Pregnant in september when am i due
Calculate your due date: How to find your baby's due date
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First day of my last period
BabyCenter's Due Date Calculator
Use our pregnancy due date calculator by plugging in either the date of your last menstrual cycle or the date you know you conceived. The calculator will do the rest.
How is my due date calculated?
There are several ways your due date is determined. If you happen to know the day you conceived, you can count 38 weeks from that day to find your due date. (Human gestation takes about 38 weeks.)
But very few expectant moms know exactly when they conceived. Even if you only had sex once during your fertile period, you wouldn't conceive on that day unless you happen to be ovulating. Sperm can live for up to five days inside your fallopian tubes. So, it could be up to five days after you have sex that you release an egg (ovulate) and it gets fertilized by a waiting sperm. That's the day you conceive.
So, without knowing the day of conception, how does anyone determine a due date?
First day of your last period
The most common way to calculate your pregnancy due date is by counting 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). And that's how most healthcare providers do it.
If your menstrual cycle length is the average length (28-day cycle), your menstrual cycle probably started about two weeks before you conceived. This explains why pregnancies are said to last 40 weeks instead of 38 weeks.
This method doesn't take into account how long your menstrual cycle actually is or when you think you might have conceived. But generally speaking, women typically ovulate about two weeks after their menstrual cycle starts. And women are more likely to know when their last period started than the day they ovulated.
Conception date
If you do happen to know precisely when you conceived – say, if you were using an ovulation predictor kit or tracking your ovulation symptoms – you can calculate your pregnancy due date based on your conception date. Just choose that calculation method from the pulldown above and put in your date.
Note: Again, you don't necessarily conceive on the day you have sex.
IVF transfer date
If you conceived through IVF, you can calculate your due date using your IVF transfer date. If you had a Day 5 embryo transfer, count 261 days from your transfer date. If you had a Day 3 embryo transfer, count 263 days.
Can my due date change?
Your healthcare provider might revise your due date if your baby is measured during a first trimester ultrasound scan and found to be much bigger or smaller than expected for gestational age. This is more likely to happen if you have an irregular menstrual cycle length that makes it hard to pinpoint the date of conception.
Your healthcare provider will measure your baby during that ultrasound exam to figure out how far along your baby is and then provide you with a new due date.
What if I already know my due date?
If you already know your due date, you can use this calculator to see your pregnancy timeline. It will tell you when you'll hit various milestones, and when you may be due for prenatal tests and prenatal visits. You'll also find what your baby's sign and birthstone will probably be and which famous people were born on your due date.
How likely am I to give birth on my due date?
Of course, a due date calculation is always approximate, whether it's from our tool or from your doctor or midwife. Only 1 in 20 women delivers on their due date. You're just as likely to go into labor any day during the two weeks before or after.
Want more information about how the weeks, months, and trimesters of pregnancy are counted? See our pregnancy timing chart.
How soon can I take a pregnancy test?
With all this talk about pregnancy due dates, you may be wondering when you can take a pregnancy test. To ensure you get the most accurate reading, it's best to wait a few days after your missed period to take a pregnancy test.
At-home urine tests measure the amount of hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) present in your body. If you take a pregnancy test before you miss your period, you may not get an accurate result, despite what some tests advertise.
If you're getting a blood test in your provider's office, you may get results sooner. These tests also measure the amount of hCG in your bloodstream, but they're more sensitive than at-home urine tests. Blood tests may be able to detect pregnancy six to eight days after ovulation.
Read more
- Your pregnancy, week by week
- Your first trimester pregnancy checklist
- Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator
- Ovulation Calculator
- See all tools
When is My Due Date? Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
Pretty much every mama out there has found themselves searching the internet for a due date calculator. Whether you are trying to conceive with specific timing in mind, or are already pregnant and curious to know when your little bundle will arrive, thinking about due dates is exciting—and gives you a thrilling countdown.
When trying to calculate your due date, your medical team will often start with your last menstrual period, or LMP (the first day of your last period, to be exact). From there, we can estimate the due date based on a simple mathematical equation (more on that below).
But what if you don’t remember the first day of your last period? Or what if you are someone who doesn’t get regular periods? No problem.
