How early do contractions start in pregnancy
Braxton Hicks contractions | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Braxton Hicks contractions | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
If you feel tightening or cramping in your abdomen during your pregnancy, you may be having Braxton Hicks contractions. This is normal and not a sign that you’re ready to give birth.
Braxton Hicks contractions are sometimes called ‘false’ or ‘practice’ contractions.
What are Braxton Hicks contractions?
Braxton Hicks contractions are a tightening in your abdomen that comes and goes. They are contractions of your uterus in preparation for giving birth. They tone the muscles in your uterus and may also help prepare the cervix for birth.
Braxton Hicks contractions don’t cause labour and aren’t a sign that labour is beginning.
If you’re not sure whether what you’re experiencing is Braxton Hicks contractions or actual labour, contact your doctor or midwife. They will be able to tell by doing a vaginal examination — if there are no signs that your cervix is changing, it is not labour.
What do they feel like?
Braxton Hicks contractions feel like muscles tightening across your belly, and if you put your hands on your belly when the contractions happen, you can probably feel your uterus becoming hard.
The contractions come irregularly and usually last for about 30 seconds. While they can be uncomfortable, they usually aren’t painful.
If the pain or discomfort of your contractions eases off, they’re probably Braxton Hicks contractions.
When do you get them?
Braxton Hicks contractions occur from early in your pregnancy but you may not feel them until the second trimester. If this is your first pregnancy, you might start to feel them from about 16 weeks. In later pregnancies, you may feel Braxton Hicks contractions more often, or earlier. Some women won’t feel them at all.
In late pregnancy, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions more often — perhaps as much as every 10 to 20 minutes. This is a sign that you are preparing for labour — known as prelabour.
How are Braxton Hicks contractions different from labour pain?
There are some differences between Braxton Hicks contractions and true labour contractions that will help your doctor or midwife decide whether you are in labour:
Braxton Hicks contractions:
- don’t result in your cervix thinning and opening
- usually last for about 30 seconds
- can be uncomfortable, but usually aren’t painful
- come and go at irregular times
- usually occur no more than once or twice an hour (until late in the pregnancy), a few times a day
- usually stop if you change position or activity or go for a walk
- usually go if you have a warm bath or shower
Real labour contractions:
- result in your cervix thinning and opening
- last 30 to 70 seconds
- become very regular
- get closer together
- last longer as time goes by
- get stronger or come more often when you walk
- get stronger over time
Should I call my doctor or midwife?
If you are less than 37 weeks pregnant, contractions can be a sign of premature labour. Contact your doctor or midwife immediately if:
- you feel pain, pressure or discomfort in your pelvis, abdomen or lower back
- the contractions become stronger, closer together and more regular
- there is fluid leaking or gushing from your vagina
If you are full-term, you may choose to wait until a bit later in your labour, depending on what you have arranged with your doctor or midwife. If your waters break, or your contractions are strong and 5 minutes apart, it’s time to go to the hospital.
As any stage of pregnancy, you should contact your doctor or midwife immediately if you:
- you have persistent pain in your abdomen
- you have vaginal bleeding
- you notice your baby’s movements have slowed or stopped
- you feel very unwell
If you are in doubt, don’t hesitate to call your doctor or midwife for advice.
How can I ease the discomfort?
Braxton Hicks contractions are normal and don’t need treatment. But if you feel uncomfortable, you can try:
- lying down
- taking a walk
- relaxing in a warm bath
- having a massage
It may help to practise your breathing exercises during your Braxton Hicks contractions.
Raising Children Network (23 weeks pregnant), RANZCOG (Labour and birth), Elsevier Patient Education (Braxton Hicks Contractions)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: October 2020
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Braxton-Hicks Contractions vs. Real Contractions
Braxton-Hicks Contractions vs. Real ContractionsMedically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — By Stephanie Watson on January 11, 2018
Final stages of pregnancy
When you’re in the final stages of pregnancy, contractions are like your body’s alarm clock, alerting you that you’re in labor. Sometimes, though, contractions can sound a false alarm.
These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, named after the doctor who first described them. You can think of them as practice contractions that get your body ready for your baby’s arrival, but they are not the real thing.
Not sure whether you’re having Braxton-Hicks contractions or real ones? Here’s a guide to help you tell the difference.
What are Braxton-Hicks contractions?
Braxton-Hicks contractions are sometimes called “false labor” because they give you the false sensation that you are having real contractions.
Although they can thin the cervix (the opening of the uterus) as real contractions do, Braxton-Hicks contractions won’t ultimately lead to delivery.
