How to get cin number for child support
Welcome to Otsego County, NY
Income Maintenance (SNAP, HEAP, Medicaid, Day Care Subsidy, Temporary Assistance, Housing)
Meadows Office Complex
HOURS OF OPERATION 8:30am - 4:30pm (September through June) 9:00am - 4:00pm (July and August ONLY) PHYSICA
Meadows Office Complex
140 Co Hwy 33W
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Phone: (607) 547-1700
Fax: (607) 547-1721
- Medicaid
- Temporary Assistance
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Employment Services
- Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
- Child Care Subsidy
- Adult Protection
- Fraud Investigation Unit
Mailing address:
197 Main Street
Cooperstown, NY 13326
For helpful information on benefit eligibility, EBT Balance, SNAP and/or HEAP application and/or recertification and more. ...please visit
You may also apply for SNAP or HEAP by contacing our offices at (607) 547-1700 and requesting an application be mailed to you. Once you complete the application you can return it to our offices by mailing to 197 Main St. Cooperstown, NY 13326 or faxing to (607) 547-1721.
VIA EMAIL USING [email protected]
This email is designed to receive emails and documentation only. Your email and documentation will be printed and given to your worker on a daily basis.
Please contact your worker 24 hours after you send the email to ensure that they received your information. The emailer assumes all responsibility.
We will not respond to emails from this email address, contact your worker with any questions and to ensure your documentation was received.
NYDocSubmit Mobile Application
NYDocSubmit is a mobile application that allows certain applicants and recipients in OTSEGO to take pictures of their documents and submit them to their local district office using their Apple iOS or Android device. There is no need for the individual to take time off from work, stand in line or travel to the district office to drop off documents.
Important: NYDocSubmit is not monitored for emergencies and is not to be used to submit an application or to submit a periodic report.
Which Social Services programs does NYDocSubmit support?
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
- Temporary Assistance (TA)
- Medicaid
What type of documents can be submitted using NYDocSubmit?
- Identification
- Citizenship Status
- Proof of Income
- Medical Documentation
- Proof of Household
- Residence
- Resources
- Shelter/Utilities
- SSN or proof of a SSN application
- Other Documentation
What type of documents should not be submitted using NYDocSubmit?
NYDocSubmit should not be used to submit sensitive information, such as:
- Child Protective Services (CPS) case information or to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment.
- Documents that contain HIV information.
- Domestic violence information.
- Addresses that must remain confidential to safeguard any member of an applicant’s or recipient’s household.
What technology support is available for NYDocSubmit?
The Office of Information Technology Services (OITS) Service Desk supports NYDocSubmit.
Service Desk contact information:
Phone: (844) 891-1786
E-mail: [email protected]
What is needed to use NYDocSubmit?
- An Apple iOS or Android phone or tablet with a working camera and data or Wi-Fi connectivity.
- Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- Search for “NYDocSubmit” (one word).
- Click on GET or INSTALL.
- An existing or new ID from ID.
Note: The Application requires individuals to use the latest version of the application to successfully upload document images.
How to submit document images using NYDocSubmit?
- Select preferred language.
- Search and select OTSEGO to submit documents.
- Select one Program Area (SNAP, TA, HEAP or MA)
- Select Document Category.
- Capture the image of the document. Images will be subject to review and validation by the district.
- Enter identifying and contact information:
- Name
- Phone
- Enter submission details (at least one field is required):
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Client Identification Number (CIN)
- Case Number
- Date of Birth
- Confirm or edit the information and submission details.
- Submit the document.
- A confirmation screen will appear following a successful upload (i.e., no "receipt" will be sent).
- The individual should wait to receive the confirmation screen before submitting another document or closing the application, e.
g., "swipe the screen
Nondiscrimination Statement (Aviso sobre Normas Antidiscriminatorias)
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; - fax: (202) 690-7442; or
- email: [email protected].
With respect to public accommodations, New York State additionally prohibits discrimination based on gender identity, transgender status, gender dysphoria, sexual orientation, marital status, and military status.
