How to get child support sims 3
Story Progression General Settings - Sarah Sims
The package file below contains the following General and Town Options settings as well as the Castes settings on the Story Progression Caste Settings page. Default values for this mod are now being shown.
Page last updated on 7 November 2022. Changes are shown in bold text and marked with this date.
File last updated on 7 November 2022. Any changes marked after this date are NOT included in the file below.
Download: NRaasSettings-StoryProgression-2022-11-07.package
City Hall/Computer > NRaas > Story Progression >
General Options >
- Enable Progression = True
- Adjust Speed = 1.Snail (3.Default)
- Options: Careers > Auto Tones For Active = True
- Options: Careers > Force Change Work Clothes = True
- Options: Careers > Manage Coworkers = False
- Options: Careers > Options: Job Performance > Stop Raises at Top Career Level = True
- Options: Careers > Options: Retirement > Assign Self Employed Retirement = False
- Options: Careers > Options: School > Summer Off = 2 (Default:0)
Elementary School
High School - Options: Flirt > Chance of Bisexual Sim = 0 (Default:5)
- Options: Flirt > Chance of Gay Sim = 0 (Default:1)
- Options: Flirt > Cooldown Between Partners = 7 (Default:3)
- Options: Flirt > Speed = 300 (Default:300)
- Options: Friendships > Family Enemy = False
- Options: Friendships > Options: Celebrity > Allow False Accusations = False
- Options: Friendships > Options: Celebrity > Show First Level Gain Story = True
- Options: Friendships > Speed = 300 (Default:300)
- Options: Households > Cooldown Between Moves = 15 (Default:5)
- Options: Lots > Allow Break = False
- Options: Lots > Clean Up Duplicate Library Books = True
- Options: Lots > Move In Starting Fund Percent = 50 (Default:10)
- Options: Lots > Options: Immigration/Emigration >
Immigration Gauge = 1000 (Default:0)
Chance of Bin Offspring = 0 (Default:50)
Chance of Immigrant Friends = 25 (Default:10)
Chance of Random Offspring = 100 (Default:10)
Chance of Single Parent Immigrant = 25 (Default:10)
Chance of Teen Immigrant = 25 (Default:0)
Immigrant Name = Father (Default:Mother-Father)
Random Sim Weight Range = -1.0 : 0.2 (Default:-1.0 : 1.0)
Skin Tone Range = 0.0 : 0.5 (Default:0.0 : 1.0)
Whole Family Immigration Size = 4 (Default:8) - Options: Lots > Options: Inspection > Prompt On Inspection Fail = True
- Options: Lots > Repopulate Empty Library Shelves = False
- Options: Money > Options: Debt and Taxes > Bank Loan Rate = 3 (Default:10)
- Options: Money > Options: Debt and Taxes > Bank Loan Rate: High Risk = 10 (Default:25)
- Options: Money > Options: Debt and Taxes > Tax Days = M,T,W,H,F,S (Default:M,H)
- Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Child Support Payment = 25 (per child, per day) (Default:100)
- Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Daily Fee Per Household Sim = 5 (Default:25)
- Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Minimum Debt To Be Poor Household = 1 (Default:10000)
- Options: Money >Options: Fees and Support > Show All Child Support Stories = False
- Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Social Security Per Elder = 100 (Default:0)
- Options: Money > Options: Fees and Support > Welfare Per Child = 60 Default:(0)
- Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Cars and Motorbikes Minimum Funds = 5000 (Default:25000)
- Options: Money > Options: Purchasing > Disallowed Cars = 11 (Default:0)
Ambulance (by BuffyASummer)
ATS3 Road - Driving School Car
Frosty Dreams
Functional Pump It Up Gas Pump
Gas Station Pumps
Metropolitan Police ARV
Metropolitan Police Car
Relocation Rover
Scoot Mobile
The Fitzgerald
The Velocity - Options: Money > Options: Sales > Sell Duplicate Residential Books = True
