How long do i have to pay child support in indiana
DCS: Child Support: Child Support Orders
- Child Support
- Custodial Party Information
- Current: Child Support Orders
Child support orders are legal obligations to provide financial support for a child(ren), and are established by a court of law. All child support obligations in Indiana are governed by the Indiana Child Support Rules and Guidelines issued by the Indiana Supreme Court. The guidelines employ a methodology designed to calculate child support as the share of each parent's income estimated to have been spent on the child if the parents and child were living in an intact household. For the non-custodial parent, the calculated amount establishes the amount of child support to be paid to the Custodial Party for the benefit of the child(ren). The amount calculated for the custodial party is presumed to be spent directly on the child(ren). The Guidelines also address special considerations for extraordinary education expenses and parenting time(visitation).
When a child turns 19 years old, the child is emancipated by operation of law, and the non-custodial parent's obligation to pay current child support terminates. An exception is if the child is incapacitated. In this case, the child support continues during the incapacity or until further order of the court. A court order for the child support to extend beyond 19 years old is required.
The court shall emancipate a child prior to the age of 19 if the court finds that the child:
- Marries; or
- Goes on active duty status with the US Military; or
- The child is not under the care or control of either parent or an individual or agency approved by the court.
The court may terminate a non-custodial parent's support obligation, with or without emancipating the child if the court finds that all of the following circumstances exist:
- The child is at least 18 years old; and
- The child has not attended a secondary school or post-secondary educational institution for the prior 4 months; and
- Is not enrolled in a secondary school or post-secondary educational institution; and
- The child is, or is capable of, supporting himself or herself through employment.
In order for a court to terminate a child support order prior to 19, a petition must be filed with the court. If a non-custodial parent owes any arrearage at the point when the order for child support terminates, he or she is still required to pay the arrearages.
If two or more children are covered by a child support order and one child is emancipated, the amount of the child support is not automatically reduced. The parties must seek a modification of the court order to determine the new amount of support for the remaining child(ren).
If you are ordered to pay support, you are also responsible for payment of the annual support fee (ASFE) for each of your court orders. This fee is sometimes referred to as a "docket fee" or a "clerk fee". The current annual support fee is $55.00. For more information about annual support fees, please click Annual Support Fees.
How are child support obligations enforced?
Some of the enforcement tools that may be used include:
- Withholding support payments from wages, unemployment compensation and other benefits
- Intercepting federal and state income tax refunds, lottery winnings, and insurance settlements
- Reporting of unpaid support to a credit bureau
- Suspending driver's and professional licenses as well as hunting and fishing licenses
- Applying vehicle liens
- Locating and withholding bank assets
- Cross matching parents who owe support with employer new hire reports
- Denying/revoking passports
- Interfacing data with numerous other federal and state agency systems
How to Pay Court-Ordered Support
Income Withholding
If an Income Withholding Order (IWO) was sent to your employer or income payor, they will forward the support withheld from your earnings to the Indiana State Central Collection Unit (INSCCU). However, you are responsible for paying child support until the IWO becomes effective.
How do I pay child support before the IWO is in effect?
Only cash payments can be accepted by the office of the County Clerk in the county where your court order originated. Payments by personal check, money order, cashier's check or certified check are to be made payable to INSCCU and mailed to:
PO Box 7130
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7130
When sending a payment to INSCCU, please include the following information:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your phone number
- Your child support case number
- Last 4 digits of your social security number
- Your court cause number
- Payment amount
If you have more than one child support case, you may either:
- Send one check, money order, cashier's or certified check per case, or
- Send one check, money order, cashier's or certified check that covers the amount due on all of your cases.
If you send one check to be applied to more than one case, please be sure to identify the amount of payment to be applied to each case and list each child support case number individually.
A Child Support Remittance Form to include with your payment is available for download here. It is important that all information is completed. If you do not know your child support case number or court cause number, you may contact the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437. Customer Service representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. excluding state holidays.
Child support payments can be made online or by phone. Annual Support Fees (ASFE) cannot be made online or by phone. To make a child support payment online, please click Make a Child Support Payment.
To make a child support payment by credit/debit card over the phone, call 1-855-972-9427. When prompted, enter the information requested from the automated phone system which includes:
- Social Security number
- 10 digit child support case number
- payment amount
- credit/debit card information
- phone number
At this time, we cannot accept payment by electronic check; however you can use credit and debit cards. You will not need a PIN number. You will need your child support case number and your social security number to make a payment. Enter the 10 digit case number by using leading zeros (e.g. 0000221133). If you do not know your child support case number, please call the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437.
On your credit card statement, the transaction will be listed as "IN Child Support Payment". There is a convenience fee associated with making a phone or online payment. This fee is 2.25% of the total payment paid. The convenience fee will be listed as "Child Support Conv.Fee". This fee is non-refundable and is not applied to your case. If you have any questions regarding the transaction, please call the phone number listed on the credit card statement.
