When do u get symptoms of pregnancy
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Early signs of pregnancy
Every pregnancy is different and not everyone will notice all of these symptoms.
If you're worried about any symptoms you're having, talk to a GP or your midwife.
Missed or lighter period
If you have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, the earliest and most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period.
In the first few weeks of pregnancy you may have a bleed similar to a very light period, with some spotting or only losing a little blood. This is called implantation bleeding.
Feeling sick during pregnancy
You may feel sick or be sick. Although commonly known as "morning sickness", vomiting and morning sickness can happen at any time of the day or night.
Symptoms usually start when you’re around 4 to 6 weeks pregnant.
If you're being sick all the time and cannot keep anything down, see a GP.
You may have hyperemesis gravidarum, a serious condition in pregnancy that causes severe vomiting and needs treatment.
Feeling tired is common in pregnancy
It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially during the first 12 weeks or so.
Hormonal changes in your body at this time can make you feel tired, sick, emotional and upset.
Sore breasts in early pregnancy
Your breasts may become larger and feel tender, just as they might do before your period. They may also tingle.
The veins may be more visible, and the nipples may darken and stand out.
Peeing more can suggest pregnancy
You may feel the need to pee more often than usual, including during the night.
Other signs of pregnancy you may notice are:
- constipation
- more vaginal discharge (without any soreness or irritation)
Strange tastes, smells and cravings
During early pregnancy, you may find you no longer like some foods or drinks you used to enjoy.
You might notice:
- a strange taste in your mouth, which some describe as metallic
- you crave new foods
- you lose interest in certain foods or drinks you used to enjoy, such as tea, coffee or fatty food
- you lose interest in smoking
- you're more sensitive to certain smells, for example the smell of food or cooking
Home pregnancy tests
If you do a home pregnancy test, a positive test result is almost certainly correct, as long as you have followed the instructions correctly.
A negative result is less reliable. If you get a negative result and still think you may be pregnant, wait a week and try again.
If you're pregnant, use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby's due.
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Video: what pregnancy symptoms are normal?
In this video, a midwife describes which symptoms during pregnancy are normal.
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Media review due: 9 March 2026
Page last reviewed: 29 December 2022
Next review due: 29 December 2025
12 Early Signs of Pregnancy
When you have decided that you’re ready for a baby, sometimes waiting to see the two little lines on a pregnancy test can feel like forever. Will it be this month? When you’re trying to conceive, you may overanalyze any new feeling that you’re experiencing. Are you bloated? Sore breasts? Is your lunch just not sitting right on your stomach?
We break down the most common early signs of pregnancy and what you can do to feel more comfortable while your little bundle of joy is growing.
When do pregnancy symptoms start?
Every woman has their own journey to motherhood, so symptoms and timing can vary. Some women may begin noticing the first early signs of pregnancy a week or two after conception, while others will start to feel symptoms closer to four or five weeks after conception. Some women may not feel symptoms until their period is noticeably late, or even farther into pregnancy. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, most women (59 percent) experienced an onset of pregnancy symptoms by their fifth or sixth week, while 71 percent reported symptoms by the end of week six and 89 percent by week eight.
If you don’t feel any symptoms at all, don’t worry! Some women won’t feel any symptoms and go on to have healthy pregnancies – consider yourself one of the lucky ones!
1. Missed Period
If you’re ready for a baby, you have probably been tracking your period and watching closely every time you use the restroom to see if it has shown up this month. A missed period is often one of the 1st symptoms of pregnancy and can be a sign that a little one is on the way. Take a home pregnancy test to see if you’re pregnant. If it’s positive, call your OB/GYN to schedule your first prenatal visit around 8 weeks gestation.
2. Sore Breasts
Are your breasts feeling tender and swollen? Sore breasts are another symptom that you may have conceived this cycle, but unfortunately, some women experience soreness as part of their normal menstrual cycle, so it can be hard to tell the difference. Usually, if you have conceived, the soreness gets worse over time, and you may begin noticing changes in how your breasts look.
3. Darkening Areolas
We told you that your breasts may begin to look different – have you noticed darkening of the areolas? The areolas are the area around your nipples. They can start to appear darker and larger as early as one or two weeks after conception, making this one of the more noticeable early signs of pregnancy. You may also begin to see more visible veins and little bumps popping up along the edge of the areolas. They’re called Montgomery tubercles and will help lubricate your nipples to get them ready for your baby to nurse when they’re here. This is only the beginning of breast changes in pregnancy!
