Pulling skin back after circumcision
How to Care for Your Baby's Penis
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The Circumcised Penis
If you chose to have your son circumcised, the procedure likley performed in the hospital before discharge, but is sometimes done afterward. Ritual circumcisions for religious reasons are usually performed in the second week after birth.
After the procedure, a light dressing with petroleum jelly will have been placed over the head of the penis. The next time the baby urinates, this dressing usually will come off. Some pediatricians recommend keeping a clean dressing over the area until the penis is fully healed, while others advise leaving it off. The important thing is to keep the area as clean. If stool get on the penis, wipe it gently.
What to expect
The tip of the penis may look red for the first few days, and you may notice a yellow secretion. Both mean that the area is healing normally. The redness and secretion disappear gradually within a week.
When to call the pediatrician
If the redness persists or there is swelling or crusted yellow sores, there may be an infection. This does not happen often, but if you suspect an infection, consult your pediatrician.
After the circumcision has healed:
Usually, after the circumcision has healed, the penis requires no additional care. Occasionally a small piece of the foreskin remains. You should pull back this skin gently each time the child is bathed. Examine the groove around the head of the penis and make sure it's clean.
Note: If circumcision is desired but is not performed within the baby's first two weeks (perhaps for medical reasons), it is usually put off for several weeks or months. The follow- up care is the same whenever it is done. Should circumcision become necessary after the newborn period, general anesthesia is often used and requires a more formal surgical procedure with control of bleeding and suturing of skin edges.
The Uncircumcised Penis
In the first few months, you should simply clean and bathe your baby's uncircumcised penis, like the rest of the diaper area. Initially, the foreskin is connected by tissue to the glans, or head, of the penis, so you shouldn't try to retract it. No cleansing of the penis with cotton swabs or antiseptics is necessary.
The doctor will tell you when the foreskin has separated and can be retracted safely. This will not be for several months or years, and should never be forced; if you force the foreskin to retract before it is ready, you could cause painful bleeding and tears in the skin. After this separation occurs, retract the foreskin occasionally to gently cleanse the end of the penis.
What to do as your son gets older:
As your son gets older, you'll need to teach him what he must do in order to urinate and wash his penis. Teach him to clean his foreskin by:
Gently pulling it back away from the head of the penis.
Rinsing the head of the penis and inside fold of the foreskin.
Pulling the foreskin back over the head of the penis.
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
Complete circumcision Care | Dayton Children's Hospital
Boys are born with a piece of skin that covers the head (or glans) of the penis. This is called the foreskin. A circumcision is when the foreskin is surgically removed.
Most of the time, a circumcision is done during the first 10 days after a baby is born (often within the first 48 hours). It will take place in the hospital or, for some religious ritual circumcisions, at home. If you decide to have your son circumcised, your pediatrician, family doctor or OBGYN will do the surgery before you bring your baby home. The doctor can tell you about the surgery and the possible risks.
If circumcision is done after the first 10 days, it can be harder and may need general anesthesia (medicine to make the baby sleepy and not feel as much pain). Sometimes doctors decide to do the surgery at a later date or not do it at all. Some reasons a circumcision might be done at a later date may be:
- Premature babies or those who have special medical concerns may not be circumcised until they're ready to leave the hospital or will need circumcised in the future.
- Babies who are born with physical abnormalities of the penis that need to be corrected surgically often aren't circumcised at all because the foreskin may need to be used as part of a reconstructive surgery.
the surgery
One of the hardest parts of the decision to circumcise is understanding that it can be painful. The two main types of local anesthetic used to make it less painful for a baby are:
- A topical cream (a cream put on the penis) that needs about 20 to 40 minutes to take its full effect
- An injectable anesthetic that requires less time to take effect and may provide a slightly longer period of anesthesia
Sometimes acetaminophen is also given with the anesthetic. This helps lessen pain during the surgery and for several hours after. Giving a pacifier and swaddling a baby also can help lessen stress and pain.
caring for a circumcised penis
After your baby has a circumcision, you will need to keep the area clean. Gently clean with warm water — do not use diaper wipes. Soapy water can be used if needed.
