What to take for head cold while pregnant
Which Cold & Flu Medication Is Safe to Take During Pregnancy? | UNM Health Blog
By Maria Montoya, MD | February 04, 2022
You are pregnant and start feeling sick. Before you reach for that bottle of cold or flu medicine, are you certain it is safe for your baby?
When you are pregnant, your baby will be exposed to everything you are exposed to. This means that when you are sick with a cold or flu your baby will not only be exposed to the cold or flu virus, but also any medication you may take.
Typically, with most viruses, you must wait for your immune system to fight the infection. Over-the-counter medications can help soothe your symptoms while you wait.
However, not all over-the-counter medicines are safe to take during pregnancy. Certain medications may hurt the baby or cause problems for you, such as increasing your blood pressure.
Use this quick list of pregnancy-safe natural cold and flu remedies and over-the-counter medications as a starting point. Remember, read the directions on the package for any medication you might take. It’s also a good idea to talk with your doctor or midwife before taking a cold or flu medication.
Natural, Pregnancy-Safe Remedies
Before you try any medications, there are natural remedies you may find adequate relief from first. Here are a couple of safe, natural remedies to try:
- Gargle warm salt water
- Get as much restful sleep as possible
- Sip honey in hot water
- Stay well hydrated
- Use nasal saline sprays
- Try a humidifier
While not all herbs and supplements are safe in pregnancy. You may be able to safely take:
- Vitamin C
- Zinc
- Manuka Honey
- Elderberry
Talk with your doctor or midwife before taking any supplements or trying at-home remedies or essential oils during pregnancy.
If natural remedies don’t provide enough relief, consider these pregnancy-safe medications.
Pregnancy-Safe Cold & Flu Medication
It is best to avoid taking medications when possible. If you do need to take something, follow the package directions carefully. Talk with your doctor or midwife before taking medication during pregnancy.
These over-the-counter medications are considered safe for most pregnant patients:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Safe during the entire pregnancy.
- Take only as needed.
- Try to limit regular exposure.
- Not safe if you are allergic to it or have liver problems.
- Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
- Safe in the second and third trimester
- Not safe in the first trimester due to a small risk of abdominal wall birth defects
- Not safe if you have high blood pressure (hypertension) or a history of heart disease
- Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)
- Safe during pregnancy.
- Not safe while breastfeeding.
- Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
- Safe throughout pregnancy.
Watch out for extra ingredients. Many cold and flu medications treat more symptoms than you may be experiencing. For example, Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom treats headaches, fever, body aches, cough, chest congestion, stuffy nose, and more. If you just have a stuffy nose, this is more medication than you need.
A word about antibiotics. Some sinus infections are treated with antibiotics. In general, pregnant patients should not take antibiotics unless it is necessary. Make sure your health care provider knows you are pregnant if they prescribe antibiotics.
The dangers of high blood pressure in pregnancy
How to spot symptoms and get help
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Medications to Avoid in Pregnancy
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications can hurt your developing baby. Do not take NSAIDs such as these when you are pregnant:
- Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
- Naproxen (Aleve, Midol)
- Celecoxib (Celebrex)
- Aspirin (Bayer), unless your doctor or midwife prescribes daily low-dose aspirin.
Do not take these medications during pregnancy. These drugs can hurt the developing baby:
- Benzocaine (throat lozenges/throat sprays)
- Codeine (a pain and cough medication)
- Phenylephrine (i.e., Sudafed PE): it not considered safe while pregnant because studies with animals showed adverse effects to the fetus.
When you don’t feel well, the last thing you might want to do is read a medication label. However, it is worth taking a few extra moments to read the label and avoid additional risks. If you’re not sure what medicine is safe to take, call us. We are always here to help you.
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Categories: Women's Health
Treating a Cold or Flu When Pregnant
When you become pregnant, everything that happens to you can affect not just your body but the fetus, too. This can make dealing with being sick more complicated. Before pregnancy, if you got a cold or became sick with the flu, you may have taken an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant. Now that you’re pregnant, you might wonder whether it’s safe. Although medications can relieve your symptoms, some may harm a developing fetus. But treating a cold or flu during pregnancy doesn’t have to be a stressful experience, and you can take many medications while pregnant.