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Baron > Enable Progression = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Bike > Enable Progression = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Bully > Enable Progression = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Casanova > Allow Elder = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Gigolo > Allow Married = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Harpy > Enable Progression = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Magnate > Enable Progression = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Nerd > Allow Child Recruit = False
- Options: Personalities > Options: Town Tart > Allow Teen = False
- Options: Pregnancy > Blend Mutation Chance = 15 (Default:5)
- Options: Pregnancy > Chance of Identical Twins = 20(Default:10)
- Options: Pregnancy > Chance of Part Inheritance = 10 (Default:25)
- Options: Pregnancy > Cooldown: Between Pregnancies = 30 (Default:3)
- Options: Pregnancy > Cooldown: Marriage to Pregnancy = 30 (Default:3)
- Options: Pregnancy > Increased Chance of Attempt: Pets = 50 (Default:10)
- Options: Pregnancy > Maximum Maternity Leave = 14 (Default:5)
- Options: Pregnancy > Maximum Newborn Occult Types = 0 (Default:2)
- Options: Pregnancy > Meet All Family At Birth = 25 (Default:0)
- Options: Pregnancy > Near Elder Limit = 750 (Default:10)
- Options: Pregnancy > Options: Adoption > Cooldown: Between Pet Adoptions = 30 (Default:3)
- Options: Pregnancy > Options: Adoption > Increased Chance of Adoption = 40 (Default:10)
(Note: This is for human-sim child adoption, not pet adoption.)
- Options: Pregnancy > Options: Adoption > Near Death Limit = 480 (Default:20)
- Options: Pregnancy > Speed = 500 (Default:500)
- Options: Romance > Cooldown: Breakup to Partner = 15 (Default:2)
- Options: Romance > Cooldown: Engagement to Marriage = 30 (Default:2)
- Options: Romance > Cooldown: Partner to Breakup = 7 (Default:2)
- Options: Romance > Cooldown: Partner to Engagement = 30 (Default:2)
- Options: Romance > Drop Old Flirts: Base Chance = 100 (Default:0)
- Options: Romance > Rename Children on Marriage = False
- Options: Romance > Speed = 300 (Default:300)
- Options: Sims > Maximum Residents > Human = 100 (Default:150)
- Options: Sims > Options: Immigration/Emigration > Replace Service Sims With Immigrants > Replace Service Sims With Immigrants > True
Chance of Bin Offspring = 0 (Default:50)
Chance of Random Offspring = 100 (Default:10)
Immigrant Name = Father (Default:Mother-Father)
Random Sim Weight Range = -1.0 : 0.2 (Default:-1.0 : 1.0)
Skin Tone Range = 0.0 : 0.5 (Default:0.0 : 1.0) - Options: Sims > Options: Traits/Lifetime Want > Disallow Inactive Lifetime Want = 11 (Default:None)
Become a Creature Robot Cross Breeder = Disabled
Leader of the Pack = Disabled
Magic Makeover = Disabled
Monster Maker = Disabled
More than a Machine = Disabled
Mystic Healer = Disabled
Paranormal Profiteer = Disabled
Reach Max Influence With All Social Groups = Disabled
The Fairytale Finder = Disabled
Turn The Town = Disabled
Zombie Master = Disabled - Options: Sims > Push Actives To Visit Lots = 50 (Default:0)
- Options: Sims > Town Occult Ratio = 0 (For all types) (Default:50)
- Options: Situations > Allow Spar Injury = True
- Options: Situations > Estranged Visitor Chance = 35 (Default:20)
- Options: Situations > Family Visitor Chance = 35 (Default:20)
- Options: Situations > Friendly Outing Chance = 35 (Default:20)
- Options: Situations > Friendly Visitor Chance = 35 (Default:20)
- Options: Situations > Options: Gatherings > Campaign Gathering Chance = 25 (Default:10)
- Options: Situations > Options: Gatherings > Family Gathering Chance = 25 (Default:10)
- Options: Situations > Options: Grads/Proms/Curfew > Curfew Enforcement Days = None (Default:All)
