How to get a copy of court order child support
Public Records Act Requests | CA Child Support Services
Guidelines for Access to Public Records
The Constitution of California (Art.I, sec.3) and the Public Records Act (Government Code sec. 6250 et seq.) provide a right to access public information in government records. These guidelines provide guidance to members of the public on how to access public records of the California Department of Child Support Services (Department).
Requesting Information About Your Case
Documents containing personal information about your case are confidential and are not public records. If you have a child support case managed by a local child support agency and seek information or documents on your own personal account, please contact the office as follows. You may send an email by logging into your personal Customer Connect account, you may call 1-866-901-3212 or you may make your request in person by visiting the local child support agency that manages your case. Office locations and contact information are available by clicking here.
Submitting or Making Public Record Requests
The primary recipient of public record requests within the Department is the Office of Legal Services. Written requests must be sent to the following mailing address:
California Department of Child Support Services Office of Legal Services P.O. Box 419064 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
Requests for public records should be specific, focused and detailed so records can be identified, located, and retrieved sufficiently. Oral requests for public records may be confirmed in writing to clarify understanding of the request and to create a tracking record for the request. Please make sure you include contact information so that the Department can contact you about your request.
Search and Production of Records
Location or search of records will be conducted by appropriate divisions and units of the Department that are the holders of the requested records. If the search cannot be performed or completed immediately, the Department will notify the requester of the result of the search within the 10 days of receipt of the request if the records are readily accessible and they are not subject to specific exemptions from disclosure under the Department. Normal operational functions will not be suspended to permit inspection of records.
If portions of the requested records require redaction, the Department may take reasonable time to provide the redacted records.
Responses to Public Record Requests
The primary responsibility of responding to public record requests lies with the division of the Department that is holder of the requested record. Determinations on producing records or denying disclosure of portions or entire records will be made by management personnel of the specific division involved. The Department may refuse to disclose any records or portions of records which are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act. Claiming of specific statutory exemptions for redaction of information or denying disclosure of records will be communicated to the requester through the Office of Legal Services, in writing.
Charges for Copies
The Department will charge fees for copies covering direct cost of duplication or a statutory fee, if applicable. Copying fees are ten cents ($0.10) per page for each black and white page copies on paper. Direct cost of producing a copy of record on color copier or in an electronic format will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the record requested. Copies of records will be provided after the receipt of payment. A requester may pay for records using a money order, check or cash. If payment is made by check, records may be withheld until after the check has cleared through the Department’s bank account. The requester is responsible for arranging and paying for the pick-up or delivery of the copies.
Child Support Forms | Office of the Attorney General
These forms allow parents, families, and employers to provide the Child Support Division with additional information so we can better serve you.

All child support forms are categorized and linked below as downloadable files. Select the category you need to see the corresponding forms.
- Paternity
- Military
- Paying or Receiving Child Support
- Safety
- Child Support Administrative Review
- Child Support Enforcement
- License Suspension
- Medical Support
- State Directory of New Hires
- Release of Information
Parent Survey on the Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP)
This form is to be completed after the AOP has been signed or a person has declined to sign the AOP.
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Application for New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage
The VS-166 - Application for a New Birth Certificate based on Parentage form is used to add, remove, or replace information regarding the parents listed on the original birth certificate. Click on the link to find the form on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.
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Military Affidavit
This form is used as proof to the court that a custodial or noncustodial parent is in the military.
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Paying or Receiving Child Support
Arrears Payment Incentive Program
This form is used by a delinquent noncustodial parent to reduce amounts owed to the State of Texas.
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Direct Deposit Authorization Form (1TAC 55.803)
This form is used to set up direct deposit for child support payments.
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Request for Warrant Cancellation
This form is used to stop payment on a warrant (check) that has been lost or damaged.
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Child Support Review Questionnaire
This form provides the Child Support Division information about a custodial or noncustodial parent when a case review is requested.
