Kellymom block feeding
Forceful Let-down (Milk Ejection Reflex) & Oversupply •
By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC
Is forceful let-down the problem?Does your baby do any of these things?
- Gag, choke, strangle, gulp, gasp, cough while nursing as though the milk is coming too fast
- Pull off the breast often while nursing
- Clamp down on the nipple at let-down to slow the flow of milk
- Make a clicking sound when nursing
- Spit up very often and/or tend to be very gassy
- Periodically refuse to nurse
- Dislike comfort nursing in general
If some of this sounds familiar to you, you may have a forceful let-down. This is often associated with too much milk (oversupply). Some mothers notice that the problems with fast letdown or oversupply don’t start until 3-6 weeks of age. Forceful let-down runs the gamut from a minor inconvenience to a major problem, depending upon how severe it is and how it affects the nursing relationship.
What can I do about it?
There are essentially two ways you can go about remedying a forceful let-down: (1) help baby deal with the fast flow and (2) take measures to adjust your milk supply down to baby’s needs. Since forceful let-down is generally a byproduct of oversupply, most moms will be working on both of these things. It may take a couple of weeks to see results from interventions for oversupply, so try to be patient and keep working on it.
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- Position baby so that she is nursing “uphill” in relation to mom’s breast, where gravity is working against the flow of milk. The most effective positions are those where baby’s head and throat are above the level of your nipple. Some nursing positions to try:
- Cradle hold, but with mom leaning back (a recliner or lots of pillows helps)
- Football hold, but with mom leaning back
- Baby sitting up and facing mom to nurse instead of lying down (good for nursing in public).
- Side lying position – this allows baby to dribble the extra milk out of her mouth when it’s coming too fast
- Laid back positioning- in this position, mom is reclining comfortably and baby is on top (facing down), tummy to tummy with mom.
- Burp baby frequently if she is swallowing a lot of air.
- Nurse more frequently. This will reduce the amount of milk that accumulates between feedings, so feedings are more manageable for baby.
- Nurse when baby is sleepy and relaxed. Baby will suck more gently at this time, and the milk flow will be slower.
- Wait until let-down occurs, then take baby off the breast while at the same time catching the milk in a towel or cloth diaper. Once the flow slows, you can put your baby back to the breast.
- Pump or hand express until the flow of milk slows down, and then put baby to the breast. Use this only if nothing else is working, as it stimulates additional milk production. If you do this, try to express a little less milk each time until you are no longer expressing before nursing.
- Avoid trying to reduce milk supply during the first 4-6 weeks. This is a time period when your milk supply should be increasing rapidly, and it’s not unusual for a small baby to have temporary issues with even a normal supply or letdown in the early weeks.
- If baby is gaining weight more quickly than average, then having baby nurse from only one breast per feeding may be helpful. If baby is not gaining weight well, then it’s not a good idea to reduce milk supply before consulting experienced help.
- One method for decreasing milk supply without limiting baby’s feeds is called block feeding.
- If baby finishes nursing on the first side and wants to continue breastfeeding, just put baby back onto the first side.
- If the unused side becomes uncomfortable, express a little milk until you’re more comfortable and then use cool compresses – aim for expressing less milk each time until you are comfortable without expressing milk.
- Between feedings, try applying cool compresses to the breast (on for 30 minutes, off for at least an hour). This can discourage blood flow and milk production, and soothe discomfort.
- If block feeding is not working after a week, it may be helpful to get experienced help. There is a real possibility of decreasing milk supply too much by using block feeding, so you need to be cautious when using this.
- Do not restrict breastfeeding at all, but any time that baby needs to nurse simply keep putting baby back to the same side during that time period.
- See also: Block Feeding Dos and Don’ts by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA.
- Another method that has worked for some is switching sides more frequently during a feed. See this link for more information.
- A third method to consider is full drainage and block feeding (FDBF), where the breasts are first drained as much as possible (usually with a double electric breast pump), then block feeding is commenced, starting with around 3 hours per side.
See this link for more information.
- Any time you are breastfeeding less frequently, keep a close eye out for plugged ducts and mastitis.
- Avoid extra breast stimulation, for example, unnecessary pumping, running the shower on your breasts for a long time or wearing breast shells.
- Additional measures that should only be used for extreme cases of oversupply include cabbage leaf compresses and herbs.