- Options: Situations > Options: Grads/Proms/Curfew > Prom Cooldown = 30 (Default:14)
- Options: Situations > Options: Grads/Proms/Curfew > Prom Valid Days = F,S (Default:U,F,S)
- Options: Situations > Show Fight Story = True
- Options: Skills > Allow Party Instrument = True
- Options: Skills > Busker Time Limit = 10 (Default:3)
- Options: Skills > Celebrity Per Skill Level = 0 (Default:50)
- Options: Skills > Prompt To Name Great Nectar = False
- Options: Skills > Push Cat Hunting = False
- Options: Skills > Push Dog Hunting = False
- Options: Skills > Push Only Professional Writers = True
- Options: Stories > Disallow Story = Careers: Inactive Homework
(Changed: 7 Nov 22) - Options: Stories > Disallow Story = Money: Support
(Changed: 8 Nov 22) - Options: Stories > Disallow Story = Skills: Repair
(Changed: 17 Nov 22) - Options: Stories > Show Non-Pushable Stories = True
- Options: Stories > Show Whole Household = True
City Hall/Computer > NRaas > Story Progression > Immigrant Options >
- Career: Allow Carpool = False
- Career: Retirement Base Chance = 100 (Default:50)
- Death: Push Chance = 10 (Default:0)
- Friendship: Allow Celebrity = False
- Household: Allow Move: Solo = True
- Household: Rent Multiple = 0 (Default:2)
- Household: Rentable = False
- Money: Allow Purchase Deeds = False
- Money: Child Support Base Chance = 100 (Default:50)
- Money: Property Tax Rate = 1 (Default:4)
- Notify On Move = True
- Pregnancy: Base Number of Children = 0 (Default:3)
- Pregnancy: Base Number of Pets = 0 (Default:1)
- Pregnancy: Maternity Leave = 10 (Default:1)
- Pregnancy: Maximum Number of Children = 3 (Default:0)
- Pregnancy: Newborn Last Name = Father (Default:Mother)
- Pregnancy: Rename Newborns = True
- Pregnancy: Unexpected Base Chance = 10 (Default:5)
- Push: Allow After Work = False
- Push: Allow At Night = False
- Romance: Marriage Name = Husband (Default:Female-Male)
- Sim: Disallow Trait = Insane (Default:0)
- Stories: Force = True
The settings below control inactive sims that I will never want to play. These options will also affect the “My Families” Caste unless I’ve altered the options in that Caste.
City Hall/Computer > NRaas > Story Progression > Town Options >
- Career: Allow Carpool = False
- Career: Retirement Base Chance = 100 (Default:50)
- Death: Push Chance = 10 (Default:0)
- Friendship: Allow Celebrity = False
- Household: Allow Move: Solo = True
- Household: Rent Multiple = 0 (Default:2)
- Household: Rentable = False
- Money: Allow Purchase Deeds = False
- Money: Child Support Base Chance = 100 (Default:50)
- Money: Property Tax Rate = 1 (Default:2)
- Notify On Move = True
- Pregnancy: Base Number of Children = 0 (Default:3)
- Pregnancy: Base Number of Pets = 0 (Default:1)
- Pregnancy: Maternity Leave = 10 (Default:1)
- Pregnancy: Maximum Number of Children = 3 (Default:0)
- Pregnancy: Newborn Last Name = Father (Default:Mother)
- Pregnancy: Rename Newborns = True
- Pregnancy: Unexpected Base Chance = 10 (Default:5)
- Push: Allow After Work = False
- Push: Allow At Night = False
- Romance: Marriage Name = Husband (Default:Female-Male)
- Sim: Disallow Trait = Insane (Default:0)
- Stories: Force = True
This Mod for The Sims 4 will add Complex Marriage Outcomes
The Sims 4 Guides & Articles • The Sims 4 ModsAdd comment
26. 1k Views
October 30, 2021
by SnarkyWitch
6 min read
If you’re a gameplay enthusiast or storyteller who loves creating lots of drama with your Sims, you should check out the WooHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul mod by Lumpinou! This mod has been around for a while but receives monthly updates with new features. The mod is made up of multiple modules you can install separately so it’s fully customisable to suit your own preferences. Install features you want and discard the ones you don’t; it’s up to you!
The WooHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul mod is a massive game overhaul that completely changes the way relationships, pregnancy, and family dynamics work in the game. Sims will have realistic and varied reactions to things like pregnancy, cheating, breakups, and more. Some Sims may be excited about a new baby while others may be furious, upset, or have mixed feelings about the situation. Those feelings will inform the way those Sims interact with both each other and the situation. It would take us quite a while to break down every single feature of this mod. It affects the game in very intricate and nuanced ways but the latest module which is currently being released in small batches really caught our attention!
Image Credit:
The module, called Break Up, Make Up, and Everything In Between, + Co-parenting, adds more depth to the process of breaking up in the game. Normally, married Sims always have the Divorce option available under the Mean social category. Choosing that option will instantly make the Sims divorced and any children who happen to witness this interaction between their parents will feel sad about their parents breaking up for a while. That’s basically it. With this module, married Sims can separate for a period of time before either deciding to go ahead with a divorce or get back together.
The video embedded below shows this process in more detail but to summarise, married Sims can request a separation from their spouse. This puts both Sims into the Separated relationship status. While in the Separated status, the Sims have new interactions available to them with their estranged spouse. They can attempt to repair the relationship by promising to change, apologising for their mistakes, and more. They can also call or text their estranged spouse from their temporary living arrangements following the separation. They can also tell other Sims about their separation and those Sims will respond with their opinion on the situation.
Getting back together isn’t as easy as saying you’re sorry, though! While separated, Sims can gauge how ready the other Sim is to reconcile. Trying to reconcile too soon while the reconciliation odds are low is likely to fail and hurt the relationship more. It’s going to take consistent effort on your part to repair the damaged relationship. Even if the couple decides to reconcile after the separation, there’s a chance the estranged partner may still refuse to move back in at first if they feel it’s too soon to be living together again.
If the Separated couple has children together, the parents can explain the situation to their kids. The children can have a variety of reactions to the separation depending on how close they are with the parents.
There are also new divorce and custody battle dynamics that will be getting added to this module in phases over the next month or so. Some of the divorce and custody features are not fully implemented yet but will be coming to the mod soon, so keep an eye on Lumpinou’s website for more information. For now, here’s an overview of those upcoming features summarised from Lumpinou’s website.
Image Credit:
If a couple decides to permanently divorce following a separation, the Sim initiating the divorce will be able to select a reason for why they want a divorce. Some of the reasons seen in the example picture on Lumpinou’s website are This Love Is Dead, Loving Another, Different Gender Orientation, Can’t Provide Investment, A WooHoo Life? Where?, Cheater!, and A Ghost of a Partner.
If the couple getting divorced have children together, one Sim can demand custody of the children. The other partner may agree to the demand or fight them on it. If the other partner chooses to fight for custody of the kids, this will initiate court proceedings. In the case of amicable breakups, Sims can also amicably agree to share custody of the children.
If the Sims cannot amicably agree on custody arrangements for the kids, they will have to fight each other in court for custody. Custody arrangements are determined by the court based on various factors like employment and housing but Sims can also help their chances of winning custody of the kids by hiring a more expensive divorce lawyer. The more expensive the lawyer, the better the odds of your Sim getting what they want. Lumpinou also hints on the website that for evil and mean Sims, they have some not-so-honourable methods available to them to get the other parent out of the picture…
After custody has been decided, kids can visit the other parent and may have good or bad reactions to their visits depending on several factors. Teens are more likely to be annoyed by having to go visit the other parent than children are. Divorced Sims with children will have to learn how to navigate co-parenting their children together regardless of whatever issues they have with each other. As you might imagine, co-parenting can go smoothly or not-so-smoothly depending on how bad the breakup was and how the parents choose to interact with each other.
Image Credit:
While your Sim’s child is staying with their other parent, they may be contacted by the other parent with various situations regarding their kids. They could be phone calls just giving them updates and information about their child or your Sim may have to make some kind of decision. Some example situations Lumpinou describes on the website are the other parent calling them about a school trip for their child and wanting to know if your Sim can pitch in to cover the field trip cost. There is also a situation in which the other parent may have to stay late at work and wants to know if your Sim can take the kids for them that day.
