How to bear a child
Conceiving a baby - Better Health Channel
Most women under the age of 40 years who want to become pregnant (conceive) will achieve this within 12 months of starting to try. Here we explain how you can improve your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.
Planning for a baby
If you are planning to become pregnant, it’s important that you and your partner (if you have one) are as healthy as possible before you start trying. Your GP can help with a pre-conception health check .
A pre-conception health check usually includes:
- a medical history and a general examination
- blood tests to check your haemoglobin level, blood group, immunity for German measles (rubella) and chickenpox (varicella), hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- tests for any sexually transmissible infection (STI)
- advice about lifestyle changes that will improve the chance of pregnancy and the health of the baby (lifestyle factors you may need to change include your weight, physical activity, alcohol consumption, recreational drug use, and whether you smoke)
- advising about folate and iodine supplements before conception and during pregnancy for the health of your baby
- referral to a specialist if either partner has a pre-existing medical condition that might affect the chances of pregnancy, or pregnancy health
- a review of any prescription medicines either partner may be taking
- referral for genetic counselling if needed
- information about health services and choices of pregnancy care.
Your Fertility has some useful fact sheets about how to best prepare for pregnancy. On the Your Fertility website you can complete the Healthy Conception Tool for personalised information about what you can do to improve your pre-conception health.
Timing and conception
To conceive, you need to have sex in the five days before you ovulate, or on the day you ovulate. This is called the ‘fertile window’. When the fertile window occurs depends on the length of your menstrual cycle.
Most women know when ovulation is approaching because they notice changes in their normal vaginal discharge, which becomes clear and slippery. Learn more about the fertile window and work out when yours occurs.
Age, fertility and conception
The most important factor for the chance of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby is the woman’s age. Fertility starts to slowly decline around age 32. By age 35, the fertility decline speeds up and by age 40, fertility has fallen by half.
The effect of men’s age on fertility is less dramatic but is an important factor too. Men aged 45 and older are less fertile, and some health conditions are more common in children with older fathers.
Find out more about the effects of age on fertility and pregnancy health.
Weight, fertility and conception
Being overweight or underweight can cause hormonal changes that interfere with ovulation and reduce fertility. On average, women who are obese take longer to conceive than women in the healthy weight range and are more likely to experience infertility.
In men, obesity can lower fertility. This is likely due to a combination of factors including hormone problems, problems with erection or other health conditions linked to obesity.
Find out more about the effect of weight on fertility and pregnancy health.
Diet, exercise and conception
There is no special diet that improves the odds of conception, but a healthy range of foods that includes lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats is recommended.
Vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) are essential for the body to function. Read more about the benefits of vitamins and minerals for fertility and pregnancy health, including folate, iodine, vitamin D, zinc and selenium supplements.
Regular exercise also improves fertility. Australian and international guidelines recommend you do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity – such as brisk walking, gardening or dancing – on most but preferably all days of the week. If possible, do some vigorous activity – such as running, fast cycling or fast swimming – every week as well.
For men and women who are overweight or obese, exercise can help to prevent further weight gain or achieve a modest weight loss that improves general health and fertility.
As part of weight management, international guidelines recommend that overweight or obese adults do 225-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week (this works out to about 35-45 minutes per day).
Tobacco, alcohol and drug use and conception
Tobacco, alcohol or recreational drug use reduces the chance of becoming pregnant. If you become pregnant and continue to smoke, drink alcohol or use recreational drugs, it can affect the health of your baby at birth and into adulthood.
Smoking and pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancy or exposure to second-hand smoke reduces fertility and increases the risk of pregnancy complications. To improve your own health and give your baby the best start in life, quit smoking before you try for a baby, and encourage your partner to do the same.
Quitting smoking can be very difficult, but there is help available. Read about the benefits of quitting and visit Quit for advice about how to kick the habit.
Alcohol and pregnancy
Alcohol can reduce both male and female fertility; even drinking lightly can reduce the likelihood of conception. In men, alcohol can impair fertility because it can cause impotence, reduce libido and affect sperm quality.
It is not clear what effect drinking small amounts of alcohol can have on unborn babies, but it is well known that high alcohol consumption can be harmful. The more alcohol consumed, the higher the risk to the unborn baby.