If there is a dressing on the surgery site, put a new one on (with petroleum jelly) every time you change a diaper for the first day or two. Even after the dressing is no longer needed, put a dab of petroleum jelly on the penis or on the front of the diaper for 3 to 5 days. This can help your baby avoid pain from rubbing and sticking to the diaper.
Most of the time it takes between 7 to 10 days for a penis to heal. At first the tip of the penis may appear slightly swollen and red and you may notice a small amount of blood on the diaper. You may also notice a slight yellow discharge or crust after a couple of days. This is a normal part of healing.
If you notice any of the following problems, call your doctor right away:
- Bleeding that is not stopping
- More than a quarter-size amount of blood on the diaper
- Redness getting worse or not going away after 7 to 10 days
- Fever
- Other signs of infection, such as swelling or discharge getting worse, or pus-filled blisters
- Not peeing normally within 12 hours after the circumcision
However, with quick intervention, almost all circumcision-related problems are easily treated.
caring for an uncircumcised penis
In the first several years your son's foreskin will separate from the tip of the penis. Some foreskins separate soon after birth or even before birth, but this is rare. When it happens is different for every child. It may take a few weeks, months or years. Once this happens, the foreskin can be pulled back away from the tip of the penis. This is called foreskin retraction.
Most boys will be able to retract their foreskins by the time they are 5 years old, yet others will not be able to until the teen years. As a boy becomes more aware of his body, he will most likely discover how to retract his own foreskin. But foreskin retraction should never be forced. Until the foreskin fully separates, do not try to pull it back. Forcing the foreskin to retract before it is ready can cause severe pain, bleeding and tears in the skin.
When the foreskin separates from the head of the penis, skin cells are shed. These skin cells may look like white, pearl-like lumps under the foreskin. These are called smegma. Smegma is normal and nothing to worry about.
If your son's foreskin separates before he reaches puberty, an occasional retraction with cleansing beneath will do. Once your son starts puberty, he should clean beneath his foreskin as part of his daily routine, just like washing his hair and brushing his teeth. Teach your son to clean his foreskin in the following way:
Step 1: Gently pull the foreskin back away from the end of the penis.
Step 2: Rinse underneath the foreskin with soap and warm water.
Step 3: Pull the foreskin back over the penis care for an uncircumcised penis
When a child is circumcised, sometimes extra skin from the penis attaches to the head of the penis and attaches itself. This can occur because too much skin was left behind during the original circumcision (incomplete circumcision/extra foreskin). The extra skin can also be uneven with more skin on one side versus the other side. Often, a redo is done because the extra skin may lead to irritation or infection. Fortunately, this is a very minor surgery and correcting the circumcision does not take a long time.
same day circumcision
Our pediatric urologists perform same-day circumcisions for patients in the clinic. Ask your provider if your child is a good fit for the same-day clinic circumcision program.
questions or concerns?
If you have additional questions, we're here for you. Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you.
How circumcision of the foreskin with thickening is performed
Urogenital surgeon Menshchikov K.A. conducts circumcision of the foreskin according to the author's technique. The operation is not traumatic (no swelling, bleeding, scarring, severe pain), guarantees a minimum recovery period (10-14 days). And it has a pleasant cosmetic effect - thickening of the penis with the foreskin.
Outpatient. in a modern operating room. The price includes: frenuloplasty, intravenous anesthesia, absorbable suture material, day hospital (2-4 hours), consultations of an anesthesiologist and an operating urogenital surgeon. nine0003
The information below will be useful to those who have decided or are just thinking of getting circumcised.
Quick navigation through the section:
Circumcision method Menshchikov K.A.
Clamp (method 2)
Dorsal incision method (method 3)
Which method is better and why?
Circumcision styles and options
Foreskin circumcision
Foreskin circumcision
Price: RUB 29,000
All prices
Phone: +7 (495) 162-0327
Address: MO, Pyatnitskoye highway. , 89
m. "Tushino"
El-clinic surgery
Urogenital surgeon: Menshchikov K.A.
Consultation with an anesthesiologist, intravenous anesthesia, frenuloplasty and day hospital are included in the price
Only for patients 18+
Boys and men over 18 years old come to us for circumcision with thickening with phimosis, paraphimosis, chronic balanoposthitis, excessive foreskin and for personal reasons.
