How many weeks are you in your 3rd trimester
28 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy
Welcome to the 3rd trimester! Pregnancy is divided into 3 stages, known as trimesters…. and you're now in the 3rd stage. Over the next few weeks, you will probably start to feel a bit more uncomfortable and tired.
What's happening in my body?
You may be getting a bit of heartburn and indigestion. That's down to your growing baby and hormones affecting your digestive system.
Your back will also be under strain, due to the extra weight you're carrying around. Your joints and ligaments will also be looser than usual.
Your ankles, feet and face could be puffing out a bit, particularly when it's hot. This is probably due to water retention, but get it checked out, just in case it's pre-eclampsia. This is a condition where you may feel perfectly well, but then your blood pressure can get dangerously high, very quickly.
Rest can help with a lot of your symptoms, so make sure you get lots of it. But if you are worried about anything at all, talk to your midwife or doctor, or call NHS 111.
3 ways to bust germs
Make sure you know about some of the harmful infections in pregnancy, so that you can do your best to avoid them.
Here are 3 ways you can protect your unborn baby…
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, particularly if you're in contact with children or nappies, as they could carry a virus called CMV (cytomegalovirus).
If you have a cat - wear gloves when emptying the cat litter tray, or ask someone else to deal with it. That's because cat poo can contain a bug that causes the dangerous toxoplasmosis infection. You should also wear gloves when gardening, in case you come into contact with animal poo.
If you have not had chickenpox let your doctor or midwife know if you come into contact with anyone who could be infectious. The disease can be spread up to 2 days before spots appear, until 5 days afterwards. It's safest for you when there are no new blisters or moist crusts on the spots.
If you're worried about coronavirus, have a look at the guidance from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on coronavirus and pregnancy.
Nosebleeds are common in pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, and can even strike when you're asleep. Here's what you can do:
- sit or stand up - don't lie down
- pinch your nose just above your nostrils for 10 to 15 minutes
- lean forward and breathe through your mouth
- put an icepack (or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel) at the top of your nose
Read more tips for stopping nosebleeds.
3rd trimester pregnancy symptoms (at 28 weeks)
You may start getting new symptoms now, such as nosebleeds and indigestion.
Your signs of pregnancy could also include:
- sleeping problems (week 19 has information about feeling tired)
- stretch marks (read about stretch marks on week 17's page)
- swollen and bleeding gums (week 13 has information about gum health during pregnancy)
- pains on the side of your baby bump, caused by your expanding womb ("round ligament pains")
- piles (read about piles on week 22's page)
- headaches
- backache
- nosebleeds
- indigestion and heartburn (week 25 talks about digestive problems)
- bloating and constipation (read about bloating on week 16's page)
- leg cramps (week 20 explains how to deal with cramp)
- feeling hot
- dizziness
- swollen hands and feet
- urine infections
- vaginal infections (see week 15 for vaginal health)
- darkened skin on your face or brown patches – this is known as chloasma or the "mask of pregnancy"
- greasier, spotty skin
- thicker and shinier hair
You may also experience symptoms from earlier weeks, such as:
- mood swings (week 8's page has information on mood swings)
- morning sickness (read about dealing with morning sickness on week 6's page)
- weird pregnancy cravings (read about pregnancy cravings on week 5's page)
- a heightened sense of smell
- sore or leaky breasts (read about breast pain on week 14's page) - a white milky pregnancy discharge from your vagina and light spotting (seek medical advice for any bleeding)
Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.
What does my baby look like?
Your baby, or foetus, is around 37.6cm long from head to heel, and weighs about 1kg. That's approximately the size of a pineapple, and the weight of a big bag of brown sugar.
Your baby's heart rate is changing all the time. Around week 5 or 6, when it was first detectable, it was around 110 beats per minute (bpm). Then it soared to around 170 bpm in week 9 and 10. Now, it's slowed down to around 140 bpm and it will be around 130 bpm at birth.
That's still a lot faster than your heart rate, which will be around 80 to 85 beats per minute. This is partly because babies' hearts are so small that they can't pump much blood, but they can make up for this by going faster. It also helps to keep them warm.
Your baby's heart can be heard through a stethoscope. Someone else might be able to hear it by putting an ear to your pregnant belly – give it a go, but it's tricky finding the right spot.
