How to help a child with hyperactivity
5 tips to manage ADHD in children
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Does your child have difficulty focusing on an activity or seem impulsive in behavior? When symptoms are severe enough and cause ongoing problems in more than one area of your child's life, it could be a sign of a neurobehavioral disorder, such as ADHD.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
Children with ADHD also may struggle with low self-esteem, school anxiety, troubled relationships and poor performance in school. Symptoms sometimes lessen with age. However, some people never completely outgrow their ADHD symptoms. However, they can learn strategies to be successful.
ADHD subtypes
- Inattentive ADHD
Formerly referred to as ADD, people with inattentive ADHD display symptoms of inattention, but do not possess symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity. - Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD
This subset of ADHD display symptoms of impulsivity or hyperactivity, but do not display symptoms of inattention. - Combined
People with combined ADHD display symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The is the most common subset of ADHD.
Learn more about the three different types of ADHD.
Gender differences with ADHD
ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls, but research into ADHD in adulthood suggests an almost equal balance between men and women. A lower diagnosis rate among females in childhood can result because girls with ADHD are more likely than boys to have the inattentive form of ADHD and less likely to show obvious problems.
More than half of children who experience ADHD in childhood continue to have symptoms as adults. Some women only recognize their ADHD after a child has been diagnosed and the woman begins to see similar behavior in herself. Other women seek treatment because their lives spin out of control, financially, at work or at home.
ADHD treatment
While treatment won't cure ADHD, it can help a great deal with symptoms. Treatment typically involves medications and behavioral interventions. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference in outcome.
It's also important to work with a therapist who specializes in ADHD to learn coping mechanisms that are nonpharmacological to help with ADHD symptoms and behaviors. A therapist can enhance the effectiveness of the medication and give tools to empower those with ADHD using treatments that may involve behavioral, psychological, social, educational and lifestyle interventions.
Behavioral strategies
Here are 5 behavioral strategies to help manage your child's ADHD:

Children with ADHD often receive and expect criticism more so than other children. This can really impact self-esteem. Some days, you might have to really look for the good behavior, but you should praise good behavior at least five times more often than you criticize bad behavior.
2. Give clear, effective directions or commands.
Make eye contact or gently touch on arm or shoulder to get his or her attention. Give brief, simple steps and short commands that get to the point rather than multiple directions or wordy statements and questions.
3. Establish healthy habits.
If your child is on a medication, it should be taken as prescribed. Contact your child's health care provider if problems arise. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet consisting of three meals, a snack and adequate fluids daily, and has an outlet for some form of daily exercise. These healthy habits will help your child to feel his or her best and help minimize ADHD symptoms.
4. Develop routines around homework and chores.
Work together to make a checklist of what needs to be done surrounding daily chores, getting ready for bed and school for your child to refer to when he or she gets off task. Encourage your child to use a daily planner so he or she is aware of all homework assignments. Have an established time and location for homework, and use a timer to remind your child to show you how the homework is going two to four times per hour. Factor in brain breaks if your child needs them and movement between tasks or use of an appropriate fidget.
5. Help your child build relationships, strong social skills and maintain friendships.
Be a good role model of behavior you want your child to use. Factor in some special time three to five days a week with your child that is conflict-free and does not involve a screen to help maintain a strong parent-child relationship. Help your child develop at least one close friendship. With younger children, parents may need to take the lead to arrange and host play dates or get kids involved in activities where there are kids the same age. Get tips for helping your child develop social skills.
Amanda Logan is a nurse practitioner in Family Medicine in Janesville, Minnesota.
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Parenting a Child With ADHD (for Parents)
How ADHD Affects Kids
ADHD causes kids to be more inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive than is normal for their age. ADHD makes it harder for kids to develop the skills that control attention, behavior, emotions, and activity. As a result, they often act in ways that are hard for parents manage.
For example, because they are inattentive, kids with ADHD may:
- seem distracted
- seem not to listen
- have trouble paying attention
- not follow directions well
- need many reminders to do things
- show poor effort in schoolwork
- have trouble getting organized
Because they are hyperactive, kids with ADHD may:
- climb, jump, or roughhouse when it's time to play quietly
- fidget and seem unable to sit still
- rush instead of take their time
- make careless mistakes
- be on the go (constantly in motion)
Because they are impulsive, kids with ADHD may:
- interrupt a lot
- blurt out
- do things without thinking
- do things they shouldn't, even though they know better
- have trouble waiting, taking turns, or sharing
- have emotional outbursts, lose their temper, or lack self-control
At first, parents might not realize that these behaviors are part of ADHD. It may seem like a child is just misbehaving. ADHD can leave parents feeling stressed, frustrated, or disrespected.
