I want pregnancy
7 Easy Tips To Conceive Quickly
Written by Denise Mann
You are ready to get pregnant. Now. Once you are ready to start a family, waiting is the last thing you want to do.
Although Mother Nature has a hand in the timing, there are some things you can do -- or not do -- to help increase your chances of getting pregnant ASAP. Read on for seven expert-approved tips for getting pregnant.
1.Get a preconception checkup.
Before you officially start trying, get a checkup. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins that have folic acid, which helps protect against some birth defects, such as spina bifida. Folic acid works during the early stages of pregnancy, so that's why it's important to make sure you're getting enough folic acid even before you get pregnant.
"Do this the cycle before you start trying," says Paula Hillard, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University. "If you have any underlying medical problems, they need to be under control before you can safely become pregnant. "
2. Get to know your cycle.
How much do you know about your menstrual cycle? Really understanding helps you know when you're most fertile, says Hillard. Ovulation is the best time to get pregnant. "This is the time to focus on having sex," Hillard says.
It helps to become aware of the signs of ovulation, such as a change in your cervical mucus. It usually becomes thin and slippery when you are most fertile. Some women may also feel a one-sided twinge of pain.
Ovulation prediction kits can also help you predict the best time to get pregnant, says James Goldfarb, MD, director of the infertility service at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland. Not only can they help assure you that you are ovulating, "if you are having infrequent intercourse, this tells you when to have it to increase your chances of getting pregnant," he says.
Here's how it works: The first day of your menstrual period is considered day one. "Start testing on day nine and keep going until you get a positive," advises Joanne Piscitelli, MD, an associate professor of gynecology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N. C. Women with a 28-day cycle tend to ovulate on day 14. But many women have longer or shorter cycles, so casting a wide net can help you be sure.
What if you've been using birth control? Do you need to wait a while before trying to get pregnant? Not really, says Goldfarb. "Years ago, the conventional wisdom was to wait a certain amount of time after stopping birth control to try to get pregnant but that is no longer true. You can start trying to conceive right after you stop birth control," Goldfarb says. The only thing to keep in mind is that you could get pregnant before you get your period, so tracking ovulation may be difficult, and it might be harder to figure out your due date. For this reason, "some people may feel better waiting until they get one period on their own," he says.
3. Don't worry about the best positions for getting pregnant.
Myths abound about the best positions for getting pregnant, but they are just that -- myths. There is really no scientific evidence saying that the missionary position is better than the woman being on top when it comes to maximizing your chances of making a baby.
"Very rarely, a woman's cervix is in an unusual position where certain positions can make a difference," Goldfarb tells WebMD.
Certain gravity-defying positions, such as sitting or standing during intercourse, however, may discourage sperm from traveling upstream. "It's a matter of gravity [and] you don't want all the semen to run out -- and semen are quick little critters," Hillard says.
4. Stay in bed right after intercourse.
You have probably heard this one -- lie in bed with your feet in the air after having sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant. The verdict? Not (totally) true.
"It's good advice to lay in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse, but you don't need your feet in the air," Goldfarb says. "Your pelvis does not move when you put your legs in the air." Don't go the bathroom during this time either, he says. "If you wait 10 to 15 minutes, the sperm that is going to get into the cervix will be in the cervix."
5. Don't overdo it.

Having sex every day even during ovulation will not necessarily increase your chances of getting pregnant. "In general, every other night around the time of ovulation helps increase your chance of getting pregnant," Goldfarb says. Sperm can live up to 5 days inside your body. The best suggestion is to have sex regularly -- when you're ovulating, and when you're not.
Speaking of sperm, "wearing tight-fitting clothing can negatively affect sperm count," Piscitelli says. So too can spending time in hot tub or Jacuzzi. Your man's cell phone habits may also also need some work. A study in the journal Fertility and Sterility showed that men who used a hands-free device with a cell phone and kept their phone close to their testicles had poorer sperm quality.
They might need to pass on the edamame and other soy foods for a while, too. Men who eat a lot of soy foods may have a lower sperm concentration than men who don't eat soy foods, according to a study published online in Human Reproduction.
