How old should a child be to wear deodorant
Using Deodorant for Kids and Teens (for Parents)
For most kids, body odor is part of growing up. Kids start to have body odor around the time puberty starts and hormones change. Usually, this happens when females are 8–13 years old, and males are 9–14. But it can also be normal to start puberty earlier or later.
Bathing every day, especially after a lot of sweating or in hot weather, can help with body odor. So can wearing clean clothes, underwear, and socks each day. But many parents also wonder if it’s time for kids to start using deodorant.
What Are the Types of Deodorant?
Two types of products can help with body odor:
- Deodorants cover up the smell of body odor, usually with fragrances.
- Antiperspirants stop or dry up perspiration or sweat. They do this by temporarily blocking the pores where sweat comes from.
Deodorants, antiperspirants, and combination products come in sticks, roll-ons, gels, sprays, and creams and are sold at any many stores.
When Should Kids Start Using Deodorant?
There's no set age at which kids can start using deodorants or antiperspirants. When they do start, they should read and follow the directions. Younger kids should use a stick, roll-on, or cream product rather than a spray (aerosol) option until they’re old enough to use those safely without spraying them in their face or inhaling them.
What Kind of Deodorant Is Best for Kids?
Early on, kids may get benefit from deodorant. Later in puberty, sweating increases so it might help to switch to a product that handles both odor and perspiration.
Deodorants and antiperspirants are safe for kids. Some have packaging or scents designed to appeal to young users, but the main ingredients are the same. Some are labeled “natural,” but they aren’t better for health than regular options. Use whatever you and your child are comfortable with.
To help your child or teen with body odor, choose a product that feels comfortable and works well. Watch for a rash to make sure it doesn’t irritate your child’s skin. If a rash develops, try a different product. Your child might prefer the scent of one product over another, or even an unscented one. It might take a few tries before you find the right one.
Using Deodorant Correctly
For an antiperspirant or deodorant to do its job, it must be used correctly. Some antiperspirants work better if they're used at night, while others recommend application in the morning. They generally are for use under the arms, but some antiperspirants are OK to use on the hands or feet if those areas are especially sweaty. Read the label so you know how to use it.
When Should I Call the Doctor?
Some kids develop body odor before the usual age of puberty. Talk to the doctor if your child has body odor and is younger than 7 or 8 years (for a girl) or 9 years (for a boy). The doctor can check for signs of puberty starting early, which sometimes needs treatment with medicine. If there are no signs of early puberty, body odor isn’t usually a health problem. But your doctor can reassure your child if they feel self-conscious or worried about sweating or body odor.
Reviewed by: Melanie L. Pitone, MD
Date reviewed: June 2022
Deodorant for Kids: The Safe Options
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Is it time for your child to start wearing deodorant?
You may want to keep your child a baby forever, but kids grow up fast. In the blink of an eye, they’re starting kindergarten, learning how to ride a bike, and before you know it, they’re going through puberty. Kids start puberty at different ages, with many girls beginning between the ages of 9 and 13 and many boys between 10 and 15, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Puberty causes undeniable physical changes in your child. Children grow taller, girls develop breasts, and a young man’s voice may deepen. Puberty is also when children start growing body hair. As underarm hair develops, you may notice a distinct odor coming from your child. Just about every parent expects their child to start wearing deodorant by their teenage years. But some children develop body odor at a much younger age. It’s not uncommon for a parent or child to start thinking about deodorant as early as 8, 9, or 10 years old. You may feel your child is too young for deodorant. But the truth is, there’s no specific age for a child to start wearing deodorant. Each parent and child have to make a decision together based on what they feel is best.
Deodorant vs. antiperspirant
If you and your child decide that now’s the time to address their body odor, you can choose either an antiperspirant or a deodorant. Some people use these terms interchangeably, or feel that antiperspirants and deodorants are the same thing. But there are clear differences between the two. An antiperspirant is a product that stops perspiration, and a deodorant is a product that eliminates odor caused by sweat. Some products function as both an antiperspirant and deodorant, but this isn’t always the case. Since sweat is usually the underlying cause of body odor, you may look for products that only control perspiration. Although an antiperspirant can be effective, some people are concerned about potentially harmful side effects of these products.