Even if these measures do not completely solve the problem, many moms find that their abundant supply and fast let-down will subside, at least to some extent, by about 12 weeks (give or take a bit). At this point, hormonal changes occur that make milk supply more stable and more in line with the amount of milk that baby needs.
Sometimes babies of moms with oversupply or fast let-down get very used to the fast flow and object when it normally slows somewhere between 3 weeks to 3 months. Even though your let-down may not be truly slow, it can still seem that way to baby. See Let-down Reflex: Too Slow? for tips.
Additional Information
Coping with Fast Milk Flow by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
Gaining, Gulping, and Grimacing? by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC
Oversupply & Forceful Letdown from
Am I making too much milk? from La Leche League International
Colic in the Breastfed Baby by Jack Newman MD, FRCPC
Understanding Oversupply by Diana Cassar-Uhl
Can you make too much milk? by Dr. Jenny Thomas, MD, MPH, IBCLC, FAAP, FABM
Block Feeding Dos and Don’ts by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
Overabundant milk supply: an alternative way to intervene by full drainage and block feeding by Caroline GA van Veldhuizen-Staas
Resolution of Lactose Intolerance and “Colic” in Breastfed Babies by Robyn Noble & Anne Bovey, presented at the ALCA Vic (Melbourne) Conference on the 1st November, 1997
Engorgement •
By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC
What is Normal?
It is normal for your breasts to become larger and feel heavy, warmer and uncomfortable when your milk increases in quantity (“comes in”) 2-5 days after birth. This rarely lasts more than 24 hours. With normal fullness, the breast and areola (the darker area around the nipple) remain soft and elastic, milk flow is normal and latch-on is not affected.
How to prevent or minimize engorgement
- Nurse early and often – at least 10 times per 24 hours. Don’t skip feedings (even at night).
- Nurse on baby’s cues (“on demand”). If baby is very sleepy: wake baby to nurse every 2-3 hours, allowing one longer stretch of 4-5 hours at night.
- Allow baby to finish the first breast before offering the other side. Switch sides when baby pulls off or falls asleep. Don’t limit baby’s time at the breast.
- Ensure correct latch and positioning so that baby is nursing well and sufficiently softening the breasts.
- If baby is not nursing well, express your milk regularly and frequently to maintain milk supply and minimize engorgement.
Signs & Symptoms of Engorgement
When? Engorgement typically begins on the 3rd to 5th day after birth, and subsides within 12-48 hours if properly treated (7-10 days without proper treatment).
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How does the breast feel? The breast will typically feel hard, with tightly stretched skin that may appear shiny, and you may experience warmth, tenderness, and/or throbbing. Engorgement may extend up into the armpit.
How does the areola feel? The areola will typically feel hard (like the tip of your nose or your forehead) rather than soft (like your earlobe), with tight skin that may appear shiny. The nipple may increase in diameter and become flat and taut, making latch-on challenging.
You may also have a low-grade fever.
Moms’ experiences of engorgement differ. Engorgement:
- May occur in the areola and/or body of the breast;
- May occur in one or both breasts;
- May build to a peak and then decrease, stay at the same level for a period of time (anywhere from minimal to intense), or peak several times.
Tips for treating engorgement
Before nursing
- Gentle breast massage from the chest wall toward the nipple area before nursing.
- Cool compresses for up to 20 minutes before nursing.
- Moist warmth for a few minutes before nursing may help the milk begin to flow (but will not help with the edema/swelling of engorgement). Some suggest standing in a warm shower right before nursing (with shower hitting back rather than breasts) and hand expressing some milk, or immersing the breasts in a bowl or sink filled with warm water. Avoid using warmth for more than a few minutes as the warmth can increase swelling and inflammation.
- If baby is having difficulty latching due to engorgement, the following things can soften the areola to aid latching:
- Reverse pressure softening (directions in the link)
- Hand expression
- If the above two things are not effective, try pumping for a few minutes with a hand, electric (low setting) or “juice-jar” breast pump.
While nursing
- Gentle breast compressions and massage during the nursing session can reduce engorgement.
- After nursing for a few minutes to soften the breast, it may be possible to obtain a better latch by removing baby from the breast and re-latching.
Between feedings
- If your breast is uncomfortably full at the end of a feeding or between feedings, then express milk to comfort so that the breasts do not become overfull.
