How to get custody of a child in kentucky
Frequently Asked Kentucky Child Custody Questions
Kentucky child custody attorneys provide answers to frequently asked questions with regards to Kentucky child custody laws.
Who will get custody of our child?
In Kentucky, the courts are required to determine custody based upon the best interest of the child(ren). Usually, parents will share joint custody of the children and if their schedules will allow, will share 50-50 parenting time with the children. However, depending upon various issues that may arise and other situations, this may not always be the case.
Related Article: Will I Get Custody?
What is joint custody? What is sole custody?
Joint custody is where two parents share joint decision-making for the child, usually for major life decisions. For the everyday decisions affecting the child, usually the parent who is in possession of the child makes those decisions, but when a major life decision affects the child, such as surgery, education or religion, parents who are joint custodians must agree on those decisions.
Sole custody is where one parent is granted custody of the children and will be the sole decision maker for the children. They will decide where they live, what doctor to see, what school to attend, etc.
Related Article: What Are The Different Types Of Child Custody?
If both parents share custody does anyone pay child support?
It is possible that even though you share custody one parent may still have to pay child support. Child support is intended to make both households as equal as possible. So even if it is joint custody, if one parent makes significantly more income than the other, they may have to pay child support.
Related Article: Is Child Support Necessary When Parents Share Custody?
Can a parent refuse to allow visitation if child support is not paid?
No, a parent may not refuse visitation if child support is not being paid. Child support is not a payment that ensures that a parent gets to see the child. If a parent does not pay child support, they may be held in contempt of court, but likewise, if a parent refuses to allow the other parent to see the child, they may also be held in contempt of court.
Related Article: Denied Visitation But Still Expected To Pay Child Support
When can my child decide which parent to live with?
There is no magic age that a child gets to decide where they live. A child is a minor and the law presumes that a minor is not mature enough to make those types of decisions, regardless how mature they may seem. The court may take the wishes of the child into consideration when making its determination, but ultimately the court will decide what is in the best interest of the child.
Related Article: Can A Child Choose Where To Live?
Do grandparents have custody and visitation rights?
In Kentucky, grandparents may file a petition to establish grandparent visitation. The court will then determine if it is in the best interest of the child to order such visitation.
Related Article: Can Grandparents File For Custody?
What is a parenting plan, and do I need one?
It depends. A parenting plan is a plan that is laid out by both parents on how they intend to parent their children after the divorce is final to ensure that there is consistency in the two households.
Related Article: 4 Tips For An Effective Shared Parenting Plan
If my separation agreement includes custody/support can it be included in the divorce decree?
Usually, the separation agreement, if it is a final agreement, is included in the divorce decree. If it is a temporary agreement and the court is expected to establish permanent child support then the court may have to follow the child support guidelines.
Related Article: Reaching A Child Custody Agreement While Separated Before A Divorce
What can I expect from temporary orders?
Temporary orders are suppose to be temporary and are not suppose to prejudice any party at the final hearing in the matter. However, temporary orders can also be a benchmark the court may use when making its final ruling.
Related Article: Preparing For A Temporary Orders Hearing
When will child custody be decided?
Child custody is determined either by agreement of the parties or by order of the court. Depending on when the parties can agree or when the court issues its final order, will determine when child custody is determined.
Related Article: The Factors Courts Consider When Determining Child Custody
When can I modify custody?
Child custody is always modifiable. However, after the initial child custody determination, a party may only seek to modify within the first two years if the child’s physical, emotional, or mental well-being is at stake. After the two-year period, the court can modify custody if it is in the best interest of the child.
Related Article: Factors That Influence A Child Custody Modification
What if we cannot agree on a custody arrangement?
If you are unable to agree on a custody arrangement, then the court will have to order a custody arrangement based upon the best interest of the child, which it will determine after you and your spouse put forward all your evidence at trial.
Related Article: Making Your Child Custody Case To The Court
What is an ex parte order?
An ex-parte order is an order that is entered by the Court, when only one party is present and represented. Usually these are entered at the beginning of the case only in the most extreme circumstances, such as a parent threatening to flee with the children.
Related Article: What Are My Rights After Being Served An Ex Parte Order?
How is custody decided?
Custody is determined based upon a “best interest” standard. The court will hear all the evidence and then will issue an order as to what the court believes is in the best interest of the children.
Related Article: Do We Need An Attorney To Sort Out Child Support?
How can I increase my chances at getting a larger custody agreement?
Your chances of gaining custody are increased by playing an active role in your children’s life and do not relinquish that time with your children. More often than not, one party will back away thinking that it will cause less conflict and that the children will be better off. Usually all that accomplishes is setting a pattern of any inactivity you may have in the children’s life.
