Miscarriage no bleeding passed tissue
Miscarriage without bleeding: Symptoms and diagnosis
Most of the time, bleeding is the first sign of a miscarriage. However, a miscarriage can occur without bleeding, or other symptoms may appear first.
Many women prefer the term pregnancy loss to miscarriage. Pregnancy loss is most common within the first weeks of pregnancy, and the risk steadily declines as the pregnancy progresses.
It is important to remember that pregnancy symptoms shift over time. These changes do not always signal a pregnancy loss.
Anyone who believes that they have lost a pregnancy, with or without bleeding, should seek medical attention.
Pregnancy losses do not always involve bleeding. In fact, a woman may not experience any symptoms and only learn of the loss only when a doctor cannot detect a heartbeat during a routine ultrasound.
Bleeding during pregnancy loss occurs when the uterus empties. In some cases, the fetus dies but the womb does not empty, and a woman will experience no bleeding.
Some doctors refer to this type of pregnancy loss as a missed miscarriage. The loss may go unnoticed for many weeks, and some women do not seek treatment.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, most losses occur within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. While an estimated 10–25 percent of all recognized pregnancies end in a pregnancy loss, a loss in the second trimester is very rare.
Some women have no external symptoms of pregnancy loss. When the loss occurs early on, a woman may have few signs of pregnancy, which can make identifying the loss more difficult.
It is normal to experience changes in pregnancy signs over time, particularly in the transition from the first to the second trimester. These changes do not usually indicate the loss of the pregnancy.
Some warning signs of a pregnancy loss without bleeding include:
- a sudden decrease in pregnancy signs
- pregnancy tests that show a negative result
- nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
- back pain
If the pregnancy has advanced, fetal movement may noticeably slow or stop.
Most women seek treatment for a pregnancy loss when they experience bleeding. When there is no bleeding, a doctor may only diagnose a loss during a routine scan.
A doctor may also suspect a loss because of other indications, such as a drop in the levels of pregnancy hormones or an unusual decrease in other pregnancy signs.
Blood tests can determine the levels of hormones, which can help to assess the likelihood of a pregnancy loss. To conclusively diagnose a loss, a doctor must perform an ultrasound to check for a heartbeat.
The heartbeat does not develop until 6.5–7 weeks of gestation, so the absence of a heartbeat before this time does not indicate a loss.
To confirm a pregnancy loss, a doctor may choose to perform scans on multiple days.
To determine the reason for a loss, a doctor may also recommend genetic testing, further ultrasound scans, or blood testing.
The goal of treatment is to remove the fetus and tissue from the uterus and to prevent complications, such as a uterine infection. There is a variety of treatment options available, and a doctor or midwife will be able to advise on the best option.
When pregnancy loss occurs without bleeding, it is often safe to wait for a few weeks before seeking treatment, because the uterus may empty on its own.
When this occurs, a woman can expect bleeding that involves passing the tissue. This usually lasts for less than a week, and cramping may accompany it.
If the uterus does not empty, or if a woman does not want to wait, the most common treatment options are:
- medication that encourages the release of the fetus
- a surgical procedure called dilation and curettage
A doctor may recommend pain medication to reduce associated cramping. Over-the-counter varieties are often effective. If they do not work, a doctor can prescribe something stronger.
In rare cases, pregnancy loss leads to a uterine infection, which requires treatment.
It is essential to consider mental health when choosing a course of treatment. Many women feel immense grief following a pregnancy loss. Guilt and anxiety are also common responses.
Therapy and support groups can help. Some women might also benefit from using antianxiety or antidepressant medications.
Many women worry that they are responsible for the loss of their pregnancies. In most cases, this is untrue, and the loss is outside of a person’s control.
The most common cause of a pregnancy loss is a chromosomal abnormality that would have made it impossible for the baby to survive.
Less common causes include:
- infections
- illnesses
- physical injuries
- abnormalities in the uterus or other reproductive organs
- untreated medical conditions, such as diabetes or kidney failure
- uterine polyps or adhesions
- endometriosis
The recovery time associated with a pregnancy loss depends on many factors, including how far along the pregnancy was.
For most women, the time to physically recover is relatively short. Women who undergo surgical removal of the fetus may experience no physical symptoms after any associated bleeding has stopped.
Those who experience complications, such as a uterine infection, can expect a longer recovery time.
However, the emotional effects of a pregnancy loss can last much longer. Some women grieve for a lifetime. Others feel better after conceiving another baby.