- Hand expression may be most helpful (though obviously second to breastfeeding) as this drains the milk ducts better.
- Mom might also use a hand pump or a quality electric pump on a low setting for no more than 10 minutes (engorged breast tissue is more susceptible to damage). A “juice-jar” pump may also be used.
- Massaging the breast (from the chest wall toward the nipple area) is helpful prior to and during milk expression.
- It’s not good to let the breasts get too full, but you also don’t want to overdo the pumping, as too much pumping will encourage overproduction.
If you do need to express milk for comfort, your need to express will likely decrease gradually over time; if it does not, then try gradually decreasing the amount you express.
- Use cold compresses (ice packs over a layer of cloth) between feedings; 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off; repeat as needed.
- Cabbage leaf compresses can also be helpful.
- Many moms are most comfortable wearing a well fitting, supportive bra. Avoid tight/ill-fitting bras, as they can lead to plugged ducts and mastitis.
- Talk to your health care provider about using a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen (approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics for use in breastfeeding mothers) to relieve pain and inflammation.
- Excess stimulation (for example, don’t direct a shower spray directly on the breasts).
- Application of heat to the breasts between feedings. This can increase swelling and inflammation. If you must use heat to help with milk flow, limit to a few minutes only.
- Restricting fluids. This does not reduce engorgement. Drink to thirst.
Contact your lactation consultant or health care provider if:
Other treatments for engorgement
Applying cabbage leaf compresses to the breast can be helpful for moderate to severe engorgement. There is little research on this treatment thus far, but there is some evidence that cabbage may work more quickly than ice packs or other treatments, and moms tend to prefer cabbage to ice packs.
What are cabbage compresses used for?
- Engorgement.
- Extreme cases of oversupply, when the usual measures for decreasing supply (adjusting nursing pattern, nursing “uphill,” etc.) are not working
- During weaning, to reduce mom’s discomfort and decrease milk supply.
- Sprains or broken bones, to reduce swelling.
To use cabbage leaves:
- Green cabbage leaves may be used chilled or at room temperature.
- Wash cabbage leaves and apply to breasts between feedings.
- For engorgement or oversupply: Limit use as cabbage can decrease milk supply. Leave on for 20 minutes, no more than 3 times per day; discontinue use as soon as engorgement/oversupply begins to subside.
- During the weaning process: Leave the leaves on the breast until they wilt, then apply new leaves as often as needed for comfort.
For further information on how to use cabbage leaves:
- Cabbage? Why Use It and How Does It Work? Instructions for Use by Paula Yount
- Cabbage Leaves for Engorgement by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC
- Cabbage Leaves for Prevention and Treatment of Breast Engorgement by Sandra Smith, MPH CHES
“Juice Jar” breast pump
This simple pump can be useful to help with engorgement, and to draw the nipple out when baby is having a difficult time latching on.
- Find an empty glass jar or bottle at least 1 liter in size with a 5 cm or larger opening. The type of bottle that cranberry juice comes in is often a good size.
- Fill the jar nearly full with very hot water. The glass will get very hot and you will need to hold it with a towel.
- Pour all the water out of the jar.
- Use a cool washcloth to cool down the rim and upper part of the jar so you can touch it without burning yourself (test it with your inner arm).
- Place your breast gently into the mouth of the jar so that it makes an airtight seal. Some moms lean over a table to do this, others put the jar in their lap on a pillow and lean forward. Expect this to take a few minutes, so make yourself comfortable.
- As the air slowly cools inside the jar, it creates a vacuum inside the jar and this gentle suction expresses milk from the breast. Break the suction immediately if you feel discomfort – if the jar cools too quickly it may create excessive suction which can damage breast tissue.
- Repeat for the other breast.
- Some moms need to repeat this, others find it works sufficiently with only one try.
Fenugreek seed poultice
This is a traditional treatment for engorgement or mastitis. Steep several ounces of fenugreek seeds in a cup or so of water. Let seeds cool, then mash them. Place on a clean cloth, warm, and use as a poultice or plaster on engorged or mastitic breasts to help with let-down and sore spots. For more information, see Fenugreek.