As I share in “The Motherly Guide to Becoming Mama” it’s common for women not to know when their LMP was. If that’s the case, your doctor or midwife will likely recommend what’s known as a dating ultrasound to help determine how far along you are.
Let’s discuss what due dates are, and most importantly, how to determine when your due date is. Try our due date calculator below!
What is a due date?
Due dates can encompass a range of terminologies, all referring to the same thing. You might hear:
- Estimated date of delivery (EDD)
- Estimated date of childbirth (EDC)
- Estimated date of confinement (EDC) (Wait, what? Back in the day, women were confined to a bed or hospital when they gave birth, hence the word confinement.
- Guess day
Whatever phrasing you use, your due date is the day that we estimate your baby will be born.
Related: The new mama’s guide to pregnancy symptoms
How long is pregnancy?
Pregnancies last approximately 280 days, which is 40 weeks, or about 10 months—not nine like we traditionally hear. Your pregnancy is considered full-term after 37 weeks. Delivery prior to 37 weeks is considered preterm.
- At 37 weeks, the pregnancy is considered early-term (technically full-term, but on the early side of it)
- At 41 weeks, the pregnancy is considered late-term
- At 42 weeks, the pregnancy is considered post-term
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When is my due date?
There are a few ways to calculate your due date. Your due date is based on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Here is the formula:
- Write down the first day of your last LMP
- Subtract three months
- Add seven days
So, say your LMP was on April 10th:
- Subtracting three months from April brings you to January.
- Adding seven days to 10 gives you 17.
- Your due date will be January 17th.
You can also use a due date calculator, which can help if you know the day of intercourse, insemination or embryo transfer, or try our handy graphic below.
Related: September is by far the most popular birthday month—and here’s why
Using ultrasounds to determine your due date
For a variety of reasons, a lot of women don’t know when their last period was (so don’t worry if you’re not sure, mama). A history of irregular periods, medications and plain ol’ forgetting are all normal reasons to be unsure.
A transvaginal ultrasound (where a lubricated ultrasound wand is inserted into the vagina) can help pinpoint your estimated due date, especially when done in the first trimester. The ultrasound technician will measure the size of the embryo and use the information gathered to determine your due date.
Surprisingly, as your pregnancy progresses, it becomes harder to calculate the gestational age and size of the fetus with an ultrasound (the bigger they get, the more inaccurate the measurements are).
Related: 9 essential questions to ask during your first prenatal visit
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How accurate are due dates?
In short, due dates are not very accurate. In fact, only about 4% of women will give birth on their due date. Note that due dates are not expiration dates! Most first-time moms will give birth 3 to 5 days past their due date, and a great many go longer than that still.
Related: Do second babies come faster?
Going past your due date can be frustrating. Your provider will discuss all of your options, like waiting for labor to start on its own versus scheduling an induction with you. (Psst: If that’s you, here’s how to give yourself grace when you go past your due date.)
Ultimately, due dates are really exciting to think about—but my recommendation is to try to think of them as an approximation. Instead of saying, “I’m due on May 15th,” maybe try, “I’m due sometime in May!”
Mama, your baby will come, and when they do, it will be the most perfect date of all: Your baby’s birthday!
Try our due date calculator
For all those planner mamas-to-be: Our due date calculator can help you figure out the day your baby is due to be born based on your conception month.
A version of this post was originally published on June 26, 2018. It has been updated.
How to correctly calculate the gestational age and determine the date of delivery
It often comes as a surprise to first-time pregnant women that in obstetrics the gestational age is determined not in months, but in weeks. But the surprises do not end there - the fact is that the obstetric period is calculated not from conception, but from the first day of the last menstruation.
In fact, pregnancy occurs two weeks after the start of the obstetric period, at the time of ovulation, when the sperm meets the egg. Thus, the age of the embryo, or gestational age, differs from the obstetric one by 2 weeks down. nine0003
How long does pregnancy last?
The obstetric term of a term pregnancy is 40 weeks, or 280 days. It is on the basis of the obstetric gestational age that the doctor will prescribe tests and examinations for you, determine the date of maternity leave and calculate the EDD (estimated date of birth).
