How much space per child in a daycare
Location And Square-Footage » Hopping In!
Starting a daycare center can be complicated but with the right moves, your dream will be a resounding success. Take it from a daycare owner with a lot of experience under his belt (from business plans to earning extra revenue) – if I could do it, so can you. Let’s dive right in!
Know who’s in charge of daycare regulation
The very first thing to do now that you’re ready to get going (even before finding a location) is to figure out who’s in charge. Your licensing representatives at the town/city and state level are the ones who will help and guide your process in starting a daycare center and sign off on it.
You can also see everything you need to know about starting a daycare in our YouTube video:
Before you start anything on your journey you should find out who those people are and get in touch. Call your city or town government and your state government and find out which levels of licensing you need and verify any and all requirements with them.
Location is a big, (BIG) deal!
You should identify a local need for childcare in the community to know where your daycare is needed. You’re not always going to know everything, even after a lot of research, but there are steps you can take, from word-of-mouth to real estate analysis.
For example …
Let’s take a typical daycare center that might have a capacity 50 kids. If it’s in a neighborhood with only 2,000 kids, that still leaves room for a few daycare centers to run successfully (assuming you estimate about 20-30% of kids will use daycare in your neighborhood).
The truth is there’s a high demand for high-quality daycare centers in many places, from urban to rural.
In addition to ensuring zoning is compatible (which I cover in Part 3), check that the location you’re interested in doesn’t have other issues. For example, there may be restrictions prohibiting proximity to a liquor store, adult venues, or any toxic or specialized chemical businesses. Check with your licensing representative if there are any things your daycare center can’t be near and then check that there are none within the given radius that is prohibited.
Tips for choosing your new daycare center location
Pick somewhere close to a main street that’s easy to find. Make sure there’s parking – if required by licensing.You should also consult with licensing if their are requirements for creating a drop-off zone in front of your center.
Another perk of being near a main street isn’t just that it’s easier to get to – it’s also easier for new clients to notice you. If it comes to a split between a better deal or a better location, choose location. Starting a daycare center in a good location pays off, especially when it means less money spent on marketing.
But even if you’re unable to find a great location that will ensure a stream of parents and kids to your daycare, don’t worry. Look into other options for fully booking your daycare such as Hopping In, which allows you to display vacant spots so parents can book drop-in daycare when you need them most.
Let the light in
Another thing that you need to consider is natural light. Check with your daycare licensing representatives about the natural light requirement. If you’re sandwiched between buildings, ask about skylights.
Consider your options
Don’t just look at one location or building and make an offer. Consider a few, even some you’re only mildly interested in. Weigh options and consider important things like the price-per-square-foot and always have an architect who is familiar with daycare requirements review the space prior to signing a lease or a purchase.
Price-per-square-foot: the key to unlocking your daycare empire
When looking at leasing commercial real estate you’ll often be quoted a price per square foot by an agent. That’s all good and well for the agents, but what does that mean for you?
Here’s how it actually works:
Let’s say you get a price of $20 per square-foot. You multiply $20 by the size. So let’s say it’s 5,000 square-feet, that’s $100,000. Then you divide $100,000 by 12. That’s the starting point for the monthly rent.
In this case, your monthly rent starts at $8,333.33. Keep in mind, though, that there’s also a net or gross rate. Gross means the monthly rate in our example includes everything such as the property taxes, building insurance and common area maintenance. A net lease means that in addition to $20 per square-foot, you have to pay your share of the landlords property taxes, insurance and common area maintenance (also referred to as CAM) based on how much of the building you occupy.
For example: If there were 4 equally sized storefronts in the whole building and you leased one space, you would pay 25% of the property taxes, etc… in a net lease.
Granted, sometimes you may pay separately metered utilities or other items privately even under a gross lease, but net leases are still something you should watch out for. While you may think: great I’m at $8,333.33 rent per month, now let’s turn a profit, keep in mind that a net lease type may add an average of $3 per square-foot for taxes, $1 for insurance, $1 for common area maintenance and so on. Now you could be at $25 per square foot and your monthly rate just took a hike to $10,416.
Always be sure when the price is being quoted to ask what it includes!
Square-footage details: an extra twist you might not have thought of that could hurt your business model
Maybe you’re not in the construction business, but starting a daycare center will make you learn the basics.
Let’s do an example of the square-footage requirement: If you can have up to 20 kids in a room each requiring 35-square-feet, that’s 20 times 35. That means you need a classroom of 700-square-feet. Here, the preschool requirement is 35-square-feet per kid and max group size is 20 kids, so that’s why I’m using it as an example. So if you had a 1,000-square-foot storefront you would essentially only have room for one fully sized classroom.
Plus, there’s always going to be square footage you have to use for bathrooms, hallways, office space, and so on. The higher the classroom to overall space ratio the better. You want to use as much of your store front square-footage for classroom space as possible.
In my above example, if you’re planning on having two classrooms of 20 kids you’ll need 1,400-square-feet. If somebody says they’ll lease you a place that’s 1,400 square-feet that’s not going to be doable, because there’s always going to be bathrooms and at least 10-40% of non-classroom space such as hallways, kitchen, etc…
Generally speaking, the lower the age the more square-footage per child is required. Also, the maximum class size is generally smaller for younger children.