Frenuloplasty is mandatory and is included in the cost of the operation.
Cosmetic effect. The shaft of the penis is thickened by preserving the connective tissue of the foreskin and distributing it along the shaft of the penis under the head.
Various combinations of degrees of freedom and skin tension and suture height are possible. nine0003
Duration of the operation — 1 — 1.5 hours
Advantages of the Menshchikov technique K.A.:
- recovery time — 14 days
- term of sexual abstinence - 14 days
- without edema
- thickening of the shaft of the penis due to the inner layer of the foreskin
Circumcision is performed by a urogenital surgeon Konstantin Menshchikov
How is the foreskin circumcision performed
Step 1.

Intravenous anesthesia is used. After the injection, the patient falls asleep and does not feel anything during the operation. The anesthesiologist monitors the patient's condition at all times.
The diagram shows the penis with the foreskin. The head is closed.
Step 2. Separation of the outer layer of the foreskin from the inner
The surgeon makes a very thin incision on the skin under the head with a radio wave scalpel. The incision is so thin that it allows you to separate the outer layer of the foreskin from the inner. The outer layer is removed. fully. A layer of the so-called connective tissue of the foreskin is preserved. nine0003
Step 3. The inner layer is pushed into the incision, a new frenulum is formed. The remaining layer of the connective tissue of the foreskin is distributed along the shaft of the penis. Then the skin is again pulled over the shaft. Such a circumcision gives a pleasant cosmetic effect: the diameter of the penis increases due to the layer of connective tissue.

A new strong and elastic frenulum is formed.
Step 4. Cosmetic suture
The surgeon sutures with absorbable material. A new frenulum is fixed with a suture and the incision of the outer layer of the skin is closed. The seam in the bridle area is additionally reinforced with biological glue. This eliminates bleeding and divergence of sutures in the first days after the procedure.
The operation ends with the application of a postoperative comfortable non-adhesive dressing. The anesthesiologist takes the patient out of drug sleep.
What will the penis look like after circumcision? nine0059
After such a circumcision, the diameter of the penis increases due to the distribution of the connective tissue of the foreskin along the shaft of the penis.
Circumcision does not affect the length of the penis. After the operation, the sensitivity of the head will be increased, which will be normalized within a few weeks.
A circumcised penis makes it easier to maintain hygiene and control the duration of sexual intercourse.
A neat cosmetic suture is applied with an absorbable, almost transparent material. What distinguishes a cosmetic seam from a regular one, read here. nine0003
VIDEO. Foreskin circumcision operation BEFORE and AFTER
Classic Circumcision Techniques
The most popular circumcision techniques are described below. Information about them is given for review and comparison. However, Menshchikov K.A. refused to use them due to longer healing and worse cosmetic effect. nine0003
How is circumcision done using the clamp method without signs of phimosis and paraphimosis.
How the operation works:
- The foreskin is pulled back. In the case of an adhesive process, the doctor dissects dense adhesions with a sharp method and separates loose adhesions with a blunt method. With the phenomena of phimosis, the foreskin is bred with clamp jaws. Outline the markup for making cuts.
- Apply 2 soft vascular clamps, with which the clinician retracts the foreskin to achieve the planned volume of circumcision.
- Below the marking for the operation, another soft clamp is applied, after checking the safety of the location of the head. The surgeon must ensure that the head does not fall between the jaws of the clamp. The foreskin is excised over the jaws of the clamp. The clamp is removed.
- The imposition of skin fixing single interrupted sutures and a mattress suture on the frenulum. nine0079
- At the end of the intervention, hemostasis control, antiseptic measures are carried out and an aseptic dressing is applied.
The duration of the operation is 15 minutes.
How circumcision is done with a dorsal incision
when the mobility of the foreskin is difficult.
- In the first step, the foreskin is retracted posteriorly. In the case of an adhesive process, the doctor dissects dense adhesions with a sharp method and separates loose adhesions with a blunt method.
With the phenomena of phimosis, the foreskin is bred with clamp jaws. nine0079
- 2 vascular clamps are applied to both sheets of the foreskin in a position parallel to the dorsal line at 1 and 11 o'clock.