To learn more about the NY Health Plan Market or if you would like to find a Navigator to help you please call 1-855-355-5777 or visit the web site at: http://www.
In-Person Assistors (IPAs)/Navigators provide in-person enrollment assistance to individuals, families, small businesses and their employees who would like help applying for health insurance through the Marketplace.
Modeled on successful community assistance programs in New York, the IPA/Navigator program is designed to meet the needs of New Yorkers by providing assistance in convenient, community-based locations. IPAs/Navigators will provide culturally competent, linguistically appropriate, and disability accessible enrollment services. They will be available at convenient times, including evenings and weekends, at no cost to enrollees. (Subject to change, please call site to confirm)
Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network of SCNY, Inc. (800) 231-0744 Serving languages: English, Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese,Taiwanese, Laotian & Spanish
Opportunities for Otsego 3 W. Broadway Oneonta NY 13820
Huntington Library 62 Chestnut St. Oneonta, NY 13820
Chenango Health Network (607) 337-4128 Serving language: English
Family Planning of South Central NY 37 Dietz St. Oneonta, NY 13820
A Maximus representative is also available at the Meadows Building Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm to assist individuals or households applying for health insurance at the Health Exchange. Contact a Maximus Certified Application Counsleor at (607) 547-1757 to arrange an appointment.
Southern Tier Independence Center (607) 724-2111
Souther Tier is a Facilitated Enroller- If you are age 65 and older, blind or disabled and need of assistance applying for:
- Medicaid
- Medicaid for Nursing Home or Long Term Care
- Medicaid Excess Income/Resource Program(s)
- Medicaid Buy In for Working People with Disabilities
- Medicare Savings Programs (MSP)
Contact Loretta Sayles at (607) 724-2111 with questions or to schedule an appointment
Do you have medical needs that may require Nursing Home Placement or Services? There is an alternative. MANAGED LONG TERM CARE PLAN may be right for you as it provides health and long-term care services to adults with chronic illness or disabilities, to better address their needs and to prevent or delay nursing home placement.
Get help for your long term services and support needs. BY PHONE: 1-800-342-9871 Interpretation and translation services are free. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can use NY Relay System 7-1-1 ONLINE: WWW.NYCONNECTS.NY.GOV
Personal Care Services & Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)
Consumer Directed Personal Assitance Program provided by NY Connects Otsego County (607) 547-4390
The Oneonta Community Health Center provides FREE Primary Healthcare to low income, uninsured adults and those challenged with health care and insurance costs.
Appointments are necessary to see a medical provider. Call (607) 433-0300 for an appointment.
Your call will be returned. They are conveniently located at 31 Main Street (the Social Security Building) in Oneonta, NY.
For information about services and eligibility visit their website at:
Like them on Facebook to receive health issue news:
CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF DELAWARE, OTSEGO AND SCHOHARIE COUNTIES Ron Rovetto, Nutrition Outreach Education Program for Otsego County
- call: (607) 386-3562
- email: [email protected]
Provides home vistiing SNAP application assistance and submission
176 Main Street
Oneonta, New York 13820
Phone: (607) 432-0061
Fax: (607) 431-9303
Please contact the Fraud Investigation Unit to report suspected fraud or abuse of welfare program services within Otsego County by calling (607) 547-4337.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Leading the way for all kids to live their best possible lives.
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We're seeing very crowded waiting rooms at both our emergency department and urgent care locations. If your child does not need emergency care we recommend scheduling an appointment with your primary care physician or you can visit our 24/7 Virtual Urgent Care.
Use this chart to help you decide if your child needs to be seen in person.
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Whether you’re coming to our Burnet Campus, Liberty Campus, or one of our neighborhood locations, the team at Cincinnati Children’s wants the experience to be as smooth and comfortable as possible for you and your child.
We can help guide you through each step of the way during your child’s visit. Learn more about:
Your Outpatient VisitYour Overnight StayYour Child's Surgery
Cincinnati Children's provides wide range of resources and services to help you and your family before your visit, during your child's stay and after your return home. We can help you:
- Identify support groups and summer camps for specific healthcare needs.