Divorced parents will also need to pay child support for any kids not in their custody. They may be receptive to paying child support or be angry about it. For example, the Sim might feel like the other parent is misusing the child support funds and therefore they’re reluctant to send them any more money.
There’s a few other tidbits of information that Lumpinou goes over on the website but we hope this article has given you a pretty good rundown of what to expect when this module has had all features fully implemented in the coming months! I know I’m excited to play with everything discussed here myself in my own game! Keep in mind all of these features are still in development and may change depending on Lumpinou’s schedule!
Custody Divorce Lumpinou mods Module #10 Separation The Sims 4 WooHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul
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A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.
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Story Progression | Page 179
Overview Installation instructions for The Sims 3 Updates (3) Reviews (3) Version history Discussion
- #1 nine0010
The StoryProgression
Author twallan
Mod changes the standard development of the plot in the city. Citizens are more active in improving skills, getting married, having children, moving, etc., thus life in the city becomes more realistic.
To see the hidden text, login or register .
NRaas_StoryProgression - main file (required for installation)
Add-ons (optional):
Extra - contains a system of marks on the map, motivation control and other options not included in other modules.
Career - contains all options related to career and schooling.
Money - contains all options related to money, such as taxation and inheritance.
Population - contains all options related to population control, such as genetics.
Relationship - contains all options related to relationships. nine0022 Skill - contains all options related to skills.
City personalities - special characters in the city with their own line of behavior:
NRaas_StoryProgressionLovers - whore, casanova, prostitute and gigolo.
NRaas_StoryProgressionMeanies - riffraff, bully, hooligan, hooligan.
NRaas_StoryProgressionOthers - fool, beggar, smart guy.
NRaas_StoryProgressionCopsAndRobbers - good thief, evil thief, vigilante, authority. nine0022 NRaas_StoryProgressionVampiresAndSlayers - vampires (3 types) and undead hunters (2).
Fairies And Werewolves - fairies and werewolves.
- Not compatible with story changing mods.
- If you are going to use The Story Progression at the same time as AwesomeMod, set the AwesomeMod Configuration in the UseAwesomeStoryDriver line to Disabled.
- Sims 3 Dashboard tool may show mod conflict with some Careers phases. The author says that this conflict is insignificant and can be ignored. nine0003
For game versions 1.29 - 1.69
To see the hidden text, login or register .
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Please tell me, are teen+adult relationships and teen pregnancy normal for this mod? It’s just that I’ve set a ban on teenage pregnancy wherever possible in the settings, but they only do what they breed
I have a question. By default, I do not observe the development of the plot (it seems that it stopped working after the installation of the Seasons). Out-of-control sims only age and interact with controlled sims through quests and events, but not with each other - engaged sims never get married, singles don't have relationships, married sims don't have kids, and no one moves anywhere.
To revitalize the game, so far I have only installed mods in conjunction with modules - for money, skills, additional, career, relationships, population. It is clear what they are responsible for. But what is the base mod responsible for? How does story progression work when only NRaas_StoryProgression is set? nine0003
BoldHedge Try resetting your SP settings, if reinstalling the mod doesn't help and if it's the same in this save. Then try saving the family to the library and starting a new game. Should help)
BoldHedge said:
I have a question. By default, I do not observe the development of the plot (it seems that it stopped working after the installation of the Seasons). Out-of-control sims only age and interact with controlled sims through quests and events, but not with each other - engaged sims never get married, singles don't have relationships, married sims don't have kids, and no one moves anywhere. nine0022 To revitalize the game, so far I have only put the mod together with modules - for money, skills, additional, career, relationships, population. It is clear what they are responsible for. But what is the base mod responsible for? How does story progression work when only NRaas_StoryProgression is set?
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Sims get married, have kids, move out and even develop skills. In my opinion, there is too much crammed into the additions to the mod.
At first I installed everything, then removed all additional modules, then added and removed them in all sorts of combinations. As a result, I settled on the base + career + population option. nine0003
Help me, please, what can I do to prevent teenagers from having children and having relationships with adults and even older Sims?
In the settings there is a ban on teenage pregnancy, but maybe I missed something? nine0003
justnell said:
Help me, please, what can I do to prevent teenagers from having children and having relationships with adults and even older sims?
