How to help child with homework sims 4
How to Do Homework in The Sims 4
Step-By-Step Guide to Doing Homework in The Sims 4
Children – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4
University Student – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4
Why Is Doing Homework Important in The Sims 4?
It seems that no matter where you are, homework is an unavoidable part of life. Even your Sims can’t escape it. While boring, homework is an essential part of your younger Sim’s development and will help them land great jobs when they’re older. However, understanding how to do homework in The Sims 4 can be pretty tricky.
In this article, we’ll provide a detailed guide on how to do homework in Sims 4, and outline the benefits of performing the task.
READ MORE: How to Rotate Items in The Sims 4
Copyright Maxis/EA GamesHow you perform homework actually depends on which stage your Sim is in their education. Here’s a detailed guide for doing homework across all ages in Sims 4.
Children – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4
To get your child to do homework, follow these steps:
- Send your child to school.
- When they return home, select the child and check their inventory. There should be an orange book – this is their homework book.
- Click on the book and select ‘do homework.’ The child will sit down and begin completing the task.
- If needed, an adult Sim can assist with their child’s homework, which will speed the process up.
Make sure your character completes their homework before the next school day for optimum performance at school.
If you’re struggling to get your teen Sim to do homework in The Sims 4, follow these steps:
- Send your teen to school.
- When they return home, check their inventory. Your teenage Sims should have a blue book, which is their homework book.
- Complete steps 3 and 4 as above.
Getting a teen Sim to do homework is largely the same as having a child Sim complete it. The only difference is that a teen Sim’s homework book will be blue, not orange.
University Student – How to Do Homework in The Sims 4
If you have the ‘Discover University’ expansion pack installed, here’s how you can get your Sim to do their homework:
- Have your Sim go to class.
- When they return, open the character’s inventory. There should be a homework book.
- Click on the homework book to start the action. If your Sim takes multiple classes, you’ll have to choose which homework to do.
- Repeat until all homework is done.
Sims who have enrolled at university will have much more homework than other Sims because they will attend multiple classes. It’s a good idea to get each piece of homework done before the next class, as this will lead to bigger XP rewards and better progress at university.
To speed up the time it takes for your character to complete their university homework, try leveling up their research and debate skills. This will reduce the time taken to complete homework considerably.
READ MORE: The Sims 4 High School Years expansion announced
You may be wondering why doing homework is so important in Sims 4. Well, it actually has a number of benefits.
By doing homework, your Sim will perform better at school, leading to better school grades. This will ultimately result in better job opportunities and higher wages. Additionally, you’ll be able to unlock several achievements by performing well at school.
There’s everything that you need to know about doing homework in The Sims 4. At first, figuring out how to do homework can be a little confusing, as the game doesn’t offer much direction. But, once you get the hang of it, you’ll be on top of your Sim’s homework in no time.
My adult sim won't help their child with homework
July 2020 - last edited July 2020
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1. 65.70.1020
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Get to Work, Cats and Dogs, Get Together, City Living, Seasons, Get Famous, Realm of Magic, Parenthood, Outdoor Retreat
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to help a child with homework after the child has started homework, and you'll find that the option to do so simply isn't there.
What happens when the bug occurs? The mother can't help the child with homework.
What do you expect to see? The option to help with homework appearing so that the mother can help her child!
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
My adult sim won't help their child with homework.
When I go to make my adult sim help her child with homework as the child is working on it, the option simply isn't there. I remember being able to before I took a six month long break that I ended just yesterday. I really need her to help her child with homework, otherwise she can't complete her aspiration!
I have no idea what to do, and I have no clue what caused the bug. The mom is permanently stuck on this little aspiration level (help child with homework 3 times) until the bug is fixed or I can figure out a way to force her to help with homework by some obscure trick.
July 2020
@Lilac1606 Please use this thread for the toddler issue:
Could you edit this post to just be about the homework issue ?
For me that still works fine. Did you make the Child do homework and then click with the mom on the child ?
You can cheat the aspiration level with: aspiration.complete_current_milestone
July 2020
@crinrict Edited the post to get rid of toddler stuff.
Yes, I did the child do homework and then click with the mom on the child.
July 2020
@Lilac1606 Did you try if it's limited to this Sim or if others have issues too ?