- Find spiritual guidance and emotional support or request an ethics consultation.
- Receive information to manage your hospital bills through one of our financial assistance programs.
Prepare for Your VisitPatient and Family ServicesAdditional ResourcesBilling InformationObtain Medical RecordsGift Shop
In fiscal year 2021, Cincinnati Children's delivered over $425 million in community benefit services to provide treatment and promote health and healing.
Read the Report
Inspiring Stories, Helpful Tips, and What’s Happening
Parker's Story
Years after a traumatic brain injury, Parker is doing well thanks to expert care and ongoing treatment received at the Brain Health Wellness Center.
Read Parker's Story
COVID-19 Vaccine
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is now available for anyone 6 months or older.
Schedule a COVID-19 Vaccine
Madison's Story
Madison, an adult patient at our Cancer Survivorship Center, now works as a nurse on the hematology / oncology floor at Cincinnati Children's.
Read Madison's Story
who is supposed to, what data will be needed when the allowance arrives
Ekaterina Miroshkina
Author profile
The new monthly allowance appeared on July 1, 2021. It can be received by one of the child's parents if the other parent is obliged to pay alimony by a court decision, is not indicated in the documents, has died or is missing. The appointment takes into account the average per capita income and the possession of property by family members. Unlike payments for schoolchildren, this allowance is not temporary, you can apply for it at any time, but you need to renew it every year.
You can apply for benefits through public services. The application form may seem complicated - parents often do not understand at all where to tick, what to indicate in the field and what reason to choose.
- Source:
- Government Decree No. 1037 dated 06/28/2021
This is an instruction for filling out an application in different situations. Maybe not for all occasions, but definitely for most of the most common ones.
Before completing the application, please read the article on the general conditions of appointment. And only if you are convinced that you have the right to a benefit, prepare an appeal according to these instructions.
What You Will Learn
- Who Can Complete the Application
- What to Prepare for the Application
- Section 1, Your Details
- Section 2, More Information About You
- Section 3, Marital Status
- Section 4, Children's Information
- Section 5, Additional Family Information
- Section 6, Account Details
- Section 7, List of Documents
- What Happens Next
- When Benefits Arrive
- How to correct errors on your application
Who can complete the application
The application is completed by a parent, guardian or caregiver who is eligible for monthly benefits.
This right arises if the other parent of a child between 8 and 17 years of age:
- must pay child support by court order;
- or not listed on the birth certificate;
- or given by mother;
- or died, declared missing or deceased.
The general conditions for all must also be met:
- The applicant has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, a residence permit or a temporary residence permit in Russia.
- The average per capita family income is not more than the subsistence minimum per capita in the region.
- The property of all family members is included in the list established by the government.
- There is a confirmed income in the billing period or a good reason for its absence.
So, you are sure that the conditions are met and you decide to apply for benefits. This can be done the next day after the child's 8th birthday or later, but before the 17th birthday.
Fill out an application for public services. This will require a verified account. If it is not there, you can register or confirm through the bank.
What to prepare for the application
You will need:
- Birth certificates for all children.
- Certificate of marriage, divorce or death of family members.
- Bank account details for crediting money - with or without a Mir card.
You do not need to attach these documents - just provide information. The pension fund will then request documents for confirmation itself, if necessary. The list will come to your personal account, and you will need to bring everything in person within 10 working days - you will be informed about this later.
Section 1, “Your data”
Everything is filled in automatically here: this is your data from the profile. You just need to check them and, if necessary, change something. For example, an email address.
Pay special attention to the address.
There are three options to choose from:
- address of registration at the place of residence - this is a registration on the passport;
- registration address at the place of stay - this is a temporary registration from a special certificate;
- the address at the place of actual residence is not a registration or temporary registration, but the place where you really live. For example, you rent an apartment.