Side effects of antiperspirants
If you check the label of antiperspirants in your bathroom or on a retail shelf, you’ll find brands containing the ingredients aluminum chloride or aluminum zirconium. These ingredients work like a plug by constricting and stopping up sweat glands. If applied daily, your child may stop sweating completely or only sweat a small amount. Adult antiperspirants can be used by children and teens. This includes brands like Certain Dri, Old Spice, Secret, and several other products on the market. While aluminum-based antiperspirants are effective against sweat, it’s been suggested that aluminum and other ingredients founds in antiperspirants (parabens and propylene glycol) might be linked to an increased risk of some medical problems. However, studies haven’t shown that applying these substances to the skin causes an increased risk of any disease. If you’re concerned about these ingredients, you can skip the antiperspirant and choose a gentle deodorant for your child or teen.
Safe, gentle deodorants for kids
If you need a product to mask your child’s body odor, and you prefer a product that doesn’t contain aluminum, parabens, or other similar ingredients, there are many natural deodorants for kids. Here are some options:
- Primal Pit Paste
- Tom’s of Maine
- Junior Varsity Natural
- Truly’s
- Crystal Spring Salt of the Earth
- Fresh Kidz
Since deodorants don’t contain ingredients that stop perspiration, these products only control your child’s body odor, not sweating. The good news is that young children don’t usually sweat a lot. Understand that children respond differently to natural products. If a natural deodorant doesn’t immediately produce the desired results, give it a few days and allow your child’s body to adjust to the deodorant. If this doesn’t work, your child may respond to a different type of natural deodorant. Natural deodorants are safe, but your children may be allergic to one or more of the ingredients. In fact, your child could just as easily be sensitive to an ingredient in a deodorant as to one in an antiperspirant. Before your children apply either of these to their underarms, you might want to test the product on a small section of their body, maybe on the back of their hand. Look for any signs of an allergic reaction like redness, bumps, or itchiness. If a reaction doesn’t occur, it’s likely safe for your children to apply a larger amount under their arms.
Do-it-yourself deodorant
If you don’t want to expose your child to the ingredients in purchased antiperspirants or deodorants, you can also make your own deodorant at home using a variety of ingredients like coconut oil, baking soda, and essential oils. There are a variety of simple recipes online. A basic concoction might include mixing:
- 1/4 cup of baking soda
- 1/4 cup of arrowroot powder
- 4 tbsp.
of coconut oil
- 1/4 tsp. of an essential oil like tea tree or lavender
Combine all ingredients, and then melt and pour into a used deodorant tube or another container. Since essential oils and other natural products are largely unregulated, it’s difficult to evaluate the safety or efficacy of any individual product. Though no links have been established between essential oils and hormonal balance, research is ongoing. In this recipe, any scented oil could be used instead of the tea tree oil or lavender, as the only role of this is to cover up body odor and smell better than sweat. Since homemade and natural deodorants are mild, these products may not be as effective as other types of deodorants. To control body odor all day, your children may need to reapply deodorant after physical activity or on hot days. Your children can also take additional steps to control body odor. These include bathing at least once a day, showering after activities, and changing their clothes, socks, and underwear every day.
Body odor is common in children and teenagers, especially when they’re going through puberty. There’s no cause for alarm. Speak with your doctor to get to the bottom of body odor issues if your child’s odor doesn’t improve or worsens despite using an antiperspirant, a deodorant, and improving hygiene habits. Sometimes, children can have conditions that cause excess perspiration. In rare cases, your doctor may suggest running tests to confirm whether body odor is due to growing up, or other problems like an infection, diabetes, or an overactive thyroid.