August 2020
@Lilac1606 Are you still having issues with this ?
November 2021
I'm having the same issue, and I wonder if it's because the kid is a genius and doesn't need the help.
November 2021
@IrishFire Does it work with a child that isn't a genius ?
November 2021
I'm not sure! This is the first time I've picked up the game on this new machine, and the family's first kid.
It did start spontaneously working, when it didn't before, and it only works when the child is already doing homework. They can't ask for homework help, and the parent can't offer it unless homework is already in progress.
November 2021
@IrishFire yes, that's how it works.
Control and gameplay questions | Page 154
Cheats for "The Sims 4"
Is The Sims 4 online?
No and never will.
Will The Sims 4 be available for Mac?
The Sims 4 for Mac is now available to purchase and download from Origin. More.
Can I play without an internet connection?
Network access is not required, you must log in to Origin offline.
How to get a family tree in the game?
Update the game to version (03/02/15)
How to get a ghost in the family?
Update the game to version 1. 0.732.20 (01/10/14)
You cannot create a ghost in CAS, you can only download it from the Gallery. Game method: wait until the deceased in the form of a ghost appears from the grave and befriend him. After the friendship scale is completely filled (sometimes a little earlier), the "Invite to family" action will appear.
How do I get pools in the game?
Update the game to version
Can neighbors die and have babies while I play with my family?
Dying - yes, if there is a corresponding checkbox in the gameplay settings opposite "Auto-growing up (NPCs)". Neighbors cannot have children autonomously.
Can NPCs move into empty houses?
Yes, they can, if you check the box next to "Fill empty houses" in the gameplay settings. When enabled, the game can populate families from your library on its own.
How to resettle one character from a family?
In town mode, click on the family home and select Manage Families. There, select the desired family and press the button with two arrows. In the "Separation and merging of families" window that opens, use the arrows to move the desired character(s) to the right window and click on "Create a new family" (plus button). In screenshots.
Is it possible to play standard families and if so, how to switch to them?
Menu (...) - City management. Click on the desired area and press the "Play" button.
How to plant plants?
Order seeds via computer. When you unpack the package, they will be in the character's luggage, from where they must be dragged to the ground.
Can I eat fruits and vegetables?
Possible. Update the game to version (16/12/14).
Are there cars in the game?
Where can I get round/corner cabinets and cupboards in different heights?
In build mode, turn off auto-placement to grid (G), and then when choosing a color, the choice of shape will also be available. When you click on hanging cabinets, choose the shape you need, all of them are presented in the menu.
How can you finish eating leftover food in the refrigerator?
Select the action "Take leftover food" when clicking on the refrigerator.
How to fulfill the desire to squat?
This is a wrong translation, the wish is fulfilled when performing the "Pump press" action.
Is it possible to change the language in the game?
You can select a language when installing a licensed game from Origin. In the downloaded game only by editing the registry.
Is there a voodoo doll in the game?
Yes, there is. For example, it can be caught in a pond or, with a pumped dirty trick skill, ordered using a computer.
At level 10 in the writing skill, a Sim can write the Book of Life, what is it for?
In this book, you can enter the name of a Sim and revive him in case of death.
Is it possible to create your own pond?
The reservoir creation tool was added to the game in update 1. 77.131.1030 of 07/20/21
Why doesn't the postman bring newspapers?
This is not in the game.
How to turn off hints in the game?
Only owners of a licensed game can do this. Instructions: 1, 2
How do I switch the camera to top view?
In the upper right corner click on the camera icon, there will be an option "Switch to top view".
Is there a collector's journal in the game?
Yes, it is in the character's inventory, marked with a crystal icon.
Is it possible to make acquaintances at work?
Yes. When a Sim is at work, click on the briefcase icon next to their icon and choose to chat with colleagues.
Where can I buy books and groceries?
Like seeds, they can be ordered via computer.
Or buy books through the bookcase, food - through the refrigerator (when cooking).
Game update dated 07/20/21 added the ability to order food delivery (option on the phone or refrigerator).
How to rotate items in buy mode?
Using the < and > keys or by clicking on the right mouse button.
How to enlarge/reduce an item?