4. Fatigue
Are you feeling exhausted just by doing your normal, everyday activities? Unfortunately, fatigue may be here to stay for the duration of your pregnancy and beyond. Your body is producing more blood to carry nutrients to your growing baby. You should begin to feel a little more energy during the second trimester.
5. Heightened Sense of Smell
Is the smell of scrambled eggs that you usually make for breakfast suddenly making you feel nauseated? A heightened sense of smell is often associated with morning sickness and usually subsides after the 1st trimester.
6. Bloating
Another not-so-pleasant early pregnancy symptom is gas. An increase in progesterone and estrogen is the culprit behind this symptom and may cause abdominal pain, bloating, belching and passing gas. This symptom may be around for the entire 9 months of pregnancy.
7. Mood Swings
You might start to experience mood swings similar to those you feel in the days leading up to your normal period. These uncontrollable shifts in your emotions occur due to changes in your hormones, especially in the first trimester when the levels of estrogen and progesterone change dramatically.
8. Cramping
Similar to sore breasts, cramping is an early sign of pregnancy. Cramping should not be severe. If you’re in intense pain, it’s only on one side, or if bleeding is accompanying it and it’s not your menstrual symptom, contact your doctor right away.
9. Spotting
Did you notice some spotting about 1-2 weeks after ovulation and sexual intercourse? It may be implantation bleeding. Spotting happens six to 12 days after conception, when a fertilized egg digs deep into the lining of your uterus, causing a bit of mild irritation. You may confuse it with the beginning of your period, but it can actually mean that you’re expecting! Implantation bleeding is light and should not fill up a pad or tampon. It is usually light pink or brown tinge.
10. High Basal Body Temperature
Many women don’t realize that their temperature may be able to give them a sign that they are pregnant. If you’ve been charting your basal body temp and you get a higher-than-normal reading, then you may want to buy a pregnancy test. When you’re charting, your basal (or waking) temperature peaks when you ovulate, then gradually decreases during the latter part of your cycle until your period begins. But if you get pregnant during the cycle, your basal temperature won’t plummet; instead, it’ll stay high.
11. Frequent Urination
Are you feeling the urge to go to the bathroom more than usual? Having to urinate more frequently is definitely a common pregnancy symptom and will remain throughout your pregnancy.
12. Morning Sickness
Feeling queasy? Morning sickness is not just in the morning but can occur at any time of the day. Try some of these remedies to help ease your nausea. Usually, morning sickness will begin to subside after the 1st trimester, but some women may experience it throughout their pregnancy.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms and do receive a positive pregnancy test, make sure to set up your 1st prenatal visit with your OB/GYN around 8 weeks gestation.
Also, be sure to download our pregnancy handbook that answers frequently asked questions and provides detailed information for each trimester. We’ll be with you every step of the way on your journey to motherhood!
First signs of pregnancy before delay, early symptoms
Significant hormonal changes occur during pregnancy. This causes a number of symptoms. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms right away, while others may only have a few. About the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage and when exactly the initial signs of pregnancy appear are described in the article.
At what time do the first signs of pregnancy appear
The answer to the question when the first signs of pregnancy appear is quite ambiguous, because some women do not feel any signs at all during the first few weeks. At what week do the first signs of pregnancy appear in others? When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception? Symptoms of very early pregnancy (such as breast tenderness) may appear before a missed period, as early as six to seven days after conception, while other early signs of pregnancy (such as spotting) may appear about a week after ovulation. We will tell you more about the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation and when the signs of pregnancy appear.
What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?
The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages:
- delayed menstruation - 29%;
- nausea - 25%;
- mood swings - from 14 to 23%;
- breast changes - 17%;
- pain in the lower abdomen - 15%;
- depression - 15%;
- fatigue, drowsiness - 13%
- decrease in immunity - 6%;
- the first signs of pregnancy - discharge or implantation bleeding - only 3%.
Physiological first signs of pregnancy
What are the very first symptoms of pregnancy?
The most common physiological signs of pregnancy include:
- Tender and enlarged breasts. Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception include breast changes (1-2 weeks after conception). The area around the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.
- Drowsiness and fatigue. Fatigue is also among the signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone rise dramatically, which can cause drowsiness.
- Nausea with vomiting. When do these signs of pregnancy appear? Morning sickness, which can appear at any time of the day or night, often appears between the second and eighth weeks after conception.