Parents may feel embarrassed about what others think of their child's behavior. They may wonder if they did something to cause it. But for kids with ADHD, the skills that control attention, behavior, and activity don't come naturally.
When parents learn about ADHD and which parenting approaches work best, they can help kids improve and do well.
How Parents Can Help?
Parenting is as important as any other part of ADHD treatment. The way parents respond can make ADHD better — or worse.
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD:
Be involved. Learn all you can about ADHD. Follow the treatment your child's health care provider recommends. Go to all recommended therapy visits. If your child takes ADHD medicines, give them at the recommended time. Don't change the dose without checking with your doctor. Keep your child's medicines in a safe place where others can't get to them.
Know how ADHD affects your child. Every child is different. Identify the problems your child has because of ADHD. Some kids need to get better at paying attention and listening. Others need to get better at slowing down. Ask your child's therapist for tips and ways you can help your child practice and improve.
Focus on teaching your child one thing at a time. Don't try to work on everything at once. Start small. Pick one thing to focus on. Praise your child's effort.
Work with your child's school. Talk with your child's teacher to find out if your child should have an IEP or 504 plan. Meet often with teachers to find out how your child is doing. Work with the teacher to help your child do well.
Connect with others for support and awareness. Join a support organization for ADHD like CHADD to get updates on treatment and info, etc.
Find out if you have ADHD. ADHD often runs in families. Parents (or other relatives) of kids with ADHD might not know they have it too. When parents with ADHD get diagnosed and treated, it helps them be at their best as parents.
Discipline with purpose and warmth. Learn what discipline approaches are best for a child with ADHD and which can make ADHD worse. Get coaching from your child's therapist on ways to respond to your child's behaviors. Kids with ADHD might be sensitive to criticism. Correcting their behavior is best done in a way that's encouraging and supportive rather than punishing.
Set clear expectations. Before you go somewhere, talk with your child to explain how you want them to behave. Focus more energy on teaching your child what to do, rather than reacting to what not to do.
Talk about it. Don't shy away from talking with your child about ADHD. Help kids understand that having ADHD is not their fault, and that they can learn ways to improve the problems it causes.
Spend special time together every day. Make time to talk and enjoy relaxing, fun activities with your child — even if it's just for a few minutes. Give your child your full attention. Compliment positive behaviors. Don't over-praise, but do comment when your child does something good. For example, when your child waits their turn, say, "You're taking turns so nicely."
Your relationship with your child matters most. Kids with ADHD often feel they're letting others down, doing things wrong, or not being "good." Protect your child's self-esteem by being patient, understanding, and accepting. Let your child know you believe in them and see all the good things about them. Build resilience by keeping your relationship with your child positive and loving.
Reviewed by: Shirin Hasan, MD
Date reviewed: May 2022
13 tips for parents and teachers on how to properly teach hyperactive children
The child cannot do the same thing for a long time and is often distracted. Abruptly takes off and starts running around the room or school. These can all be signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Panic early! Such children can also be successfully taught if you know how to work with them. Psychologist, psychotherapist GMS Clinic Inna Pasechnik compiled a memo on working with hyperactive children.
The physiological characteristics of children with ADHD are the following manifestations:
1. The child needs to constantly move, it is difficult for him to sit straight during the lessons: such children are distracted, talk in the lessons, "spin", sway, sit with their legs under the buttocks, when tired, their motor activity increases.
This is due to the peculiarities of the brain in children with ADHD, they need a constant supply of nutrients to the brain, which is possible only when moving. If a child with ADHD is persuaded to sit quietly, it will be more difficult for him to think.
In this regard, it is recommended to allow a certain level of motor activity to the child during the lesson. If the child gets tired, then allow him (find a legitimate reason) to walk around the class or do some active exercises (wipe off the board, distribute notebooks, go for water).
2. The child is very tired of the routine, it becomes unbearably boring for him to do the same type of tasks if he has already figured it out.