If you have a registration and temporary registration at the same time, you can specify any of the addresses - at your discretion. For example, if they are registered in Krasnodar and there is a temporary registration in Moscow, it may be more profitable to apply in Moscow: the income limit and the benefit itself are higher there. But the address must be confirmed by documents.
The address of actual residence can be indicated only if you do not have permanent or temporary registration - that is, you are not registered anywhere. You cannot enter a Moscow address if you have a residence permit in Krasnodar and do not have temporary registration. You will have to indicate Krasnodar in the application, even if you do not live there.
It is important that you provide your address honestly and correctly: after registering the application, you will be asked for documents. They will need to be personally brought to the PFR client service of this region.
Because of this, many parents have difficulties: Russian citizens live in the DPR, they are entitled to benefits, and it is problematic to submit documents. Or the mother filed an application, indicated the address in Moscow, went on vacation to the Crimea herself - and 10 working days are allotted for the submission of documents. Didn't bring it - get a refusal and re-register everything.
It's not worth cheating with addresses: all this is easily checked. Due to doubts about the reliability and additional checks between departments, the consideration is delayed and there is a risk of rejection.
How to apply for a temporary registration
Section 2, “More information about you”
Here you need to check the checkboxes that suit you for a particular period. Be careful, the period is indicated at the beginning of the section. And it changes every month.
Mark only those events that took place during this particular period.
If you fill out the application in July 2021, the period from March 2020 to February 2021 inclusive will be indicated. This is 12 months prior to 4 months prior to the month of referral Additional data will be requested upon selection of a particular item
Received alimony
Additional information
Total amount in the billing period
Why is this needed
Alimony is included in family income. The specified amount will be added to your salary for this period - it will be recognized in the tax office, and data on alimony is needed from you. Indicate only what you really received, and should not have received
Was (was) an employee of law enforcement agencies or military structures
Additional information
Employer's TIN
Why is this necessary
No data on the income of law enforcement officers organs. They can be requested by TIN or must be confirmed personally
Took care of a child with a disability
under 18, a person with a disability of group I from childhood
or disabled persons
Additional information
Why is it necessary
The period of care is considered a good reason for lack of income. That is, if you did not receive a single ruble of income in the billing period, but took care of your grandmother or neighbor, the zero income rule is observed, there will be no denial of benefits because of it. Based on the data provided, the FIU will check whether there was actually a departure: they have it all. Another payment for care in the amount of 10,000 R is not taken into account in the family income
Served a sentence in
places of deprivation of liberty
Additional information
Region where the sentence was served
Why is it necessary
This period - and plus three months after release - is also counted as a good reason for lack of income. Therefore, if there really was such a fact, it is important to note this, otherwise, without income, you can be denied benefits. The FIU will check all this too - through the Federal Penitentiary Service
If none of the statements applies to you, do not mark anything. You don't have to choose "Received alimony" if you haven't been paid a single ruble. Just in case, you don’t need to tick off all the items if they don’t concern you: an imaginary belonging to law enforcement agencies will not help you receive benefits, and caring for a person with a disability is easily verified.
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I take care of the disabled, how is my pension experience calculated?
Section 3, Marital Status
First you need to select your marital status from the drop-down list in the first line. It is the current status that is important, and not the one that was with the second parent of the child for whom the allowance is issued.
Only these options are offeredThat is, if right now you are in a registered marriage, indicate "I am married." If right now, on the day of filing the application, you are divorced or your spouse has died and there is no other, then choose: "Divorced" or "Widower (widow)".
If the child's father has died and you are remarried, you must enter "Married", not "Widow". That is, the current status. You will report on the status in relation to the second parent in another section of the application.
Section 3 is important to understand who is in your household. The calculation takes into account the income of the official spouse, even if he is not the father of the children.
How much I spent on a child under 5 years old
Depending on the selected status, you need to provide additional information. For example, full name, passport details and SNILS of the spouse. Or numbers of marriage, divorce or death records.