With developer code enabled:
Shift + ] - increases the size of objects
Shift + [ - reduces the size of objects
Other codes in the theme Codes for "The Sims 4"
How to rotate the whole lot?
In build mode, in the top menu, click on the icon with crossed arrows - and select the icon with the designation of the plot, then expand the plot as required and click the checkmark to confirm.
How can I transfer the characters created in the demo version of the editor to the game?
In My Documents, in the Electronic Arts folder, find the game and editor folders. Sims are stored in the Tray subfolder, copy its contents to a similar subfolder in the game folder.
Where are the rewards for happiness points?
In the menu with aspirations (a round button with a star) there is a "Happiness Store" - an icon with a box.
How to start a new game?
From the initial launch screen, click the "New Game" button on the right.
How can a Sim lose weight?
You can lose weight with the "Long Run" on the treadmill, or buy the "Soluble Slimness" potion in the reward store, for 750 points.
Are there cemeteries in the game?
No, there are no cemeteries.
Can a Sim have multiple saved outfits in the same category?
Yes, maybe. To do this, in the CAS on the category icon, click on the arrow, and then numbers and a plus sign will appear in front of you. With their help, you can add new outfits.
Is there a style editor in the game?
There is no style editor like in the third part. You cannot customize custom colors, but you can download and install custom clothing recolors.
How do I export a sim/lot from the game?
Instructions for publishing papers
I accidentally sold homework from a student, what should I do?
Buy new through the bookcase.
Is it possible to change the hair length in the editor?
No, hair length cannot be edited.
How to turn off the grid in build mode?
With the G/R key.
Where can I find a mobile phone?
The mobile phone icon is located on the character panel in the lower left corner.
Whose last name does the child get?
The player can register the first and last name.
How to fulfill the desire "To be in a creative block" for a writer?
It is necessary to write continuously. The desire will be counted approximately when you write the second book in a row or start the third.
How do I find out the age category of a non-playable Sim?
Update the game to version (16/12/14).
Where can I get Proglotis the Cannibal?
Cannibal Proglotis Berry can either be caught fishing in the Forgotten Grotto (hidden location in Oasis Springs) or in the Oasis Park water body, or brought from space.
How to change work clothes?
It is the default and cannot be changed by the user.
How can I prevent spoilage of food in the refrigerator?
Food will spoil in any refrigerator, but the more expensive it is, the slower the process.
What last name do Sims get when they get married?
Each remains with his own.
How can you tell if your Sim is pregnant?
By clicking on the toilet there is an opportunity to take a pregnancy test. All the details about pregnancy and children in this thread.
How to adopt a child, is there a choice?
Adoption is done via computer, for $1000 (Family options). You can choose gender/age/appearance.
How can a baby grow up?
Click on the baby or on the bed with him and select the action "Grow up". Babies mature in 3-9 days (depending on the lifespan that is set).
How do I age a Sim if aging is disabled?
Bake a cake, put candles in it and blow them out.
How to get twins / triplets and control the sex of the child?
The birth of twins/triplets depends on the presence of the award "Multiple children". The ability to influence the gender of the child appeared in update 1.6.69: strawberries and pop music set up for the birth of girls, carrots and an alternative - for the birth of boys.
How to remove sims with Russian names?
Evacuate them all and uncheck "Populate empty houses" in the game process settings. You can also use the mod.
Is it possible to change the name/appearance (remove muscles, tattoo )/character traits in the game?
This game option is not provided, it is possible only with the help of codes.
Enter developer code TestingCheats true/false
then cas.fulleditmode
while holding Shift, click on the sim "Change in SP".
The last name of an entire family can be changed in the family editor.
How to get into the city?
Press the phone and select one of the options "Go to. .." or "Go to...", or press the M key and select a location in map mode.
How can an unemployed character make a profit?
By improving the skills of drawing, writing, programming and selling the results - paintings, books, writing plug-ins. You can sell caught fish and grown plants, as well as collectibles.
How to make 5 friends forever? One is, with others the relationship is at the maximum, but such an item does not appear in the interaction menu.
There can only be one friend forever. To complete this task, you need to quarrel with your current friend forever and so five times.
I took a family of 4 from the Gallery, how can I get only one family member to play in CAS?
