How much does it cost to have a child in the us
Cost of Raising a Child
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How much does it cost to have a baby and raise them? A 2015 study done by the USDA found that it cost an estimated $233,610 to raise two children from birth to age 17 in a middle-income family with two parents. That figure, adjusted for inflation, is just over a quarter of a million dollars at $286,000 in 2022. Shouldering the cost of raising children can be an additional pressure on parents, especially as costs continue to rise. Here’s what you need to know.
How much does it cost to have a baby?
Having a child is an undeniably major life change. Women and families today may be more anxious to understand how life and their financial situation might change with a baby, whether anticipated or unplanned. Here are just some of the expected costs related to having and raising a baby:
Insurance Life- The average cost of powdered formula is around $400-$800 per month for babies who are exclusively fed on formula. This cost could be different depending on your situation, such as if your baby needs special formula, if there is a formula shortage or recall or if your baby is also fed breast milk. (
- A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the total costs associated with being pregnant, experiencing childbirth and postpartum care averaged $18,865. (Kaiser Family Foundation)
- That same study found that average vaginal deliveries cost $14,768, with $2,655 paid out of pocket, while the average cesarean section cost $26,280, with $3,214 paid out of pocket.
(Kaiser Family Foundation)
- A home birth could cost between $1,500 to $5,000, but typically isn’t covered by health insurance. (Healthline)
- Adoption and in vitro fertilization (IVF) costs can also vary. One cycle of IVF could range between $4,900 to $30,000 depending how the procedure is performed, while private adoption fees could be between $20,000 to $45,000. (Healthline)
- The annual cost of childcare for infants to four years old averages about $10,000 per child for center-based care and $8,000 for home-based care. (S. Treasury Department)
- A survey from CNBC found that the weekly cost of a nanny for a single child in 2021 was $694, up from $565 in 2019. An after school sitter in 2021 was $261, slightly higher than the 2019 figure of $243. (CNBC)
- That same study found that parents reported spending more than 20% of their household income on childcare, although 72% reported spending 10% or more.
- With babies going through 6-12 diapers per day, this could mean up to $936 per year, or $18 a week, spent on disposable diapers. (Healthline)
- Getting all the necessary gear for a baby, like strollers, car seats, play pens and carriers, can cost anywhere from $425 to nearly $3,000. (The Bump)
How much do school expenses cost?
A major expense when it comes to raising children is the cost of education. Starting with preschool, the average cost per year of tuition can range from $4,460 to $13,158 per year, or about $372-$1,100 per month.
When it comes to kindergarten through high school, parents can choose between public and private schools. For private schools, the Education Data Initiative estimated that tuition costs an average of $12,350 per year. Associated costs, like technology, textbooks, back-to-school supplies and more, could bring that up to $16,050. For a child to be in private school from kindergarten through eighth grade, the estimated cost could be around $208,650.
Public schools don’t charge a tuition fee like private schools, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t costs as well. In 2016, the University of Michigan estimated that it cost $302 per student to play sports, $218 for arts like music, theater or yearbook, and $124 for other clubs. These figures included costs like participation fees, equipment and travel, and may have been increased since due to inflation.
Paying for college
Currently, the average cost of full-time undergraduate tuition for a public university ranges from $10,740 for in-state students and $27,560 for out-of-state students. Parents who choose to pay for college can take advantage of savings plans like the 529 plan. Starting early in your kids’ lives allows you to leverage time to build up savings for your child’s post-high school education.
The school that your child attends matters, too. While they may receive a lower tuition for attending an in-state public school, they may want to go out-of-state as well. Below are the most expensive and cheapest states for out-of-state students attending a 4-year public university:
Five cheapest states for out-of-state students attending a 4-year public university
- Florida: $4,463 per year
- Wyoming: $4,747 per year
- District of Columbia: $6,020 per year
- Nevada: $6,023 per year
- Utah: $6,700 per year
Five most expensive states for out-of-state students attending a 4-year public university
- New Jersey: $14,360 per year
- Illinois: $14,455 per year
- Pennsylvania: $15,565 per year
- New Hampshire: $16,679 per year
- Vermont: $17,083 per year
Other costs of raising a child
Though housing, food and child care are the highest cost categories related to raising a child to age 18, they are not the only expenses to consider. Other necessities like clothing, education and health care can be expensive. All of these categories should also be considered when factoring in the costs of having and raising a child.