In the settings there is a ban on teenage pregnancy, but maybe I missed something? nine0003Click to expand...
Reset mod settings. By default, the possibility of pregnancy for teens is disabled there. And yet, do you have the WooHooer mod?
obaldinka, no mods only story development and master controller
justnell said:
obaldinka, no mods only story development and master controller
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In the options of the city there is an item "Pregnancy. do not apply categories to the mother" - select teenagers, the elderly so that they do not become pregnant. Also in "Flirt. do not apply categories to sims" also select teenagers and seniors, and there is also a category 'Age accusations' - probably means a ban on relationships with a difference in age, but I'm not sure about it :d
and where is the mod to download
Sunshine, in the upper right corner there is a big green button "Download from an external site".
I apologize if the question seems stupid to someone. Also, I don't know how to use search. Does disabling story progression per SP also disable prohibitions/permissions/commands ala "force sims to write books"?
Cheshirrr said:
I apologize if the question seems stupid to someone. Also, I don't know how to use search. Does disabling story progression per SP also disable prohibitions/permissions/commands ala "force sims to write books"?
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Turn off the mod and see what's left in its settings. Accordingly, these functions work, the rest do not.
Didn't find the answer to my question. Mod in Russian?)
mirasova_d said:
Mod in Russian
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Completely in Russian)
Didn't find answers to my questions, maybe someone will tell you?
1. What is the system for paying child support? When does the father not live with the family? Or how?
2. In the "career" tab, then "school" there is an item "home schooling" is this how to understand?
4. What is a prison and how to get there?
According to my observations, alimony is paid if the child lives separately from the family. Also, alimony is paid to elderly parents.
Inactive sims can go to jail if they don't pay child support, don't worry, they'll serve a day and be released. Further, active Sims can also go to jail, but if they work in a crime career. There may be other ways to get in, I haven’t tried it. nine0022 The prison is a police station. It's just that your Sim is taken there in a car with flashing lights and they take away all personal belongings after they serve some time, they let them go and return what they took)
There was such a problem: inactive sims stop on the subject of sighing, and then - no action. We have to transfer the relationship to the beloved by the master controller, then everything goes fine.
Neeshka said:
There was such a problem: inactive sims stop on the subject of sighing, and then - no action. We have to transfer the relationship to the beloved by the master controller, then everything goes fine.
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An important moment- It appeared after what??
And from the general recommendations: delete the cache files of the game, reduce the level of relationships for marriage, the number of days before the proposal of marriage. Look in the general options, "Novels" or whatever the settings will be called. nine0003
obaldinka said:
Arose after what??
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After installing the game and mods on a new computer. On the old one there were no problems with exactly the same settings. nine0003
obaldinka said:
And from the general recommendations: delete the cache files of the game, reduce the level of relationships for marriage, the number of days before the proposal of marriage. Look in the general options, "Novels" or whatever the settings will be called.
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All of this has been done and tested more than once. Does not help.
Last edit:
Neeshka said:
After installing the game and mods on a new computer. On the old one there were no problems with exactly the same settings.
All of this has been done and tested more than once. Does not help. nine0003
Click to expand.
And did they transfer the save or start a new one? If the old one, maybe it was already killed simply? From the category of shamanism: resetting the city through MK, traveling, moving to another city.
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family tree | Page 122
When a character starts a family, he has a child, then he grows up, starts his own family, and so on. A large family tree appears. The more generations pass, the more branching it becomes.
You can take a screenshot of the family tree using the PrintScreen key (on a laptop, you need to press it simultaneously with the Fn key), after pressing it, minimize the game, go to Paint, edit > paste > save as ... And also with the help of special programs, for example, Fraps. nine0003
What were your achievements? Show screenshots of your family tree.
Kisik , You have a good tree!! I envy!