According to most OB-GYNs, it’s best to avoid all medications in the first
12 weeks of pregnancy. That’s a critical time for the development of a fetus’s vital organs. It’s a good idea to speak with your doctor if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant and currently taking medication or considering taking medication. Several medications are considered safe after 12 weeks of pregnancy. These include:
- topical menthol
- nasal strips
- cough drops or lozenges
- acetaminophen (Tylenol) for aches, pains, and fevers
- cough suppressant at night
- expectorant during the day
- calcium-carbonate (Mylanta, Tums) or similar medications for heartburn, nausea, or upset stomach
- plain cough syrup
- dextromethorphan (Robitussin) and dextromethorphan-guaifenesin (Robitussin DM) cough syrups
Avoid all-in-one medications that combine ingredients to tackle many symptoms. Instead, choose single medications for the symptoms you’re dealing with. You should also avoid the following medications while pregnant unless your doctor recommends you take them. They increase the risk for problems:
- aspirin (Bayer)
- ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
- naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn)
- codeine
- Bactrim, an antibiotic
Home remedies for cold and flu during pregnancy
When you get sick while pregnant, your first steps should be to:
- Get plenty of rest.
- Drink a lot of fluids.
- Gargle with warm salt water if you have a sore throat or cough.
If your symptoms worsen, you might want to try:
- saline nasal drops and sprays to loosen nasal mucus and soothe inflamed nasal tissue
- breathing warm, humid air to help ease congestion; a facial steamer, hot-mist vaporizer, or even a hot shower can work
- chicken soup to help relieve inflammation and soothe congestion
- adding honey or lemon to a warm cup of decaffeinated tea to relieve a sore throat
- using hot and cold packs to alleviate sinus pain
Is it a cold or the flu?
The common cold and the flu share many symptoms, such as a cough and runny nose. However, a few differences can help you tell them apart. If your symptoms are generally mild, then you likely have a cold. Also, chills and fatigue are more likely with the flu.
Things you can do to reduce your risk
When you’re pregnant, your body’s immune system becomes weaker to prevent your body from rejecting the fetus. But, it also leaves you more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections. Pregnant people are also
than nonpregnant folks their age to have flu complications. These complications may include pneumonia, bronchitis, or sinus infections. Getting a flu vaccination can reduce your risk of infection and complications. Other things you can do to reduce your risk of getting sick include:
- washing your hands often
- getting enough sleep
- eating a healthy diet
- avoiding close contact with sick family or friends
- exercising regularly
- reducing stress
When should I call my doctor?
Although most colds don’t cause problems for a fetus, you should take the flu more seriously. Flu complications increase the risk of premature delivery and birth defects. Get immediate medical help if you experience the following symptoms:
- dizziness
- difficulty breathing
- chest pain or pressure
- vaginal bleeding
- confusion
- severe vomiting
- high fever that isn’t reduced by acetaminophen
- decreased fetal movement
CDC recommends treating pregnant people with flu-like symptoms immediately with antiviral medications. Call your doctor’s office if you have any questions or you’re not sure your symptoms are worrisome.
Getting sick while pregnant can be particularly unpleasant, and you might wonder whether it’s safe to take OTC medications to ease your symptoms. Generally, doctors recommend avoiding medications in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you’re currently taking medication for a condition or it’s after 12 weeks, and you want to take something to reduce cold or flu symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk with a doctor about what’s safe and what you should avoid.
Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza in pregnant women in the clinic Health Territory
The first signs of acute respiratory viral infections - what should a future mother do?
How to help your body cope with illness, how not to harm the unborn child, and when serious professional help is needed? To help mothers, the specialists of our Center (obstetrician-gynecologist, midwives, homeopaths, ENT, naturopath and aromatherapist) offer an algorithm of actions that is consistent with all modern data from international recommendations. nine0005
But, most importantly, remember that an expectant mother, like no one else, is very important emotional mood - positive emotions will help you quickly cope with all the troubles.
Let's repeat, following our specialists: "Word and thought are material!".