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Custodial Parent’s Certification of Direct Payments
This form is used to document child and medical support payments made directly to a custodial parent by a noncustodial parent (in any form).
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Noncustodial Parent’s Certification of Direct Payments
This form is used to document child and medical support payments a noncustodial parent makes directly to the custodial parent (in any form).
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Request for Nondisclosure
This form is used to report a parent’s safety concerns on a child support case and request the Child Support Division not disclose any identifying information to the other parent.
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Child Support Administrative Review
Request for Administrative Review (1 TAC 55.101(f)(2))
This form is completed by a noncustodial parent to contest a claim of past-due child support and request a review of their case.
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Administrative Review - Distribution of Child Support Payments (1 TAC 55.141(e))
This form is used by a custodial parent, who is a current or former Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipient, to request an Administrative Review hearing to resolve disputed issues concerning distribution of payments.
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Child Support Enforcement
Notice of Application for Judicial Writ of Withholding (1 TAC 55.111)
This form is used to notify an employer to withhold wages from a noncustodial parent when they have past-due child support.
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Motion to Stay (1 TAC 55.112)
This form is used by noncustodial parents to contest a Judicial Writ of Withholding.
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Employer's Motion for Hearing on Applicability of Income Withholding for Support (1 TAC 55.115)
This form is used by an employer to request judicial determination about an employee’s wage withholding.
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Notice of Administrative Writ of Withholding - (1 TAC 55.116(a))
This form is sent to the noncustodial parent by the Child Support Division to inform them that withholding has begun and to provide information on how they can contest the withholding.
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Request for Issuance of Income Withholding for Support (1 TAC 55 .117)
This form is used to request the issuance of income withholding for support.
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Federally Mandated Income Withholding for Support (IWO) (1 TAC 55.118(b))
This form is used to notify an employer of a specified amount of child support to be paid by withholding income from an employee's paycheck. This form (provided by the Office of Child Support Enforcement OCSE) is used to notify an employer of a specified amount of child support to be paid by withholding income from an employee's paycheck. This form is federally mandated for use in IV-D and non IV-D cases. (OMB 0970-0154)
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Notice of Lien (1 TAC 55.

This form serves notice that a custodial parent has placed a lien on a noncustodial parent’s property for unpaid child support. The lien shows a right to keep possession of property belonging to the noncustodial parent until they pay their owed child support.
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Release of Child Support Lien (1 TAC 55.119(b))
This form is used to lift the lien on a noncustodial parent’s property after they have paid their owed child support.
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Partial Release of Child Support Lien (1 TAC 55.119(c))
This form is used by a custodial parent to lift the lien only on the specific property of the noncustodial parent, as listed on the form. It does not prevent action to collect from other property owned by the noncustodial parent.
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Record of Support Order(1 TAC 55.121)
This form is used by counties to provide the record of support data needed by the state case registry.
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Record of Support Order with Application (1 TAC 55.

This form is used by counties to provide the record of support order data needed by the state case registry. Effective September 1, 2021, this form must be used by the following counties that participate in the Integrated Child Support System: Bexar, Cameron, Dallas, Ector, El Paso, Gregg, Harris, Harrison, Hidalgo, Lubbock, Midland, Panola, Smith, Tarrant, Taylor, Travis, Webb, and Wichita.
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License Suspension
Administrative Notice of Filing of Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(a))
This form notifies a noncustodial parent who owes past due child support that an action to suspend their driver’s license has been filed.
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Notice of Filing of Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(f))
This form is sent to a noncustodial parent alerting them that an action to suspend their license has been filed.
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Administrative Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(b))
This form is used to outline a noncustodial parent’s court-ordered child support repayment schedule that must be followed before their license is reinstated.
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Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(f))
This form shows a noncustodial parent’s court-ordered child support repayment schedule that must be followed before their license is reinstated.
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Notice of Filing of Petition to Suspend License (1 TAC 55.203(f))
This form is sent to a noncustodial parent alerting them that an action to suspend their license has been filed.