Doctors use the Negele formula to calculate the EDD. According to this formula, if we add nine months and seven days to the first day of the last menstruation, we get the estimated date of birth. nine0003
Unfortunately, determining the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual period is not a very accurate method. It is well suited for women with a stable 28-day cycle, but if your cycle is slightly longer or shorter, then the date of ovulation shifts, respectively, and the actual obstetric gestational age will differ from the established one.
The most accurate way to calculate the EDD is to add 266 days to the date of the last ovulation (if you know it).
How to confirm pregnancy, determine the duration of pregnancy and the date of delivery nine0007
By itself, a delay in the start of a new menstrual cycle does not necessarily indicate pregnancy - failures can be explained by diseases, excessive physical exertion or stress. Pregnancy must be confirmed with an hCG test or examination on a gynecological chair. 1) Blood test for hCG cycle or the woman will feel the first symptoms. Also, an analysis of the level of hCG in the blood allows you to determine the gestational age with an accuracy of about two weeks. nine0003
2) Home pregnancy test
Home pregnancy tests also work by measuring hCG levels, but they are less sensitive than blood tests. The most modern of them can not only confirm the presence of pregnancy a few days before the delay, but also indicate (not too accurately) an approximate date.
Tests of the old generation will show a more or less accurate result only after a delay, that is, after 2-4 weeks from conception. nine0003
3) Gynecological examination
A qualified gynecologist-obstetrician can diagnose pregnancy during an examination starting 3-4 weeks after conception, focusing on changes in the shape and size of the uterus, as well as other signs.
4) Ultrasound
Ultrasound is the most accurate way to diagnose pregnancy. With the help of ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor, it is possible to determine the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus already 1-2 weeks after conception (3-4 obstetric weeks), but fetal heartbeats can only be detected for a period of 5-6 obstetric weeks. It is possible to determine the gestational age with high accuracy (up to 2-3 days!) With the help of ultrasound only from 6-7 weeks. nine0003
If the delay, as well as the result of an hCG test or blood test, indicate that you will soon become a mother, do not rush to get an ultrasound right away. Wait another 2-3 weeks, then by ultrasound you will not only be accurately determined by the period, but will also be allowed to listen to the baby's heartbeat.
If you did not do an early ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, then for the first time you will encounter this study at the 10-14th week. At the same time, the exact gestational age and PDR will be established or corrected for you. During pregnancy, you will need to undergo such an examination at least twice more. This will happen at 20-24 and 30-34 weeks. However, it is worth saying that ultrasound in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters may have an error in determining the gestational age. The PDR established according to them may differ from the real one by 2-3 weeks. That is why it is so important not to miss the first screening and do an ultrasound on time. nine0003
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Already confirmed pregnancy? Use our calculator to calculate your due date!
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- How to correctly calculate the gestational age and determine the date of birth
Questions about gestational age and due date: page 2
What gestational age is indicated in the ultrasound report? Obstetric and embryonic terms of pregnancy, determination of the expected date of birth. Doctors of medical clinics "Art-Med" answer the questions of patients. nine0003
Ask a Question
The first day of my last period was September 9th. Cycle 28 days, regular for 5 days. Ultrasound October 21: SVD 20 mm with a live embryo. What is the gestational age for SVD?
6 - 7 weeks obstetric period (4 - 5 weeks from conception).
Pregnancy 4-5 weeks by ultrasound on 21 October. The result of hCG on November 6 is 186205 credits. The first day of the last menstruation is September 9th. Cycle 28 days. Sexual intercourse was 7 (interrupted), 14,16,18,21 September. When was conception? nine0003
If the term from conception is indicated in the ultrasound report (2 weeks less than the obstetric one), then the pregnancy occurred on the 20th of September.
The first day of my last period was January 31st. Ultrasound on March 7 showed the diameter of the fetal egg 8.6 mm. When was conception?
You probably got pregnant on February 12-15.