Related Article: Ten Things You Can Do To Sabotage Your Custody Battle
What is visitation?
Visitation is a set schedule of your time with the children. It will usually set the time and the days that you get to see your children unencumbered by the other parent.
Related Article: How Can I Get More Visitation Time?
Can a judge order supervised visitation or no visitation?
Yes, a court can order supervised visitation or no visitation (in the most rare cases) if it is determined it is in the best interest of the children to do so.
Related Article: How To Make Supervised Visitation Work To Your Advantage
Do courts favor the mother over the father?
The courts are required to be neutral when determining custody of the children and should not consider the sex of the parent when making that determination.
Related Article: Divorcing Men Face Pervasive Gender Stereotypes In Family Court
What should I know before a custody trial?
There are a lot of beneficial things to know prior to a custody trial. Having an experienced attorney is probably the best thing to have, as they will be able to prepare your case and you as a witness as well.
Related Article: An Attorney’s Guide To Child Custody Battles
Can I collect my own evidence to use if my custody case goes to court?
When fighting for custody it is always a good idea to have an experienced attorney who knows what evidence will best help the court make its determination.
Do I need to use a Guardian ad Litem/Custody Evaluator?
A Guardian ad Litem or custodian evaluator is usually appointed in high conflict cases where the parents cannot get along and cannot agree on how to parent the children.
Related Article: The Role Of A Guardian Ad Litem In Custody Disputes
Will my child need to appear in court?
It depends. Usually, it is always a good idea to keep a child out of the courtroom, though sometimes it is unavoidable. It is possible that if the child must be questioned, that it take place in the judge’s chambers without the parents present.
Related Article: 8 Tips To Survive Your Day In Court
What is the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act?
The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act is a federal law that is designed to help a parent who should have custody of a child to use local law enforcement to effectuate the return of a child, even though the court may have no jurisdiction in that state.
Related Article: What Is Considered Parental Kidnapping?
What if my wife tries to move the kids out state?
You will need to seek immediate relief from the court to enter an order to restrain her movement with the children.
Related Article: Can I Find Out If My Ex Took Our Child Out Of State?
Can a parent change the child’s last name without the other parent’s permission?
No. If a parent is attempting to change the last name of a child, then they will need to provide notice to the other party that they are attempting to do so.
Related Article: What Is The Process For Changing My Child’s Last Name?
If I have custody, will I receive child support?
You will more than likely receive child support if you have custody of your children.
Child Custody and Visitation Laws in Kentucky
Learn how child custody is determined in Kentucky, how you can modify custody orders, and more.
What Are the Different Types of Child Custody that Kentucky Courts Can Award?
There are several types of custody that Kentucky Courts routinely decide.
First, custody can be "physical" or "legal." Physical custody simply refers to the parent who has physical care and control of the child on a day-to-day basis, which includes daily, hands-on care, such as bathing or feeding a child. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403. 800 (14).) Legal custody, on the other hand, is the right to make important decisions on behalf of a child regarding matters like education, culture, religion, and health.
Second, custody can be temporary or permanent. As a preliminary matter, the court usually awards temporary custody to one parent during paternity or divorce proceedings. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.280.)
An award of temporary custody will eventually lead to a contested hearing (similar to a trial) in front of a judge, with witness testimony and other evidence, after which the judge may decide to give permanent custody to one or both parties.
Finally, custody in Kentucky can be sole or joint. In a joint legal custodial situation, both parents make decisions together on behalf of their child. When a child's parents have joint legal custody, they often agree to designate the parent with whom the child spends more time as the "primary residential parent" or "primary residential custodian"—which is just a way of saying that the parents have equal decision-making rights, but the child spends more time at one residence than the other.
By contrast, in a sole legal custodial situation, only one parent has the right to make medical, educational, religious, cultural, and other important decisions for the child without having to consult the other parent.
In a joint physical custodial situation, the child lives with both parents but may spend a little more time with one than the other.
How Do Kentucky Courts Decide Who Should Get Custody of a Child?
The Kentucky appellate courts have established that judges must consider a child's "best interests" when determining how to allocate custody. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.270 (2).)
It's always best when parents can work together to decide custody matters. That said, it's common for parents to disagree, which leads to a contested custody hearing in front of the judge. During a custody hearing, both parents will have the opportunity to call witnesses, present other evidence, and testify.
But the law allows the court to gather its own evidence. The court may decide to call the child as a witness to determine whether the child has a preference in custody. Depending on the child's age or emotional state, this conversation may occur in open court or privately in the judge's chambers. The court may or may not elect to appoint a person or agency of its own choosing as a "friend of the court" to investigate the child's situation and make recommendations to the judge. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.290.)
Kentucky custody law requires judges to begin all custody hearings with a presumption that joint custody is in the child's best interest. However, the presumption is "rebuttable"—meaning that either parent can present evidence that convinces the court that joint custody is not in the child's best interest. The presumption does not apply in cases where the court finds that there is a history of domestic violence. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.315.) Instead, judges evaluate custody using only the best interest factors listed below.
Additionally, judges must consider all of the following factors before issuing a writing custody recommendation:
- the child and parent's wishes for custody
- the child's interaction and interrelationship with parents, siblings, and any other person who may significantly affect the child's best interests
- the child's adjustment to home, school, and community
- each parent's motivation for requesting a contested custody hearing
- the likelihood that a parent allow the child frequent, meaningful, and continuing contact with the other parent
- the mental and physical health of all individuals involved, and
- information, records, and evidence of domestic abuse. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.270 (2).)
The law also requires the judge to consider any other relevant factors. For example, if either parent or an investigator presents evidence that a parent is abusing or neglecting a child, say, by abusing drugs, then the judge can consider that as a factor in making a ruling.
But in the end, the judge must base custody decisions on all of the factors, not just one or two of them. The critical question is, what custodial arrangement best serves the child?
What Is Visitation in Kentucky?
Generally speaking, all parents have a constitutional right to care for and control their children. If the court awards custody to one parent, the court will typically award the other (non-custodial) parent visitation with the child. The judge usually defines what amount of visitation is reasonable by setting out a schedule in the final order. Some parties decide to come up with their own arrangements, which they present to the court as a "parenting plan."
The court can't deny a parent visitation, except after a hearing. Typically, judges only suspend or deny visitation if the court finds, based on testimony and evidence, that visitation would seriously endanger the child's physical, mental, moral or emotional health.
For example, if a parent has a history of abusing drugs or alcohol, the court may withhold a parent's visitation until the parent completes rehabilitation and presents certification to the court. If there is a history of abuse or neglect between the child and parent, the court may deny overnight visits and require all other visits to take place at a court-approved visitation center.
De Facto Custodians
There are some cases where a parent has proven unfit to care for a child, and a nonparent must step in to provide care and love. Under the Kentucky unfit parent law, a nonparent can gain legal rights by showing that the biological parent is unfit, which can be difficult to do. The nonparent must prove that the parent is unsuitable and harmful, has signed an agreement to surrender custody, or that the parent is otherwise unqualified to claim custody.
Alternatively, nonparents may become the de facto custodians of a child if the child is under the age of three and has lived with them for six months or lived with them for a year if the child is over the age of three. They must have actual possession of the child and must stand in the place of a parent. If they can establish this, de facto custodians enjoy the same standing in custody matters as a biological parent. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.270 (1).)
Modifying Custody or Visitation Orders
It's not uncommon for a family's needs to change concerning custody and visitation. If your current custody order is no longer appropriate, or if you'd like to increase or decrease a parent's visitation, you can file a formal request (motion) with the court for a review.
But, the court favors stability, and Kentucky law requires that parents wait at least 2 years after the initial order before requesting a modification. You can overcome the court's time restriction if you can prove that the child's present environment may endanger the child's physical, mental, moral, or emotional health, or the parent placed the child with a de facto custodian.
Also, the parent requesting a modification must demonstrate to the court that, since the last order, there has been a change of circumstances that make the current orders ineffective. As with an initial custody determination, the court will evaluate the best interest factors when deciding a proper custody or visitation order for your case. (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 403.340.)
If you have questions about child custody or visitation in Kentucky, you should contact an experienced family law attorney in your area for advice.
How to get custody of a child, elderly or disabled?
What is guardianship?
In Russia, citizens who need guardianship include minors, that is, children under 14, as well as persons recognized by the court as incompetent. We are talking about people who, due to a mental disorder, cannot understand the meaning of their actions or control them. This is stated by the Federal Law "On guardianship and guardianship". Based on the document, citizens appointed by the body of guardianship and guardianship "are the legal representatives of the wards, and perform on their behalf and in their interests all legally significant actions."
Guardianship is aimed at protecting the interests of the listed categories of citizens, as well as the very possibility of declaring a citizen incompetent in a judicial proceeding. This was also emphasized by the Constitutional Court in the framework of Resolution No. 15-P dated June 27, 2012 “On the case of checking the constitutionality of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 29, paragraph 2 of Article 31 and Article 32 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of citizen I.B. Business".
How is guardianship different from guardianship?
In addition to guardianship, there is also guardianship, under which adolescents aged 14 to 18, as well as persons with limited legal capacity, can fall. Such people cannot be fully responsible for their actions. This category has more rights than minors and the incapacitated. For example, they can independently perform small everyday transactions and actions provided for by law (dispose of their own income, etc.). However, in other cases, they are obliged to assist the trustee.