There is no standard timeline, no right way to grieve, and no right way to feel about a pregnancy loss.
Many women find that talking to loved ones, joining a support group, and meeting with a therapist who specializes in pregnancy loss helps.
A 2016 study found that women can safely try to become pregnant again during the cycle that follows a pregnancy loss. In fact, the researchers found that the odds of becoming pregnant may be slightly higher after a loss. Women who are ready to try again should not feel as though they have to wait.
Following a pregnancy loss, many women worry that they will be unable to become pregnant again. However, losses are common and the issues responsible often do not recur.
There is no right way to respond to the loss of a pregnancy. Many people need time to grieve, while others want to try again right away.
Likewise, losses can occur in many ways. Some involve no physical symptoms, while others are painful and require surgery.
Working with trusted healthcare providers can help a woman to deal with the physical and emotional effects of a pregnancy loss.
Miscarriage Without Bleeding: How to Tell
Miscarriage Without Bleeding: How to TellMedically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — By Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA on December 13, 2018
What is a miscarriage?
A miscarriage is also known as pregnancy loss. Up to 25 percent of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage.
A miscarriage is most likely to occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Some women may experience miscarriage before they realize they were pregnant. While bleeding is a common symptom associated with miscarriage, there are other symptoms that can occur, too.
What are the most common symptoms of a miscarriage?
Vaginal bleeding and/or spotting are common symptoms of a miscarriage. Some women may mistake a miscarriage for a menstrual period. But it’s not the only sign. Other symptoms of a miscarriage include:
- back pain
- diarrhea
- nausea
- pelvic cramping (may feel like you’re getting your period)
- severe abdominal pain
- fluid coming from your vagina
- tissue coming from your vagina
- unexplained weakness
- the disappearance of other pregnancy symptoms, such as breast soreness or morning sickness.
If you do pass pieces of tissue from your vagina, your doctor will likely advise keeping any pieces in a container. This is so they can be analyzed. When a miscarriage occurs very early, the tissue may look like a small blood clot.
Some women may experience light bleeding or spotting during a normal pregnancy. If you’re uncertain if your bleeding levels are normal, call your doctor.
How does a doctor confirm your miscarriage?
If you’ve had a positive pregnancy test and are concerned that you may have lost your baby, contact your doctor. They will conduct several exams to determine if a miscarriage has occurred.
This includes an ultrasound to determine if your baby is present in the womb and has a heartbeat. Your doctor may also test your hormone levels, such as your human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. This hormone is commonly associated with pregnancy.
Even if you’re certain you had a miscarriage, it’s important to see your doctor. This is because it’s possible that even if you passed some tissue from your body, some may remain. This can be dangerous for your health.
Your doctor may recommend procedures to remove any fetal or placental tissue. Examples include a dilation and curettage (D and C), which removes any fetal tissues from the uterus. This allows your uterus to heal and ideally prepare itself for another healthy pregnancy.
Not all women who’ve had a miscarriage require a D and C. But if a woman experiences heavy bleeding and/or signs of infection, surgical intervention may be required.
What causes a miscarriage?
For the most part, miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Often, the embryo doesn’t divide and grow properly. This results in fetal abnormalities that keep your pregnancy from progressing. Other factors that could cause a miscarriage include:
- hormone levels that are too high or low
- diabetes that isn’t well-controlled
- exposure to environmental hazards like radiation or toxic chemicals
- infections
- a cervix that opens and thins before a baby has had enough time to develop
- taking medications or illegal drugs known to harm a baby
- endometriosis
Your doctor may know what caused your miscarriage, but sometimes the miscarriage cause is unknown.
Miscarriage at home or medical facility
If you suspect a miscarriage has happened or believe a miscarriage is about to take place, see your doctor, who may perform an ultrasound or blood test.
These tests might indicate a miscarriage is likely. When this is the case, a woman may choose to miscarry at a medical facility or at home.
Miscarrying at a medical facility like a hospital, surgery center, or clinic, involves a D and C procedure. This involves removing any tissue from the pregnancy. Some women prefer this option instead of awaiting bleeding, cramping, and other potential miscarriage symptoms.
Other women may choose to miscarry at home without undergoing a minor surgical procedure. A doctor can prescribe a medication known as misoprostol (Cytotec), which causes uterine contractions that can contribute to miscarriage. Other women may allow the process to happen naturally.