Additional Resources
Reverse Pressure Softening… aids latching when mom is engorged
@ other websites
Prevention and Treatment of Engorgement by Becky Flora, BS, IBCLC
Animation of baby nursing when mom is engorged showing how engorgement can lead to nipple trauma, from the Breastfeeding Management Series software by Sallie Page-Goertz, MN, CPNP, IBCLC and Sarah McCamman, MS, RD, LD
Veldhuizen-Staas C. Overabundant milk supply: an alternative way to intervene by full drainage and block feeding. Int Breastfeed J. 2007; 2: 11. doi: 10.1186/1746-4358-2-11
Cotterman KJ. Too Swollen to Latch On? Try Reverse Pressure Softening First. Leaven, April-May 2003;39(2):38-40.
Hill PD, Humenick SS. The occurrence of breast engorgement. J Hum Lact. 1994 Jun;10(2):79-86.
Humenick SS, Hill PD, Anderson MA. Breast engorgement: patterns and selected outcomes. J Hum Lact. 1994 Jun;10(2):87-93.
Lawrence R and Lawrence R. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2005, p. 278-281.
Moon JL, Humenick SS. Breast engorgement: contributing variables and variables amenable to nursing intervention. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 1989 Jul-Aug;18(4):309-15.
Mohrbacher N. Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple. Amarillo, Texas: Hale Publishing, 2010, p. 679-683.
Riordan J and Auerbach K. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, 3rd ed. Boston and London: Jones and Bartlett, 2004, p. 205-207, 228.
Roberts KL, Reiter M, Schuster D. A comparison of chilled and room temperature cabbage leaves in treating breast engorgement. J Hum Lact. 1995 Sep;11(3):191-4.
Roberts KL. A comparison of chilled cabbage leaves and chilled gelpaks in reducing breast engorgement. J Hum Lact. 1995 Mar;11(1):17-20.
Smith A, Heads J. Breast Pathology. In: Walker M, ed. Core Curriculum for Lactation Consultant Practice. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2002, p. 175-180.
Snowden HM, Renfrew MJ, Woolridge MW. Treatments for breast engorgement during lactation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD000046.
Walker M. Breastfeeding and Engorgement. Breastfeeding Abstracts, November 2000;20(2):11-12.
Wilson-Clay B, Hoover K. The Breastfeeding Atlas, Third Edition. Austin, Texas: LactNews Press, 2005, p. 109-111.
Schneider Electric ABLS MODICON power supplies for industrial automation
Power supplies Schneider Electric ABLS Modicon are designed to power control circuits of equipment, loads and devices in industrial automation. available from 50W to 480W with voltage 12V, 24V and 48V .
Advantages of ABLS
- power supplies Operation at temperatures from -20 to +70°С
- Boards are additionally coated for dust and chemical resistance
- Up to 3 parallel pairs of terminals for easy connection of multiple load circuits
- Surge and surge immunity
- Does not require input protection devices (if the power line can withstand more than 20A)
- Built-in protection against overload, overheating and short circuit at the output with automatic restart after troubleshooting
- Output voltage adjustment potentiometer to compensate for mains voltage drops in installations with long cable runs
- Indication of the presence of voltage at the output.
- Possibility of serial and parallel connection of two power supplies to increase the voltage or current
Description of power supplies ABLS
Decryption: (1) DC load terminals (2) output voltage adjustment potentiometer (excluding ABLM1A24038) (3) DC output voltage presence LED (4) QR code for access to current technical documentation (5) power connection terminals (single-phase N-L1, phase-to-phase L1-L2) (6) 35mm DIN rail mounting clips |
Parameter | Meaning |
Input voltage allowable range: | |
– AC | 85. |
– DC (except ABLS1A24021 and ABLS1A24038) | 120...375V DC |
AC input frequency | 50...60Hz |
Output voltage correction (maximum range) | 22 - 28 for no. 24V |
Output Voltage Accuracy | < 1% |
Output voltage ripple amplitude | < 120 mV |
Efficiency | at least 88% at 230V AC |
Degree of protection of the case (from the front panel) | IP20 |
Operating conditions
Parameter | Meaning |
Ambient temperature | -20. |
Relative humidity | not more than 95% |
Modification BP | Power, W | Outlet voltage, V | Output current, A | potentiometer Uout | Recommended safety switch type* |
ABLS1A12062 | 75 | 12 | 6.25 | yes | 10A "C" or 13A "B" |
ABLS1A12100 | 120 | 10 | have | 13A "C" | |
ABLS1A24021 | 50 | 24 | 2.![]() | yes | 6A "C" or 10A "B" |
ABLS1A24031 | 75 | 3.13 | yes | 10A "C" or 13A "B" | |
ABLS1A24038 | 91 | 3.8 | no | 6A "C" or 10A "B" | |
ABLS1A24050 | 120 | 5 | yes | 13A "C" | |
ABLS1A24100 | 240 | 10 | yes | 6A "C" or 6A "B" | |
ABLS1A24200 | 480 | 20 | yes | 13A "C" or 16A "B" | |
ABLS1A48025 | 120 | 48 | 2.5 | yes | 13A "C" |
* ATTENTION! ABLS Modicon power supplies are designed and tested for use in circuits up to 16 A (IEC standard) and 20 A (UL standard) without additional protection devices. If you still need to use external protection, then use circuit breakers with a rating of at least those indicated in the table to avoid their false operation (it is recommended to use the Acti9 seriesiC60).
Modicon ABLS power supplies are also recommended to replace the old Phaseo ABL8REM \ ABL7RP PSU series of the following modifications:
New series Modicon ABLM PSU | Replaced old series PSU Phaseo | Distinction |
ABLS1A12062 | ABL7RP1205 | better efficiency and protection, smaller size |
ABLS1A12100 | - | - |
ABLS1A24021 | - | - |
ABLS1A24031 | ABL8REM24030 | better efficiency and protection, smaller size |
ABLS1A24038 | - | - |
ABLS1A24050 | ABL8REM24050 | better efficiency and protection, smaller size |
ABLS1A24100 | - | - |
ABLS1A24200 | - | - |
ABLS1A48025 | ABL7RP4803 | better efficiency and protection, smaller size |
ABLS1A24021 | ABLS1A24038 | ABLS1A24031, ABLS1A12062 |
ABLS1A24050, ABLS1A12100, ABLS1A48025 | ABLS1A24038 | ABLS1A24200 |
All ABLS Modicon power supplies can be mounted on a 35mm DIN rail.
PARALLEL PSU to increase power (current) | |
What to provide:
(1): The load for both PSUs should be maximally symmetrical (the same) for which L1 = L2, i.e. connecting traces from both PSUs must be the same (have the same impedance and length.
Uout: the output voltage on both PSUs must be balanced with a potentiometer, the voltage difference must not exceed ∆V max 25 mV
I Load: total load must not exceed 90% of total load (2 x I nom)
SERIES PSU to increase voltage |
What to provide:
(3) : Install diodes (3) in parallel with the outputs of both power supplies, the resulting load voltage will be total V Load = 2xV out
| ||||
Switching power supplies Phaseo ABL-1R Dedicated Schneider Electric currents 2.5-10 A output 12 and 24 V DC |Sources ABL1REM, ABL1RPM
- <<
- <
- 1
- 2
- >
- >>
Show by: 10152550100VS
positions: 1-10 of 11
Reference (Zazaka Code):
ABL1A01 - Corner Kronstein number
set of 5
Category - accessory/separate part:
fastening and mounting accessories
Purpose of accessory/separate part: 6 - 8 weeks
Referent (Zazaka code):
ABL1A02 - Lasteum for DIN -RAKE 35mm
In one set:
A set of 5 pcs.
Category - accessory/separate part:
fastening and mounting accessories
Purpose of accessory/separate part:
power supply
Product type:
ABL1rem12050 - power supply 12V, 60W, 5A
Nominal power, W:
60 W
Power Source:
Impulse power source 9000
Input 9000 9000 Pen. current single-phase DC. current
Output voltage:
12 V DC
Power supply output current:
5 A
Operating position:
any position
Vibration resistance:
2 gn (frequency= 9-150 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2 3.5 mm (frequency= 5-9 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131- 2
Test name:
conducted interference according to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharges according to EN/IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4- 6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching interference conforming to IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference conforming to EN 55022 class B induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 emissions in accordance with EN/IEC 61000-6-3 loss of primary circuit voltage in accordance with IEC 61000-4-11 surge voltage in accordance with EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Series of the product:
Phaseo Dedicated
Product type:
Power supply
Cost is indicated without VAT 9000 Reference (order code) Manufacturer:
ABL1REM24025 - POWER SUPPLY 24V, 60W, 2. 5A
Rated power, W:
005 60 W Source Source:
Impulse power source
Outpatient voltage: Output current of the power source: OPERATIONAL CAM Name test: series: Product type: Price:
24 V DC
2.5 2.5 9000
conducted interference according to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharges according to EN/IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field in in accordance with EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching interference in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN 55022 class B induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 Emissions conforming to EN/IEC 61000-6-3 Primary voltage failure conforming to IEC 61000-4-11 surge voltage conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Phaseo Dedicated
Power supply
Cost indicated without VAT
Delivery Duration:
days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days (order code) Manufacturer:
ABL1REM24042 - POWER SUPPLY 24V, 100W, 4. 2A
Rated power, W: 9002 9002 006
Type of power source:
Impulse power source
Outpatient voltage:
24 V DC
Outpath current of the power source:
4.2 A
Object position:
Any position
2 gn (frequency= 9-150 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2 3.5 mm (frequency= 5-9 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2
Test name:
conducted interference according to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharges according to EN/IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field according to to EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching interference in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN 55022 class B induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 emissions conforming to EN/IEC 61000-6-3 loss of primary circuit voltage conforming to IEC 61000-4-11 surge voltage conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Phaseo Dedicated
Product type:
Power supply
Cost indicated without VAT
Delivery Duration:
days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days (order code) Manufacturer:
ABL1REM24062 - POWER SUPPLY 24V, 150W, 6. 2A
Rated power, W: 901 1905 4 006
Type of power source:
Impulse power source
Outpatient voltage:
24 V DC
Outpath current of the power source:
6.2 A
Object position:
Any position
2 gn (frequency= 9-150 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2 3.5 mm (frequency= 5-9 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2
Test name:
conducted interference according to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharges according to EN/IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field according to to EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching interference in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN 55022 class B induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 emissions conforming to EN/IEC 61000-6-3 loss of primary circuit voltage conforming to IEC 61000-4-11 surge voltage conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Phaseo Dedicated
Product type:
Power supply
Cost indicated without VAT
Delivery Duration:
days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days - 15 days (order code) Manufacturer:
ABL1REM24100 - POWER SUPPLY 24V, 240W, 10A
Rated power, W: 9012 4
06 Type of power source:
Impulse power source
Outpatient voltage:
24 V DC
Outpath current of the power source:
10 A
Any Regulation
2 gn (frequency= 9-150 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2 3. 5 mm (frequency= 5-9 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2
Test name:
conducted interference according to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharges according to EN/IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field according to to EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching interference in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN 55022 class B induced electromagnetic field/radiated interference in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 emissions conforming to EN/IEC 61000-6-3 loss of primary circuit voltage conforming to IEC 61000-4-11 surge voltage conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Phaseo Dedicated
Product type:
Power supply
Cost indicated without VAT 9000 (order code) Manufacturer:
ABL1RPM12083 - POWER SUPPLY, FILTER 12V, 100W, 8. 3A
Rated power, V2t0005 100 W
Power supply type:
switching power supply
Test name:
conducted interference according to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharges according to EN/IEC 61000-4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching noise according to IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 induced electromagnetic field/ radiated disturbances in accordance with EN 55022 class B induced electromagnetic field/radiated disturbances in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 according to EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Series of the product:
Phaseo Dedicated
Product type:
Power supply
Installation support:
Cronstein, set in 2 positions, Panel
Office voltage:
9000 V perman
Mains frequency:
47. ..63 Hz
Max. starting current:
50 A at 115 V a.c. current 100 A at 230 V a.c. current
On request
Power supply output current:
4.2 A
Operating position:
any position 5 mm (frequency= 5-9 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2
Test name:
conducted interference conforming to EN 61000-4-8 level 4 electrostatic discharge conforming to EN/IEC 61000- 4-2 level 3 induced electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-6 level 3 radiated electromagnetic field according to EN/IEC 61000-4-3 level 3 switching noise according to IEC 61000-4-4 level 3 Conducted electromagnetic field/radiated disturbances in accordance with EN 55022 class B Conducted electromagnetic field/radiated disturbances in accordance with EN/IEC 55011 emission in accordance with EN/IEC 61000-6-3 Primary voltage failure in accordance with IEC 61000-4- 11 impulse voltage in accordance with EN/IEC 61000-4-5
Phaseo Dedicated
Product type:
Power supply
Cost indicated without VAT 9000 (order code) Manufacturer: