What does pregnancy mean
Pregnant Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
preg·nant ˈpreg-nənt
: containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body : gravid
: full, teeming
: rich in significance or implication
the pregnant phrases of the Bible—Edmund Wilson
a pregnant pause
: having possibilities of development or consequence : involving important issues : momentous
draw inspiration from the heroic achievements of that pregnant age—Kemp Malone
: abounding in fancy, wit, or resourcefulness : inventive
all this has been said … by great and pregnant artists—The Times Literary Supplement (London)
archaic : cogent
obsolete : inclined, disposed
your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear—William Shakespeare
pregnantly adverb
- big
- caught
- enceinte
- expectant
- expecting
- gone
- gravid
- heavy
- quick [archaic]
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Example Sentences
She got pregnant soon after her marriage. There was a pregnant pause before the winner was announced.
Recent Examples on the Web Some pregnant people who are otherwise healthy may develop cardiomyopathy during or after pregnancy. —Beth Krietsch, SELF, 12 Dec. 2022 Of course for those with specific dietary requirements (pregnant people, those who are immunocompromised) a highly accurate instant read thermometer may be necessary. —Charley Samuelson, Bon Appétit, 12 Dec. 2022 Doulas support and help pregnant people advocate for themselves. —Devi Shastri, Journal Sentinel, 8 Dec. 2022 However, across the United States, fewer pregnant people are getting their flu vaccine than in previous years. —Sarah Swetlik | [email protected], al, 8 Dec. 2022 Public health authorities have been worried about flu vaccination rates that have been lower than in previous years, including in groups at high risk of hospitalization, including young children, pregnant people, and adults 65 and older. —Teresa Moss, Arkansas Online, 8 Dec. 2022 Upwards of half of all pregnant people now receive one of these prenatal screenings. —Anna Clark, ProPublica, 6 Dec. 2022 In the meantime, pregnant people can take steps to reduce their exposure to PM2.
5 pollution and better monitor the potential impact of the particles. —Jeffrey Kluger, Time, 30 Nov. 2022 For starters, even just a few decades ago, pregnant people were not typically monitored closely for things like high blood pressure or glucose levels. —Katherine Harmon Courage, STAT, 22 Nov. 2022 See More
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'pregnant.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
Word History
Middle English, from Latin praegnant-, praegnans carrying a fetus, alteration of praegnas, from prae- pre- + -gnas (akin to gignere to give birth to) — more at kin
First Known Use
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 6
Time Traveler
The first known use of pregnant was in the 14th century
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pregnantpregnancy test
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“Pregnant. ” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pregnant. Accessed 8 Jan. 2023.
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Kids Definition
preg·nant ˈpreg-nənt
: containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body
: full of meaning
a pregnant pause
pregnantly adverb
Medical Definition
preg·nant ˈpreg-nənt
: containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body : gestating, gravid
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pregnantNglish: Translation of pregnant for Spanish Speakers
Britannica English: Translation of pregnant for Arabic Speakers
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[ preg-nuhnt ]
/ ˈprɛg nənt /
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having a child or other offspring developing in the body; with child or young, as a woman or female mammal.
fraught, filled, or abounding (usually followed by with): a silence pregnant with suspense.
teeming or fertile; rich (often followed by in): a mind pregnant in ideas.
full of meaning; highly significant: a pregnant utterance.
of great importance or potential; momentous: a pregnant moment in the history of the world.
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of pregnant
1375–1425; late Middle English <Latin praegnant- (stem of praegnāns), variant of praegnās, equivalent to prae-pre- + *gnāt- (akin to (g)nātus born, gignere to bring into being) + -s nominative singular ending
preg·nant·ly, adverbpreg·nant·ness, nounWords nearby pregnant
preggy, Pregl, preglacial, pregnable, pregnancy, pregnant, preheat, prehensible, prehensile, prehension, prehistoric
Other definitions for pregnant (2 of 2)
[ preg-nuhnt ]
/ ˈprɛg nənt /
adjective Archaic.
convincing; cogent: a pregnant argument.
Origin of pregnant
1350–1400; Middle English preignant<Old French, present participle of preindre, earlier priembre to press1 <Latin premere. Cf. print
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to pregnant
rich, abundant, anticipating, childbearing, enceinte, expectant, expecting, fecund, fertile, fraught, fruitful, gestating, gravid, heavy, hopeful, in family way, parous, parturient, preggers, productive
How to use pregnant in a sentence
The next year, she created her first hypnobirthing program for her pregnant daughter, Maura.
Marie Mongan, champion of hypnobirthing, dies at 86|Olesia Plokhii|February 11, 2021|Washington Post
She was 16 when she found out she was pregnant after having sex for the first time.
