How early on can you miscarry
Miscarriage | NHS informA miscarriage is the loss of your baby before 24 weeks. Early miscarriages happen in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Late miscarriages happen between 12 and 24 weeks.Most of t...
How to call child protective services
Home | Child Protective ServicesDo You Suspect Abuse or Maltreatment?Report it Now!Call our Statewide Toll Free Telephone Number:1-800-342-3720If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call TDD/TTY at
How to help child deal with anger
Helping your child with anger issues Anger is a normal and useful emotion. It can tell children when things are not fair or right.But anger can become a problem if a child's angry behaviour becomes ou...
How much money does a child therapist make
Child And Adolescent Therapist Salary (December 2022) - ZippiaChild And Adolescent Therapist average salary by StateRankStateAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Count1California$104,673$50.327,0532Washington$76...
Positions for labor and delivery
13 Best Labor and Birthing PositionsFor nine months you prep and plan for baby’s arrival. You read books, watch videos and maybe even take a birthing class or two. But while movies and TV shows have l...
Pregnancy dating test
Detecting and Dating a Pregnancy - Women's Health Issues
Milk for mothers
Breast milk composition | What’s in your breast milk?It’s full of nutrients that feed and protect your baby, but did you know breast milk composition varies over time? Find out what’s in breast milk a...
Lower back and hip pain during pregnancy
Hip and Pelvic Pain During PregnancyDuring pregnancy, you may feel some aches or pains in your hip or pelvic region, and sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact problem. Here, we describe...
Symptoms of a uti while pregnant
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in pregnancy - symptoms, causesUrinary tract infections (UTIs) in pregnancy - symptoms, causes | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content 5-minute read Listen...
Why is 37 weeks full term
What is considered full-term pregnancy?Pregnancy can be an exciting and often stressful time in life. In preparing for this huge life change, one thing you can get familiar with in advance is how yo...