- At the first sign of a cold (sore throat when swallowing, hoarseness or sore throat, runny nose, headache, body aches, weakness) - stay at home, keep a gentle regime, put on masks for all family members, remind everyone wash your hands more often. nine0012
- If it is impossible to get to a homeopath for the exact prescription of an individual remedy, you can take complex homeopathic remedies: "Ocillococcinum" once (!) Or homeopathic remedies "Agri" (according to the scheme in the instructions), "Influenza-Heel" (also according to the instructions).
- For pain in the throat, drugs - Tonsilotren, Tonsilgon or Angin-Heel will help. Necessarily - regular gargling with infusions of herbs (eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile) three to seven times a day.
- For coughs and colds, you can drink ginger tea - pour half a glass of grated ginger on a coarse grater to the top with good honey, insist for a day. Drink by adding 1-2 tsp. mixture per cup of hot water. Useful cranberry juice. With a dry cough, homeopathic preparations "Bronhalis-Heel" and "Tartefedrel" can be used. nine0012
- If hypothermia occurs and you feel chilly, drink hot tea with dried raspberries or raspberry jam. Chicken broth (strictly fresh) also helps.
- Aromatherapy will help not only to alleviate the symptoms, but also to cope with bacteria. Have an antiviral and antibacterial effect - noble laurel, peppermint, eucalyptus. Oils can and should be mixed (up to 8 drops per “portion”).
To the above, you can add orange or lemon oil. And for evening-night spraying, add a soothing one to antiviral and microbial ones - lavender oil or tangerine oil. To treat a runny nose, cough, sore throat, you can prepare the following mixture: 4 tablespoons of peach oil (used as a base), 1 drop of lavender, 2 drops of eucalyptus, 1 drop of tea tree. This mixture is instilled into the nose 1-2 drops after washing the nose with a sea water spray. nine0012
- Motor mode (at the first sign - stay at home, but if you feel well, do not refuse a short walk in nature, in the park (not in the mall!).
- Mood. To improve your mood, you can hang garlands of Christmas trees (a variant of natural aromatherapy), pine twigs, cones. Let the sun into the house - light candles, and put bright fruits in places you can see - in the bedroom, for example - oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelo (again, natural aromatherapy) or pineapples - any favorite fruit. To wake up in the morning and immediately see a lot of bright “suns” by the bed, which accumulated all this joyful energy for us.
” nine0012
- And most importantly - be sure to tell your doctor about your health! The doctor will recommend you what is especially important for you.
- “If the temperature does not exceed 38.5, do not take antipyretics. If you have a very high temperature, severe weakness, bad breath, severe cough and any deviation from the course of a common cold, and if there is no improvement within THREE DAYS, be sure to consult a doctor "(chief physician of the Health Territory, obstetrician-gynecologist Alexander Sergeevich Gavrilenko). nine0012
For help in preparing the material, we thank the obstetrician-gynecologist of the Health Territory Irina Stepanovna Arefyeva.
Additions and recommendations of our specialists:
- Elena Lvovna Ten, ENT, homeopath.
“If the cold has penetrated deeply, then there is a watery coryza or sore throat, and then a cough. Then you can drip into the nose "Derinat" (not contraindicated for pregnant women, but recommended after consultation with a doctor) or "Pinosol". Gargle with calendula, and I also recommend gargling with NATURAL (!) apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons per glass of water) 3-4 r / d. it is necessary to treat the whole body, to understand the cause of the cough! Is it just from hypothermia? Then it will pass quickly. But, if there is a “weak link” in the respiratory (lungs) or genitourinary (kidneys) systems, or there may be a problem in the intestines, then the treatment must be comprehensive. nine0005
- Olga Bannikova, obstetrician.
“You can turn on the aroma lamp for a long time (for the whole night, for example). But if you are not sure about the body's response, try turning it on for 2 hours, then wait a few hours and turn it on for another 2 hours. It is better to use ultrasonic aroma lamps (they are more efficient and, unlike those heated by a candle, are designed for a large area of application - 20-30 sq.m)”.