You need to be careful with these records. They are taken from certificates issued by the registry office. A certificate is a form with its own number and series. But for statement does not need a form number, but an act number. These are different things - do not confuse.
Look in the text of the certificate for the words “about what such and such a date an act record No. was drawn up” The number can be short or very long - it depends on the year the certificate was issued. It consists only of Arabic numerals. And this is definitely not the number that is indicated in red at the very bottom of the form.
If you are married, you need to note the information from the proposed list - but not about yourself, but about your spouse.
You can select several options that are relevant in the specified periodThe first group of statuses affects the calculation of income. If the spouse has served a sentence or is in custody, he will not be counted as part of the family at all.
The second group of statuses also affects the calculation of income, but in a different way:
- Received alimony, which means you will need to specify the amount. It will be added to income according to tax data.
- Employees of law enforcement and military structures will have to submit documents on income, because the Federal Tax Service does not have all the information.
- Childcare is on the list of good reasons for zero income.
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Maternity benefit from 2021: basic conditions
Section 4, "Information about children"
Information about children is needed not only to know who to assign benefits to. The number of children affects the average per capita family income. That is, you need to specify all children under 18 years of age. And from 18 to 23 years old if they study full-time and are not married.
First, enter the number of children.
All children under 18 years old are counted. And from 18 to 23 years old if they study full-time and are not married. Including guardiansEven if the child is not entitled to allowance, please still indicate his data in this section. If the data was pulled from your personal account, check it.
Correctly indicate the registration number from the birth certificate. This is not a number and a series at the bottom of the form - they do not need to be indicatedAnd now attention: under the data of each child there is this part:
Check the box here only for those children for whom the allowance is to be assigned. And then a field will appear for choosing the reason why it is due.
Here are all the possible grounds for the allowance.
How to choose the basis for the allowance
The basis | When it is suitable |
One of the parents is missing | There is no second parent at birth. Or the father is recorded from the words of the mother |
One of the parents died | Certificate of death |
Both parents died | Mom and Dads are not alive, and the trustee of the child |
was recognized as the Parents | There is a court decision on this|
One of the parents is obliged to pay alimony by a court decision | A person who applies for benefits can receive alimony precisely by a court decision. Other options will not work |
When applicable
One of the parents is missing
The other parent is not on the birth certificate. Or the father is recorded from the words of the mother
One of the parents died
There is a death certificate
Both parents died
Mom and dad are not alive, and the guardian or guardian of the child is applying for benefits
The parent was declared missing or dead
There is a court decision on this
One of the parents is obliged to pay maintenance by a court decision
A person who applies for benefits can receive alimony precisely by a court decision. Other options will not work
When choosing the option with alimony, you will need to indicate the number of enforcement proceedings, if any. By this number, the FIU will check the data through bailiffs. In this case, the details of the court decision itself are not needed. Although in practice they are still requested: apparently, the verification process has not yet been debugged. Call the bailiff if you need to clarify the information, and provide the pension fund with the necessary information.
Public services have a service that helps to find out the number of enforcement proceedings. If you are a claimant, it will display the number of enforcement proceedings and the reason on which it was initiated.
If there is only a court decision, select "No enforcement proceedings"If there is no court decision yet, contact the court to get it. Wait until it takes effect, and only then apply for benefits. A notarial agreement and verbal agreements on alimony do not give the right to an allowance.
How to apply for child support
Section 5, "Additional information about the family"
There are two subsections:
- Information that affects the composition of the family in the billing period and the valuation of property.
- Information that affects the calculation of income.
When choosing any item from this section, it will need to be confirmed by documents. Do not choose too much if this does not apply to you.
And carefully read each item: they are there for a reason, everything matters and will affect the decision on the grant.