- The surgeon dissects the prepuce (foreskin) along the dorsal line to the marking marking, along which he then performs a circular cutting of the foreskin.
- Places fixation and hemostatic sutures.
- Perform the final treatment of the surgical wound, apply a bandage.
The duration of the operation is 20 minutes. nine0003
Male circumcision
WITHOUT PAIN - local anesthesia for 3 hours. The penis is not sensitive.
Safe - surgeon -urologist with 10 years of experience
outpatiently - the next day you can go to work
Comfortable links - special non -free material
Price of Operation: 29 000 rub
Menstinov Anatolievich
urogenital surgeon, urologist, andrologist
Certified Physician Coloplast and Boston Scientific
#1 Urogenital Surgeon in Eastern Europe by number of surgeries (penile implantation).
Which method is best?
Menshchikov Konstantin Anatolyevich has been applying his method in practice since 2016. More than 300 patients have been operated on. The Menshchikov method guarantees an excellent cosmetic effect, minimal healing time and low risks of complications.
Operation technique developed by Menshchikov K.A. suitable for cosmetic circumcision, as well as for patients with phimosis (pathological narrowing of the foreskin and limited mobility). Preservation of the connective tissue of the foreskin, the use of shallow incisions, a radio wave scalpel, a cosmetic suture using absorbable suture material allows you to accelerate the healing and recovery time. nine0003
Circumcision options
Close circumcision
The foreskin covering the glans is removed completely (totally) or almost completely (subtotally).
The result is stretching and thinning of the skin during the period when the penis is erect. Such circumcision comes with risks. There may be discomfort during an erection due to insufficient volume of skin left and strong tension. Menshchikov Konstantin Anatolyevich does not recommend tight circumcision to his patients. nine0003
Medium circumcision
The glans is permanently exposed, but without extreme overstretching of the skin during erection. This option of circumcision is recommended for circumcision of the foreskin for medical reasons (with phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis).
Free circumcision
Glans only exposed during erection. Part of the foreskin is preserved. In a calm state, one or more of its folds covers the head. This type of circumcision is most often used for interventions for religious reasons. nine0003
Partial or minimal circumcision
Remove only the edge and a small area (not more than 5 mm) of the foreskin. As a result, the head a becomes partially open during an erection, in a calm state it can be completely closed. The function of the foreskin is preserved. This option may be recommended for excessive foreskin or cicatricial phimosis, but there remains a high probability of recurrence of phimosis.
Cutting styles
Differ in the height of the suture from the coronal sulcus. Various combinations of free or tight circumcision with high or low are possible. nine0003
A high cut will move the seam further from the head.
With a low cut, the postoperative suture will be closer to the head of the penis.
The doctor discusses the option and style of circumcision with each patient before the operation. Sometimes there are restrictions. For example, it is necessary to do as high and tight as possible in order to remove as much skin with scars as possible. If there is a choice, the doctor will always offer it and, together with the patient, will decide on the best option. Circumcision method Menshchikov K.A. allows you to perform any of the described styles. nine0003
Therefore, if you have any wishes regarding circumcision, please state them and voice them during the consultation. It is important that you clearly understand what result you will get.
The operation is performed under intravenous anesthesia and lasts about 1 hour
Leave your phone. We will call you back within an hour.
Appointment by phone: +7(495) 162-0327
Information verified
Menshchikov Konstantin Anatolyevich
Urogenital surgeon, urologist, andrologist.
Experience: more than 20 years.
Reminder after circumcision - Clinic "FACE" - a modern medical center in St. Petersburg
Reminder after circumcision
The healing time of sutures and prevention of postoperative complications after circumcision directly depends on care and compliance with certain rules. Recommendations are given by the doctor urologist-andrologist Kuliev E. Ya. of the department of urology of the clinics "LIC". nine0003
After the operation, the urologist will apply a sterile dressing to the wound area, which is fixed with an elastic self-adhesive bandage. The usual bandage is now used extremely rarely, since it can move when moving, and with an increase in edema, squeeze the penis. And they let you go home.
Kuliev Elmir Yasharovich
Andrologist, Urologist
Experience: 6 years
Reception at:
Moskovsky prospect, 176
Make an appointment
1 day after circumcision.
