How to pay the least amount of child support
Lower Your Child Support Payments & Get More Parenting Time
Lower your child support payments
In most cases, you can lower your child support payments by figuring out the correct parenting timeshare percentage and increasing the amount of time you have your children.
Almost every state uses at least these two factors to calculate child support:
- How much time each parent has with the child
- How much income each parent has
Generally speaking, the parent with the least amount of time with the children pays child support to the parent who has more time. Due to this, some parents seek custody to avoid child support.
The amount of time you have with your children is calculated as the:
- Parenting timeshare percentage that shows the percentage of time each parent has the children
- Overnight timeshare percentage which shows the percentage of overnights each parent has the children
- Number of hours that each parent has the children
To get a correct child support calculation, you need to have the right timeshare percentage. Because this is difficult and time consuming to figure out, most lawyers and courts simply guess or estimate the timeshare percentage.
To lower your child support payments you need to figure out your timeshare percentage. Then you can know if your current child support calculation is correct.
Your payments may change just by having the right timeshare percentage. And, if they don't, you can take steps to increase your timeshare percentage so your payments are lower.
Calculate your timeshare percentage
First, you need to know your state's formula for calculating child support so you know what type of timeshare percentage to calculate. Your state may want the parenting timeshare (also called the visitation timeshare), the overnight timeshare, or the number of hours you have the children.
Custody X Change is software with a timeshare calculator.
Calculate My Parenting Time Now
Custody X Change calculates the:
- Parenting or visitation timeshare percentage
- Overnight timeshare percentage
- Number of hours you have your children
To get your timeshare percentage with Custody X Change you enter your parenting time schedule into the software and the program shows you the exact amount of time that each parent has the children.
See the timeshare percentage as you enter in your schedule.
Once your schedule is made, you can print a parenting time report to show the court or your lawyer. Then you will have the right timeshare percentage in your child support calculation.
Print a report that shows the timeshare percentage of each parent.
Increase your parenting time
Once you know your parenting timeshare percentage, you can work to increase your parenting time and lower your child support payments.
Custody X Change shows your timeshare percentage as you make your schedule. With the software you can experiment with your schedule to increase your parenting time. Often, you can make little changes to your schedule that will result in bigger changes to your child support.
Some little changes to make to your schedule are:
- Adding 30 minutes or so to your visits throughout the week
- Changing the start day of your schedule
- Looking at holiday time and increasing the number of holidays in your schedule
- Adding vacation time to your schedule
- Changing your holiday schedule
- Adding 3rd party time to your schedule
You should also check your state laws about how much parenting time you need in order to claim your child as a dependent on your tax forms. In some states, you need a certain timeshare percentage to claim your child. If you can increase your timeshare percentage to that amount, you can save a lot of money on your taxes.
Track your actual parenting time
You may also want to track your actual parenting time because you may have the children more than you are scheduled. If you do, you can go to court and get your child support payments changed.
If you have your children more than you are scheduled and you aren't currently claiming your children as dependents on your taxes, you should also look into your state custody laws. You may have the children enough to claim them as dependents, and you can go to court and show your actual parenting time and save money on your taxes.
Custody X Change has an actual-time tracking and journaling feature that lets you:
- Track your actual timeshare percentage
- Keep notes about visitation in a journal
- Print a report that shows the difference between the scheduled timeshare percentage and the actual timeshare percentage
- Print a calendar that shows the actual parenting time schedule
Custody X Change is software with a timeshare calculator.
Calculate My Parenting Time Now
Skip to contentDoes your ex-wife insist you are able to pay more child support? Can you no longer afford to pay the amount the court originally ordered? Does your child now live with you most of the time? Whatever the reason, there are certain situations that allow you to request a modification of your child support amount so that it is fair and reasonable for both you and your child. You want to avoid being unable to pay because then you may end up serving jail time. Instead, seek legal help to modify your child support if you find yourself in any of the following circumstances.
Your income decreases
If your pay decreases, you lose your job or you have to work less due to a medical condition, you need to immediately share this change with the court. You will have to continue paying the current child support amount until the court approves the modification, so the sooner you file the better. In the meantime, if you cannot make full payments, pay whatever you can. Also, actively look for new employment if applicable. Both actions show the judge your commitment and effort to follow the order.