Binge drinking (more than six standard drinks on one occasion) can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, small birth weight, and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder ( FASD).
If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, not drinking alcohol is the safest option.
Drug use and pregnancy
Prescription medication and recreational drug use can potentially affect the health of the unborn baby. If you take prescription medication, speak to your pharmacist or doctor before trying for a baby.
Having trouble conceiving?
If you haven’t conceived within 12 months, there may be a fertility problem. About one in seven couples in Australia experiences infertility.
Fertility difficulties can be due to:
- female fertility problems (about 40 per cent)
- male fertility problems (about 40 per cent)
- both male and female fertility problems (about 10 per cent)
- unknown cause (about 10 per cent).
Female fertility problems include:
- problems with ovulation, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- blocked fallopian tubes
- endometriosis.
Male fertility problems include:
- poor sperm quality
- blockage of the spermatic cord, which is the tube that transports the sperm from the testis to the penis
- ejaculation disorders.
If you have trouble getting pregnant, talk with your GP who can refer you for tests to find out the cause of your problem. Find more information about causes of infertility and treatment options from the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority.
Where to get help
- Your GP (doctor)
- Jean Hailes for Women’s Health
- Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Healthy Male
- Your Fertility
- Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority Tel. (03) 8601 5250
- Direct Line – drug and alcohol counselling, information and referral service Tel.
1800 888 236
- Alcohol and Drug FoundationTel: 1300 85 85 84
- Women’s Alcohol and Drug Service, the Royal Women’s Hospital Tel. (03) 8345 3931
- Quitline Tel. 13 78 48
- Billings LIFE Tel. 1800 335 860
When is it truly ideal to bear a child?
Photo Courtesy of CanvaMost women believe and are told that having a baby in their mid-late 20s is preferable to having one in their 30s.
While this may not appear to be as serious as other health issues, it still affects a large number of people.
It is, especially, women who want to follow their biological window when it comes to having a child.
There is no one-size-fits-all age for having a baby, but there is a biologically ideal time to do so.
Childbearing and BiologyAs per a medically reviewed article by Meredith Wallis, fertility starts in the adolescent years.
It’s when a teenager enters puberty and steadily increases for several years.
The 20s are typically a time of high fertility for both males and females.
Photo: CanvaAccording to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, female fertility declines slightly in their early 30s.
It then declines significantly between the ages of 35 and 45.
Every month, a healthy 30-year-old female has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant. By the age of 40, the rate of change has dropped to less than 5%.
But while biological readiness is a crucial factor that most women value, it’s not always the deciding factor when it comes to having a child.
For many people, the time when they are most fertile may no longer be the best or most practical time to have a baby.
This is due to financial issues, career paths, and personal beliefs.
Parenting and Financial StabilityPhoto: moneyfit.orgThere’s a reason why this is such an important factor in raising children and yet this remains to be neglected.
People who place a high value on their biological readiness and are overly concerned about it often overlook their financial situation.
Being financially prepared to have a child can take quite some time. This may mean having a stable job, decent housing, or investing in real estate.
Some people do not believe in waiting until the right time to be financially secure, which is a poor decision.
Meanwhile, those who value it take much longer to secure financial independence that’ll allow them to support child care costs once they have a child.
Having a Child from a Psychological PerspectivePhoto: HealthlineThis is just as important to consider as the other factors mentioned above when deciding to have a baby.
There is no definite age at which a person is psychologically ready for a child; some people are ready in their early 20s, while this isn’t true to others.
New research by PubMed Central suggests that a person’s brain does not fully develop until they are 25 years old.
And all of the previously discussed factors come into play in one’s psychological preparedness.
Having a child is no small matter, and it comes with a slew of challenges that’ll put your emotional and mental health to the test.
It is crucially important that we begin paying more attention to our psychological health.
We should assess our mental wellbeing so that we do not pass on our traumas and toxic behavioral patterns to our children.
What happens if these factors aren’t carefully considered?Photos: Mom Junction & Project GraceFailure to consider these factors lead to underlying issues such as problems in health.
This could also lead to trauma, toxic family relationships, and even poverty in the long run.
Even if you are biologically ready in your 20s, you may not be mentally or financially capable of caring for a child, and this can happen.
