Pregnancy 42 weeks risks
When you pass your due date: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Most pregnancies last 37 to 42 weeks, but some take longer. If your pregnancy lasts more than 42 weeks, it is called post-term (past due). This happens in a small number of pregnancies.
While there are some risks in a post-term pregnancy, most post-term babies are born healthy. Your health care provider can do special tests to check on the health of your baby. Keeping a close eye on the baby's health will help increase the chance of good outcomes.
Many women who go past 40 weeks are not really post-term. Their due date was just not calculated correctly. After all, a due date is not exact, but an estimate.
Your due date is estimated based on the first day of your last period, the size of your uterus (womb) early in your pregnancy, and with an ultrasound early in pregnancy. However:
- Many women cannot remember the exact day of their last period, which makes it hard to predict a due date.
- Not all menstrual cycles are the same length.
- Some women do not get an ultrasound early in pregnancy to establish their most accurate due date.
When a pregnancy truly is post-term and goes past 42 weeks, no one knows for sure what causes it to happen.
If you have not given birth by 42 weeks, there are greater health risks for you and your baby.
The placenta is the link between you and your baby. As you pass your due date, the placenta may not work as well as before. This could lessen the amount of oxygen and nutrients that the baby gets from you. As a result, the baby:
- May not grow as well as before.
- May show signs of fetal stress. This means the baby's heart rate does not react normally.
- May have a harder time during labor.
- Has a higher chance of stillbirth (being born dead). Stillbirth is not common but begins to increase the most after 42 weeks gestation.
Other problems that may occur:
- If the baby grows too big, it can make it harder for you to deliver vaginally.
You may need to have a cesarean birth (C-section).
- The amount of amniotic fluid (water surrounding the baby) may decrease. When this happens, the umbilical cord may get pinched or pressed. This can also limit the oxygen and nutrients the baby gets from you.
Any of these problems can increase the need for a C-section.
Until you reach 41 weeks, your provider may not do anything unless there are problems.
If you reach 41 weeks (1 week overdue), your provider will do tests to check on the baby. These tests include a non-stress test and biophysical profile (ultrasound).
- The tests may show that the baby is active and healthy, and the amount of amniotic fluid is normal. If so, your doctor may decide to wait until you go into labor on your own.
- These tests can also show that the baby is having problems. You and your provider must decide if labor needs to be induced.
When you reach between 41 and 42 weeks, the health risks to you and your baby become even greater. Your provider will likely want to induce labor. In older women, especially older than 40, it may be recommended to induce labor as early as 39 weeks.
When you have not gone into labor on your own, your provider will help you start. This may be done by:
- Using a medicine called oxytocin. This medicine can cause contractions to start and is given through an IV line.
- Placing medicine suppositories inside the vagina. This will help ripen (soften) the cervix and may help labor to start.
- Breaking your water (rupturing the membranes which hold amniotic fluid) can be done for some women to help labor start.
- Putting a catheter or tube in the cervix to help it begin to dilate slowly.
- Some combination of these methods may also be used by your provider.
You will only need a C-section if:
- Your labor cannot be started by your provider with the techniques described above.
- Your baby's heart rate tests show possible fetal distress.
- Your labor stops progressing normally once it has started.
Pregnancy complications - post-term; Pregnancy complications - overdue
Levine LD, Srinivas SK. Induction of labor. In: Landon MB, Galan HL, Jauniaux ERM, et al, eds. Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 12.
Thorp JM, Grantz KL. Clinical aspects of normal and abnormal labor. In: Resnick R, Lockwood CJ, Moore TR, Greene MF, Copel JA, Silver RM, eds. Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practice. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 43.
Updated by: John D. Jacobson, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.
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Baby and You at 42 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Development
Key Takeaways at 42 Weeks Pregnant
- You’re more than ready to get this show on the road.
It won’t be much longer yet. Your doctor has probably already broached the topic of induction.
- You’ll probably get a biophysical profile this week—a non-stress test and ultrasound to make sure baby is still in tip-top shape and that you have adequate amniotic fluid.
- A “post-term” pregnancy is linked to certain risks for potential complications, including placental problems, so you’ll almost definitely be delivering by the end of this gestational week.
While you might feel like you’re going a little crazy with anxiety, remember: 98 percent of babies emerge by the end of week 42 (if your pregnancy dating is accurate!). So you’ll get to meet baby really soon—we promise!
Baby at Week 42
If you’re reading this, you’re one of the rare moms-to-be who makes it to 42 weeks pregnant. If you notice a decrease in the way baby moves, call your heathcare provider immediately.
How big is baby at 42 weeks?
At 42 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of a watermelon—a bigger watermelon than last week. The average 42-week fetus measures 20.3 inches and weighs 8.1 pounds. Yup, baby is still growing! But don’t worry, they’re unlikely to be too big to deliver vaginally.
42 weeks pregnant is how many months
Forty-two weeks pregnant is 10 months and about two weeks. Yes, it happens!
42 week ultrasound
Due to the 42 weeks pregnant risks, your OB will want to monitor baby extra closely. A 42 weeks pregnant ultrasound, a non-stress test and a biophysical profile will be given to make sure baby is still moving well, has plenty of amniotic fluid, is breathing well and has a healthy heart rate. Because your 42-week baby has probably shed the vernix caseosa (that filmy stuff that covered their skin), the skin is probably getting a little dry at this point.
Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 42
What happens at 42 weeks of pregnancy? Well, your 42 weeks pregnant symptoms are probably the same ones you’ve been feeling the past few weeks—leg cramps, trouble sleeping, backaches, pelvic pressure, hemorrhoids, frequent urination and contractions—just maybe more intense.
You might be stressed at 42 weeks pregnant. No one said pregnancy after 40 weeks was easy! Try to be patient as you let baby decide when to make their debut.
Signs of Labor at 42 Weeks
At 42 weeks pregnant, the signs of labor—the ones you’ve been waiting for!—may begin. Look out for:
Mucus plug and/or bloody show
The thick mucus discharge—sometimes tinged with blood—is a sign the cervix is getting itself ready for delivery. It’s often a sign that labor will start soon, though just how soon, we can’t predict!
Water breaking
If you’re leaking amniotic fluid or if your water breaks in one huge gush, call your doctor. Labor will probably begin within hours.
Regular contractions
Hallelujah! This sign you’re in labor is the one you’ve probably been anticipating most. These guys are more intense than any Braxton Hicks contractions you may have been having, and most importantly, they don’t go away. True labor contractions happen over and over, at shorter intervals and at higher intensity (ouch!), and don’t let up until baby is born. (Yay!)
Wondering how to induce labor at 42 weeks pregnant? You probably have been trying natural methods such as walking, sex and acupuncture. But don’t resort to drinking castor oil (you’ll probably just make yourself sick), taking herbal supplements (they could be dangerous to you and baby) or stimulating your nipples (the resulting contractions could be too strong and dangerous for baby).
Inducing Labor at 42 Weeks
At this point, your doctor has probably already discussed some induction options. One or more of the below options may be necessary.
Stripping the membranes
At 42 weeks pregnant, this technique might be the thing that tips you over the edge into labor. Your doctor uses a finger to swipe around the amniotic sac. The hormones released often cause contractions within 48 hours.
Breaking your water
Your doctor breaks the amniotic sac with an instrument that looks like a plastic croshet hook. This can cause contractions in just hours.
Ripening your cervix
A medication called prostaglandin is inserted vaginally overnight or taken orally in order to dilate the cervix.
Stimulating contractions
You’ll be hooked up to an IV with a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin. This medication can get contractions started.
Rest assured that as long as baby is being watched with an eagle eye, they’re doing just fine in there. And they may be comfy inside your uterus, but they can’t stay there forever!
How many weeks overdue is safe?
At 42 weeks pregnant, risks are higher for complications such as placental problems, low amniotic fluid and a pinched umbilical cord. And if baby gets too big, you may have to deliver by c-section. Because of those increased risks, your doctor may recommend a medical labor induction at 42 weeks if tests show it isn’t safe for baby to stay in utero much longer. Ways your doctor can induce labor.
What is the longest a woman has been pregnant?
It’s hard to know for sure! In 1945, a Los Angeles woman gave birth after reportedly being pregnant for 375 days (for comparison, the typical pregnancy lasts 280 days). In 2016, a woman in China claimed she was 17 months pregnant, but she didn’t have medical records to back her up and doctors expressed a sizable dose of skepticism. In any case, we’re pretty sure your pregnancy won’t be breaking any records!
“Keep doing kick counts and letting your OB know if you notice any changes in kick frequency. Also tell your doctor right away if you have any troubling 42 weeks pregnant symptoms, such as strange discharge, bleeding or abdominal pain.” - Julie Lamppa, APRN, certified nurse midwife at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and co-author of Obstetricks: Mayo Clinic Tips and Tricks for Pregnancy, Birth and More.
Tips for 42 Weeks Pregnant
The good news? One way or another, baby is coming this week. Here’s what you can do in the meantime.
Relax as much as you can
If you’re worrying about how long things are taking and suffering from those 42 weeks pregnant symptoms, it’s easy to get stressed out. Try calming your mind with prenatal yoga, meditation or even a soothing scalp massage from your partner. You can also relax by taking some deep, slow breaths—and that can help prepare you for labor!
Do your kick counts
Keep doing kick counts and letting your OB know if you notice any changes in kick frequency. Also tell your doctor right away if you have any troubling 42 weeks pregnant symptoms, such as strange discharge, bleeding or abdominal pain.
Set up online deliveries for supplies
If you haven’t done so already, set up regular deliveries of diapers, wipes and other essentials on your favorite shopping sites. No more last-minute or late-night runs to the store!
Double check your hospital bag
You probably packed this several weeks ago, so you may want to give it a quick once-over and make sure you have everything you need.
Treat yourself
Want to nap in the middle of the day? How about ordering a new lipstick in a pretty pink or bold red color? Maybe you just want to indulge in a scoop of ice cream? Whatever it is, go for it—at 42 weeks pregnant, you deserve to pamper yourself!
Pregnancy Checklist at 42 Weeks Pregnant
Reminders for the week:
- Take more long walks
- Discuss 42 weeks pregnant risks with your OB
- Try to relax!
Why is a post-term pregnancy dangerous - the doctor answers!
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Perinatal center MMCC Kommunarka — childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Everything about the new Perinatal Center in Kommunarka: conditions of stay, features, photos, address, phone.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Perinatal center GKB №67 named after. L.A. Vorokhobov — childbirth under the MHI policy
Perinatal Center City Clinical Hospital No. 67 named after. L.A. Vorokhobova - reviews, doctors, registration for childbirth free of charge under compulsory medical insurance. nine0003
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Center for family planning and reproduction - childbirth free of charge under compulsory medical insurance
TsPSiR on Sevastopolskaya - about the center, reviews, doctors, an appointment for childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals Bauman - childbirth under the MHI policy
Perinatal Center of the City Clinical Hospital No. 29 named after N.E. Bauman on Hospital Square, 2. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
O.M. Filatova - childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity Hospital City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after. O.M. Filatov on Vykhino, st. Veshnyakovskaya, d.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Perinatal center GKB im. S.S. Yudina - childbirth under the MHI policy
Maternity hospital No. 7 GKB im. S.S. Yudina on Kolomensky passage, 4, building 2. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the MHI policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital №2 GKB im. F. I. Inozemtseva (formerly maternity hospital No. 20 of the D. D. Pletnev City Clinical Hospital) - childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity hospital No. 2 GKB im. F.I. Inozemtseva (formerly the Maternity Hospital No. 20 of the Pletnev City Clinical Hospital) on Verkhnaya Pervomaiskaya, 57. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the CHI policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity ward No. 1 A.K. Yeramishantseva - childbirth under the policy of OMS
Maternity Ward No. 1 of the City Clinical Hospital named after. A.K. Yeramishantsev. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital GKB im. V.V. Veresaeva - childbirth under the policy of compulsory medical insurance
Maternity hospital No. 17 GKB im. V.V. Veresaeva on the 800th anniversary of Moscow, house 22. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy. nine0003
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital No. 3 TsPSiR Branch No. 4 - births under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity hospital No. 3 TsPSiR on Nezhinskaya, 3. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital GKB No. 52 - childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity hospital No. 26 at City Clinical Hospital No. 52 on Sosnovaya, 11. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Perinatal center GKB im. M.P. Konchalovsky - childbirth under the policy of compulsory medical insurance
Perinatal Center of the City Clinical Hospital named after. M.P. Konchalovsky in Zelenograd. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy. nine0003
Catalog of maternity hospitals
F.I. Inozemtseva — childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity hospital No. 36 GKB im. F.I. Inozemtseva on Fortunatovskaya, 1, bldg. 2. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the CHI policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital №4 GKB im. V.V. Vinogradova - childbirth under the MHI policy
Maternity hospital No. 4 GKB im. V.V. Vinogradova on the street. Novatorov, d. 3. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital №27 V. V. Veresaeva - childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity hospital No. 27 (formerly GKB named after S.I. Spasokukotsky) - about the maternity hospital, reviews, doctors, registration for childbirth free of charge under the CHI policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity ward №2 A.K. Yeramishantseva (Maternity Hospital No. 40) - childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity Ward No. 2 of the City Clinical Hospital named after. A.K. Eramishantseva (Maternity Hospital No. 40) on Taimyrskaya, 6. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
Catalog of maternity hospitals
Maternity hospital №8 GKB im. V.P. Demikhova - childbirth under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Maternity hospital No. 8 GKB im. V.P. Demikhov on Samarkand Boulevard, 3. Registration for childbirth is free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
42 weeks
41 weeks
Only a small percentage of babies are born in the 42nd week of pregnancy. It's 9 months and 2 weeks. This period is the last when childbirth can be considered early. Pregnancy more than 42 weeks is called post-term.
How does a woman feel?
The well-being of the expectant mother may not be very good. The stomach is already so large that it is difficult to sit and lie with it. Fatigue from inconvenience, as well as anxiety due to the impending birth, can lead to depression or even panic. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to stay surrounded by loved ones. nine0113 At the end of pregnancy, many women suffer from swelling. The recommendation of doctors is to drink less liquid and monitor the pressure. There is nothing dangerous in edema, they only give rise to discomfort.
Due to the fact that the uterus presses on the intestines, hemorrhoids can worsen. You may also experience constipation or diarrhea.
About the child
The baby is ready for birth. Its body length is 51-52 cm, weight - 3.6-3.7 kg. All organs have formed, he is already able to breathe and swallow. The intestines contain meconium - the primary stool, it usually departs some time after the birth of the child. nine0003
Signs that labor is close
- Very soon, a woman will enjoy motherhood. In the meantime, she must pay attention to some of the symptoms of the approaching birth:
- Removal of the mucous plug. This means that the uterus has begun to prepare for childbirth, but it is not yet known when they will begin.
- Outflow of water. They can flow out in a barely noticeable trickle or a very strong jet.
- True labor pains. They can be mistaken for training that a woman experiences in the third trimester. The difference is that true labor pains are painful and do not go away for a long time.
This means that you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital. Sometimes contractions begin with pain, pulling feelings in the lower back. nine0126
Why does post-term pregnancy occur?
A delayed pregnancy may occur due to a lack of hormones that contribute to the development of labor. At risk are women with ovarian hypofunction, chronic inflammation of the appendages and impaired fat metabolism.
41 weeks
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