If you make a mistake with the payment, you can contact the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437 regarding any questions. Please review each payment carefully before you submit it. Once transactions are submitted, they cannot be canceled or changed.
DCS: Child Support: Frequently Asked Questions
Custodial Party - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I establish paternity?
My child's father or mother is not paying. How do I start receiving child Support?
What are the different ways I can receive my support?
What happens if my child support check is lost or stolen?
How long is child support paid?
How do I get my child support order modified (increased or decreased)?
Can the prosecutor's office help me with child custody or parenting time (visitation) issues?
If the non-custodial parent has not been paying child support as ordered, are they still entitled to parenting time with the child?
How can I get verification of the support I receive?
How do I change my name/address?
Who can I call if I have other child support questions?
How do I establish paternity?
Paternity can be established in several ways.
- If the child's father is married to the child's mother, or if the child is born less than 300 days after the marriage legally ends, the husband is presumed to be the child's father.
- Paternity can also be established at the hospital within 72 hours of the child's birth by both parents signing a paternity affidavit.
- Paternity can be established at the local county health department any time before the child is emancipated by completion of the paternity affidavit. Paternity can also be determined by the court when a paternity action is filed.
- The county prosecutor's Title IV-D office may be able to help you with paternity establishment services. You will need to call or visit their office to schedule an appointment. Any genetic testing must be court ordered and is done when requested by any party in the legal proceeding.
My child's father or mother is not paying. How do I start receiving child support?
A custodial party may enroll for services at the county prosecutor's Title IV-D office in his/her county of residence. Local County Child Support Offices
It is important that you bring all relevant court orders, payment records, and information on the other parent to your appointment. You may be asked to provide photo identification when opening your case. Once your case has become a Title IV-D case, the county prosecutor's Title IV-D office will evaluate your circumstances to determine what the next appropriate step is in enforcing your case. This may include sending an income withholding order (IWO) to an employer or filing a petition with the court to enforce the case.
What are the different ways I can receive my support?
Go to the Payment Disbursements page to learn more about the different ways child support can be received.
What happens if my child support check is lost or stolen?
Requests for a lost check search through the Indiana State Child Support Bureau are accepted 30 calendar days from the issue date of the check. The process in completing a lost check search can take approximately 45 days. If your child support check was issued by the Child Support Bureau (not a county clerk of court), you may call the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437 to initiate a lost check search. If the office of the county clerk issued your check, you must contact the county clerk's office directly
How long is child support paid?
When a child turns 19 years old, the child is emancipated by operation of law, and the non-custodial parent's obligation to pay current child support terminates. An exception is if the child is incapacitated. In this case, the child support continues during the incapacity or until further order of the court. A court order for the child support to extend beyond 19 years old is required.
The court shall emancipate a child prior to the age of 19, if the court finds that the child:
- Marries; or
- Goes on active duty status with the U.S. Military; or
- The child is not under the care or control of either parent or an individual or agency approved by the court.
The court may terminate a non-custodial parent's support obligation, with or without emancipating the child, if the court finds that all of the following circumstances exist:
- The child is at least 18 years old; and
- The child has not attended a secondary school or postsecondary educational institution for the prior four months; and
- Is not enrolled in a secondary school or post secondary educational institution; and
- The child is, or is capable of, supporting himself or herself through employment.
In order for a court to terminate a child support order prior to 19 years old, a petition must be filed with the court. If a non-custodial parent owes any arrearage at the point when the court order for current child support terminates, he or she is still required to pay arrearages.
If two or more children are covered by a child support order and one child is emancipated, the amount of the child support order is not automatically reduced. The parties must seek a modification of the court order to determine the new amount of support for the remaining child(ren).
How do I get my child support order modified (increased or decreased)?
Indiana law allows for a party to a child support order to petition the court to modify the amount of child support when:
- A substantial and continuing change of circumstance exists; or
- The previous order is at least 12 months old and the amount of support that would be calculated under the Child Support Guidelines differs from the current order by at least 20%.
Orders may be considered for modification at the request of either parent. The county prosecutor's Title IV-D office is required to review child support orders of families receiving Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) every 3 years. Based on the review, the county prosecutor's Title IV-D office may file a petition to modify with the court.
Can the prosecutor's Title IV-D office help me with child custody or parenting time (visitation)?
No. Civil matters such as divorce petition, custody, or parenting time (visitation) cannot be addresses through the Title IV-D child support program. You should seek legal advice in these matters.
If the non-custodial parents has not been paying child support as ordered, are they still entitled to parenting time with the child?
Yes. There is no legal correlation between the payment of child support and exercising parenting time (visitation) rights with the child(ren).
How can I get verification of the support I receive?
Payment information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via the Child Support Bureau's automated Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437. This information can also be obtained by choosing "Check Support Payments" in the menu at the top left. An official "certified" computer printout can be obtained from the office of the county clerk where the support order was entered. A small fee may be required so please check with your county clerk's office.