You are responsible for other children
You may now have another biological child you have to support financially, whether you are married to the mother or not. Because you are financially responsible for more than one child, you qualify for a child support modification. However, this does not apply to any stepchildren who are under your care.
Your child custody arrangement changes
Have your child custody arrangements changed in your favor, and your child now lives with you more? Reasons for the change may be unsafe living conditions, practicality or your child’s choice. In this case, you not only may be able to reduce the amount you pay, but if you become the custodial parent, you may also be able to receive child support from your ex-wife.
Other eligible circumstances
There are additional circumstances that may lower your child support order, such as the following:
- Military deployment or return from active duty
- Incarceration
- Improvement in your child’s health
- Increase in your living expenses
It is best to speak to a Texas family law attorney for more information on whether your situation grants you eligibility to modify your child support payments. Having a lawyer help you and ensure you have all the necessary evidence may also speed up the process so you can obtain a lower amount sooner.
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How is the amount of alimony determined? | Juristaitab
From now on, the subsistence minimum is separated from the so-called minimum wage, which has raised the subsistence minimum every year until now. HUGO lawyer Vahur Kõlvart explains the nature of the new system below.
In the future, minimum child support will have five different components.
A base amount of at least 200 euros per child, indexed annually to the previous year's consumer price index (which will be officially published by Statistics Estonia on 1 April). After indexation, the base amount resulting from indexation in the previous year is considered the base amount for the next year. nine0003
3% of the country's average monthly gross salary for the previous year is added (which is also officially published by Statistics Estonia on 1 April).
Number of children supported in one family - in this case, the amount of maintenance for subsequent children is reduced by 15 percent compared to the amount of maintenance for the first child. The amount of maintenance is not reduced in the case of twins/twins and in the case of children with a difference in age of more than three years. nine0003
Family allowances - in comparison with the past, the law clearly states that the parent is not obliged to support the child to the extent that the needs of the child can be met by the child allowance and the multi-family allowance. If the benefit claimant receives these benefits, half of the benefit is deducted from the allowance for each child. However, if the recipient of the benefit is a payer, this amount is added to the alimony.
Child living together - if the child lives with the parent who pays support for an average of at least 7 days per month per year, the amount of support is reduced in proportion to the time spent with the obliging parent. Therefore, if the child lives equally with both parents, maintenance can only be collected if this is due to the greater needs of the child, a significant difference in the income of the parents, or an uneven distribution of expenses related to the child between the parents. nine0003
The child lives with the mother, stays with the father for an average of 10 days per month, and a child allowance of 60 euros is paid to the account of the child's mother. The minimum allowance per child is 70.43 euros.
Base amount: 200 euros 3% of the average salary for the previous year: the average gross salary in 2020 was 1448 euros per month, of which 3% is 43.44 euros.
Family allowances: half of the child allowance is deducted from the parent's maintenance obligations (60/2=30), then the amount of maintenance is 213.44 euros (243.44-30). nine0009 Cohabitation: If the child lives with the parent in charge of maintenance between 7 and 15 days per month, the amount of maintenance may be further reduced according to the number of those days. The basis is how many percent of the time the child spends with the parent responsible for child support. 15 days count as half a month. In this example, the child spends 10 days or 66.7% of the required time (10/15) with the parent responsible for child support. Subtracting the necessary time from the maintenance of one parent, we get 70.43 euros (216.59-(216.59*0.667)).
Using the Department of Justice's child support calculator, each parent can calculate the minimum amount of child support the court is likely to award in their case.
the size and who will pay them
The Verkhovna Rada adopted amendments to the legislation that increase the minimum amount of alimony to 50% of the subsistence minimum (hereinafter - PM). In addition, people's deputies equalized all family members: grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives who will pay child support at the same level as their parents. Consider the changes in the Family Code (hereinafter referred to as the FC) regarding the payment of alimony in Ukraine and tell you who will pay them if the parents evade this. nine0049
What is child support?
Alimony is a monthly payment for the maintenance of a child from a parent who lives apart from the child, awarded by court order from a part of the income of another person or in a clearly defined amount.