More square-footage surprises
Other things you might not have considered can eat up square-footage within the classroom include the space taken by sinks, water fountains, cot stacks and baby changing tables (which are often required, especially for younger kids). These can take off big time square-footage because they are not considered usable floor space in by some licensors. Check with your local authorities for any room items that may decrease square footage. It’s happened to me and it’s not a great experience, trust me!
The point is this: you need extra breathing room. I recommend at least 10% breathing room (extra space in each room).
Even the area where the classroom door swings into the room can take off usable square footage from a classroom. If the door swing is five-square-feet inside the classroom under our example requirements, you now can only have 19 kids if you didn’t allow for some extra breathing room.
Know your demographics, folks
A great place to look up demographic data is on real estate websites, places like Loopnet. These agencies provide super insightful demographic data, such as the number of kids in the area.
Commercial properties generally have the most in-depth info, but residential also can include stacks of useful data. Let’s say there’s 3,000 kids who are younger than 5 and only one daycare within a mile of that. That’s not a ton, and that means that the odds for demand are in your favor.
Additionally, don’t underestimate the worth of your “feel” for a neighborhood. Does it feel like it’s a growing, young community that’s safe, exciting, full of families? Trust your gut.
Consider your pay model when deciding location
Some providers want to accept only private pay, some are fine with accepting subsidies and some accept both.
If you want only private pay, usually a higher-income area is best as that is where you can be confident parents will be able to afford payments.
Middle income areas will usually be a mix of both private tuition and subsidy.
Lower-income areas will be more likely to attract parents to your daycare center who take part in a state subsidy program for childcare.
At the end of the day, the choice is yours so trust your gut again. The important thing is being invested in the business, the community and the relationships you’ll build with parents.
For everything else, consult other options that let you fill your daycare center, offer drop-in care and turn absences into new bookings.
To buy or not to buy…
Deciding whether to buy or lease is up to you. For the purposes of my examples I like to refer to leasing. If you’re buying it obviously can increase the upfront cost but save you a lot on rent.
Let’s say you’re buying a $100,000 building. You’re planning on putting down $20,000. You still have to pay things the renter would have to pay like common area maintenance (landscaping, snow removal, upkeep of any shared bathrooms, lobby areas, elevators, etc.), building insurance, taxes and so on. You’re also paying the mortgage in addition to that flat fee you had to put down.
That’s a lot of commitment to sign up for so it may be best to wait until you have a great feel for the property, and lease until then. You can also look into an option to buy in your lease.
Pay close attention to licensing standards
Always remember to consult your state regulations when starting a daycare center. Here, for example, are my state’s licensing standards for daycares.
These regulations cover just about every detail you’ll need to know for your state licensure. When municipal (city) daycare licensing standards in your town or city are even stricter or more limiting than state standards you should always stick to the side of caution and follow the stricter rules!
There’s more ahead…
Now that we’ve dipped our foot into the water there’s lots more ahead. Read on to Part 2 where I will get into some of the next steps when starting a daycare center, such as finding funding… Next >>
Free daycare income and expense planning tool!
Here’s a free financial budget and startup expense Google Sheet for your daycare to help you plan for income, expenses and profits! TO EDIT
: You must select File > Make a copy so you can customize this for your daycare center.
How to start a daycare center table of contents
1: Location and Square-Footage
2: Finding Funding and Calculating Expenses
3: Learn Your Way Around Red Tape and Zoning
4: All About Daycare Center Construction
5: Classroom Signage and Daycare Center Setup Basics
6: Passing Daycare Center Inspection
7: Daycare Center Paperwork for Employees and Kids
8: Ready to Rock!
Texas Child Care Licensing Rules
Licensing Rules For Starting A Daycare In Texas
In the state of Texas, there are specific requirements that one has to meet before starting a daycare center. There are several factors to be considered if you are going to set up a daycare center in Texas, and they have been addressed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Licensing Division. This ranges from administration, record keeping, personnel, child ratio, group sizes, to additional factors.
Whether your plan is to set up a Child Care Center or In-Home Family Care in the state of Texas, you meet the minimum requirements. If those requirements are not met, the center will not be licensed, and therefore, you will not be approved to operate.
Child Care Center
Child Care centers are categorized into Center-Based Care and Center-Based Infant Care. The difference between the two is just the age range of the children in each center. The Center-Based Infant Care is for children one year to 5 years, while the Center-Based Care is for children up to 13 years. One must get a permit before operating any Child Care Center because the state of Texas ensures the protection of children. There are a few steps that you will need to follow when getting a permit. The steps are listed below:
- You need to attend a licensed center pre-application class. To get a date convenient for you, kindly contact any local child care licensing office within your locality.
- Acquaint yourself with all the necessary materials and resources that are given to you. During the pre-application class, you will be given an information packet, which includes additional forms for the completion of your application process. Usually, the content of the information packet may vary from one locality to the other, and you will be required to provide your contact information for the Child Care Licensing Staff in your location.
- After completing the application, you will send it with all the required documentation to the Child Care Licensing office near you. You will also pay a non-refundable fee of $35 to the address stated on the Licensed Child Care Fee Schedule.
- Once your application is submitted and payment made, you are expected to create a child care licensing account.
This is done by completing an online registration, where you will provide all your details. An account will be created for you after Child Care Licensing accepts your application. After which you will be given an operation number.