“If there’s one thing about my parents’ way of raising me that I don’t like, it’s probably their decision to bring a life into this world while financially unprepared,” Joyce, a 22 yr-old college student, said in an interview.
“They could have given me a better life,” she continued, “things would have been different if we had a better financial situation.”
In terms of finances, this is just one example of poor parenting.
Others also spoke of their traumas as a result of their parents’ lack of intellectual and emotional readiness.
So, when is it truly ideal to have a child?The majority of people surveyed for this article said their ideal age for having a child is 28-30 years old.
“I want to have a child by the age of 30 so that I’ll still be able to play with my children and relate to them after ten years.
It is ideal for me because it’s neither too young nor too old to cause high-risk pregnancy complications.
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Also, at this age, I’ve already established a career and am in good financial shape.
More than anything, my goal is to raise them in a nurturing and loving environment.
I must be mentally and emotionally prepared for the role to do so.
I need to make sure all traumatic issues are resolved before I accept a lifelong and life-changing commitment.”
-Blessy Mesa, 22, med student.
“I want to settle down at the age of 30, so I’d have my first child within a year of getting married.
In 5 to 8 years’ time, I’d have things figured out and a steady job to support my future family.
I believe I’d be more prepared for that kind of responsibility.“
-Ariane Almeniana, 22, financial management student.
“It is best to have a child when you are 28 years old or older.
To me, parents at that age are better prepared mentally and financially to sustain a family.
They are neither too young nor too old to plan for the future of their children.”
-Renilda Enteria, 76, became a mom at 20
So there really isn’t a specific age when having a child is ideal.
It’s also possible that you won’t feel completely prepared all at once.
It is entirely up to each person to determine what age is best suited for them.
When it comes to raising a child, the wisest choice you can do is to weigh all of the benefits and drawbacks and figure out what will work best for you, your values, and your future goals.
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How to Conceive and Give birth to a healthy child?
The age-old question of fathers and children will forever remain unresolved. But, despite all the misunderstandings between the older and younger generations, children want to see their parents happy and healthy, and moms and dads dream that their daughters and sons will never get sick. The health of the future generation, in addition to environmental factors, is strongly influenced by how the mother's pregnancy proceeded, how the parents felt, their chronic and hereditary diseases, the gene pool that adults pass on to their babies. Fortunately, many congenital diseases can be diagnosed at a very early stage and the child in this case will appear strong and healthy. Pregnancy and, what is important, preparation for it is a very crucial moment. nine0003
A lot of negative factors fall on the body of a modern person: from stress to bad ecology. That is why family and children planning is better not to let it take its course. The human body is a smart system and looking for opportunities to survive even in the most difficult situations - nature arranged it that way, but no one can say for sure how these consequences will affect our children. We are often carriers of "hidden threats" and, in order not to transfer our diseases to the fragile children's shoulders, future parents should thoroughly prepare for the birth of their "cub". nine0003
Examination before pregnancy
Elimination of all kinds of deviations in the health of future parents and undesirable factors in the environment can increase the possibility of having a healthy child.
Examination before conception increases the confidence of parents, this is a manifestation of concern for the future person. Naturally, the main attention is paid to the mother, but the father should not stand aside either, because the health of both parents affects the baby. nine0003
Infections affecting the fetus
There are many hidden infections that both father and mother can carry. Future parents may look healthy, but an infection "dormant" in the body of one person inevitably affects the development of the fetus. Intrauterine infections are a common cause of the development of abnormalities and even death of the child.
Microorganisms in fetal tissues do not always lead to the development of a disorder - their presence only increases the risk of developing abnormalities. This makes it possible to have a healthy baby even if the woman suffered any infectious disease during pregnancy. nine0003
The main routes of transmission from mother to child are through the placenta or through the infected genital tract of a pregnant woman.
The rubella virus is considered the most dangerous. In most cases, it is transmitted to the fetus, which is the cause of many disorders. Deafness, heart disease and cataracts - in this combination, rubella affects the newborn. Sometimes there are violations of the blood, physical development. nine0003
The transmission of the virus is carried out by airborne droplets, the source is most often sick children. Rubella can lead to stillbirth and miscarriage. The most dangerous period for infection is up to 5 weeks, it is at this time that the risk of developing congenital malformations is highest.