Braxton-Hicks contractions typically start in your third trimester of pregnancy. They’ll arrive from time to time, often in the afternoon or evening and especially after you’ve had an active day. You won’t notice any real pattern, but Braxton-Hicks contractions may come more often the closer you get to your due date.
When a Braxton-Hicks contraction hits, you’ll feel a tightening in your abdomen. It’s not usually painful, but it can be.
Signs you’re having Braxton-Hicks contractions include:
- contractions that come and go
- contractions that don’t get stronger or closer together
- contractions that go away when you change position or empty your bladder
What are real labor contractions?
Real contractions happen when your body releases a hormone called oxytocin, which stimulates your uterus to contract. They’re a signal that your body is in labor:
- For many women, real contractions start at around the 40th week of pregnancy.
- Real contractions that begin before the 37th week can be classified as premature labor.
Real contractions tighten the top part of your uterus to push your baby downward into the birth canal in preparation for delivery. They also thin your cervix to help your baby get through.
The feeling of a true contraction has been described as a wave. The pain starts low, rises until it peaks, and finally ebbs away. If you touch your abdomen, it feels hard during a contraction.
You can tell that you’re in true labor when the contractions are evenly spaced (for example, five minutes apart), and the time between them gets shorter and shorter (three minutes apart, then two minutes, then one). Real contractions also get more intense and painful over time.
There are other clues that you’re in labor, including these:
- You may see a clump of pinkish or bloody mucus when you use the bathroom. This is called a “bloody show.”
- You may feel like the baby has “dropped” lower in your belly.
- You may experience fluid leaking from your vagina. This is a sign that your “water” (a bag of fluid called the amniotic sac) has broken.
How can you tell the difference?
This chart can help you tell whether you’re in real labor or just “practicing”:
What to do if you’re having contractions
Contractions that only show up from time to time are most likely Braxton-Hicks. But if they start coming regularly, time them for about an hour. If they get stronger or closer together, you are likely experiencing true labor.
When they’re about five or six minutes apart, it’s probably time to grab your bag and head to the hospital.
If you’re not sure whether you’re really in labor, call your doctor or go to your delivery hospital. You’re better off seeking medical help, even if it turns out to be a false alarm.
It’s especially important to get to the hospital if you’re less than 37 weeks into your pregnancy, the contractions are especially painful, or your water has broken.
Last medically reviewed on January 11, 2018
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- Braxton Hicks contractions: Causes and treatment. (2017). - Contractions. (2013). - Labor contractions. (n.d.). - Signs that labour has begun. (2016). - True vs. false labor. (2017).
Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.
Current Version
Jan 11, 2018
Stephanie Watson
Edited By
Frank Crooks
Medically Reviewed By
Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI
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Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph. D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — By Stephanie Watson on January 11, 2018
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Every pregnant woman with excitement and joy awaits the upcoming birth. The closer the cherished date, the more attentively the expectant mother listens to the changes taking place in her body and in the behavior of the baby. Of course, the expectant mother wants to know by what signs it is possible to understand that childbirth is just around the corner.
It is customary to call the harbingers of childbirth external, really tangible changes in the body, which are direct preparation for the onset of labor. The tissues of the birth canal - the cervix, vagina, vulva, perineum - become quite elastic, extensible, but at the same time - very strong and resistant to tearing. The cervix is located in the center of the vaginal vault, shortens by almost half its normal length and softens significantly. The cervical canal - the lumen of the cervix connecting the uterine cavity with the vagina - opens slightly, as a result, the diameter of the cervical canal is approximately 2-2.5 cm. Of course, such a significant "perestroika" takes more than one day.
Female sex hormones are responsible for preparing for childbirth. During the nine months of pregnancy, progesterone "reigns" in the body of the expectant mother. It ensures the normal tone of the uterus (relaxed state of the muscles), the production of cervical mucus - a mucous plug in the cervix that protects the fetus from infection. The amount of progesterone during pregnancy largely determines the normal development and growth of the fetus, the necessary concentration of nutrients and oxygen in the mother's blood, as well as their timely and uninterrupted delivery to the baby.
Shortly before childbirth, the production of progesterone decreases markedly, it is replaced by estrogens - female sex hormones. The increase in estrogen in the blood is caused by the need to prepare the body for the upcoming birth. It is these hormones that are responsible for the elasticity and patency of the birth canal. The rate of cervical dilatation in the first stage of labor depends on them. In the second period, when the cervix is fully opened and the fetus passes through the birth canal, it is also very important how elastic and extensible the walls of the vagina are - this will largely determine the duration of the straining period. Finally, the onset of labor itself depends on the level of estrogen: contractions occur as a result of a nerve impulse that is caused by a certain level (“peak”) of estrogen accumulation.
These changes are normal and do not require an unscheduled visit to the doctor or hospitalization. Harbingers of childbirth are manifestations of a planned restructuring in the body of a future mother, the “finishing touches” of preparation for the upcoming joyful event.
The absence of clearly perceptible changes on the eve of the expected date of birth is also not a pathology. Not all expectant mothers note those changes in well-being that are commonly called harbingers. However, this does not mean that there is no preparation. In some cases, the “final preparations” go unnoticed by the pregnant woman. Therefore, do not worry or urgently contact a specialist.
The appearance of any of the "harbingers" indicates the likelihood of the development of regular labor activity over the next two hours - two weeks. None of the sensations described gives a 100% guarantee that a woman will become a mother within the next 24 hours. Hormonal changes before childbirth begin approximately two weeks before the expected birth. Theoretically, during these two weeks, at any time, a pregnant woman can notice certain changes in her state of health. Consequently, the absence of labor activity an hour, a day, or even a week after the first noted changes is not a pathology and does not require special medical advice.
- Scarlet discharge from the genital tract in any amount.
- Severe abdominal pain.
- Increased blood pressure (above 130/80 mmHg).
- An increase in body temperature to 37.5 ° C and above.
- Increased heart rate (more than 100 beats per minute).
- Severe headache, vomiting, blurred vision.
- Significant increase in edema.
- Absence, sharp decrease, sharp increase in fetal movements.
- Suspicion of amniotic fluid leakage.
Weight loss . Shortly before the expected date of delivery, the expectant mother may notice some “weight loss”. Weight loss during this period is associated with the removal of excess fluid from the body, that is, a general decrease in edema. The more pronounced the fluid retention during pregnancy, the more mass the pregnant woman will “lose” on the eve of childbirth. During pregnancy, water is retained in the body of all expectant mothers to a greater or lesser extent. The reason is progesterone - a hormone whose main function is to support the processes of pregnancy. Before childbirth, progesterone is replaced by estrogen. It is estrogen that removes excess fluid from the body. The first results are visible on the hands, feet and legs. Depending on the severity of edema, weight loss before childbirth varies from 0.5 to 2.5 kg.
Change of stool. Increased frequency and change in the consistency of physiological functions on the eve of childbirth is also associated with an increase in estrogen levels and the removal of fluid from the body of the future mother. Similar changes in the body of a non-pregnant woman are observed during menstruation. The chair can become more frequent up to 2-3 times a day, at the same time there may be some liquefaction of the feces. More frequent urge to defecate, a sharp change in the color and smell of feces, combined with nausea and vomiting, is a reason for consulting a doctor - food poisoning can be masked under such "harbingers".
Fundal prolapse. Shortly before delivery, the baby presses the presenting part (most often the head) against the lower segment of the uterus and pulls it down, pressing against the entrance to the small pelvis. The fetus "groups", taking the most advantageous position for itself at the time of the onset of contractions. As a result of such "preparations" from the side of the fetus, the uterus "sags", and its upper part - the bottom - ceases to exert pressure on the internal organs. After lowering the bottom of the uterus, the pregnant woman has no shortness of breath (it becomes easier to breathe, there is a feeling of a full breath). If in the last month the expectant mother had belching, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, these phenomena disappear when the bottom of the uterus descends. However, lowering down to the pelvic area, the uterus will put more pressure on the internal organs located there. The pelvic organs, in particular, include the bladder. It is located directly in front of the uterus, in its lower part. Behind the uterus, at a distance of several centimeters, there is an ampulla of the rectum - the output section of the intestine. It is not difficult to guess what the result of pressure on the bladder and rectum will be: the urge to go to the toilet before childbirth can become noticeably more frequent.
Isolation of the mucous plug. During pregnancy, the glands of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal (the lumen of the cervix) secrete a special secret. It is a thick, sticky, jelly-like mass that forms a kind of cork. The mucous plug completely fills the cervical canal, preventing the penetration of bacterial flora from the vagina into the uterine cavity. Thus, cervical mucus, or the mucous plug of the cervix, protects the fetus from ascending infection. Before childbirth, when the cervix begins to soften under the influence of estrogen, the cervical canal opens slightly and the cervical mucus contained in it can be released. In this case, the expectant mother may find small clots of yellowish-brownish mucus, transparent, jelly-like, odorless. The mucous plug can stand out at once or depart in parts during the day. In the latter case, slight discomfort is sometimes noted in the form of "sipping" in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of sensations before or during menstruation. However, most often, the release of the mucous plug is not accompanied by tangible changes in the well-being of the expectant mother. After the discharge of the mucous plug, it is not recommended to visit the pool, swim in the reservoirs and in the bath. When immersed in water, it fills the vagina; thus, in the absence of a mucous plug, the risk of infection of the fetus and membranes through the ajar cervix increases.