It turns out that the guardian has more rights and obligations than the guardian, and therefore a greater responsibility falls on him.
Who can become a guardian or custodian?
The main requirement for the candidate is full legal capacity. And since it comes from the age of 18, the guardian must be of age. The law also establishes a list of restrictions. Guardianship cannot be issued by persons:
- deprived of parental rights;
- having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an intentional crime against life or health;
- who did not agree to become a guardian.
When it comes to guardianship of young children (under 14), additional restrictions are set. Future guardians must undergo special psychological, pedagogical and legal training, as well as prove that they are in a bisexual marriage. Those who have registered a same-sex marriage in the territory of another state will not be able to arrange guardianship.
Arranging child custody
This process is supervised by guardianship authorities. To find out all the details of the procedure, you must contact the district office. The state is interested in ensuring that children are not left unattended, are not placed in orphanages and boarding schools, and therefore, most likely, those who wish to arrange guardianship will be met halfway and will be helped in every possible way.
The candidate needs to write an application, collect documents confirming, among other things, the passage of special training, and in case of a positive answer, sign an agreement.
How can I get guardianship of an elderly incapacitated person?
The algorithm is the same as for children - the guardianship and guardianship authority will also deal with the issue of guardianship. However, there are also differences. Thus, custody of an elderly or adult person does not always involve the joint residence of the guardian and his ward. This issue is decided individually, but cohabitation, of course, is welcome. It is much easier for a guardian to fulfill his duties and provide supervision, especially when it comes to a pensioner who, most likely, has a sufficient number of health problems.
If cohabitation is intended, the consent of all members of the guardian's family living with him in the same dwelling, including children aged 10 years, must be obtained.
How to get paid guardianship?
There are two types of guardianship:
- free of charge;
- paid.
In the first case, nothing is paid to the guardian. Paid guardianship can have quite flexible conditions, which are fixed by the contract. In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Custody and Custody”, remuneration can also be paid at the expense of third parties, from the income from the property of the ward (no more than 5% and only if he is already an adult), as well as from the budget .
Features of the legal status
The guardian has an unlimited range of powers - he represents the interests of the ward in any relationship, no matter what is discussed. Moreover, this rule applies even when registering custody of a minor with living parents. If the ward is a child, then the guardian acts as a father or mother. However, in some cases notification of guardianship authorities is required. They can also establish restrictions on the actions of the guardian or, conversely, oblige him to perform any actions. All this is recorded in the act on the appointment of a guardian or custodian, or in an agreement on the implementation of guardianship or guardianship.
What documents are required for registration of guardianship?
- Written statement of consent to the establishment of guardianship.
- Documents of the guardian: proof of identity, proof of income, no criminal record, state of health (medical report in the form established for persons wishing to obtain guardianship), marital status and the right to use the living quarters.
- Consent of family members of the future guardian, including children under 10 years old (provided they live with the guardian in the same territory) to live together with the ward.
- Documents of the ward: identification, income, from the place of study or work, medical certificates.
- Documents confirming kinship, if the candidate is a relative.
A complete list can be found on the State Services portal, which contains clarifications on the design and number of copies of documents. You can apply for guardianship there.
How often are post-custodial checks carried out?
- First month of guardianship - 1 check.
- First year of guardianship - 4 checks (every 3 months).
- Then - once every 6 months.
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Tom Cruise biography, photo, personal life, wife, children, height and weight 2022
Tom Cruise biography
Tom Cruise (Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, eng. Tom Cruise) is an outstanding American film actor, director and producer, known for his main roles in the films Rain Man, Eyes Wide Shut, Magnolia, the Mission Impossible film series et al.![](/800/600/http/
Actor Tom Cruise
Childhood and family
Tom Cruise was born July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York, to a Catholic family with English, German and Irish roots. His father, Thomas Cruise Mapother III, was an electrical engineer, and his mother, Mary Lee (née Pfeiffer) was a defectologist teacher (some sources erroneously call her an actress, apparently confusing her with her namesake Michelle Pfeiffer). In addition to Tom, his parents had three more daughters: Lee Ann, Marian and Cass.Tom Cruise's childhood photos
The family lived in poverty and constantly moved from place to place, as the father had problems with work. He raised his children in strictness, was often rude and unfair to them, and beat them for every insignificant reason. Tom later called him "a bully and a coward."My father taught me the most important lesson about how life works - he could first deceive me with his calmness so that I would relax and feel safe, and then - bam! and hit.Tom grew up as a notorious child. Most of all, he was embarrassed by his small stature, because of which he tried to communicate mainly with short peers or younger guys, so as not to look like a short man against their background. In addition, the future star had ugly crooked teeth.And I began to think: “Something is wrong with him. He cannot be trusted. I have to be careful in his presence.”