A few hours after the circumcision, local anesthesia will begin to wear off and pain of varying intensity may appear. You can relieve discomfort with the help of drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect (ketorol, ketanal, pentalgin), the frequency of administration up to 4 times a day with an interval of 6 hours. The first day is recommended home mode.
Exclude active movements, it is acceptable to go to the toilet and to the kitchen for eating. Minimal loads make it possible to exclude postoperative bleeding, tissues swell much less and, accordingly, hurt less. Starting from the first day, an antibiotic is prescribed for 5 days, the doctor will write a prescription after circumcision, it is imperative to take the drug. This is the prevention of inflammatory complications and suppuration of the sutures, since the genital area has a large bacterial seeding. You can't go to the shower. Urinating should be done carefully to avoid getting urine on the bandage. Sit on the toilet and direct the penis down with your hand. nine0043 Sterile tissue may become wet with serous (light yellow) discharge, slight bloody drops are acceptable. If blood oozes through the bandage, contact your doctor immediately.
2nd and subsequent days.
On the 2nd day, the doctor appoints a second visit for dressing and examination of the postoperative wound.
In the following days, the patient can perform dressing independently at home, following the recommendations of the urologist. Starting from the second day, you can attend work. In cases where work is associated with physical exertion, a sick leave is issued from 7 to 14 days. nine0003
What symptoms may occur after circumcision:
- Pain. Any surgical intervention with tissue damage in the postoperative period may be accompanied by pain. Pain, as a rule, can only disturb the first 1-3 days. It can be easily removed with painkillers. If the pain persists for longer or does not go away after taking medication, you should contact the operating urologist.
- Edema . By the end of the first day, there is swelling of the tissues in the area of surgical intervention. This is the body's natural response to tissue damage. Not only the suture area can swell, but also the head and external opening of the urethra.
Physiological edema disappears by the end of the first day.
- Changing the color of fabrics. After circumcision, superficial hematomas may form on the glans and shaft of the penis, resulting in a bluish discoloration of the tissues. There may also be redness of the head and urethra. These symptoms are normal. nine0079
- Changing the urine stream . Edema can cause narrowing of the external opening of the urethra, so the jet is sprayed. You should not be afraid, after 2-5 days the swelling will subside and the function will be fully restored.
Hygiene and dressings.
Starting from the 2nd day, you can take a shower with a water temperature not higher than 40C. In order not to wet the bandage, a condom is put on the penis, which is fixed at the base of the penis with a bandage or an elastic band. It is better to take a condom in size XXL so as not to squeeze the organ after circumcision. During the day, make sure that the bandage does not move and does not get wet after urination. nine0003
Dressings should be done daily until the sutures are completely healed. To do this, purchase at the pharmacy: sterile gauze wipes, medical gloves, hydrogen peroxide 3%, chlorhexidine, baneocin powder, flucarcin, ear sticks, self-locking elastic bandage.
After the operation, the ichor may separate for several days and the wipes will stick to the skin. In order not to injure the seam, pour plenty of chlorhexidine solution on top, wait 5 minutes. until the napkin is soaked, then carefully remove it. First, pour the seam with a solution of peroxide, it will foam in the wound area. Then rinse the peroxide well with a solution of chlorhexidine and blot with a sterile napkin. Wait a little while the surface is completely dry and anoint the seam with flucorcin with an ear stick. Then put dry wipes and bandage with a self-locking bandage. The bandage should not press. nine0003
General inquiries.
- Food. No restrictions.
Eliminate alcohol completely in the first weeks after circumcision. Alcohol is not compatible with antibiotics and causes vasodilation, which can cause bleeding.
- Sport. Avoid sports for at least 14 days until the sutures are completely healed.
- Erection. The first days of erection may appear not only in the morning, but also during the day. Many are afraid that if there is an erection, the seams will disperse. This is not so, modern suture material is able to significantly stretch with an increase in volume while maintaining the strength of the suture fixation. To reduce erection, try to get up in the morning at the first sensations and start moving, apply cold, sleep in swimming trunks that hold the penis. nine0079
- Seams. Threads and knots may slightly prick the surrounding tissue and itch. The primary scar after circumcision is formed by 10 days. The stitches are removed for 10-14 days, depending on the condition of the wound.