After going through the procedures mentioned above, the center can be set up with the required facilities, which will be inspected to ensure that they are up to standard.
In-Home Family Care
To establish an In-Home Family Care, there are certain requirements that one’s home must meet for the safety and protection of children. These requirements are mainly meant for licensed or registered family homes but not for listed homes.
- Indoor Space: The indoor space of a licensed or certified child care home must have a minimum of 30 square feet of indoor useable activity space per child. The indoor useable activity space will determine the number of children that can be cared for in the home. It is important that one understands the term “indoor useable activity space.
Indoor useable space is described as the space allocated to a child in the care home for the various activities the child is expected to participate in, such as rest/nap, interest centers, meal/snack time, individual activities, use of cribs, etc.
- Outdoor Space: The outdoor space of a licensed or registered child care home should be at least 80 square feet per child. According to the National Association for the education of Young Children, children require adequate outdoor space to play so that their gross motor skills are well developed, as well as them getting sufficient air and sunshine. In addition to sufficient outdoor space, there must be a fence that covers the space area for the safety of the children. The fence must have a height of at least four feet, except if the children are five years and above. Another necessary precaution is the number of exits required; a minimum of two exits are needed for the children. The gates must always be locked; however, the caregivers must always be on alert to open them whenever there is an emergency.
- Fire Inspection: Although fire inspections are not regulated by the licensing department and are not required, the local ordinances might require them as part of the minimum standards. Therefore, written approval is required from either the state or local fire marshal to be approved to take care of children.
- Toilets: An In-home family care must have a minimum of one bathroom and sink for the use of the children. These must be located within the home, with proper supervision by the caregivers. The children must have independent and safe access to the toilet and sink (for handwashing).The availability of running water soap is one thing that can never be overemphasized because the children will need it to wash their hands after using the toilet. Towels are also required, and they could either be single-use disposable or individual towels with the child’s name labeled on it.
Texas Child Care Regulations for Providers
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Licensing Division ensures that the licensed child care programs are: Child Care Centers, which can care for up to 7 or more children and Licensed Child Care Homes that care for 7 to 12 children. The minimum standards must be met for any Child Care Center or Child Care Home to be licensed to operate. They are inspected before they begin operation, and the results made public.
The Child Care Center or In-Home Family Care Center is expected to provide a copy of “A Parent’s Guide to Day Care” issued by the state to the parents of each child who bring their ward to the center or home. Also, the state of Texas believes in child discipline without harsh or cruel punishment methods. This is to promote self-discipline in the child, which is rooted in understanding. Every daycare center is expected to follow the stated guidelines to be licensed and allowed to operate in Texas.
More Resources
Regulation of Child Care Centers And Family Child Care Homes (PDF)
Texas Department Of Family And Protective Services (PDF)
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services-Becoming A Child Care Home Provider (PDF)
How many children are there on average in kindergarten?
Shortage of places in kindergartens today is one of the most acute problems in Russia. However, the Russian government has already taken some steps to cover the deficit. We are talking about changes in SanPiN (sanitary norms and rules for preschool institutions), according to which groups in kindergartens can be quite officially “compacted”.
Until October 1, 2010 by the Model Regulations on preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions), Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 04/21/1993 No. 88 “On Approval of the Standards for Determining the Number of Personnel Engaged in Servicing Preschool Institutions (Nurseries, Nurseries, Kindergartens, Kindergartens)” and SanPiN for preschool educational institutions, rather stringent conditions for the operation of kindergartens were established. The maximum allowable number of children in groups was strictly regulated, and the leadership of the kindergarten did not have the right to independently establish the regimes for the stay of children in groups. However, on May 15, 2013, the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia signed Decree No. 26, according to which new sanitary rules SanPiN came into effect.-13 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations."
Recall that according to the sanitary rules SanPiN, the number of children in groups was determined based on their maximum occupancy. Namely:
up to 1 year - no more than 10 children;
up to 3 years - no more than 15 children;
3-7 years - no more than 20 children (optimally 15 children).
According to the new sanitary rules, the norm for the number of children in a group began to be calculated based on the total playing area (including the area occupied by furniture) of the premises:
for nurseries - not less than 2.5 sq.m. for one child;
for preschool groups - at least 2 sq.m. for one child.
Norms are calculated based on the area of the playing area. The calculation is simple. If the area of the playroom is 70 square meters, then at the same time 28 nurseries or 35 pupils from 3 to 7 years old can be in it. At the same time, the number of service and teaching staff does not increase. Only the actual list of children in the kindergarten at the moment is taken into account, according to the list there can be 45–49 of them. Another innovation in the regulatory document was the permission to re-equip the playroom during the sleepy hour into a bedroom. The kindergarten buys folding beds, the teachers arrange them in the playroom for those who do not have enough stationary beds. After sleep, the equipment is removed, the play area is free. It should be borne in mind that 2 or 2.5 square meters per child is a conditional indicator. In fact, the game room serves as a dining room, a training room. There are tables, chairs, toys, methodological equipment. That is, half the hall is occupied by furniture. Thus, 50 percent of the area remains.
The new SanPiN turns a preschool institution from a kindergarten, where the children had the opportunity to diversify under the guidance of a teacher, into a "playground for youngsters", where the teacher, at best, can ensure that the children are as safe as possible.
"Creation of conditions - the basis for education." L. S. Vygotsky. Of course, each of the parents, one way or another, has their own view and opinion on how to properly raise their child, what to feed and when to put them to bed. Most often, such knowledge is drawn from the advice of parents, grandmothers and other young mothers; modern literature is a good help. Despite this, no one is immune from mistakes, which are especially often made at the birth and upbringing of the first child, due to lack of experience.
However, no one cancels the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle for a baby, for example, one should not allow overheating in the sun, try to push one more cutlet into a beloved child if he is not hungry. It is desirable that the child be mobile, active, communicate with peers, spend enough time on the street and breathe fresh air.
When sending a child to a kindergarten, it is necessary to discuss the diet with the teacher, if there is an allergy to food, be sure to notify the employee of the preschool institution. The air temperature in the group, the level of humidity, the frequency of airing the room - nothing should leave you indifferent.
For this, there is a SanPin, which clearly spells out the norms for the correct maintenance of a child in kindergarten. In 2015, a new edition of SanPin was adopted, establishing the necessary conditions, according to lighting, for the microclimate of kindergarten groups. Experts advise young parents to at least read the recommendations in the document, where you can discover a lot of new things.
The importance of the filling rate of groups in kindergartens
How many people can be in a kindergarten group? Why should this question be of interest to you in the first place? Our children are our everything, our future, and success in the future depends on what will be laid in childhood.
Read also: How to enroll a child in kindergarten
Russian experience has shown that the educational environment also affects kids, because they spend at least half of their childhood here. Everything here should be in harmony with the children's body and created exclusively for children.
Recent medical studies also force us to take appropriate measures to improve our health, stating that only 5-7% of school-age children and adolescents do not have physical abnormalities, that is, they are completely healthy. Over the past 5-6 years, about 40% of children are born every year who are not distinguished by health, some of them fall ill in the first weeks after birth. About 10% of people are born underweight and then struggle with extra pounds for several years.
Therefore, the goal of preschool institutions for children is primarily to create favorable conditions and environment in general for the present and future development of the child's body during their stay in the kindergarten group. Thus, preventive measures are provided for leveling violations on the part of the physical health of each small individual.
Total shortage of places in kindergartens
No matter how the controlling authorities monitor the number of children in kindergartens, the fact remains that according to the law, the composition of children in the group of any public or private kindergarten, based on the area occupied, cannot exceed 20 people under the age of 3 years, and above - 25 people.
However, in reality, the occupancy rate exceeds these norms by almost 41%; a particularly acute situation is in Russian municipal institutions that are on the balance sheet of the state. At the same time, the buildings and structures included in the territory of preschool institutions are designed for a completely different number of kids.
New kindergartens are not in a hurry to build, while new and new children are born, with the flow of which institutions built long ago can no longer cope. In order for the baby to get into the garden, today it is necessary to sign up and stand in line almost from the moment of his birth.
Experts emphasize that the mass overcrowding of children in the kindergarten group cannot pass without leaving a trace. So, every year there is:
- Decrease in the quality of educational processes and development of kids in the group.
- Increasing risk of morbidity in general.
- Children get tired faster.
- Increased injury rate.
- Decreased activity in children.
Thus, children and parents are already faced with the fact that their needs are simply “slaughtered”, the process of going to a state kindergarten turns into a torment, so often parents are forced to transfer their child to commercial structures, which also do not always provide proper comfort level.
How to control compliance with the rules of SanPin 2017-2018
Do not think that it is useless to fight lawlessness in preschool institutions. Often employees show negligence even where, it would seem, there is nothing to violate in principle.
The Russian government has signed the Convention on the Rights of Toddlers, which clearly spells out the rights to play activities, to ensure the health and nutrition of a minor. Of course, the baby cannot, due to age characteristics, defend what is due to him, but adults, his parents, can do this. Therefore, if you have any complaints about educators or management, voice them, complain, call for correction of mistakes.
Read also: How to participate in the waiting list for a good kindergarten
Especially since you pay taxes, which means that the following instances where you can file a complaint work just for you:
- Education Committee of regional and federal significance. Sets the hours of work and rest for children, and also approves study plans for educators;
- Rospotrebnadzor. The main control service that checks the condition of keeping children in the kindergarten group, namely the level of cleanliness, the quality of toys, the availability of certification for detergents and personal hygiene products;
- procurators. Appears only when needed, if an incident has already occurred;
- fire supervision.
Some mothers point out that remarks will only lead to additional problems that will affect the child. But did they ever think what could be worse than the loss of his health? How justified is such loyalty?
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In Pervomaisky district, there is also a problem with the number of children in groups:
“In our kindergarten, there are 35 people in the middle group, a lot, of course. But the garden with fewer children is located almost in the Green Meadow, taking a child there is a whole punishment, because. You need to travel by public transport."
“We go to the garden in the military camp in Uruchcha, the groups there are quite large – 30 children. But we don't have a choice."
In other areas of the city, according to moms, groups are not so crowded. But disputes also arise.
Read also: What to do if the child refuses to go to kindergarten?
“We wanted to go to kindergarten not in September, as is customary, but in March. We went to the garden, where we are standing in line, we were told that they had no places. They say, excuse me, come in September, otherwise there is nowhere to put a crib to sleep, there are already 23 children on the list. A week later, I found out that a child was taken into this group, and a place was found, and a bed” (Zavodskoy district of Minsk).