At what age can you use deodorant
The smell of sweat is a tricky thing. He can attack at any moment: yesterday you spent hours skating with your friends without any consequences, and today the T-shirt smells worse than the school locker room after the competition. But don't panic - AX will teach you how to easily deal with unpleasant odors. But first, let's figure out at what age you can use deodorant and how to choose it correctly. nine0003
Congratulations - you've joined the tough guys club. Over the next few years, your body will undergo many changes. The smell of sweat is the first signal that you are becoming an adult. With that comes more responsibility: make it a habit to take a shower every day, change your T-shirt more often, and wear detox regularly. These simple but mandatory hygiene procedures determine how you will smell during the day. Agree, the aroma of deodorant is much more pleasant than the pungent smell of sweat. In addition, it can become a personal "chip" - an element around which your style is built. nine0003
For each of the boys, the process of growing up starts individually, so there is no unequivocal answer to the question of how old one can use deodorant. Someone can manage up to 14 years with one shower. In other guys, the sweat glands turn on as early as 9 years old. Both of these are quite normal.
Where does smell come from
In fact, we sweat almost from birth. Already at 3-4 weeks of life, the eccrine sweat glands are included in the work. They are scattered over the entire surface of the body and help the body not to overheat. After playing sports, under a warm winter jacket or during illness, the T-shirt gets wet quickly. Such sweat consists of water with a slight admixture of salts and has neither color nor smell - it is obviously too early to think about deodorant. nine0003
The smell of sweat is associated with the work of the apocrine sweat glands. They are located under the armpits, on the head and in the groin and wake up with the onset of puberty. The sweat they produce is more viscous in texture, because it includes fats, proteins and other waste products of cells. By itself, sweat is practically odorless. But it serves as a bait for all kinds of bacteria - the more of them, the stronger the smell. Health conditions, hormone activity and nutrition also affect personal body odor.
How to choose a deodorant
Antiperspirant products are very different in composition, purpose and method of application. First of all, it is worth deciding what enemy we are fighting:
- If the main problem is the smell, a regular deodorant will do. It contains antibacterial components that eliminate the cause of unpleasant amber.
It's up to you to decide how to smell: pear and cedar with AX BLACK deodorant spray, tart chocolate with AX DARK TEMPTATION aerosol, fresh grapefruit with notes of cardamom with AX EPIC FRESH. Or maybe you will like AX EXCITE, characterized by an unusual woody aroma with a refined caramel-marshmallow sweetness and vanilla-coconut trail, or brutal AX LEATHER AND COOKIES with an unexpected combination of aromas. How long you can use deodorant, in this case it’s not very important - sprays gently fall on maturing skin and practically do not cause irritation; nine0027 - AX BLACK and AX AFRICA stick-and-stick antiperspirants will help you deal with profuse sweating. Their active substances penetrate into the sweat glands - narrow their channels and reduce the very production of sweat.
It is better to postpone their use until an urgent need - this will help the glands to tune in to work properly;
- There is also a combo option. Deodorants-antiperspirants will allow you to forget about wet marks on a T-shirt, and at the same time neutralize all possible bacteria. nine0027
Otherwise, the choice of antiperspirants depends on personal preference. To understand all the subtleties, we advise you to test aerosols and sticks at least once - this is the only way to determine what suits you specifically.
Even the most effective deodorant does not cancel the trip to the shower in the morning and after training. The product should be applied only to clean skin, giving it time to dry after water procedures. This will allow it to be evenly distributed under the armpits, and it is guaranteed that there will be no white streaks on the T-shirt. If sweat stains appear on clothes, mercilessly send them to the wash - odorous bacteria feel great on the fabric. nine0003
So, we found out that there is no specific age when the sweat glands begin to work actively: it happens at different times for everyone. So always be ready! As soon as you smell sweat after active training, then - here it is, the very moment when you moved to a new stage in your development and maturation. It's so cool, no need to be afraid and shy! Regular showers and the right deodorant are the secret to the success of tough guys!
Of course, you are already cool. But there are always a couple of cool style or relationship hacks that have passed you by. Ready to get to know them? Then rather fly into our test.
At what age can a girl or a boy use deodorant?
- Important information for parents
- About girls
- Boys
- Natural and safe deodorants
- Crystal 9 products0027
If you decide to purchase deodorant for your child, it is very important to understand the basic information about the product.