The decision on how to proceed with a miscarriage is an individual one. A doctor should weigh each option with you.
What’s the recovery period like after miscarriage?
If your doctor does say you’re having a miscarriage, your symptoms may persist for anywhere from one to two weeks. Your doctor may recommend avoiding tampons or engaging in intercourse during this time. This is an infection-prevention measure.
While you can expect some spotting, bleeding, or cramping, there are some symptoms you should call your doctor about immediately. These could indicate a post-miscarriage infection or hemorrhage.
Let your doctor know if you experience:
- chills
- soaking more than two pads an hour for two hours or more in a row
- fever
- severe pain
Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or conduct further testing to determine if an infection is taking place. You may also wish to contact your doctor if you’re feeling dizzy or tired. This can indicate anemia.
The takeaway
While the physical recovery period after a miscarriage may take a few weeks, the mental recovery period can be much longer.
You may wish to find a support group, such as Share Pregnancy and Loss Support. Your doctor may also know of pregnancy loss support groups in your area.
Experiencing a miscarriage doesn’t mean that you’ll never get pregnant again. Many women go on to have successful and healthy pregnancies.
If you’ve had multiple miscarriages, your doctor may perform tests to determine if you have medical conditions or abnormalities. These could indicate you have a condition that affects your ability to get pregnant. Talk to your doctor about your concerns.
Am I able to have a healthy pregnancy after experiencing a miscarriage?
Anonymous patient
In most cases, having a miscarriage is a one time
event. Most women are able to go on to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery
without needing any further intervention. But there are a small number of women
who will go on to have multiple miscarriages. Sadly, the rate of pregnancy loss
increases with each subsequent miscarriage. If this happens to you, make an
appointment with your obstetrician or a fertility specialist to be evaluated.
Nicole Galan, R.N.
Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.
Last medically reviewed on December 14, 2018
- Parenthood
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Complications
How we reviewed this article:
Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
- Early pregnancy loss. (2015).
acog.org/-/media/For-Patients/faq090.pdf - Miscarriage. (2015).
- Miscarriage. (2016).
mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/basics/definition/con-20033827 - Miscarriage. (2017).
marchofdimes.org/complications/miscarriage.aspx# - Miscarriage. (2017).
americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-complications/miscarriage/ - Misoprostol. (2018).
drugs.com/cdi/misoprostol.html - Symptoms and signs of miscarriage. (n.d.).
Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.
Current Version
Dec 14, 2018
Written By
Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA
Edited By
Nizam Khan (TechSpace)
Medically Reviewed By
Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI
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Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — By Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA on December 13, 2018
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Miscarriage, symptoms - Health Clinic 365 Yekaterinburg
Causes of miscarriage
Questions to the doctor about miscarriage
Diagnosis of miscarriage
Treatment and prevention of miscarriage
According to statistics, 10 to 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Miscarriage is quite common, but this fact does not make things any easier. It is always difficult to cope with the realization that there was a pregnancy, but no child. Try to deal with the situation psychologically and understand what could be causing the miscarriage, what increases the risk of it, and what type of treatment might be needed. Miscarriage symptoms . Most miscarriages occur before 12 weeks. Signs and symptoms of a miscarriage include: It is important to consider the fact that in early pregnancy, spotting or vaginal bleeding is quite common. Some women who have a miscarriage develop an infection in the uterus. This infection, also called septic miscarriage, can cause: When to see a doctor. Call your doctor if: You can put a piece of tissue to be isolated in a clean container and take it to your doctor for examination. It is unlikely that the study will give any accurate results, but if it is determined that the fragments of the excreted tissue are from the placenta, the doctor will be able to conclude that the symptoms that appear are not associated with the presence of a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. You can get more detailed information about miscarriage from the gynecologists of the Health 365 clinic in Yekaterinburg. Gynecologist, initial appointment 2300 i If a woman has a miscarriage, it is important to take competent measures to restore health. This will help to cope mentally and prepare the ground for a new pregnancy. According to medical statistics, 15-20% of pregnancies end in spontaneous termination for various reasons. The symptoms of what happened rarely go unnoticed, which makes it possible to diagnose the pathology in time, consult a gynecologist, undergo adequate treatment and plan the birth of a child for the future. nine0003 Specialists classify spontaneous abortion into two categories: 1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy - the embryo leaves the uterine cavity in the first or third weeks after conception. 2. Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage in early pregnancy - up to 22 weeks, when the weight of the embryo does not reach 0.4 kg. Any method is useful to maintain pregnancy. A qualified doctor develops an individual treatment protocol based on the available diagnostic data. Drugs used may include: The specialist eliminates the threat of miscarriage in the early stages, tells how to prevent a relapse. In case of unsuccessful attempt to stop spontaneous abortion, the following treatment tactics are used: Having symptoms of a miscarriage in early pregnancy and faced with the need for a curettage (gynecological cleansing), a woman worries about the state of her reproductive system. Vacuum aspiration, however, is performed more frequently, which is more gentle. The complex application of the method with hysteroscopy allows you to carefully examine the internal contents of the uterus in order to prevent poorly cleaned areas on the mucous membrane. Gynecological cleaning for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes for various indications : Curettage is recommended a few days before the onset of menstruation. In this case, blood loss decreases and a favorable prognosis is given for rapid tissue recovery. The operation requires a preliminary examination, testing. This is : Before curettage, you stop taking any medications, dietary supplements that have not been discussed with a specialist. Even plant components that can affect blood clotting and provoke blood loss during surgery can be dangerous. Your healthcare provider should be made aware of the medications you are taking so that they know what risks may arise. nine0003 Curettage is carried out in a hospital, the woman is placed on the gynecological chair of the operating room. The doctor removes the upper layer of the mucous lining the uterine cavity from the inside. The exclusion of pain involves anesthesia. If there were signs of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy or at a later period, after which it spontaneously terminated, the dilated cervix allows for curettage without anesthesia. For anesthesia, intravenous administration of the drug is used, selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body. A few seconds after the injection, the woman falls into a shallow sleep, the discomfort disappears, which makes the doctor's actions painless. nine0003 A dilator inserted into the cervix straightens the walls of the organ, facilitating access to the internal cavity. Holding the neck, the specialist inserts a rounded probe with a small diameter, after which he replaces it with a more voluminous analogue. The procedure rarely takes more than one hour, usually 20 minutes is enough for the doctor. Together with the cavity, the cervical canal is cleaned. Manipulations are called RDV - separate diagnostic curettage. Collected samples are placed separately. Histology is used to identify the structure of tissues in order to exclude the presence of atypical cells in them, indicating cancerous lesions, precancerous conditions. The study is carried out within two weeks, after receiving the results, the woman revisits the gynecologist for a follow-up examination. nine0003 Curettage is often carried out for diagnostic purposes to determine the symptoms of pathological conditions in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Complications can occur, as after any surgical intervention. A serious consequence is the discovery of uterine bleeding. In order to prevent it, oxytocin is used - injections stimulate the cessation of abnormal blood flow. Oxytocin will help if the bleeding is due to insufficient contraction of the uterus. In violation of blood clotting, it is ineffective. Another complication of is hematometra, when blood clots accumulate in the uterine cavity, which can cause inflammation in the tissues. It is caused by a spasm of the cervix that occurred immediately after cleaning, which interferes with the evacuation of blood. After cleansing, endometritis may occur when inflammation affects the lining of the uterus. A measure of therapy for a dangerous diagnosis is a course of antibiotics. Pain in the abdomen and a sharp increase in body temperature testify to the pathology. Any dangerous change in condition should be reported to the doctor immediately. In this case, countermeasures will be taken in a timely manner, which will eliminate the risks of developing more formidable complications. A miscarriage that has occurred requires a certain tactic of behavior. Among the measures recommended by doctors: Consult what effect the medicines you take will have on the fetus if you become pregnant during therapy. Find out after what period of time you can fearlessly try to conceive a child. If a miscarriage of the first pregnancy occurs due to a genetic factor, it is especially scary to decide on a second one. But you should not be afraid of this, with a well-designed therapy, the chances of success are more than great. Diagnostic procedures today are highly accurate and allow you to identify pathology in the early stages. Ultrasound diagnostics can detect malformations in 80-85% of cases. However, the technology is not impeccably reliable, as it misses pathologies in 20% of situations. Biochemical screening, invasive examinations have valid data. The latest version of the study allows you to identify up to 99% anomalies. When planning a new pregnancy, it is imperative to visit a geneticist. Screening diagnostics for the detection of abnormal genes will help eliminate the risks of possible pathologies, the factor of heredity and genetic failure