In this regard, in the world pedagogical practice, it is customary to reduce the number of tasks of the same type (including homework) for children with ADHD by 30%, not to require them to complete all the examples, if the child has already mastered the topic. The number of repetitions in children with ADHD does not affect the quality of information assimilation.
In addition, it is acceptable for a child with ADHD to be able to draw in a draft or twist something in his hands during the lesson. They tend to do several things at the same time, which does not affect the quality of perception of information in the lesson. Otherwise, the child begins to distract his neighbors by actively moving and talking to them.
3. A child with ADHD is most often not able to beautifully and neatly arrange his work, he allows corrections, blots, inaccurate design of assignments.
It is recommended to pay attention to the content of the work, and not to the quality of its design, since a regular decrease in the score for an incorrectly designed work will significantly reduce the motivation to study.
4. Children with ADHD are afraid of large volumes.
If a child with ADHD is immediately asked to complete 20 examples, he will be frightened and fall into a stupor or despair, as large amounts of work scare them. However, if a child is given the same 20 examples on separate cards 5 times 4 examples each, it will noticeably improve his performance. The child will be happy to complete all 20 examples, in addition, this will be a good opportunity to move between receiving the next card. Thus, children with ADHD need to divide large amounts of tasks into several small parts.
5. A child with ADHD may forget everyday things and some items when completing a task according to a plan, they may even forget the ultimate goal of the activity (poor working memory).
Often, children with ADHD get their grades lowered because they forget to do part of the tasks in the exercises. It is recommended to separately concentrate their attention on all the items of the task in the exercise. For example, asking this particular child what you need to remember to complete in the task.
In addition, these children tend to forget their things. Therefore, they can be reminded of them more often or separately encouraged for not forgetting to take everything with them. It is effective to use "reminders" - small notes, stickers in a pencil case or announcements on the wall, thanks to which the child can remember to take a thing with him, go somewhere or do something.
6. A child with ADHD is often distracted.
It is advisable to seat children with ADHD closer to the teacher so that it is easier for them to concentrate, and in case the child is distracted, lightly touch his hand so that he can concentrate again. It is possible to specifically discuss with the child the ways by which he can not be distracted in the lesson.
7. Children with ADHD have poor time orientation.
It has nothing to do with the intellectual development of the child. However, a child with ADHD often does not notice that more time has passed than he intended. As a result, the children are late, I don’t have time to finish something. In such cases, it is recommended to either remind the time yourself, or teach the child to set a timer, or set a timer or an hourglass so that children can see them and be able to navigate on their own.
8. A child with ADHD can be very interested in something, this is his strength, so if the child is unsuccessful in something, then you can restore his authority in the eyes of classmates by involving him in activities in which he showed interest and showed your awareness.
9. Children with ADHD are impulsive.
It is difficult for a child with ADHD to restrain himself from shouting out in class if he knows the answer, it is difficult for him not to interfere in the activity if something interesting happens to him.
In the lessons, it is possible to introduce special tablets on which children can fix the answer to the teacher's question so that they do not have to endure if another student answers. It is also possible to introduce a special encouragement for the child, if he did not cry out, showed patience. For example, if the child refrained from impulsive action, allow him to distribute notebooks.
10. Children with ADHD are emotional.
In this regard, they can be very offended if something does not work out for them or classmates do not communicate with them (children with ADHD are very sociable: they like to talk, chat with everyone). In this case, the child needs support or help in building relationships with classmates, you can intervene in the children's play and assign roles, showing the child how he can participate in the game. Otherwise, conflicts may arise between a child with ADHD and other children.
11. A child with ADHD can be taught to do those things that are difficult for him for physiological reasons, but for this he needs to create external motivation.
For this, an incentive system (bonus system) is used. It can be used in conjunction with parents. For example, several rules (3 rules) are introduced that the child must follow at school, for the fulfillment of which the child receives “pluses” from the teacher in a special diary (the child prepares such a diary himself at home, beautifully arranging it). Rules should be short and specific. For example, “wait for the teacher to ask you, do not shout out”, “do all the tasks in the class”, “write all the examples in a notebook”, etc. At the same time, for the implementation of the rules at each lesson, the child receives plus signs, a plus sign is put every time when the child follows the rule. Next, parents reward the child for a certain number of “pluses”. For this house, a list of rewards is compiled: each "bonus" is worth a certain number of "pluses".