6. De-stress any way you can.
Try not to get stressed out about starting a family. You may roll your eyes if someone says, "Just relax and it will happen," but stress can actually interfere with ovulation. So the more relaxed you are, the better!
Whatever helps you de-stress is fine, as long as it's healthy. "There is some evidence that acupuncture can help reduce stress and increase your chances of becoming pregnant," Goldfarb says. And although drinking too much alcohol when trying to get pregnant isn't smart, a glass of wine won't hurt.
7. Live a healthy life.
Exercising is a healthy habit -- especially if it helps keep you at your ideal weight. Just like anything else, though, you can get too much of a good thing. "Too much exercise can cause you not to ovulate," Goldfarb says.
What's too much? It may be different for different women. If you are a hard-core exerciser and are still getting your period regularly, your exercise regimen is most likely not a problem, he says. But, Goldfarb adds, your menstrual period is not the first thing to go if you are exercising too heavily. "The first thing that happens is that you have a shorter second half of your cycle. You should have a period 14 days after you ovulate, but too much exercise can shorten this phase." This would be the first hint that you need to curtail your fitness regimen. He suggests tracking how long it takes you to get a period after you ovulate as the best way to know for sure.
Goldfarb says the best way to increase your chances of getting pregnant while getting the health benefits of regular exercise is to do moderate exercise -- think brisk walking -- two and a half hours each week (or at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week).
Stop smoking to increase your chances of getting pregnant," Hillard says. Aside from all the other negative health effects of smoking, this nasty habit also decreases fertility. "It affects estrogen levels and ovulation."
And don't worry too much about your day planner. "Eighty-five percent of women will become pregnant within one year of trying," Hillard says.
How to get pregnant | Tommy's
For the best chance of getting pregnant, you need to get your eggs and your partner's sperm together as often as possible.
More than 8 out of 10 couples where the woman is aged under 40 will get pregnant within one year if they have regular unprotected sex. More than 9 out of 10 couples will get pregnant within two years.
Regular, unprotected sex means having sex every 2 to 3 days without using contraception.
You don't need to time having sex only around ovulation, though it is helpful to know when you are ovulating. Having vaginal sex every 2 to 3 days will give you the best chance of getting pregnant. Sperm can live for 2 to 3 days and this means there will always be fresh sperm in your system when you ovulate (release an egg).
Remember it’s important for you and your partner to try and keep sex enjoyable by concentrating on each other and your relationship, rather than worrying about conceiving. This will help you limit stress.
Are you ready to conceive? Use our tool to find out.
How does pregnancy start?
Your cycle starts on the first day of your period and continues up to the first day of your next period.
This is what happens during the cycle and the start of a pregnancy.
- Eggs mature in your ovaries once a month.
- The lining of your womb starts to get thicker to prepare for fertilised eggs.
- Once the egg is mature it is released from one of the ovaries – this is called ovulation.
- During ovulation your cervical mucus (this is the substance in your cervix, between the vagina and the womb) becomes thinner and clearer to help any sperm to swim to the egg.
- If you have sex, millions of sperm will swim up the cervix into the uterus and the fallopian tubes to meet a mature egg.
- If sperm is present at the point of ovulation, or during the next 24 hours, the egg may be fertilised (only one sperm has to join with the egg for this to happen).
- If the egg is fertilised, it starts to move towards the womb and divide into more cells.
- Once it reaches the womb the fertilised egg has to attach the lining of the womb, this is called implantation and is the start of pregnancy. Many fertilised eggs don’t implant and are passed out of the body.
- If the egg has not been fertilised, the egg is re-absorbed by the body, the hormone levels drop, and the womb lining is shed – the beginning of your next period.
Now that you know all about how to get pregnant, use our tool to find out if you are ready to conceive.
Best time to have sex to get pregnant
To boost your chances of conceiving, aim to have regular sex (every 2 to 3 days) throughout your cycle so you know that there should hopefully be good-quality sperm waiting when the egg is released. An active sex life is all most people need to conceive.
If you know when you ovulate each month you can give yourself the best chance of getting pregnant by having sex in the days leading up to ovulation. Continue having sex during ovulation. After this your fertile time will be over for that cycle.
Use our ovulation calculator to find out more about ovulation.
