Implantation bleeding pcos
Heavy Implantation Bleeding: Is it Possible?
Implantation bleeding is light bleeding that sometimes occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself in your uterine lining. This usually happens about 6 to 12 days after fertilization.
During implantation, blood vessels in your uterine lining can burst, releasing blood.
It can be easy to mistake it for the start of your period, but implantation bleeding is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms, such as:
- backaches, especially in the lower back
- breast tenderness
- headaches
- mild cramping
- mild nausea
Implantation bleeding is usually pretty light and only lasts for a day or two. It might be enough to warrant a wearing a pantyliner, but it’s usually not enough to soak a tampon or bad.
Still, implantation can be on the heavier side in rare cases. This usually only happens in those who have an underlying bleeding disorder that affects their blood’s ability to clot.
Implantation bleeding is typically lighter in color than menstrual blood, which is usually dark red.
Generally, implantation bleeding can range in color from a light pink to a rust-like color.
Implantation bleeding doesn’t usually result in clots. Clotting is typically the result of heavier menstrual flow or bleeding.
Bleeding outside of your usual menstrual cycle isn’t always implantation bleeding. This is especially true if the bleeding is heavy.
Other potential causes of unusual heavy bleeding include:
- Bleeding disorders. Hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, or other disorders can cause uncontrolled or excessive bleeding.
- Cervical infection. These can be due to a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
- Ectopic pregnancy. This condition occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. This is a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.
- Birth control. An infection from an intrauterine device (IUD) or hormone changes due to birth control pills can cause bleeding.
- Uterine cancer. A rare cause of uterine bleeding, it’s possible that uterine cancer can cause symptoms similar to implantation bleeding.
- Uterine fibroids. These noncancerous uterine growths can cause bleeding.
- Uterine polyps. Uterine cell overgrowth can lead to uterine polyps, which may bleed due to hormonal changes.
It’s best to follow up with your healthcare provider about any unusual uterine bleeding, especially if it’s on the heavier side or is accompanied by clots.
If you’re already pregnant and experiencing what seems like implantation bleeding, you may just be experiencing a fairly common symptom in early pregnancy.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, an estimated 15 to 25 percent of women experience bleeding in the first trimester. This can be because the cervix develops additional blood vessels to support a woman’s growing uterus during pregnancy.
Still, the only way to be sure about the underlying cause of your bleeding is to see your healthcare provider. Depending on your other symptoms and medical history, they’ll likely start with some blood tests and an ultrasound.
Implantation bleeding can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. However, implantation bleeding isn’t usually heavy unless you have an underlying bleeding disorder.
If you experience heavy bleeding outside of your menstrual cycle, make an appointment with your healthcare provider. They can help find the cause and provide treatment options.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & Pregnancy
August 24, 2018
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that causes a woman to have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods. PCOS can cause elevated male hormone levels, resulting in excess facial and body hair (known as hirsutism), and in some cases severe acne and male-pattern baldness. The condition may also cause the ovaries to develop fluid-filled follicles and fail to release eggs regularly, which can lead to fertility problems.
Given that PCOS can cause a number of pregnancy issues, it is important to be aware of signs you might be pregnant, so you can talk with your doctor about the challenges ahead. Common early indicators of pregnancy include:
- Missed period. If you have a regular menstrual cycle and a week has passed since you expected the start of your period, that may be a sign you are pregnant. However, if you have PCOS, your periods may be more unpredictable.
- Swollen, tender breasts. Hormonal changes early in pregnancy can make your breasts sensitive.
- Fatigue. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone increase rapidly, making you feel tired and sleepy.
- Morning sickness. Nausea, with or without vomiting, that can’t be attributed to an illness can be a sign of pregnancy.
This is true no matter what time of day it occurs.
- Increased urination. The volume of blood in your body increases when you are pregnant, which causes your kidneys to process more fluid and move it to the bladder.
- Moodiness. Pregnancy hormones may cause you to feel especially emotional.