Load the family and delete the unwanted ones on the character icons in the lower left corner of the screen.
Is there a code that unlocks all career items?
There is also a mod.
What kind of tools can be created on a carpentry machine?
Refers to musical instruments. If the character has level 10 guitar or violin skill, he will be able to create these instruments.
How to complete the task "Make a toast?"
The Sim must be holding a drink (not juice) for the desired action to appear.
Doesn't count for "Let the kid get an A in school" in the "Good heredity" aspiration. What to do?
Error of localizers, in the original the task sounds like "... five at high school ", that is, the task will be counted only for a teenager.
Everything in the game looks blurry, what should I do?
Menu - Settings - Graphics - Uncheck "Post-processing effects" - Restart the game.
Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves
How do I clear the game cache?0299 and lotcacheddata delete everything, delete everything from folder cache except FileCache. cfg , and delete file localthumbcache.package .
How do I upload my music to the game?
C:Users/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Custom Music there are folders with different directions in music, put files there.
What should I do if the gallery does not load?
The gallery is only available when Origin is running. If you have it running, but you still can't connect to the gallery, reinstall this program (Origin).
If the described solution did not help, contact Technical Support.
How do I take screenshots in the game and where are they stored?
Press C, stored in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Screenshots
How do I take screenshots in CAS?
With the release of update 1.3.18, you can take screenshots in the editor in the same way as in the game - by pressing the C key. In earlier versions of the game, you can take screenshots in CAS using the Fraps program ( 0299 login or register . )
What is the function of the scratch folder in the saves folder? If you delete its contents, will the game stop working?
The scratch folder is a temporary storage of the unpacked save in the computer's memory - it is automatically filled when the game starts.
How can I hire several bartenders to work in one area?
Use a mod that increases the limit of available staff for hiring.
How do I choose the Grilled Cheese aspiration?( PC Update / Mac Update (04/02/2016)
After eating three Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, the Sim will be able to change their Aspiration to Grilled Cheese in Live Mode. In CAS, you cannot choose this life goal.
The Sims 4 Flaws and Glitches | Page 40
- #1
What flaws and glitches have you noticed in your game?
We post screenshots whenever possible.
Technical questions are not considered and will be deleted.
Contact technical support.
- #781
I don't know if it's a glitch or not, I have two sims in school, one is in elementary school, the other is a high school student... coming home from school.. no homework in luggage. As a result, I found it on the table for the elementary class, but I never found the second Sim's homework. And how to improve school performance..
Tech. support
- #782
Anemi available in bookcase
- #783
Anemi said:
Don't know if it's a glitch or not
Click to expand.
I think it's a glitch. There are also two children in the family, one comes with homework, the other does not. So it was in elementary school and now in high school.
GuruSnow said:
available from bookcase
Click to expand...
Thank you. I wouldn't have guessed either. Wow, what an absurdity - homework to buy
- #784
Does anyone know how to remap the keyboard buttons in the game? Something is starting to strain this piano, especially in build mode.
- #785
Navia said:
There are also two children in the family, one comes with homework, the other does not.
So it was in elementary school and now in high school.
Click to expand...
It happened to me, while dz lay where the sim left it and was active, the sim just sat down and made it
- #786
marusi said:
It happened to me, while dz lay where the sim left it
Click to expand...
I searched the whole house - no... I think she came from school without an assignment. Here the second one threw her homework somewhere, so it was found, but this one did not initially appear.
By the way, about not glitches, but shortcomings of the game. The refrigerator is annoying... to take a ready meal, you have to open it and choose what to eat, and along with the refrigerator, a window with the character's luggage opens. And then you have to close two windows. In general, in this game you sometimes have to do too many unnecessary actions. All management takes more time than in the previous parts.
- #787
Navia said:
Refrigerator is annoying... to take a ready dish, you have to open it and choose what to eat, and along with the refrigerator, a window with the character's luggage opens. And then you have to close two windows.
Click to expand...
I combat this by clicking on the needs bar and clicking on "nutrition". If I don't care what a Sim eats, then that's what I do.
- #788
I don't get quests without reloading the game or going to lots, or having the sim go to school/work. Only those where there is no account do not count. Those. dancing for 2 hours counts, but climbing on the bar in a playful mood is not. She went to school, returned, counted.
