How to report someone for child neglect
How to Report Child Abuse and Neglect
There are ways you can help stop child maltreatment if you suspect or know that a child is being abused or neglected. If you or someone else is in immediate and serious danger, you should call 911.
You may be wondering who can report child abuse and neglect, what information is included in a report, or what happens after a report is made. On this page, find answers to your questions, as well as national and local resources that are available to provide assistance and information about reporting suspected maltreatment.
How do I report suspected child abuse or neglect?
State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers
Contact your local child protective services office or law enforcement agency.
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
Provides information on the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (Call or text 1.800.4.A.CHILD [1.800.422.4453]). Professional crisis counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 170 languages. All calls are confidential. The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (2022)
Provides information about how to report online sexual exploitation of a child or if you suspect that a child has been inappropriately contacted online. Information will be made available to law enforcement to investigate.
Child Welfare Information Gateway is not a hotline for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect, and it is not equipped to accept reports or intervene in personal situations of this nature.
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Who can report child abuse or neglect?
Anyone can report suspected child abuse or neglect. Reporting abuse or neglect can protect a child and get help for a family.
Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect
All U.S. States and territories have laws identifying persons who are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Mandatory reporters may include social workers, teachers and other school personnel, child care providers, physicians and other health-care workers, mental health professionals, and law enforcement officers. Some States require any person who suspects child abuse or neglect to report.
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What do I report when I suspect child abuse or neglect?
Provide a complete, honest account of what you observed that led you to suspect the occurrence of child abuse or neglect. Any reasonable suspicion is sufficient.
What Is Child Abuse and Neglect? Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms
Learn how to identify and report child abuse or neglect and refer children who may have been maltreated. This factsheet provides information on the legal definitions, different types, and signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect.
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What will happen after I make a report of child abuse or neglect?
After you make a report, it will be sent to child protective services (CPS). When CPS receives a report, the CPS worker reviews the information and determines if an investigation is needed. The CPS worker may talk with the family, the child, or others to help determine what is making the child unsafe. The CPS worker can help parents or other caregivers get services, education, or other assistance.
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Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Each State has a system to receive and respond to reports of possible child abuse and neglect. Professionals and concerned citizens can call statewide hotlines, local child protective services, or law enforcement agencies to share their concerns. In this section, find information on how to report child abuse and neglect and mandated reporting requirements.
- How to report child abuse and neglect
- Mandated reporting
The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
Provides information on the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (Call or text 1. 800.4.A.CHILD [1.800.422.4453]). Professional crisis counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 170 languages. All calls are confidential. The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Provides information about how to report online sexual exploitation of a child or if you suspect that a child has been inappropriately contacted online. Information will be made available to law enforcement to investigate.
How You Can Help Someone Who Is Being Abused or Neglected
Series Title
Factsheets for Families
Child Welfare Information Gateway
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Year Published
Provides children and youth ages 10 and older with information about what child abuse and neglect is and what to do if someone is not safe.
Immunity for Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect
Series Title
State Statutes
Child Welfare Information Gateway
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Year Published
Summarizes State laws on immunity from prosecution for persons who in good faith report suspected instances of child abuse or neglect. Immunity statutes protect both mandatory and voluntary reporters from civil or criminal liability that they might otherwise incur. The publication also discusses the provision of immunity for taking photographs or x-rays, performing medical examinations or tests, and participating in the investigation or prosecution of child abuse or neglect cases. Laws for all 50 States and territories are included.
Making and Screening Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect
Series Title
State Statutes
Child Welfare Information Gateway
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Year Published
Discusses State laws and regulations that specify the procedures that State child protection agencies must follow when responding to reports of suspected child abuse or neglect. The issues addressed include individual responsibility to report, content of reports, screening reports, investigation procedures, timeframes for completing investigations, and classification of investigative findings. Special procedures for handling child fatalities and substance-exposed children also are addressed.
State Child Abuse & Neglect Policies Database
Mathematica; Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation; Child Trends; & National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (2022)
Explores States’ child abuse and neglect definitions and policies used in the surveillance of child maltreatment, along with data on associated risk and protective factors.
State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers
Author(s): Child Welfare Information Gateway
Includes State toll-free numbers and websites for specific agencies designated to receive and investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect.