Training contractions. Training or false contractions are called such contractions that appear shortly before childbirth and are not actually labor activity, since they do not lead to the opening of the cervix. A contraction is essentially a single contraction of the uterine wall; this contraction usually lasts a few seconds. At the time of the contraction, the expectant mother feels a gradually increasing and then gradually decreasing tension in the abdomen. If at this moment you put your hand on your stomach, you can notice that the stomach becomes very hard, but after the contraction it completely relaxes and becomes soft again. In addition to involuntary tension of the uterus, other changes in the well-being of the expectant mother during false contractions are usually not noted. It is not difficult to distinguish training fights from real ones. In most cases, false contractions are weak, painless, irregular or alternating at a significant interval (30 minutes or more). Labor pains, on the contrary, are distinguished by regularity and a gradual increase in intensity. Unlike false contractions, real contractions lead to a visible result - the opening of the cervix. In doubtful cases, a simple obstetric examination will be enough to make an accurate diagnosis. In other cases, training contractions, like all harbingers of childbirth, do not require a visit to a doctor or hospitalization. False contractions may recur for several hours and then stop. Most often, they disturb a pregnant woman in the evening and morning hours for several days.
Discomfort. In the last weeks before giving birth, many pregnant women report discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the area of the sacrum (the area slightly below the waist). Such changes in
the well-being of the expectant mother is caused by sprain of the pelvic ligaments and increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. Usually these minor sensations, described as a feeling of "light languor" in the lower abdomen, are comparable to similar phenomena in the period before or during menstruation. Discomfort, like training contractions, more often disturbs the expectant mother in the morning and evening hours. The level of discomfort is minimal, it should not worry the expectant mother and does not require medical intervention.
All harbingers of childbirth can appear during the last two weeks before childbirth, their presence, as well as their absence, is the norm and does not require a visit to a doctor. It is important to learn to listen to changes in your body, not to be afraid of changes in well-being associated with prenatal preparation, and most importantly, to have time to mentally and physically prepare for the most important event - the birth of a baby.
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Training contractions: sensations | How long do training contractions last during pregnancy
- What are practice bouts?
- Why are they happening?
- What week do training bouts start?
- How long do practice bouts last?
- How does it feel during training bouts?
- Are training fights dangerous?
- How can I tell training contractions from labor contractions?
- Is it possible to calculate training bouts somehow easier?
- What to do?
“I started having contractions, go to the maternity hospital!” yells the wife early Saturday morning. A sleepy husband drives a car through the streets of the city, and... at the next traffic light, it turns out that everything has passed. A happy but slightly bewildered couple stops by a nearby cafe for breakfast. Similar situations happen quite often, and training bouts are to blame. Let's figure out what they are and how to distinguish them from the real ones.
What are practice contractions?
As the name suggests, they are not real. These contractions of the uterus are not directed to the beginning of the birth process. They are usually irregular, infrequent and do not cause significant pain 1 .
This phenomenon has other names. Sometimes they are called even more obviously - false, as opposed to true labor pains. In specialized literature, you can find the term "Braxton-Hicks contractions" after the name of an English obstetrician-gynecologist 2 , who first drew attention to them and described them.
Why do they happen?
Medicine has no exact answer to this question. There is not even a consensus on whether they are part of the normal pregnancy process or a deviation from it. Most experts adhere to the first version, considering them to be a warm-up of the body before real childbirth 3 .
It is assumed that false contractions are needed to maintain the tone of the uterus - she, like any other muscular organ, requires periodic exercise. On the other hand, the time of arrival and the frequency of training contractions are very different for different women, and for some mothers who have successfully given birth, these sensations are not at all familiar.
What week do practice bouts start?
They can start already in the middle of pregnancy - from the 20th week 1 , in rare cases even earlier. 2–3 weeks before the planned date, their frequency often increases. In this period, they are called precursors, emphasizing that it is not long before the birth. However, even in the later stages, training contractions do not cause the cervix to open and continue to be only a preparation of the body for the main event.
Start of training bouts by weeks of pregnancy.
How long do practice bouts last?
Contractions last a few seconds, rarely up to 1 minute, and end as suddenly as 1 comes. Further, the expectant mother begins to listen to her feelings and wait for new ones, but they do not repeat. When the woman has already completely calmed down, the contractions can return after a considerable time - 4-5 hours.