[email protected] I really liked your tree. with photos, so interesting
[email protected] your sims are interesting and tree class
Everyone has such big trees! But I did not advance beyond the third generation. nine0003
New family - new family tree
I finally got around to making a new White family tree
Tree link in caption
nine0004 Peony
I have a modest, but I love everyone in the pole
Can you please tell me why my sim's family tree shows the son of his ex-wife, whom she did not have from him? the son is a red-haired, blue-eyed and freckled fat man, the ex-wife is a plump green-eyed blonde, and my sim is a skinny mulatto with huge brown eyes (like Michael Jackson), plump sensual lips and skin the color of milk chocolate. obviously this child cannot be, by definition, his son, because in any case he would be black, like his father. but in the tree is displayed as a son. I am confused. what it is? nine0003
stasyg said:
would be black anyway
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Isn't your wife swarthy? xD
nine0004 Stasyg
The fact of the matter is that the wife is white. my son is also white. but dad is a black man! the baby must be black! I admit that a white child can be born from a Negro.
my Michael himself was born to a black woman and a white man. his mother was a black woman in her purest form, her father was white. And Michael is not completely black. just very swarthy and has Negro features. nine0022 but... by definition, my sim's son has to have dark skin. not dark, just dark. but this one is red and his skin is pinkish. And he's not my Michael's son! how to remove this shket from the family tree? is it possible?
stasyg Well, just explain that he is not Michael's son.
stasyg said:
how to remove
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stasyg said:
is this possible?
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Pro possible. Not possible at all *like* xD
but he is in the family tree! one thing pleases that in Sims3 you don't have to pay alimony! otherwise he would definitely hit! would keep until adulthood (when he becomes young, that is) someone else's offspring!
why did it happen? maybe the developers decided that all children born in a marriage are the real children of the spouses, even if the spouse is cheating? could it be? then it is more or less clear. at the time of my sim's divorce from his wife, the baby was already born and was a baby. ! nine0003
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stasyg , So the wife gave birth to a son fz from whom, right? And he is displayed in fd. He is displayed as a child of wife and husband , or just like a child wife ?
in my tree are displayed: Gabriel Jessop (father of my sim, a very handsome man was in his youth, by the way!), Ivo Jessop (mother of a sim), Michael, his sister LaReya (from her there is a coil on LaReya's husband - Roger and daughters Neda and Pat, but my sim does not maintain a relationship with his sister and her family) his ex-wife Pauline (it is written - the ex-wife) and .... downstairs there is a child between them (Alfred). from which I conclude that Alfred is shown as the son of Michael and Pauline. I can't take a screenshot, because I'm at work now. I have no Internet at home at the moment. nine0022 By the way, when my sim moved to Starlight Shores from Bridgeport, neither my sim's mother, father, nor sister was displayed in the tree. I played for a whole month without turning off the computer (only saved and minimized), and yesterday I had to turn it off and then turn it on. and oh miracle! The family tree is in full effect! from it I learned that Michael's sister got married and had daughters. The Traveler mod works well!
nine0006How are genes transmitted? For some reason, all my children were born like dad, swarthy and with blond hair (the color changed, of course) ... And my mother's genes are almost invisible (in my opinion, only the nose and one more mouth) ...
nine0006Levskiy_K , mainly the genes of one of the parents are transmitted. And by the way, questions about this should be asked in the topic on gameplay
stasyg , listen, don't worry about it already
! Since the child appears in your Sim's family tree as his son, then that's the way it is! Just because he doesn't look like him doesn't change anything. If the ex-wife with someone "worked up" the child, then the biological father of this boy would be displayed in the family tree. Well, it happens even without a father at all, only the mother is displayed. It happened to me when a Sim became pregnant in Egypt from a tourist from China nine0003
. She was married, but this child was not related to her husband in the family tree. And no father was shown. Here is such a glitch.
So, in vain you ruined the family
. This was the common child of your Sims. The game is not so cool to do such intrigues as you fantasized
And more about alimony. If the last full update of the MK is installed, then there is still how alimony is paid! Who does not live with children, he even pays. nine0003
And I finally finished the 6th generation
Tree in the world
nine0006I will soon have everything, you will soon have the 3rd generation ...
And I'm continuing the legendary Goth family, Cassandra is already growing up, I'll take a picture.
There was a long break in the game (due to studies), but yesterday I played for noon and finally played the 5th generation of the main branch nine0003
Tree in signature
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