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Request for Hearing (1 TAC 55.203(c))
This form is used by a noncustodial parent to request a hearing to contest a petition to suspend their license.
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Notification to Licensing Authority Order Suspending License (1 TAC 55.203(d))
This form is sent by the Office of the Attorney General to the licensing authority to request action is taken to suspend a noncustodial parent’s license.
View the form
Notification to Licensing Authority Order Vacating or Staying Suspension of License (1 TAC 55.

This form is sent by the Office of the Attorney General to the licensing authority to notify them that a noncustodial parent’s license may be reinstated.
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Medical Support
National Medical Support Notice (1TAC 55.120(a))
This form notifies an employee that they are obligated by a court or administrative child support order to provide health care coverage for the child identified.
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Request for Review of National Medical Support Notice (1 TAC 55.120(b))
This form is used by an employee to contest withholding based upon a mistake of fact.
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Termination of National Medical Support Notice (1 TAC 55.120(c))
This form notifies employers when there is no longer a judicially or administratively ordered obligation for an employee to provide health care coverage for the listed child(ren).
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State Directory of New Hires
Texas Employer New Hire Reporting (1 TAC 55.

This form is used by employers to report the details of newly hired employees.
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Release of Information
Authorization for Release of Information (1 TAC 55.803)
This form is used to authorize another party to receive information about your child support case or payments on your behalf.
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View the form in Spanish
Revocation of Authorization for Release of Information (1 TAC 55.803)
This form is used to revoke an existing authorization to release information and/or child support payments to another party.
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View the form in Spanish
Application for a copy of the court decision
200 ₽
Issue resolved
I am applying to the court for a reduction in alimony due to the birth of my second child. A court order on child support is required. And I only have a writ of execution from the bailiffs with reference to the judge's order to recover. How and where to get a court decision on the first child? Or is a writ of execution sufficient?
, Shagit, Kazan
court decision in a civil case0003
Kirill Bukhtoyarov
Lawyer, St. Petersburg
Hello, Shagit! A copy of the court decision can be obtained from the court that made the decision. Specifically, in the office for civil cases. If a court order was issued, then, accordingly, a copy of the court order can also be obtained.
Ruslan Grigoriev
Lawyer, Rybinsk
Hello! According to Article 128 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation “Notice of the debtor about the issuance of a court order”, you must have a copy of the court order.
Judge sends a copy of the court order to the debtor , who, within ten days from the date of receipt of the order, has the right to file objections regarding its execution.
If the judge did not send you a copy, you can get one at any time from the office of the court that issued the order. "Or is a writ of execution sufficient?" It's not entirely clear why you have a writ of execution. If a court order is issued, then a writ of execution is not issued. A court order has the force of a writ of execution. If you have a writ of execution, then it was probably not a court order, but a court decision. You need to get a copy of it in order to consider a child support reduction.
Elena Bogushevskaya
Lawyer, Moscow
Dear Shagit!
Usually, according to Article 214 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation:
"Persons participating in the case, but not present at the court session, copies of the court decision are sent no later than five days from the date of the final decision of the court. " Or you yourself take away the decision of the court in court. If you did not do this, or the Decision was not sent to you, you apply to the court that made the Decision with a request to issue you a copy. But if the same court considers the Application for the reduction of alimony, a copy of the writ of execution is quite enough. She clearly indicates the case number, date and operative part of the decision.
Janna Galagan
Lawyer, Krasnodar
Good afternoon! If you do not know the case number, the main thing to remember is the approximate date, and preferably the exact date of the decision. Contact the office of civil cases, if the case is not handed over to the office, then you need to contact the secretary of the judge who made the decision.
Vladislav Bykov
Lawyer, Chelyabinsk
Good afternoon Shagit!
I agree with my colleague, most likely a court order was issued.
Article 121 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Court order
1. Court order - a court decision issued by a single judge on the basis of an application for the recovery of sums of money or for the recovery of movable property from the debtor in accordance with the requirements provided for by Article 122 of this Code.