Most important:
- to know at what age you can use deodorant;
- to choose exactly the one that would fit in terms of composition.
There are very few special deodorants for children, you can find, for example, "Princess" or "Spider-Man". They are intended for the younger age group and are not always liked by children who are already starting to grow up. nine0003
Parents have no choice but to choose from what is currently on the market. And to pick up something worthwhile, you need to have considerable knowledge in the field of chemistry.
Information to think about before choosing a deodorant for your child
It's safe to say that the safety of your children is the most important thing for parents.
Asking the question “At what age can you use deodorant?” think also about what specific effect you want to get:
- if the problem is only odor, a regular deodorant will suffice. The substances included in its composition significantly inhibit its appearance;
- when it comes to excessive sweating, it is better to use an antiperspirant.
The components contained in it, in particular aluminum compounds, block the secretion of sweat glands. For a teenager who, due to the onset of maturation, has problems with excessive sweating, this remedy will be ideal
Do not rely on opinions regarding the safety of these products. There is information about the dangers of aluminum and all sorts of references to the fact that it causes malignant neoplasms. In fact, there is no scientific evidence for this.
Antiperspirants, of course, block the sweat glands, but only temporarily. Their action weakens during the day. And during the adoption of water procedures, the remnants of aluminum salts are completely washed off the skin.
When purchasing deodorant products, read the label carefully. If you doubt the correctness of the choice, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. nine0003
At what age can a girl use deodorant? One of the first signals, most likely, will be the appearance of a pungent odor of sweat.

The child himself may not notice this at first, so it is very important for parents to pay attention to such changes in time and prevent the development of complexes in the future:
- delicately and tactfully insist on daily water procedures; nine0027
- to offer a safe deodorant, because only one shower will not always be enough.
Speaking of children's deodorants. The widely advertised Princess Roll-on deodorant for children can be used from the age of 3 years.
Its composition is as follows: water, propylene glycol, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, glycerine, hydroxyethyl cellulose, fragrance, panthenol, formalin, tetrasodium EDTA, citric acid.
Having become familiar with such components, it would be interesting to ask the manufacturer the question: “Do their children also use such products?” nine0003
T.o. we can conclude that deodorants can be used from the moment when the need arises, but the cosmetic product should be as safe as possible.
At what age can a boy use deodorant? At this time, parents begin to notice that their sons sweat more and at the same time "do not smell like a child at all."
This must be fought in several directions:
- carry out regular water procedures;
- pay attention to clothes - they should be as natural as possible, i.e. cotton, linen or wool;
- start using deodorants. This will teach your son about hygiene, help him feel comfortable and confident among his peers.
Children's deodorant "Spider-Man" is on sale. It is bought by many even for kindergarteners. But its composition can hardly be called "childish": water, propylene glycol, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, glycerin, hydroxyethylcellulose, panthenol, fragrance, methylparaben, propylparaben, bronopol, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. nine0003
If the boy began to smell bad sweat, it's time to buy deodorant. Approach its purchase carefully and choose a soft, safe product.
Overview of deodorants positioned as natural and safe
We have already found out at what age you can use deodorant. Now it remains to understand what is better to buy.
There are products available on the market that are produced on a natural basis and do not contain harmful chemical additives. They are gentle on the skin, so they fit perfectly. nine0003
It is among these brands of cosmetics that you can find deodorants that are produced on the basis of organic components and are completely safe for health:
- Aloe Ever-Shield (USA) - an aloe-based product that provides freshness without chemicals. The delicate smell is universal, suitable for representatives of both male and female.
Deodorant is a solid stick.
Ingredients: purified water, propylene glycol, sodium stearate, stabilized Aloe Vera gel, fragrance, triclosan; nine0003
- Ziaja Green olive leaves (Poland) - contains the essence of green olive leaves, bacteriostatic substances, as well as components that neutralize the smell of sweat.
Ingredients: water, polypropylene glycol-26-butet-26, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, propylene glycol, chlorhexidine digluconate, glycerin, panthenol, allantoin, butylene glycol, larreya divaricate extract, lecithin, citronellol methyl crotonate, olive leaf extract, hydroxyethyl cellulose, glyceryl caprylate, chlorphenazine, fragrance, limonene, hexyl cinnamal, benzyl salicylate, butylphenyl methylpropional, citronellol, alpha-isomethyl ionol, linaool, geraniol, citral, citric acid. nine0003
- Alterra Deo-Balsam Sensitive (Germany) - deodorant balm for sensitive skin without alcohol. Contains Atlantic Sea Salt, Cotton Extract & Jojoba Oil. Its mild formula provides complete skin care.
Ingredients: Water, Aloe Vera Bio Gel, Dead Sea Salt, Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Triethyl Citrate, Sodium Lactate, Zinc PPA, Xanthan Gum, Bio Jojoba Oil, Cellulose, Grass Cotton Seed Extract, Silicon Dioxide, Cetyl Phosphate potassium; nine0003
- Neobio (Germany) - a whole series of eco-deodorants.
The natural formula provides a long-lasting feeling of freshness. Available in roll-on bottles and as a spray:
- with bamboo, olive and sage.
- with blackcurrant - the aromatic composition is a mixture of currants and grapes. The deodorant provides freshness for the whole day. Raspberry extract moisturizes well, and active plant ingredients gently care for even the most delicate skin. nine0027
Ingredients: hydroalcoholic base, triethyl citrate, lauryl lactate, glycerin, bamboo extract, olive fruit oil, extract of sage officinalis, sodium caproyl/lauroyl lactylate, polyglyceryl-10 laureth, citric acid;
Ingredients: hydroalcoholic base, fragrance, triethyl citrate, lauryl lactate, bisabolol, lecithin, hop cone extract, raspberry seed oil, safflower oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, limonene, linalool, geraniol, citral, farnesol;
- lemongrass-coconut;
- jasmine sandalwood;
- chili-orange;
- Amarena Vanilla.
At what age a child can use deodorant also depends on the specific brand. Ask on the dealer's official website for manufacturer's recommendations. nine0003
Crystal-based anti-odor products
Alum stone has antibacterial and astringent properties, which effectively prevents the peculiar smell of sweat.
The natural mineral is the basis of the so-called organic cosmetics.
According to experts, these products are the most suitable for children and adolescents:
- Deonat is a natural deodorant made from alum stone. You need to use it by following simple instructions. The range of products is very large: nine0024
- without additives - does not contain any additional components;
- with mulberry bark;
- with planktonic microorganisms;
- with mangosteen;
- with turmeric;
- with aloe juice;

- without additives: ammonium and potassium alum (Potassium Alum), salts, purified water;
- with vanilla extract; nine0027
- with chamomile and green tea extract;
- with lavender and white tea extract;
- unflavored: aqua, potassium alum, glycerin, hydroxyelhyl cellulose;
- aloe vera: aqua, glycerin, potassium alum, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, xanthan gum, citrus aroma, geraniol, linalool, limonene; nine0027
- northern birch: aqua, prunus amygdalus dulcis oil, butyrospermum parkii butter, oenothera biennis oil, glycerin, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, polyglyceryl-3 dicitrate/stearate, zea mays starch, lysolecithin, zinc ricinoleate, glyceryl caprylate, betula alba leaf extract, simmondsia chinensis seed oil, parfum, magnolie officinalis bark extract, citric acid, tocopherol, beta-sitosterol, squalene, citral, citronellol, linalool;
- lime: aqua, glycerin, potassium alum, xanthan gum, citrus limon peel oil, citrus aurantifolia oil, pogostemon cablin aroma, citral, limonene, linalool; nine0027
- eucalyptus: aqua, glycerin, potassium alum, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, xanthan gum, eucalyptus globulus aroma, limonene;
- rose: aqua, glycerin, potassium alum, xanthan gum, pelargonium graveolens flower oil, cymbopogon aroma, citral, geraniol, linalool, limonene.
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