Best position to have sex in to get pregnant
The position that you have sex in does not make a difference to conception so long as the man ejaculates sperm into the vagina. Once this happens the sperm can swim up through the cervix and into the womb and fallopian tubes to meet an egg if it is there.
Many people also say that if the woman raises her legs upwards after sex it helps the sperm get to the womb. There is no evidence to say that this is true. The route from the vagina to the womb is not a straight line, so you do not need to worry about all the sperm coming back out when you stand up.
When does ovulation happen?
Ovulation usually happens about 10 to 16 days before the start of your next period, so it helps to know your cycle length before you start trying to get pregnant.
You may have not known when you ovulate within your cycle, and if you have been using a hormone contraceptive such as the Pill, you won’t have had a natural menstrual cycle for a while, because the Pill prevents ovulation (egg release) from happening.
As a first step, mark on your diary the dates that you bleed during a period. You can then count how many days from the first day of your period to your next period to work out the length of your cycle.
Use our ovulation calculator to find out more about ovulation.
The following signs can also help you know when you ovulate:
Cervical mucus changes
The cervix secretes mucus throughout the menstrual cycle, starting off sticky white and gradually becoming thinner and clearer.
Before and during ovulation the mucus increases and becomes much thinner, slippery and stretchy. Women often compare it to raw egg white.
This thinner mucus is designed to help the sperm swim easily through it.
The last day you notice the wetter secretions is sometimes known as ‘peak day’ and for most women this occurs very close to the time of ovulation.
You can also find out about your menstrual cycle by keeping a note of your temperature each morning when you wake up. Your temperature rises by about 0.2°C when ovulation has taken place.
As it only shows you when you have ovulated, and doesn’t tell you when your fertile time starts, this is not very useful for most women.
Using ovulation predictor kits (OPK)
Ovulation predictor kits are available from chemists and are fairly simple to use. They work by detecting a hormone in your urine that increases when ovulation is about to take place.
The simplest urine kit tests for luteinising hormone (LH), which increases 24-36 hours before ovulation. This will help to identify the best two days for conception, although a woman can be fertile for a day or so before and after this time.
It is best to become familiar with your usual menstrual cycle to help figure out when you should start testing. If you have an irregular cycle then an ovulation predictor kit can help you identify the time of ovulation but expect to use more of the test strips.
Find out how long it takes to get pregnant.
Pregnancy in questions and answers - Useful articles
What to expect? How to eat? How to deal with difficulties? How to do everything right? These and many questions will be answered by Irina Alexandrovna Soleeva, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Sadko clinic.
- How is due date calculated?
From the first day of the last menstruation. To determine the due date, 280 days are added to the first day of the last menstruation, i.e. 10 obstetrics, or 9calendar months.
Usually, the calculation of the due date is simpler: from the date of the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are counted back and 7 days are added. So, if the last menstruation began on October 2, then, counting back 3 months (September 2, August 2 and July 2) and adding 7 days, determine the expected date of birth - July 9; if the last menstruation began on May 20, then the expected due date is February 27, etc.
Expected due date can be calculated by ovulation: from the first day of the expected but not arrived menstruation, count back 14-16 days and add 273-274 days to the found date. nine0003
- And if you know the exact date of conception, how many days to add?
A large-scale study was conducted with a large number of pregnant women, according to various indicators, the gestational age and, accordingly, the date of birth were determined. It turned out that the woman most often remembers the date of the last menstruation. And from this fixed date, as the study showed, childbirth occurs at the 40th week ± a couple of weeks. Obstetrician-gynecologists are guided precisely by this system of calculations. nine0003
- Should I change my diet, if so, how?
4 meals a day are recommended in the first half of pregnancy, 5-6 meals a day in the second. It is better to eat often, but little by little. For healthy women, there are no forbidden foods (except alcoholic beverages), only more or less preferred ones.
So, the body absorbs easily digestible milk fats and vegetable oils better. The latter are not only a source of essential linoleic acid, but also vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. nine0003
To eliminate constipation, it is worth enriching the diet with sources of dietary fiber (fiber, pectins) - vegetables and fruits, buckwheat and oatmeal.
In the second half of pregnancy, sugar, confectionery and flour products, rice should be eaten in very small quantities. Do not get carried away with fried, spicy, salty foods, because. during this period, the liver and kidneys of a pregnant woman function with tension. It is better to prefer boiled and steamed dishes.
The main thing is to include a variety of foods in your diet: vegetables, fruits, juices - and you will provide yourself and your unborn child with everything necessary for normal development. nine0003
- I really want olives, but they are canned. Can?
It depends on the gestational age. After 20 weeks, I would not recommend eating too salty foods, including olives. And in general, any canned food is not the most suitable food for a pregnant woman. Although olives, in themselves, the product is very useful. Therefore, within reasonable limits, say, a jar can be eaten in two days.
- And the grapes?
Grapes are very well digestible. It's fructose. It is immediately absorbed and quickly raises blood sugar. But if you are overweight, it is either not recommended at all, or it is allowed in small quantities. It is allowed to eat a small brush, or you can treat yourself to something else.
For some reason, it is customary for us to believe that if you are pregnant, you have to eat for three or whatever you want. As a result, pregnant women buy grapes in boxes and eat them in kilograms. Such a diet does not lead to anything good: sugar appears in the urine, blood sugar rises, babies are born large. Moreover, a large load falls not only on the mother's pancreas, but also on the child's pancreas - the baby from birth will be predisposed to being overweight. nine0003
- Is it possible to reduce excess weight during pregnancy and cleanse your body with the help of special teas?
All cleansing teas are contraindicated during pregnancy. We have drugs that improve the functions of the liver and kidneys, which have a diuretic effect. We assign everything individually. There are no special cleansing procedures during pregnancy. However, we have fasting days - here is the best cleansing procedure for you.
- Which vitamins are best for pregnancy?
Now there is a huge selection of various vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Of course, they are all close to each other in composition. One or two components or the dosage of some vitamin differ. In order not to harm yourself and the baby, to achieve the maximum effect, each patient needs to select vitamins, based on the advice of her doctor, who controls the course of pregnancy.
- How long should I take them? nine0007
Do not take multivitamin preparations continuously. The necessary course can be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the state of your body. We have different periods when it is better to stop taking vitamins altogether. In certain weather seasons, when there is enough sun, fresh vegetables and fruits, there is no need to take vitamin complexes.
- Can I continue playing sports?
Not only possible, but necessary. From the first months of pregnancy. They will help to maintain good physical shape, and this will definitely help during childbirth, relieve excessive tension and improve mood. The main thing that you should not forget is that the training program should be specially adapted for pregnant women and should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or an experienced instructor. nine0003
- Do I really have to push in prenatal classes? Will not diligence create the danger of premature birth?
No, there is no danger in this exercise. If there is anything to beware of, it is cycling, horseback riding, roller skating - all sports with an increased risk of injury.
- Can I take a contrast shower?
If a woman used this procedure before pregnancy. But during pregnancy, the water should not be too hot. By the way, hot baths and a bath should also be excluded. nine0003
- Can I continue to have sex while pregnant?
Each couple decides for themselves. If it gives pleasure to both, if the woman is comfortable, then you can keep your sex life almost until childbirth. Of course, too active sex will have to be excluded, and completely stopped 2-3 weeks before the birth: too vigorous sexual intercourse: it can provoke premature birth.
If earlier it was very strict: from 30-32 weeks, sexual life stops, now sex life is excluded by the doctor only if there are any deviations. After a while, he may allow you to resume intimacy. There are cases when sexual life is excluded for all 40 weeks. nine0003
- Do I need to use protection during pregnancy in order not to get pregnant again?
Very funny question. If one pregnancy has already occurred, re-conception during this period can no longer occur. The need for protection is therefore eliminated.
- Can I sleep on my stomach?
On short terms it is possible. The uterus comes out of the pelvic cavity after 12-13 weeks. Before that, it is protected by the pelvic bones, which means that we will not cause any harm to the fetus. nine0003
- So, the work of the expectant mother. Is it worth revising your working day, taking into account the new state?
Working during pregnancy is perfectly acceptable if there are no abnormalities. It is important to remember that pregnant women should not lift weights, work in heat and high humidity. Contact with harmful substances and prolonged standing should be avoided.