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Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency
Prevention of delinquency
Rights and obligations of parents (. docx 52.86 KB)
Raising a teenager is not an easy task.
Raising a teenager requires respect, closeness, trust and great parental patience.
Parents have to deal with various issues in raising and building new relationships, it would seem with their own or someone else's child. nine0005 In the experience of psychologists, several golden rules have been formulated for building trust, intimacy, openness and mutual respect. These rules were born through mistakes, awareness, testing in the practice of family counseling, when "difficult, aggressive" (according to parents) teenagers are brought to the appointment. Rule #10018 . Your son (or daughter) is now 13-16 years old. However, this was not always the case. Once the child was a year, two, three, five .... and further years. And the broken relationship lies THERE. Yes, yes, you heard right - it is there. Parents often create illusions. - "Just..."; - "Last month"; - "EVERYTHING was good before, but here..."; - "Everything is wonderful in our family, but the son... or daughter..."; nine0005 - "He/she lies to me all the time, but this has never happened before..." etc. It definitely didn't start yesterday. Dig. Sami. Or with a specialist. Learn to accept your mistakes. Neither I, nor you, nor anyone else is perfect. There are no ideal ones. Yes, and it makes sense to scold yourself - what will it change? nine0005 We all make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up for them. Don't blame. Don't be ashamed. What matters is how we solve (correct) our mistakes. A lot can be corrected. And grown up kids too. However, must start with yourself . How else can you show your child self-respect? intrinsic value? How, if not through yourself? Recognize that your child has grown. Oh, this is the most difficult thing for many parents. nine0005 It still seems to parents that “how can he understand... he is still small”, “he has a lot of ambition, but he is old...”, etc. A parade of parental stereotypes. And in fact, it's time to build partnerships relationships. With respect, with dignity, with the value of the opinion of another. Is it logical? Rule 4. Respect your teenager's privacy Here parents often stumble on their own childhood experience. Many people weren't given space as children either. Therefore, the main work here is parenting. Choose a time to talk. Whether you want to talk about the weather or his/her progress at school. Ask if he wants to discuss something? Often parents do not delve into the emotional world of a teenager, being themselves in the cycle of worries and are content with the answer "normal", without showing enough attention. Keep revelations. nine0018 Your child can tell something that stirs his soul (children until the last believe that their parents will not betray and ridicule their fantasies, fears, desires, dreams) and it is important to appreciate this. Sincerely. With dignity. Even if the revelations are unpleasant to you. If you are aware of cases of children being left without parental control, please inform the Department of Family Policy and Social Services of the Department of Social Policy No. Reminders, announcements Open window (.docx 1.68 MB) Beware of ice! (.docx 231.28 KB) White Flower Charity Warehouse (.docx 180.32 KB) Share: 11.02.2017 Sample application to the Prosecutor's Office, Investigative Committee when a child is removed by the police under the Act of Neglect / Homelessness. The act of neglect is usually drawn up by police officers who have decided that the child is neglected or homeless, many do not make a distinction due to legal illiteracy. Definition and recognition occurs on the basis of their own private ideas about the "surveillance" of these same police officers. For example, the basis for the removal of a child (not to be confused with the selection under Art. 77 of the UK) can be "Unsanitary conditions" - again in the understanding of specific policemen, "Illness of a child" - for example, seasonal SARS or developmental features of a child different from those that the police consider "normal", etc. nine0005 At best, you will receive this act in your hands, at worst, you will hear something from conversations. The child is usually taken to the nearest children's infectious diseases hospital. During this time, parents are gently offered/forced/intimidated to write a "voluntary" application for the placement of a child in an orphanage "due to temporary life difficulties" . After some time, the fear disappears, but the realization comes that the child is already in the shelter, and no one is going to return him. Moreover, to meet with him, you need to collect an incredible mountain of certificates and show housing for compliance with its sanitary and housing standards . What to do? If you have not yet written an application to the same shelter and guardianship department with a request to return the child, since life has improved, and you are still in full parental rights, write immediately. No one will run away to return it to you, so write to the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee. 1. The circumstances of the case. Describe what happened and how. Time of day, composition of the family or participants who were near the child, how the police got into the house, what documents they presented, what grounds for seizure were given. provided for in Art. 77 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and only in case of a direct threat to the life of the child and his health . Availability ............................................... (reasons indicated during selection: unsanitary conditions ,..) or the absence (of sleeping places, etc.), can in no way be considered as a convincing sign of the presence of an immediate threat to life and health, especially in relation to all children[2]. Thus, the immediate removal of children was carried out contrary to current legislation . In such a situation, the actions of representatives of the authorities are seen as elements of the composition of criminal offenses provided for by a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 126 (“Kidnapping”), as well as Article 201 (“Abuse of Authority”) or Article 330 (“Arbitrariness” )). 