- Bloating. Changing hormone levels can produce a bloated sensation similar to what you might have when you are about to start your period.
- Light spotting. When a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, it can cause what is known as implantation bleeding. This occurs 10-14 days after conception.
If you have PCOS and think you might be pregnant, contact your doctor.
Treating PCOS
While PCOS cannot be cured, there are treatments your doctor can provide that will help alleviate the symptoms. For example, birth control pills containing artificial estrogen and progestin can help regulate your menstrual cycle by reducing androgen production. Also, as significant weight gain can affect hormone levels, your doctor may advise you to achieve and maintain a healthier weight.
If you have PCOS and wish to become pregnant, a doctor with specific expertise in reproductive medicine (known as a fertility specialist) can work with you to increase your odds of conceiving and carrying to term. They may give you medications to help you ovulate, including:
- Clomiphene—This is an anti-estrogen drug that is also called Clomid or Serophene. You take it when your menstruation cycle first starts.
- Metformin—Your doctor may prescribe Metformin, a diabetes medication, if your body does not respond to clomiphene.
- FSH + LH—Your doctor might prescribe a drug that blends two hormones if you do not respond to clomiphene and metformin. The medication contains both a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and a luteinizing hormone (LH). You receive this drug by injection.
- Letrozole—If other drugs do not work, your doctor might try letrozole. This medication is also known as Femara.
Can I get pregnant with PCOS?
Yes, you can get pregnant with PCOS. You may be able to get pregnant naturally with lifestyle changes, a balanced weight, and by treating your PCOS symptoms. You may also require fertility treatments to get pregnant.
Can I Have a Healthy Pregnancy With PCOS?
If you become pregnant your healthcare provider will work closely with you throughout your pregnancy to ensure you and your baby remain healthy. Women with PCOS who do become pregnant are at higher risk for difficult pregnancies and delivery. This can include increased miscarriage risk early in pregnancy, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and cesarean section (C-section) delivery.
What Precautions Do I Need to Take During Pregnancy With PCOS?
For women experiencing PCOS and pregnancy, taking certain precautions is essential for reducing the risk of complications. First and foremost, it is important to closely follow your doctor’s recommendations for diet, exercise, and medication. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for managing PCOS and achieving a successful pregnancy. In addition, regular monitoring of your health is essential for detecting any early signs of complications.
It can be difficult to navigate PCOS and pregnancy, but you’re not alone. Baptist Health has highly-qualified, compassionate care teams to walk with you every step of the way. Learn more about our Mother & Baby services, or find a Baptist Health provider near you.
TopicsMother & Baby Care Women's Care
TagsHealthy pregnancyPCOSPolycystic Ovarian SyndromePregnancypregnancy problems
What is implantation bleeding? - IVF center Generation NEXT
How our body functions and what changes occur in it every month is always interesting. Especially during the period when we are pregnant or hope to become pregnant. Almost certainly never do we monitor our condition so carefully and closely as during the period when we hope to become pregnant. From feeling tired to feeling slightly nauseous, the smallest signs are examined and tested for their significance. In this article, we will look at some of the most common implant bleeding problems. This problem is frightening and confusing if the desired pregnancy has already occurred.
Thus, we will try to figure out what are the symptoms and signs of implantation bleeding, how to recognize the earliest signs of implantation and pregnancy? Such self-control in people undergoing assisted fertility treatment can be much stronger, which is understandable. In this context, we will consider whether any other symptoms of implantation should be expected during pregnancy, and if so, how.
What is implantation bleeding?
About 30-40% of women experience a slight loss of blood after the embryo is implanted in the uterus. This phenomenon is known as implantation bleeding. Since this happens at the beginning of the cycle, it may even be the first sign of realizing that you are pregnant. Bleeding usually occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, as the uterus is an organ rich in blood vessels that can easily "damage". When the embryo sticks to the inner wall of the uterus, the small veins and arteries that normally connect to the endometrium rupture, and this can cause bleeding. If this occurs, usually 6-10 days after fertilization, then it usually coincides with the theoretical date of menstruation, and therefore can be confused with its onset. There is no set pattern, and implantation bleeding may occur in one or all of a particular individual's pregnancies.