Little Tom Cruise (left) with his parents and sisters
Since by the age of 14 the boy had managed to change 15 schools, he experienced certain problems with learning and academic performance, which were further exacerbated by his dyslexia, a disease in which a person incorrectly perceives the order of written letters in a text. Fortunately, with age, this problem was overcome.As a child, Tom Cruise had a complex because of crooked teeth and dyslexia
In 1971, the family moved to Canada and settled in Ottawa, where his father took a position as a technical consultant to the Canadian Forces.![](/800/600/http/
Star of the school theater club
In the hope of growing faster and getting stronger, Tom also began to actively play sports. In particular, he played floor hockey, but he stood out not so much for his athletic talent as for his aggressive style of play. At one time, the boy even thought about linking his life with sports and becoming a professional wrestler, but a knee injury prevented him from doing so.Very young Tom Cruise
When Tom was 14 years old, his parents divorced, and his mother, along with all four children, returned to the United States, settling in a small house in Louisville, Kentucky. The young man entered the Franciscan Theological Seminary in Cincinnati - he intended to become a Catholic priest.![](/800/600/http/
House in Louisville where Tom Cruise lived after his parents divorced
The family had a very hard time: in order to feed the children, the mother constantly worked two or three jobs, and Tom and his sisters also had to earn extra money after school. When the boy was 16 years old, his mother remarried. Her new chosen one, Jack South, turned out to be a wonderful stepfather, and Tom always spoke warmly about him: “He adored his mother so much that he fell in love with her too, all four of us.” At the same time, at the age of 16, at the insistence of his teacher, he again tried his hand at staging on the school stage and suddenly realized that he had found his calling. The mother warmly supported her son in his intention to become an actor: in her youth she herself dreamed of theater and cinema, but she did not dare to try herself as an actress, because she was afraid, in her words, “to move away from the church, to go beyond the norms of morality - to lose everything that girls appreciated so highly in those days.
In 1984, Tom Cruise's father died of cancer.
Film career
Despite the fact that Tom Cruise never studied acting professionally, he was lucky: already in 1981 he passed the casting and began his film career with a small role in the film "Endless Love", and later, in the same year, played a supporting role in the movie Retreat.Young Tom Cruise in Lights Out
In 1983, he starred in Francis Ford Coppola's Outcasts, and then the charming young actor was invited to the first leading role in his career - in the youth sports drama All the Right Moves.Shot from the film "Risky Business"
Finally, in the same 1983, Paul Brickman's film "Risky Business" was released, and the main role in this film made Tom Cruise a star of the first magnitude. The star status of the actor was reinforced by the 1985 film by Ridley Scott in the fantasy genre "Legend", and the super-popular film by Tony Scott "Top Gun" ("Top Gun") released in 1986, where one of Cruise's partners on the set was the young Val Kilmer .![](/800/600/http/
Shot from the film "Top Gun"
In the same 1986, Tom Cruise also had a chance to play one of the main roles in Martin Scorsese's drama The Color of Money, in partnership with Paul Newman, who was already venerable at that time.Tom Cruise and Paul Newman on the set of The Color of Money
In 1988, Roger Donaldson's melodrama Cocktail was released, but Tom Cruise was nominated for the Golden Raspberry Award as the worst actor of the year for the lead role in this film. In general, critics rated this picture negatively, describing it as "a love story devoid of depth and drama, in which Tom Cruise's talent is wasted on a banal fantasy about a naive bartender." However, in the same 1988, a truly successful film was released, which marked the beginning of a series of more mature and deeper acting work of Tom Cruise - "Rain Man" directed by Barry Levinson. In this picture, there was an interesting acting duet of Tom Cruise with the magnificent Dustin Hoffman: Cruise played a prudent businessman who is angry with his parents and the whole world, and Hoffman played the tragicomic role of his older brother, helpless and autistic.
Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman are one of the best acting tandems
In the wake of the success of this picture, critics especially noted the excellent performance of Tom: “The character of Cruise, with his selfishness and cruelty, saves the film from excessive sentimentality. Moreover, his change and reconciliation with the past is not so strong that he ceases to be a complete yuppie, a product of automotive America.Tom Cruise: interview with Channel One
In 1989, Oliver Stone's military drama Born on the Fourth of July was released, which brought the actor his first Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination. In 1990, he starred in Tony Scott's sports drama Days of Thunder, and in 1992 in Ron Howard's romantic drama Far, Far Away, with rising star Nicole Kidman in these two films, with which the actor also developed a personal relationship.