- Dizziness and fainting . This may be due to dilation of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
- Spasms. Some women experience symptoms of pregnancy in the early days, such as mild uterine cramps.
- Headaches and back pains. Many pregnant women complain of frequent headaches, while others experience back pain.
- Insomnia - another first sign of pregnancy before the test.
Causes can include stress, physical discomfort, and hormonal changes.
- Change in taste preferences. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these eating habits can be attributed to hormonal changes.
- Temperature. Early signs of pregnancy include fever (37-37.5).
- Delayed menstruation. How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to appear? If you are of childbearing age and a week or more has passed without your expected period, you may be pregnant. However, this symptom can be misleading if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.
- Bloody discharge - the first signs of pregnancy . This bleeding, known as implantation bleeding, occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, approximately 10 to 14 days after conception.
- Bloating, heartburn. Hormonal changes can cause problems with the stomach and esophagus - these are common signs of pregnancy at 2 weeks.
- Constipation . Hormonal changes cause the digestive system to slow down, which can lead to constipation (signs of pregnancy after a delay).
- Frequent urination. You may urinate more than usual, which is a common sign of pregnancy at 5 weeks. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the body increases, causing the kidneys to process excess fluid that enters the bladder.
- Runny nose. The appearance of this symptom is associated with excessive production of the hormone estrogen.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is a sign of pregnancy after ovulation.
- Increased salivation. Also associated with hormonal changes.
- Sense of smell enhancement . Signs of pregnancy in the first two weeks may cause sensitivity to certain smells and the sense of taste may change.
Emotional first signs of pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy before the delay (the earliest signs of pregnancy) include psycho-emotional symptoms.
- Mood swings.
- Irritability.
- Vulnerability, tearfulness.
- Capriciousness.
- Depression.
These are all emotional signs of early pregnancy that many women report. They describe feelings of heightened emotion or even bouts of crying, which are associated with rapid changes in hormone levels in the body. Also, signs of pregnancy at week 4 can make you feel PMS-style cranky. In addition, about 15% of women suffer from depression or anxiety during pregnancy. And after childbirth, these conditions suffer even more. In this case, it is better to seek help from a doctor.
Do everything you can to improve your mood: get plenty of rest, eat well, get enough sleep, do things you love, and pamper yourself.
However, be aware that mood swings can be caused by a number of conditions other than pregnancy.
Influence of early pregnancy on daily routine
Early signs of pregnancy, mainly those that bring discomfort, can cause a change in daily routine. Here are some tips on what you can do with some of them:
- In case of toxicosis, avoid too hot or too cold food - this provokes an attack of vomiting. Eat often - at least 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
- For nausea or vomiting, try ginger, chamomile, or vitamin B6.
- Drink plenty of water, in small sips between meals, to replenish lost fluids. Teas, juices, fruit drinks are also suitable.
- For back pain, wear shoes or shoe insoles designed for pregnant women and avoid high heels. Sleep on a firm mattress.
- For chest discomfort, wear a special bra that supports enlarged breasts.
- For constipation, eat more fiber-rich foods such as wheat bran and fresh vegetables and fruits.
- If you suffer from headaches and mood swings, try stress reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation.
- Be outdoors more often, at least half an hour a day. This helps to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, calm the nervous system.
- Maintain your daily physical activity for as long as it is convenient for you to perform certain activities.
- Eat a balanced diet with enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Important! All these tips are advisory in nature, be sure to consult your doctor if you encounter discomfort.
What to do if you notice early signs of pregnancy
To make sure the signs of pregnancy are accurate, you can use the following methods to diagnose early pregnancy:
- Donate blood for hCG. This method can be used a few days after conception. This type of pregnancy test is done using a small sample of blood that is analyzed in a hospital. It determines whether there is a pregnancy hormone in your body and in what quantity. Its accuracy is 99%.
- Use a test strip.
It can be used at home from the first days of delay. To determine pregnancy, dip the reagent area of the test strip into the urine. Accuracy: 99%. You can buy Evitest or HomeTest test strips in our pharmacy.
- Use jet or electronic test. They can be used at home a few days before your expected period. You need to remove its protective cap, substitute the test under the stream of urine for 10 seconds, and after 3-5 minutes get the result. Accuracy: 97%. In our pharmacy you can buy Evitest or Alpe inkjet tests.