Last period 12.01. 14.02 had sexual intercourse, protected by a condom. HCG analysis result: 10.7. Can there be such a result of hCG at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy? Can't you see anything at this time on the ultrasound? nine0003
To clarify the situation (whether pregnancy is developing), repeat the blood test for hCG. With ultrasound, the fetal egg is visualized when the hCG level is more than 1000. The conclusion of the ultrasound on October 16: ktr 3 mm, fetal egg 11 mm, 5 weeks of pregnancy. Is this fetal or obstetric?
The ultrasound report indicates the obstetric gestational age (from the first day of the last menstruation).
Irregular cycle, last period was 24.11, unprotected intercourse was 5.12 without ejaculation. I took Postinor for reinsurance. nine.12 began intermenstrual bleeding, which lasted 4 days. 15.12 had unprotected intercourse with ejaculation. 27.12 blood test for hCG 146.0, which corresponds to 1-2 weeks. According to the ultrasound, the date of birth is September 8, 2015. What date did I get pregnant? Will postinor affect pregnancy?
It looks like you got pregnant on December 15th. Previously taken Postinor cannot harm this pregnancy.
Pregnancy after IVF, I am 46 years old, the donor is 27. My pregnancy period is calculated from the day of replanting, 5 day old embryo. Menstruation does not count, as there was a cryotransfer of the embryo. 0 DPP - 5 days fetal 1 DPP - 6 days fetal 2 DPP - 1 week, etc. To convert to obstetric weeks, you need to add two weeks. It turns out according to the scheme 1 week of embryonic is equal to 3 weeks of obstetric. I did an ultrasound scan several times, the last one was done yesterday, if you count from replanting yesterday there was a deadline (11 weeks 1 day of obstetrics). But on all ultrasounds, including the last one, they write the period less, on the last they wrote the period 9-10 weeks (device showed 9 weeks 6 days). I know that the first screening should be done at 10-13 weeks, and ultrasound is generally desirable at 12-13 weeks. How can I count these same 12-3 weeks, from the day of replanting or according to the results of an ultrasound scan? If I have IVF, are the results of the biochemical blood test effective?
Count from replanting plus 2.5 weeks. The results of a biochemical blood test are also effective in IVF.
On December 23, I took an hCG test and it showed 3835, which, according to my calculations, corresponded to 2 weeks of pregnancy. The second test was done on January 5 and already showed 87516, which already corresponded to 5 weeks of pregnancy. The next day, a transvaginal ultrasound of the uterine cavity was performed and the doctor concluded that I was 7 weeks pregnant. The following was written on the card: The average internal diameter of the fetal egg is 3.6 cm, which corresponds to 6 weeks 7 days. Embryo body length (K.T.R.) 0.9mm, which corresponds to 7 weeks. What is my current gestational age and when to register with honey. institution?
Apparently, your last period (if they go regularly) started on November 17-20. In the hCG test, you considered pregnancy from conception (true term). In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the obstetric gestational age is indicated, it is more than the true one by 2 weeks. It is in obstetric weeks that the entire pregnancy is considered, including maternity leave, date of birth, etc. All this is described in detail in the articles on our website. nine0003
I had my last period on May 21st. When should I give birth?
The full 40 weeks will be February 28th. So, you can give birth in February and early March. A full-term pregnancy is considered between 37 and 42 weeks.
For the treatment of the cyst, the doctor prescribed oral contraceptives - silhouette. After the second pack of pills, the period did not come, at the moment the delay is 17 days. On the 19th I went to the gynecologist, when examined on the armchair, the doctor stated that I was pregnant for 2-3 weeks (at that time the delay was 2 weeks). Last period was November 7th. Could this be the case or is it a hormonal imbalance? nine0003
To clarify the fact of pregnancy, it is worth taking a blood test for hCG and / or doing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
The last menstruation was on July 23rd, the doctor gave the PDR on April 29th. On ultrasound, the size of the fetus corresponds to 15 weeks. Is the due date correct?
If we count from the 1st day of the last menstruation, then the expected date of delivery is correct. But according to the ultrasound - it's not clear. You didn't write when the study was done.