A still from the movie Far, Far Away
Cruise's next major success was his role in Neil Jordan's mystical drama Interview with the Vampire (1994), where he played in a brilliant ensemble cast with Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, Christian Slater and a very young Kirsten Dunst. For this role, he was once again nominated for an Oscar.Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire
A real success and a kind of “calling card” of Tom Cruise was the film directed by Brian De Palma “Mission Impossible” in 1996, in which he not only played the main role, but also made his debut as a producer. While working on this picture, Cruise paid tribute to his childhood dream - to play a super agent, but cooler than the famous "007".How they filmed a long jump with Tom Cruise
And, despite the cool reception in the professional community due to the excessive intricacies of the plot and the lack of psychological depth, the audience fell in love with this film for its entertainment and dynamism.![](/800/600/http/
With Nicole Kidman (Oscars, 1991)
In the same year, the actor starred in another wonderful film - "Jerry Maguire" by Cameron Crowe - which brought him a second Golden Globe and another Oscar nomination. When filming this picture, Cruise's partner was the then-novice actress Renee Zellweger, for whom this work served as a launching pad for a further successful career. The film was praised by critics as "an exceptionally tasty romantic comedy with a modern twist" and it received five Oscar nominations, one of which it won.Jerry McGuire received 5 Oscar nominations
In 1999, Tom Cruise and his wife Nicole Kidman performed the lead roles together in Stanley Kubrick's love thriller Eyes Wide Shut. This film was the last work of the great director, released after his death, and people perceived it differently: from a “big failure” to a “great masterpiece”, but most agreed that it excites the mind, provokes and captivates with its mysterious, "illumined by primitive instincts" atmosphere.![](/800/600/http/
Eyes Wide Shut. Fragment
In the same year, Cruise appeared in a rare supporting role in Paul Thomas Anderson's drama Magnolia. Despite the fact that his character is not the main character at all, it is this work that is considered the pinnacle of the actor's dramatic talent, and it brought him another Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination.Still from the film "Magnolia"
After that, Cruz produced the film Mission: Impossible 2, in which he again played resourceful superspy Ethan Hunt. This time, the film was directed by Hong Kong director John Woo and features his previously fictional gun-kata style of martial art, also known as gun kung fu or bullet ballet.Tom Cruise did all his motorcycle stunts
Critics commented on this film as follows: “Your brain may yearn for the depth of the plot, but your eyes will certainly rejoice at the incredible series of dynamic actions.” For the title role in this film, Tom Cruise received the MTV Movie Award.![](/800/600/http/
During the first half of the 2000s, Cruise starred in four films that were expected to be unprecedented commercial success and critical acclaim. So, in 2001, the fantastic and romantic thriller Vanilla Sky by Cameron Crowe was released, in which Cameron Diaz and Penelope Cruz became two partners of the actor, and Kurt Russell and Jason Lee were involved in supporting roles.
Vanilla Sky: Tom Cruise nude
In 2002, Steven Spielberg's sci-fi thriller Minority Report was released, starring Max von Sydow and Colin Farrell along with Cruise. Later, in 2008, the American Film Institute named the film one of the top 10 sci-fi films of all time.Tom Cruise watches memes to himself
In 2003, Cruz produced the Japanese historical war drama directed by Edward Zwick, The Last Samurai. The film was an incredible success, was nominated for 4 Oscars and received many other prizes and nominations, and Tom Cruise was nominated for the Golden Globe. But, contrary to Cruise's hopes, he was not even nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor.![](/800/600/http/
Still from the film The Last Samurai
In 2005, the actor again collaborated with Steven Spielberg on the fantasy action movie War of the Worlds based on the novel of the same name by HG Wells. On the sets of this film, he starred with 11-year-old, but already experienced at that time actress Dakota Fanning, and 15-year-old Channing Tatum participated in the episode.Tom Cruise doesn't save the world in War of the Worlds
In 2006, another Cruise-produced spy thriller about Ethan Hunt's team, Mission: Impossible 3, directed by J. J. Abrams, was released, and this film was received by critics even more favorably than previous films: "A fast-paced action movie with mind-blowing stunts and special effects, the latest Mission: Impossible showcases everything even the most discerning fan of the genre could wish for." Tom Cruise's next film starring was James Mangold's action comedy Knight Day (2010), which saw the relaunch of his successful acting duo with Cameron Diaz. And while some critics see it as "logic and reason resting in the whirlpool of action while stars like Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz sell this crap", audiences enjoyed the film and was an outstanding box office success.