How do I change my name/address?
You can change your name/address by contacting your local office of the county clerk or by calling the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437. If you are a Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) recipient, you must contact your TANF caseworker to change your address.
Who can I call if I have other child support questions?
A Customer Service Representative is available via the Kidsline at (800) 840-8757 or (317) 233-5437 from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. EST (Indianapolis time) Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. If you have an established child support case that is being enforced by a county prosecutor's IV-D office, you should contact that office.
up to what age they pay, how much percentage of income they can withhold, and what documents are needed to apply for alimony
1. Who can apply for child support?
Alimony is maintenance that minor, disabled and/or needy family members are entitled to receive from their relatives and spouses, including former ones.
A child can count on alimony:
- if he is under the age of 18 and has not yet become fully capable by decision of the guardianship or court. Alimony in favor of a child may be filed by his guardian, custodian, adoptive or natural parent with whom the child remains;
- if he is over 18 years of age but has been declared legally incompetent.
One of the spouses can count on alimony if:
- he needs and is recognized Disabled adults who are entitled to alimony are considered disabled people of groups I, II, III and persons who have reached pre-retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men) or the generally established retirement age.
- wife, including ex, is pregnant or less than three years have passed since the birth of a common child;
- a spouse, including a former one, needs and cares for a common disabled child under 18 years of age or a child disabled since childhood of group I;
- ex-spouse Persons in need are those whose financial situation is insufficient to meet the needs of life, taking into account their age, health status and other circumstances. marriage or within five years thereafter, and the spouses have been married for a long time.0010
Also, child support can be received by:
- disabled and needy parents, including stepfather and stepmother, from their adult able-bodied children. This rule does not apply to guardians, trustees and adoptive parents;
- disabled and needy grandparents - from their adult able-bodied grandchildren, if they cannot receive maintenance from their children or spouse, including the former;
- minor grandchildren - from their grandparents, who have sufficient funds for this, if they cannot receive alimony from their parents.
After the age of majority, grandchildren can count on alimony if they are recognized as disabled and they cannot receive assistance from their parents or spouses, including former ones;
- incapacitated persons under 18 years of age - from their adult and able-bodied brothers and sisters, if they cannot receive them from their parents, and incapacitated persons over 18 years of age - if they cannot receive alimony from their children;
- disabled and needy persons who raised and supported a child for more than five years - from their pupils who have become adults, if they cannot receive maintenance from their adult able-bodied children or spouses, including former ones. This rule does not apply to guardians, trustees and adoptive parents;
- social service organizations, educational, medical or similar organizations in which the child is kept can apply for child support. In this case, alimony can be collected only from the parents, but not from other family members.
Organizations can place the funds received in the bank at interest and withhold half of the income received for the maintenance of children.
2.How to apply for child support?
If there is no agreement between the parties on the payment of alimony or the other party refuses to pay them, apply to the court at the place of your residence:
- to the justice of the peace, if the recovery of alimony is not related to the establishment, contestation of paternity or motherhood, or the involvement of other interested parties;
- to the district court - in all other cases.
If one of the parents voluntarily pays support without a notarized agreement, the court can still collect support from him in favor of the child.
You can file for child support at any time as long as you or the person you represent are eligible.
The plaintiff does not pay state duty for consideration of the case on recovery of alimony in court.
3. What documents are needed to apply for child support?
The child support claim must be accompanied by:
- copies of it, one for the judge, the defendant, and each of the third parties involved;
- documents confirming the circumstances that allow you to apply for alimony. Such documents, for example, may be a birth certificate of a child, a certificate of marriage or its dissolution;
- a single housing document and income statements for all family members;
- calculation of the amount you expect to receive towards child support. The document must be signed by the plaintiff or his representative with a copy for each of the defendants and involved third parties;
- if the claim will not be filed by the plaintiff himself, additionally attach a power of attorney or other document confirming the authority of the person who will represent his interests, for example, a birth certificate.
As a rule, maintenance is ordered from the moment the application is submitted to the court. They can be accrued for the previous period (but not more than three years before the day of going to court) if you provide evidence in court that you tried to contact the other party and agree or the defendant hides his income or evades paying alimony. Such evidence can be letters sent by e-mail, telegrams or registered letters with notification.
4. What is the amount of alimony?
The court determines the amount of alimony based on the financial situation of both parties. Alimony for the maintenance of minor children, as a rule, is:
- per child - a quarter of income;
- for two children - a third of the income;
- three or more children - half of the income.
These shares can be reduced or increased taking into account the financial and marital status of the parties and other important ones, including the presence of other minor and / or disabled adult children, or other persons whom he is obliged by law to support; low income, health or disability of the support payer or the child in whose favor they are collected.
"> factors. When determining the amount of alimony, the court seeks to maintain the level of financial support that the child had before the divorce or separation of the parents. If each of the parents has children, the court determines the amount of alimony in favor of the less well-to-do of them.
In addition to the share income, the court may order child support or a portion of it in the form of a certain amount of money.As a rule, such measures are resorted to when the defendant hides part of his income and a share of his official income cannot provide the child with the standard of living that he had.
In exceptional circumstances - illness, disability of the child, lack of suitable housing for permanent residence, etc. - the court may oblige one or both parents to additional expenses.
The amount of alimony is indexed in proportion to the growth of the subsistence minimum (for the population group to which their recipient belongs).
As a general rule, maintenance withheld from the debtor's income for the maintenance of a minor child cannot exceed 70% of his income. In other cases - 50% of income.
5. Who can not pay child support?
Parents are required to support their children after birth and up to 18 years of age, if the child does not marry earlier or there is no Emancipation - declaring a minor fully capable. It is possible if a minor who has reached the age of 16 works under an employment contract (including under a contract) or, with the consent of his parents (adoptive parents, guardian), is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The decision on the emancipation of a minor is taken by the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the consent of the parents (adoptive parents, guardian). If there is no consent from the parents, the decision on emancipation can be made by the court.
"> emancipated. Parents must support the child, even if he does not need material assistance. The incapacity of the parents, the recognition of their incapacity in court or the deprivation of parental rights also does not release from this obligation.
Alimony may be denied: or spouse, including an ex, if he or she has become disabled and needs help due to alcohol, drug abuse, or intentional crime, or has behaved unworthily in marriage, such as gambling;

Brendan Fraser: biography of the actor, personal life, illness, harassment, Oscar, best films
Brendan Fraser in the film The Whale
Whale". When the show ended, the audience stood up and applauded while standing for no less than six minutes. This standing ovation was in honor of the 53-year-old American actor Brendan Fraser, who played the main role of literature professor Charlie. His hero, lonely and vulnerable, cannot recover from the death of a partner for whom he left his wife and daughter. Eating pizza and chocolate bars on grief, Charlie recovered to almost 300 kilograms and found himself cut off from the rest of the world in his body and his apartment. His only dream is to reconnect with his 17-year-old teenage daughter, played by Stranger Things star Sadie Sink.
Brendan Fraser's performance in The Whale gave the actor not only a triumph at the Venice Film Festival, but also a long-awaited return to big Hollywood. The superstar of The Mummy and George of the Jungle spent many years in oblivion, hiding from the public and contenting himself with roles in second-rate films. He was the subject of memes that went viral on the Internet. Now, however, eminent directors are lining up for a long-deleted actor to play in their films. And on March 13, 2023, he received an Oscar for his performance in The Whale. Robb Report tells the story of the Mummy star and his Hollywood renaissance.
Love at first sight
Brendan Fraser (full name Brendan James Fraser) was born in 1968 in Indianapolis, USA. His parents were quite wealthy people: his mother was a sales consultant, and his father, a former journalist, worked with the Ministry of Tourism and was forced to change his place of residence every year with his family. Therefore, the future actor managed to travel half the world before graduating from school. The Frasers traveled around the States, lived in Canada, settling in Ottawa. They crossed the ocean and lived in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Great Britain. Without exaggeration, Brendan Fraser met almost every school year at a new school.
It was while living in London that the future star of "The Whale" fell ill with the theater and began to go to various performances himself. While studying at school, he began to take acting lessons and play on stage with classmates. There, Fraser got his first role. One day during the holidays, Brendan Fraser, walking around London, was spotted by a casting agent and called for an audition. After passing the audition, the young actor received an invitation to take part in the production of the West End Theater. Fraser did not even think of giving up such a chance: not only did he get his first minute of fame, he also strengthened his desire to become an actor. And by the time he received his school diploma, Brendan Fraser already knew for sure that he had given his heart to the stage and wanted to make a living doing just that. Therefore, the question of where to continue education did not even arise. Fraser went to acting school and chose the Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle.
After graduation, the actor planned to continue his studies at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas (and even got himself an internship at the local theater), but the auditions for the film "Blood Pays with Blood" changed everything. The actor didn’t get the role at the time, but the film with his samples was distributed among the agents, and as a result, another door opened for him - the role of a sailor in the melodrama The Stupid Bet with River Phoenix and Lili Taylor. While working on this film, Brendan Fraser met an agent who set him up with the right people, helped him get a few more auditions and launch his career.
Still from the movie "Stupid Bet"
A naive guy with a perfect body
In the early 1990s, Brendan Fraser's popularity began to take off. At a time when romantic comedies were just gaining momentum, and adventure horrors were stamped on video cassettes and actively watched at home on VCRs, an almost two-meter handsome man with a perfect body was actively conquering Hollywood. Fraser very accurately fell into the image of a kind, naive (even rustic) and incredibly attractive guy, having won the hearts of viewers in the United States and other countries of the world. Fraser's big debut can be considered a comedy 1992 "Frozen Californian". He played the caveman Link, who thawed out in 1990s California and is forced to adjust to the life of an ordinary American schoolboy. And this was the beginning of a series of comedy and romantic roles for the young actor.
Still from the film "The Frozen Californian"
In the early 1990s, Fraser tried not to focus on the image of a naive handsome man and at the same time tried dramatic roles. So, in 1992, he appeared in the drama School Ties. In it, he played the main role - a native of a poor Jewish family. In the story, Fraser's character enters a prestigious American school, where he encounters bullying from other students. However, the main character did not hit the dirt with his face and fought back. Apparently, for the actor, the project was very personal - after all, Fraser himself regularly changed schools when he was a teenager. And he did an excellent job. For his role in School Ties, Fraser received a nomination in the Most Promising Actor category at the Chicago Film Critics Association Awards.The nomination was also valuable because, in addition to Fraser, such future Hollywood mastodons as Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Chris O'Donnell played in the film. And at 19On the 98th, Brendan Fraser played in "Gods and Monsters" with his idol Ian McKellen, whose admirer he became in his youth during trips to London cinemas. However, for some reason, further Fraser decided not to follow the path of a dramatic actor and focused on melodramas and comedies.
Still from the film "George of the Jungle"
The role of Link, in which Fraser appeared as a naive but attractive guy, opened many doors for him in Hollywood. In subsequent years, he was offered participation in similar projects. He played the naive Adam in Blast from the Past, portraying a young man who lived all his life in a bunker where his parents were hiding from (what they thought) a nuclear explosion. Also, his filmography was replenished with roles in "Honours", "Empty Heads", "Mrs. Winterbourne". However, many works, alas, failed at the box office. Nevertheless, natural naivete and external attractiveness brought him a role that became his golden ticket - at 19In 1997, Brendan Fraser played wild George in George of the Jungle. In it, he appeared in the form of either Mowgli or Tarzan, who was brought up by gorillas in the jungle. The traveler Ursula accidentally found him and convinced him to move to San Francisco with her. In the city, Fraser's hero has to adapt to normal life and learn the laws of the stone jungle. Thanks to the image of George, the actor was eventually noticed by director Stephen Sommers and invited to the picture, which for many years became the hallmark of Brendan Fraser. We are, of course, talking about The Mummy.
The New Indiana Jones and Almost Superman
The 1990s were a time when dashing adventurers and treasure hunters were still held in high esteem by American audiences, since their place had not yet been taken by superheroes. And among the most striking characters was Rick O'Connell from The Mummy, played by Brendan Fraser. His hero is something like a soldier of fortune with a charming smile, principles and an arsenal of weapons always loaded. Rick O'Connell is ready to sign up for any dangerous enterprise for the sake of a beautiful woman and friendship. And also fight back a dozen revived mummies.
When the film crew had just begun to create the picture, which was released in 1999, then, according to Brendan Fraser himself, they did not yet know what would come of it - a horror, action or a romantic comedy. As a result, director Stephen Sommers managed to take a little bit from each genre, and this mix became the key to success. The audience was delighted with the film - it grossed $416 million worldwide on a budget of $80 million. The hero of Brendan Fraser declared himself as a worthy heir to Indiana Jones, and the actor himself received the status of one of the main sex icons of that time.
Still from the film The Mummy
Two years later, the second part of The Mummy came out, and the audience was once again delighted with the cast and the adventures of the main characters. The Mummy Returns grossed $435 million worldwide on a $98 million budget. Critics rated the work a little cooler than the first film, but it was still a success. At the same time, other roles rained down on Brendan Fraser (and his fees, by the way, also increased by millions of dollars). He starred in the crime drama Clash, which was also a resounding success. By the way, with a budget of 6 million, the picture collected 98 million, and also received three Oscars - for best film, best screenplay and best editing.
However, in general, after the film The Mummy Returns, Brendan Fraser's career began to decline. Largely due to poor choice of roles. He starred in the film "Blinded by Desires", where Elizabeth Hurley acted as his partner. The film barely made it to zero. "Dudley the Fair", "Monkey Bone", "The Quiet American" and "Looney Tunes: Back in Business" all failed at the box office. In the last picture, he starred as DJ Drake, a ridiculous security guard at the Warner Bros. studio, who could not calm down the raging Daffy Duck. As a result, both were left without work and went in search of a mysterious diamond. Curiously, according to the plot, DJ Drake was an understudy for Brendan Fraser in his youth. And at the end of the picture, he met with him and hit him in the face.
“Later I realized that at that time I was desperate to clean my face and just did not miss this opportunity,” Fraser later admitted.
A still from the film "The Mummy Returns"
And the actor had a reason for being angry - and what else. Director Brett Ratner wanted to cast Fraser as the lead in a new version of Superman written by J. J. Abrams, but nothing came of it. He simply leaked the actor who was at the finish line of the selection. Career failure and film cancellation broke Brendan Fraser's heart. In the next few years, he starred in several more notable films, but more and more turned into a Hollywood memory. So, in 2008, the actor returned to the role of Rick O'Connell in the third part of The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.
The film, although not a failure, was a disappointment to the producers. For the final part of the trilogy, the budget was increased to 145 million, but the picture eventually collected a little less than each of the previous films - 403 million. And it became a fat ellipsis in Frazier's career. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor was originally supposed to be the start of a new trilogy that follows the adventures of Rick O'Connell and his adult son, Alex. But the failure of the picture and the cool reviews of viewers and critics forced the producers to cancel these plans. And as a result, there was no more talk of any fourth, and even more so subsequent parts of the film franchise. Instead, the studio released a remake with Tom Cruise in 2017.
Fraser had one more hope - the spectacular blockbuster Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008). However, even here the actor failed. Having played in the first picture, Fraser lost the main role in the second film. Now on my own initiative. When the studio decided to shoot a sequel, it turned out that the director of the first part, Eric Brevig, would not be able to return to work. When Frazier refused to cooperate with other directors, he was quickly replaced by Dwayne Johnson. By this point, the actor had already begun to lose shape and look a little like Rick O'Connell, and even more so George from the jungle. And all because of the numerous injuries received on the set, as well as family problems. It was they who removed Brendan Fraser from Hollywood screens for a decade.
Broken hero
It all started with the actor's very first film role - a nameless sailor in the 1991 film "Stupid Bet". In the story, Brendan Fraser, who was 23 at the time, briefly appears on screen in a bar fight scene. In the process, he is thrown into a slot machine. For this, Fraser received a rib injury and an additional $50 fee - after all, in fact, he performed a stunt trick. It is significant that the bruised rib of the actor was not at all embarrassed. Frazier was on fire with his first small role and is said to have told the director that he was ready to hit the machine again - even if the rib was broken.
In the future, Frazier continued to suffer injury after injury on set, performing complex stunts on his own. During the creation of the first part of the legendary "Mummy", where Fraser loved to perform tricks without understudies, he almost paid for his habit with his life. On the set of the prison scene where Rick O'Connell is about to be hanged, the noose tightened too tightly around the actor's neck and he stopped breathing. It was possible to return him to consciousness only after prompt resuscitation. The culprit turned out to be one of the members of the film crew, who overdid it with pulling the rope. But by a lucky chance, everything worked out. And Frazier even recalled the shooting of The Mummy with warmth. He really enjoyed riding camels in Morocco and following in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia, an iconic film that was filmed in the same locations in 1962nd.
A still from the film The Mummy
“I was beaten, thrown from a height, set on fire, thrown against a wall, and that’s normal. I liked it. It was fun,” Brendan Fraser later said.
Due to such neglect of his health, by the end of the 2000s, the artist's body began to fail. By the time of the third part of The Mummy in 2007, Frazier, who was already in his 40s, was still doing his own stunts, but he did it with the last of his strength. “It [my body] was held together by duct tape and ice packs (the ice made the pain of the injury bearable),” Frazier later said. — I felt like the horse from Orwell's Animal Farm, which endlessly worked and worked and worked. Orwell came up with a character who probably embodied the proletariat. He worked for the common good, did not ask questions, did not create problems for anyone, until all this killed him.
Around the same time, Frazier starred in another action film, Journey to the Center of the Earth. It also required a lot of physical activity. But that was the end of the movie adventurer's career. The actor spent the next seven years on operating tables. Brendan Fraser has had several back surgeries to remove vertebrae, he has survived a half-knee replacement, as well as surgery for damaged vocal cords. Very quickly, Fraser ceased to resemble his signature image - a strong and brave adventurer. The actor fell into a severe depression, which was exacerbated by difficulties in his personal life and experiences due to the humiliating episode of sexual harassment.
Still from Journey to the Center of the Earth
Blacklisted by Hollywood
The molestation episode that affected the actor so much took place in 2003. According to the actor, at the beginning of the 2000s, in the corridor of the Beverly Hills Hotel, he met Philip Burke, at that time the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. It is she who manages the Golden Globe Award. During a conversation with Fraser, Burke suddenly grabbed his buttock and tried to stick his finger into his crotch. Fraser then fell into a stupor and did not know how to react. In the end, he just ran away from the hotel, almost bursting into tears. However, this episode influenced his career for many years to come. And not only because it caused severe depression.
Philip Burke
When emotions subsided, Fraser told both his wife and the agent about the incident. The latter advised not to remain silent, but to demand a written apology from the association. So Fraser did, but this did not lead to the result that the actor had hoped for.
All of a sudden, he seemed to be deleted from the list of contenders for popular roles, put on the unofficial "black list of Hollywood". It seems that Burke, offended by the publicity of that story, really actively put a spoke in Fraser's wheels.
Brendan Fraser today
Fraser found the strength to speak publicly about his traumatic experience only in 2018 in an interview with GQ. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association then reacted rather calmly to this episode and called it a "joke" and Burke's actions a "playful pat". However, Brendan Fraser still felt better from the confession, because he stopped blaming himself for the incident: "I was unhappy because I said to myself:" Nothing like this happened, this guy just reached out and "touched me" ". Now the worries are behind him, and when the actor is overwhelmed by bad thoughts, he goes to the backyard of his house in New York State and shoots with a bow. I must say, Fraser has become very adept at this over the past decade - just like his heroes in the blockbusters in which he once starred.
A fairy tale with an unhappy ending
However, the actor's misadventures did not end there. Along with depression and a ruined career, he also lost his family. After nearly a decade together, in 2007, his marriage to Afton Smith broke up. The couple got married in 1998 and were almost exemplary in Hollywood. They had three sons - Griffin, Holden and Leland. Moreover, the eldest was found to have an autism spectrum disorder. However, neither success, nor difficulties, nor children could make this union strong enough, and the couple filed for divorce. The process was not easy and lasted two years. As a result, the court not only left the children with their mother, but also appointed Fraser huge alimony. He had to pay his ex-wife 75 thousand dollars a month or 900 thousand annually (until 2019). Moreover, only 300 thousand went to the maintenance of three sons; 600 thousand were intended for Afton herself.
Brendan Fraser and Afton Smith
This decision of the court turned out to be a heavy burden for an actor with poor health and a career on his feet. As a result, in 2013, he asked the court to cancel payments for his wife. By that time, three years had passed since Fraser's last major project - Furry Revenge (and even that one failed at the box office). And there were no new job offers. However, the court again sided with his ex-wife, who accused Fraser of hiding income. In order to comply with the court decision, the actor had to sell the most valuable thing he had left - the house. As a result, by 2019he paid his ex-wife a total of $9 million.
From Missing to Superstar
By the early 2010s, Brendan Fraser had become virtually missing for Hollywood moviegoers. Due to financial problems, he took virtually any job. He could be seen either in low-profile films in the lead roles, or as a minor character in TV series. It wasn't until 2015 that his career began to pick up a bit, when he played a role in the historical mini-series Texas Rising, appeared in the third season of The Lovers, and landed a role in the series Trust, about the kidnapping of oil tycoon Jean Paul Getty.
But even here it was not without problems. When, in 2016, Frazier was called for the first big interview in years (thanks to his role in The Lovers), he behaved very strangely and seemed to be out of focus throughout the conversation. All 35 minutes he looked sad and distant, mumbled something, sometimes answered inappropriately and looked at one point. As a result, this resulted in a flurry of offensive memes that ridiculed his failures.Posters of old films with an actor in the lead role were circulating on the Internet. On them, the face of young Fraser was replaced with his image with tearful eyes. Only after a while, in the same interview in 2018, in which he talked about harassment and injuries received on the set, Fraser explained his condition while talking to reporters. It turned out that just a few days before the interview, he had buried his mother and could not collect his thoughts. After such recognition, the actor received huge support in social networks and found out that he has a lot of fans on the Internet.
After that, Fraser was again invited to the big cinema. In 2021, he appeared in Steven Soderbergh's crime drama No Sharp Moves. And in 2022, the Batgirl movie was supposed to be released, where Fraser played the supervillain Firefly (however, Warner Bros. unexpectedly canceled the release of the already filmed film). In addition, the world is waiting for the release of "Killers of the Flower Moon" in 2023, where the actor was invited by Martin Scorsese. In this picture, Fraser starred with Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro. In addition, the action movie "William Tell" directed by Eric Brevig, with whom Fraser played in "Journey to the Center of the Earth", is next. However, the main work of the actor, which became his triumph and returned world recognition, was Darren Aronofsky's "The Whale".
On the Threshold of Brennessance
Interestingly, Brendan Fraser was not the first actor that Darren Aronofsky saw in the role of literature professor Charlie, the main character of the picture. The fact is that the director has been nurturing the idea of making the film "The Whale" for no less than 10 years. And during this time, many candidates have been candidates for the main male role, among them Tom Ford and George Clooney. However, the picture, apparently, was waiting for its hero (or until this hero goes through difficult life trials). Seeing Brendan Fraser in the low-budget Brazilian film Journey to the End of the Night, Darren Aronofsky noticed in him the harassment and vulnerability that was needed to play the main role.
True, Brendan Fraser's path back to the Hollywood Olympus (as, indeed, always) was not without obstacles. As soon as he got the main male role - so long-awaited and desired - COVID-19 broke out. As a result, the shooting had to be stopped because the actor caught the virus and was having a hard time with the symptoms. For about eight months, Fraser was in limbo and fear that he would miss this role and this chance. However, this time the stars aligned and played in his favor.
Brendan Fraser and Darren Aronofsky
To play the role of Charlie, Brendan Fraser had to put on four hours of makeup and an additional 160 kilograms of weight every day of shooting. It was impossible to stand up on your own in such attire, also because of the numerous injuries and surgeries suffered by the actor. As a result, he always needed the help of two specialists. And in order to somehow move in the body of his hero, Fraser trained with choreographers for several months. But all efforts paid off.
The premiere of "The Whale", which took place last autumn, brought Brendan Fraser a resounding success. Once in the center of the hall applauding him, the actor did not immediately understand who was being applauded. And when Darren Aronofsky explained that the standing ovation was entirely in his honor, he burst into tears. Journalists, colleagues and fans started talking about the Renaissance in the career of an actor - or Brennessans. However, after many years of failures and problems, Fraser is in no hurry to savor the triumph and treats success with caution. Although he can afford to show off - after all, at the Oscar ceremony, which took place on March 13, 2023, he received an award as the best actor.
What films with Brendan Fraser to watch
If after the Oscars you want to watch films with Brendan Fraser, then we tell you which films you should pay attention to in addition to The Mummy and The Whale:
Still from the film George of the Jungle »

The best way to get acquainted with Brendan Fraser's filmography is from the film, which formed the basis of his canonical image of a kind, slightly naive, but attractive guy with beautiful blue eyes and a powerful body. George from the jungle was brought up by monkeys, but, having met the beautiful Ursula, he readily moved to San Francisco, not being afraid of the stone jungle and their sometimes bestial laws.
Shot from the movie "Blast from the Past"
2. "Blast from the Past"
One of the classic melodramas of the 1990s, which entered the golden collection of the genre. Here Brendan Fraser appears as a naive, old-fashioned, but kind guy with iron principles, which are rarely found among modern guys. According to the plot, Fraser's parents during the Cold War, even before his birth, were afraid of a nuclear attack and hid in a bunker built under their house. After 30 years, when the threat of exposure has passed, it's time to restock provisions. And they contracted their son Adam for this task. Going out into the street, he is faced not only with realities and unlimited freedom 1990s, but also her Eve - a modern girl who does not believe in men, but cannot resist the innocence and kindness of Adam.
Still from the film "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
3. "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
Action to match "The Mummies", in which Brendan Fraser played at the end of the first stage of his career. The actor again shows a mix of innocence and brutality. He appears as the slightly eccentric volcanologist Trevor Anderson, who believes in strange theories about the Earth's core. In search of confirmation of his beliefs, he sets off on a dangerous journey to the center of the Earth in the company of a young nephew and a beautiful Icelandic guide. Many adventures await them, which will allow Brendan Fraser to once again demonstrate the mixture of naivety and raw masculine strength that has become his trademark.
A still from the TV series "Clinic"
4. "Clinic"
Over the years of the release of the cult hospital sitcom, many stars have appeared in it. And Fraser became one of them. In the series, he appears in three episodes - "My incident", "My hero" and "My failure" (the last one is perhaps one of the most touching in the series). His hero is Ben, a close friend of Dr. Cox. Fraser appears as a cheerful and sociable guy who ended up in the hospital with a terrible diagnosis. His hero loves to take pictures (however, like the actor himself) and carries a camera with him everywhere.
Still from the film "Crash"
5. "Crash"
Fraser's dramatic role shortly before the period of oblivion, which cannot be ignored. This crime drama is also worth watching because it won three Oscars, including Best Picture. In the film, Frazier plays the big shot, Los Angeles District Attorney Rick Cabot. One day, he and his wife become the victim of an attack by two African American road thugs. And then Fraser's hero finds himself in a difficult moral dilemma.
Still from the film The Quiet American
6. The Quiet American
Another not at all fun role of Brendan Fraser. In this film adaptation of Graham Greene's novel, the actor plays, albeit not the main role (it is assigned to Michael Caine), but definitely bright. Michael Caine portrays an elderly journalist who lives in Saigon during the years of the Indochina conflict and is in love with a young Vietnamese girl. He is noble and thoughtful, with his image everything is very clear. Frazier, on the other hand, plays a "quiet American" who has a second bottom. He gets involved in a love triangle and dirty political games. Perhaps this is one of Fraser's best roles due to the complexity of the character and his ambivalence.
Still from Texas Rising miniseries
7. Texas Rising
This 2015 historical miniseries about General Sam Houston's fight with Mexican General Santa Anna for Texas independence is good but worth watching not because of the deep role of Frazier (in the series, he got the image of the Texas Ranger). The reason is that with this project (as well as "Lovers") the return of the actor to the cinema began - first on television, and then on the big screens.
A still from the movie No Flicks
8. No Flicks
The last (but not least) film in the Brendan Fraser collection that Robb Report offers to watch is a tense crime thriller about a gang of criminals in Detroit in the 1950s. The plot is as follows: after a failed theft of documents, the heroes try to find out who framed them. Brendan Fraser in this picture plays Doug Jones - it is he who hires the heroes for business, but hides his real plans from them.
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