After several unexpected cases, false contractions become habitual, and the expectant mother ceases to be afraid of them. However, in the last weeks until X hour, they can again surprise you - often training contractions before childbirth become longer and more intense.
In order not to confuse training contractions with real ones, you need to know about the harbingers of childbirth. We share all the necessary information here.
How does it feel during training bouts?
False contractions are not painful, but unfortunately, if this is your first pregnancy, you have nothing to compare. But there is another sure sign: all the muscles of the uterus participate in labor pains, and during training pain sensations are localized only in one area 4 .
Periodicity and localization of training contractions of the second and the beginning of the third trimester, premonitory contractions, labor pains. Example.
False contractions usually present as muscle spasm in the back, front, or top of the uterus. The intervals between them are irregular, and it is impossible to predict where the attack will move next time. A few weeks before the birth, training contractions, which are now called precursor contractions, will become more frequent, but will retain their character - an attack localized in one area of the uterus. During labor pains, all the muscles of the uterus contract at the same time.
To know exactly how labor begins, read the signs and symptoms of labor.
Are training contractions dangerous?
There is no evidence that training contractions have any effect on fetal development. Their only danger is psychological. Some women, having felt unexpected contractions of the uterus, fall into a panic, and in this state they can do stupid things.
During pregnancy, you need to worry less. If something causes you mild anxiety, try to distract yourself. For example, take our fun quiz about what kind of mom you would be in the animal world.
Remember that the beginning of any contractions, even labor, does not mean that you will give birth in the next few minutes. There is time, so you need to calm down, take a deep breath, and listen to your feelings. If you're not sure if it's practice or real contractions, call your doctor and describe your symptoms. After listening to your answers, he will tell you what to do - go to the hospital or stay at home.
How to distinguish training contractions from labor contractions?
Expectant mothers almost accurately determine training contractions during the second and subsequent pregnancies. While you still have no experience, we recommend paying attention to the following signs 5 :
Training contractions are rarely painful, rather unexpected. What can not be said about labor - many women compare these sensations with very severe pain during menstruation.
Training contractions can usually be stopped. Leisurely walking around the room, breathing exercises and other calming exercises can completely eliminate discomfort in the uterus.
They do not differ in regularity and do not have obvious dynamics. In real fights, on the contrary, there is a regularity, a gradual increase in duration and a decrease in the interval between them.
For simplicity, we have collected the distinguishing features of false and true contractions in the table:
Is it possible to calculate training bouts somehow easier?
Mumlife contraction counter.
It just won't work. You still have to listen to your feelings and fix them. But you can get yourself an assistant - a special mobile application for calculating the duration and intervals between contractions. All of these apps work intuitively - all you have to do is press the big button each time an attack starts or ends.
In addition to recording and visualizing contractions, the application has useful additional functions. It tracks the dynamics of seizures and will tell you if it looks like a birth. And it will even show how much time you have left to get to the hospital.
What to do?
You can do nothing - after a while, the training bouts will pass by themselves. However, there are several proven methods 5 that help reduce discomfort during false contractions and make them disappear quickly. Here are some of them:
Walk around the house.
Calm, slow walking in most cases allows you to get rid of unexpected uterine contractions.
If the weather is good outside, and there is a place suitable for exercise nearby, you can get some fresh air at the same time - this will not be superfluous.
Lie down and relax.
If you are not in the mood for walking right now, lie down on the sofa or bed, take a comfortable position and think of something good. It is noticed that the best results are obtained by lying on the left side.
Take a bath or shower.
Water relaxes and is just what you need for training bouts. Fill the tub with water or stand under the shower and wait for the contractions to end there - most likely, this will happen very soon. But remember: only warm water, no hot baths and contrast showers!
Drink some water.
Dehydration can cause muscle spasms, so it is also considered a factor that provokes false contractions. Pour a glass of water and drink it slowly, alternating sips, inhales and exhales.
Water can be replaced with some other drink, but only with a useful one, for example, berry juice or rosehip broth.
Do breathing exercises.
Proper breathing techniques are useful not only during training bouts. Before childbirth, they help to calm down, during childbirth - to relieve pain and better control your body. While the body is training the uterus, you are training your breathing.
Go to the toilet.
A full bladder is considered one of the culprits of false contractions: it puts pressure on the uterus, provoking its contractions. So before you settle into bed or go for a walk, do not forget to visit the toilet.
Walk around the house.
Calm, slow walking in most cases allows you to get rid of unexpected uterine contractions. If the weather is good outside, and there is a place suitable for exercise nearby, you can get some fresh air at the same time - this will not be superfluous.