- Yulia Krushanova, microbiologist, Ph.D., specialist in medical aromatherapy and Ayurveda:
“You can prepare a universal solution for an aroma lamp: 5 ml of alcohol, 200 ml of water and 10 drops of a mixture of oils: coniferous oils, oils of lemon, leuzea, bergamot, grapefruit. This aroma mixture is good for both prevention and treatment. There is some correction for oils for the aroma lamp: you can’t evaporate thyme in the lamp (too active oil, can give bronchospasm), the aroma of orange increases appetite (it would be better to use lemon, grapefruit, bergamot), leuzea oil can only be used cold (that is, without heating in an aroma lamp with candles). In general, cold water sprays are preferable to heating, since when heated in an aroma lamp, some components of essential oils undergo changes and are destroyed, without having a beneficial effect. For the same reason, an ultrasonic aroma lamp is preferable to an aroma lamp heated by candles. It is very important that the aroma lamp heated by candles does not run out of water in the bowl, since it is clear that the oil should not burn, it should evaporate from the surface of the water. nine0005
- Laima Lankmane, naturopath and herbalist:
“It is especially important for a pregnant woman to carefully read all the instructions for herbal preparations - first of all, this applies to the first trimester, when the body of the expectant mother is extremely sensitive to everything and undergoes a strong hormonal restructuring. But even during the entire pregnancy, one should be careful with herbal remedies and it is better to consult with your doctor before use. With hypothermia, the first signs of the disease, you can - ginger with lemon, honey (better bite, because when heated above 40-50 degrees, it not only loses many of its nutritional properties, but can also harm a sensitive stomach), green teas and all natural drinks with a lot of vitamin C (for example, rosehip broth helps well). Leaves of linden and dry raspberries - yes, but raspberry jam (unless, of course, it is a frozen berry) will not bring much benefit. Unfortunately, during prolonged cooking, berries lose many of their antibacterial and phyto-properties. In addition, in the jam, in addition to the taste “from childhood”, there is a lot of excess sugar that you don’t need now. However, if a cup of tea with a spoonful of such jam lifts your mood and spirit, then definitely this is a medicine! And do not forget that the word and thought are material!” Source: Bone, K.
(2003), A Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs, Churchill Livingstone, USA
Health Territory doctors will always be happy to answer your questions! 8 (495) 988 52 52
SARS during pregnancy
Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that during pregnancy the expectant mother herself can catch a cold and get sick. Runny nose, cough, as well as a sharp sore throat - all these are symptoms of ARVI familiar to us from childhood, which, by the way, must be treated in a timely manner.
However, it must be said that in order to be able to correctly and naturally effectively carry out the usual treatment of a cold or even flu during pregnancy, it is worth first learning how exactly to be able to recognize ARVI. And besides, let's note how dangerous this seemingly simple disease is, and only then we will consider many methods of its treatment that are popular in the modern world. nine0005
Let's start with the usual definition of SARS. What is behind this abbreviation?
SARS - this concept stands for - this is an acute respiratory viral infectious disease. That is, we can say that this is a disease caused primarily by the entry of a certain virus into the human body. Such a disease manifests itself primarily by complete congestion of the nose and even throat, and subsequently it can also manifest itself with a cough, possibly even with an increase in body temperature, and weakness in all muscles. And the most unpleasant thing for us is that such viruses can lie in wait for us literally anywhere. Viruses are especially rampant in the cold season, which is probably why all preventive measures are recommended to be carried out without fail in advance. So literally just hearing that a new “wave” of some acute respiratory infections or even the flu is approaching next to you - try to wash your hands as often as possible, and apply the famous oxolin ointment directly under your nose, and of course try to avoid crowded places. At home, try to ventilate the room, do wet cleaning as often as possible, and in those unpleasant cases when, among your household, someone is already sick, try to minimize all contact with a sick person.
And how can such a disease as ARVI be dangerous for the pregnant woman herself and the fetus?
I must say that depending on the timing of pregnancy, and the degree of influence of such a viral infection directly on the mother's body and, of course, the development of the fetus will be completely different. So, directly in the very first days or weeks of pregnancy, such a disease can even lead to an extremely unpleasant spontaneous miscarriage. And let's say during the first twelve weeks, when the embryo is laying and forming all the main systems and organs of your unborn child. And, of course, ARVI, moreover, can have an extremely negative impact on the very process of organ formation, but also cause real malformations. But just before the birth, this seemingly simple disease is dangerous, first of all, because your baby may already be born with symptoms of SARS. And this, in turn, means that he can be born extremely weakened and not quite healthy. I must say that in the remaining periods of pregnancy, this disease is still not considered too dangerous, but, however, this does not mean at all that it could not be treated on time. nine0005
What is the right way to treat this disease in a pregnant woman?