Fight scene ("Jack Reacher")
In 2010, the fourth film, Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol, directed by Brad Bird, was released, and at the end of 2012, Jack Reacher, a detective thriller directed by Christopher McQuarrie, was released with the slogan “The law has limits. He doesn't have them." For this film, Cruise again acted as producer and main actor, and the work was successful enough that in 2016 he directed the sequel to Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back with the help of director Edward Zwick. In 2013, the post-apocalyptic action movie Oblivion directed by Joseph Kosinski was released, during the filming of which Cruise made a bright duet with an actress of Ukrainian origin Olga Kurylenko, and also played together with Morgan Freeman. This picture was characterized as "an absolutely magnificent film, in the drama of which a powerful fantastic plot is balanced by poetry and romanticism. "
With Robin Williams
In 2015, the fifth film "Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation" directed by Christopher McQuarrie was released, which again pleased the actor and producer with a high rating and box office.Tom Cruise in his youth and now
In 2017, Cruise starred in Alex Kurtzman's fantasy thriller The Mummy, based on the 1932 film, but this picture was not as successful as the actor's previous work. In October 2017, American Made, a biographical thriller directed by Doug Liman, was released in which Tom Cruise played a young pilot recruited by the CIA.Tom Cruise's personal life
In the first half of the 1980s, Tom Cruise repeatedly entered into relationships with older women, including with her partner in the film Risky Business, actress Rebecca Demonay (3 years older than Cruise), singer and guitarist Patti Scialfa (9 years older than Cruise).years) and the famous singer Cher (16 years older than Cruz). According to the frank statement of the latter, Cruz was very good in bed and entered the top five of her best lovers.![](/800/600/http/
Young Tom Cruise with his first girlfriend
The positive reputation of the actor was restored in 1987, when he married actress Mimi Rogers (however, she was also older than Tom, according to various sources, by 5-8 years). Mimi introduced Cruise to Scientology, and subsequently he became a staunch adherent and propagandist of this religion - now he is called the "3rd or even 2nd person" in the church hierarchy.Tom Cruise got into Scientology because of his girlfriend Mimi Rogers
In 1989, on the set of the film Days of Thunder, the actor met a young actress from Australia, Nicole Kidman, and they began a relationship. Cruise in love divorced his first wife on February 4, 1990, and on December 24 of the same year, at the age of 28, he married 23-year-old Nicole.Nicole Kidman married Tom Cruise at 23
The couple really wanted to have children, but they could not conceive their own baby.![](/800/600/http/
Kidman and Cruise's children - adopted
However, in February 2001, Cruz announced to his wife that he intended to divorce her. According to the actress, she begged her husband not to leave her, but he left without explanation, refusing to discuss family problems. As it turned out, Nicole at that moment was in the early stages of pregnancy, which the couple did not yet know. Due to the stress of breaking up with her husband, she lost her baby - or, as the actress later admitted, the pregnancy turned out to be ectopic.Why is Tom Cruise dumped by women?
After the couple's divorce, their adopted children remained under the joint custody of both parents, but lived primarily with their father and were initiated into the Church of Scientology.![](/800/600/http/
Almost simultaneously with the divorce, Cruz entered into a new relationship - with Penelope Cruz, a partner in the film Vanilla Sky. It was a bright romance that seemed very promising, and the young even talked about marriage. But the situation was overshadowed by the fact that Penelope could not give up her Buddhist beliefs in favor of Scientology, while for Cruz this was very important. Three years later, the couple broke up because, according to Penelope, Scientology turned out to be “third wheel” in their relationship.
Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz's relationship failed the test of religion
Later there were reports that the church began to purposefully select a new bride for Cruz, but he himself did not confirm this information. One way or another, during this period he began a romantic relationship with a girl who, like him, was a member of the Church of Scientology - British-Iranian actress Nazanin Boniadi.![](/800/600/http/
Pictured: Nazanin Boniadi
In April 2005, Cruise began dating actress Katie Holmes, and a month later, the actor publicly confessed his love for her on the air of the famous Oprah Winfrey Show. On October 6, 2005, the couple officially announced that they were expecting a child, and on April 18, 2006, the actors had a daughter, Suri. Unlike Cruise's previous lovers, Katie Holmes agreed to fully embrace the faith and practices of Scientology, and on November 18, 2006, the couple officially married. More than 150 guests were invited to the ceremony. Among them were many stars of the first magnitude - Tom Cruise's colleagues: Will Smith and his wife, John Travolta, Richard Gere, Jim Carrey, as well as the beauties Victoria Beckham, Brooke Shields and J. Lo. Among the guests was the creator of the wedding suits of the bride and groom - Giorgio Armani. At the entrance, guests were greeted by people in Renaissance costumes, and the ceremony itself took place in a real medieval Armory.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes wedding
Tom Cruise's new family didn't need anything. By the age of five, baby Suri already had a wardrobe worth several million, the title of the most powerful child in the world and the title of the most photographed girl on Earth.Tom Cruise with daughter Suri
The couple appeared everywhere together and beamed with smiles, although rumors leaked behind their backs that "Mrs. Cruz" lived in "Scientology hell" and was monitored 24 hours a day. 29June 2012, Katie Holmes, unexpectedly for her husband, filed for divorce and demanded full custody of her daughter for herself. She also stated that she was relinquishing her Scientology beliefs and "has now decided to raise Suri in the Catholic faith and has already sent her to a private Catholic school in Manhattan." Tom Cruise during this period was on the set of the film "Oblivion", and colleagues noted that "... one of the most famous actors on the planet now looks like one of the saddest people on Earth. "
In 2012, the Tom Cruise Ex-Wives Club grew
In March 2017, information appeared in the press about Tom Cruise's romance with a colleague on the set of the film Mission: Impossible 6, 28-year-old Vanessa Kirby.Vanessa Kirby is Tom Cruise's new girlfriend
Cruz is a motorsport enthusiast. He feels confident behind the wheel of sports cars and motorcycles, both on the set (which allows producers to save a lot on understudies), and in real life.In 2011, the actor took part in an advertising campaign for the Red Bull racing team, piloting a Formula 1 car at Willow Springs in California. In addition, he holds a pilot's license. Thanks to his friendship with David Beckham, the actor began to support the Spanish football club Real Madrid.