As your child gets older and earns their driver’s license, for instance, this could be a significant expense — Bankrate’s research found that adding your 16-year-old to your car insurance policy runs an average of $2,531 per year, although there are some relatively affordable car insurance options available for teens.
Housing is arguably the most significant expense associated with raising a child. In the USDA report, housing costs make up 29% of the overall cost of raising a baby. The cost of housing varies widely by location and the type of housing you choose. Many parents dream of a suburban house with a white picket fence and enough bedrooms for the entire family.
Based on a $250K dwelling coverage amount, the average cost of home insurance is $1,383 per year, according to 2021 Quadrant Information Services data. This is just one factor in the cost of owning a home; you will also have to consider the cost of a mortgage, utilities and maintenance.
The cost of food is the second-largest expense, at 18% of the overall cost of raising a child. Over time, food prices have trended up, with food-at-home pricing increasing 12.1% and food-away-from-home pricing increasing by 7.7% from June 2021 to July 2022. The USDA expects rising costs for 2022, with increases as high as 10.0% and 7.5%, respectively.
To eat healthy foods, like high-quality meats and fresh fruits and vegetables, food expenses increase even more. In 2022, the costs for all food categories are expected to increase:
- Meats: +9.0%-10.0%
- Processed fruits and vegetables: +8.5%-9.5%
- Cereals and bakery products:0%-13.0%
Life insurance
Life insurance is crucial for families, especially if your income cannot be easily replaced if the unexpected were to happen. Funeral costs, living and education expenses and more can quickly add up even for those who budget carefully. Because of this, it’s also important to have a plan in the event that you or your partner are no longer able to financially support your children. Some parents rely on life insurance to ensure that, if they were to pass away, their family would be able to maintain their lifestyle and have some financial cushion for the future.
Both parents should consider purchasing adequate life insurance to replace their salary, even for a stay-at-home parent. A recent survey completed by estimates the annual salary of a stay-at-home parent at $184,820 per year. In addition, life insurance is typically the least expensive when you are young and healthy, especially if you choose term instead of permanent life insurance.
The bottom line
Raising children is rewarding and fulfilling to many people. But it’s also very expensive these days. Infancy to age 18 is likely to cost you close to a quarter of a million dollars or more as a parent. But by preparing mentally and implementing financial planning strategies, you can be well-equipped to raise your child to adulthood comfortably, even on a budget. Given the ever-growing costs of raising a child, parents thinking of having a baby might want to consider some of the following tips: start early with a budget, try to live below your means, save money wherever possible, shop around for home and auto insurance each year for the best deal and purchase life insurance when you are young and healthy.
The Cost of Raising a Child
Posted by Mark Lino, Economist at the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in Food and Nutrition
Feb 18, 2020
Families Projected to Spend an Average of $233,610 Raising a Child Born in 2015.
USDA recently issued Expenditures on Children by Families, 2015. This report is also known as “The Cost of Raising a Child.” USDA has been tracking the cost of raising a child since 1960 and this analysis examines expenses by age of child, household income, budgetary component, and region of the country.
Based on the most recent data from the Consumer Expenditures Survey, in 2015, a family will spend approximately $12,980 annually per child in a middle-income ($59,200-$107,400), two-child, married-couple family. Middle-income, married-couple parents of a child born in 2015 may expect to spend $233,610 ($284,570 if projected inflation costs are factored in*) for food, shelter, and other necessities to raise a child through age 17. This does not include the cost of a college education.
