How long is 24 weeks in pregnancy
Symptoms and Baby Development| Pampers
24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
When you’re 24 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing and getting stronger! You may feel your little one’s movements more than you did before, with pokes and kicks becoming increasingly frequent.
You may notice periods when your baby’s movement levels seem to increase, such as before bedtime. Likewise, you might also notice other times when these movements seem less frequent, which could occur when your baby is resting or sleeping.
Your healthcare provider can offer advice on whether you should be monitoring your baby’s movements. If your provider gives you the go-ahead, this downloadable fetal movement tracker can help you keep a record.
Another important milestone at around 24 weeks pregnant is that your baby’s inner ear is fully developed. This organ controls the sense of balance and helps your baby feel if they’re right side up or down in the womb.
And although your baby’s lungs are formed by this week, the lungs will be ready to function normally in the outside world only after they start producing surfactant. This substance helps keep the lungs’ air sacs inflated, and your baby will start producing it at around 26 weeks.
If you’re 24 weeks pregnant with twins, learn more about the development of your multiples in our twin pregnancy week-by-week guide.
The Size of the Fetus at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Now that you’re 24 weeks pregnant, your fetus is about the size of a full ear of corn. Your little one weighs slightly over 1 pound and is almost 8 inches long from crown to rump. Take a peek at how your baby may look at 24 weeks with the visual below.
How Many Months Is 24 Weeks Pregnant?
At 24 weeks pregnant, you’re just a few weeks away from the end of the second trimester, which runs from 14 to 27 weeks. This puts you approximately at the end of six months pregnant. Keep in mind, there are various ways to group the weeks of pregnancy into months, and knowing which week you’re in is the most helpful to you and your healthcare provider.
Your Body at 24 Weeks Pregnant
By the time you reach 24 weeks pregnant, you may have gained about 10 to 15 pounds, and your baby bump is still growing day by day. As your belly expands, you might want to wear a maternity belt or belly band to keep your abdomen well supported, especially when exercising while pregnant. Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise will help you feel better both physically and emotionally during pregnancy. Plus, staying fit during pregnancy will make it easier to lose the weight you’ve gained later on, after your baby is born.
24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 24 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Skin changes.
Throughout your pregnancy, your skin may change or become irritated. At 24 weeks pregnant, you might notice the following skin changes:
Pigment changes. You might start noticing darker patches of skin on your body and face due to hormonal changes. This happens because the pigment-bearing cells called melanin are stimulated. The brown patches on your face are called chloasma, and the dark line down your abdomen is called the linea nigra. After your baby is born, these pigmented areas usually fade with time. Experts say that avoiding heavy sun exposure and using sunscreen can help reduce chloasma.
Stretch marks. As your body grows, you might also notice streaks where the skin stretches. Stretch marks during pregnancy are most likely to occur on areas like your belly, buttocks, and breasts. You can’t prevent stretch marks, but they can fade over time after the birth of your baby.
Itchy skin. You might also experience itchiness as your skin stretches; applying moisturizer might help reduce the itchy feeling.
Round ligament pain. You might be experiencing pain on one or both sides of your abdomen or hip area. This could be round ligament pain, which is quite common during pregnancy. It happens because the ligaments holding your uterus in place become strained and stretched. Gently stretching and changing positions may help reduce the pain. If the pain ever gets too intense—or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever or bleeding—contact your healthcare provider for a checkup.
Trouble sleeping. The size of your belly at 24 weeks pregnant might make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Some well-placed pregnancy pillows can help! Try sleeping on your side with your knees bent and with one pillow between your legs and another one under your belly for support. Read more in our trimester by trimester guide to sleep.
Loss of balance and dizziness. Your growing belly affects how your weight is distributed, making it a little easier to feel off balance.
On top of this, changes in circulation can make you feel dizzy or light-headed. It may help to move slowly (particularly when you get up or change positions), drink lots of water, and stay cool. If you do feel dizzy, lie down on your side. If you’re concerned, ask your healthcare provider for advice.
Leg cramps. Have you been experiencing painful calf or foot muscle contractions lately? It’s not unusual to feel this kind of cramping at 24 weeks pregnant. In fact, you might encounter this symptom from time to time right up until the day your baby is born. Although experts don’t know the exact cause of leg cramps during pregnancy, they do agree on what to do about them:
Stretch your calf muscles before you go to sleep at night
Stay physically fit through regular exercise
Drink plenty of water to help reduce cramping.
Download our guide to prenatal stretches for more on keeping your muscles supple during pregnancy.
24 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
As you reach 24 weeks pregnant, you may start to wonder what’s around the corner, if there’s anything particular you should know about this stage of pregnancy, or how to prepare for your baby’s arrival. Below you’ll find a few things to consider.
Sex while pregnant. As your belly grows, you and your partner may be wondering whether sex is still safe. If your pregnancy is progressing normally, having sex is probably safe, but if your pregnancy has complications, your healthcare provider may recommend you abstain. Because everyone’s situation is unique, your provider is the best person to ask about your specific situation. Read up on sex during pregnancy for more information, and discuss your feelings with your partner, too. Keep in mind that during pregnancy, the sex drive of both you and your partner may vary.
Glucose screening. A glucose screening test is usually done some time between 24 and 28 weeks pregnant.
The test will help your healthcare provider assess your risk of gestational diabetes. Your provider will advise you if you need this test; to learn more, see our article on glucose screening and testing.
Driving or riding in a car. As your belly gets larger, you'll need to make adjustments to your daily routine, such as how you can fasten your seatbelt to safely protect you and your baby. The lap strap of the seatbelt should go under your belly and rest snugly against your hip bones. Put the shoulder strap across the center of your chest rather than under your arm. Never cross any part of the seatbelt over your belly.
Hydration. Staying hydrated is important. As a mom-to-be, you need plenty of water to stay healthy and support your growing baby. Experts recommend drinking 8 to 12 cups of fluid a day when you’re pregnant. If you tend to forget to drink during your busy day, you could
set a phone reminder every few hours, prompting you to drink water
download a hydration app that tracks your intake and reminds you to drink
set out full bottles of water at the start of each day and try to drink them all.
Birth preferences. At 24 weeks pregnant, you’ve passed the halfway mark, so it might be a good idea to start discussing your preferences for childbirth with your healthcare provider and birth partner. Your birth partner could be your partner or another trusted friend or loved one. The more your provider and birth partner know about your personal preferences and the kind of birth you’d like to have, the better they can support you when the time comes. Your birth partner can support you by helping with certain comfort measures like massages and lots of encouragement and emotional support. There’s still lots of time to have these discussions and to write a birth plan, if you’d like to, but now is a good time to start having these conversations.
Babyproofing. Although your baby’s arrival is still a few months away, and your baby being able to crawl and walk could be almost a year away, the second trimester is still a great time to start baby proofing.
This is because you may still have a bit of energy, and once your baby has arrived, you’ll have lots of other things on your plate. Remember, while you can get some things out of the way now (like securing electric cables and adding child proof locks to low cupboards) baby proofing is an ongoing task and you’ll need to revisit it before your little one can crawl.
Your subconscious. At 24 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing some strange things that you can’t quite place. Perhaps you’re having crazy dreams, or maybe you’re struggling to stay focused when normally you’re on top of things. Read our articles on vivid pregnancy dreams and “pregnancy brain” to separate fact from fiction and find out why this may be happening.
24 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Healthcare Provider
At this point in your pregnancy, you may want to ask your healthcare provider a few questions. Remember, you are on this journey together, and your provider is there to support you. Consider the following questions, but feel free to ask more:
Are there any pregnancy screenings or tests that you need to schedule during the rest of this trimester?
Is it necessary to drink filtered tap water?
Are there any foods to prioritize at 24 weeks pregnant? Any foods you need to avoid?
Are there any vaccinations needed during pregnancy? When is the best time to have them?
What help is available if you’re feeling down while pregnant?
24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Here’s a handy checklist for when you’re 24 weeks pregnant:
Take our quiz to discover your perfect nursery style!
Baby and You at 24 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Development
In this article:
Key takeaways at week 24
Baby's development at week 24
3D anatomy views
Pregnancy symptoms this week
Your body at 24 weeks
Tips for week 24
Checklist for week 24
Key Takeaways at 24 Weeks Pregnant
- You’ve probably gained about 15 pounds or so at this point; remember, you're building a human being, and you have a heavy placenta and extra blood volume—so every pound is important! If you’ve gained a lot more (or less) than that, talk to your doctor.
- Next test on the docket: The glucose screening. You’ll drink a very sweet drink and have your blood sugar measured one hour later. If you fail, you’ll need to move on to the three-hour test.
- That bump is really showing (and you’re probably loving your maternity leggings!). Your fundal height at this point is probably between 21 and 25 cm (from the top of your uterus to your pubic-bone area)—give or take.
Consider this a preview of motherhood: Baby is doing just fine—and you’re, well, kind of a mess. Your week 24 baby is working on being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world. You, on the other hand, are probably experiencing some of the late-pregnancy discomforts at 24 weeks pregnant—leg cramps, backaches and swollen feet. Hang in there, mama-to-be!
Watch Week 24 Highlights
Baby at Week 24
Wondering what it’d be like to get a look at baby at 24 weeks in the womb? Your 24-week-old fetus is growing fast, and though their wrinkly skin is still a bit see-through, they’re quickly putting on that adorable baby fat, looking cuter and cuter each day. Their eyelashes, eyebrows and head of hair are still filling out, but the hair has yet to develop any pigment. Baby’s startle reflex has developed now too, so you might find that loud noises make baby jump!
How big is baby at 24 weeks?
Wondering about the size of baby at 24 weeks? Baby is now the size of a cantaloupe. Your 11.8-inch 24-week-old fetus now weighs about 1.3 pounds.
24 weeks pregnant is how many months?
Now that you’re 24 weeks pregnant, you’re six months pregnant. That said, remember that doctors track pregnancy in weeks. Once you look at 24 weeks in months, it’s no wonder you’re tired. Those six months pregnant symptoms are no joke!
24 week ultrasound
Inside your 24 weeks pregnant belly, baby is making progress. It isn’t just about anatomical stuff; it’s about looks, too. Your 24-week fetus’s see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque, and it’s taking on a fresh, pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.
Drink up! Around 24 weeks pregnant, your doctor will order a Glucose Challenge Screening Test—one of the more memorable prenatal tests—to see if you’re at risk for gestational diabetes. The test is designed to see how your body processes sugar, so you’ll be asked to drink a sweet liquid called Glucola (which reminds us of Gatorade) and then hang out for an hour. Once the hour is up, you’ll have your blood drawn and then it will be tested to see how your body has processed the sugar.
If your doctor finds abnormal results, you may have to have a follow-up test called the glucose tolerance test. Hunker down in the waiting room for this one! It will measure how your body processes sugar over a three-hour period to see if you really do have gestational diabetes. If you do, it’s not the end of the world. Your doctor will counsel you on how to keep your condition in check so the rest of your pregnancy stays healthy. And you and baby might get extra monitoring—meaning, extra ultrasounds. Look on the bright side: At least you’ll get to peek at baby more often!
Are babies fully developed at 24 weeks?
Not quite yet. While baby looks like a newborn already, a 24-week fetus still has a good amount of fat to gain, and their little lungs aren’t fully developed yet. Baby is growing taste buds and has fingerprints and footprints already (!), but their brain is still developing and growing. Baby is getting closer and closer to being ready to meet you, but they still have some important work to do in that 24 week baby bump of yours.
3D Views: My Baby, My Body
See their progress for yourself with our 3D interactive tool.
See My Baby in 3D
See My Body in 3D
Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 24
Your (pretty annoying) 24 week pregnant symptoms probably sound a little bit like this:
Swollen ankles and feet
If your tootsies are puffy, elevate them while you're sitting. Getting up and walking often can help, too. A little bit of swelling is totally to be expected, but swelling in your face, severe swelling in your hands or uneven (in one leg and not the other) or sudden swelling aren’t run-of-the-mill. In fact, those are signs of preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy complication, so tell your OB if you’re experiencing any swelling that seems out of the ordinary.
Leg cramps
Tight, achy or “jumpy” legs can be a sign of dehydration, so check that you’re drinking plenty of water. Stretch your legs often and take lots of walks. Let your doctor know you’re getting leg cramps; they’re probably not an issue, but occasionally cramps can be a sign of another problem, such as a nutritional deficiency, so it’s worth keeping an eye on.
Yep, you’re still experiencing back pain—and it might even be getting worse. That’s because as baby gets larger, so does your uterus (of course), and your uterus presses against your spine, making it more curved and strained. Plus, your back muscles have to work harder to carry the extra weight. Tell your doctor about any severe pain (aka sciatica).
Linea nigra
That's the dark line that runs up the center of your belly. Influenced by pregnancy hormones, the linea nigra should fade within a few weeks to months after giving birth.
Stretch marks
These “tiger stripes” may continue to appear as your skin stretches even more. If you’re 24 weeks pregnant with twins, you’re probably more likely to get them. SPE
Your Pregnant Belly at 24 Weeks
At 24 weeks pregnant, you’ve probably been feeling baby kicking for at least a few weeks, but now they’re getting stronger and stronger. In fact, your partner or others who touch your belly might start to feel those kicks through your 24 week baby bump soon too.
Recommended 24 weeks pregnant weight gain is about 14 to 16 pounds for moms-to-be of normal BMI. If you’ve gained a bit more than that, don’t worry—it’s drastic or sudden weight gain that’s cause for concern—but for the healthiest pregnancy possible, you’ll want to find ways to keep your weight gain under control.
Did you know 24 is a magic number for twin moms? It’s recommended that women who are 24 weeks pregnant with twins have gained 24 pounds by now. In fact, if you have, you’ve actually reduced your risk of preterm labor.
What position is baby in at 24 weeks?
Usually, at 24 weeks pregnant, baby is positioned upright, with their little behind down by your cervix. They may also be transverse, or positioned sideways, which can be a bit less comfortable. You can often tell which position baby is in based on where the kicks and punches are coming from.
“Around this time or a little after, you may start to actually feel pregnant. Yes, you’ll feel your baby move, which is exhilarating. However, you may also notice swelling start to occur, difficulty sleeping, heartburn, round ligament pain and some discomforts of pregnancy. It’s part of it, but ask your ob-gyn for some tips to make your life better!” - Christine Greves, MD, an ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies in Orlando, Florida.
Tips for 24 Weeks Pregnant
Here are some good-for-you actions to take this week.
Get your squeezes in
Exercise is important before having a baby, and that includes working your pelvic floor. Kegel exercises get your vaginal muscles and perineal muscles ready to deliver that baby and can reduce the likelihood of tearing. So squeeze, mama!
Follow doctor’s orders
If your glucose test shows that you have gestational diabetes, try not to fret and just follow your doctor’s instructions regarding diet, exercise and other methods of managing it.
Look out for relaxin
You might be amused by your newfound flexibility with all that relaxin in your system, but be careful not to overstretch your loose joints and ligaments. Just take it easy when you’re stretching so you don’t hurt yourself accidentally.
Eat thoughtfully
Now that you (hopefully!) don’t feel nauseous anymore, you might be more hungry. Just be thoughtful about what you’re eating and when, so you don’t make heartburn worse. Eat small meals more often to keep indigestion at bay.
Pregnancy Checklist at 24 Weeks Pregnant
Reminders for the week:
How long does pregnancy last: signs, terms and stages of fetal development
How long does pregnancy last: signs, terms and stages of fetal development
How long does pregnancy last: signs, terms and stages of fetal development - RIA Novosti, 01/25/2021
How long does pregnancy last: signs, terms and stages of fetal development
Pregnancy is the period when the formation and development of the fetus in the mother's body. About signs and duration - in the material of RIA Novosti. RIA Novosti, 01/25/2021
2021-01-25T18: 38
2021-01-25T18: 38
2021-01-25T18: 38
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MOSCOW, January 25 - RIA Novosti. Pregnancy is a period when the formation and development of the fetus in the mother's body. About the signs and duration - in the material of RIA Novosti. Signs of pregnancy After conception, anatomical, physiological and hormonal changes occur in the body of a woman. There are a number of signals that may indicate pregnancy. Among the presumptive signs can be distinguished: - vomiting and nausea; - drowsiness; - aversion to certain smells; - frequent mood swings; - tearfulness; - dizziness. Also, a woman may experience frequent urination, an increase in the mammary glands. The most obvious indicator is the cessation of menstruation. Most often, pharmacy tests are used to determine pregnancy. Although they are reliable, they do not provide complete information. “A pregnancy test is one of the likely signs,” added Svetlana Ivanova. - He can tell that the patient is pregnant, but at the same time, he will not show whether this is a uterine or ectopic pregnancy. This can only be determined by ultrasound.” How many weeks does a woman's pregnancy last? The expert answered the question about the pregnancy rate in weeks. According to her, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, that is, ten obstetric months or nine calendar. Embryonic periodFrom the moment of fertilization, the embryonic period lasts until the tenth week of the obstetric period. At this time, the formation and development of the fetus in the mother's body begins. In particular, germ layers are formed in the embryo first, then tissues, organs and the placenta. During this period, the fetus increases to three centimeters, but it still does not resemble a baby, but only over time acquires the appropriate features. The fetal period The fetal period lasts from the 11th week of the obstetric period and ends with childbirth. At this time, the active growth of the fetus occurs, its proportions change, all organ systems begin to develop.