Cruz's personal fortune is estimated at least $500 million.In the summer of 2018, the film Mission: Impossible 6 was released, in which Cruise again played the main role and participated in the production.
Tom Cruise is still in service
Along with official awards, the actor also has several informal "titles" received in different years:- Sexiest Man Alive According to People Magazine (1990),
- #1 in Forbes' 100 Successful Stars (2006),
- #3 All-Time Movie Stars by Empire (1997, 2005),
- #4 in box office gross for 1990s,
- 2005 box office champion (overtaken Tom Hanks who held the position for 6 years),
- best dressed movie actor based on audience vote (1997),
- one of the 50 most beautiful people on the planet according to People magazine (1990, 1991, 1997),
- No. 14 in the ranking of the most influential people according to Premiere magazine (2003, 2005, 2006).
Beliefs and community activities
Tom Cruise is actively involved in the social programs of the Church of Scientology and is its ardent propagandist, fighting for its recognition in Europe as one of the official religions.Tom Cruise - Experienced Scientologist
In 2003, he founded and made significant contributions to the New York Rescue Detoxification Fund to provide medical assistance to firefighters and rescuers who responded to the largest terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001. The foundation's medical program uses, among other things, the "detoxification" method developed by Scientology founder Ron Hubbard as part of Scientology's "bridge to total freedom." Many medical professionals criticize this approach as pseudo-scientific and medically dangerous, but some patients have reported feeling much better. According to the Fire Department, some firefighters have joined the Scientology religion after undergoing a "detoxification" program, and several have even left their families because of it.
In 2004, the leader of the Church of Scientology and Cruz's closest friend, David Miscavige, established and awarded the "Scientology Medal of Freedom" to him.
Tom Cruise in Tropic Troopers
In January 2004, Cruz issued a shocking statement: "I think psychiatry should be outlawed." He lambasted actress Brooke Shields for taking an antidepressant to treat postpartum depression. Cruise stated that there is no chemical imbalance in the body, and psychiatry is a pseudoscience. To this, the actress replied that it makes sense for Cruise to "focus on saving the world from aliens and let women suffering from postpartum depression decide for themselves which treatment to choose." Later, in August 2006, Cruz apologized to Brooke Shields for his comments about her. But this was not the only time he spoke out against psychiatry, which Scientology does not recognize. On this basis, the actor seriously quarreled with director Steven Spielberg - he mentioned several times with Cruise about his friend a psychiatrist and the medicine that he prescribed. A couple of days later, the entrance to the waiting room of this doctor was blocked by a large picket of Scientologists, and Spielberg was seriously annoyed by this.
Tom Cruise was accused of wearing false buttocks
Tom Cruise is the founder and board member of the Hollywood Education and Literacy Foundation, which helps illiterate adults learn to read, a topic close to the actor as he himself suffered from dyslexia as a child and had difficulty reading. He also provides financial support to many other charities, including the Barbara Davis Center for Juvenile Diabetes, the Elizabeth Glaser Foundation for Children with AIDS, the H.E.L.P. Disability Foundation, the Jackie Chan Foundation, and others.Tom Cruise now
The premiere of the seventh part of the Mission Impossible franchise is scheduled for 2023. On set, Tom Cruise worked with Henry Cavill. It is already known that in 2024 the eighth part will be released, and it will most likely be the last.![](/800/600/http/