2. A court order is also an enforcement document and enforced in the manner prescribed for the execution of court decisions.
Article 122 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Requirements under which a court order is issued
A court order is issued if:
a claim has been filed for the recovery of alimony for minor children, not related to establishing paternity, contesting paternity (maternity) or the need to involve other interested parties;
Article 128 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Notice to the debtor of the issuance of a court order
The judge sends a copy of the court order to the debtor, who, within ten days from the date of receipt of the order, has the right to object to its execution.
Article 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Cancellation of the court order
The judge cancels the court order if the debtor raises objections regarding its execution within the prescribed period. In the ruling on the cancellation of the court order, the judge explains to the exactor that the stated requirement can be presented to them in the course of action proceedings. Copies of the court ruling on the cancellation of the court order shall be sent to the parties no later than three days after the date of its issuance.
So the writ should have been sent to you.
If you did not receive it, you have the right to restore the term and cancel the court order.
Best regards, Vladislav Bykov
by court decision, I don’t understand what the problem is, judging by the name, some kind of microfinance organization, I went to the world, get acquainted with the case, read it, remembered that I took a loan from a large bank more than 10 years ago, but did not pay a small balance, the court passed a year ago, no notification came, interest was accrued and written off 5 times more, it turns out that collectors bought this tail a year ago and immediately sued. Well, the court wrote off my debt by decision, there is no data in the FSSP. What to do?
, question No. 3457742, Alexander, Moscow
Real Estate
And how should the buyer transfer the advance and where should it all go?
Hello, I am selling an apartment, the buyer wants to make copies of my documents and send them for legal verification. Is it possible so? And how should the buyer transfer the advance and where should it all take place?
, question No. 3457289, Chernykh Anna, Moscow
Social security
Where and how can I get the much-needed salary certificate?
Good afternoon! Worked in Chuguevka civilian in honey. medical unit of military unit 36781 from 1993 to 1997 as a dentist. The military unit was disbanded. For the calculation of pensions on 05/28/2021. a request was sent to the Central Archive of the Eastern Military District of Khabarovsk. They sent only a confirmation of the length of service without a salary certificate. A second request has been sent, but no response has yet been received. The pension was appointed from 10/16/2021. without taking into account the years of work in the military unit. Where and how can you get the much-needed salary certificate?
, question No. 3456686, Skriptsov Andrey Vladimirovich, Moscow
700 ₽
Issue resolved
Family law
Now we want to cancel the court decision and save the marriage 9003 9003 Tell me please. The wife filed for divorce, did not ask for time for reconciliation. There is not quite a year old child of 9 years. I wrote an application for an absentee decision so that I would not go every time. I only received an application letter. I was not summoned to court and received no notice. They wanted to write a letter of reconciliation. But they said that the court made a decision. Now we want to cancel the court decision and save the marriage. How can I do that.? Thanks in advance.
, question №3456531, Evgeny, Moscow
700 ₽
Civil law
Hello, where can I get a recording of my telephone conversation?
Hello, where can I get a recording of my telephone conversation? Communication megaphone
, question No. 3455942, Namik, Moscow
≻ Application for a court decision in Ukraine • apply for a copy of the court decision online 2022
This Agreement defines terms of use by Users of materials and services (hereinafter referred to as the "Site").
1. General conditions:
1.1. Use of materials and services of the Site regulated by the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.
1.2. This Agreement is official offer (public offer) in accordance with Art. 641 Civil Code Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as GKU). Evidence of full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of this offer (the terms of this Agreement), in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, is the user pressing the "Create Application" button, as well as implementation by the User of the registration procedure by filling out an Application for registration on the Site. In cases where these actions are performed, the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed read and accepted without restriction.
1.3. The agreement contains all essential conditions for organizing the provision of services to the User through the Site remotely, namely through the use of functional site capabilities with access to the Site via the Internet.
1.4. Service Provider - Company "Smart Consulting", code according to USR 35870049.
1.5. Website - information resource, located on the World Wide Web at the hyperlink www., the functionality of which allows you to automatically generate documents based on the data provided by the User when filling out electronic questionnaire.
1.6. Service - organization information support for the user on the preparation of documents, a list contained on the Site. The result of the service is the provision user access to download a file in Word format from the website page, containing paid by the User sample document automatically generated by the Site software based on the data received from the user when filling out the Electronic questionnaires, transferring this file to the user's e-mail specified in Electronic questionnaire.
1.7. Electronic questionnaire - structurally an organized set of questions to the user, each of which is logically related with the generation of the user's favorite document and among themselves, and input fields by the user of answers to them or the choice of answers from the proposed options in electronic form on the pages of the site.
1.8. The cost of services is indicated directly on the Site. Services are provided only after full prepayment for the Services by the User. The place of provision of services is the location Contractor.
1.9. The site administration has the right unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes shall take effect from the moment the new version of the Agreement is posted on site. If the User does not agree with the changes made, he is obliged refuse access to the Personal Account and stop using the materials and site services, refrain from clicking the "Create Application" button. Any use of the Personal Account or materials and services of the site, pressing the button "Create Statement" following a change to this Agreement means acceptance The user of such changes. Legal force in relation to the User has only an agreement valid on the day of using the Personal Account or materials and services of the Site.
2. Obligations of the User
2.1. Pay for Services;
2.2. Using the materials of the site, not violate copyright and related property and non-property rights, observe the current legislation of Ukraine on copyright and related rights, as well as not disrupt the site by posting information containing viruses, creating additional load on the server, the use of programs that do not determined by the functional content of the information resource, or by other ways;
2.3. Do not use the site materials without the consent of the copyright holders;
2.4. Do not provide, post on the Site information that violates the legal policy of the site, the terms of this Agreement or the rights of third parties, including information that is contrary to the norms of morality or law.
3. User rights:
3.1. Timely and in full receive Services of proper quality;
3.2. For damages, caused by improper or non-fulfillment of this Agreement by the Contractor, in the amounts provided for by this agreement and / or law.
4. Obligations of the Contractor
4.1. As soon as possible after receipt of payment ensure the provision to the User of the service provided for clause 1.6. present agreement;
4.2. Provide technical support functioning of the site and the User;
4.3. Do not change the cost of the Service after payment for it by the User.
5. Rights of the Contractor
5.1. Get paid for services provided;
5.2. Deny the Service in the event that the User performs actions that may indicate intent to infringe copyright, namely to block the possibility generate documents if the User has completed/partially completed electronic form of the first document, but refused to pay for it, and proceeded to filling out an electronic questionnaire to create a sample of another type of document.
6. Copyright and related rights
6.1. All exclusive property and non-property copyrights on the method of automatic creation of documents by step-by-step filling out electronic questionnaires using software providing the site as a utility model, on electronic questionnaires program code, trademarks, as well as design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, information messages (news), articles, document information, comments, consultations, photographic and other images, videos, etc. like works that are posted and used on the Site belong to the Contractor and other copyright holders.
6.2. Each of these objects is may be used without the prior permission of the copyright holder, except express permissions provided for in this agreement. Under use materials means any reproduction, republication, distribution, processing, translation of the work, inclusion as components in other works and other methods provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On copyright and related rights"
6.3. Use of such types materials, such as information messages (news), published on the resources site is allowed subject to the obligatory link to the resource as a source of information, and for Internet resources - also a direct hyperlink, closed from indexing by search engines.
6.4. From these types of site materials as an article, document information is allowed to use no more than 250 signs to create a single information material, subject to mandatory links to the Zayava. online resource as a source of information, and for Internet resources - also a direct hyperlink, closed from indexing by search engines. Using the specified types of media in the size of the original (in full) prohibited.