Action stations
It's time to work out where your baby will sleep, and it's best to do this sooner, rather than later, before you start running out of energy. Your baby will spend a lot of time in a cot, so make sure it's safe. If you're buying a new cot, look for the British Standard mark BS EN 716-1. Read more about what you need for your baby.
This week you could also...
You have maternity rights. You can ask for a risk assessment of your work place to ensure that you're working in a safe environment. You should not be lifting heavy things and you may need extra breaks and somewhere to sit. You can also attend antenatal appointments during paid work time.
It's a good time to tone up your pelvic floor muscles. Gentle exercises can help to prevent leakage when you laugh, sneeze or cough. Get the muscles going by pretending that you're having a wee and then stopping midflow. Visit Tommy’s for more ideas about pelvic floor exercises.
Ask your midwife or doctor about online antenatal classes – they start around now. The charity Tommy's has lots of useful information on antenatal classes and preparing you for birth.
Even if you've had children before, they're still worth going to as you can meet other parents-to-be. The NCT offers online antenatal classes with small groups of people that live locally to you.
To keep bones and muscles healthy, we need vitamin D. From late March/early April to the end of September, most people make enough vitamin D from sunlight on their skin. However, between October and early March, you should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement because we cannot make enough from sunlight.
Some people should take a vitamin D supplement all year round, find out if this applies to you on the NHS website. You just need 10 micrograms (it's the same for grown-ups and kids). Check if you're entitled to free vitamins.
It's recommended that you do 150 minutes of exercise a week while pregnant. You could start off with just 10 minutes of daily exercise - perhaps take a brisk walk outside. Check out Sport England's #StayInWorkOut online exercises (scroll to the pregnancy section). Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.
There's no need to eat for 2. Now you're in the 3rd trimester, you may need an extra 200 calories a day, but that's not much. It's about the same as 2 slices of wholemeal toast and margarine.
Try and eat healthily with plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and avoid processed, fatty and salty foods. You may be able to get free milk, fruit and veg through the Healthy Start scheme.
How are you today? If you're feeling anxious or low, then talk to your midwife or doctor who can point you in the right direction to get all the support that you need. You could also discuss your worries with your partner, friends and family.
You may be worried about your relationship, or money, or having somewhere permanent to live. Don't keep it to yourself. It's important that you ask for help if you need it.
Getting pregnant again is probably the last thing on your mind. However now is a good time to start planning what type of contraception you would like to use after your baby is born. Getting pregnant again could happen sooner than you realise and too short a gap between babies is known to cause problems. Talk to your GP or midwife to help you decide.
You will be offered newborn screening tests for your baby soon after they are born. These screening tests are recommended by the NHS. This is because these tests can make sure that your baby is given appropriate treatment as quickly as possible. Your decisions about whether or not you want this tests will be respected, and health care professionals will support you. Ask your midwife or doctor for more information about newborn screening.
You and your family should follow the government and NHS guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19):
To find out about about COVID-19 and pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, have a look at advice on the:
Third trimester | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Third trimester | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
Once you reach the third trimester of pregnancy, you’re well over half way there. As you look forward to the birth of your baby, there is plenty to plan for and decisions to make. You might find you’re slowing down, or you might be filled with energy to clean, tidy and organise as you prepare for your baby’s arrival. This urge to clean is known as the ‘nesting’ instinct.
What is the third trimester?
Pregnancy is divided into 3 blocks of 3 months each – the first, second and third trimesters. Reaching week 27 of your pregnancy means you’re now in the third and final trimester. While this trimester could end at week 40, in reality it ends whenever your baby is born.
A baby is considered to have been born full-term if it is born in weeks 37 to 42 of pregnancy. A baby born before week 37 is considered premature, and if your baby has not been born by week 42, labour may be induced.
What happens to your body?
As you get closer to the time your baby will be born, here are some things you’ll notice:
- Your skin and ligaments continue to stretch to accommodate your growing baby.
- You get tired easily, and sleeping becomes more difficult.
- You experience heartburn and/or breathlessness, as the baby grows in your abdomen.