Where does the money go? For a middle-income family, housing accounts for the largest share at 29% of total child-rearing costs. Food is second at 18%, and child care/education (for those with the expense) is third at 16%. Expenses vary depending on the age of the child.
We did the analysis by household income level, age of the child, and region of residence. Not surprising, the higher a family’s income the more was spent on a child, particularly for child care/education and miscellaneous expenses.
Expenses also increase as a child ages. Overall annual expenses averaged about $300 less for children from birth to 2 years old, and averaged $900 more for teenagers between 15-17 years of age. Teenagers have higher food costs as well as higher transportation costs as these are the years they start to drive so insurance is included or a maybe a second car is purchased for them.
Regional variation was also observed. Families in the urban Northeast spent the most on a child, followed by families in the urban West, urban South, and urban Midwest. Families in rural areas throughout the country spent the least on a child—child-rearing expenses were 27% lower in rural areas than the urban Northeast, primarily due to lower housing and child care/education expenses.
Child-rearing expenses are subject to economies of scale. That is, with each additional child, expenses on each declines. For married-couple families with one child, expenses averaged 27% more per child than expenses in a two-child family. For families with three or more children, per child expenses averaged 24% less on each child than on a child in a two-child family. This is sometimes referred to as the “cheaper by the dozen” effect. Each additional child costs less because children can share a bedroom; a family can buy food in larger, more economical quantities; clothing and toys can be handed down; and older children can often babysit younger ones.
Food costs have decreased over the years thanks to increased efficiency in American agriculture.This report is one of many ways that USDA works to support American families through our programs and work. It outlines typical spending by families from across the country, and is used in a number of ways to help support and education American families. Courts and state governments use this data to inform their decisions about child support guidelines and foster care payments. Financial planners use the information to provide advice to their clients, and families can access our Cost of Raising a Child calculator, which we update with every report on our website, to look at spending patterns for families similar to theirs. This Calculator is one of many tools available on, a government research and data clearinghouse related to financial education.
This year we released the report at a time when families are thinking about their plans for the New Year. We’ve been focusing on nutrition-related New Year’s resolutions – or what we are referring to as Real Solutions - on our MyPlate website, This report and the updated calculator can help families as they focus on financial health resolutions. This report will provide families with a greater awareness of the expenses they are likely to face while raising children.
In addition to the report and the calculator, we also have a dedicated section on that provides tips and tools to aid families and individuals in making healthy choices while staying on a budget. For strategies beyond food, our friends at offer a wealth of information to help Americans plan for their financial future.
For more information on the Annual Report on Expenditures on Children by Families, also known as the cost of raising a child, go to:
*Projected inflationary costs are estimated to average 2.2 percent per year. This estimate is calculated by averaging the rate of inflation over the past 20 years.
Editor’s Note (March 8, 2017): The comparison of rural vs. urban northeast child care and education value has been updated.
Visit the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s for more resources to ensure financial well-being this New Year’s season!Category/Topic: Food and Nutrition
Tags: children choosemyplate. gov CNPP Cost of Raising a Child economics Expenditures on Children by Families Food and Nutrition MyPlate Research
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Birth of children in the USA, childbirth in America
Birth of children in the USA is a fashion trend. After all, every baby who appeared on the territory of the States has the right to American citizenship, and with it receives hope for a brighter future. Many parents cherish the dream of becoming full-fledged Americans thanks to the baby. How does childbirth take place in the USA? And is the game worth the candle?
Benefits of having a baby in the USA
The United States is a popular perinatal tourism destination. What are the benefits of having a baby in the US?
- American citizenship , which opens prospects for the future, and also gives the right to legally live in any part of the country, get an education, work and enjoy social benefits.
- Programs for young parents , incl. courses for expectant mothers and fathers, fitness for pregnant women, lectures on breastfeeding, etc. Of course, all these are paid services.
- A hospital similar to the resort, with a staff that is always ready to help you when you call. At the disposal of the woman in labor is a separate comfortable ward with a toilet room, a sofa for visitors, a bed and TV.