For a mother forced to give up her child, decades of grief, shame and secrets|Ellen McCarthy|February 5, 2021|Washington Post
Just in the past few days, the WHO has flip-flopped between not recommending pregnant people get the vaccine to fully supporting them in receiving the inoculation.
Pregnant people can—and should—get vaccinated against COVID-19|Sara Kiley Watson|February 3, 2021|Popular-Science
To boot, a survey of 20,000 mothers and pregnant women in June last year by the advocacy group Pregnant Then Screwed highlighted that 15% were made or being made redundant, with 46% of those naming lack of childcare as a factor.
‘It’s possible if done right’: Pandemic accelerates demand for flexible senior roles|Jessica Davies|February 3, 2021|Digiday
However, the pandemic, with its increased risks to pregnant women, seems poised to derail these trends.
What “baby bust”? New and soon-to-be parents on choosing to have kids in dark times|Chris Chafin|February 1, 2021|Vox
Sands was involved in a scandalous-for-the-time romance with the carpenter and there were rumors she was pregnant with his child.
New York’s Most Tragic Ghost Loves Minimalist Swedish Fashion|Nina Strochlic|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I was pregnant, uncomfortably so, for the first time and with twins, due the following March.
I Tried to Warn You About Sleazy Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in 2003|Vicky Ward|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Helicopters lifted pregnant women and children to safety first.
‘We’re Going to Die’: Survivors Recount Greek Ferry Fire Horror|Barbie Latza Nadeau|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He beat me every day, even when I was seven months pregnant.
A Sunni-Shia Love Story Imperiled by al Qaeda|Ruth Michaelson|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A dark minivan quickly fills with pregnant women and those carrying infants.
Inside the Smuggling Networks Flooding Europe with Refugees|Barbie Latza Nadeau|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And this fact seemed pregnant with evidence as to Gordon's state of mind; it did not appear to simplify the situation.
Confidence|Henry James
The situation was too pregnant with tragedy for him to run away and leave the pair to deal with it as best they could.
The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol|William J.
Abraham, who was fond of travelling, went into the horrible desert of Kadesh with his pregnant wife, ever young and ever pretty.
A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 1 (of 10)|Franois-Marie Arouet (AKA Voltaire)
The Trades Union movement is one pregnant with promise for the future.
The Influence and Development of English Gilds|Francis Aiden Hibbert
Its influence was most positive, and pregnant with good at that critical period between school and manhood.
East Anglia|J. Ewing Ritchie
British Dictionary definitions for pregnant
/ (ˈprɛɡnənt) /
carrying a fetus or fetuses within the womb
full of meaning or significance
inventive or imaginative
prolific or fruitful
Derived forms of pregnant
pregnantly, adverbWord Origin for pregnant
C16: from Latin praegnāns with child, from prae before + (g) nascī to be born
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Why dream about pregnancy in a dream book: interpretation of dreams about pregnancy
Pregnancy in Miller's dream book
Seeing yourself in a pregnant dream means that there will be no happiness with your spouse. After such a dream, problems await a virgin, she can be disgraced. If a woman is actually expecting a baby, then the dream promises her a successful outcome of childbirth, after which she will quickly come into shape.
Pregnancy in Vanga's dream book
Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream according to Vanga is a joy for a married woman (and if she looks at herself from the side, then this is the birth of twins) and trouble for an unmarried woman. A dream can also mean that changes will come in personal life, and they will be pleasant. Someone else's pregnancy in a dream - to a sudden monetary reward. If pregnancy in a dream ends in childbirth, then important changes will come in life, it will be possible to get rid of problems. The easier it was to give birth in a dream, the easier things will be resolved. nine0005
Pregnancy in the Islamic dream book
For a virgin or a single woman, pregnancy in a dream speaks of an impending marriage. But an elderly woman needs to be wary of ailments. If a husband had a dream about a pregnant wife, the dream book explains this as a positive sign: good or good news awaits him. If a man dreams that he himself is pregnant, then his property will increase.
Pregnancy in Freud's dream book
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," Freud himself said about the interpretation of dreams. Your pregnancy in a dream just belongs to this category - it is a harbinger of pregnancy in reality. Also, a dream may reflect a woman’s dissatisfaction with her current relationship, and soon she will meet with a more worthy candidate. A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is ready to become a father, he is completely satisfied with the current relationship. But in the future, he may have problems with women. It is possible that the current union will collapse. nine0005
Pregnancy in Loff's dream book
Loff's dream book interprets a pregnancy dream in the same way for people of different sex, age and marital status - it is a symbol of creativity or material well-being. If a girl sees pregnancy in a dream, who has a rich sex life, but does not yet have a desire to become a mother, this indicates the absence of any problems with the menstrual cycle. Guys dream of pregnancy if they are not confident in their reproductive function and do not feel masculine enough. Most often, such dreams are seen by those who are not satisfied with their sex life. nine0005
Pregnancy in the dream book of Nostradamus
Your own pregnancy in a dream, in the absence of it in reality, predicts minor problems and minor losses. If someone else's pregnancy is dreamed in a dream, then someone wants to borrow money from you.