While these are all part of a normal pregnancy, you can take steps to minimise discomfort. Speak with your doctor or midwife for suggestions, particularly if you are in pain.
You may also experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are a tightening of the muscles of the uterus. They last around 30 seconds, are irregular and not painful. They are not labour contractions, and not a sign that labour has begun.
If this is your first baby, you may notice around 36 weeks that your baby has moved further down into your pelvis. This is often referred to as 'the baby has engaged or dropped'. You will notice more room near your ribs and breathing will become easier, but this also adds more pressure on your bladder (meaning more trips to the toilet).
In the last few weeks of this trimester your body begins to prepare for the coming labour. The cervix begins to soften, and many women notice a ‘show’. The ‘show’ is the release of the mucous plug that sits within the cervical canal during pregnancy, and is an early sign that your labour will soon begin.
Your emotions
During this last stage of pregnancy, you may be worried or anxious about labour and the birth, or about how you will manage as a parent.
Difficulty getting comfortable in bed and frequent bathroom visits can mean poor sleep, which is known to trigger irritability and low mood in some people.
Although most pregnant women see the third trimester as an exciting time and feel positive about the next stage, one in 5 will experience antenatal anxiety or depression. Seek help early if this is how you (or your partner) are feeling.
What happens to the baby?
By week 31, your baby’s lungs are more mature, but are yet to produce surfactant, a substance that helps with breathing once they are born.
By week 36, your baby is about 47cm long and weighs approximately 2. 6kg. Your baby’s head may start to engage or sit lower into your pelvis at this time, getting ready for labour. Around one in 25 of all babies will be in the ‘breech position’, rather than the usual head-down position, at the start of labour. If this is your situation, your doctor or midwife will discuss with you what this means for your labour, what your options are and how your baby might be born.
By 40 weeks, your baby will be about 50cm, and weigh approximately 3.4kg. Developmentally, your baby is now ready to be born.
What to expect with your doctor or midwife?
Through the third trimester you will have frequent antenatal check-ups: about every 4 weeks until 36 weeks, then every 2 weeks after that.
If you haven’t already had them, the following may be offered:
- gestational diabetes check
- strep (streptococcal) B check
- whooping cough (pertussis) vaccination
- flu (influenza) vaccination
How to stay healthy
To give your baby a healthy start, it’s important to eat healthy foods throughout pregnancy. Ensure your diet is varied and includes a range of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as sources of protein, iron and calcium. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too.
Weight gain is a normal part of pregnancy and most women can expect to gain between 11 and 16kg.
A pregnancy weight gain calculator can be a handy tool to track your weight gain through the third trimester.
Try to stay active throughout pregnancy - even in your third trimester. While it's important to stick with safe, gentle exercise as you get closer to your due date, recommendations state that pregnant women without complications are encouraged to participate in regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Things to consider
As you enter the third trimester don’t forget to:
- pack a hospital bag
- book a hospital/birthing centre tour
- arrange a properly-fitted car seat (to bring your baby home)
- consider what you will need when you bring your baby home – what will you buy, can you borrow from family or friends?
- if you have other children (or pets), plan for their care while you are in hospital
- consider shopping ahead – especially for non-perishable staples (tinned foods, bathroom products, etc.
- cook double portions through your third trimester, and load your freezer for when things get busy once the baby is born
NSW Health (Having a baby), Royal Women's Hospital (Pregnancy and birth), Raising Children Network (Pregnancy week-by-week), Women's and Children's Health Network (The first 3 months of pregnancy: the first trimester), Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (During pregnancy), Healthy WA (Emotional health for parents during pregnancy and after the birth), Sports Medicine Australia (Exercise in pregnancy and the postpartum period), Mater Mother's Hospital (Labour and birth information)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: May 2021
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Related pages
- First trimester
- Second trimester
- Pregnancy week-by-week
Need more information?
Third trimester: pregnancy week by week | Raising Children Network
Pregnant? In our pregnancy week by week guide, you can find out what to expect and follow your baby's development during the third trimester.
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Pregnancy changes video: third trimester | Raising Children Network
In this video parents and a midwife describe physical and emotional changes in the third trimester of pregnancy including discomfort and baby movement.