You can not worry about the health of the future person if the mother suffered this disease in childhood or was vaccinated against it. Otherwise, it is necessary to take a blood test for antibodies to rubella as soon as possible. With a planned pregnancy, it is worth getting vaccinated and taking tests a few months in advance. nine0003
Herpes is the least dangerous for the fetus. But, in the case when genital herpes worsens in a woman after 32 weeks of pregnancy, the risk increases significantly.
To prevent the baby from becoming infected at birth, most often in such a situation, a caesarean section is prescribed. For peace of mind, the expectant mother can do a test to detect this virus.
In this case, it is no longer the virus that is dangerous, but its consequences that affect the kidneys and the cardiovascular and immune systems. The threat of miscarriage and premature birth - that's what the flu can threaten. In the early stages of fetal development (up to about 12), the virus has the most serious consequences, since during this period the most important organs of the little man are laid and develop. To prevent this disease, mothers need to increase their immunity and avoid the possibility of infection. nine0003
Immunity from this disease after its transfer remains for life. But, in the case when a woman has not experienced toxoplasmosis, the risk associated with this bacterial infection is the most dangerous for the expectant mother and her child. You can become infected through simple contact with a cat, or by eating an infected piece of meat.
With the duration of pregnancy, the risk of toxoplasmosis increases. If a woman became infected in the first trimester, then this most likely will not lead to complications for the fetus. During the second trimester, the risk increases to 20%, in the third, the probability of the disease is 50-60%. nine0003
Other infections
Infectious diseases such as mycoplasmosis, thrush, gardenellosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, listeriosis can also adversely affect the health of the mother and child. But a timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help get rid of these diseases, leaving no memories of them.
Prevention of abnormalities in a child
In the event that a married couple already had deviations from a previous pregnancy, miscarriages, premature birth of a baby, the birth of sick children, then they need a thorough examination, medical advice and testing before conception. nine0003
Even if a woman is absolutely healthy, she must undergo research and visit doctors in order to determine the existing deviations and the possibility of their occurrence.
The expectant mother should also visit a dentist, therapist, otolaryngologist. At the onset of 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, a mandatory ultrasound is prescribed to exclude pronounced violations in the development of the unborn child.
If there is a suspicion of chromosomal abnormalities, especially for women over 35 years old, then a chorionic biopsy (genetic analysis) can be performed. This study in a short time makes it possible to exclude, with a high degree of probability, serious diseases and disorders in the development of a future person. nine0075 After 20-24 weeks, ultrasound can be used to monitor the intrauterine development of the child. At this time, the study shows all the organs, without difficulty, you can monitor the condition of the placenta, blood flow inside the vessels of the uterus and other important indicators.
Pregnancy lifestyle
It is necessary, of course, to lead a healthy lifestyle all your life, but if some factors periodically interfere with this, then before pregnancy and even more so during it, they must be excluded. So, for future parents, both for mom and dad, the desire for the right lifestyle should begin as early as three months before conception! nine0003
It is very important to exclude the consumption of alcohol and, if not completely refuse, then minimize the number of cigarettes consumed as much as possible. Do not overheat and do not overcool, try to avoid seasonal diseases. An important factor will be to increase immunity and avoid stressful situations. In general, for this period, doctors advise to lead a more measured lifestyle: get enough sleep, fully eat right, be more happy.
You should increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, try to eat more fish and meat, cottage cheese and a variety of dairy products. Vitamins and trace elements in them will help in the proper development of the fetus. A big plus of proper nutrition is that in this case you do not have to take additional vitamins, unless, of course, a doctor prescribes them. nine0003
Flour and sweet foods should be limited. Extra pounds will interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Salty foods, carbonated drinks, coffee and tea should also be limited. Why do you need an extra load on the body.
Don't sit still! Moderate physical activity, special exercises will only benefit you and your baby. Yoga for expectant mothers has been very popular lately, it will not only help prepare for childbirth and make it easier, but also bring a lot of positive emotions and relieve stress. A visit to the indoor pool will help strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis, and lead the spine into a hole. But it is better to limit visits to open water bodies, the water in them can be infected with serious bacteria and viruses. nine0003
Compliance with the daily routine, rest and physical activity, healthy nutrition and positive emotions, timely visits to the doctor - all this together will help you bear and give birth to a healthy baby!
