How to detox a child from heavy metals
4 Safe Ways to Detox Your Child
Skip to content 4 Safe Ways to Detox Your ChildEvery parent wants the best for their child. You might choose to focus on the best education, sports, limiting technology, and eating well. Furthermore, you might not be thinking about ways to detox your child. He or she is most likely exposed to a variety of harmful chemicals, metals, and other toxins. As the world becomes more accustomed to pollutions, medications, vaccinations, and processed foods, your child has more unhealthy toxins in their body.
However, you can clear your child’s system healthily and safely using a kid’s detox bath, chiropractic care, eating and drink clean, and dietary supplements when necessary.
Why You Should Detox Your Child
You may wonder how to detox your child without harming them. The media took the word detox and used it to advertise unhealthy crash diets thus contributing to its poor reputation. Diet culture took the concept of detoxifying your system and made it into a marketing scheme.
In addition, you may also wonder why people need to detox when they have kidneys, an organ that naturally cleans our bodies. A child’s kidneys do not develop until they are 2-years-old. Furthermore, kidneys can always use some help since the world is filled to the brim with toxins. From the food we eat to the air we breathe, we expose our children to a plethora of unnatural substances.
Heavy Metal Detox Bath
The best ingredient for a kid’s detox bath is magnesium. A common source to find magnesium is in Epsom salts. The Epsom salts release heavy metals in the body through the skin while in the bathwater. The process called reverse osmosis flushes toxins out of the body due to the salts containing sulfates.
To set up this heavy metal detox bath, you use a quarter to half a cup of Epson salts. Let your child soak for about 20 minutes. The first 10 minutes will give their body time to remove the toxins. Then their body will absorb the minerals in the last ten.
Kids Chiropractic Care
Many believe chiropractic care is only for seniors or victims of car accidents. However, kids’ chiropractic care can make a world of difference in a child’s life. Gentle adjustments help the child’s cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
Before a mother delivers, an unborn baby has a whole spine and nervous system. However, during delivery, each vertebra shifts as the baby are born. In the baby’s first year, their spine grows by 50 percent! Chiropractic care after birth ensures the baby’s spine has a proper alignment ready for growth.
Besides, spinal adjustments for young kids involve light pressure. This fingertips pressure corrects and misalignments. Moreover, adjustments restore mobility to spine joins and remove any interference in their nervous system. This allows their body to function accurately and thus develop properly. By removing nerve blockage and chiropractic adjustments, help detox your child and promote a healthier blood flow and nutrients throughout their body.
Balanced Diet
Kids should consume a balanced diet. Consuming nutrient-dense foods not only helps them naturally detox, but they help them grow and function. A healthy diet plan for kids is composed of macronutrients and micronutrients.
Macronutrients make up calories. They include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. For example, one gram of carbs makes up four calories. The same is valid for protein. However, one gram of fat makes up nine calories, making fats caloric dense. Although some of the latest diet trends like keto include cutting carbohydrates out of your diet, carbs are your child’s energy source. Furthermore, they help a child’s body use the fat and protein properly for building tissues.
Protein serves as the building blocks of our bodies. It helps us make bones, blood and supports producing new cells. Also, protein breaks down food to help fight infections and carry oxygen.
Fats also help children’s bodies grow. They also help absorb a variety of vitamins and play a role in hormone balance. You hear about fat-free foods all the time, but our bodies need fats to survive since they also insulate the body.
Micronutrients, on the other hand, refer to the vitamins and minerals macronutrients should contain. For example, a handful of fries and a banana may include the same amount of carbohydrates. However, they contain different vitamins.
It can be challenging to make sure kids get all of the nutrients they need, especially if your child is picky. A helpful way to add vitamins to their diet is by giving them a smoothie. Additionally, gummy vitamins are a quick and easy treat that most kids don’t fight. However, be sure to read the back of the nutrition label for any unhealthy diet, additives, or chemicals.
Awaken Your Child’s Greatest Innate Power
Westchase chiropractic takes the handcuffs off nature. By restoring a child’s vertebra to its natural position, the adjustment thus releases nerve impulses’ natural flow. When the maze of nerves, or nature’s communication system, supplies the body with the energy it needs for well-being, you have health. Contact us today to make an appointment.
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Heavy Metal Detoxification Methods
For children with chronic conditions or neurological disorders, one method of treatment that may prove to be beneficial is Heavy Metal Detoxification. Detoxing heavy metals from the system may be especially helpful to managing the symptoms of Autism, because the majority of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have the MTHFR gene mutation, which makes them have a much more difficult time excreting toxins from the body. There is also research that shows that the MTHFR gene mutation could be one of the reasons that some children develop Autism Spectrum Disorder. The MTHFR gene interferes with a person’s ability to methylate, which is the addition of a methyl group to other molecules in the body.
Heavy metal toxicity may amplify the symptoms of Autism as far as trouble with sleeping and also behavioral problems. Some parents may find that by detoxing their child, their symptoms can potentially improve.
There are a few different methods of detoxification that can be applied for children who are in need of a heavy metal detox.
IonCleanse Detoxification System:
While on the pricier side of options, the IonCleanse Detoxification System can be quite effective at removing heavy metals and toxins from the body. The system is a foot bath, and foot bath works by submerging the user’s feet in a warm water bath. When the system is turned on, it begins a process where a clean current interacts with the water, which elicits a relaxation response. Then, the current ionizes the water molecules, and the ions act like magnets in the water, which draw out oppositely-charged toxins from the body. The water then changes color as the toxins are pulled out. Since the foot bath also promotes relaxation, there is an ongoing detox that continues to happen for 3-5 days after the foot bath is complete.
The most crucial detox benefit with the IonCleanse by AMD actually happens after the foot bath. In one study, there was sufficient data to demonstrate that using the IonCleanse system had statistically significant higher levels of excretion of toxic elements and heavy metals in the urine.
Epsom Salts:
A much less expensive option for detoxification is Epsom Salts. Taking an Epsom Salt bath may help detox the body because the salts contain magnesium and sulfate, which stimulate the detox pathways in the body. An Epsom Salt bath may also help children with Autism who have a deficiency in magnesium.
In addition to helping the body flush out toxins, Epsom Salts can promote a restful night’s sleep and also help reduce inflammation in the body.
To prepare an Epsom Salt bath, Awake Organics suggests:
“Add at least two cups of Epsom salt to bath water and soak for 40 minutes total. The first 20 minutes will give your body time to remove toxins from your system while the last 20 minutes will allow you to absorb the minerals in the water. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support the detoxification process.”
Chlorella Protocol
Chlorella is sometimes used as a means of detoxing mercury and other heavy me from the body. It wraps itself around the toxins so that they may be eliminated instead of being reabsorbed. It can be taken in the form of a powder, which can be added to water or to a smoothie.
Health food stores also sell chlorella tablets, as the taste may be very unappealing to some.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO:
“Chlorella and ProChitosan are an important part of the detoxification program, as approximately 90% of the mercury in our bodies is eliminated through the stool. Chlorella is an algae and, unlike Protchitosan, has protein high levels of chlorophyll and other nutrients which can be used for nourishment. The chlorella powder is the most cost effective approach but some people will prefer the tablets or capsules for convenience. A simple way to dissolve the powder is to place it in a container with a lid partially filled with water. Then tighten the lid and shake to dissolve and drink the solution.”
Infrared Sauna
The use of an infrared sauna is another method of heavy metal detoxification in children. Basically, the sauna helps children to sweat out toxins through the skin.
On the Sunlighten website, Dr. Rachel West is quoted as saying:
“The nice thing is that far infrared actually penetrates at cellular levels so it will help clean out organ tissues and disconnect cells from toxins that may be blocking pathways and at very low heat, which is safe for children ...The lactic acid [that builds up in kids’ muscles] makes kids feel like they want a massage, and the saunas feel great on their joints and muscles,” she says. “And keep in mind it isn’t the heat that counts, but the penetration and the benefits of infrared sauna that can occur at low heat. We see oxygenation of cells and better sleep.”
Detoxification With Clay
Bentonite Clay can also be used as a natural detoxification method. The clay can be mixed into a bath to help draw out toxins from the skin. According to Enviromedica:
“There are hundreds of different Bentonite clays – ranging from health store brands to expensive green clays – and each one has different chemical compositions and purposes. Many clays sold at health food stores contain chemical emulsifiers, defeating the whole purpose of the bath and many clays are very high in aluminum. Specially formulated clay baths have been shown to be able to literally pull pollutants out like a magnet, getting rid of years of toxic accumulation in just one bath. Usually, you’ll see dark residue in the clay after the very first time you use it in a bath, and people normally take 6-10 baths (once per week) for regular detoxification purposes.”
Homotoxicology was founded by a German physician, Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. He began by integrating homeopathy into his practice, which then led him to theorize that disease in the body is caused by “homotoxins,” which are poisonous to the body. Dr. Reckeweg described homotoxins as “any substance that creates a direct or indirect toxic burden in the human organism.” He then went on to develop remedies to help rid the body of homotoxins.
When the body is unable to adequately excrete toxins, those toxins linger in the body and make us sick. The body then tries to expel them through means such as mucus, diarrhea, fever, and vomit. Trapped toxins can also lead to more chronic conditions and disease. In the practice of homotoxicology, practitioners aim to eliminate these toxins to restore optimal health to the body. Once the toxins are removed, the body can return to its original healthy state.
Homotoxicology consists of three pillars; detoxification and drainage, immune modulation, and cellular activation and organ strengthening. It uses supplements, botanical remedies, and other homeopathic remedies to rid the body of toxins. The process of homotoxicology will stimulate the body to heal on its own.
Have you tried any detoxification methods for your child? Send us an email at [email protected] and let us know. Are you a practitioner who uses detoxification as a means of treatment? We invite you to join our Practitioner Directory.
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24 ways to rid your body of heavy metals, pesticides, metabolic waste and other pollutants
If you constantly feel depressed, tired, irritated, unable to lose weight, then most likely you are suffering from an onslaught of environmental toxins that greedy monopoly corporations have filled the air, water and soil. Even if you are not sure that you are suffering from an overload of toxins, at least you are not immune from the effects of oil and chemical pollution of the environment or even radiation. Even everyday items like shampoo or carpet cleaner contain thousands of chemicals that are deadly in large quantities. Here are more than two dozen ways to cleanse your body of these dangerous contaminants:
1 . Help your stomach and gallbladder by eating beets. Beets are a valuable source of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, which help the body get rid of dangerous substances. It is also rich in vitamins B3, B6, C, and beta-carotene, which are important nutrients needed for the production of bile acids by the liver and gallbladder, which aid in cleansing.
2. Drink more purified water. Water is one of the most important self-purification pathways on the planet. It helps every cell get rid of waste products and allows our body to eliminate toxins through the urine and intestines, as well as through the skin with sweat.
3. Bathe in kaolin clay as it is considered the best way to cleanse your body of pesticides.
4. Reduce your consumption of meat and dairy products as GMO foods are common in animal diets.
5. Get more panthenin, which is the biologically active form of vitamin B5, which helps the body clear the blockages caused by pesticide use. When our body is too loaded with pesticides, it can no longer get rid of them on its own.
6. Use activated carbon. It is perfectly safe to consume 20-30 grams per day with purified water. Activated charcoal binds pesticides and other toxins and then removes them through the intestines to cleanse the body. After you've taken the charcoal, you can eat some molasses to make sure you're making up for the important minerals that the charcoal may have sucked out of your body in the process of getting rid of unwanted toxins.
7. Eat more citrus fruits. The pectins they contain are very powerful cleansers. Citrus fruits rid the body of heavy metals, leaving all the important trace elements.
8. Create an alkaline environment in your body by consuming more fruits and vegetables - this will support the many channels of purification in the body.
9. Eat more fiber. When we consume fiber, it is much easier for the liver to remove toxins from the body through the digestive system, and we remove a huge burden on the body, which is constantly trying to rid the body of toxic substances. High fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, potatoes, etc.
10. Eat more grapefruits that contain naringenin, a special flavonoid that helps the liver burn fat instead of storing toxins in fat cells.
11. Eating garlic can help increase detoxification because it helps increase white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are also an important part of the immune system.
12. Eating asparagus can help reduce pesticide levels in the body.
13. Egg consumption can also help to eliminate toxins from the body. In addition, they increase energy levels.
14. Increasing your vitamin C levels is very good for you and for cleansing the body: this vitamin has been found to help reduce radiation exposure.
15. Sassaparil has been added to teas and tinctures for thousands of years to effectively purify the blood. It also effectively treats liver, kidney and skin diseases.
16. Exercise and an active lifestyle are essential if you want to prevent harmful impurities from entering your body. Just 30 minutes a day will deliver oxygenated blood to the liver and kidneys, thereby helping to cleanse the body.
17. Our skin is larger than any other detoxifying organ. It covers about 6.7 square meters, and skin cells are renewed every day. Dry brushing is a great option for helping the skin to be cleansed through sweat, washing, etc. If your pores are clogged, your skin will function less efficiently. Brushing promotes the flow of lymph, which helps to remove toxins from the body.
18 . Use milk thistle. It will provide tremendous support for your liver. Over the years, this herb has helped detoxify the human body and has been linked to improving some types of cancer, diabetes, and even easing digestive upset.
19. Essiac tea helps cleanse the body and also has anti-cancer properties. It helps the body get rid of pesticides used in genetically modified foods and when spraying plants.
20. Eat sea vegetables. Algin, found in seaweed, helps to flush out toxins from the gastrointestinal tract so they are more easily eliminated by the body. In addition, a large number of trace elements helps to purify the blood.
21. Consumption of dandelion leaves and root can help detoxify the body due to its high levels of antioxidants, as well as help relieve liver swelling.
22. Add broccoli to salads to get the detoxifying ingredients it contains. In addition, seedlings contain up to 20 times more of these substances than an adult plant.
23. Flaxseed and flaxseed oil will help detoxify the body, as they are rich in fiber and Omega-3.
24. Include turmeric in your recipes. This root is often used to treat diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and, of course, is excellent for cleansing the body.
Protect yourself from heavy metals
Heavy metals can enter our body from the environment - with water, air and food.
For example, mercury and lead are found in industrial emissions and gasoline - the emissions end up in the air we breathe and the water we drink and where we fish. Mercury, cadmium and lead are found in building materials, batteries and accumulators - from where they enter the earth, groundwater carries them over long distances, polluting the land in which we grow food.
Once in our body, heavy metals can accumulate in the bones and various organs, causing their dysfunction.
They can also imitate themselves and "push out" useful elements from the body - magnesium, calcium and others.
A high concentration of heavy metals in the body can lead to the following diseases:
- Cancer
- Acute and chronic renal failure
- Autism
- Fetal death
- Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems
- Metabolic disorders
In the course of her research, Nadezhda Kryzhanovskaya protested about 200 patients for heavy metals. AT 10% of patients had excess mercury and lead levels in their bodies .
How to protect your body
Avoid dropping new heavy metals into the body
It is impossible to completely control the process of heavy metals entering the body. But you can exclude obvious sources of pollution from your life. This will be enough to avoid serious illnesses - our body is able to cope with small concentrations of heavy metals. What do you need to pay attention to?
Drinking water quality
Water in our homes comes from open reservoirs, which are almost always polluted by industrial emissions and sewage. Therefore, heavy metals may be contained there.
Tap water is filtered, but data on the quality of this filtration is not published in real mode by any Vodokanal in Ukraine. Control the quality of the water you drink yourself. Drink only tested water.
Fish, not fit for consumption
Along with the pollution of rivers and water horizons, toxic substances enter the world's oceans, and from there into the organisms of the inhabitants of these oceans - fish and seafood. The greatest accumulation of heavy metals occurs in the body of these animals, which are higher in the food chain (predatory fish).
According to Marine Conservation Society and Greenpeace research, the following types of fish are no longer suitable for consumption today:
- Atlantic cod
- Kambala
- Tuna
- Shrimp
- European hake
- Atlantic halibut
- Salmon
Full list here
The content of cadmium in smokers is 4-5 times higher than in ordinary people. The World Health Organization has recognized that cadmium is a carcinogen.
If you have been thinking about quitting smoking for a long time, now is the time to do it. If you don't smoke, avoid passive smoking.
Amalgam fillings
These fillings were popular in the past, but some dentists continue to do them today. Amalgam fillings contain mercury, which belongs to the first hazard class. When placing a seal, choose modern and safe methods.
Industrial properties
When buying or renting a property, study what is around. Living near industrial sites can be dangerous - not all enterprises use modern filters to neutralize emissions to air, water and soil.
To know for sure that you have settled in a safe region - , contact the quality laboratory and measure the land and water for the content of toxic elements.
Help prevent heavy metals from depositing
If you have not been able to prevent heavy metals from entering your body, you can prevent them from depositing in bones and organs. The following products can help.
Drink plenty of pure water is a common piece of advice, which in this case has an unusual interpretation. Water washes away from the walls of the stomach all the toxic elements that have entered us with food. Purely mechanically, it helps to remove heavy metals from the body even before they have time to assimilate and settle in the bones and organs.
Healthy foods
In addition to water, the following foods can help speed up the elimination of heavy metals from the body.
Vegetables and fruits:
- Cabbage
- Bow
- Garlic
- Broccoli
- Carrot
- Mushrooms
- Banani
- Grapes
- Apples
Nuts, seeds and legumes:
- Brazil nuts
- Beans
- Sesame
- Pumpkin seeds
- Chia seeds
- Flax seeds
- Seeds.
- Clover
- Spinach
- Parsley
Remove what has already settled
Natural methods require prior consultation with a doctor, these are:
Chlorela is a green algae that is sold in powder or tablet form. Chlorela is able to bind to heavy metal molecules and displace them from the body. In fact, the cells of these algae distinguish between toxic heavy metals and remove them, while leaving mineral substances in the body. Start your detox by adding 4 grams of chlorella per day to your diet, and reduce over time.
Cilantro, also known as coriander - removes mercury and other heavy metals accumulated in the body. Eat ¼ cup cilantro a day to effectively eliminate heavy metals from the body.
Pharmaceutical methods (chelation)
If you are diagnosed with diseases that cannot be cured by traditional methods
- chronic fatigue,
- attention deficit disorder,
- skin diseases and others
- Consult a physician experienced in treating patients with heavy metal contamination.
After examination, he will give you a referral for a urinalysis for heavy metals in the laboratory (cost 3000-9000 UAH), and after that he will help interpret it and, if a significant excess of the healthy level is found, he will be able to perform chelation treatment, with the help of special preparations - chelator.
The chelation procedure is difficult to tolerate, long and expensive. It feels a bit like chemotherapy for cancer. Therefore, in no case should it be carried out independently and without clear indications for this.
However, the positive is that in the 21st century, contamination of the body with heavy metals is no longer a sentence. It is subjected to albeit difficult, but treatment.
Let's eliminate the causes of pollution together
One of the sources of heavy metal pollution in nature is uncontrolled discarded batteries.
To stop pollution - donate your batteries only to special collection points, tell relatives and friends about it.