How to recognize implantation bleeding?
The first question for many people is how to recognize that this is implantation bleeding and not just the start of a cycle, in other words, how do these types of bleeding differ? The most common reason for confusion here is that bleeding occurs 10-14 days after conception, around the time that menstruation would have occurred if conception had not occurred. However, vaginal bleeding can occur anytime during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. Blood loss may last 1-3 days, and the amount of discharge is usually less than during menstruation, although the color may be darker. It may look like a light spot or light continuous bleeding, and blood may or may not be mixed with mucus. The color may vary depending on how long it took to leave the body. Fresh bleeding looks red, it may look pink or orange if mixed with other vaginal discharge, and old blood may look brown due to oxidation.
How severe can implantation bleeding be? Can implantation bleeding have clots?
Usually, the bleeding that occurs as a result of the implantation of the embryo in the uterus is manifested by a spot or light bleeding. Usually it is not strong and does not have clots, as in a normal cycle. If you suspect you may be pregnant and are bleeding heavily with clots, you should see your doctor as this could signal problems or even the onset of a premature miscarriage. On the other hand, if you have no other reason to suspect that you are pregnant, this type of bleeding is more likely to just be the start of your cycle.
What are other symptoms of implantation in early pregnancy?
Since implantation bleeding only occurs in about a third of pregnancies, you are likely to be among the majority who do not experience it. However, your vigilance for the signs and symptoms of successful implantation is probably still massively high! So what are other early signs that you might be pregnant? They may include:
Morning sickness
This can start as early as 4 weeks after conception (10-14 days after embryo transfer), although more often it happens after about 6 weeks. Luckily for those who go through this, morning sickness is usually temporary and usually improves by 16-20 weeks of pregnancy.
Sensitivity to smells and tastes
Sudden sensitivity to smell and taste can be a sign of early pregnancy and no doubt contributes to the long tales of pregnancy “cravings” for certain foods. Both heightened sensitivity and morning sickness are the result of hormonal changes taking place in your body.
Frequent urination
It seems strange when your baby is still very young, but the need to urinate more often in early pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms. It is also the result of hormonal changes that cause faster blood flow through the liver and kidneys to remove waste as efficiently as possible. In addition, the uterus rapidly increases in size even at this early stage of pregnancy and therefore puts more pressure on the bladder, especially at night.
Soreness of the mammary glands
The well-known symptom of breast tenderness is another sign of early pregnancy. This is the result of an increase in blood flow and fluid retention in the mammary glands against the background of a sharp increase in the level of female sex hormones in the blood serum.
Stomach cramps
Spasms may occur on their own or be accompanied by slight bleeding, which may be a signal of implantation. You might think that all these possible early signs and symptoms of pregnancy will help to be easily confident in its onset. But the fact is that some symptoms are also present in some people as a harbinger of their normal monthly cycle in premenstrual syndrome. Thus, despite all the possible clues, the only way to be sure of pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test, and with it, confirm the pregnancy with your doctor.
Is implantation bleeding the same when you are undergoing IVF treatment?
People undergoing IVF or any other assisted fertility treatment often wonder if pregnancy symptoms will be the same if embryo transfer and implantation is successful. In a word, yes. While some stages of IVF are drug-driven, and even though the actual pairing of the egg and sperm takes place in the laboratory, the end result is identical.