As we have already said, adequate treatment, which should be carried out most correctly under the strict supervision of a doctor, must occur without fail. But the methods and methods of such treatment will directly depend on the degree of the disease itself. However, it should be noted that some of the nuances that will relate specifically to the state of pregnancy should definitely be taken into account.
So, if you accidentally fall ill with ARVI while already pregnant, then the very first thing that would be desirable to do is to visit or call your local doctor at home. After all, self-treatment is categorically not recommended during pregnancy, since not all drugs can be taken by pregnant women, and even from a series of so-called traditional medicine. However, it will, of course, be possible to help your not always strong body accelerate the active process of recovery. Which of the methods can be considered the most popular and of course the most effective, and most importantly the safest for both the mother and her unborn child - we will now consider this. nine0005
Proper treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy
Thus, during habitual nasal congestion, it becomes extremely difficult for the expectant mother herself to breathe, which, as a rule, can not only cause a lot of discomfort to the pregnant woman, but also contributes to blocking oxygen for the unborn child. And that is why it will be necessary to treat a runny nose in the very first place. But for this, a solution of salted water is perfect, which will need to be instilled into the nose 3 or even 4 times a day. It is even possible to buy such a ready-made solution in any pharmacy, but if there is no such real possibility, then prepare it yourself. To do this, dissolve one teaspoon of salt in half a glass of fairly warm and clean water. Then, using a regular pipette, you can bury your nose. It is also possible to actively wash the nose with the same salt water but with a syringe. In addition, inhalation of various essential oils is considered to be extremely effective. The most commonly recommended oils are eucalyptus, sage, or orange oils. But from ready-made medicines for the common cold, doctors usually recommend future mothers such drugs as "Pinosol", like "Aqua Maris" or "Sinupret". After all, these medicines are made on the basis of the safest, and absolutely natural ingredients. nine0005
Treatment of sore throats
Usually, for sore throats, plain warm milk with the addition of a spoonful of honey is an excellent remedy that can alleviate the condition. And also simple rinses can help to quickly get rid of acute inflammation in the larynx. To do this, dissolve enough warm water in a glass of one teaspoon of soda and salt and rinse your throat with this solution. In addition, decoctions of chamomile, or sage, sometimes mint, or calendula flowers could be used for such rinses. From ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, it is possible to use the famous lollipops with honey or lemon. An extremely important point with a cold is always the fact that your feet should always be kept warm, for example, in warm or woolen socks. But soaring your legs during pregnancy is categorically not recommended. nine0005
Cough treatment
When coughing, inhalations are always the most effective of all known methods. It is inhalations that usually help to increase expectoration, which actually speeds up the healing process. But for this it is customary to use inhalers with a few drops of essential oils of herbs such as sage, eucalyptus. Usually, when there is no inhaler, these essential oils will need to be dripped into an aroma lamp, which is installed in the room, in fact, where the patient herself is. If there is no aroma lamp in the house, then all inhalations can be carried out simply over the pan, as our grandmothers did. All of the above herbs or just a few potato tubers are usually steamed in a saucepan. Immediately after inhalation, you should be as warm as possible, hiding, immediately go to bed and rest calmly. nine0005
But when the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, doctors strongly recommend the so-called vinegar rubbing and even lotions. Ingoda there are cases when it is necessary to take drugs based on paracetamol. But before the temperature rises to 38 degrees, it is not recommended to knock it down. In addition, linden or optionally raspberry tea can increase sweating, which will naturally help reduce the temperature.
Also, in order to remove the virus that has entered the body as soon as possible, it is necessary to drink as much as possible plentiful and warm. So you can make yourself tea with honey or lemon, and best of all, if it is still green. In addition, drinks such as cranberry juice, as well as linden or chamomile decoctions, or tea with the addition of raspberry jam, and simply brewed rose hips are considered excellent means for removing an unpleasant virus from the body. Also, with a cold, it is strongly recommended to take regular vitamin C. However, it is worth saying that pregnant women who have already experienced edema, as well as those future mothers who have had an allergic reaction specifically to vitamin C, of course, should follow with the utmost care similar advice.