- Highly qualified doctors who value their license and therefore work in such a way that the woman in labor has only positive emotions.
- No queues to see a doctor . If you have an appointment at a certain time, be sure that you will be received without delay.
If the specialist is late (even just a little), you will receive many apologies, as well as coffee, tea or juice as a bonus.
US birth visa
There is no special visa for those planning a birth in the United States. Most often, expectant mothers, as well as accompanying family members, receive a regular B1 / B2 tourist visa. Pregnant women are allowed into the country willingly. True, for this it is necessary to prove that they have the necessary amount to receive medical services. Of course, the intention to return to their homeland is also important.
Experts recommend during the interview with the visa officer, as well as when going through passport control at the airport, to admit that the purpose of the visit is to give birth in an American clinic. It is advisable to have documents from the hospital with you, as well as proof of payment for medical services or a bank statement confirming the availability of a sufficient amount of money.
By deceiving immigration (for example, by saying that you are going to stay in the country for a couple of weeks, while planning to have a baby at a local clinic), you risk getting a lifetime ban from entering the United States.
Giving birth in the USA: what to expect and what to be prepared for
If you decide to give birth in the USA, expect to spend at least 3 months in the country (usually 6 months). After all, it is better to fly to the States in advance in order to calmly prepare for an important event. It will take some time to recover after childbirth. And also do not forget that paperwork for the baby takes more than one day. If these circumstances are not embarrassing, it's time to find out what childbirth in America is like.
Hospital or maternity hospital
In the US, a baby can be born both in a hospital and in a maternity hospital. The first option is more popular. The fact is that American maternity hospitals are small private hospitals that have only a minimum of equipment. They are suitable if there are no risks of complications. If an emergency occurs during labor, the expectant mother will be sent to the hospital. In fact, you will have to pay for both the maternity hospital and the hospital.
The cost of a hospital stay is about $4,000 (delivery and exactly two days in the ward). An additional day under the supervision of medical workers will cost another $ 1,000.
For an American childbirth, you need to choose not only a hospital, but also sign an agreement with a doctor, which will cost about $5,000. The standard package of services includes 2 appointments before the date of birth, the birth itself, as well as 1 appointment after the birth of the baby. Be sure to say that you want a minimum package of services. Otherwise, you will be assigned additional tests, and the bill will double.
In the US, it is customary to set a due date in advance. Of course, the plan is violated if the baby wants to be born ahead of time. However, on the appointed day, the woman in labor is given stimulant drugs that bring contractions closer. When the pain becomes too strong, they give anesthesia (about $ 1000). Natural childbirth without stimulation in America is not popular, not all experts agree to this.
When you arrive at the hospital to give birth, you need to fill out some paperwork. Then the woman is dressed and sent to where the whole process will take place. To control the situation, sensors are connected and drugs that stimulate contractions are injected.
After discharge
You will need a car seat for discharge. Without this, the medical staff may not let you and your baby leave the clinic.
After discharge, you and your baby need to visit the pediatrician several times. The procedure is purely symbolic, but it cannot be abandoned. Otherwise, the police will be interested in you. It is impossible to call a specialist at home, even if the baby has a temperature. The only option in an emergency is the 911 rescue service. With the choice of a doctor (including Russian-speaking) and making an appointment, they will help you right at the hospital. For one appointment, a pediatrician receives about $ 100.
Registration of documents for a child
When a child is born in the USA, he is first given American documents, and then, based on them, Russian ones. The procedure is as follows.
- After childbirth, paperwork is filled out, on the basis of which a birth certificate is issued here, in the hospital.
- After discharge, you need to visit the post office and fill out a special passport application form. The application is accompanied by a birth certificate, a photo of a newly-made US citizen, parents' passports and a check in the amount of $ 80 (passport will be ready in 6 weeks) or $ 120 (documents will be prepared in 4 weeks).
- To fly back with a child to Belarus or Russia, he needs to get either an appropriate visa or a passport.
To do this, you need to contact the embassy of your country in the United States.
How much does it cost to give birth in the USA
Having a baby in the USA is not cheap. Let's list the main costs.
Expenses | Amount, c.u.
Flight (back and forth) | 1 200
Rental housing | from 5,000 to 9,000
Childbirth | 6 000
Hospital stay | 4000
Rent a car | 400-1500
Paperwork | to 1000
Or maybe still give birth in the homeland?
Most parents, dreaming of childbirth in the United States, see this as an extremely positive side. Meanwhile, there are many "cons" in this venture.
- High prices . Even paid childbirth in the homeland will cost several times cheaper than in the United States. But there are many ways to spend the amount of $ 20,000 usefully: for example, open a bank account in the name of a newborn.
- Six months in a foreign country . If you agree to give birth in the USA, you will have to spend 3 to 6 months in another country. It is good if your loved ones have the opportunity to be with you all this time. If not, you will have to solve all American domestic and bureaucratic problems on your own with a baby in your arms.
- Labor induction . The use of drugs that stimulate contractions reduces the risks for the woman in labor, but increases them for the baby. In addition, with stimulation, the pain increases many times, and it is almost impossible to do without anesthesia. Doctors rarely agree to natural childbirth.
- The Doubtful Benefits of American Citizenship .
A child will become a full member of American society upon reaching the age of majority (21 years old). And he will be able to return to the USA alone, without you. Parents also have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit, but this is a long, expensive and not the easiest process.
- No free education . American children can only attend public schools for free. But no one will allow you to send your child to study in the USA if you are in another country at that time. Colleges and higher education institutions in America are expensive, and only a few study there for free. Do not forget about kindergartens: the minimum check per month is $ 1,500.
- No social benefits . To use medical services, and in old age to receive a state pension, the child must have insurance. In addition, every American is required to file an annual tax return and income statement, even if he lives abroad.
- Not the best medical care .
Childbirth in the USA is a relative comfort that begins and ends in the postpartum ward. In America, there are no concepts of "lying on guard" and "being on maternity leave." The woman goes to the hospital on the appointed day or when her water broke. During childbirth, the doctor is present only in case of complications, in other cases, the obstetrician controls the process.
- Allergy risk from hospital food . Hospital food in the US is fast food. So be prepared to eat fatty foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only in some clinics there is a special diet.
We advise you to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to give birth in the USA. After all, there are other ways to move to live in the States. In addition, it may turn out that your child will not need American citizenship in life at all.
Miami Birth Cost 2022
with the best clinics -
We cooperate
with the best doctors -
Dual citizenship
from the first day of life -
The joyful expectation of childbirth
with our Center in Miami -
Miami has a favorable climate
for you and your child
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do people give birth in America?
How long can I stay in the US on a tourist visa?
Why is Miami so popular with women in labor?
I heard that in case of complications during childbirth, huge bills are issued. Is this true and what should I do next?
Will my child be able to live normally in Russia?
When can my child finally leave for America?
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Customer Reviews
I want to leave a review about the work of Miami Care. I gave birth to my first and long-awaited child, I was very afraid of everything and worried, but everything went great. I am happy, my beloved son is in my arms. Super Hospital Memorial! All pregnant women Only there! Chambers, equipment 5+, medical staff - at the level of a good hotel.
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We would like to thank Miamicare and personally Marina Karmal for helping us organize the birth of our baby in Miami. He had the opportunity to be born in Moscow or in Riga.
Ekaterina, Alexey and baby Kostya
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We are from Peter. My name is Daniel. They gave birth to their first child in Miami with the help of Miami Care. I know English, a friend lives in the USA, I studied information on childbirth on the Internet and realized that mistakes on an independent trip can cost us quite a lot. In order not to pay twice and not to waste your nerves, we decided to go with the accompaniment of a professional company.
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Flying to America, I was optimistic, although my eco-pregnancy turned out to be difficult, with bed rest up to 12 weeks, with the opening of the cervix and suturing at 22 weeks, but the doctors, having weighed everything, allowed me to fly. Thanks to Miamicare, who helped me back in Moscow. I took my eldest daughter with me so that we could be together, all bathe and relax.
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I was in America for the first time, and, to tell the truth, I was very afraid to fly there to give birth.
Everything is completely unfamiliar, I practically do not know the language, I have no acquaintances and relatives there.
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We had certain doubts about giving birth in America, as probably many of those who think about it. First of all, we were concerned about the legal aspect.
Olga and Nikolay
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I want to thank Marina for creating this amazing center, which gave me the opportunity not only to give birth to my baby in the most wonderful place on the planet, but also to spend the best month of my life there! I flew to Miami at the beginning of the ninth month.
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I would like to share my experience of giving birth in Miami at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Why exactly here? The fact is that in my case, childbirth promised to be difficult for a number of specific reasons.
Christina and Vitaly
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When I was in Miami, I promised myself that when I returned to Moscow, I would find a minute to share my impressions! So, personally, I chose Memorial Regional Medical Center for childbirth.
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I use the services of the company's specialists for the second time. The first birth in Miami was back in 2011. I was very impressed with the service, the location, and the change of scenery. This time I gave birth at Broward General Medical Center.
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Do not be surprised that it was I who decided to thank the specialists of the mother center MiamiCare. I have a very shy wife who is afraid of everything. You will never believe what it took me to persuade her to fly to give birth to a child in Miami.
Alexander (and Katyusha)
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We were in Miami for the first time, and we are very glad that it was with the support of specialists from the MiamiCare parent center. For the first time, I had a chance to meet Marina back in 2006 at prenatal training courses, when I gave birth for the first time.
Xenia and Eugene
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Without exaggeration, I can say that I spent the best three months of my life in Miami! I can’t say that I was very worried about the upcoming birth.
After all, they are already my third.
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My name is Anya and I would like to share my experience of childbirth in Miami. I really liked the approach of the doctors who worked with me to their work. My doctor sees patients in two hospitals at once, but I was given such attention that I could not even dream of.
Dmitry and Anna
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Understanding what an exciting moment in the life of every woman is childbirth, and even more so when it comes to a transcontinental flight, I also decided to leave my own review, which, perhaps, will at least partially reassure many of you - expectant mothers.
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I am a very limited time person. For me, the most important point was the confidence that Zhenya remains in safe hands. I could not leave business in Moscow, so she had to fly herself to give birth.
Boris and Evgeniya
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I want to express my gratitude to the staff of the mother center MiamiCare.
Since I was limited in funds, and I prefer to do everything on my own, I used the minimum package of services.
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Always loved to do everything on my own! But the husband insisted this time - they took the "comfort" package. Well, I must confess that I have no regrets. I spent almost 4 months in Miami. Certainly an unforgettable time.
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A good friend advised me to give birth in Miami. Her son is already five years old, and he is a citizen of America and Russia at the same time - he was born in this medical center.
Olesya and Gennady
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Let someone say that this is not patriotic, but my husband and I always wanted our unborn child to grow up where he sees fit, to receive the education that he wants to receive, and not for which there is enough money.
Dmitry and Larisa
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We also decided to share our impressions.
For us personally, the moments of flights and negotiations were the most exciting. Therefore, a meeting at the Miami airport was very helpful.
Alina and Mikhail
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We would like to thank all the specialists of the MiamiCare Mother Center, and in particular Marina, our curator assistant. We were very afraid of problems with paperwork, because we wanted to fly to America together with our five-year-old son.
Marina and Maxim
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My husband and I planned to give birth in America from the moment I found out that I was pregnant. We contacted the MiamiCare mother center in advance, chose a package of services, and discussed the details. Unfortunately, our assistant had to fly to America just shortly before us.
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I want to share the emotions that overwhelm me, and are now fully realized, felt and experienced by me.
First of all, thanks to the staff of the MiamiCare Mother Center! They surprisingly were able to feel exactly what I needed.
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Thanks to the specialists of Mayamicare - a worthy company, a professional approach. We have a lot of experience in this matter - we are already giving birth to our fourth child abroad. She gave birth to her first child in Switzerland.
Angela and Gregory
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home » Prices
Take a look at our main Miami Birthing Packages. Please note that the price of childbirth may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The indicated cost does not take into account risky pregnancy, or stay in the hospital for more than 2-3 days, in case of complications.
Miami Birth - Basic Package Price
Package Price | Basic $4,200 | Convenient from $13,900 | VIP $26,300 |
Medicine | |||
Doctor's services (pregnancy management, standard tests, ultrasound, CTG, childbirth, postnatal care) | - | + | + |
Clinic services (individual room, tests, comprehensive examination of the child, consultation with a lactation specialist) | - | + | + |
Pediatric services (every day examination at the hospital and 2 appointments at the Pediatrician's office) | - | - | + |
Preparation | |||
Full consulting support | + | + | + |
Personal invitation from doctor | + | + | + |
Flight selection, assistance in buying air tickets | + | + | + |
Selection of apartments, conclusion of a lease agreement and assistance with verification in the building association | + | + | + |
Miami | |||
24/7 customer support hotline | - | + | + |
Airport transfer - one car | + | + | + |
Registration of a contract for childbirth with a doctor | + | + | + |
Registration of a contract for childbirth with the clinic, excursion | + | + | + |
Transfer, assistant-translator for doctor's appointments | 1 visit | + | + |
Transfer to the clinic for childbirth (24 hours) | + | + | + |
Assistant-interpreter at the clinic for childbirth (from the moment of admission to the end of childbirth + 2 hours on the day of discharge) | + | + | + |
Registration of all necessary documents upon discharge | + | + | + |
Transfer, assistant-interpreter at the discharge from the clinic (with the provision of a child car seat) | + | + | + |
Registration of documents confirming the full payment for the services of the doctor and clinic (zero balance) | - | + | + |
Selection of a company for storage of stem cells | - | + | + |
Registration of a child with a pediatrician (doctor's services are paid separately) | + | + | + |
Obtaining an extract with the results of observation from a pediatrician | - | + | + |
Documents | |||
US paperwork for the child (birth certificate, SSN, passport) | $295 | $295 | + |
Registration of documents of the Russian Federation for a child (translation of a birth certificate, apostille, citizenship, passport) | $1300 | $1300 | + |
Optional | |||
Personal driver | - | - | 10 hours per week |
Visiting Consultation with a Licensed Breast Massager, Lactation, and Connecting with the Baby | - | - | + |
Staff selection | - | - | + |
Pregnancy and newborn photography session | - | - | + |
Miami Birth Promotion Price
Miamicare Promotion
Promotion extended until 10/15/22
- When concluding a contract for the Comfort package, you will receive the service of issuing a full set of US documents for a newborn, including all fees, free of charge.
Thus, you get an extended range of services for the same cost of the selected service package.
The offer is valid if the contract is signed until 10/15/22 . Hurry up to get the best conditions on the market!
Sign up for the promotion
Order a consultation and an introductory package of documents Gynecologist (not selected)Rosalyn BonilaMaryana BubuchaHannah FarisDaniel LevinMatar NabilSteven SilversNigel SpearSvetlana MaslyakAlbert StarikovAlexander Gomez-LuengozMarat ZeltsmanRachel SocarrasDiana SredniMark SpenceAlicia AkonMaurizio BitranLev KandinovAlexander BirmanArkady PuryginLuis Gutiérrez
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We are in the program "Fanimani" on the TV channel Moscow24A representative of MiamiCare took part in the filming of the TV show "Fanimani" on the TV channel Moscow 24 ...
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Interview in Izvestia with a representative of MiamiCareRepresentative of MiamiCare Anton Yachmenev took part in an interview with Izvestia .