Let's look at a summary of the steps that led to the implantation of the embryos. The first step is ovarian stimulation, which causes the ovaries to produce a number of oocytes. Then, when the oocytes have reached a suitable stage of maturity, they are retrieved during ovarian puncture in order to be fertilized with prepared sperm in the embryology laboratory. This is the point at which fertilization occurs and embryos are formed. They are cultivated - "grow" in special incubators and pass the necessary tests (if a genetic study of the embryos is performed). The healthiest and most viable embryo is then transferred into the woman's uterus. This is, in a nutshell, the final stage of the process. The implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall after it has been transferred is not part of the assisted reproduction process; it is something that happens naturally in the same way as in normal conception. This final stage is not guaranteed as a result of IVF treatment, just as unprotected sex during ovulation is not guaranteed to lead to pregnancy. This explains the absolute similarity of symptoms in the case of assisted reproduction and natural pregnancy, which you can expect, including any bleeding during implantation.
reasons, how long it lasts and what it looks like
Daria Tikhonova Practicing obstetrician-gynecologist and reproductologist, ultrasound doctor
8 Reading time
Women's health
Table of contents
- Main symptoms
- The main difference from menstruation and other nuances
- How to identify
- What looks like
- Blood after ovulation
- After ovulation
- After conception
- Is there a danger
- Does implantation occur during IVF
- Does it always happen
- Conclusions
Implantation is the process during which a fertilized egg is attached to the walls of the uterus. Because of this, small blood clots can be seen, which clearly indicate a successful conception. The process has a number of differences from menstruation, so it can be determined by specific signs.
During pregnancy, implantation bleeding is spotting. They become noticeable in the early stages of bearing a child. The reason for their occurrence is the attachment of the fetal egg to the lining of the uterus. As the egg moves, the vessels in the walls of the uterus may burst. This is what causes them to form. This phenomenon is absolutely natural and is somewhat reminiscent of menstruation.
What is it?
It is implantation bleeding that is the main sign that a baby has been conceived. This happens due to the fact that the fertilized egg penetrates and attaches to the walls of the uterus. During the passage of the egg, microvessels are damaged. Blood enters the cervix and then exits into the vagina.
When this happens, don't panic. It is better to learn more about implantation bleeding in order to understand what happens to the female body after conception:
- After fertilization, the egg begins to move towards the uterus;;
- The egg is then implanted into the endometrium;
- When the egg is attached to the mucous membrane, its integrity is violated;
- Next, minor damage to small vessels occurs;
- Typically, implantation bleeding occurs 6-12 days after intercourse.
Many people are interested in which particular day of the cycle implantation begins. It happens differently for every woman. It should be borne in mind that quite often this process goes unnoticed. This is due to the fact that the symptoms are completely absent or they coincided with the first day of menstruation. Quite often this happens in the absence of pregnancy planning.
Main symptoms
Many people are interested in how to recognize implantation and not confuse it simply with the beginning of a cycle. One of the most common causes of confusion is that implantation begins two weeks after conception, just at the time when menstruation usually begins. This period is purely conditional.
Thus, implantation bleeding can start at any time during the first trimester. Its duration is from 1 to 3 days. At the same time, the volume of blood is much less than during menstruation, but the color is darker. Color may vary.
Fresh clots are mostly bright red. If they are pink or orange, then there are other vaginal discharges. Old blood will have a brown color due to oxidation - in this case it will also be thicker.
Determining deviations from the norm is quite difficult. You can exclude or confirm conception using an hCG test. If blood clots are associated with the beginning of the cycle and menstruation, then they will have characteristic signs. In the event that additional symptoms occur, including general malaise, the best option would be to play it safe and consult a doctor.
The main difference from menstruation and other nuances
Many people confuse implantation with menstruation, especially if it started on the 11th-14th day of the cycle or after conception. Each woman's menstruation is different: someone has more abundant discharge, someone has meager. But when there are deviations from the norm, it is impossible not to notice them. Even with an irregular cycle, the type, volume and duration of menstruation will be completely different. It is on these grounds that implantation bleeding is determined. Among them:
- The amount of allocations. Implantation involves light spotting. Therefore, with heavy menstruation, they are quite easy to distinguish from each other;
- Duration. As a rule, menstruation lasts no more than seven days, and the duration of implantation is from several hours to two days. In the first pregnancy, the duration may be a little longer;
- Colour. Very rarely, implantation-type bleeding is intense, so the spots can be either pink or bright brown;
- Consistency. During menstruation, dense clots can occasionally come out, but this is not typical for implantation. In this case, the blood always has the same consistency.
If other early signs of pregnancy are additionally present, this once again confirms the occurrence of discharge. To make sure of this, you should buy a test that reacts to hCG and do it at home. Or make an appointment with a gynecologist.
In the event of implantation bleeding, most likely only a couple of drops of blood will be visible on the underwear. In the early stages, you cannot be absolutely sure that any form of discharge is harmless, so going to the doctor will be a normal option.
Implantation bleeding during pregnancy does not have an unpleasant odor. The intensity is short-term, so you may not even notice the onset. There are no special sensations. Only in very rare cases, with a successful conception, the expectant mother feels tearfulness, irritability, a metallic taste in her mouth and slight nausea in the morning.
How to identify
As a rule, implantation bleeding is manifested by a spot or not very abundant discharge. Usually they are not very strong and do not have clots, as in a normal cycle. If there are no other reasons to suspect the conception of a child, then it is highly likely that this type of discharge, which most likely indicates the beginning of a cycle.
This process occurs only in a third of cases. Therefore, there is a chance that it will not occur. But, if the discharge is related specifically to pregnancy, then there will be other signs:
- Morning sickness. It can begin both 4 weeks after conception and 6 weeks later. The malaise is temporary, so by 16-20 weeks it will cease to be noticeable.
- Highly sensitive to smells and tastes. This is a very clear sign of conception, directly related to hormonal changes;
- Frequent urination. This is also a sign of pregnancy associated with hormonal fluctuations;
- Soreness of the mammary glands. This is due to an increase in blood flow and fluid retention in the mammary glands against the background of a sharp increase in sex hormones.
- Stomach cramps. They can occur on their own or accompany implantation bleeding.
If, in addition to blood stains, at least one of these signs is also present, then we can talk about a successful conception with a high probability. In turn, in some girls, such symptoms indicate the beginning of a normal monthly cycle. Therefore, you need to focus on the individual condition.
looks like Many women confuse implantation bleeding with menses. It's pretty easy to tell one from the other. So, the main difference is that in the first case, the discharge begins before menstruation. The easiest way to find the differences will be for those women who were planning a pregnancy. As part of the planning of the unborn child, it is small blood clots that will be a sign of a conception that has occurred.
In order to determine the origin of secretions with maximum accuracy, you should pay attention to the following factors: color, quantity, structure and duration. The consistency of the clots after implantation should be similar to chicken protein. There may also be streaks or small drops of blood. The unpleasant odor is completely absent. Implantation bleeding during pregnancy lasts no more than a day. Most often, this process goes almost unnoticed.
If blood clots occur during menstruation, this is usually a warning sign. It indicates various gynecological diseases, so there is a reason to consult a gynecologist.
Blood after ovulation
As a rule, implantation bleeding occurs from 7 to 12 days after ovulation. In some women, discharge appears just before menstruation. Therefore, few people think about a possible pregnancy. It should be borne in mind that the process of conception occurs directly in the tubes, and then the fetal egg passes into the uterus.
Many girls are also interested in how long implantation lasts. It manifests itself in the form of scanty spotting for no more than a few days. The time periods of formation are close to the usual monthly ones, but also have certain differences. Depending on whether the process occurred after ovulation or after conception, the methods of its diagnosis differ.
After ovulation
Each girl's menstrual cycle varies within certain limits. However, it remains stable if the woman does not have any serious gynecological diseases. So, if the cycle of menstruation is 31 days, then implantation bleeding can occur on the 23-27th day of the cycle. But it will only occur if conception has occurred and the fertilized egg has attached itself to the mucous membranes of the uterus.