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Third trimester: what men can expect | Raising Children Network
The third trimester is an exciting time, as baby’s birth gets closer. It’s a time for men to prepare for a birth support role and their first hours as dads.
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Men, sex & third trimester of pregnancy | Raising Children Network
It’s usually fine to have sex in pregnancy, but in the third trimester it might feel different or awkward. Our Dads Guide describes how this can affect men.
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Pregnancy at week 31
Feeling tired and emotional during the third trimester is very common, but it's important to discuss these feelings with your doctor or midwife.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Pregnancy at week 28
You are now in the third trimester and you'll probably be feeling many of the common discomforts of pregnancy, like a sore back, swelling, heartburn or cramps.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Pregnancy at week 30
Your baby's reflexes are developing, and they may even be sucking their thumb or fingers. You might be tired and sore, but try to exercise and get enough sleep.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Is 'baby brain' real?
Researchers at Deakin University who investigated 'baby brain' found that cognitive function and memory are affected in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Pregnancy at week 29
Your baby should weigh about 1kg by now and as your uterus pushes against your diaphragm and lungs, you might be feeling quite breathless.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
Pregnancy at week 36
Your baby will by now be curled up and cramped inside your uterus and weigh about 2. 5kg. Your bump may have moved down, putting pressure on your lower abdomen.
Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website
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Third trimester of pregnancy (from 28 to 40 weeks)
At 30 weeks pregnant, you are ready to go on maternity leave. In the case of twins, prenatal leave is from 28 weeks. Active work, physical and mental overload during this period can provoke premature birth.
It's time to put on the bandage - it will help your baby stay in the right position and you in good shape after childbirth.
The child still needs a lot of nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts. Use your vacation to relax, but don't lie around all day. We hope that hiking in the fresh air has become a habit for you.
Do not forget to keep track of the ratio of drunk and excreted liquids. Accumulating in the body, the fluid disrupts the functioning of the kidneys, increases the load on the heart, which causes an increase in blood pressure. As a result, the child suffers: he lacks nutrients, oxygen.
A sharp headache, flashing flies before the eyes, convulsions are signs of eclampsia, a severe complication of pregnancy that poses a threat to the life of the mother and child. Urgently call the ambulance.
At this time, the uterus becomes very sensitive to the pushes and movements of the child, its muscles periodically tighten. It's like she's doing gymnastics. If this rarely happens and you do not feel pain, then everything is in order and there is no cause for concern. But if the uterus tenses often, pain appears - call an ambulance. If spotting appears, amniotic fluid is pouring out, do not wait for contractions - immediately to the hospital!
Sex life from 32-33 weeks is not recommended.
At 32 weeks, another scheduled ultrasound examination is scheduled to assess the correct functioning of the placenta, if necessary, the study of fetal heart sounds.
The last month is the most difficult. The load on the body has increased to the maximum. You are already tired of the long wait. Approximately two weeks before delivery, a mucous plug will come off the cervix, which is a lump, sometimes slightly stained with blood.
Do not forget to make up for the lack of calcium in the body - until the last day of intrauterine existence, the child intensively stores minerals. Eat fully and properly - the fetus eagerly takes everything valuable for the formation of the body. He needs protein now. Be sure to take a prenatal multivitamin. Rest during the day. Lie on your side, slightly raise your legs.
Many women suffer from constipation at this time. Only a rational diet will help. Eliminate grapes, fresh cabbage, peas and other legumes, fresh milk, muffins, sweets. Useful: curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. Steamed dried fruits normalize bowel function well. Don't take laxatives. In the last trimester of pregnancy, they can provoke uterine contractions and cause premature birth.
Sometimes, if the fetus is very large, the navel turns outward. Don't be scared and don't try to push it back. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.
By the last weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands are greatly enlarged. The appearance of colostrum is another harbinger of close childbirth. The bra should be tight, with wide straps, always cotton.
Be prepared for contractions to start at any moment. Trim your fingernails and toenails short, and shave your pubic hair. Prepare things for the newborn and for yourself. Show your husband or relatives where they lie. An exchange card, passport, insurance policy, birth certificate should always be with you.
Think that you have to help your child come into the world. Everything will be ok!
Pregnancy calendar
You are pregnant! Your baby will be born in 40 weeks. What changes will occur in your body, how your baby will grow will tell "Calendar of pregnancy".
