White bumps on baby's lips
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Sucking blisters
Tiny blisters can appear on your newborn’s lip after several days. This is usually caused by friction from sucking during feedings. The blisters will normally resolve within a few days or weeks.
Signs & Symptoms
- Small blisters on the top and/or bottom lip
- Usually painless
These blisters do not require treatment and will usually resolve within a few days to a few weeks. If blisters continue to form after several weeks, your newborn may have a latching issue, causing them to latch on to the nipple with their lips.
Tips to establish good latching
- Touch the nipple to your baby’s lips to encourage them to open their mouths.
- When your baby’s mouth is wide open, with their chin lowered and tongue down, place the nipple in their mouth, turned up toward the roof of the mouth.
- Other conditions such as tongue-tied and lip-tied conditions may also impact your baby’s ability to properly latch, leading to more blistering.
Tongue tie is a condition where the lingual frenulum, the flap of skin connecting the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, is shorter or thicker than usual, which can cause issues with tongue movement.
Signs & Symptoms
- Difficulty when trying to lift or move the tongue.
- May appear heart-shaped or misshapen
- Difficulty with feeding
If the tongue tie is minor, no intervention may be necessary. Often, a minor procedure called a frenotomy is performed to divide the tongue tie. The procedure is usually painless and only takes a few minutes.
Lip tie, similar to tongue-tie, is a condition where the flap of skin connecting the lip to the top of the gums (frenulum) is too short or tight, limiting the range the lip can move.
Signs & Symptoms
- Difficulty latching during feeding
- Limited movement of upper lip
- May appear misshapen
Minor lip tie does not usually require intervention, though certain techniques help loosen the lip tie including gently sliding a finger along the top of the baby’s lip. A minor procedure called a frenotomy may be performed to separate the frenulum. A small cut is made in the frenulum to allow for greater movement.
This is a very common condition in newborn babies. These are small, whitish-yellow cysts that can be found in several areas of the mouth. They are caused by tissue becoming trapped during normal development. The cysts have different names depending on their location.
Signs & Symptoms
- Small, firm whitish-yellow cysts
- Referred to as Epstein’s Pearls when found on the roof of the mouth (palate)
- Referred to as Bohn’s Nodules when found on the gums
- Painless
There is no treatment needed for gingival cysts. The cysts will usually resolve within 1-2 weeks as the friction from breastfeeding or bottle feeding will help quickly break down the bumps.
Thrush is an oral yeast infection. It is very common in newborns. Most people have the fungus that causes this condition in their mouths and digestive systems, but our bodies normally control it. A newborn’s immune system is still immature, so the fungus can end up overgrowing and causing the infection.
Signs & Symptoms
- Cracked skin in the corners of the mouth
- White patches on the lips, tongue, or inside the cheeks
- Cottage cheese appearance
- Cannot be easily wiped away
Thrush can clear up on its own, usually in 1-2 weeks. Your doctor may choose to prescribe an antifungal solution that you will apply to the inside of the mouth and tongue.
- Make sure you thoroughly clean all nipples and pacifiers in hot water after each use.
In addition, store milk and prepared bottles in the refrigerator.
- If you are breastfeeding and your nipples become red and sore, you may have a yeast infection on your nipple. If this is the case, talk to your doctor. They may prescribe a topical cream for you
How to Treat Blisters on Your Baby’s Lips
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 10, 2021
In this Article
- Causes of Blisters on Your Baby’s Lip
- Signs of Blisters on Your Baby’s Lips
- Treatment for Blisters on Your Baby’s Lips
- When Blisters Are an Emergency
Sometimes your baby can get blisters on their lips. This can be caused by simple things like learning how to breastfeed or it can be a sign of an infection. There are things you can do to make sure your baby is comfortable and healing.
Causes of Blisters on Your Baby’s Lip
A blister is a raised bump on the skin that’s filled with fluid. The skin is tender and can hurt if it’s pressed or broken open, which can make your baby grouchy.
Babies can get breastfeeding blisters on the inside of their lips. The sucking action can cause a callus on the skin. Sometimes babies are born with these blisters if they sucked their fingers in the womb.
Cold sores cause blisters on the lips. Cold sores, sometimes called a fever blister, can show up on your baby’s lip and are caused by the Herpes simplex 1 virus. If you have an active sore, you should keep it covered and don’t kiss your baby as you can pass the virus to them. A herpes infection can be very dangerous for newborns.
Blisters can sometimes be an allergic reaction. Your baby could be allergic to ingredients in lotions, creams, or lip balm used on or near the lips. If your baby gets blisters after you introduce a food, they might have a food allergy.
Impetigo is an infection caused by Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria that causes blisters on the lip and around the mouth. They can burst and leak fluid, and then a crust forms over top. They can also look like larger, clear blisters full of fluid that don't burst.
Oral thrush causes white blisters on your baby’s lips. The white patches are also inside the mouth on the tongue, cheeks, and roof of the mouth. They look like cottage cheese or milk and can make it hurt to suck or swallow. This is caused by an overgrowth of yeast.
Signs of Blisters on Your Baby’s Lips
A blister is a raised bump on the skin full of clear liquid. It can break and leak, and the skin can be sore. This can cause your baby to have trouble eating or to be grouchy because it hurts.
If blisters are caused by learning how to breastfeed or from sucking, there might not be any other symptoms, though.
If your baby's blisters are caused by an infection, they might have other symptoms. These include:
- Fever
- Pain
- Tiredness
- Smelly fluid leaking from the blister
- White patches or white blister
- Crusted skin
- Swelling
- Soreness
- Blisters that spread
Treatment for Blisters on Your Baby’s Lips
Treatment for your baby’s blisters depends on the cause. Breastfeeding blisters or sucking blisters will go away on their own and don’t need treatment.
You should keep feeding your baby as usual and talk to a lactation consultant who can help you get a good latch. When your baby gets used to the sucking motion, the blisters will clear up. Sometimes this can take a few months.
Once your baby has the virus, cold sore blisters will come and go as they get older. There is no cure for cold sores. You can help your baby by protecting their skin with lotion, sunscreen, and lip balm before going outside. Some treatments can help make your baby feel better while they have an active cold sore.
These include:
- A cool or warm washcloth to help with pain
- Regular feedings to stay hydrated
- Avoiding acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes if your baby is eating foods
- Pain relievers
- Over-the-counter cold sore lip balms or creams for kids
If your baby has impetigo, your doctor will give you antibiotic cream to treat the infection. If the infection is also around the mouth, your doctor might suggest that you use a bandage to stop the bacteria from spreading.
Thrush can be treated with antifungal medicine that is painted on your baby’s tongue and lips. If you breastfeed your baby and you have sore and red nipples, you might also have thrush. You can pass the infection back and forth between you and your baby, so you will need to put the medicine on your nipples, too. If your baby is old enough, you can also give them probiotic yogurt. You might need to sterilize soothers, teething toys, and bottles.
In general, if your baby has blisters on their lips, make sure to:
- Keep the skin clean and dry
- Keep feeding them as usual
- Give them lots of fluids
- Watch for changes in the blisters and how your baby feels
When Blisters Are an Emergency
Sometimes blisters on your baby’s lips can be a sign of something more serious. See your doctor if your baby has blisters and the following symptoms:
- Stops breastfeeding, feeding, or drinking fluids
- Sores near their eyes
- Red, hot, swollen skin
- Seizures
- High fever
- Spreading sores
- Trouble breathing
- Fast breathing
- Grunting
- Blue skin
- Short periods of no breathing
- Yellowing skin or eyes
- Bleeding
- Rash
causes and three types of treatment
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They can be a manifestation of a variety of dysfunctions in the body, so you will first need to find out the true cause of their formation and only then begin treatment.
Why do white spots appear on the lips
Most often, small white lumps that are felt on palpation appear in women after lip augmentation. And the reasons for this can be:
- incorrect injection of the filler - the injection depth is not maintained;
- violation of the rules for lip care after the procedure;
- allergic reaction to anesthetic drugs;
- reduced general immunity.
But there are other reasons why white dots appeared on the lips:
- Fordyce granules. They can occur in both men and women, doctors evaluate them as microcystic formations localized in the sebaceous glands. They are formed against the background of excessive production of sebaceous secretion, which leads to blockage of the glands. They also appear with hormonal imbalance, physiological characteristics of the body, narrowing of the sebaceous ducts.
- Dysbacteriosis. Accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, which reduces overall immunity and contributes to the accumulation of toxic substances.
This is due to the imbalance of healthy and pathogenic microflora in the intestine.
- Avitaminosis. Small white dots are also formed with a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. It can be triggered by an unbalanced diet, a strict diet, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
- Wen. Whitish spots (lipomas) appear under the skin, are defined as soft, mobile in consistency, belong to the category of neoplasms of a benign nature. They can be formed with hormonal imbalance, problems with the functionality of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of low-quality cosmetics.
- Herpes. It usually occurs on the upper lip, is a bubble, accompanied by itching and swelling, sometimes a mild pain syndrome bothers. This is an infectious disease that manifests itself with a weakened immune system.
White dots on the child's lips can form:
- in case of candidiasis stomatitis - a fungus of the Candida genus is activated, begins to multiply actively;
- due to herpesvirus - transmitted from mother to baby during the passage of the birth canal and breastfeeding;
- with allergic stomatitis - the body's reaction to internal stimuli (food, milk formula, puree), usually localized on the inside of the lip.
When such formations appear, consultation of specialists is necessary.
How to remove white dots on the lips - treatment depends on the cause
What do white dots mean, the doctor should determine - and only after that it will be possible to start treatment. Three methods are usually used: medical, surgical and folk remedies.
Drug treatment of white dots
In no case should you cut, open with a needle or cauterize such formations on the lips yourself - this is fraught with the formation of wounds, ulcers and infection. The doctor will be able to choose effective drugs, taking into account the diagnosis:
- for Fordyce syndrome - Suprastin tablets, Fenistil gel, D-Panthenol cream;
- for herpes - Acyclovir ointment, Panavir gel;
- with dysbacteriosis - jojoba oil (for lubricating the lips), inside - "Acipol" or "Bifidumbacterin" (to restore the intestinal microflora).
All medicines are selected by the doctor, who also indicates the duration of therapy, and it can take several weeks.
Surgical treatment
If conservative treatment does not give positive dynamics, then doctors can change their tactics. How are white dots on the lips treated with surgical methods? For this purpose, the following are used:
- cryotherapy - removal of a problematic focus with liquid nitrogen, the procedure may be complicated by the formation of scars on the skin;
- electrocoagulation - "drying" of white dots with high frequency current;
- laser therapy - the use of a laser beam that cuts out spots;
- radio wave therapy is the most painless and non-traumatic method, leaving no traces on the skin.
The most difficult procedure is the one using liquid nitrogen. It is not only painful, but also requires repeated sessions. As a result, dense scars may form, which in the future will require the intervention of plastic surgeons.
Even if white dots on the lips do not bother you, you should seek medical help and find out the true cause of their formation. The skin reacts to the slightest changes in the body, perhaps they are the first symptom of serious problems with the functionality of internal organs and systems.
Date: July 17, 2021
Stomatitis in a child - what is it? . Official site of KGAUZ "Norilsk GSP"
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. The name comes from the Latin word “stoma” (mouth). Stomatitis occurs in both children and adults, but most often it appears in infants and preschoolers. This is because the mucosa at this age is thinner and more tender. It’s more common for everyone to say “stomatitis”, but it would be more correct to say “stomatitis”, since this is a generalizing concept for a whole group of diseases.
Causes of stomatitis in children
The causes of stomatitis in children are different. These are dirty hands, and fragile children's immunity, and the features of thermoregulation, on which the respiratory system directly depends. You need to understand that the children's mucosa, unlike the adult one, is a very thin and vulnerable substance, so the attachment of any infection occurs very quickly. At an early age, salivation is not yet fully formed in a child, and saliva enzymes play a very important role in protecting the body. As a result, the mucous membrane often dries up, cracks appear, an infection occurs, and stomatitis follows it. It is impossible not to take into account the long-term use of medications, such as antibiotics, as well as neuropsychiatric disorders, unfavorable living conditions, poor child care and inadequate oral hygiene by the parents themselves.
It is often the parents who help the doctor to find out the cause of the disease. Only they can try to analyze what caused the appearance of a bubble, sore or plaque. For example, the child ate something wrong, bought a new toothpaste or toothbrush, or maybe the baby suffered a temperature drop.
Depending on the causes of occurrence, stomatitis can be divided into several types, each of which has a number of features.
Viral, herpes, or herpetic stomatitis in children is one of the most common types of childhood stomatitis. Usually a child becomes infected with it by airborne droplets. The virus is also transmitted through dishes, toys, household items. Most often, herpetic stomatitis in a child appears at the age of one to 4 years. The disease begins as a cold and is accompanied by a rash on the lips, lethargy, and fever. Sometimes there is a runny nose and cough. Around the second day, aphthae appear on the lips, tongue, and inside of the cheeks - small round or oval sores of light yellow color with a bright red border. They exude an unpleasant odor, are easily torn off and then bleed. These ulcers are the main symptom of this type of stomatitis. Therefore, such stomatitis in children is also called aphthous, or ulcerative. This is a particularly unpleasant type of disease, as it can be severe and accompanied by severe intoxication. Viral stomatitis in children also often occurs against the background of other viral diseases, such as influenza, chickenpox or measles.
Infectious stomatitis occurs in children of both school and preschool age. Most often they occur with tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia. The main symptom is a thick yellow crust on the lips. At the same time, the lips stick together, the mouth opens with difficulty. The temperature usually rises. Bacterial stomatitis in a child most often occurs due to weakened immunity in the autumn-winter period.
Traumatic stomatitis in a child is caused by mechanical trauma to the oral cavity. For example, burns from hot food, a too hard nipple, the habit of chewing on a pencil. Also, traumatic stomatitis often occurs in children with malocclusion due to frequent biting of the cheeks and tongue.
Candidal stomatitis occurs in children under one year old. The cause is Candida fungus. The milk left in the baby's mouth after breastfeeding is an excellent breeding ground for them. Therefore, parents call candidal stomatitis in children thrush. The main symptom is the appearance of white plaque in the baby's mouth. It is worth noting that this plaque should not be confused with the usual plaque after feeding. A cause for alarm is if the plaque does not go away, and the child refuses to eat.
Drug-induced or allergic stomatitis in children is caused by some type of allergy or drug reaction. In case of suspicion of this type of disease, the allergen should be identified and removed, otherwise there is a risk of getting unpleasant consequences, up to anaphylactic shock.
Symptoms of stomatitis in children
For all types of stomatitis, a common and defining symptom is inflammation of the oral mucosa and the appearance on any of its parts, such as the tongue, the inside of the lips, cheeks, throat of various formations in the form of sores, vesicles, characteristic plaque, vesicles (blistering rashes) and in cases of traumatic stomatitis - burns, bites, injuries. It is important to understand that stomatitis is not one acute or chronic disease with certain classic symptoms, each type has its own special cause, and they manifest themselves in the oral cavity in different ways, therefore, they need to be treated differently.
Treatment of stomatitis in children
There is no single algorithm for the treatment of stomatitis in children. Each case is individual in its own way. It often happens when a mother comes in the hope that the doctor will prescribe an ointment, and she will immediately cure her child with it. This does not happen! It is necessary to understand what preceded the inflammation, taking into account the age of the child, the stage and severity of the disease. Treatment is carried out both locally and symptomatically, i.e. symptoms are relieved. Doctors dentist-therapist and pediatrician give their recommendations, it is possible to involve highly specialized specialists, such as ENT, mycologist, dermatologist. Of course, there are some textbook principles that guide specialists in order to relieve or relieve pain or prevent complications. We are talking about compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, diet and sleep, treatment of the mucous membrane with special gels, solutions and applications. For example, with allergic stomatitis in children, antihistamines are recommended, with herpetic forms - antiviral, if there is a temperature - it is antipyretic. It is important that when you find a problem, contact a specialist without delay.
Caring for a child with stomatitis
Parental involvement in treatment and proper care of a child are not only important, they are decisive. With stomatitis, it is necessary to strictly follow the treatment plan, which is often very laborious, so the result depends on parental care and control. The oral cavity is a kind of epicenter of pain, so it is not surprising that the child will be capricious a lot. Therefore, it is important for parents to stock up on patience and perseverance.
Most moms and dads are concerned about how to feed a child with stomatitis. Firstly, it is necessary to consume only soft, warm (not hotter than 30 degrees) and mushy food, for example, in the form of mashed potatoes. The main thing is that the food is high-calorie and positive, because the child's immunity is already weakened. After eating, it is imperative to rinse your mouth so as not to provoke the development of stomatitis and not to attach any additional infection. A diet for stomatitis in a child should be with the exclusion from the diet of spicy, sour, sweet foods and citrus fruits.
Children with stomatitis need to be anesthetized. It is carried out with the help of various medications in order to avoid refusal of food and deterioration of sleep. In addition, with stomatitis in children, proper treatment of the oral cavity is very important. How to handle and rinse the child's mouth should be recommended by the doctor.
Prevention of stomatitis in children
If a person had stomatitis at least once in his life, there will always be a risk of its recurrence, therefore, prevention comes to the fore - in general, strengthening immunity in order to prevent the disease from returning. Both parents and children should follow simple rules of oral hygiene. Obligatory observation at the dentist 2 - 3 times a year, even eating the child does not bother anything.