After conception
Implantation blood clots may occur after conception. As a rule, this happens after 6-14 days from the moment the egg was fertilized. This is how long it takes for the egg to enter the corresponding tubes and mucous membranes of the uterus.
Is there a risk
In the early stages of childbearing, questions may arise about whether implantation bleeding is dangerous. During pregnancy, discharge can occur for various reasons. It can be either cervical irritation or a mild infection. Therefore, regardless of the type of discharge, and on what day of the menstrual cycle it began, the best option would be to consult a doctor.
One common problem is that implantation bleeding makes it difficult to determine whether it is pregnancy or menstruation. This can create certain difficulties in calculating the due date. In the early stages of pregnancy, not every woman has implantation. As statistics show, this happens only in 15-25% of cases. Therefore, if this does not happen, you should not worry.
Normal implantation bleeding during pregnancy is nothing to worry about. Whether or not this physiological process occurs depends on the attachment of the fertilized egg. It matters how quickly she does it and in what place.
In order to identify implantation bleeding and distinguish it from menstruation or other processes, you need to know its main signs. First of all, it should be borne in mind that it cannot be as plentiful as menstruation. Also, implantation is not accompanied by general malaise or headaches.
Even if the stomach hurts, there are other distinguishing features. For example, color and duration. Not always the appearance of blood can be a sign of implantation bleeding. Sometimes it can be confused with more dangerous pathologies. Among them may be an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Various sexually transmitted infections are also possible. Quite often, during intercourse, the epithelium is damaged - because of this, blood will begin either during or immediately after sex. There is also a risk of miscarriages in early pregnancy, but then the pain will be very strong. Blood may not show up after ovulation. There is nothing wrong with this.
Does implantation occur during IVF
Regardless of the method of conception, every pregnant woman may experience implantation bleeding. With IVF, this phenomenon is observed on average in a third of a woman. It usually happens at 9-12 days after the embryo has been successfully transferred. This means that it is already fixed in the uterus. In addition to discharge, the following signs will tell about implantation bleeding during pregnancy:

The duration of implantation is only a few days, so soon, instead of spotting, real signs of pregnancy will become noticeable. It should be borne in mind that IVF is performed in several stages. Because of this, the implanted embryo needs some time to adapt to the new environment. Because of this, many women begin to anxiously think about how long implantation will begin and whether it will begin at all.
The sensations during implantation and, accordingly, when carrying a child, are identical to those that occur during conception in the usual way. There are no significant differences in implantation bleeding. It also occurs in the form of small secretions and lasts only a few days without any detrimental effect on the body.
Does it always happen
Implantation bleeding does not occur in all cases. Due to the meager volume, many women do not notice it at all. If this process is absent, then this is not a sign of pathology. This is just a feature of the body. The likelihood of implantation increases several times if the pregnancy is multiple.
If the discharge began immediately after conception and you are sure of its nature, you should not run to the doctor. You can continue to lead a normal life. It is also not required to start taking hemostatic agents. The only recommendation is to take folic acid to strengthen the walls of the uterus.
Pay special attention to nutrition and lifestyle, emotional state. On the part of doctors, when a discharge is detected, no intervention is also required. If there are any serious concerns, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Blood clots after ovulation are not necessarily negative.
Most often, this is a sign that conception is proceeding properly. If signs of implantation are found, you should calm down. After one or two days, it will stop and will not resume again. If you still consult a doctor, then he can conduct an ultrasound to make sure that the fetus is developing properly. Sometimes the presence of blood outside of menstruation is even useful, as it proves that the embryo has attached itself to the walls of the uterus.
It also happens that blood clots are followed by normal menstruation. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor so that he can consult in more detail and conduct proper tests.
Implantation bleeding is a natural process and does not pose any threat to the expectant mother or her child. It is very important for women to be able to distinguish implantation from the discharge that occurs at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. To do this, you need to pay attention to a number of signs: color, duration, consistency, smell. If you have any questions about pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor.
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