“In Loshitsa it is problematic to get a job in kindergarten and school, for example, in the senior group my son has 34 children. How can you properly look after all of them?! I know that some parents take their children to kindergartens in Serebryanka, where there is no such excitement as we have” (Leninsky district of Minsk).
“In the senior group, my daughter has 23 people on the list. This is very good compared to the number of children in the gardens on Kamennaya Gorka, like my friend’s” (Moskovsky district of Minsk).
“We go to the garden near the Tractor Plant, we don't complain about overcrowded groups. We have 21 people in the group according to the list, and even fewer go, especially in winter” (Partizansky district of Minsk)
Photo source: . com
when compared with other districts” (Oktyabrsky district of Minsk).
“We live near the Frunzenskaya metro station, in the garden we have 24 people in the middle group, there were fewer in the younger group” (Central district of Minsk).
See also: When money will not be thrown to the wind. 10 most useful educational toys
What's the norm?
The occupancy of kindergarten groups is regulated by sanitary norms, rules and hygiene standards "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and operation of preschool education institutions", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 42 of 04/17/2009.
They state that in the first junior group there should be no more than 15 children, in the second junior, middle and senior - no more than 20. Alas, such figures are rarely found in reality.
Specialist’s comment: “Sanitary services are meeting halfway”
Elena Makarevich, Chief Specialist of the Department of Preschool, General Secondary and Special Education of the Committee on Education of the Minsk City Executive Committee:
— Currently, in Minsk, unfortunately, not all kindergartens are doing these norms. There are a number of objective reasons for this: an increase in the number of children, and an insufficient number of places in institutions located in new microdistricts.
Issuance of referrals to institutions of pre-school education, that is, the staffing of kindergartens, is carried out by the education departments of the administrations of the districts of Minsk. In each district, a record is kept of children whose parents wish to place a child in a particular kindergarten.
In February-March, the departments of education begin work on pre-filling kindergartens for the new academic year: the number of children is analyzed by age and the desired educational institution, as well as the number of places in a particular kindergarten.
Based on the results obtained, the education department, taking into account the capabilities of each preschool institution, makes a decision on the size of the groups. If a preschool institution is able to provide sleeping places and everything necessary for children in excess of the normative number, then the sanitary services go forward, allowing to increase the number of children in kindergarten groups in excess of the norm.
Photo source: .com
I would like to note that the problem of providing places in gardens currently exists in microdistricts with active housing construction, these are, first of all, Moskovsky, Pervomaisky and Frunzensky districts.
In order to solve this problem and in pursuance of the order of the Head of State to provide educational institutions within walking distance, a plan has been developed to build 20 additional preschool educational institutions in Minsk.
The departments of education and preschool institutions themselves take the maximum possible measures to create conditions for pupils to receive a quality education. This includes the organization of classes with pupils in subgroups, and additional provision of furniture, equipment, soft equipment, etc. It is unfortunately impossible to resolve the issue of overstaffing of groups overnight. I want the parents to understand the current situation.
Clarifications from Rospotrebnadzor
In January 2013, parents' questions about the legality of SanPiN 2. 4.1.2660-10 were answered by letter. Rospotrebnadzor explained how to understand the increase in the group in kindergarten. Clause 1.10 allows the administration of the preschool educational institution to form a group according to the list of a maximum of 50 people. If 25 people from the registered kids came to the kindergarten in the morning, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room can accommodate such a number of pupils, then the law is not violated.
One question remains, if one fine sunny day, all the “listed” decide to visit their favorite teachers and come to the kindergarten in full force, where will they go to bed, eat and play?
To regulate the stay, it is possible to use a reserve group in the kindergarten, that is, a free room, but equipped for such a situation. In this case, the preschool educational institution should also have “spare” educators, nannies, toys, dishes, etc.
Thus, the SanPiN established in 2010 are also valid in 2019. There are no changes at the moment. Filling, equipment of premises is carried out taking into account legislative acts. Their observance is checked annually by the ministries, unscheduled control.
How many children are in your child's class?
How to monitor compliance with SanPiN
Unfortunately, today's reality, the total negligence of employees of children's institutions in the matter of looking after pupils, their safety, ensuring normal conditions of stay in a preschool educational institution does not give parents the opportunity to relax and be calm for the kids.
Monitoring the observance of the rights of preschool children is the responsibility of adults. No need to endure, let everything take its course. If you have questions, dissatisfaction with the work of the kindergarten, educators, violations of the law, you can contact the public services with statements:
Administration of the preschool educational institution
Solves internal issues. If the problem is serious, then it is better to use the written form of the appeal, seeking an answer in the same form. This is necessary for further application to a higher authority if the head of the preschool educational institution is inactive.
Department of education of municipal, regional, federal significance
The body regulates the curriculum of the preschool educational institution, the work and rest schedule of kindergarten students. You can come to the head of the educational department for a personal meeting, write a letter through the official website.
Recruitment of groups, tracking the percentage of attendance belongs to the area of activity of the department. It is according to their cuts, diagnostics that it is allowed to combine several groups into one with a low percentage of children attending kindergarten.
When contacting the head of the department of education orally, do not forget to write a letter, demand its registration, an answer in electronic form or in writing.
The letter is sent through the website of public services, through the official page of the service. In the application, be sure to indicate the exact data about the problem, your contacts. On the complaint, the proceedings will begin no later than 30 days from the date of filing.
Rospotrebnadzor specialists help eliminate shortcomings in the maintenance of children, compliance with hygiene standards. They can be contacted if children in a multi-group group do not have enough beds, chairs, toilet bowls, lockers for clothes, bed linen. If SanPiN is not observed in terms of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room for the group per each child, an application is submitted immediately.
On the basis of a complaint, an exit committee is usually held together with the prosecutor's office. It is better to draw up a statement on the fact of a violation of the rights of children, accurately indicating the date, details of what happened.
Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Accepts complaints from the public via the Internet, in writing, in person.
The application must be based on the fact of violation of norms and laws. The best option would be a collective statement from a large number of parents with signatures and transcripts.
Plenipotentiary representatives of the President in districts
If the administration of the preschool educational institution, the city, the supervisory bodies of local authorities are inactive, do not respond to your requests, please contact the official websites of the plenipotentiaries with written statements. Describe the situation in detail, attach the responses of other structures to inquiries on the problem, your complaints.
Party representatives
At the local level, they help the administration to come to their senses, pay attention to compliance with the rules and regulations of the organization of the educational process. Connect representatives of political parties to the problems in the preschool educational institution if you want to create public unrest, to draw the attention of the press to the complaint.
In war, all means are good. If the rights of your children are violated, use any means to defend them. Do not be afraid of condemnation, problems at work, bullying your child in kindergarten. The health and safety of babies is more important. And the activity of parents in protecting the child causes respect and awe among educators, so nothing threatens the preschooler, rather, on the contrary, he will be treated more attentively.
How to achieve separation of the group
Sometimes the administration of the preschool institution is too keen on optimization, trying to overfulfill the cost savings plan given from above. The recruitment of groups in this case is carried out in violation of laws and accepted norms. Parents can file complaints against the actions of the Department of Education, heads of kindergartens in the following situations:
- Children attend kindergarten constantly in the maximum number.
That is, the area of the room is designed for 28 people, according to the list of kids 40, everyone goes to preschool. Violated SanPiN. To submit an application, you need a confirmed fact of the presence of children in a group in a certain period of time, an application to clarify the issue addressed to the head, a survey of educators. The complaint is submitted to the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor.
- Lack of sleeping places for all those present, dining furniture, dishes.
For example, there are 29 beds and folding beds, and 34 children came to the group. Question: where do 5 pupils of the preschool educational institution sleep and undress?
- A child's sleep on someone else's bed without a change of linen.
It's no secret that a cot is used only when all the beds are occupied. In the event that Petya Ivanov did not come today, then Masha is laid on his bed, with clean linen. This is not a violation of the law. A clean set of sheets and pillowcases is stored in a special box, signed with the date of packaging after sanitization. If the linen has not been changed, hygiene is violated regularly, file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.
- One group consisted of 50 children.
In this case, the team is divided according to the law. There are two groups of the same age. Please note that recruitment is carried out all year round. The division is made immediately after the addition.
You should not blame the educators for the current situation.
Employees follow the instructions of the administration. Treat their work in a multi-group group with understanding. Keeping track of so many kids is extremely difficult.
It is not worth writing complaints, statements to the prosecutor's office for the slightest scratch, bruise. But it is necessary to contact the manager, the supervisory authorities in case of systematic disturbances, if the teacher cannot cope with the load.
What threatens non-compliance with the norms
The formation of a large group in kindergarten is a big risk. Being in a crowd, in a cramped room, lack of attention adversely affect the mental and physical condition of children. Kids get sick more often, refuse to go to kindergarten, cry, get nervous, memory, attention, sleep suffer.
Kindergarten group is a small country. With their interests, goals, objectives and features. And our children live in it, so to speak, citizens of a small country. For a harmonious stay with each other 5 days a week, at least 8 hours every day, it is important to create optimal conditions for this. One of the indicators of the correct work of the administration of the garden is the acquisition of groups.
The number of children in the kindergarten group depends on:
- Efficiency of education
Even in nursery groups there are classes in drawing, modeling, speech development. Educational programs are prescribed according to the age and health level of preschool children. Education is carried out until the release of children in schools.
Conducting classes with a small number of children in the garden is easier and more effective than in a massively overcrowded group.
- Mental state
Children's organism, psyche - subtle matter. Constant presence in the crowd, loneliness, lack of care and attention from the teacher adversely affect the development of the individual. When calculating the norms for the number of pupils of preschool educational institutions, this fact is taken into account.
- Health level
Medical research in recent decades indicates a decline in the health of newborns. Only 5-7 percent of first-graders are absolutely healthy, 40 percent of babies are already born with pathologies, the rest fall ill in the preschool period. The activities of preschool educational institutions are aimed at improving the performance of medical research.
- Availability of free space in the room for games, movement
The more children in the group, the larger the area. Everyone has the right to free space for active games, communication with peers, individual lessons.
- Security
Imagine that you need to keep an eye on 20 people or 50 at the same time. Which option seems more realistic? Rather, the first. The safety of kids in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) depends on the ability to observe, follow everyone on a walk, in the process of classes.
It is important for parents to "reclaim" the legally required meters in the room, a personal chair, a locker for clothes, a bed. Overcrowding of the group, placement of things of several children in one closet for outerwear should not be allowed. This threatens with pediculosis, epidemics, the spread of infections.