- Can motorists continue to drive? nine0007
You can drive a car if there are no contraindications from the doctor who monitors you during pregnancy. And it is not desirable in the later stages after 30 weeks, because there is a very strong load on the muscles of the pelvic floor, legs and arms work, concentration of attention is required - this is an additional stressful situation for your body. And of course, do not neglect the seat belt. He will not pull your stomach, but will pass under it and under your arm obliquely.
- How to deal with the symptoms of varicose veins?
It depends on the degree of varicose disease, its severity. Despite the rich selection of various drugs for internal and local action - tablets, drops, ointments - the most effective method of struggle is, nevertheless, wearing compression underwear. By the way, those who spend most of their working time sitting at a table, or vice versa, standing on their feet, should also think about the prevention of varicose veins. nine0003
It is better to stop your choice on tights: an elastic band or a stocking squeezes the leg too much, and when bandaging the legs, it is difficult to determine the necessary compression.
Tights should be selected by a doctor. A phlebologist works in our clinic. He will be able to choose the desired degree of compression.
Do not be afraid that underwear will be too tight on both legs and stomach: there are special tights for pregnant women. A special insert on the stomach fits him, supporting him, without squeezing at all. nine0003
- How to be smokers: won't quitting a bad habit cause stress for the body if the smoking experience before pregnancy was quite long?
Smoking during pregnancy is very bad. This applies equally to active and passive smokers. The fetus develops chronic hypoxia - a constant lack of oxygen. And it primarily affects the development of brain structures. The result is deviations from the norm in mental development. Even if the violations are minor at first, in infancy, most likely, they will manifest themselves in kindergarten or school, when the maximum load falls on the child's intellect. It will be difficult for the baby to learn, to perceive some information. nine0003
Moreover, there is a growing threat of premature births, miscarriages at different stages of pregnancy. Babies are often born small.
Stories that giving up habitual smoking will become a strong stress for the body are far from the truth. Our expectant patients break this bad habit without much difficulty. Even if you regularly inhaled tobacco smoke both before and after conception, you should not think that it is still too late to quit. The harm you will do to your baby if you continue to smoke is incomparable to the reluctance to part with a cigarette. nine0003
- Where and how to find a qualified doctor who can be trusted to take care of yourself and your unborn child?
The women's health center of the "SADKO" clinic gathered the best specialists of the city: obstetricians-gynecologists, mammologists, ultrasound doctors, therapists, psychologists, exercise therapy doctors. Modern equipment of gynecology allows you to accurately and quickly carry out all the necessary diagnostics, and, if necessary, treatment. The advantages of such an integrated approach are obvious: you don’t have to go far, but the main thing is that you are served by one team, one hand. We will be happy to help both expectant mothers and those who really want to become them. nine0003
that's it, it's over, I can't take it anymore.” Having a baby is a test for women in Russia. How do they find strength?: Russia: Lenta.ru
Pregnancy and childbirth are almost always associated with fear, especially when it happens for the first time. Many Russian women understand that everything is easy and simple only in fairy tales and on Instagram. Photographer Yulia Skorobogatova, a mother of two, recalled her fears about pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and her own health and tried to understand what other Russian women think about it. Their stories are in a photo project about birth and motherhood. nine0003
“When you can’t really go to the toilet, the autopilot program turns on”
Ekaterina, 33, mother of two-year-old Masha :
At work, I decided to take a pregnancy test just in case… The first strip starts to turn bright red from the very first second. As always. And here the second one appears slowly and a little bashfully. I don't believe my eyes. “Maybe it will disappear? Maybe a mistake? Spoiled? Thoughts are running in circles, my head is buzzing. Five minutes later I look - two clear stripes. It didn't seem. nine0003
I take out the second test. I read the instructions letter by letter, I do it with the accuracy of a surgeon. I timed it - exactly three minutes. Again two obvious stripes. I walk into the office on stiff legs. “You have to tell your husband. But how?"
Katya. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
My stormy, cheerful, but at the same time calm life flashed before my eyes, that bottle of wine I drank the day before with my sister, that cigarette for company. God, how could I! God, I'm so young, stupid, how can I give anything to my child! Phobia number one is what now to give birth, how the child can get out of me. nine0003
The next day I was happy that I would be a mother. I really wanted to be ready for the birth of a child, I read a ton of books, talked with a bunch of familiar and little-known mothers, but it’s impossible to be ready for this. Theory and practice are "two big differences", it's like reading in a book how to skydive and actually skydiving. But in general, all this information helped me calm down, the positive experience of my mothers helped a lot - it gave me strength, hope, optimism. You don’t have to close your eyes to the negative, you need to know about it, but think and set yourself up for the positive. nine0003
Katya. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
The last time I had a manicure was during my pregnancy. I don't belong to myself. I have gained 10 kilos already. My friends asked me: “When will you come back to normal?” What does normal form mean? My body just gave birth to another body, why should I pretend that nothing happened?
I still have doubts whether I am a good mother. Remembering your childhood, you do not want to be a toxic parent in relation to your child. It's easy to be a conscious parent when you've had enough sleep, when you're full, when you're happy with yourself, when you have a husband, a nanny, a spa. And when you can’t really go to the toilet, the autopilot program, which is laid down by our parents, turns on, and it is not always correct. I would advise you to work with a psychologist during pregnancy, take care of your spine, it will come in handy later. Only a resourceful mother can give something to her child. nine0003
And understand that only imaginary children always obey, never cry, never watch cartoons, sleep well and eat well.
Everyone thinks that a mother should turn into a superhuman, become a model of mental balance: stop swearing, think only about high things, but at the same time it is desirable not to leave the playground anywhere. They told me: “Why are you on the phone? You have a child jumping in a puddle. Well, he's jumping. I've grown up, I don't jump anymore. And this is a child.
The birth of a child is like conquering Everest. People are fine without it. But those who conquered live in a completely different way. I have become much stronger. Sometimes you sit and think: "That's it, the end, I can't take it anymore." And then you take it and do it. nine0003
“Relations with her husband were already cracking at the seams, the family was falling apart”
Elena, 39, mother of Masha (13 years old), Dasha (11 years old), Ivan (8 years old), Lyubasha (3 years old) and Sasha ( 11 months):
With the advent of a child, life changes, and changes are always scary. But this is also an impulse for development - to acquire new skills, learn to do several things at once, sleep anywhere, close your eyes to the mess ...
With my first daughter Masha, I knew that I was pregnant, even before the test - I felt the moment conception, so the test was just a formality, I was very happy. It was a long-awaited child. nine0003
Lena. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
We didn't expect our second daughter Dasha so soon. The reaction was surprise, surprise, confusion, maybe there was a little fear.
The third pregnancy is a miracle. Relations with my husband were already bursting at the seams, the family was collapsing, I, of course, dreamed of a son, but it seemed unrealizable, although I prayed and observed serious austerities. And when I saw the test, I couldn't even believe it. My husband insisted on an abortion, but I had no doubts for a second: only great joy, confidence that I could handle it, and gratitude. nine0003
Several years have passed, a divorce, a new meeting, unearthly love. I really wanted to give birth to a daughter, and it so happened that Lyubasha came to us. It was scary to tell the man, because he did not want joint children. There was a fear of losing a loved one, a fear of losing financial support from an ex-husband.
Lena. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
And now the last, fifth pregnancy is, one might say, just a big surprise from God, in spite of everything and in spite of everything. Although I was in shock, complete confusion, fear of losing everything. A little later, when I told my man, the situation was aggravated by the complete lack of support, he did not want to, he was afraid for me, it was a time when it was dark, dark . .. Support was given only by children who were more than happy. Children are my resource, my joy, my blessing! nine0003
“A new husband appeared, an oriental handsome man, my hormones rejoiced and immediately gave me twins”
Alexandra, 30 years old, mother of two-year-old Sebastian and Xavier and three-month-old Felix:
I was infinitely happy when I saw two stripes on the test , it was a very long-awaited pregnancy. In a previous marriage, we had no children, and I was already desperate. And then a new husband appeared, an oriental handsome man, my hormones rejoiced and immediately gave me twins.
Emotions are only boundless happiness. And the background shock, what happened after all. There was only one fear - I wanted to quickly get to the ultrasound and make sure that the fetus was in the uterus. Friends had horrific stories with ectopic pregnancies, I was scared.