The speed buttons are also terribly annoying. Either they work or they don't. I restart the game five times.
- #789
I feel like I'm back to the roots of The Sims 2. But I ran into a glitch from The Sims 3. I play with several families. After the birth of a certain number of children, my sims began to disappear. And it is impossible to find them, they even disappear from the column of relations of relatives.
- #790
She briefly left her family when she returned to playing with them - all collections were reset. Only the items that the Sims had in their luggage remained. Figurines, fish, meteorites and other things placed around the house must be collected again.
- #791
Fierro said:
Why can't Sims sleep in the bathroom, for example?
Click to expand.
My Sims sometimes fall asleep in the bathroom when they are very tired.
By the way, when I enter the game, the speed keys 1,2,3 also often do not work, but somehow I don’t die from this, I immediately press F2 then F1 and everything immediately starts working. So it's all garbage compared to all the other shortcomings and glitches of the game.
Multiposting is prohibited, use the "Edit" button.
Last edit by moderator:
- #792
Now I've been rummaging through the Gallery for two hours and caught myself thinking that 80% of the Sims could be safely removed from there. Random character selection and that creates more interesting. Inline conveyor for carbon copy. Hairstyles do not count, half of the appearance depends on their choice.
The amount posted is over the top, the quality is not quoted. Liked sims that have over 50k downloads are bullshit. You can't even see that the person was trying to do something. As if they really created a random house, poked at the first clothes that came across and put it up for sale ..
In general, one big dump. And where does it make sense?
After the first euphoria, you begin to notice things for which you can safely hang the developers. Considering how much they allegedly worked on the project and for what money they are pushing it.
- #793
It has already been written here that Sims from families, even gaming ones, disappear. And I have the same glitch. My dynasty was severely cut. Especially Matvey, one of the founders' children, is a pity. He had a stormy romance with a woman, they gave birth to a child, Kostya (Child was such a pretty little boy. They began to live together. His wife grew old earlier, died. Matvey raised Kostya, he was helped in this by the adult adopted black son of his deceased wife ... In Finally, my Bones is gone now! Old Man Matvey was left all alone! Game, why are you removing my relatives sims, one by one?
Same story with one of the founders' daughters. She had a lot of children from different men. I will not go into the details of her immoral behavior - she still had only 1 child left! A certain Stanislav, whom I have never seen in my eyes. Now, apparently, in general, the tree will have to be rewritten. Worst of all, they were my grandchildren! I loved them... T_T the desire to play dropped a lot.
- #794
1. 2 mysims figures were missing when trying to move them from the shelf to the dining table. Found - appeared on the table in the buy mode. When switching to live mode, they disappeared again. But the place on the table was occupied, nothing was put there. I had to put the table in the luggage of the family, and then take everything out of there. Yes, the figurines did not appear immediately, I dragged the second one in the buy mode, the first missing one was not yet visible.
2.Yesterday the dialogue scale hung all evening. As soon as 2 sims were close by and caught on with their tongues a little, they appeared and did not disappear, even if one of their sims dumped them at work. Moreover, the mood displayed dynamically. Temporarily treated by entering the mode of changing the city. Then it passed.
3. About construction.
Move the plant a little closer to the arch... no, it won't hurt the Sims to pass through. But upon returning from another section of the arch, there will be no place, only a blank wall!
Last edit:
- #795
Yesterday the game was updated and the collection of fish that was collected after the first reset was completely reset (((
- #796
Well, yes. New version 1.0.728.0 And now hold me, now there will be a tantrum:
Bug Fixes / Issues:
- Fixed some issues related to error codes 102 and 122--Fixed an issue that prevents loading an auto-saved game directly from the "Load Game" menu.
- Fixed some instances of disappearing Sims.
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And they fixed all that in just three weeks.. shock, coma
Tech. support
- #797
New update should fix disappearing sims and loading errors. Check
- #798
Theo, my Sim was also looking for stones, pumped up a lot, not that mass, but the relief became very strong. But it's better than her husband, always driving to the gym, he ate his belly terribly, the potions help, but he eats off again, it would be necessary to force him to collect pebbles or something
- #799
The town of Oasis is boring.