How to exempt my child from vaccines
Texas Immunization Exemptions | Texas DSHS
main contentTexas Administrative Code (TAC) §97.62 describe the conditions under which children and students can seek exemptions from immunization requirements in Texas elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, active duty with the armed forces of the United States, and reasons of conscience, including a religious belief.
NOTE: These exemptions only pertain to students in Texas who seek exemptions from school-required immunizations. These exemptions are not for employees seeking exemptions from employer-mandated immunizations.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) considers vaccines to be very safe and encourages all Texans to be vaccinated according to the ACIP recommended schedule. DSHS recognizes, however, that for a small number of people, there may be valid medical reasons for which they cannot receive certain vaccines.
Facility Attendance
For school and childcare attendance, the state allows for medical exemptions to accommodate these individuals. Schools and childcare facilities should accept medical exemptions that are signed by a US-licensed MD or DO and clearly state a medical reason the person cannot receive specific vaccines.
Unless the exemption states a lifelong condition, the exemption is only valid for one year.
To claim an exclusion for armed forces, persons who can prove that they are serving on active duty with the armed forces of the United States are exempted from the requirements in these sections.
Note: Armed forces exclusions apply to active-duty military only. Dependents of service members are NOT excluded from Texas vaccination requirements.
To claim an exclusion for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, the child's parent, legal guardian, or a student 18 years of age or older must present to the school or child-care facility a completed, signed and notarized affidavit on a form provided by the department stating that the child's parent, legal guardian, or the student declines vaccinations for reasons of conscience, including because of the person's religious beliefs.
Submitting an Exemption for Reasons of Conscience
The form must be submitted to the school or child-care facility within 90 days from the date it is notarized. The affidavit will be valid for a two-year period from the date of notarization. A child or student who has not received the required immunizations for reasons of conscience, including religious beliefs, may be excluded from school in times of emergency or epidemic declared by the commissioner of the department.
This affidavit is to request exclusion for reasons of conscience, including religious belief, from required school immunizations. A parent or legal guardian may request this affidavit on behalf of their child or student using the forms and methods outlined below. The request must include the following information:
- Full name of child or student
- Child's or student's date of birth (month/day/year)
- Complete mailing address, including telephone number
- Number of requested affidavit forms (not to exceed 5).
Requesting an Affidavit
Affidavits may be requested via the Immunization Section Affidavit Request website. It is recommended individuals use the Microsoft Edge web browser when submitting a vaccine exemption request online.
If requesting an Affidavit by Mail, a written request for an affidavit may be sent through the United States Postal Service. Mail to:
Texas Department of State Health Services
Immunization Section, Mail Code 1946
P. O. Box 149347
Austin, Texas 78714-9347
NOTE: Affidavits must be notarized and should not be modified in any way before submission to the school or childcare facility.
FAQs About School Vaccine Exemptions
Enrollment in School Without Vaccinations
No. Admission to a school is not allowed until records are produced showing that (1) the child has been immunized in accordance with the rules; (2) the child has an exemption affidavit from immunization requirements on file with the school in accordance with the rules; or (3) the child is entitled to provisional enrollment.
Two different immunization documents will be needed: 1) an official notarized DSHS vaccine exemption affidavit for those vaccines the parent or guardian has chosen for reasons of conscience to have their child exempt from; and 2) a valid immunization record indicating the month, date, and year each vaccine for which the child is not exempt was administered, with appropriate validation by a physician or public health clinic.
A child may be exempted from one or more vaccinations for medical reasons. The parent or guardian must provide the school with a certificate signed by a physician (M.D. or D.O.), registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States, which states that, in the physician's opinion, the immunization required would be injurious to the child's health and well-being or to any of the child's family or household members. Unless a lifelong condition is specified, that certificate is valid for one year from the date signed by the physician and must be renewed every year for the exclusion to remain in effect.
Each parent or guardian who signs a vaccine exemption affidavit form also is acknowledging they understand that their child may be excluded from school attendance in times of emergency or epidemic declared by the Texas Commissioner of Health.
No, only State of Texas vaccine exemption affidavits are valid for people who decline vaccines for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief.
Yes. A childcare facility, school, or university should accept a valid vaccine exemption affidavit that is printed on either the new or old affidavit paper. Conscientious exemption affidavits printed on both types of paper are valid for two years from the date notarized.
Enrollment in School Without Vaccinations
Each individual vaccine exemption affidavit is good for two years from the date notarized.
The vaccine exemption affidavit is part of the child's school records and should be sent to the new school with other school records.
No. Students who had religious exemptions filed at the school prior to September 1, 2003, do not need a new vaccine exemption affidavit form. The religious exemption on file remains valid.
Information on the form will include the child's name and date of birth; a list of required vaccines for which exemptions may be requested; a statement for the requesting parent or guardian to indicate their relationship to the child; and an acknowledgement that the parent or guardian has read the attached information entitled The Benefits and Risks of Vaccinations. Parents or guardians will then have to sign the form in front of a notary public.
Requests submitted to DSHS will be returned to parents or guardians along with the vaccine exemption affidavit forms. DSHS will track and report on the number of affidavit requests and zip code. No other information will be maintained.
Lost or Replacement Affidavits
Photocopies of the vaccine exemption affidavit form are not valid. If parents or schools lose the exemption affidavit, the parent or guardian needs to request another vaccine exemption affidavit in writing following the same procedures used to obtain the first form.
Immunization Unit
Immunization Unit
Texas School & Child-Care Facility Immunization
The Rules & Laws Explained
In this Article
- Why do vaccine exemptions exist?
- What are medical exemptions?
- What are religious exemptions?
- What are personal or philosophical exemptions?
- What are the laws on vaccine exemptions?
- What are the arguments for vaccine exemptions?
- What are the arguments against vaccine exemptions?
- How do vaccine exemptions affect disease outbreaks?
- What should parents do if they're worried about vaccines?
Every state has laws that require children to get certain vaccines before they can go to school or day care. Yet parents can opt out of one or more vaccines for medical, religious, or personal reasons.
Vaccine exemption laws vary from state to state. Some states make it easier to avoid vaccines than others.
Statistics show that states where exemptions are easy to get have more unvaccinated kids than states that make the process harder. Kids who don't get vaccinated are more likely to get sick. High exemption rates have been linked to outbreaks of diseases like measles, mumps, and pertussis (whooping cough).
The measles outbreaks in 2019 are among the worst in decades. The CDC has reported multiple outbreaks, including clusters in New York, Washington state, Texas, Illinois, and California. Many of the people who got sick lived in communities where there were groups of unvaccinated people.
In 2020, the number of cases of measles in the U.S. declined for the first time in six years. From April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, there were 142 mumps cases in 32 health departments. . The largest recent outbreak was in 2016 which happened in a close-knit Arkansas community and led to 3,000 cases.
These and other recent disease outbreaks have led some states to consider passing stricter vaccine exemption laws, while others, such as Arizona, have moved to loosen restrictions.
Why do vaccine exemptions exist?
In 1855, Massachusetts became the first state to require children to get vaccinated to attend school. Other states soon followed with their own vaccination laws. The goal of these laws was to protect children and communities from contagious diseases.
Since then, anti-vaccination groups have challenged vaccine laws. States have had to balance people's rights to personal and religious beliefs with the need to protect public health.
What are medical exemptions?
Parents can ask for a medical exemption if a vaccine wouldn't be safe for their child. Reasons that children can get an exemption include:
- They have a disease or take medicine that weakens their immune system.
- They have a severe allergy to a vaccine or an ingredient in it.
- They had a serious reaction to a vaccine in the past.
To get a medical exemption, parents need to have their child's doctor sign a form. Many states ask whether the exemption is temporary or permanent. And almost half of states require doctors to sign a new form every year or so.
What are religious exemptions?
This exemption allows parents to opt their child out of vaccines based on their religious beliefs.
Some states ask for evidence that the family belongs to a religious group that objects to vaccines. Only a few religions object to vaccines, including Christian Scientists and some faith healing groups. But in most states with this provision, you can simply sign a form stating that you have religious reasons to opt out.
What are personal or philosophical exemptions?
This exemption is based on parents' personal beliefs about vaccines. Some parents are concerned about vaccine safety. Others believe that getting sick is good for the child because it strengthens the immune system. Many of these concerns have been debunked, such as a theory that vaccines cause autism.
What are the laws on vaccine exemptions?
All 50 states and the District of Columbia allow medical exemptions. Every state except three -- California, Maine, Mississippi, New York, and West Virginia -- allows religious exemptions. And 15 states let parents decline vaccines for personal reasons.
Personal exemptions are harder to get in some states than in others. In certain states, parents have to do one or more of these things to get a personal exemption:
- Talk to their doctor or read about the benefits of vaccines and the risks of not vaccinating their children.
- Get a signature from a local health department official.
- Write a letter that explains their reasons for refusing vaccines.
- Renew their exemption form every year.
What are the arguments for vaccine exemptions?
Medical exemptions prevent kids from getting vaccines that might be unsafe for them. Conditions that weaken the immune system, such as a child with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, and severe vaccine allergies are somewhat rare, so few children need these exemptions.
People who seek personal exemptions say they have a right to decide whether their children should be vaccinated. Vaccine safety is one concern behind exemptions. Some parents fear that the risks of vaccines outweigh the benefits. Most of these worries are based on information they've seen online or in other media, or that they've heard from friends. A commonly cited belief among anti-vaccine groups is that vaccines can cause autism. That belief is based on a 1997 study by a British doctor that was published in the journal The Lancet. The study has since been discredited many times, the doctor lost their medical license, and The Lancet retracted the report. Since then, numerous other studies have found no connection between vaccines and autism.
Vaccines, like all drugs, can in rare cases cause serious side effects. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – which covers most vaccines -- allows people to file a petition if they believe they’ve been hurt by one. According to statistics from the program, from 2006 to 2017, one individual received compensation for every 1 million doses of vaccine given. It has awarded $4.1 billion since 1988. In nearly 80% of cases that received compensation, HHS did not conclude that a vaccine caused the alleged injury.
What are the arguments against vaccine exemptions?
Vaccines help children avoid serious diseases. High vaccination rates also protect people who can't get vaccinated because they're too young or they have a medical condition that would make vaccines unsafe for them. This is called "herd immunity."
At least 90% to 95% of people in one area need to be vaccinated to protect the whole community against diseases. In one study, a 5% drop in measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine coverage led to a threefold increase in measles cases each year. This is because even kids who have been vaccinated may be at a small risk if there is a child in the community who has the illness.
"Measles tends to be the disease we see the fastest because it's one of the most highly contagious viruses," says Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
Vaccine-preventable diseases like measles can be serious. "Up until a couple of decades ago, measles was the single leading killer of children globally," Hotez says.
Another problem is that exemption laws are hard to enforce. In 2015, California outlawed nonmedical exemptions. After the law passed, medical exemptions jumped 250%. One reason was that some doctors began writing medical exemptions for parents who had personal objections to vaccines.
How do vaccine exemptions affect disease outbreaks?
Overall, vaccination rates in the United States have stayed high. More than 90% of children are vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and chickenpox.
Yet some small communities around the country have high numbers of unvaccinated children. When someone who is sick comes into one of these areas, outbreaks can happen.
One example is measles. The United States wiped out measles in 2000, but people still bring it into the country when they travel to Europe, Israel, or other regions of the world that have outbreaks.
"Typically, the outbreak starts among vaccine refusers," says Daniel Salmon, PhD, professor and director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "Then it spreads to kids who are too young to be vaccinated or who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons. It also spreads to what we call vaccine failures -- kids who have been vaccinated but the vaccine didn't work for them."
States that make it easy to get nonmedical exemptions have more exemptions, and higher rates of vaccine-preventable diseases, than states with tougher laws, research finds. States that offer personal exemptions have more than twice the rate of whooping cough as those that only allow religious exemptions.
What should parents do if they're worried about vaccines?
If you have concerns about vaccine safety, get advice from a medical professional. "Find a doctor you trust and ask your doctor," Salmon suggests.
You can also learn about vaccines at websites like the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics, which support vaccination. Some groups may support anti-vaccine views, oppose government-mandated vaccinations or question vaccine safety, such as the National Vaccine Information Center and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Get informed, but don't wait too long to get your child vaccinated. "These diseases are most serious for young children. If you wait to vaccinate your child, you leave them vulnerable at a time when they're most likely to have complications," Salmon says.
If an adult who was never vaccinated as a child gets one of these diseases, the illness can have serious complications.
how to prepare a child for vaccination
Vaccination or immunization is a set of measures to increase the body's resistance to infections. This is a powerful health protection factor. Vaccinations help protect against infectious diseases such as:
- pneumococcal and rotavirus infections;
- measles;
- hepatitis B or jaundice;
- whooping cough;
- tetanus;
- rubella; nine0008
- tuberculosis;
- poliomyelitis;
- diphtheria;
- mumps or mumps;
To protect health, vaccination begins at birth already in the maternity hospital.
If the baby was not born in a hospital, then it is worth contacting a doctor as soon as possible for an examination and vaccination appointment.
Further, preventive vaccinations are done according to a schedule agreed by the doctor and parents. The vaccination calendar is necessary to keep the intervals between different types of immunization. nine0005
The day before vaccination
It is necessary to check the availability of children's antipyretic drugs (Panadol, Cefikon D) in the home first-aid kit in case of fever after vaccination. There is no need to panic, as this reaction is normal. The vaccine usually contains a weakened or inactive pathogen. The immune system fights it, so the body temperature may rise slightly.
On the eve of the vaccination, do not give the baby new food. nine0004 If he is breastfed, the mother is advised to refrain from eating unusual foods. The appearance of a new food in the child's diet can cause indigestion or allergies, because of which the vaccination will have to be postponed.
The day before vaccination is NOT required:
- Attend events with a large crowd of people or communicate with the sick. Otherwise, the risk of catching an infection, a virus, which may not manifest itself immediately, increases. If the child is sick, then the vaccine should not be done in order to avoid complications. If in doubt, you can ask your doctor for a referral for general blood and urine tests. nine0008
- Give your child an antihistamine or fever reducer.
They are used only in case of fever or allergy. In a healthy state, drugs can cause unpleasant side effects or complications from future vaccinations.
- Postpone vaccination without good reason. Vaccinations are given according to the scheme that is optimal for the child. According to the vaccination calendar, certain breaks are established between procedures. They are necessary so that the baby has time to recover and prepare for a new vaccination. nine0008
- Plan long trips. Vaccination must be done 14-21 days before travel. During this time, the baby should develop immunity to infection. The trip can be planned so that the vaccination takes place in 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications.
- Ignore exacerbation of a child's chronic illness. The baby must be healthy so that his body reacts to the administered drug correctly. If the child has a chronic disease, then it is worth consulting with the attending physician before vaccinations, even in case of remission.
On the day of vaccination
- On the day of vaccination, make sure that the baby feels well. An elevated temperature in a child is always a contraindication for vaccination. This is due to the fact that an inflammatory process is possible in the baby's body, which will be aggravated by vaccination.
- If the medical card is in the hands of the parents, then it must be brought for vaccination. It is also worth taking a vaccination certificate, in which health workers enter data on the procedure performed. nine0008
- Vaccinations are usually stressful for a child, so it's best to bring your favorite toy or diaper.
- The child needs to be dressed according to the weather so that he is comfortable and does not miss out. The baby's clothes should be comfortable so that it is easy to free the desired area for the administration of the drug (upper third of the thigh or shoulder).
- The child's questions about the procedure must be answered honestly.
It is worth explaining that the injection can be slightly painful, but it will last a few seconds, so you should not be afraid of it. You can also say that the vaccine is needed in order not to get sick in the future. nine0008
- You can't scare a baby with a vaccine, even as a joke. If he is afraid, you need to calm him down and try to distract him from unpleasant thoughts.
Doctor's office
Feel free to check with your doctor for all the details of interest. It is better to find out what the child is vaccinated against, the name of the administered drug, possible side effects, recommendations for their elimination. It is also important to know under what conditions you need to seek medical care after vaccination.
At the time of vaccination
Before and during vaccination, it is important not to worry, as the experiences are transmitted to the baby. If the escort is calm, then the vaccination will be easier and faster. To distract the child from excitement, you can talk, play, sing songs and discuss surrounding objects. Smile more and be kind.
At the time of the vaccination, it is better to take the child in your arms so that he is calm and comfortable. After vaccination, the baby may cry. There is no need to scold him or scold him. It is worth reassuring, hugging the child and explaining that the vaccine is necessary so as not to get sick. nine0005
Advice from a doctor
Blow out the pain game
If the child says that he is in pain, try to “blow out” the pain with him. Take a deep breath and slowly blow into the injection site. The exercise can be repeated several times until the baby calms down.
After vaccination
In the first 30 minutes
- it is better to stay in the clinic for 30 minutes. after the procedure, to monitor possible allergic reactions and immediately consult a doctor if necessary; nine0008
- A breastfeeding baby can be given a breast or pacifier to sedate (except for oral polio and rotavirus vaccinations).
After vaccination against polio (OPV), you can not feed the baby and give a pacifier for 1 hour;
- you need to praise the child and reward him with a small gift for patience and courage;
The first day after vaccination
- it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the child on the first day after vaccination; nine0008
- when the temperature of the baby rises above 38.5 ° C, you need to give a single antipyretic. It is important to carefully read the instructions for the drug used, do not exceed the dosage appropriate for the age of the child and the daily dose of the drug.
- When the temperature rises, you can wipe the child with warm water with the addition of vinegar (slightly sour solution). Do not use vodka for rubdowns - it irritates and dries baby skin.
- should not be given aspirin to a child, as its use can lead to serious consequences. nine0008
First two days after vaccination
- If fever remains elevated, continue giving antipyretics as directed.
- Walk and bathe the child as usual, but only if he does not have a fever.
- Do not introduce new foods to your baby's diet or yours while breastfeeding.
After DTP vaccinations
Be sure to carefully monitor the temperature of the baby. It is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° C (under the arm). Take an antipyretic without waiting for it to rise. Seek medical attention to avoid complications. nine0005
Mantoux test
Care must be taken to ensure that water does not enter the sample site. It is also better not to allow the injection site to overheat in order to avoid sweat getting into the wound.
After vaccination against rubella, polio, measles, mumps, negative effects may appear within 5-14 days. In other cases, you can be 99% sure that the vaccine is not related to the deterioration of the child's well-being. The reason for the increase in temperature in young children can be cutting teeth, in older children - infections, viruses or inflammation. nine0005
Vaccination is carried out to improve the health of the child and to avoid epidemics.
Thanks to vaccinations, according to statistics, severe complications from infections have significantly decreased. Some diseases (smallpox, poliomyelitis, mumps, measles, as well as tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria) have completely disappeared thanks to preventive measures.
To parents about the consequences of not vaccinating their children
reference Information nine0005
Resources for parents
Vaccination has become part of our lives, vaccinations have become as commonplace as other achievements of civilization, without which it is difficult to imagine today's reality. Vaccinations are made exclusively against infectious diseases, but far from all, but only against severe, dangerous, capable of causing serious complications, as well as against those infections that many people get sick at the same time (for example, from the flu). You need to know that only preventive vaccinations can protect your child from diseases such as polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tuberculosis, tetanus, hepatitis B, measles, mumps (mumps), rubella, chicken pox, haemophilus influenzae. nine0005
Infectious diseases make up a significant part of all diseases of childhood, they are fraught with severe complications leading to disability and death. Every year, 12 million children die from various infections in the world, of which more than 4 million die from diseases that are completely preventable by vaccination.
Thanks to preventive vaccinations, smallpox has been eradicated worldwide, the eradication of poliomyelitis is being completed, and measles and congenital rubella are planned to be eradicated by 2020. Diseases that can be vaccinated against will reappear if vaccination programs are stopped. If the population is not vaccinated, diseases that have become rare, such as polio and measles, will quickly reappear. nine0005
The laws adopted in the Russian Federation allow you to refuse to vaccinate your child, but refusing to be vaccinated is a cruel act against a child that can pose a threat to the life and health of the baby. Therefore, every mother must understand that by refusing to vaccinate her child, she violates his right to health. Many parents believe that infections can be prevented by increasing the body's resistance through hardening, vitamins, immunostimulating drugs, and so on. This is not true. And the example of some unvaccinated children who did not get sick with this or that infection does not prove anything. They were just lucky, and they did not meet with the sources of infections, which, thanks to vaccination, are becoming less and less. Suffice it to recall the diphtheria epidemic in Russia in 1919.In the 90s, when the number of cases reached 100 thousand, outbreaks of polio in the Chechen Republic in 1995 (253 unvaccinated children fell ill with the paralytic form) and in Tajikistan in 2010 (more than 600 cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) were registered, of which 239 cases confirmed by laboratory isolation of wild type 1 poliovirus, 11 cases were fatal) to understand that vaccinations must not be stopped!
Vaccines interact with the immune system, causing an immune response similar to a natural infection, but they do not cause disease or put the vaccinated at risk of potential complications. In contrast, gaining immunity from natural infection may come at a price with mental retardation from Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), birth defects from rubella, liver cancer from the hepatitis B virus, or death from measles. nine0005
Everyone has the right to be vaccinated. This is the same right as the right to life. By refusing vaccinations, you risk the health and life of your child!
What is vaccination and why vaccinations are needed
Before the invention of vaccines, infections and viruses were the main cause of high mortality among the world's population and short life expectancy. But for more than 200 years in the world there has been an effective way to protect humans and animals from a number of infectious and some viral diseases. The first vaccination against smallpox was made at the beginning of the 19th century by the English doctor E. Jenner. Since then, vaccination (immunization) has become the most effective way for humans to prevent dangerous diseases. nine0005
Vaccination (from Latin vaccus - cow) is the introduction of a medication in order to prevent infection or reduce its manifestations and negative consequences. As a material (antigen) can be used:
• live, but weakened strains of microbes;
• killed (inactivated) microbes;
• parts of microbes, eg proteins;
• synthetic components.
When a vaccine is administered, immunity to its components is developed, as a result, antibodies are formed that live in the body. They are strictly individual for each pathogen; when they meet with it, they very quickly suppress it and prevent the disease from developing. Having coped with the task, the defenders do not disappear: they are ready to resist pests for a long time - several years, or even their whole lives. This is called immunity to a particular disease. Thus, it is possible to successfully fight measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, chicken pox, mumps, hepatitis B, rotaviruses and bacteria that cause tuberculosis, whooping cough, diphtheria, pneumococcus, hemophilic infection, tetanus and other diseases. nine0005
Important: When enough people are vaccinated, the transfer of viruses from one carrier to another becomes more difficult and their spread stops. As a result, diseases bypass both those who are not vaccinated and those in whom the vaccine did not produce the desired effect. Thus, vaccination is effective especially if the vast majority of members of the community have passed it, whether it be a country, a city or a single kindergarten. Scientists have found that for the effective functioning of the vaccine, it is necessary that more than 9 people are vaccinated against the disease.5% of the population.
Vaccination facts
According to statistics, over the past century, human life expectancy has increased, including due to vaccination. Its purpose is the formation of specific immunity through the artificial creation of an infectious process, in most cases asymptomatic or mild.
Infectious diseases, from which, in fact, the vaccine protects, always accompany a person. They proceed in different ways: in a mild form, severe, with complications, lead to disability, still occupying a leading place among the causes of death. nine0005
So what are the advantages of vaccinations?
It is absurd to deny the effectiveness of vaccination, the facts speak for themselves: if it were not for vaccinations against smallpox and polio, we would all probably die out now. If a child has not been vaccinated against tetanus, and he suddenly gets a banal abrasion, then what can be done if the mortality rate from tetanus is 90%? The only way to avoid this dangerous disease is preventive immunization. However, despite these more than convincing data, many refuse to be vaccinated, moreover, they refuse to vaccinate their children, thereby putting them at great risk. nine0005
If there were no vaccinations, we would be threatened by: measles: chance of death 1 in 100, disability 5 in 100;
- whooping cough: the risk of complications from the respiratory and nervous systems is very high;
- diphtheria: the probability of death is 10 cases out of 100;
- poliomyelitis: risk of severe disability;
- tuberculosis: long-term treatment, severe complications;
- epidemic parotitis: possible development of infertility; nine0005
- rubella: unvaccinated or unvaccinated women who become ill during pregnancy can give birth to a disabled or non-viable child;
- hepatitis B: high risk of severe liver damage (including cancer).
When to make vaccination as safe as possible
Many children receive a temporary exemption from vaccinations based on relative contraindications, such as: an acute illness (ARI, flu, bronchitis), an exacerbation of a chronic disease (allergies, dermatitis, kidney failure) and an upcoming trip. In each of these cases, the procedure is postponed until the appropriate moment of recovery, removal of an exacerbation or return from a trip. All other reasons for refusing vaccination, including dysbacteriosis, prematurity, epilepsy and other conditions, are considered false. nine0005
It is important to remember that an individual approach is applied to each child. Before any vaccination, the doctor examines the child and decides whether it is possible to carry it out. Vaccinations are scheduled according to the vaccination schedule. However, some children, such as those who are premature or with certain health conditions, may have medical contraindications for this vaccine. Vaccinations are not carried out during an acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease, they are postponed until recovery or remission. However, if the risk of infection is high (for example, after contact with a sick person), then some vaccines can be given against the background of minor symptoms of an acute or chronic disease. nine0005
Carrying out several vaccines on the same day is not dangerous if these vaccines are combined with each other, and their appointment coincides with the vaccination schedule, as a result, immunity to several diseases is developed at once.
Important: According to statistics, up to 60% of parents who do not vaccinate their children do not refer to diseases or exacerbations, but to their own conclusions, advice from relatives, religious aspects and other dubious circumstances.
Consequences of failure to vaccinate
If parents nevertheless decide not to vaccinate a child, then they should understand what the status of unvaccinated means for him. When a completely unprotected baby enters a world filled with germs and viruses, his mom and dad are required to take additional measures to strengthen the immune system and strictly follow sanitary and hygienic rules, since any violation can lead to infection.
• If the children's team is quarantined for any infection, then an unvaccinated baby does not have the right to visit him until the end of the incubation period. Under adverse circumstances, when one quarantine is replaced by another, a third, the baby may be isolated for many months. And his parents will have to change the work schedule. nine0005
• In the environment of an unvaccinated child - in the development group, kindergarten, swimming pool, music school for 60 days, babies who have received a dose of oral polio vaccine should not be. If the polio vaccination was done in a preschool or school institution, then unvaccinated children are sent to a two-month quarantine. Otherwise, they can become infected with this dangerous disease.
• The baby may be banned from traveling to countries where, in accordance with international health regulations or international treaties of the Russian Federation, specific preventive vaccinations are required. nine0005
• The baby should not pick up other people's toys that were not previously washed in the most thorough way, acquire friends that have not been tested for infection, and must also strictly observe all hygiene rules. It is not surprising if all these prohibitions and restrictions have a bad effect on his psyche and character.
• In addition, there is a high risk of infection with hepatitis B, a severe liver disease. People think that their children will not be able to get infected, because they are brought up in a completely prosperous family, they do not use drugs, and they do not intersect with blood anywhere. This is a dangerous delusion. In kindergarten, a child can hit, fight, someone will bite or scratch the baby - that's contact with blood. Children infected with hepatitis almost always become chronically ill, which leads to serious long-term complications in the form of cirrhosis and liver cancer. All this leads to disability and early death. nine0005
Important: In the future, an unvaccinated child may be denied employment with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases. If this happens, then in order to fulfill his dream, a person will have to do all the vaccinations at once, from which his parents saved him.
Increasingly, there are cases of refusal of vaccination or deferment of vaccination in children. This is caused, first of all, by the main "disadvantage" of vaccination - the absence of the disease at the present time. When a child is sick, when he feels bad - here parents are ready for anything, they are looking for a medicine, they understand that it is necessary. But when the baby is healthy... nine0005
Parents must weigh the risks, often far-fetched, and the real consequences of not vaccinating, prevention is better than cure.
According to the Federal Laws “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” and “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, which have been in force in Russia since 1998-1999, protecting yourself and your children from infectious diseases is not only a right, but also an obligation of every person. The national calendar of preventive vaccinations is a regulatory legal act that establishes the timing and procedure for vaccinations. nine0005
However, there is no responsibility for refusing to be vaccinated; vaccination remains a purely voluntary matter. But, if an adult is responsible only for himself, then a parent who refuses to vaccinate his children seriously risks the health of his child. Exactly. The right of a child, like any citizen, is the right to be protected from illness. Protecting our child, we also protect our loved ones, other children. There is such a thing as the population effect. We live in a community, we are not isolated, the intensity of contacts, the speed of movement, the population density in cities are growing.