Sasha. Photo: Yulia Skorobogatova
Fears appeared when I found out during an ultrasound that I was expecting twins. I thought I could handle it. My sister and I are from a large friendly family. Parents taught us that children are good and right. Since childhood, I loved kids, I love my nephews very much, I have three of them, I help them a lot. nine0003
I expected that I would happily flutter like a butterfly all the way to the maternity hospital, but in the end I got symphysitis, pain, and the inability to turn around at night and start walking in the morning. But, as it turned out, immediately after the birth, all this is quickly forgotten and an incredible cheerfulness appears, which prompted me to become pregnant again.
My husband and I try to plan our work schedules so that we can replace each other. Our relationship after the birth of children became only stronger. The husband began to run home from work even faster. nine0003
Sasha. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
I love my job and don't understand how you can deprive yourself of this wonderful part of life. Nobody needs the sacrifice of settling down at home with children and turning into a “dirty bunch”, and children will never appreciate it.
“How can one go against the whole family?”
Olga, 35 years old, mother of Xenia (15 years old), Nikita (7 years old) and Petya (1.5 years old):
When I saw a positive pregnancy test, I got scared. Wasn't ready for this. Things just went uphill, I graduated from yoga instructor courses, started teaching classes, went to India ... and I will have to finish all this for an indefinite time. I was scared what my husband would say. If he is also not ready for this, then what should I do, how can I go against the whole family alone? I assumed that only the youngest son would be happy. Grandmother is already elderly, it’s hard for her to help me with the children, and we all live together, and she wants peace. nine0003
There was a quiet joy before talking to my husband, but I couldn't allow myself to feel it fully until we discussed everything.
Olya. Photo: Yuliya Skorobogatova
Already great and cloudless happiness from the upcoming motherhood came after. I saw how happy my husband was that he was ready to become a father again, and this gave me determination that we would overcome all obstacles, including financial ones.
I have had three perfect pregnancies and good deliveries, and the children are all hyperactive and characteristic. There are ideal pictures of sleeping chubby little ones in my head, and every time I’m in the mood that this one will be sure to be calm. But no. Each child teaches me acceptance differently. nine0003
There were and still are fears of how to fit everyone together in one apartment. How to earn money to buy a home to give at least something to grown children. Will we be able to pay for education? I look for resources in my personal time, I try to wake up a little earlier in order to tune in to the day, gather my thoughts, do yoga, this also gives support. My resource is my activity. Even if now I can’t conduct classes, I write texts about yoga, I plan the future. My career is not going at the pace I would like it to be. This is a little sad, but there is an understanding that this is temporary and soon there will be more personal time. nine0003
Olya. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
I believe that children do not just come to us, they teach us. What we don't know or don't want to know. Of course, giving birth to a child is not easy, and raising a child is even more difficult. But if there is even a drop of desire to become a mother, then you have to give birth. Then you will not be able to forgive yourself for not taking advantage of this chance.
“I already had my fourth pregnancy, before that I lost babies”
Irina, 43 years old, mother of Miron (1 year old):
When I found out that I was pregnant, I had an ambivalent feeling: on the one hand, incredible joy, and on the other, fear, anxiety for a possible loss. It was difficult. This was my fourth pregnancy, before that I had lost babies.
I imagined that I would be like a crystal vase, I would enjoy the world, catch every moment, I would be constantly in contact with the baby. But it turned out that I could not get away from disturbing thoughts.
Ira. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
A day has passed - and it's good, I got a little closer to the cherished moment, nothing happened, and thank God. Although the pregnancy itself from a physiological point of view was safe. nine0003
The paradox is that I had been preparing for the birth of a child for so long that when he was born, I suddenly realized that I had no idea how to be with him, how to be a mother. I had very conventional ideas about motherhood. Literally, I did not know how to take it to wash it. It took me a few months to get stronger in my confidence to be a mom. Now I am living motherhood the way I imagined it, hugging my son and watching his development, I feel incredible joy. nine0003
Ira. Photo: Julia Skorobogatova
The baby does not sleep well, and it is very exhausting. When he wakes up at 4:30 in the morning and it becomes clear that this awakening is final, just some kind of despair rises inside.