Period of pregnancy by menstruation 6 weeks. I was on an ultrasound, the doctor sets a period of 3 weeks from ovulation, the size of the fetal egg is 8 mm attached, the embryo is not visible. Why such a discrepancy? Is it possible that this is an undeveloped pregnancy? nine0003
To clarify the situation (whether pregnancy is developing) it is worth repeating the ultrasound in 5-7 days.
Is it possible to find out the date of conception if the date of birth is set on September 10? On November 24th I had sex, but after that I had my period. Currently at 26 weeks.
It is necessary to calculate the date of conception based on all available data - the day of the last menstruation, the data of all ultrasounds, starting from the earliest. So far, you presumably got pregnant in mid-December - if everything is written correctly. nine0003
I got registered on 01/21/2014, the gynecologist set a period of 10 weeks, according to ultrasound more - 10.4. Last menstruation from 29.10 - 03.11.2013, menstrual cycle - 30 days, in early December, the test did not show pregnancy, I have had hormonal failure for 3 years, ovarian cysts. Until now, I still don’t know exactly my gestational age, the date of the expected birth and maternity leave, tell me what to do?
You will go on maternity leave on June 5-10, and give birth in the first half of August.
I am 19years. My due date for the last ultrasound (January 27) is 14 weeks and 6 days, and for monthly 15 weeks. The first day of the last menstruation is October 15, 2013. Is this possible? After all, the obstetric period should be more than the embryonic one by 2 weeks. On ultrasound they said everything is fine, the development is on time.
You are doing well at this stage, there is no reason to worry. In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the obstetric gestational age is indicated.
The cycle is regular 30 days, the last menstruation was on June 26, 2013, on January 26, 2014, according to ultrasound, the period is 28 weeks, and the doctor is 30 weeks. Who is right? Could I get pregnant in early June? nine0003
Your last period is 30 weeks pregnant. In this situation, it is worth recalculating the gestational age, based on the data from the earliest ultrasound, it is very important not to miss the development of placental insufficiency.
I am a nursing mother. Date of birth - 11/23/12. There were no periods after childbirth. On 06/18/13 she did an ultrasound, according to which 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, KTR - 4 mm., Repeated ultrasound on 07/11/13. 10 weeks, CTE - 27 mm. Your article says that the embryonic period is used for up to 12 weeks. Need to add or subtract 2 weeks? PA was 21.04 and, approximately, 22-23.05. When did I get pregnant: in May or April? nine0003
In the first conclusion, the true gestational age (from conception) is indicated, in the second - obstetric, which must be relied upon. You got pregnant in May, you will give birth in early February.
My cycle is irregular, besides, I took postinor. I had an ultrasound on 11/14/13. The conclusion says pregnancy 7 weeks 4 days, dichorionic diamniotic twins. KTP 1 - 1.23 cm, yolk sac 0.38 cm in diameter, chorion up to 0.47 thick, KTP 2 - 1.18 cm, yolk sac 0.42 cm in diameter, chorion up to 0.69 thicksee PA were 11/09/13, 23/09/13 and 05-07/10/13, in October I took postinor. From which of these PA did I become pregnant and what is the period indicated in the conclusion of the ultrasound obstetric or from conception?
You apparently got pregnant from sexual intercourse in October. In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the obstetric gestational age is indicated, it is more than the true one by 2 weeks.
My cycle is irregular and I don't remember the date of my PM. 10/27/13 did an ultrasound. According to the results in the uterine cavity, 2 fetal eggs of SVD each 0.7 cm. The embryo was not convincingly visualized in either one or the other. The diameter of the yolk sac is 0.1 cm. The chorion is 0.2 cm thick. Pregnancy is 4.5 weeks. Which weeks are indicated: obstetric or fetal? And when could conception occur according to these data? nine0003
The obstetric term is indicated in the conclusion. You got pregnant in early October.
What is my gestational age, if the last menstruation was on April 7, 2013. 15 weeks were put on an ultrasound, does it mean that ultrasound is also calculated according to obstetric terms? Could I have gotten pregnant on March 28 and did I have my period on April 7?
In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the obstetric gestational age is indicated, it is 2 weeks longer than the true one. You got pregnant in the 2nd half of April. Read more about the terms of pregnancy and their calculation in the section "Medical publications". nine0003
When registering for pregnancy, I was given 7 weeks, ultrasound also showed 7.5 weeks, after 3 weeks they sent me again for an ultrasound, where for some reason I was given only 8 weeks (after 3 weeks), my gynecologist re-examines me and says that it still looks more like 11 weeks already, how to be in such a situation?
To clarify the situation, repeat the ultrasound with an independent specialist.
According to the ultrasound, I was given the estimated date of delivery - 03/03/2013, and my gynecologist put it on 03/23/2013. The difference between these estimated due dates is as much as 20 days. What number should I aim for? nine0003
It is necessary to recalculate all stages of pregnancy, focusing, first of all, on the date of the last menstruation, the expected date of conception and the results of the earliest ultrasound. Ultrasound data in the later stages speak only about the size of the fetus and their compliance with any term. It is possible that you have a large baby.
I have a question about the duration of my pregnancy. On December 12, they set a period in the LCD for 4-5 weeks, after which I did another ultrasound on December 27, they set the period - 9 weeks and one day, the CTE of the embryo is 21 mm, the fetal egg is visualized, the average diameter is 31 mm. According to my exact calculations, sexual intercourse was from 3 to 4 November. The menstrual cycle before about 4 months was very unstable, the last menstruation was 29September. Is 9 weeks gestation realistic?
The gestational age is quite real, in the conclusion of the ultrasound it is indicated in obstetric weeks, which is more than the true period (from conception) by 2 weeks. Read more about this in the Medical Publications section.
At 12 weeks (at the first ultrasound) I was given an approximate date of delivery - 10/25/2012, when I went to register at another maternity center, they told me that I was 37 weeks, that is, 2 weeks more. I'm afraid to go through pregnancy and I'm worried about the health of the baby, now it turns out for the first term - 40 weeks, and for the last - 42.
To clarify the gestational age, you need to recalculate it according to all available data. Read more about this in the Medical Publications section.
I have a monthly pregnancy - 38 weeks, embryonic period - 36 weeks, at the last ultrasound they found: hemodynamic disorders 1b, premature maturation of the placenta, multiple small calcinates. What awaits me: EP, stimulation or caesarean section?
You are developing placental insufficiency. The term and method of delivery will depend on many factors, primarily on the condition of the fetus. nine0003
The menstrual cycle started on 03.03, the next one was supposed to start around 31.03-01.04. I did a test on 01.04 - positive (the second band was weak). On ultrasound 08.04, the size of the fetal egg is 6-7 mm. Is it 2-3 weeks pregnant? Is it possible to determine the day of conception?
Conception took place in the middle of March.
I am 29 years old, 33-34 weeks pregnant. I constantly think about childbirth, I can not stand the pain. I have very painful periods (probably hereditary), often with vomiting, I drink 3 painkillers, and I read that, as a rule, childbirth is more painful in such cases. I want anesthesia, but the doctor is in the hospital for natural childbirth and sensations. I want to take baralgin spazmalgon or solpadein with me to the maternity hospital when I can drink it, at the beginning of the contractions? I don’t know who to ask, I will take the pills anyway. Just don’t advise, massage, mood, etc., I know what pain during menstruation, I’m ready to eat everything, just to let go. nine0003
I am also for natural childbirth, but there is a category of patients for whom this is unacceptable. You are included. Therefore, in your case, it is better to use epidural (epidural) or spinal anesthesia. Talk about it with your doctor or change him - time is still patient. Painkillers you can take when the contractions become painful, but it is better not to hide this from the doctor who will conduct the birth.
I have a ring. After removal (at 37 weeks), how long does it take to give birth? nine0003
Once the ring is removed, delivery can occur within hours, days or even weeks. It will depend on the readiness of your body and the body of the baby for childbirth.
I am 39 weeks pregnant. Yesterday the whole evening the uterus came to tone every 10 minutes. But it's not painful. Slept normally at night. It's all gone in the morning. Sometimes it just comes in. If this happens again, do I need to go to the hospital?
You have "false" contractions. However, if they repeat, it is better to see a doctor and do a CTG to clarify the condition of the fetus. nine0003
I have completed 40 weeks but have not delivered.