1-2 weeks
Pregnancy begins at the moment of fertilization or conception.
Fertilization is a complex biological process of the fusion of female and male germ cells (egg and sperm). The resulting cell (zygote) is a new daughter organism.
A mature egg leaves the ovary approximately on the 12-14th day of the menstrual cycle (ovulation) and enters the fallopian tube, where it remains viable for 24 hours. During an orgasm, a man ejects from 200 to 400 million spermatozoa into the woman's vagina. Some of them penetrate through the cervix into the uterine cavity, and from there into the fallopian tubes. Here, spermatozoa retain the ability to fertilize for 48 hours. Thus, within 6-7 days of a woman's menstrual cycle, conception is possible.
Fertilization of the female egg is performed by a single sperm in the upper part of the fallopian tube. There are two types of sperm: those containing the Y chromosome (“male”) and the X chromosome (“female”). When an egg cell (containing the X chromosome) fuses with a sperm cell, their genetic material is combined and the sex of the child is determined. If there are two X chromosomes in the child's genetic makeup, it's a girl; if an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, it's a boy. It is impossible to change the sex of the child, so you should not follow the "folk beliefs" that guarantee the birth of a child of a given gender.
The fertilized egg begins to divide with the formation of a multicellular organism and move through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. During this period, the nutrition of the embryo is carried out at the expense of those substances that have been accumulated in the egg. If the peristalsis of the tube is slowed down (due to inflammatory diseases), the embryo penetrates the wall of the fallopian tube with the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.
Implantation (introduction) of the embryo into the uterine wall occurs 7-8 days after fertilization.
On the seventh day of pregnancy, the outer layer of the embryo (trophoblast) begins to produce a hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone gives the mother's body information that pregnancy has occurred, and begins its functional restructuring. Diagnostic test strips detect the chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a pregnant woman, which makes it possible to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage.
3-4 weeks
You do not have the expected menstruation, nausea in the morning, and frequent urination during the day. You become emotionally labile, irritable, whiny. Basal body temperature is above 37°C.
In appearance, your unborn baby resembles a small auricle measuring 4 mm, surrounded by a small amount of amniotic fluid. On the 21st day after conception, the brain and spinal cord are formed. By the end of the first month, the circulation of embryonic blood is established, the umbilical cord has formed - the connection of the embryo with the future placenta. The eye sockets, the rudiments of arms and legs appeared, the laying and development of other internal organs of the fetus is underway: the liver, kidneys, urinary tract, and digestive organs.
5-6 weeks
You no longer doubt that you are pregnant. Regardless of how you feel, all pregnant women need to visit a antenatal clinic and undergo an examination that will allow you to identify and correct existing health problems in time.
Starting from the 5th week, there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. This will be evidenced by: periodic pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, a feeling of pressure on the rectum, an increased amount of mucus. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
By week 6, the face is formed in the embryo: eyes, nose, jaws and limbs.
7-8 weeks
From the 7th week of pregnancy, the yellow body of pregnancy undergoes reverse development, the production of hormones begins to be carried out by the forming placenta.
The baby develops large blood vessels, the heart becomes four-chambered. Bile ducts appear in the liver. There is a development of the endocrine glands, the brain. The auricles are already formed, fingers have appeared on the limbs. The embryo begins to move. At week 8, under the influence of the Y chromosome, the formation of male gonads (testicles) occurs. They begin to produce testosterone - the male sex hormone, which will lead to the formation of the sexual characteristics of the boy.
9-10 weeks
Your metabolism is changing significantly to provide the growing body with all the necessary "building materials" - amino acids, energy. Disadaptation to such a restructuring can result in toxicosis of the 1st half of pregnancy. It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, salivation, weight loss. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.
At the tenth week, the development of the oral cavity, intestines, rectum, and bile ducts ends in the embryo. The formation of the face and hemispheres of the brain was completed. The development of the cerebellum, the main coordinator of movements, begins.
11-12 weeks
The body has adapted to the new conditions. By this time, nausea, vomiting, salivation practically disappear. You become balanced, calm.
After 12 weeks, the growth of the uterus becomes noticeable
13-14 weeks
By this time, the formation of the main organs of the unborn child is completed. In appearance, the fetus resembles a small person.