According to Art. 180 of the UK, parents are required to support a child until he reaches the age of majority, that is, up to 18 years.
There is also an obligation for parents to pay child support for an adult child until they reach the age of 23, provided that they need financial assistance due to disability or continue their education, and parents have the opportunity to provide such assistance. nine0003
How did the minimum amount of child support increase?
According to Part 2 of Art. 182 of the UK, the amount of alimony must be necessary and sufficient to ensure the harmonious development of the child. But not less than half of the PM determined for children of the corresponding age category.
Parents can determine the amount of maintenance voluntarily. To do this, the employee indicates the desired amount of deductions and the identity of the recipient in a personal statement. And the accountant must keep and transfer this amount in a timely manner. nine0003
If there is no voluntary consent, alimony can be collected through the court, and this will already be a forced payment. The amount of such payment can be determined as a percentage of income or as a fixed amount.
New Law No. 2008-IX of January 26, 2022 “On Amendments to the Family Code of Ukraine regarding an increase in the minimum amount of alimony that is collected for a child from other family members and relatives, and the introduction of a minimum amount of temporary state assistance to children whose parents evade payment of alimony” legislative provisions were improved and discriminatory discrepancies that arose in Art. 181 and 272 UK. nine0003
The new law raises the minimum amount of alimony and equalizes payments for all family members. Previously, in Ukraine, alimony was paid according to the following scheme:
- Parents paid at least 50% of the monthly allowance for a child of the corresponding age;
- other family members could pay at least 30%.
From 2022, the total amount of alimony that is collected from other family members for a child cannot be less than 50% of the PM (part 2 of article 182 of the UK)
If the parents are absent or unable to pay child support for good reasons, then other family members and relatives are responsible for supporting the child. That is, to pay child support at the level with parents can:
- grandparents;
- great-grandparents;
- brothers and sisters;
- stepmothers or stepfathers.
The amount of alimony to be collected from other family members and relatives for one child may be awarded by the court if the alimony payer's earnings (income) are sufficient. When determining the amount of alimony, the court takes into account the financial and marital status of the alimony payer and recipient. nine0003
In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 183 of the UK, the court may issue an order to collect alimony for one child in the amount of one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the alimony payer's earnings.
In case of forced recovery of alimony, their amount is indicated in the court decision, court order, writ of execution and the decision of the executor issued in their execution. The employer must deduct only this amount of alimony from the employee's salary. The employer does not have the right to change this amount on his own. nine0003
In accordance with the Law on the State Budget for 2022, the PM for children is (see Table 1):
Period Payment PM for children under 6 years of age: – from 01/01/2022 to 06/30/2022 – from 07/01/2022 to 11/30/2022 2 201 - from 01.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 2 272 PM for children aged 6 to 18: – from 01/01/2022 to 06/30/2022 – from 07/01/2022 to 11/30/2022 2833 - from 01.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 2744 The minimum amount of maintenance per child from one of the parents is (see Table 2): Table 2 (UAH) Period Payment Alimony for children under 6 years of age: – from 01/01/2022 to 06/30/2022 – from 07/01/2022 to 11/30/2022 1 100.50 - from 01.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 1,136.00 Alimony for children aged 6 to 18 years old: – from 01/01/2022 to 06/30/2022 1,309.00 – from 07/01/2022 to 11/30/2022 1,372.00 - from 01.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 1416.50 Attention! The maximum amount of alimony is 10 RM per child of the corresponding age (part 5 of article 183 of the UK). nine0049 The maximum amount of child support cannot exceed one of the parents per child (see Table 3). Table 3 (UAH) Period Payment For children under 6 years of age: – from 07/01/2022 to 11/30/2022 22 010 - from 01. 22 720 For children aged 6 to 18: – from 01/01/2022 to 06/30/2022 – from 07/01/2022 to 11/30/2022 27 440 - from 01.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 28 330 By law, the child is also provided with state assistance under the following conditions: In these cases, the state provides temporary assistance, taking into account the material condition of the family in which the child of the corresponding age lives. The amount of assistance will also be at least 50% of the PM. nine0119
2 100
1050. 00
21 000 12.2022 to 31.12.2022
26 180
Who will pay if the parents evade child support?