during conception. Sometimes the threat of miscarriage in the early stages exists in almost healthy carriers. The examination will allow you to find out about the anomaly in advance and undergo treatment. A miscarriage that has occurred is complete when all parts of the embryo come out of the uterine cavity together with membranes and amniotic fluid. If parts of the fetus remain in the uterus, they speak of an incomplete miscarriage, which occurs more often in the early stages of pregnancy. To neutralize the negative consequences, to prevent the development of an infectious process in the tissues, the product of conception is evacuated from the uterine cavity by the methods of medical interruption, gynecological curettage, and vacuum aspiration. Therapy may include the use of drugs aimed at contracting the uterus and pushing the contents out. Ultrasound examination is considered to be the control method of diagnostics. nine0003 The causes of miscarriage often lie in the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Among the factors that provoke rejection of embryos are also: The list of causes of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later period may be more extensive, in each case, doctors identify the pathology individually. One of the most common causes of spontaneous miscarriage during pregnancy is CSI - dilatation of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus as a result of increasing pressure from the growing fetus. Pre-pregnancy manipulations with the uterus (cervical dilation due to abortion, childbirth or curettage) affect the condition of the muscle ring. ICI occurs in the period from the 11th to the 27th week after conception, when the embryo begins to produce androgens in the mother's body with the launch of the adrenal glands. Taking into account the mother's hormones, their indicator can be exceeded - this softens the cervix, opens and shortens it. Harmful bacteria and microorganisms penetrate into the formed channel, infecting the fetal egg. The initial stages of ICI do not have obvious symptoms, since they do not entail the tone of the uterine muscles. With the loss of strength of the membranes, amniotic fluid pours out. There are no pain sensations. nine0003 If a woman has had a miscarriage that started with amniotic fluid, she should report it to her doctor when monitoring a subsequent pregnancy. Endocrine disorders are corrected by prescribing hormonal drugs. Surgical intervention takes place in a hospital. Before the operation, the pregnant woman is examined. After the procedure, the vagina is sanitized, for which the suturing site is treated with chlorhexidine and furatsilin for three days. The patient needs to undergo a weekly follow-up examination with the attending physician, where he assesses the situation, making adjustments to the therapeutic protocol if necessary. Immediate action is recommended if the amniotic sac prolapses (falls out) into the cervix between 16 and 24 weeks. The suturing of the neck obliges the woman to observe bed rest, strictly follow the daily routine, avoid physical exertion, and do not skip taking medications. In rare cases, complications occur. Among them, the eruption of sutures through the tissues, provoked by the frequent tension of the muscles of the uterus. To prevent tone, tocolytics are prescribed - medicines to prevent premature birth. The expectant mother should be prepared for frequent examinations and smears, which may be caused by the likelihood of accumulation of pathological microflora on the suture threads. It is also important to conduct psychological therapy, where a woman is taught relaxation techniques. The behavior of the future mother is a decisive factor in the successful bearing of the fetus in case of pregnancy complications. Panic and fuss create an unfavorable prognosis in stabilizing the situation. If a spontaneous abortion occurred for reasons of ICI, when you can get pregnant after a miscarriage, the doctor will say. Ideally, the period should be at least two years. The specialist must also take measures to prevent a repeated situation of losing a child. nine0003 In addition to the suture, ICI correction is also carried out using an obstetric pessary. An alternative method is the imposition of a special ring of hypoallergenic materials on the cervix. Silicone is the most commonly used. The ring creates additional support, preventing the opening of the neck. Uterine contractions before natural delivery is called hypertonicity. In addition to physiological causes, psychological factors are of no small importance. A woman who is in a depressed state can provoke hypertonicity in herself. nine0003 You can feel the tension of the muscles of the uterus on your own, without the help of a specialist. This is evidenced by the heaviness that appears in the lower abdomen, pulling pains in the lumbar region. Symptoms are similar to painful menstruation. Arising in the first trimester, the condition provokes spontaneous abortion, missed pregnancy, death of the fetal egg. In the subsequent period, premature birth due to hypertonicity is likely. Why does the tension of the walls of the uterus cause irreversible consequences? The reason is the disturbed blood supply to the placental tissues, the occurrence of hypoxia of the embryo and the slowdown in the development of the emerging child. Following the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, the placenta does not contract, which causes its detachment and provoking the release of the fetal bladder. Hypertonicity is diagnosed during a scheduled visit to a specialist. Stabilization of the situation requires the appointment of sedative drugs and antispasmodics. A strengthening effect is provided by therapy with the inclusion of vitamin B6, magnesium. In most cases, the measures taken are sufficient to neutralize the risks. Self-treatment, which can cause irreversible consequences, is strictly prohibited. With hypertonicity, the main rule for a pregnant woman is calmness and lack of physical activity. Some women who have had a successful delivery say they "didn't get up" during their entire pregnancy. With hypertonicity, sexual intercourse is also excluded. nine0003 If the threat cannot be neutralized, hospitalization is recommended. It is especially dangerous when severe cramping pain is complemented by spotting. To lie down "for preservation" is an adequate measure in the struggle for the birth of a healthy and strong baby. In the hospital walls, a pregnant woman is prescribed a vaginal examination, ultrasound. At the onset of labor activity before the 34th week, the condition is tried to be stabilized with tocolytics. The most dangerous period is from the 25th to the 28th week, when the woman is recommended the maximum possible bed rest. After that, the fetus has every chance of survival. In order to quickly form the pulmonary system of the embryo, allowing it to survive with an early birth, hormones are prescribed. nine0003 Having an unfavorable prognosis for miscarriage and the threat of miscarriage, it is necessary to take up prevention at the stage of conception planning. There are certain signs that attract attention and divide the course of a miscarriage into specific stages: nine0024 If there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages, the following symptoms may occur: The pain may be monotonous or come in waves. A woman who does not know how an early miscarriage occurs should listen to her inner state. Should alert: The beginning of an abortion is characterized by more pronounced symptoms of a miscarriage - contraction-like pain, severe dizziness, loss of strength. Instead of smearing discharges, clot-like ones appear, abundantly manifested during movement. Pregnancy can be saved if the area of detachment of the fetal egg is small and the fetal heartbeat is determined. nine0003 The third stage is useless for saving the fetus. There is girdle pain in the lower back and abdomen. In rare cases, complications and serious health consequences can occur after a spontaneous abortion. But in the majority of situations, the body independently copes with what happened, expelling the parts remaining in the uterine cavity with a natural contraction of the muscles. An early spontaneous miscarriage does not always occur, a dangerous condition can also occur in the later stages. Some women try to provoke the release of the fetus with decoctions of herbs and medications. This is fraught with complications, including sepsis, dysfunction of the reproductive organs, after which pregnancy becomes impossible. nine0003 The symptoms of a threatened miscarriage at an early stage will be determined by a doctor during a visit to the antenatal clinic. The medical community is unanimous in the issue of planning a new pregnancy after a spontaneous abortion. Conception is not recommended for at least 3-6 months. During this period, the woman's body will recover and gain strength to bear the fetus. Observation by a doctor, harmonization of hormonal levels, examination of parents to identify possible pathologies are important. In order not to become pregnant in the first months, it is recommended to use contraceptive methods prescribed by your doctor. Examination after a miscarriage includes blood and urine tests, examination of the microflora of the vagina with a smear, detection of overt and latent genital infections, glucose and hormone tests, examination of partners for biological compatibility. Planning is an important step towards having a healthy baby. After the studies, the woman is prescribed strengthening therapy. It is important to completely reconsider eating habits, to exclude factors that are harmful to well-being. Vitamins, folic acid are used. Fast food, food containing carcinogens and preservatives are excluded from the diet. Subject to the rules recommended by the doctor, a successful pregnancy with a favorable outcome is likely. nine0003 It is not uncommon for a pregnancy test to show two lines after a miscarriage. This is due to the restructuring of the body, the organs of the reproductive system. It is important to report the incident to your doctor. The presence of remnants of embryonic tissue in the uterus can provoke a positive test result. The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage worries many parents. The answer is unequivocal - yes, if you follow the recommendations of experts, carefully plan a new conception, monitor your well-being and state of your health. Spontaneous abortion can provoke not only the health of the patient, but failure to follow simple rules can be a threat. To reduce the risk of losing a child during pregnancy, you need to: 1. Keep calm – it is important for a mother to exclude from her life all the factors that make her nervous. Irritation is not the best way to normalize the condition. In order to stabilize the emotional background, rest is recommended, the use of soothing teas with the permission of the doctor. 2. Avoid taking unnecessary medicines and preparations. But it is unacceptable to stop the therapy prescribed by the doctor on your own. Each step must be discussed with the gynecologist. nine0003 3. Eliminate harmful occupational factors. Work in the chemical industry and other hazardous facilities can create an undesirable background in the body, which prevents normal gestation. It is important to understand what is of great value to the mother - the birth of a healthy baby or a career factor. Many refuse to work to increase the chance of having a baby. 4. Eliminate bad habits. It is unacceptable for a woman who has experienced miscarriage to drink alcohol and smoke. It is forbidden to do this and the future father. This negatively affects the quality of spermatozoa, provokes difficulties with conception and risks of deviations in the development of the embryo. 5. Take vitamin complexes, specially designed to prepare the body for pregnancy, the formation of basic conditions for its favorable course. 6. Eat right. A complete, balanced diet works wonders. With a lack of weight, a nutritionist will develop an adequate diet for a woman with the inclusion of a large amount of protein foods rich in vitamins and trace elements of vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Recommended fats contained in fish, seeds, nuts, avocados, olives. nine0003 7. Get rid of extra pounds. Obesity adversely affects the development of pregnancy. Science has proven that enhanced nutrition during this period is not required. The main thing is its balance. Infectious processes transferred before pregnancy develop immunity in the mother to similar agents of influence. Primary infection poses a great threat, so vaccination will be useful before planning conception. Infection may develop due to an infection transmitted by airborne droplets. It is the most dangerous, since it is almost impossible to prevent it. This applies to mumps, measles, rubella. HIV and hepatitis infect the body through sexual contact, similar to chlamydia. Listeriosis is transmitted with poor-quality products. A pregnant woman can pass infections to a developing baby. Pathology is determined by profile tests of latent infection. Routine pregnancy monitoring involves regular testing. Sexual infections are determined using a smear, ultrasound shows deviations in the development of the baby, and KGT is aimed at listening to the work of the fetal heart muscle. If there is a suspicion of a serious infection of the embryo, blood sampling from the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid analysis are practiced. Infection of a child also depends on concomitant factors. The speed of diagnosis, the literacy of the treatment, the type of pathogen, the duration of the pregnancy are taken into account. The following infectious processes deserve special attention: 1. Viral etiology - a huge number of viruses poses a danger to a pregnant woman. The threat is genital herpes, rubella, infectious type erythema, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, chickenpox. nine0003 2. Bacterial infections, detected during the analysis of biological materials (feces, urine, blood), examination of certain organs of the body. Active reproduction provokes a rapid growth in the number of bacteria in the vagina. Not all microorganisms pose a threat to the child. Dangerous candidiasis, streptococcus, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, cystitis. The successful course of pregnancy is threatened by intestinal infections, often activated in the summer. Infection of the mother poses a threat to the life of the fetus. From the 3rd to the 12th week, the infected organism responds with a miscarriage or the formation of malformations of the child. From the 11th to the 25th - developmental delay. At a later date, organs are deformed and prerequisites for premature birth are created. In order to prevent intrauterine infection, it is recommended to apply a number of rules: It is also important for the child's father to follow most of the recommended rules. If only the mother undergoes treatment, a relapse is likely during sexual intercourse, neutralizing the beneficial effect of therapy. A woman who has had a miscarriage in the past should be alert to any deviations from the norm in her state of health. It is important to pay attention to ailments, pain, weakness, dizziness. Accounting for an early consultation will create conditions for the bearing of the fetus and the birth of a child. There is no need to be afraid that a miscarriage will forever deprive the joy of motherhood. nine0003 Having completed a course of examinations, passing tests and following the measures prescribed by the doctor to treat imbalances in the body, you will create all the conditions for a favorable pregnancy outcome. Tune in to the positive, protect yourself from worries, worries, stress. Feel the support of loved ones, hope for the best! Get advice from good specialists to rule out any unfavorable prognosis before conception or take steps to neutralize them. However, the real numbers could be much higher, as a large number of miscarriages happen very early, and women are not even aware of their pregnancy. Most miscarriages happen due to abnormal development of the fetus. nine0003
In most cases, women who experience light bleeding during the first three months have an uneventful pregnancy thereafter. In some cases, even with heavy bleeding, the pregnancy does not end in a miscarriage. nine0003
What to do after a miscarriage
A woman during this period most often does not suspect that she is carrying a child. Pregnancy becomes known only when testing for the content of hCG in the urine and blood. The blood that has left the body is usually perceived as menstruation, which, for unknown reasons, began outside the scheduled time. Units who carefully monitor their health go to the doctor. nine0003
Medical therapy
In the later stages, the cervix is fixed with a special suturing (usually for a period of 16-25 weeks, if there is an ICI).