This system is exclusively a system of rewards, that is, “minuses” are not set and “pluses” do not burn out. This is due to the fact that the behavior of a child with ADHD is so restless that he will lose “pluses” faster than he accumulates them, and thus the system will stop working, the child will lose interest in it and, as a result, it will be impossible to motivate the child with something .
Children with ADHD need to be led only on a reward system, the punishment system either does not work or quickly leads children with ADHD to depression, which also worsens their behavior.
12. The system for developing the skill of desirable behavior can also be used for the entire class as a whole (B. Furman's system "Kid's skills" - there is such a book).
In this case, one skill is selected, which the whole class learns. For example, be ready for the lesson on time. This means that as soon as the bell rings, the children should stand exactly near their desks, the things needed for the lesson should be on the table. If all the children were able to do this, then the teacher praises them and puts the ball in a special jar. When the jar is full, it means the class has mastered the skill. For this, children are rewarded with what they love: tea drinking, a diploma from the director, going to the zoo.
The experience of using such a program has shown that when developing one skill, children become generally more successful in all areas and their behavior becomes better in general.
13. In general, the child can be involved in helping the teacher, this will greatly inspire him, cheer him up and motivate him to cooperate.
How to teach a hyperactive child to maintain attention
Your child is “restless”, “interferes with others”, constantly “mistakes”, “does not obey” - how often do we hear this? Maybe it's hyperactivity. In this case, you just need to understand the child and help him. More than 30 boys and girls with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) live in the Yunona Family Education Assistance Center. Specialist Maria Baldzhirova talks about the characteristics of such children and what moments in the child's behavior may be the basis for contacting a neurologist, and also advises parents on how to calm their fidgets.
The line between character traits and diagnosis
« People constantly concentrate on some object. However, there are children whom we call "reactive", "restless", "hyperactive". They have a neurological disorder that begins in childhood, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. But such a diagnosis can only be made by a neurologist !” - says the teacher of additional education of the Center "Yunona" Maria Baldzhirova.
The first signs of hyperactivity are observed at the age of 3 years, more often in boys. Moreover, in them the syndrome usually manifests itself in active behavior, and in girls - in inattention. Hyperactivity is characterized by low levels of attention, memory, thinking, performance in class, as well as increased fatigue. The child is equally active at home, in kindergarten, at school, on the playground, visiting strangers. There are no situations in which he would behave calmly. This is what makes him different from an ordinary active baby.
Compared to their peers, such children are not so attentive to the feelings of other people. They are less willing to share anything with others, less likely to try to help parents, caregivers, children, and almost do not express empathy. Therefore, they have difficulty in establishing relationships with other people.
How Attention Deficit Manifests
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder manifests itself in different ways. There are several characteristic features, for example: forgetfulness, talkativeness, absent-mindedness, impaired coordination, impatience. To this we can add situations in which the child:
- does not sit still, even if necessary;
- doesn't focus on details;
- does not finish what he started;
- is mistaken due to inattention;
- is easily distracted by foreign objects;
- does not listen to the words of others, interferes;
- often loses his things;
- interferes in the conversation of both elders and peers;
- does not sleep well, cannot relax, rest.
How to help your child
Children with hyperactivity do not have serious cognitive impairments - they just need more time to complete tasks. They make more mistakes because they are trying to complete the task faster so that they can get back to their business. These kids need help.
« The best way to help children with hyperactivity is play. It allows you to control the actions and actions of the child with the help of a specific game plot, rules and roles. Many experts believe that playing with water and sand is just 9 years old for such children.0084 are needed,” notes Maria Baldzhirova .
For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, group and individual games are suitable to help calm the child. These can be board games or games that develop concentration and help distribute attention, relieve tension and aggressiveness. The staff of the Yunona Center prepared several such games that parents can play with their children at home.
Five useful games for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Starting position - squatting. Let the child hide his head in his knees, and clasp his knees with his hands. He is a seed that gradually sprouts and turns into a tree: the child slowly rises to his feet, then straightens his body, stretches his arms up. Then you need to tighten the muscles of the body and pull it up. The wind blew: the child swings the body, imitating a tree.
Alternately and as quickly as possible, the child goes through the fingers, connecting the index finger, middle finger, etc. into a ring with the thumb. You need to play first with each hand separately, then with both hands at once.
Hold the tip of the nose with the left hand and the opposite ear with the right hand. At the same time, you need to release your ear and nose, clap your hands and change the position of your hands exactly the opposite.