- Get your first ultrasound. You can use this method at 3-4 weeks from the start of a missed period. At this time, ultrasound will show the very fact of uterine pregnancy, and the place of attachment of the fetal egg is also determined. Accuracy: 100%.
Help Doc.ua: you can make an appointment with a gynecologist on the website.
Are you pregnant? Early signs of pregnancy.

Finally! Your period is delayed. If you want a baby, there is great hope that you will get pregnant this time. A pregnancy test will soon show you more. At the same time, you can observe yourself - perhaps you have already noticed any changes. Your body usually clearly shows you that fertilization has taken place. Most of the signs are associated with an increase in hormone levels.
Of course, not every sign means you are pregnant. But the more typical symptoms you notice, the more likely it is. However, in the end, only a doctor can make the final decision: "You're pregnant - congratulations!"
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Uncertain early signs of pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy are as varied as they are vague. Often the early signs of pregnancy appear even before the missed period. These may be early symptoms of pregnancy:
- Nausea and vomiting
- "Leady" tiredness and fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Increased food cravings and unusual eating habits
- Sensitive breasts and darkened nipples smell and taste
- Abdominal cramps, slight bleeding and discharge
- Growth of hair and nails
- Changes in skin conditions
- Forgetfulness
- Mood swings
- Bloating or constipation
- Poor sleep
Nausea and vomiting the first thousand times you saw 9002 in the cinema: the heroine hurriedly runs away, she suddenly feels sick.

In fact, nausea is not so typical. Some women feel very ill, others tend to feel a little sick.
"Lead" fatigue and fatigue
Are you as tired during the day as if you had sat up all night? The sofa is calling you at noon, and your eyes start to close as if by magic? A huge need for sleep is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. If you notice unusual tiredness or fatigue, you may be pregnant.
Frequent urination
You constantly have to run to the toilet, even if you drink no more than usual. This can be another early sign of pregnancy: once the embryo is implanted, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is released, which makes you go to the toilet more often.
Food cravings and unusual eating habits
Is your body just screaming for chocolate or would you get up at night to buy greasy chips at the gas station? Or do you have other unusual food addictions ? Bingo! It is possible that you are pregnant. Many women report strange eating habits as early signs of pregnancy : for example, they pour hot salsa straight out of a jar or, being vegans, feel an irresistible craving to bite straight from a hearty salami stick.
Sensitive breasts and darkened nipples
Your breasts may also show early signs of pregnancy. Pay attention to the following symptoms: the breast begins to thicken and fill up, as before menstruation. To the touch, the mammary glands are more plump and large and very sensitive to touch. Your areola often looks darker than usual . The opposite symptom - discoloration - can also be caused by a hormonal imbalance or a previous pregnancy.
Changes in smell and taste
Every day you find that the detergent smells unbearably . Or you complain to your husband that he has been bathing in cologne lately. Are you familiar with this? Sensitivity to odors is common in early pregnancy . Some women have a strange metallic taste in their mouths . Another early sign of pregnancy can also be a sudden aversion to alcohol or tobacco.
Abdominal cramps, slight bleeding and discharge
Pulling in the abdomen, as if menstruation is about to begin. You think disappointedly: "It didn't work out with the child again!". Or you even notice a small spot or highlights . But day after day passes, and there are still no periods. Then these symptoms may be early signs of pregnancy. These symptoms are usually harmless and are caused by the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. If you want to be on the safe side, try not to strain yourself and avoid exercise. If you notice anything unusual, see your doctor.
Elevated basal body temperature
You can find out if you are pregnant by regularly measuring your basal body temperature: if in the morning after waking up for eighteen days your temperature is higher than usual , then most likely you are pregnant.
When do the early signs of pregnancy appear?
It is impossible to say exactly in which week of pregnancy certain symptoms of pregnancy appear. When the first signs of pregnancy appear and whether they appear at all depends on the individual woman. However, the early symptoms of pregnancy can be roughly attributed to the following weeks.
4th week: implantation pain and slight bleeding, breast tenderness.
Weeks 5 and 6: mood swings, fatigue, hunger, nausea and vomiting
Weeks 7 and 8: nausea, circulation problems, dizziness, low blood pressure, insomnia , frequent urination,
Weeks 9 and 10: breast changes, nausea, shortness of breath
Weeks 11 and 12: bloating, constipation
The three surest signs of pregnancy
There are many early symptoms of pregnancy, but the surest signs of how to understand that you are still pregnant: