How to restrain a child in school
Inside a Training Course Where School Workers Learn How to Physically Restrain Students — ProPublica This week’s ProPublica Illinois newsletter is written by Jennifer Smith Richards, a Chicago Tribune...
Which month is safe to travel during pregnancy
Traveling While Pregnant or BreastfeedingSpecial considerations for traveling while pregnantTraveling during pregnancy is normal and a lot of women do it. But it's important to think about potential p...
Soft spot on baby's head name
5 Warning Signs From Your Baby’s Soft Spot – Cleveland ClinicWhen you’re a new parent, you learn that you need to protect that soft spot, or fontanelle, on your baby’s head. It rarely requires much at...
What does a miscarried baby look like
Miscarriage - what you might actually see and feelMiscarriage - what you might actually see and feel | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content 7-minute read Listen WARNING — This article con...
After birth kegel exercises
Kegel Exercises During and After PregnancyYou've heard Kegels mentioned from time to time, but just what are these exercises, and what do they do? These invisible exercises strengthen the pelvic floor...
Picture of twins in womb
Twin Pregnancy - Bilder und Stockfotos1.374BilderBilderFotosGrafikenVektorenVideosDurchstöbern Sie 1.374 twin pregnancy Stock-Fotografie und Bilder. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr Stoc...
When do u start to ovulate
Right Time For Sex , When Do You Ovulate ?When are you more likely to conceive?We’re talking about the 'fertile window’ – the days in a woman’s menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The ‘fertile...
Bleeding in first weeks of pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding - NHSBleeding during pregnancy is relatively common and does not always mean there's a problem – but it can be a dangerous sign. Urgent advice: Call your midwife or GP immediately if...
Down syndrome screening blood test
First trimester screening - Mayo ClinicOverviewNuchal translucency measurementNuchal translucency measurementFirst trimester screening includes an ultrasound exam to measure the size of the clear spac...
Baby has little bumps all over body
Common childhood rashes | Pregnancy Birth and BabyIf your child has a seizure, call triple zero (000) immediately and ask for an ambulance.If you think your child might have meningococcal rash, go to...