of the fetal body receives the bulk of oxygen and nutrients, since it is there that the vital organs - the brain and heart - are located.
Muscle growth continues, the formation of bones and joints, including small ones. The rudiments of nails appear on the fingers, and the rudiments of teeth appear in the jaws. nine0003
By this time, fetal movements become more and more purposeful. The fetus begins to respond to external stimuli - loud sounds, sudden movements. Reflexes are actively developing: sucking is manifested by the movement of the lips of the fetus, grasping - by movements of the fingers. The formation of taste and olfactory receptors begins, when amniotic fluid enters the nasal passages or mouth, the fetus feels its taste.
The iris is forming; it is she who will determine the color of the eyes after birth. In newborns, the eyes are predominantly blue or dark blue, less often brown. The true color of the eyes is due to the accumulation of melanin pigment in the iris. And its formation depends on genetic inheritance - how much of it is laid in the iris. The final eye color is formed by 5 months or a little later.
Future MOM
At this stage of pregnancy, as a rule, nausea, vomiting, increased susceptibility to smells almost completely disappear. A woman has the opportunity to control her diet; it is very important to pay attention to this: food should be varied, healthy and freshly prepared. Careful control of the diet will avoid problems that arise during this period. These include digestive disorders - bloating, heartburn, constipation, etc. A feature of the functioning of the digestive system of pregnant women is a decrease in motor skills, i.e. the muscles of the stomach and intestines contract "lazy" due to the relaxing effect of the main hormone of pregnancy, progesterone. This leads to slow progress of the food bolus and disorders of the digestive system. If you can not cope with the situation with the help of a diet, then it is worth discussing with your gynecologist the possibility of using medications. nine0003
Intensive growth of the fetus leads to an increase in blood volume.
The body of a pregnant woman may react to this with increased sweating, as well as frequent urination due to increased kidney function. If frequent urination is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, then there is no cause for concern. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate inflammation of the bladder - cystitis.
11 weeks is a significant period, since it is during this period that an important examination is carried out - the first prenatal screening aimed at identifying possible fetal defects (in particular, Down syndrome - the presence of an additional 21st chromosome). It is a combination of ultrasound and biochemical (blood test) research. In addition to identifying possible fetal malformations, the first scheduled ultrasound screening answers many other questions - about the duration of pregnancy, the growth and development of the baby, the state of the chorion, the future placenta, etc. nine0003
12th week
This week marks the end of the first trimester of fetal development.
By the end of the 12th week, the fetus has a mass of about 20 g, and its body length is about 90 mm. During this period, many important events take place.
The brain of the future baby develops very intensively, the large hemispheres form connections with the spinal cord. By their structure, the fetal brain is a small copy of the brain of an adult. Starting from the 12th week, not only erythrocytes are present in the blood of the fetus (as it was during the first three months), but also leukocytes - cells of the immune system that protect the body from infections. This period is characterized by the development of the digestive tract. Most of the abdominal cavity of the fetus is occupied by the liver, a new one is added to its former functions (hematopoiesis) - the production of bile. The intestine grows very intensively, from 12 weeks it begins to take shape in loops: this is exactly what the intestine of an adult looks like. From this period, the intestines begin to make the first peristaltic movements - muscle contractions that ensure the promotion of food.
In the intrauterine period, amniotic fluid passes through the intestines, which the fetus swallows from 12 weeks throughout the entire gestation period. Such "trial" peristaltic waves are the training of the muscles of the digestive tract. nine0003
Another type of training is the rhythmic movements of the pectoral muscles, which imitate breathing. At the same time, amniotic fluid does not penetrate into the respiratory organs of the fetus, since the glottis is tightly closed.
Fetal kidneys begin to function. They accumulate a small amount of fluid and periodically there is an exit of urine through the urethra into the amniotic fluid.
At the 12th week, the placenta is finally formed; it begins its full independent functioning. This is the most important unique organ that not only ensures the exchange of nutrients between mother and baby, but also protects the fetus from the effects of external and internal toxins. nine0003
Expectant MOTHER
The general well-being of the woman improves; a period of 12 weeks is rightly considered the "golden" period of pregnancy.
This is due to the fact that the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone (the culprit of many sufferings of pregnant women), finally transfers the “reins of power” to the placenta. Nausea, malaise disappear, expectant mothers become calmer and more relaxed.
The shape of the abdomen at this time does not change yet, but the uterus is already quite enlarged in size and reaches the edge of the pubis. nine0003
In the first trimester, there may be no weight gain, more often it is lost due to toxicosis - poor appetite, vomiting. If the appetite of the expectant mother has not changed significantly, then it must be remembered that weight gain should not exceed 10% of the total for the entire pregnancy (approximately 1-2 kg).
From 12 weeks of age, if there are no contraindications, sports activities are recommended. At earlier stages of pregnancy, they are not strictly contraindicated, but most often a period from 12 weeks is chosen to start classes, given the improvement in the general condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus overcoming critical periods of development, the number of which is maximum in the first trimester of pregnancy.