The first paragraph of the section will affect the composition of the family and confirmation of income This paragraph must be selected only if the allowance is assigned to an orphan child or someone who is in a boarding school, colony. If, for example, a child has a disability and you live with him only on a pension, this item does not apply to you. If you choose without real grounds, you risk losing time and being refused. List of all cases of full state support - by the link inside the paragraph Such property is excluded from the assessment and does not affect the assignment of benefits. For example, if a large family has two cars and one was issued under a social program, this car will not be a reason for denying benefits. All this will need to be documented. These two points affect the composition of the family and the calculation of income The second section affects family income in the billing period.
will be generated at the end of the application. If you select the item on full-time education, you will need to bring a certificate from the educational institution. On the other hand, full-time education is a good reason for zero income. If you indicate self-employment, you will be asked to provide a certificate of income from the My Tax application.
Section 6 Account Details
Allowance for children from 8 to 17 years old can be received only through the bank, but not by mail.
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How to receive a payment for children from 3 to 7 years old in 2022
If a card is issued to the account, it can only be "Mir". Other payment systems are not eligible for this benefit.
The current account number is 20 digits, not the 16 that are indicated on the card. Account details can be viewed in the Internet Bank.
The account must be in the name of the applicant, the person applying for the benefit.
Section 7 List of Documents
Nothing to fill out here. The list of documents is formed on the basis of the previous sections.
This list can be copied to yourself in order to collect all certificates and acts. They will need to be submitted to the pension fund within 10 working days.
Such a list will still come to your personal account at public services.
This is how the list will look if you select full state support in section 5, full-time education and self-employment in section 7. If you select other items, the list will change There is a second block in the same section. It is for those who want to clarify family income. This can be done at will. For example, an individual entrepreneur can show expenses and thus reduce the income that is declared in the declaration. The tax office does not see the expenses of the entrepreneur - it will transfer data only on income to the pension fund. But according to the rules, these incomes can be reduced by expenses. Then the family income will decrease, which will affect the purpose of the allowance.
It remains only to send an application.
What will happen next
A notification will be sent to your personal account at public services that the application has been registered. If documents are needed, they will be notified separately, indicating the deadline.
Documents must be brought in person - to the PFR client service of the region indicated in the "Your address" field in section 1. Deadline - 10 working days, if late - refusal. But it will be possible to submit a new application and bring documents.
Be sure to follow the statuses in your personal account on public services. The application can be sent for revision, and the consideration period can be extended by 20 business days. In total, a decision is made within 30 business days. If they refuse, the department will explain the reason.
Nobody forbids submitting a new application after a rejection. This can be done at any time until the child is 17 years old. But the billing period changes every month.
When the benefit arrives
If the application is approved, the money will be received by the 25th of the next month. For example, if a benefit is assigned from August 15, 2021, the money for the whole of August will come before September 25. And so every month.
The allowance will be assigned for 12 months, then it will have to be extended - for this a new application is drawn up, all fields will have to be filled in again.
How to correct errors in the application
If, after sending, it became clear that the information in the application is inaccurate, in any case, you need to wait for a decision on it. You cannot edit an application that has already been submitted.
Calmly wait until a decision with a refusal comes, and fill out the form again, with the correct data. This is a normal situation. Your application will be considered and a new decision will be made.
It is useless to call the pension fund, write to the support of public services, look for options for corrections until the final decision: this is the procedure.
Do I need a TIN to receive alimony
Through the court, she obtained the recovery of alimony for two children (1/3 of her salary). The ex-husband is the director of a small organization (LLC). He asks for my TIN (says that for the payment of alimony).
Tell me: is it necessary to pay the TIN, or can he use it for other purposes?
Thank you.
, Nadezhda, Perm
recovery of alimony payment of alimony
Svetlana Kaverinskaya
Lawyer, Moscow
Hello Nadezhda, if you got through the court, now bailiffs are enforcing the court decision. give the bailiffs a writ of execution (the judge who made the decision will issue it). And the bailiffs, in their own. turn. will be sent to the right place.
When it comes to paying child support, it is better to act officially. I recommend that you do not send anything in person. A TIN may be needed for various purposes.
Irina Pechurchik
Lawyer, Kaluga
If the transfer of alimony will be made to the bank account of an individual, then the TIN is not needed.
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