It is not worth doing this, the operation takes place in a gentle mode, with maximum delicacy in relation to the patient's childbearing ability. Curettage is performed when there is a risk of incomplete exit of the embryo from the uterine cavity and the development of infection in the pelvic organs due to the elements remaining in it. Ignoring the procedure can lead to blood poisoning and the formation of a pathology that prevents re-conception. nine0003
Preparation for gynecological cleaning (curettage)
Rules for preparing for the procedure:
This is necessary for high-quality anesthesia.
A special video camera attached to the end of the probe allows for hysteroscopy - examination of the cavity before curettage. Cleaning is done with a curette, shaped like a small spoon on a long handle. Carefully collected tissues are stored in a specialized sterile tube, which is later sent to the laboratory for histological examination. nine0003
These can be:
Possible complications
Experts recommend the use of antispasmodics that relax the muscles of the organ and contribute to the normal outflow of blood. A woman should be alerted by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and a sharp cessation of discharge. nine0003
How to behave after a miscarriage
Otherwise, the risk of repeating the undesirable development of events is high. If pregnancy occurs before the expiration date, there is no need to panic. The main thing is the supervision of a specialist.
How to detect genetic pathologies during repeated pregnancy
Examination in this case is mandatory, as well as the following:
What is a miscarriage like
Why the body rejects the embryo
A great threat of miscarriage in the early stages exists due to viral infections and inflammation of the internal organs. A dangerous symptom is the high temperature of the mother, accompanied by intoxication of the body. At the stage of pregnancy planning, it is important to stop chronic diseases. nine0024
Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI)
Damaged areas are tightened by scar tissue that does not have elasticity, is not amenable to stretching and contraction. ICI also has a functional nature when there is a hormonal imbalance. nine0003
Treatment of isthmic-cervical insufficiency
An assessment of the condition of the uterus is carried out by a doctor a couple of weeks after the start of taking medications. They say about positive dynamics when the opening is suspended and no further expansion of the neck is observed. In the absence of the planned effect, surgical intervention is prescribed. Similar measures are used for the traumatic nature of the neck deformity. You should not be afraid of the operation, the doctor acts delicately, without causing additional injuries to the patient, without causing discomfort to the baby growing in the womb. The procedure is most effective in the early stages of pregnancy. Suturing can significantly reduce the risk of infection of the embryo through the lower edge of the cavity. nine0003
The sutures are removed at the 38th week of pregnancy. During this time, the neck matures, preparing the birth canal for the passage of the fetus. Many women in labor worry that they will need a caesarean section if they have stitches, but this is not true. In most cases, women give birth on their own. nine0003
Uterine hypertonicity - risk prevention
The condition is not an independent disease, it signals a malfunction in the body, often manifesting itself in the early stages of pregnancy. The causes of the pathological phenomenon are:
If necessary, a woman takes urine and blood tests, checks the hormonal background, and is examined for the presence of STIs.
Stages of spontaneous termination of pregnancy
Symptoms of miscarriage - how not to miss the threat
In the later stages, the above symptoms are added:
Together with abundant blood loss, a fetal egg comes out of the uterus. Incomplete miscarriage requires curettage of the uterine cavity if parts of the embryo or membranes of the fetal egg remain in it, otherwise there is a high risk of complications that will endanger the life of the mother.
Diagnostic methods
The specialist will check the size of the uterus, determine the tone of its muscles, the condition of the cervix, and examine the discharge from the genital organs. A reliable method to identify the existing threat is transvaginal ultrasound diagnostics. The doctor draws attention to segmental muscle contractions of the uterus, detachment of the fetal egg. Genetic testing will help analyze the likely causes of a miscarriage. The patient's history is carefully collected. nine0003
Planning a new pregnancy
In this case, immediate curettage is necessary, which neutralizes the risk of inflammation and infection. To accurately determine her condition, a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis, take tests to determine hCG in the blood. nine0003
Components of success after a miscarriage
Good results are given by decoctions of chamomile, lemon balm, mint.
Infections during pregnancy
Perinatal diagnosis allows you to detect the infectious process at the initial stage and prevent its harmful effects. This is possible if the pregnant woman is registered from an early date. nine0003
Their carriers can be animals and poorly processed food before consumption. Of particular danger are listeriosis, salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis. nine0003
Prevention of infections during pregnancy