3. According to available data, children, contrary to the requirements of the current legislation, were formally selected not under Art. 77 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, but are issued as "neglected" . In accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency" a neglected minor is a minor "whose behavior is not controlled due to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties for his upbringing, training and (or) maintenance by parents or other legal representatives. In this situation, there were no grounds to believe that there was no control over the behavior of the selected children. Thus, if the registration of children as "neglected" really happened, then knowingly false information was entered into official documents . 4. Already after the children were taken away, representatives of the guardianship authority convinced ......... (name of the victim) to write a “voluntary” application for the placement of children in the shelter “of their own free will” . The name of the victim......... was misled by the promise that this would give her the opportunity to freely pick up the children. These actions of guardianship officers are illegal and look like an attempt to “legalize” previous illegal steps , which seriously contradicted the current legislation. 5. 6. If it happened, then In the course of the events, according to media information, officials illegally disclosed the secret of adoption (Article 155 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and other information constituting a medical secret or in another capacity protected by law. An appeal can be drawn up to apply to the President, the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee - as an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation as a guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (Article 80 Part 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation ) nine0202 - as an appeal to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation as a supervisory authority with a message containing information about the violation of laws (Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation") - as an appeal to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with a report on a crime (Article 140, part 1, clause 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation) persons to liability, up to criminal.
I understand why. It hurts to admit your mistakes. Do not create illusions that the problems have begun:
Look for early disruptions in your relationships .
Rule 2.
Rule 3.
This does not mean that the child should now answer like an adult (he is not yet 18-21 years old), but it means that explanations, taking responsibility for one's words are now becoming more articulate in the family. The teenager participates in some family matters, he is allocated an open role with the right to vote and take into account opinions. All this allows a teenager to feel significant and to master new social skills. nine0025 A very important point. Parents of themselves are required to follow this rule.
It's strange, for example, to require a child to wash their hands when all the other members of the family do not wash them.
Often, what psychologists encounter in their work is the desire to tell a teenager where he belongs ("you are a child, and I am a mother" and thereby violate Rule 3 forever), to go into his personal belongings (or even worse, clean them), be persistent with calls, instead of agreeing on the time and frequency of calls (You don’t persecute your boss like that? Or your husband? Or parents? Right? Or do you persecute? If yes, then the question is only for you, the resistance of the child and his you go first to the contact, and then to a trusting relationship - understandable). nine0005
Rule 5.
Rule 6.
Rule 7. Hug. Support. Appreciate. Love.
In Sukhoi Log, Yubileynaya st., 15, room 5, tel. 8(34373) 4-20-70 In Bogdanovich, Sovetskaya st., 3, office 11, tel. 8(34376) 5-63-78
The child was taken away under the Neglect Act. Appeal to the Prosecutor's Office, Investigative Committee
Focus mainly on the fact that, according to Article 77 of the UK, selection is carried out extremely rarely and, as a rule, by guardianship officers in the presence (optional) of the police , by an act of neglect - in the vast majority of cases, and with the participation of the police.
If you remember, indicate your full name and titles. How they were taken away, what they said, in what tone and in what expressions.0202
The court decision on the restriction / deprivation of parental rights) in relation to the name of the victim ............... came into force we are talking about foster children) according to official data, only ............... (date of entry into force of the decision). Thus, until the indicated date, .......... (name of the victim) legally remained the legal representatives of the children. However, they were refused to provide documents relating to children, information about their condition, and were prevented from freely communicating with children. This situation was a violation of the current legislation. nine0202