In addition, the fetus begins to move in the womb. Physiological changes in the mother-fetus system Since the onset of pregnancy, two closely interconnected systems are formed. Firstly, maternal, which provides the fetus with everything necessary, and, secondly, the functional system of the fetus. Significant changes take place in the mother's body. During pregnancy, a woman needs to receive vitamins, as the need for them increases. Therefore, the body needs one and a half times more zinc, iodine, vitamins B6 and B12. Lack of vitamins can affect the duration of pregnancy. nine0003
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health - society, pregnancy, women
Health - society, pregnancy, women
MOSCOW, January 25 - RIA Novosti . Pregnancy is a period when the formation and development of the fetus in the mother's body. About signs and duration - in the material of RIA Novosti.
Signs of pregnancy
After conception, anatomical, physiological and hormonal changes occur in a woman's body. There are a number of signals that may indicate pregnancy. Among the presumptive signs can be identified:
30 December 2020, 15:04
Pregnancy test: when and how to do it to get the correct result
- vomiting and nausea;
- drowsiness;
- aversion to certain smells;
- frequent mood swings;
- tearfulness;
- dizziness.
Also, a woman may experience frequent urination, enlargement of the mammary glands. The most obvious indicator is the cessation of menstruation.
“Probable signs include an increase in the uterus,” Svetlana Ivanova, a teacher of obstetrics and gynecology of the highest category, told RIA Novosti. - When the doctor examines the patient, he can see the blueness of the vaginal cervix and the vagina itself. In general, the size of the uterus, shape and consistency changes.
Most often, pharmacy tests are used to determine pregnancy. Although they are reliable, they do not provide complete information.
“A pregnancy test is one of the likely signs,” added Svetlana Ivanova. - He can tell that the patient is pregnant, but at the same time, he will not show whether this is a uterine or ectopic pregnancy. This can only be determined by ultrasound. nine0003
July 3, 2020, 02:53
The gynecologist named the ideal age for the birth of the first child. According to her, the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, that is, ten obstetric months or nine calendar months.
“In general, her term is 280 days, counting from the first day of the last menstruation,” added Svetlana Ivanova. - It is believed that timely delivery occurs from the 37th week to the 42nd. Childbirth before 37 weeks is considered premature, after the 42nd week - belated. Both are deviations from the norm.” nine0003
Embryonic period
From the moment of fertilization, the embryonic period lasts until the tenth week of the obstetric period. At this time, the formation and development of the fetus in the mother's body begins. In particular, germ layers are formed in the embryo first, then tissues, organs and the placenta. During this period, the fetus increases to three centimeters, but it still does not resemble a baby, but only over time acquires the appropriate features.
January 19, 2021, 20:07
What you need to take with you to the hospital for the child and mother: a list for 2021
Fetal period
The fetal period starts from the 11th week of the obstetric period and ends with childbirth. At this time, the active growth of the fetus occurs, its proportions change, all organ systems begin to develop. In addition, the fetus begins to move in the womb.