6.5. Link, hyperlink to a resource must be contained exclusively in the first or second paragraph text. Link to the resource under the text borrowed from materials are considered a violation of these terms and conditions the current legislation of Ukraine and means that the work is used without the permission of the author / copyright holder.
6.6. The use of photographic and other images posted on the Site without the permission of Smart Consulting LLC / other copyright holder is prohibited.
6.7. Protection of personal non-property and property rights of subjects of copyright is carried out in accordance with civil, administrative, criminal legislation of Ukraine.
7. Personal data
7.1. When registering on the site and using the Services, the User provides information about himself, which The Contractor has the right to use to fulfill its obligations to User. Responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of the submitted data is borne by the User.
7.2. By posting your personal data, the User confirms that he does it voluntarily, and also that he voluntarily provides them to the Contractor for processing. When if the User does not agree with the above conditions, he should not use the Site.
7.3. By providing your personal data, the User gives the Contractor his voluntary consent to the processing and use of your personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated "On the Protection personal data" (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"), for the purposes specified in the Agreement.
7.4. If the User does not wish, in order for his personal data to be processed, he must apply in writing to the Contractor with an Application written in any form. In that case, all information received from the user is deleted from the database of the Contractor, which makes it impossible to continue providing services to the User.
7.5. The executor only processes those personal data of the user that were posted by him on the Site. The user's personal data is processed using software and hardware and technical means of the Site.
7.6. The purpose of processing personal user data is the compilation of the Site Users Database for ensuring the operation of the Site and the subsequent provision of services User Executor.
7.8. The contractor undertakes not to disclose information received from the user.
7.9. The parties acknowledge that as a result of a malfunction of the site, a virus or hacker attack, technical malfunctions and other circumstances, the user's personal data may become available to others. The User understands and agrees that will not make any claims against the Contractor in this regard.
7.10. The owner of personal data is "Smart Consulting" LLC. Personal data is stored in automated systems and on paper carriers of Smart Consulting LLC for its address.
8. Privacy Policy
8.1. Personal data - information or a collection of information about an individual who is identified or can be be specifically identified.
The company collects data obtained from users in the course of interaction with them and our products. Users provide some of this data directly, and some of it The company receives by collecting data on interaction with users and their interactions with our products.
That what data we collect depends on the context of your interaction with company, on the options you choose, on the products and components that you are using. We also receive some user data from third parties. sides.
If you use or intend to use the Company's services, we may ask you to provide personal data. You can decline a request for providing your personal data. For the operation of the Company's products certain personal data is required. If you have refused to provide the data required for operation of a product or service, some features or services may not be available to you not available. Similarly, if we need to collect personal data in in accordance with the law or for the preparation of documents, and you do not provide data, we will not be able to conclude a contract.
When a customer uses trial product versions (if any) or will receive support or professional services for such products, the Company collects data for providing services and ensuring optimal communication with the client. For example:
• if the client interacts with sales representatives of the Company, we receive the name and contact details the client, as well as the nature (kind) of the client’s activities to ensure such interactions;
• if the client interacts with company support specialists, we collect data about devices and their use or report errors to diagnose and fix problems;
• if the customer pays for the products, we collect data for transaction processing;
• if the client receives a message from companies, we use the data to personalize the content of messages;
• if the client interacts with Company for professional services, we get the name and contact assigned contact details and use the details provided by the customer, to provide invited services.
We are also constantly collecting general information when you visit our website. The process of collecting such data takes place with the help of cookies, as explained below.
8.2. Use of personal data
The company uses data that collects to provide you with an interactive experience.
In particular, we use the data for the following purposes:
• Providing our products, in including updates, security fixes and fixes shortcomings, and the provision of support. This also includes the transfer data necessary to provide services or perform external transactions.
• Improvement and development of our products. • Personalization of our products and recommendations. • Advertising, including including sending promotional messages, targeted advertising and relevant to you offers.