How to help a child adapt
More often parents and children have to come to terms with compaction, if SanPiN are observed, the group is provided with everything necessary. In this case, you need to help the preschooler adapt in a kindergarten with a large number of peers.
For toddlers 2-3 years old, being surrounded by 35-40 other people of the same age for 8-10 hours is psychologically difficult.
Noise, hubbub, hustle, games tire, introduce into a state of stress. Parents can provide all possible assistance to the child so that the development of the nervous and other systems does not come into disharmony:
- Bring a pillow and bed linen from home. The child will feel at home during the sleepy hour.
- Allow me to take my favorite toy to kindergarten.
- Have an unscheduled weekend. Leave the baby with the grandmother or relatives.
- Build trust with caregivers. Make friends with them, ask in detail about the child in the evening. Attentive parents (without phobias and aggression) are the key to the safety of the child in kindergarten.
- After kindergarten, spend more time with your child in silence, without TV, cartoons, noisy companies. The kid needs to take a break from the psychological stress for the day. Better take a walk in the park, play ball, catch up.
- Observe sleep patterns. A sleepy preschooler will get tired much faster, will be irritable and nervous.
- Pick up your child early, do not take your child to kindergarten on weekends and holidays.
There are different ways to answer the question of how many children should be in a kindergarten group. For a comfortable stay, from the point of view of psychologists, children - no more than 20, better than 15. According to economists, optimizers, more than 40. Discrepancy of opinions leads to disputes, discontent, although the issue can be resolved differently:
- permission to complete private groups in the building of municipal kindergartens;
- business support for the creation of networks of preschool institutions with day care;
- attentive attitude to children, their health and development for real, and not for the sake of a report to the ministries.
Only a set of measures will help to overcome the shortage of places in the preschool educational institution or in case of their excess.
How to enroll your child in a kindergarten near your home without spending a penny
Smart Consumer
by Ksenia Simkacheva
/ September 6, 2021 17:11
10 min.
Text has changed /
August 11, 2022
Learn how to protect your child's right to an education and get the garden you want, not the one offered.
- How to join the queue
- Why file another application
- What to do if there are no places
- Call on the law
The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to education. The Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child Act and the Education Act establish the right of everyone to an accessible, free education.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that all actions concerning children must be in their best interests. The Family Code says that the choice of a garden is the right of parents.
Some parents have to go through several circles of bureaucratic hell to get a place in the garden for their child But in reality, it often happens like this: mom decided to get out of maternity leave, but there are no vouchers for kindergarten and are not expected until next year. Depending on the region, this can last for more than one year, until the exit to school.
In this article we will figure out what to do if you want to arrange a child in a kindergarten, but there are no places or there are, but the garden is given 3-5 kilometers from the house over rough terrain - and this is even in the best case.
How to get in line
If your friends and acquaintances already have parents with experience, then you know that you need to get in line for kindergarten as early as possible - so the chances of getting a place on time (this is usually before the child is three years old) rise.
Because it's the electronic queue that parents are told about by the education department that determines who gets who in the garden. Masha followed Vasya, Vasya followed Petya, Petya followed Lena, and so on.
Actually, no.
The waiting list everyone is referring to is not a waiting list at all, but a tracking system designed to keep track of the number of children who need to be placed in a given school year. Those. even if you “put the child in line” six months before you need a garden, this is not a reason to refuse to provide you with a place. Refusal with the argument “before it was necessary to stand in line” has no legal basis.
Moreover, the automatic recruitment referred to by the department's employees violates the rights of children, since the realization of the right of one child cannot depend on the realization of the rights of other children. Those. places in the garden should be provided for all children who need it. And with automatic picking, this is impossible, because the system does not take into account those who “stand far in line”, but need a place right now.
The second point, which is often referred to in departments for preschool education: "there are still many beneficiaries in front of you, they have an advantage."
That's right. Children of privileged categories of citizens do have an advantage in enrollment.
The following persons are entitled to be enrolled out of turn:
- children of citizens affected by radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,
- children of citizens from special risk units, as well as families who have lost their breadwinner from among these citizens,
- children of judges, prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee.
First credited:
- children from large families,
- disabled children and those with a disabled parent,
- children of military personnel, police officers and employees with special ranks serving in the institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, in the federal fire service, in drug control bodies, in customs departments;
- children of single mothers (if there is no entry in the birth certificate or the entry was made at the direction of the mother).
But does this mean that those who do not have these benefits should stay at home until school? .. No. According to the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science “On recommendations on the procedure for recruiting preschool educational institutions”, in one group the number of beneficiaries cannot exceed the number of children who are not included in any of the beneficiary categories. Those. the maximum ratio of beneficiaries and everyone else is 50/50.
So, in order to register a child (let's say it right), you need to submit the following package of documents:
- application for registration,
- copy of the passport of one of the parents,
- copy of birth certificate,
- proof of benefits, if you have any.
Notice that registration is not needed? Because the right to pre-school education, according to the law, can be exercised even without a residence permit.
There are three ways to register a child with the department: directly at the department, through the MFC or through the State Services portal.
Unfortunately, each method has its own catch. For example, in the MFC or on the portal, it may be difficult to register an appeal without a residence permit. The department may refuse to personally accept documents due to the epidemiological situation and offer to leave them in a box.