Physiological changes in the mother-fetus system
Since the onset of pregnancy, two closely interconnected systems are formed. Firstly, maternal, which provides the fetus with everything necessary, and, secondly, the functional system of the fetus. Significant changes take place in the mother's body. nine0003
“The level of progesterone, the main hormone responsible for gestation, increases, while estrogen decreases,” the expert explains. - They are responsible for the tone of the uterus. If there are too many hormones, a miscarriage may occur. During pregnancy, the heart, as well as the kidneys, work with increased stress. They excrete the urine of the mother and fetus. The thyroid and parathyroid glands increase in size, calcium production is disrupted, so pregnant women often experience brittle nails, hair loss, and teeth can crumble. Because of this, it is necessary to regularly check with the dentist for the presence of caries. This is a source of infection that can lead to infection of the fetus.” nine0003
During pregnancy, a woman needs to receive vitamins, as the need for them increases. Therefore, the body needs one and a half times more zinc, iodine, vitamins B6 and B12. Lack of vitamins can affect the duration of pregnancy.
September 26, 2020, 08:00
Instant large families. Family stories of quadruplets
How long does a person's pregnancy last? | Blog
Several studies have been done on how many weeks a pregnancy lasts. The results of these studies were published in the journal Human Reproduction. nine0003
How does pregnancy begin?
The development of pregnancy in humans begins with the fertilization of a female egg by a male spermatozoon. Fertilization is possible after ovulation - the release of the egg from the ovary. Usually, ovulation occurs on the 10-16th day of the menstrual cycle (from the 1st day of the last menstruation), but can be significantly shifted. The life span of an egg is about a day, and that of a sperm cell is 3-5 days. After ovulation, the egg enters the fallopian tube, where it meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. Then, within 14 days, the fertilized egg moves into the uterus in order to implant (fix) in the uterine cavity and continue to develop. nine0003
How to calculate the due date and what affects how many weeks the pregnancy lasts?
Estimated due date is calculated by adding 280 days to the first day of your last menstrual period. However, the duration of pregnancy is influenced by the age of the mother, the time of implantation of the embryo, the weight of the mother herself at the time of birth. It was found that with every year of her life, a woman bears a child for 1 day longer. And for every “extra” 100 grams of weight at birth, we also add 1 day to the duration of pregnancy. During the study, it was also found that embryos require different times for implantation (fixation in the uterus). And those embryos that took longer to implant also require more time from implantation to birth. More precisely, the date of birth can be determined using ultrasound. nine0003
What is term pregnancy?
In obstetric practice, full-term, it is customary to consider pregnancy lasting from 37 to 42 weeks. Up to 37 weeks is a premature pregnancy, and the birth is premature, and after 42 weeks it is a post-term pregnancy, and the birth is late.
Are there methods for accurately determining the duration of pregnancy?
A team of researchers, in order to more accurately calculate the duration of pregnancy, determined the level of hormones in the urine of women who plan to become pregnant naturally, which made it possible to determine the time of ovulation and implantation of a fertilized egg. Thus, scientists found that the duration of pregnancy was no more than 268 days, that is, 38 weeks. And the duration of pregnancy itself can vary by 37 days. It was also found that previous and subsequent pregnancies lasted approximately the same length as the pregnancy that was investigated. nine0003
Based on the results of this study, it was found that there are currently few mechanisms in the world that allow you to accurately determine the date of birth and how long the pregnancy lasts. And giving the exact due date is not a good idea, because. this causes a woman’s extra anxiety if the birth does not occur on the specified date. The poet, women should be told that you will give birth around this time.
How often do women give birth on their due date?
It is statistically known that only 4% of women give birth on the expected date of delivery, and 70% within 10 days of the due date. nine0003
How is the estimated date of delivery determined at the Leleka Maternity Hospital?
In the Leleka Maternity Hospital, doctors use the first day of the last menstruation, to which we add 280 days, as well as the ultrasound diagnostic method to determine the expected date of delivery. The most accurate time to determine the gestational age on an ultrasound scan is 11-13 weeks. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will measure the coccyx-parietal size of the fetus, and using special tables, determine the gestational age to days and, accordingly, the expected date of birth. And, if the difference between the period calculated from the first day of the last menstruation and using ultrasound is less than 5 days, then we focus on the date according to the last menstruation, and if the difference is more than 5 days, then on the date that turned out during the ultrasound examination . nine0003
What to do if the expected date of delivery has come, but the birth has not happened?
If the date of delivery has come, but the birth does not occur, there is no need to panic. Come for a consultation with the doctors of the Leleka Maternity Hospital. During this consultation, the doctor will conduct a series of studies to make sure that everything is in order with the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman. And will determine the date of induction of labor, if labor does not begin on its own.