How to carry and give birth to a healthy child
Dear parents, I would like to start my publication with these wonderful lines that carry a very deep meaning.
"When a man does not know which harbor he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable to him" (Seneca). nine0003
Have you ever thought about what your child's health depends on and what you have done to shape it.
Already from the moment you plan your pregnancy, you begin to lay brick by brick the foundation called "HEALTH" for your unborn child.
Every woman planning a pregnancy should be examined by a gynecologist, as well as other narrow specialists (depending on the diseases she has). Important at the stage of pregnancy planning is the refusal of a woman, and preferably both future parents, from bad habits. Many women who smoke do not even think about what their love for a cigarette can lead to. Smoking a woman before pregnancy, and subsequently during pregnancy, increases the risk of having a premature baby, the presence of congenital malformations, or even intrauterine death of the fetus. Such children often suffer from bronchial asthma in the future. nine0003
I would like to say a few words about drug use at the planning stage and during pregnancy. Using drugs and having a healthy baby is next to impossible. Not many people know that drug use affects the activity of sex hormones and pregnancy may not occur at all. If pregnancy occurs, then the child may be born with signs of drug addiction, congenital malformations, low body weight, and in the worst case, may die in utero. These children are characterized by the presence of severe mental and neurological diseases, up to disability. nine0003
The second more important stage for you begins from the moment of fertilization, when a new life begins to develop in your body.
Arriving in this wonderful state of mind and body, you should not forget that right now the "HEALTH" of your child depends on you to a greater extent.
Be sure to eat well, walk in the fresh air. Avoid unreasonable use of medications, occupational hazards (especially in the first trimester of pregnancy). nine0003
Remember, even an uncomplicated pregnancy requires the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. To do this, it is necessary to register for pregnancy no later than the 12th week of pregnancy.
From this moment begins the joint work of the doctor and the expectant mother on the formation of the health of the baby.
Throughout the pregnancy, a woman should be regularly observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, control general tests, undergo an ultrasound of the fetus in a timely manner. A special examination for the presence of infections should also not be ignored, so as not to expose the fetus to the risk of intrauterine infection. Many infections are successfully treated if detected early. nine0003
Such well-coordinated work of an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pregnant woman makes it possible to prevent the development of various pathologies in the fetus and preserve the woman's health.
Unfortunately, quite often one hears that a pregnant woman was not registered for pregnancy, was not observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, did not take tests, did not do an ultrasound of the fetus and was not at all aware of her interesting situation until the very birth.
But an even more irresponsible act on the part of a pregnant woman is the decision to conduct childbirth at home. nine0003
- Why in the digital age does a woman refuse to provide her with qualified medical care? - it's hard to say...
Perhaps the internet is to blame?
Now you can find a large number of forums where mothers enthusiastically share their experience, talk about the benefits of home birth in colors, describe everything: up to the step-by-step birth control. And it would seem: “Why a medical education?”, If you can give birth to a healthy child so easily with the help of GOOGLE!!! nine0003
Recently, however, there have been frequent reports in the media about home births that resulted in the death of a child and even a woman in labor.
One such incident happened a few years ago.
A 29-year-old woman was admitted to the intensive care unit of one of the central district hospitals in the Minsk region. During the examination of the patient, doctors found traces of recent childbirth. Within hours, the woman dies. As it turned out, the woman was taken to the hospital forcibly. And at the place of residence in the bathroom were found two newborn girls with no signs of life. As it turned out, the woman was not registered for pregnancy, she was not examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist. nine0003
An equally horrific case of home birth occurred in Vitebsk in February 2017. As it turned out, our former compatriot from St. Petersburg in November 2016 turned to the antenatal clinic of the Vitebsk Regional Maternity Hospital and said that she was going to give birth in Vitebsk at home, as well as her first child. Doctors warned about the possible risks and consequences of childbirth at home, but the woman did not take this into account. In February 2017, an ambulance team delivered a newborn girl in serious condition to the Vitebsk City Clinical Emergency Hospital, who soon died. During the investigation, it was found that the death of the child was due to the aspiration of amniotic fluid during childbirth at home. nine0003
-Is it worth paying such a high price? - It's up to you, of course.