Of course, you can do that, but it's better to insist on a personal appointment to make sure that your application is accepted and registered (ie, the employee must stamp and assign an incoming number on your copy of the application). If at this stage there are difficulties, you can refer to the Federal Law on the Consideration of Citizens' Appeals.
Regardless of how you apply, your application must be processed within 30 days. Those. if you were not notified of registration in a month, take your copy of the application (if submitted through the department), receipt (if through the MFC) or printout (if through the State Services) and go to your department to figure it out.
Why file another application
You have registered your child. He grows. A year, one and a half, two, two and a half passes and you think: “Well, it’s probably time to send the child to kindergarten and go to work.”
Go to the State Services to check the status of the application, and see your number - 258. Shock, panic - what to do?.. Apply for a place in kindergarten!
No, this is not the same statement that we talked about above.
Want to get a place in the garden? It's time to improve your knowledge of Russian legislation The first application is about registering your child. To them you tell the department that in the future your child will need a place in such and such kindergartens, and it will be taken into account when planning the number of places. With the second application - for the provision of a place - you say that you need a garden right now.
If you're reading this right now and you're asking, "Why is this necessary - I've already written one application, it's obvious that I'm waiting for a job." Unfortunately, it's not obvious. There are many children, there are few places in the gardens, there is not enough for everyone. And if you do not declare yourself, then the department will give you a place not when you need it, but when the department has the opportunity. And if it does not appear in the next year or two?.. Or will they give a place not in the garden that you have marked as a priority, but in the one that is 5 kilometers away?..
Therefore, if you understand that, for example, six months are left before going to work, and there is no progress in the queue, write an application for a place so that the department knows about your need.
If you approach the application in detail, you will save yourself time. You can’t just write “I ask you to provide my child with a place from such and such a date in such and such a garden” and wait for a ticket to be sent to you. In our case, in detail means justified from the point of view of the law. How exactly to build a statement, what to emphasize - depends on your situation.
There is a kindergarten in the courtyard of Alina's house, and she planned to take her son there. But the queue doesn't move! Alina decided to call the department and find out what was happening with the places.
« There is no room in garden N, but there is room in garden M! Will you go?" - Alina was asked in the department. And garden M, for a moment, is 7 kilometers away. And get there by bus + walk 40 minutes. And with a three-year-old child - the whole hour. And so every weekday 2 times. Of course, this is not an option when there is a garden closer - right in the courtyard of the house.
In our example, Alina, after the conversation, understood what objections she would have to face from the employees of the department. It was on their overcoming that she decided to build a statement.
In addition to the general provisions for any situation that every citizen, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has the right to receive an education, that according to the Family Code, the choice of a kindergarten is the exclusive right of parents, etc., etc. Alina will also write that her child only needs Garden N, because it is he who meets the requirements of safety and physical accessibility, which are prescribed in the new Sanitary Rules, Building Regulations and Rules and are supported by the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
An application for a place in the garden must be submitted directly to the office. Just as in the first case, ask to register an appeal and put down the incoming number.
Remember, the broader the regulatory base (ie the number of references to applicable law) of your application, the more likely you are to get a seat right away. But do not give up and do not give up if a month later you were told that there are no places in the garden and when they will not be known. This reason for refusal is illegal. Let's figure out why together.
Why save money for many months when you can get what you want right now? Take a loan at a rate of 6.9% in Sovcombank, apply for the “Minimum Rate Guarantee” service, and we will return all interest upon the expiration of the loan term. To do this, pay off Halva every month and avoid delinquency on the loan. You can leave a request in two clicks, and we will credit the money to the card or send it by courier.
What to do if there are no places
Indeed, Art. 67 of the Law on Education says that admission to a particular kindergarten may be refused if there are no places in it. But in this case, the department is obliged to offer an alternative option.
Please note: the law specifies that the garden must be within easy reach of the child's place of residence. And accessible proximity, as mentioned above, is physical accessibility as well. If you need to get there by car or public transport, then this no longer meets the requirements of safe physical reach.
Therefore, the garden for 3, 5, 25, etc. kilometers is not an alternative available to you, but a convenient option for the agency to close your request.
I see, the refusals are illegal. But how to prove it to the department?If there is no available space in the vicinity, the department, anticipating the need thanks to the same accounting system, must take timely measures to increase the number of seats. Therefore, the lack of places in the garden cannot be a legitimate reason for refusal. Rather, it is evidence of the department's inaction.
Call on the law
The agency's denial of your kindergarten application violates the law and the rights of the child. Therefore, your next step will be a complaint to the prosecutor's office about the inaction of a state body.
In the complaint, it is obligatory to state not only the essence of the problem (for example, they do not give a place in the garden), but also the rationale for your position from a legal point of view: what rights were violated, what exactly the violation consists of, etc. Just like in the application , we refer to the current legislation, and the more complete and detailed, the better.
In addition, the complaint will need to summarize what actions you expect from the prosecutor - conducting an audit, bringing to justice, etc.
Please note that the prosecutor's office does not have to forward the complaint to the agency whose actions you want to appeal. If the prosecutor's office ignored this rule, most likely you will not receive a quality answer, the department will simply duplicate the refusal. In this case, you will need to draw up a statement of claim and file it with the court.
Places in the gardens are available throughout the year. But you have to fight for them Bad news : defending the right to a place in the garden is a long and difficult path.