• Communication with you. We can use your personal data to contact you, for example, to tell you about changes to our services or to send you important messages and other similar communications relating to an order have been made by you and to contact you for the purposes, service-related bandages.
We also use this data for conduct our business, including for performance analysis, fulfillment of legal obligations, the development of our employees and research.
For this purpose, we combine data collected in different contexts (for example, data on the use of two services or products of the Company) or received from third parties in order to provide you with more efficient, consistent and personalized products to make informed business decisions and other informed purposes.
8.3. Shelf life personal data
We store your data in accordance with with a corporate record retention schedule based on an internal schema classification, consisting of the available features of the Company's products, as well as classes and types of documents (templates).
We calculate storage times personal data in accordance with the following criteria:
• the duration of the temporary the period necessary to achieve the objectives that were the basis for the collection such data;
• stop using our products by you;
• duration of temporary the period during which the preservation of documents with your data (entered by you) is appropriate to demonstrate that we have complied with our obligations;
• any statute of limitations, within which claims may be made;
• any period of storage, provided by law or recommendations of the regulatory body;
• existence of any disputes, associated with such data.
8.4. Reasons for disclosure of personal data
We disclose personal data from your permission or to conduct transactions or provide invitees or products authorized by you. We also disclose data affiliates or departments controlled by the Company; contractors working from our name; required by law or to protect rights in a judicial process; to protect our customers; to protect people's lives; for supporting security systems of our products; or to protect the rights or property company and its clients.
It may happen that we provide general non-personally identifiable information about our visitors (for example, the percentage male and female website visitors) advertising agencies, business partners, sponsors and other third parties to customize or expand content and advertising on our site for our consumers.
8.5. Access to personal data and manage them
You can manage your personal data that the Company has received and exercise your rights to protect personal data by contacting the Company or using various the means we provide for this.
In some cases, access to your personal data or their management is limited in accordance with the law. How personal data is accessed and managed also depends on from the product (service) you are using. For example, you can:
• monitor usage data used to receive targeted advertising from the Company by visiting unsubscribe page;
• choose how you want receive advertising and information materials from the Company: by e-mail, by phone or regular mail;
The company notes that not all personal data that is being processed can be accessed or manage them using the tools mentioned above. If you would like to view or set up personal data processed by the Company, to which it is impossible access through the above means or directly through the products (services) that you use, you can always contact the company, by sending the corresponding sheet to the mail.
8.6. Protection of personal information
The company provides protection personal data about the client that it possesses in accordance with legislation of Ukraine on the protection of personal data. Company takes appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal customer information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or modification. However, the method of information transfer and the method its storage on the Internet cannot be completely secure, so The Company does not guarantee the absolute security of personal information.
Collection and use of information not is personal
The company also collects data that does not directly point to a specific person. We can collect, use, transfer and disclose such information for any purpose. Here are some examples of what information that is not personally identifiable The company collects and uses
We may collect this information as unique device identifier, link source address, location, in which the company's service is used. This helps us better understand needs of users and offer them more suitable products, services and advertising.
We may also collect information about what users are interested in on our site and when using other our products and services. This information allows us to provide customers with more useful information, as well as to understand which sections of the website, products and services are in high demand. In the context of this Privacy Policy aggregated data is treated as information, not personal.
We may collect and store information about how you use our services, including search queries. This information may be used for relevancy purposes. the services we provide. Such information will not be associated with your IP address, except in some cases where it is necessary for ensure the quality of the services we provide over the Internet.
When information is combined, it is not personal, with personal information, the combined data will be considered personal until they remain united.
Like many other companies, we We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files placed on data storage devices that are read by the web server in the domain in which they were created. We use cookies and similar technologies to store and support your activities and parameters for logging in, providing relevant advertising, combating fraud, analyze the performance of our products, and comply with other lawful procedures.
Cookie technology does not contain personal information and cannot in any way configure your system or read information from your hard drive. Also for placing cookies, collecting information about the use of products and their effectiveness, web beacons are used. Our websites may use web beacons or similar technologies third party service providers.