15-16 weeks
A change in skin pigmentation is possible - the midline of the abdomen, nipples and the skin around them have darkened. These phenomena should pass soon after childbirth.
The formation of the placenta ends. The fetus and placenta represent a single functional system. During this period of pregnancy, the fetus floats freely in the amniotic fluid. The composition of the amniotic fluid can determine the condition of the fetus.
17-18 weeks
These days, your unborn child begins to move. His limbs, ligamentous apparatus, cerebellum have already developed enough. By this time, the formation of the immune system is completed.
19-20 weeks
There have been big changes in your body. The pulse quickened, cardiac output increased significantly (40% higher than the initial level) and the volume of circulating blood (almost 500 ml).
Due to the increased volume of plasma compared to the mass of red blood cells, hemoglobin decreases in blood tests.
Some women during this period experience frequent and painful urination, pain in the lumbar region on the right or left, weakness. A large uterus presses down on the bladder, the mouth of the ureters, disrupting the outflow of urine. Stagnation of urine and incomplete emptying of the renal pelvis create conditions for the development of infection. Bacteriuria develops and pyelonephritis of pregnant women may occur. If there is any suspicion of pyelonephritis, you should immediately consult a doctor, because this disease is not only dangerous for your health, but also for the further growth and development of the fetus.
The weight of the baby is 300-350 grams, he often and quite actively moves, swallows amniotic fluid, begins to open his eyes.
21-22 weeks
In these weeks, the fetus already has a mass of 400-500 grams, and it develops very intensively bones and muscles, which require calcium from your body. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your white-toothed smile, then, on the advice of your obstetrician-gynecologist, start taking calcium supplements regularly. This will help save your teeth and get rid of leg cramps. They appear for the same reason of calcium deficiency.
23-24 weeks
At this time, the weight of the fetus is 500-600 g. It already has all the organs and systems fully formed. Until that time, only his lungs remained immature. And now, by 24 weeks, they begin to ripen. And the cells lining the lung alveoli produce surfactant, a substance that, by lubricating the alveoli, prevents them from sticking together during breathing. However, the amount of surfactant is so small that a child born at this time will not be able to breathe on its own. To survive outside the uterus, he needs sophisticated breathing equipment, incubators, a control system, infusors for nutrition, infusion media, artificial surfactant.
There are perinatal centers where children born during these terms of pregnancy are nursed. It is very difficult. And therefore, the longer the pregnancy is prolonged, the more likely the birth of a healthy and viable child. Therefore, try to do everything so that the child is born on time, full-term and healthy.
By this gestational age, the uterus is at a height of about 24 cm above the pubic bone, and now it not only builds up muscles, but is also stretched by the fetus that completely filled its cavity.
25-26 weeks
The fetus already has a mass of 700-750 g. Due to the improvement of the brain structures in his body, a connection is established with the adrenal cortex and they begin to produce corticoids - hormones necessary for adaptation. The pituitary gland of the fetus reaches such a degree of maturity that the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone begins, which also stimulates hormonal production by the adrenal glands. In short, all forces are thrown to the upcoming "publication". But the most obvious changes in these weeks occur in the lungs - there is an increased maturation of cells that produce surfactant. However, a fetus born during this period can only survive in incubators with artificial lung ventilation, artificial feeding with special infusion media. Therefore, try to keep both him and yourself from rash steps.
At this time, it's time to start preparing for the future feeding of the child. Under the influence of placental lactogen, your breasts, that is, the mammary glands, are growing rapidly. From time to time, droplets of colostrum may appear on the nipples. Daily air baths, washing with cool water, rubbing the nipples with a rough towel will help prepare the nipples for feeding. If the nipples are flat, start to stretch them little by little.
27-28 weeks
This period completes the second trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the fetus weighs up to 1000 g and has a height of up to 35 cm. However, he still cannot live on his own, because. his lungs are not mature enough and special equipment is still needed to nurse him. During these periods of pregnancy, there is an intensive growth of the fetus, the formation of muscles. His movements become more active. Periods of movement alternate with its relatively calm state when the fetus is sleeping. With an ultrasound, you can see that he already knows how to suck his thumb and even smile!
The fundus of the uterus stands on average at a height of 27-28 cm above the womb.
29-30 weeks
The third trimester of pregnancy begins. The uterus stands at a height of 29-30 cm, it becomes more difficult for you to breathe. Now one of the most serious complications can develop - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, which is characterized by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. For early diagnosis of this complication, it is necessary to carefully observe an obstetrician-gynecologist and follow all his recommendations, incl. strict weight control. In the III trimester of pregnancy, the daily weight gain should be no more than 50 g, i.e. no more than 300 g per week. You should also monitor the ratio of drunk and secreted fluid.
31-32 weeks
Have you asked your doctor how the fetus is? Find out now it's very important. Its position can be longitudinal, transverse, oblique. Correct, normal is the longitudinal position of the fetus. Childbirth is safer with cephalic presentation. From this period of pregnancy, it is necessary to wear a prenatal bandage that will support the anterior abdominal wall and help maintain the correct position and presentation of the fetus. If the presentation of the fetus is breech, i.e. above the entrance to the pelvis is the pelvic end of the fetus, then the bandage should not be worn yet. There is gymnastics to correct the presentation of the fetus.
In the morning and evening for 1 hour, do the following: lie down on the bed on your left side and lie quietly for 15 minutes, then turn over to your right side and lie for the next 15 minutes, and then repeat these turns 2 more times.
Pregnant women with Rh-negative blood and with O (I) blood type need blood tests for Rh - or group immune antibodies. Immunization of pregnant women with Rh-negative blood is carried out from 28 weeks and within 72 hours after childbirth according to the indications, which will be discussed by the doctor observing you in the antenatal clinic.
33-34 weeks
The fetus already has a mass of 1800-2100 g, a height of 40-41 cm. By the end of this period, its lungs will begin to produce surfactant in full and will be able to breathe without special equipment. The fetus is fully developed, its chances of surviving in case of preterm birth are greatly increased. However, there is still extremely little subcutaneous fat, so his skin is thin and has a red color. Such a newborn retains heat very poorly and at birth needs an incubator or a heating pad. His body is still covered with fluff and cheese-like grease, the auricles are still very small, but they are already beginning to straighten out, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum.
Caring for a premature baby is the hardest work for the whole family, associated with high material costs, physical overload of parents, and this work is not always rewarded, since a child can be born and remain sick. Therefore, up to 37 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should be especially attentive to her condition and, at the slightest suspicion of an increase in the tone of the uterus, starting frequent and regular contractions, immediately consult a doctor.
Doctors know that women, in anticipation of the arrival of a new person in the house, begin to glue walls and paint ceilings during this period. Don't take unnecessary risks. For this, prenatal leave is provided from 30 weeks, so that you can avoid overwork, do not push in transport, and have the opportunity to sleep. So repairs, stuffy shops, queues are no longer for you.
35-36 weeks
The fetus already has a mass of 2100-2700 g and a height of 44-45 cm. It is advisable to see a doctor during this period of pregnancy at least once every 10 days.
37-38 weeks
From this point on, your pregnancy is considered full-term. And if you have a baby in these weeks, he will live. Its development is complete. Now he has a mass of approximately 2700-3000 g. Height is 49-50 cm. The remaining two weeks he will add a little in weight and height.
It becomes easier for you to breathe, as the fetal head is pressed tightly against the entrance to the pelvis, the uterus pulls the anterior abdominal wall more, and therefore its bottom sank lower. Tension of the uterus; small sharp pulling pains in the lumbar region.
With an exacerbation of extragenital diseases, the appearance of signs of toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, with an incorrect position of the fetus, with some gynecological diseases, against which pregnancy develops, a scar on the uterus, etc., early prenatal hospitalization is required. Do not forget to take an exchange card, passport, medical insurance policy and birth certificate to the hospital.
39-40 weeks
You can find out the approximate day of delivery by the date of the last normal menstruation - count back three months and add 7 days. The resulting number will be the estimated date of birth. More precisely, according to many parameters, ultrasound data, additional studies, the date of the first fetal movement, the date of the first visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, especially if the visit was before 11-12 weeks of pregnancy.
The child already has all the signs of maturity.