Pregnancy in Tsvetkov's dream book
Seeing yourself in a dream of a pregnant girl is a deception, a woman is a reason for pride, a man is making plans for the foreseeable future. When a pregnant woman dreams, it means that trouble is coming. nine0005 Interestingly, pregnancy in a dream is not always a good sign; in some dream books to see a pregnant woman - to deception and trouble. Photo: pixabay.com
Pregnancy in the Esoteric dream book
Esotericists divide dreams about pregnancy into two large groups: dreams of one's own or someone else's. In the first case, losses await you, in the second, you will be asked to borrow money. Make sure your budget can handle this financial burden.
Pregnancy in Hasse's dream book
The medium believed that the meaning of sleep is influenced by the age of the woman who saw it. For young ladies, a dream promises a stable relationship filled with harmony and happiness; for elderly women, pregnancy in a dream can be a harbinger of an imminent departure to another world. nine0005
Pregnancy in the Lunar Dream Book
The older the woman who had a dream about pregnancy, the faster harmony, joy and success will come into her life. The younger the girl, the higher the risk that she will become a victim of deception.
Psychologist's comment
Maria Khomyakova, psychologist, art therapist, fairy tale therapist:
Pregnancy reflects such processes as gestation, accumulation, solitude, cultivation, preservation, creation. All of them are important not only for the physiological birth of a child, but also for the spiritual side of the personality - for nurturing and maturing creative projects, for accumulating strength to make the right decision, for keeping certain feelings and emotional states safe. nine0005
Pregnancy at a metaphorical level is represented by a set of processes occurring during the creation, maturation and birth of a new world. And the concept of "new world" can include a variety of forms - from a child to an idea.
A pregnant woman in this process is a vessel, a place, a space that provides fertile ground, is a nutrient medium, a safe and protective zone, provides those important, natural needs that are necessary for the maturing new world. Touching this topic through a dream is always a reason to turn to yourself with the question: what new has arisen in me, how can I help it be born? nine0005
Why do you dream that you are pregnant
Dreams are a very strange thing. We still do not understand how they work, so we are often surprised by what we saw in our dreams last night.
Website editor
dream book
prophetic dreams
Yan Krukov/Pexels
Understanding what dreams about pregnancy mean and portend.
Contents of the article
In the list of the strangest dreams girls have are dreams about pregnancy. They scare some, give hope to others. What do they really mean? We have collected transcripts from the most popular dream books that will help you "read" the dream.
Pregnancy according to Vanga's dream book
According to Vanga's dream book, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream for a married woman is fortunate, for an unmarried woman - to trouble. Also, such a dream can also mean that pleasant changes may soon come in the girl's personal life. nine0005
Seeing someone else's pregnancy in a dream means unexpected financial gains. If the pregnancy ends in childbirth, then in life it is worth waiting for important changes and preparing for liberation from problems.
Pregnancy according to Miller's dream book
If a married woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, then this may be a harbinger of quarrels with her husband. Virgins are also waiting for problems, they can disgrace her. If pregnancy is dreamed of by a woman who is really expecting a baby, then this can promise her an easy birth, after which she will quickly return to her previous form if she wants to. nine0005
Pregnancy according to the Islamic dream book
For virgins and single girls, seeing pregnancy in a dream is a sign of future marriage. For older women, such a dream can promise health problems. When a husband dreams of his pregnant wife, it means that good news and blessings await him. If a man himself in a dream turned out to be pregnant, then his wealth will soon increase.
Pregnancy according to Loff's dream book
In Loff's dream book, sleep about pregnancy has the same meaning for both women and men of all ages. According to him, pregnancy in a dream is a symbol of creativity or financial well-being. nine0005
If a girl who is not yet ready for a serious relationship and the birth of a child sees pregnancy in a dream, then this may indicate that her menstrual cycle is normal. Guys, on the other hand, can dream of pregnancy when they are not sure of their reproductive function or do not feel masculine enough.
Pregnancy according to Freud's dream book
To see yourself pregnant in a dream - to pregnancy in real life. However, such a dream can also mean that at the moment the woman is unhappy with her relationship and soon she will meet with a more worthy candidate. If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, then this indicates his readiness to become a father and that he is satisfied with the current relationship. nine0005
Pregnancy according to Tsvetkov's dream book
If a pregnant woman is dreaming, then this may signal that trouble is coming. Seeing yourself in a dream of a pregnant woman for young girls is a deception, for women - a reason for pride, a man - for building and implementing plans in the near future.
Pregnancy according to Hasse's dream book
The famous medium of the 19th century, Miss Hasse believed that the meaning of sleep is directly affected by the age of the woman who dreamed about it.