Some of our messages email we use "click-through URLs" associated with materials on the Company's website.
When customers click on such links, they go to the landing page of the website through a separate web server. We track data about these transitions as they help us determine the most popular topics and evaluate the effectiveness of interaction with customers. If you wish to opt out of such tracking, please do not click on text or image links in the message.
Many different products are available to you to manage the data collected by cookies, web beacons and similar technologies. For example, you can use the controls in web browser to limit the use of cookies by websites and cancel permission to use them.
In addition, the site may contain links to websites operated by the Company.
8.8. Technical equipment of the pages sites may include modules:
• Payment service liqpay (, managed from the office of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "COMMERCIAL BANK" PRIVATBANK "(49094, .. Dnepropetrovsk, st. Embankment of Victory, 50, office 32009100400 in the Regional management of the NBU, MFO 305299, registration certificate: No. 02800016, license of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 22 dated 04.12.01)
This module receives / transfer of funds from clients using the LIQPAY web interface. Responsibility for conducting transactions, collecting and maintaining personal information is carried out by JSC "COMMERCIAL BANK" PRIVATBANK ".
• Social network Facebook, Instagram (, managed from headquarters Facebook Inc, Facebook Corporate Office located at: Headquarters 1601 S. California Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, phone: +1 (650) 543-4800
• Twitter Information Network (, which is operated from the Twitter office, Inc. located at 1355 Market St, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, phone: +1 (415) 222-9958;
• Youtube Social Forum (, managed from the YouTube office, LLC, located at 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA, phone: +1 (650) 253-0000
These modules can be buttons account synchronization on the site, "Share" or, respectively, "Me like". If the visitor opened one of the web pages equipped with such plug-in, his internet browser will directly connect him to the servers Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube. The plugin will send to the server data about which web pages of the site the visitor viewed. At using any functions of the plugin, this information will also be synchronized with the visitor's account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube. Learn more about data usage collection by networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube, as well as rights and protection options personal data in this context can be found in the section on privacy policy on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube.
8.9.Third parties providing services.
In the process of work, we turn to other companies and individuals perform many functions. For example, providing consumer support, ordering in certain administration agencies promotional campaigns, data analysis. These agencies may have access to personal information if it is necessary for the performance of their functions, but they It is forbidden to use personal information for other purposes than that which set out in our Privacy Policy and we will require them to confidentiality.
General information refers to such aspects such as the number of site visitors, what pages they visit, what information they are downloading, the type of browser and the operating system they are use, the name of the Internet service provider, and the like. When you visit our website, we automatically receive this information and summarize with similar data about other visitors. By collecting this information, we we analyze how best to adapt our site to the needs of visitors.
8.10 Search and artificial intelligence
Search based products artificial intelligence provide you with information and analyze, process and influence information, gradually learning and adapting.
9. Other conditions
9.1. The user understands and agrees that the Administration is not responsible for visiting and use of external resources, links to which may be contained on the Site.
9.2. The User agrees that the Site may post links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by Administration.
Administration does not bear responsible for the content and accuracy of data posted on third-party websites. The administration is not responsible for the accuracy of advertising, in including advertisements posted on the Site. The contractor is not responsible for the consequences of the user entering incorrect information and / or election incorrect answers to questions and / or incorrect selection of the Document by the Client to form.
9.3. Responsibility of the Contractor to the Customer in the event that the latter claims / claims about indemnification as a result of non-provision and/or provision of services inadequate quality, which is confirmed in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, is reimbursed solely within the cost relevant services paid by the Customer.
9.4. The parties are responsible provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.5. The parties are not responsible for violation of its obligations under this Agreement, if it did not occur through their fault. A party is presumed innocent if it proves that it accepted all measures depending on it for the proper performance of the Agreement.
9.6. None of the Parties shall liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, if it is non-performance or improper performance due to the action of force majeure circumstances that were outside its control (force majeure).